Revelation 10 - Ted Wilson

  • Опубликовано: 5 окт 2024
  • Elder Ted Wilson preach about Revelation 10, is a nice sermon.
    That was a live sermon on Sabbath on 29 June in New York City.
    Thanks to 3 ABN There you find many interesting television-programs
    Sorry I take the music out, because the people in Germany and another countries have to see this video too. The music was not really good.

Комментарии • 27

  • @meenasolomon7798
    @meenasolomon7798 4 года назад

    Powerful message and good news yes Jesus Christ is coming soon 🙏🙏🙏 amen

  • @MichaelTurnerbrown
    @MichaelTurnerbrown Год назад

    Glory to god and Amen

  • @servantofjesus5669
    @servantofjesus5669 5 лет назад

    That's why no matter what happen to me
    No matter the suffering the devil putting me
    Through, I know GOD IS ABLE.

  • @kevinpoole4323
    @kevinpoole4323 3 года назад

    Thank you

  • @ericagordon5965
    @ericagordon5965 4 года назад


  • @TruthSetFree-zm1ep
    @TruthSetFree-zm1ep 3 года назад

    Watch Bill Hughes of Truth Triumphant Ministries.

  • @cerneaug8262
    @cerneaug8262 6 лет назад

    Que Dieu bénisse l'Eglise adventiste! Et qu'Il fasse qu'elle puisse continuer à travailler pour Lui! Amen!

  • @sharonvarcy777
    @sharonvarcy777 10 лет назад +3

    It seemed wonderful to hear all the personal thanks to the people who rendered their services for the cause of God but something's telling me it is not the right thing to do in the pulpit. It sounds political rather than religious. Instead of directing the thanks to the people from him, it should be directed to the people from God. " Praise the Lord !" is supposed to be used.

    • @richardpotter6313
      @richardpotter6313 6 лет назад

      That's because Ted Wilson sold out on God's truth! He's either being extorted, threatened or he's traded eternal life for a paycheck. Either way ... it doesn't matter. Results are gonna be the same. Judgement. No white stone for those who KNOW truth and cave. APOSTACY is getting them all, it seems. What he SHOULD be doing is shouting from the rooftops about the counterfeit spirit that's led him astray. I'm really surprised that he linked the little book to Daniel, especially since he "forgot" who the beast was.

  • @bijjajonathan49
    @bijjajonathan49 2 года назад

    Please read this book, THE GREAT WICKEDNESS OF CHRIST'S SAINTS, HIS ELECT, AND ALL CHRISTIANS: This Book is the Revelation I will give to Apostle John

  • @thenowchurch6419
    @thenowchurch6419 5 лет назад +1

    Christ warned His disciples that He would be captured and suffer at the hands of wicked men, why did He not warn the Millerites that
    the earth was not the Sanctuary ?
    It is not according to His pattern, to let His people head into error and disappointment without clear warnings.
    Revelation 10 refers to Emanuel Swedenborg and the spiritual New Jerusalem teaching sent through him.
    It was the end of the waiting time for a physical coming Christ ( it is spiritual and without physical observation) and the restoration of the truths of the Oneness of the Divine Person ( denial of Three Person Trinity), the need for Faith and Charity(Love) for salvation, a healthy living message, a racial reconciliation message, the Seventh Day Sabbath, and the denial of eternal Hellfire.
    He was attacked with libel and legal persecutions and his message largely ignored and suppressed, so the experience became bitter.
    He was the Elijah prophet for these last days, not the deceptive and clever , Ellen G. White, master plagiarist.
    It is at this time, that his message from Christ is being rediscovered and going forth with power , not in any one denomination but as an invisible communion of sincere believers, throughout the world, not
    attached to any man made denominational visible organization.
    The teaching that the S.D.A. or any church organization is the one true church , the remnant church ,is spiritual materialism; putting God's spiritual realities into a carnal man made form.
    Flee human authority and read the little book, Heaven and Hell by Swedenborg for the true Gospel.

    • @TruthSetFree-zm1ep
      @TruthSetFree-zm1ep 3 года назад +1

      I agree with everything you said-except the last part.
      The ONLY book needed is The Bible.

    • @thenowchurch6419
      @thenowchurch6419 3 года назад

      @@TruthSetFree-zm1ep Okay, I will concede that you are correct.
      The Bible alone with guidance of the Holy Spirit within is enough.

  • @messengerisrael3817
    @messengerisrael3817 4 года назад

    ​ Most of the prophecies by people of Matthew 24 , Mark 13 , and Luke 21 are not correct ; we do not read these chapters in their proper context . Matthew 24 , Mark 13 , and Luke 21 , gives an account of the same conversation between Jesus and his disciples at the Mount of Olives . The disciples asked three questions based on the statement by Christ in Matthew 24:2 , Mark 13:2 , and Luke 21:6 ; about the temple been destroyed . The first question was : 1. When shall these things be ( the destruction of the temple ) , 2. What shall be the sign of thy coming ( his return to the earth to restore Israel and setup his kingdom for 1000 years ) , and 3. the end of the world ( the white throne judgment , which can be explained in Matthew 13:37-40 , " He answered and said unto them , He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man ; The field is the world ; the good seed are the children of the kingdom ; but the tares are the children of the wicked one ; The enemy that sowed them is the devil ; the harvest is the end of the world ; and the reapers are the angels . As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire ; so shall it be in the end of this world " ) . Jesus answered all three questions put to him by the disciples : The first question about wars and famines and pestilences and earthquakes and nations against nations and afflictions and being hated of all nations and many false prophets ; these things were happening in the disciple time , as well as in our time ; most of this was addressed to the disciples of what would happen before the fall of Jerusalem in 70.A.D. ( Acts 5:34-42 ; Acts 11:27-30 ; Acts 16:23-32 ; 2 Timothy 4:9-17 ;2 Peter 2:1-3 ; 2 Corinthians 11:1-15 ; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-9 ( In 2 Thessalonians 2:7 , ' For the mystery of iniquity doth already work : only he who now letteth will let , until he be taken out of the way " ) ; which was starting to happen at Paul's time , because the first pope was called Linus , and he reign from 67 A.D. to 76 A.D. ; beginning before the fall of Jerusalem ; in which many of the one's who started in the truth , fell away ; and many events written in history or earthquakes/vocanoes and wars ) . In verse 6 of Matthew 24 , Jesus Christ said this : Matthew 24:6 , " And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars : see that ye be not troubled : for all these things must come to pass , but the end is not yet " . Was he talking about the end of the temple ? He could not be talking about the sign of his coming , which was the second question ; or was he talking about the end of the world ; which is the white throne judgment ? He could not be talking about the end of the world , because he must reign 1000 years on this earth before the white throne judgment . The end of the temple came when the gospel had been preached in all the world for a witness ; Which the apostle Paul stated in Romans 1:5,8 ; Romans 10:17-18 ; Colossians 1:5-6,23 ( Please read the verses ) . In Matthew 24:15-20 , Jesus warned them to flee Judaea when you see the abomination stand in the holy place , as spoken of by Daniel the prophet : Which can be found in Daniel 9:26 , " And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off , but not for himself : and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary ; and the end thereof shall be with a flood , and unto the end of the war desolations are determined " . By reading history , the Roman armies first surrounded Judaea in approximately 67 A.D. under the General Vespasian , but withdrew because of troubles in Rome ( Nero ) , but returned in 70 A.D. to destroy the temple , city and made the covenant people desolate , under his son , General Titus . All the people who listen to Christ warning left Judaea after the armies withdrew . In Isaiah 16 , the LORD prophesied that the children of Israel would be forced out of their lands , and flee to the wilderness ( Isaiah 16:1-4 , " Send ye the Lamb to the ruler of the land from Sela to the wilderness , unto the mount of the daughter of Zion . For it shall be , that , as a wandering bird cast out of the nest , so the daughters of Moab shall be at the fords of Arnon . Take counsel , execute judgment ; make thy shadow as the night in the midst of the noonday ; hide the outcasts ; bewray not him that wandereth . Let mine outcasts dwell with thee , Moab ; be thou a covert to them from the face of the spoiler : for the extortioner is at an end , the spoiler ceaseth , the oppressors are consumed out of the land " ) . In Matthew 24:21 , the great tribulation begin for Israel , the only nation under the covenant of the God of Israel ( Romans 2:11-15 ) ; which means that all ( Israelites and the believing Gentiles ) must keep his laws to be justified . The Gentiles are grafted into the covenant with the believing Israelites ( Romans 11:11-22 ) . If you cannot call the Roman slave trade in 70 A.D. and beyond ; the Arab slave trave ; the Roman inquisition ; trans - Atlantic slave trade ; and all the affliction on this people to this day with hundreds of millions deaths , not great tribulation ; then I would hate to see what you call great tribulation . The tribulation of Israel will continue until Matthew 24:29 ; the second coming of Christ to setup his kingdom , and to restore Israel ( Acts 1:6-11 ) . Jesus Christ answered the second question , of the sign of his coming in Matthew 24:29-31 , Mark 13:24-27 , and Luke 21:25-28 . Christ answered the third question of the end of the world in Matthew 24:32-51 , Mark 13:28-37 , and Luke 21:29-36 . The Son of man will judge the world at the white throne judgment , not the Father . The answer to the question of : " Verily I say unto you , This generation shall not pass , till all these things be fulfilled " . Jesus was talking about the generation of the sons of man , becoming the Sons of God . No flesh and blood can inherit the kingdom of the Father ( 1 Corinthians 15:50 ) ; which will come at the end of the world , or the white throne judgment . In the statement that Christ makes about : Matthew 24:36 , " But of that day and hour knoweth no man , no , not the angels of heaven , but the Father only " ; Jesus was not talking about his return to setup his kingdom for 1000 years , but the answer can be found in verse 35 of Matthew 24 ( Matthew 24:35 , " Heaven and earth shall pass away , but my words shall not pass away " ) ; He was talking about the third question ; the end of the world ( Matthew 25:31-46 ) . Jesus Christ returns in his full glory in Matthew 25:31-46 , to judge the world at the white throne judgement , when all have been changed at the last trumpet ( 1 Corinthians 15:49-54 ) . This earth wil be burn at this time , and another created for the Father's kindgom ( 2 Peter 3:12-13 ; Revelation 21:1-5 ) . Finally , the book of Revelation time line is not what most think it is :Jesus Christ returns to setup is 1000 year reign on the sixth seal in Revelation 6 ; In Revelation 7 , he collect the saints , the 144,000 on his way to rule this earth for 1000 years ( 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 ) ; which is the trumpet of Jubilee in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 , not the seventh or last trumpet in 1 Corinthians 15:52 . In Revelation 7:9-17 , this is the end of white throne judgment ; the one's to enter the Father's kingdom ( notes that God and the Lamb is presence ; which will happen after the Son's reign . Revelation 8-10 , is in the 1000 year reign of Jesus , and notes that Satan is released on the fifth trumpet ; and all mystery is finish at the sound of the seventh trumpet , but John was told to prophesy again ; in which he began in Revalation 11 . Revelation time lines moves all over the place , the key is that the seventh trumpet and seventh vial judgment is the end of the world or time ; which the mystery of God to the prophets will be finish ( Revelation 10:5-7 and Revelation 16:17-21 ) . I know this is a lot to take in ; be as the Bereans ; search the scriptures ; prove all things . Shalom !

  • @Crabtree1844
    @Crabtree1844 8 лет назад +1

    Ted Wilson lied about what and who the mark of the beast is: claimed that the mark of the beast is worshiping any other day other than Saturday. The observance of the first day of the week is the mark of the beast. John was called to behold a people distinct from those who worship the beast and his image by keeping the first day of the week. The observance of this day is the mark of the beast (Letter 31, 1898) 3-ABN is equally guilty of airing that error without making pointed correction/rebuke to such blatant error.

    • @richloveowusuah4683
      @richloveowusuah4683 7 лет назад

      Ellie Crabtree + he is right. if only those worshipping on sunday is a mark of the mark what about those whose worship on fridays. to understand the mark of the beast it ia any worship which contracdic the original worship day of saturday sabbath. and my daer brother in the lord let us avoid critizesim and see real nature of presents true. we are living in the last days of world history .shalom peace and love be multiple to you

    • @richardpotter6313
      @richardpotter6313 6 лет назад

      It goes MUCH deeper than that. It's SUNday, pagan worship of the sun, a metaphor for satan as are all the gods that he was represented through. Daniel AND Revelation make it plain upon the tables as to the identity of the beast. THEY claim their MARK is Sunday, the MARK of their ECCLESIASTICAL AUTHORITY. Satan gave them their power, seat and GREAT AUTHORITY. If you only knew how many titles about them , and him, in so many languages, add up to 666, including "vicarious felii dei" the Pope's title, stamped on his pagan Dagon fish mitre (his hat) it would curl your toes. There is no other day but the 7th day Sabbath to the Lord, nor is there any other day but Sunday to satan. I'd almost guess that he decieved Eve on that day as well because he's awfully proud of it. Proud enough to convince ignorant (and unread) people all over the world that it's " The Lord's Day". It may be, but not My Lord, Creator of heaven and earth, which happens to be in His SEAL, contained within the 4th commandment. Seal of God or Mark of beast ? May be why the Apostles spoke about "any other Jesus" couldn't it ? Sunday sacredness and immortality of the soul are THE biggest lies ever told. Remember"ye shall NOT surely die"? People still fall for that one every day. Its one lie that's making spirituality so successful in churches. When ya see the son of perdition convince the governments of the world to enforce a day of rest, it'll be none other than Sun-day. It's just about upon us. The stage is already set and the BOOKS were written long ago and won't change ....ever.

    • @richardpotter6313
      @richardpotter6313 6 лет назад

      Get 'em Crabtree !

    • @michaelreyes-er8el
      @michaelreyes-er8el 5 лет назад +1

      Lied? Are you lying because you believe Sunday is the Lords day?Come...lying? no just a different take on the beast and his mark. Look mrs ''crabby'' Crabtree , look at the text....''if any man worship''. Can you agree with Wilson that the final issue will be over worship? If you say no then your clearly drunk on the wine of Babylon!!! But if your honest and can see that worship is at the center of final events then you have to ask...could the day I ''worship'' on have something to do with the mark? Of course it could and it does!! Sunday is the issue because it is not the Lords day. DISAGREE? Am I a liar? Then show me one text that proclaims the first day or Sunday is the Lords day! You can't love so don't waste your time! WHY? Because ''the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath." ''if you call the Sabbath a delight and the LORD's holy day honorable''. Can't be the SUN day also! History is clear the day of worship was changed by compromising early church fathers who ''think to change times and laws''. Do you see it? Am I lying again? Look and read this...''The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant''.Transgressed and changed! WAKE UP!!!

    • @jeanberchmansngendakuriyo2814
      @jeanberchmansngendakuriyo2814 3 года назад

      In the first century A.D., the Apostles, led by the Holy Spirit, maintained and asserted firmly that there is ONE and ONLY ONE true church (Eph 4:4-6; 1 Cor. 1:10-13). God has clearly stated in His divinely inspired Word that “divisions” have never been part and will never be part of His eternal purpose (Gal. 5:19-21). Jesus always prayed for unity of faith, fellowship and doctrine (John 17:20-23). When the Christian Church was still united as one, it's headquarters (its General Conference) were at Jerusalem. That is, the true church must have brothers who coordinate local churches from one center. All decisions affecting local churches were made by a delegation of brothers representing fellow believers at Jerusalem and decisions were implemented in local churches (Acts 8:14-15; 15:1-6; 15:22-35).
      However, the Apostles kept saying that that purity wouldn't last, i.e., there was impending apostasy which was about to come about. They rebuked false doctrines which were threatening to enter (Rom 16:17-18; 2 Pet 2:1-3; 3:1-3, etc). They said that during their day “the mystery of iniquity” was already working in secret ! For example counterfeit christians had started teaching spiritual resurrection (2 Tim.2:17-18; 1 Cor 15:12). They were teaching false Gospels (Gal. 1:6-9). They had started teacing even other filthy doctrines (1 John 4:1-3). But, the Bible says that that was just a beginning. During the time of John, the last apostle, things had become worse (Revel 2:6; 2:12-15). There had arisen even filthy doctrines known as “doctrines of nicolaites”. That was the “mystery of iniquity” which had started building up in secret and imperceptibly ! If during the Apostles days the mystery had already started, what about today after 20 centuries following the Apostles death? Evidently, it must be at the climax !
      Besides, the Apostles said that the day would come when the unity would collapse and a great aposyasy to be revealed within the Christian Church (2 The sal 2:7). But someone was restraining it. Who was that? The Bible says that the Apostles presence was restraining the great apostasy (Acts 20:29-30; 2 John 1:7-11).
      However, the Apostles would to live indefinitely. They would die. After their death do we witness any divisions, sects, discordant voices and denominations within Christianity today? Absolutely YES. Sadly, today, the Apostles prohecy has come to pass (Jude 1:17-19). During the centuries following the Apostles death, the great apostasy came to pass in the Christian Church. The pure, holy and undefiled truth taught by the Apostles was corrupted by counterfeit christians (Jude 1:4). Pagan worship, sunworship, and other impure practices started. Including SUN day worship! These were followed by persecution of those who stayed loyal to the true teachings of Jesus and his Apostles.
      God started a process to gradually restore his church to the pure worship and pure doctrine of the first century. He first called the reformers. The reformers did part of the work but they didn't manage to restore everything (Proverbs 4:18).
      Nevertheless, the Protestant churches themselves did not make any progress to pick up from where the reformers left off after their death. Instead the Protestant maintained false doctrines and even went further to introduce new ones. They were guilty of the same error made by the APOSTATE Christianity before them. They had even relegated to the background major doctrines such as the Second Advent! Jesus had commanded anyone who wants to be true to God to be an “adventist”, waiting one (Luke 12:35-36). The Protestants had become worldly people and apostatized !
      God told Daniel that the prophecies in his book were to come to be understood at “the time of the end”. The Bible clearly states that the time of the end would start after 1260 prophetic days. The Bible shows that the period finished in 1798 C.E. Knowledge of the prophesies was to be understood after 1798 A.D. !!! (Dan 12:4; 12:6-9).
      True to what Jesus had prophesied, that “at the time of the end,” the signs of the end would start (Mat 24:4-9; Luke 21:7-19; 21:25-28; Mark 13:3-13), these signs began to occur after the great apostasy and persecution. From 1798 onward were in the “time of the end”. History is very clear. Go and research: earthquakes, solar eclipses, falling of stars, wars including world war I & II, etc, all started about 1798 onward. In addition to that, God had foretold about a group of “Bible researchers” which would be raised at the time of the end to restore God's truth (Revel 12:14-17) !
      In His love, God designed to arouse all the world with those signs! At that time, a group of Bible researchers started to study their Bibles very earnestly in order to know the truth about what was taking place. God SLOWLY but SURELY led them to realize that they were already in “the time of the end” and that, as promised in the Bible, JUDGMENT had started in “God’s household” after the year 1798, namely in 1844 (1 Pet 4:17; Malachi 3:1-5; Dan 7:9-14; 8:11-14). They were also led to realize that many teachings in the numerous and confusing sects and groups of their day had originated from the GREAT APOSTASY ! Finally, the Apostles truth was restored. From that time on the work of the SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH had started, namely that of sounding the last warning to the “end time” generation (Revel 14:6-12).
      Mind you, the Bible says JUDGMENT would start in God's household, His true church. The Bible also teaches both the righteous and wicked will be judged (2 Cor 5:10). When Jesus returns the righteous dead and those alive will be caught up to be rewarded. When will they have been judged ? The Bible is very clear. It answers that question beyond any reasonable doubt. They are judged BEFORE Jesus comes back (Matt 22:1-14; Malachi 3:1-5). Oh Lord, what compelling and undeniable that TRUTH is ! That truth is but INVINCIBLE ! What Church on earth is teaching that TRUTH? Only the Seventh-day Adventist Church !!!
      The Sabbath is rock solid. It was kept before sin (Gen 2:1-3; Ex 20:10), kept by Jesus (Luke 4:16; John 15:10), Jesus taught the Sabbath was for MANKIND not just the Jews (Mark 2:27), Jesus taught the Apostles to keep it (Math 24:20), the Apostles kept the Sabbath as commanded (Luke 53:56; John 1:10). All the champions of faith in the Bible kept the Sabbath (Heb 11:1-40). Obviously, in Colossians, reference was made to ceremonial sabbaths. Col 2:14 refers to the sabbaths in Moses “handwriting” of ordinances which were added to the “ten words” (Deuteronomy 31:24-26). The Sabbath was engraved in stone by “the finger of God” (Deuteronomy 10:1-6). There is no denying the Sabbath. No way !
      APOSTATES are spreading false poisonous lies and aiding and abetting their father the Devil in trying to denigrate God's truth ! the Devil has enslaved many (John 8:40-44). They are clearly serving their father the Devil and are carrying out whatever he bids them to do!!! Prophecy has been fulfilled on some like Judas Iscariot. It was prophesied that “at the time of the end” (from 1798 onwards), some would depart from among us and take the path of Cain, who was of the Devil (Juda 1:11; 1:17-19). It is no wonder accusers are after us !
      Since time immemorial, whenever God raised up His servants to preach the truth, Satan raised his apostates to oppose the work and sow confusion (Exodus 7:8-11; Acts 13:8; 2 Timothy 3:6-8; Acts 19:1-19). No wonder that impostors and demon-possessed apostates are confusing people today by spreading demonic filthy lies !
      As a warning to THOSE REBELLING AGAINST THE CREATOR, stop doing that and repent. Stop collaborating with Satan and his demons, the chief apostates ! Some keep spreading satanic poisonous lies! I HEARTILY CALL TO THOSE WHO ARE REBELLIOUS TO THE TRUTH TO COME BACK TO THE CREATOR OF HEAVENS AND EARTH. Based on the Bible, THEY are in danger (2 Peter 3:15-16).
      Whether one wants it or not, based on the Bible, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, is God's ONLY TRUE CHURCH on earth!
      The SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH teaches the truth than any other church. But they are attacked by more fiercely than you could ever imagine. That a very significant statement. Because remember Revelation 12:17 says “the dragon [Satan the Devil] was enraged with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed”. So, fittingly, whatever Church God would call people to be a part of in the “time of the end” (from 1798 on) you MUST expect that Satan and his demons, the archenemy of God and God's servants, would be fiercely attacking it using demon-possessed apostates !
      1 John 4:1-3; 2 Peter 2:1-3; 2 Timothy 3:7; 3:13; 4:3-4
      I AM PROUDLY A SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST ( Psalms 119:139) !!!

  • @hiker56781
    @hiker56781 5 лет назад

    how can he preach the truth when he doesn't know it

    • @jeanberchmansngendakuriyo2814
      @jeanberchmansngendakuriyo2814 3 года назад

      In the first century A.D., the Apostles, led by the Holy Spirit, maintained and asserted firmly that there is ONE and ONLY ONE true church (Eph 4:4-6; 1 Cor. 1:10-13). God has clearly stated in His divinely inspired Word that “divisions” have never been part and will never be part of His eternal purpose (Gal. 5:19-21). Jesus always prayed for unity of faith, fellowship and doctrine (John 17:20-23). When the Christian Church was still united as one, it's headquarters (its General Conference) were at Jerusalem. That is, the true church must have brothers who coordinate local churches from one center. All decisions affecting local churches were made by a delegation of brothers representing fellow believers at Jerusalem and decisions were implemented in local churches (Acts 8:14-15; 15:1-6; 15:22-35).
      However, the Apostles kept saying that that purity wouldn't last, i.e., there was impending apostasy which was about to come about. They rebuked false doctrines which were threatening to enter (Rom 16:17-18; 2 Pet 2:1-3; 3:1-3, etc). They said that during their day “the mystery of iniquity” was already working in secret ! For example counterfeit christians had started teaching spiritual resurrection (2 Tim.2:17-18; 1 Cor 15:12). They were teaching false Gospels (Gal. 1:6-9). They had started teacing even other filthy doctrines (1 John 4:1-3). But, the Bible says that that was just a beginning. During the time of John, the last apostle, things had become worse (Revel 2:6; 2:12-15). There had arisen even filthy doctrines known as “doctrines of nicolaites”. That was the “mystery of iniquity” which had started building up in secret and imperceptibly ! If during the Apostles days the mystery had already started, what about today after 20 centuries following the Apostles death? Evidently, it must be at the climax !
      Besides, the Apostles said that the day would come when the unity would collapse and a great aposyasy to be revealed within the Christian Church (2 The sal 2:7). But someone was restraining it. Who was that? The Bible says that the Apostles presence was restraining the great apostasy (Acts 20:29-30; 2 John 1:7-11).
      However, the Apostles would to live indefinitely. They would die. After their death do we witness any divisions, sects, discordant voices and denominations within Christianity today? Absolutely YES. Sadly, today, the Apostles prohecy has come to pass (Jude 1:17-19). During the centuries following the Apostles death, the great apostasy came to pass in the Christian Church. The pure, holy and undefiled truth taught by the Apostles was corrupted by counterfeit christians (Jude 1:4). Pagan worship, sunworship, and other impure practices started. Including SUN day worship! These were followed by persecution of those who stayed loyal to the true teachings of Jesus and his Apostles.
      God started a process to gradually restore his church to the pure worship and pure doctrine of the first century. He first called the reformers. The reformers did part of the work but they didn't manage to restore everything (Proverbs 4:18).
      Nevertheless, the Protestant churches themselves did not make any progress to pick up from where the reformers left off after their death. Instead the Protestant maintained false doctrines and even went further to introduce new ones. They were guilty of the same error made by the APOSTATE Christianity before them. They had even relegated to the background major doctrines such as the Second Advent! Jesus had commanded anyone who wants to be true to God to be an “adventist”, waiting one (Luke 12:35-36). The Protestants had become worldly people and apostatized !
      God told Daniel that the prophecies in his book were to come to be understood at “the time of the end”. The Bible clearly states that the time of the end would start after 1260 prophetic days. The Bible shows that the period finished in 1798 C.E. Knowledge of the prophesies was to be understood after 1798 A.D. !!! (Dan 12:4; 12:6-9).
      True to what Jesus had prophesied, that “at the time of the end,” the signs of the end would start (Mat 24:4-9; Luke 21:7-19; 21:25-28; Mark 13:3-13), these signs began to occur after the great apostasy and persecution. From 1798 onward were in the “time of the end”. History is very clear. Go and research: earthquakes, solar eclipses, falling of stars, wars including world war I & II, etc, all started about 1798 onward. In addition to that, God had foretold about a group of “Bible researchers” which would be raised at the time of the end to restore God's truth (Revel 12:14-17) !
      In His love, God designed to arouse all the world with those signs! At that time, a group of Bible researchers started to study their Bibles very earnestly in order to know the truth about what was taking place. God SLOWLY but SURELY led them to realize that they were already in “the time of the end” and that, as promised in the Bible, JUDGMENT had started in “God’s household” after the year 1798, namely in 1844 (1 Pet 4:17; Malachi 3:1-5; Dan 7:9-14; 8:11-14). They were also led to realize that many teachings in the numerous and confusing sects and groups of their day had originated from the GREAT APOSTASY ! Finally, the Apostles truth was restored. From that time on the work of the SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH had started, namely that of sounding the last warning to the “end time” generation (Revel 14:6-12).
      Mind you, the Bible says JUDGMENT would start in God's household, His true church. The Bible also teaches both the righteous and wicked will be judged (2 Cor 5:10). When Jesus returns the righteous dead and those alive will be caught up to be rewarded. When will they have been judged ? The Bible is very clear. It answers that question beyond any reasonable doubt. They are judged BEFORE Jesus comes back (Matt 22:1-14; Malachi 3:1-5). Oh Lord, what compelling and undeniable that TRUTH is ! That truth is but INVINCIBLE ! What Church on earth is teaching that TRUTH? Only the Seventh-day Adventist Church !!!
      The Sabbath is rock solid. It was kept before sin (Gen 2:1-3; Ex 20:10), kept by Jesus (Luke 4:16; John 15:10), Jesus taught the Sabbath was for MANKIND not just the Jews (Mark 2:27), Jesus taught the Apostles to keep it (Math 24:20), the Apostles kept the Sabbath as commanded (Luke 53:56; John 1:10). All the champions of faith in the Bible kept the Sabbath (Heb 11:1-40). Obviously, in Colossians, reference was made to ceremonial sabbaths. Col 2:14 refers to the sabbaths in Moses “handwriting” of ordinances which were added to the “ten words” (Deuteronomy 31:24-26). The Sabbath was engraved in stone by “the finger of God” (Deuteronomy 10:1-6). There is no denying the Sabbath. No way !
      APOSTATES are spreading false poisonous lies and aiding and abetting their father the Devil in trying to denigrate God's truth ! the Devil has enslaved many (John 8:40-44). They are clearly serving their father the Devil and are carrying out whatever he bids them to do!!! Prophecy has been fulfilled on some like Judas Iscariot. It was prophesied that “at the time of the end” (from 1798 onwards), some would depart from among us and take the path of Cain, who was of the Devil (Juda 1:11; 1:17-19). It is no wonder accusers are after us !
      Since time immemorial, whenever God raised up His servants to preach the truth, Satan raised his apostates to oppose the work and sow confusion (Exodus 7:8-11; Acts 13:8; 2 Timothy 3:6-8; Acts 19:1-19). No wonder that impostors and demon-possessed apostates are confusing people today by spreading demonic filthy lies !
      As a warning to THOSE REBELLING AGAINST THE CREATOR, stop doing that and repent. Stop collaborating with Satan and his demons, the chief apostates ! Some keep spreading satanic poisonous lies! I HEARTILY CALL TO THOSE WHO ARE REBELLIOUS TO THE TRUTH TO COME BACK TO THE CREATOR OF HEAVENS AND EARTH. Based on the Bible, THEY are in danger (2 Peter 3:15-16).
      Whether one wants it or not, based on the Bible, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, is God's ONLY TRUE CHURCH on earth!
      The SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH teaches the truth than any other church. But they are attacked by more fiercely than you could ever imagine. That a very significant statement. Because remember Revelation 12:17 says “the dragon [Satan the Devil] was enraged with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed”. So, fittingly, whatever Church God would call people to be a part of in the “time of the end” (from 1798 on) you MUST expect that Satan and his demons, the archenemy of God and God's servants, would be fiercely attacking it using demon-possessed apostates !
      1 John 4:1-3; 2 Peter 2:1-3; 2 Timothy 3:7; 3:13; 4:3-4
      I AM PROUDLY A SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST ( Psalms 119:139) !!!

  • @genewilliams9454
    @genewilliams9454 4 года назад

    Faith trust live for God the Creator Jesus Christ who wrote the Ten Commandments on a stone that means permit what about the Commandment Thou shalt not kill is abortion a sin repent resign Ted Wilson make it easy on yourself

  • @andrewellis5923
    @andrewellis5923 5 лет назад

    Soon the sealing of the 144,000 which began in 1844 will be complete. soon a great earthquake will signal the 7 Trumpet Plagues, Yahushua will come to rescue His bride, and the 7 last plagues will be poured out on those who have rejected the warning given in love. Get ready and Be ready, shalom.

  • @jeanberchmansngendakuriyo2814
    @jeanberchmansngendakuriyo2814 3 года назад

    In the first century A.D., the Apostles, led by the Holy Spirit, maintained and asserted firmly that there is ONE and ONLY ONE true church (Eph 4:4-6; 1 Cor. 1:10-13). God has clearly stated in His divinely inspired Word that “divisions” have never been part and will never be part of His eternal purpose (Gal. 5:19-21). Jesus always prayed for unity of faith, fellowship and doctrine (John 17:20-23). When the Christian Church was still united as one, it's headquarters (its General Conference) were at Jerusalem. That is, the true church must have brothers who coordinate local churches from one center. All decisions affecting local churches were made by a delegation of brothers representing fellow believers at Jerusalem and decisions were implemented in local churches (Acts 8:14-15; 15:1-6; 15:22-35).
    However, the Apostles kept saying that that purity wouldn't last, i.e., there was impending apostasy which was about to come about. They rebuked false doctrines which were threatening to enter (Rom 16:17-18; 2 Pet 2:1-3; 3:1-3, etc). They said that during their day “the mystery of iniquity” was already working in secret ! For example counterfeit christians had started teaching spiritual resurrection (2 Tim.2:17-18; 1 Cor 15:12). They were teaching false Gospels (Gal. 1:6-9). They had started teacing even other filthy doctrines (1 John 4:1-3). But, the Bible says that that was just a beginning. During the time of John, the last apostle, things had become worse (Revel 2:6; 2:12-15). There had arisen even filthy doctrines known as “doctrines of nicolaites”. That was the “mystery of iniquity” which had started building up in secret and imperceptibly ! If during the Apostles days the mystery had already started, what about today after 20 centuries following the Apostles death? Evidently, it must be at the climax !
    Besides, the Apostles said that the day would come when the unity would collapse and a great aposyasy to be revealed within the Christian Church (2 The sal 2:7). But someone was restraining it. Who was that? The Bible says that the Apostles presence was restraining the great apostasy (Acts 20:29-30; 2 John 1:7-11).
    However, the Apostles would to live indefinitely. They would die. After their death do we witness any divisions, sects, discordant voices and denominations within Christianity today? Absolutely YES. Sadly, today, the Apostles prohecy has come to pass (Jude 1:17-19). During the centuries following the Apostles death, the great apostasy came to pass in the Christian Church. The pure, holy and undefiled truth taught by the Apostles was corrupted by counterfeit christians (Jude 1:4). Pagan worship, sunworship, and other impure practices started. Including SUN day worship! These were followed by persecution of those who stayed loyal to the true teachings of Jesus and his Apostles.
    God started a process to gradually restore his church to the pure worship and pure doctrine of the first century. He first called the reformers. The reformers did part of the work but they didn't manage to restore everything (Proverbs 4:18).
    Nevertheless, the Protestant churches themselves did not make any progress to pick up from where the reformers left off after their death. Instead the Protestant maintained false doctrines and even went further to introduce new ones. They were guilty of the same error made by the APOSTATE Christianity before them. They had even relegated to the background major doctrines such as the Second Advent! Jesus had commanded anyone who wants to be true to God to be an “adventist”, waiting one (Luke 12:35-36). The Protestants had become worldly people and apostatized !
    God told Daniel that the prophecies in his book were to come to be understood at “the time of the end”. The Bible clearly states that the time of the end would start after 1260 prophetic days. The Bible shows that the period finished in 1798 C.E. Knowledge of the prophesies was to be understood after 1798 A.D. !!! (Dan 12:4; 12:6-9).
    True to what Jesus had prophesied, that “at the time of the end,” the signs of the end would start (Mat 24:4-9; Luke 21:7-19; 21:25-28; Mark 13:3-13), these signs began to occur after the great apostasy and persecution. From 1798 onward were in the “time of the end”. History is very clear. Go and research: earthquakes, solar eclipses, falling of stars, wars including world war I & II, etc, all started about 1798 onward. In addition to that, God had foretold about a group of “Bible researchers” which would be raised at the time of the end to restore God's truth (Revel 12:14-17) !
    In His love, God designed to arouse all the world with those signs! At that time, a group of Bible researchers started to study their Bibles very earnestly in order to know the truth about what was taking place. God SLOWLY but SURELY led them to realize that they were already in “the time of the end” and that, as promised in the Bible, JUDGMENT had started in “God’s household” after the year 1798, namely in 1844 (1 Pet 4:17; Malachi 3:1-5; Dan 7:9-14; 8:11-14). They were also led to realize that many teachings in the numerous and confusing sects and groups of their day had originated from the GREAT APOSTASY ! Finally, the Apostles truth was restored. From that time on the work of the SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH had started, namely that of sounding the last warning to the “end time” generation (Revel 14:6-12).
    Mind you, the Bible says JUDGMENT would start in God's household, His true church. The Bible also teaches both the righteous and wicked will be judged (2 Cor 5:10). When Jesus returns the righteous dead and those alive will be caught up to be rewarded. When will they have been judged ? The Bible is very clear. It answers that question beyond any reasonable doubt. They are judged BEFORE Jesus comes back (Matt 22:1-14; Malachi 3:1-5). Oh Lord, what compelling and undeniable that TRUTH is ! That truth is but INVINCIBLE ! What Church on earth is teaching that TRUTH? Only the Seventh-day Adventist Church !!!
    The Sabbath is rock solid. It was kept before sin (Gen 2:1-3; Ex 20:10), kept by Jesus (Luke 4:16; John 15:10), Jesus taught the Sabbath was for MANKIND not just the Jews (Mark 2:27), Jesus taught the Apostles to keep it (Math 24:20), the Apostles kept the Sabbath as commanded (Luke 53:56; John 1:10). All the champions of faith in the Bible kept the Sabbath (Heb 11:1-40). Obviously, in Colossians, reference was made to ceremonial sabbaths. Col 2:14 refers to the sabbaths in Moses “handwriting” of ordinances which were added to the “ten words” (Deuteronomy 31:24-26). The Sabbath was engraved in stone by “the finger of God” (Deuteronomy 10:1-6). There is no denying the Sabbath. No way !
    APOSTATES are spreading false poisonous lies and aiding and abetting their father the Devil in trying to denigrate God's truth ! the Devil has enslaved many (John 8:40-44). They are clearly serving their father the Devil and are carrying out whatever he bids them to do!!! Prophecy has been fulfilled on some like Judas Iscariot. It was prophesied that “at the time of the end” (from 1798 onwards), some would depart from among us and take the path of Cain, who was of the Devil (Juda 1:11; 1:17-19). It is no wonder accusers are after us !
    Since time immemorial, whenever God raised up His servants to preach the truth, Satan raised his apostates to oppose the work and sow confusion (Exodus 7:8-11; Acts 13:8; 2 Timothy 3:6-8; Acts 19:1-19). No wonder that impostors and demon-possessed apostates are confusing people today by spreading demonic filthy lies !
    As a warning to THOSE REBELLING AGAINST THE CREATOR, stop doing that and repent. Stop collaborating with Satan and his demons, the chief apostates ! Some keep spreading satanic poisonous lies! I HEARTILY CALL TO THOSE WHO ARE REBELLIOUS TO THE TRUTH TO COME BACK TO THE CREATOR OF HEAVENS AND EARTH. Based on the Bible, THEY are in danger (2 Peter 3:15-16).
    Whether one wants it or not, based on the Bible, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, is God's ONLY TRUE CHURCH on earth!
    The SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH teaches the truth than any other church. But they are attacked by more fiercely than you could ever imagine. That a very significant statement. Because remember Revelation 12:17 says “the dragon [Satan the Devil] was enraged with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed”. So, fittingly, whatever Church God would call people to be a part of in the “time of the end” (from 1798 on) you MUST expect that Satan and his demons, the archenemy of God and God's servants, would be fiercely attacking it using demon-possessed apostates !
    1 John 4:1-3; 2 Peter 2:1-3; 2 Timothy 3:7; 3:13; 4:3-4
    I AM PROUDLY A SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST ( Psalms 119:139) !!!

  • @MichaelTurnerbrown
    @MichaelTurnerbrown Год назад

    Glory to god and Amen