James Part 9 - chapter 4 verse 1 to verse 12 Hostility and harmony

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • The Letter of James - Recorded at The South of Reading Christian Fellowship - 2013
    Playlist: • The Letter of James
    David Pawsons book on James: www.davidpawso...
    Free resources and a library of Davids teachings are available from www.davidpawson.org
    ©️David Pawson Ministry CIO 2013

Комментарии • 41

  • @renukalazarus8288
    @renukalazarus8288 Год назад +1

    I cannot even begin to Thank Father God for anointed teachers of the Word! Where would I be without the Word and these anointed teachers! Praise God!

  • @garydenning866
    @garydenning866 5 лет назад +12

    So valuable to have great teaching when few are around with such knowledge and experience in Gods ways
    Praise Jesus

  • @Trueseeker17
    @Trueseeker17 9 лет назад +13

    Thank you so much for uploading these teachings are essential for growth in the knowledge of the kingdom of God.

  • @seshaallen5376
    @seshaallen5376 3 года назад +5

    Praise the LORD. Thank you so much for uploading the teachings, may our LORD bless your ministry abundantly, those who hear may grow in our LORDS WISDOM and knowledge and bring others too

  • @joshuabhagat2248
    @joshuabhagat2248 2 года назад +1

    I like good teachings from David Pawson

  • @danmalic6688
    @danmalic6688 2 года назад

    Thank you Lord for putting brother David on the path of my life. I have no excuse to claim, that you have not sent me someone to show me the way to salvation.

  • @annamathew3865
    @annamathew3865 3 года назад +2

    Thank you.. God bless

  • @IsChosen33
    @IsChosen33 2 года назад +1

    🙏🏾rest peacefully

  • @dawnlabrooy8450
    @dawnlabrooy8450 3 года назад +1

    Great teaching Thanks

  • @Deluge4000
    @Deluge4000 Год назад

    39:04 Story of his friend who was baptised and became a baptist minister.

  • @IsChosen33
    @IsChosen33 2 года назад

    Rest peacefully

  • @mitrakencana1356
    @mitrakencana1356 3 года назад +2

    Subtitle please.. 🙏

    • @DavidPawsonMinistry
      @DavidPawsonMinistry  3 года назад +2

      HI We will look at this but are you aware RUclips will auto generate subtitles ? Just look at the video settings and click on ''English ''auto-generate''

  • @missasinenomine
    @missasinenomine Год назад

    I wish these videos were louder. I can hardly hear them even at full volume.

    • @DavidPawsonMinistry
      @DavidPawsonMinistry  Год назад

      Hi the videos play very loud on other people’s devices - is there any chance there be an issue with your end ? Please let us know what equipment you are using to play stream the video ? Phone ? …. Computer ?

    • @missasinenomine
      @missasinenomine Год назад

      @@DavidPawsonMinistry Very loud?! Hmm. I must be the odd one out. (again). For example, I've just played
      33:00 - 34:00 at full volume. It's so soft, I can hardly hear what DP is saying. I listened to James part 9 yesterday, which was a little louder. I listen on YT on a laptop, Chromebook, with a speaker. Other videos are sometimes too loud, so I have to reduce the volume. Anyway, please don't do anything for my sake, if everyone else is happy.

    • @missasinenomine
      @missasinenomine Год назад

      Sorry, I meant Part 10.

    • @DavidPawsonMinistry
      @DavidPawsonMinistry  Год назад

      @@missasinenomine hi I am sorry I think you are right - when I listen on my computer and phone the volume in part 9 is lower than part 10
      We will see what we can do but I’m guessing it would involve deleting and replacing the video file
      If we do that we lose all the history - comments and viewing numbers
      Many of Davids viewings on the RUclips platform come through “RUclips recommends “ …… due to the popularity of Davids videos, we would be reluctant to lose that history which would impact future recommended viewings but we will see what we can do
      Thank you for bringing this to our attention

    • @missasinenomine
      @missasinenomine Год назад

      @@DavidPawsonMinistry I've just finished listening to part 11, & tomorrow part 12, which is the last one.
      So please don't do anything in the way of changes on my account. I just put my ear close to the external speaker if I can't catch what DP is saying. I agree, it would be a pity to lose all the comments if you made a new video. I've said this before, perhaps a year or 2 ago, but the introductory music is very loud, & I think inappropriate for a Bible study, (too jazzy!). So this is possibly what some viewers mean when they say that the video is too loud? Dunno. Certainly DP's voice isn't. (My opinion).

  • @jackshit49
    @jackshit49 3 года назад

    I strongly disagree with the translations. The KJV is the preserved Word of God in the English language.

    • @DavidPawsonMinistry
      @DavidPawsonMinistry  3 года назад +1

      Hi David grew up studying the KJV as his preferred version of the Bible and he was comfortable reading it
      But before you strongly agree ...........As David aged , he realised that younger people could not understand the language used when KJV was written and to get people to read the Bible for themselves a translation that was more readable today was a must ........otherwise reading the Bible would be limited to a few 'learned people' - which is what the Catholic Church teaches.
      And if you dont speak English you have no options but to read a 'translation'
      David changed his teachings from KJV to the New International Version for the following reasons :-
      - firstly he felt it was the most accurate of all of the other options
      - it was it was readable by most people in his congregation
      - language evolves and changes and words changes meaning over time ......unless you are taught old English, its easy to misunderstand the KJV.....there are many examples : today kids say something is 'cool' or even 'wicked'......which are all 'good; ...... you may understand the original meaning of these words but kids who have not gown up in a Christian home do not understand what wicked means - its a Westend musical is it not ?
      A small number of examples of how words have changed meaning include :-
      Prevent .......... to stop ?.......in 1611 when written KJV was written, 'Prevent' means to anticipate/predict = pre - event
      Peculiar - Peculiar people ....in 1611 it did not mean 'strange' but meant people 'belonging to'....Gods peculiar people .....belonging to him
      Comfort - was a feeling of strength not cushioned as it does today
      Conversation - did not mean words but behaviour - let your behaviour ....
      Incontinent ? - Unrestrained /false - incontinent accusers
      Bowels - compassion - I long after you all in the bowels of Christ (compassion of Christ )
      So whist you may be correct that the KJV is the most accurate translation to date - unless you understand what the words meant in 1611 you will certainly get a wrong understanding of what the Bible actually says

    • @jackshit49
      @jackshit49 3 года назад

      The thing with the NIV is that it has removed many verses from the KJV Bible, and look what God's Word says about that.
      REVELATION 22:19
      And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
      If all Bibles were equal, they would all have the same amount of words. But they don't.
      The KJV Bible is the only one without a copyright.
      Verses have to be altered and removed to publish a new version.
      Motive, “For the love money is the root of all evil”.
      Therefore the people who made theses perversions (not those that read them), are either in, or have unimaginable torment to look forward to. And I take no pleasure in saying that, but it is in Gods Word. And God cannot lie.
      This also tells us that a Christians name can be taken out of the book of life and cast into hell, a subject Mr Pawson is excellent with, and I have his book on that matter, along with a few others (Divorce & Remarriage, and Leadership is Male).
      But God's Word NEVER changes or evolves.
      MALACHI 3:6
      For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
      HEBREWS 13:8
      Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
      The LORD said he will preserve his words forever.
      PSALMS 12:6-7
      The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
      Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.
      So where are they?
      Jesus is the Word of God, and God speaks to us through him, in the Bible. (Old Testament he spoke through the prophets).
      JOHN 10:27
      My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
      KJV scriptures, you know it quickly. This is exactly how Jesus describes it when His sheep hear His voice.
      When in a situation with a confrontation with the enemy, you want to have confidence that you are quoting the Words that Jesus spoke, and not quoting a satanic perverted Bible.
      It was the Devil that made Eve question God's Word in the Garden of Eden.
      Satan is behind all these altered perverted versions.
      2 CORINTHIANS 2:11
      Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.
      All these different Bible versions are going to contradict and cause confusion.
      1 CORINTHIANS 14:33
      For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
      JAMES 1:8
      A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

    • @DavidPawsonMinistry
      @DavidPawsonMinistry  3 года назад +1

      @@jackshit49 BA you are right! however please consider this. David Pawson recommended the NIV which he called the 'nearly infallible version' because it was possible for an average English speaking person to read it and understand it - people who had not had the privilege of studying at bible college, people who many not even had opportunity to go to further education
      If I was an Arab, If I was Chinese, and I did not speak English I would have to read a Bible Translated in my local Language, even it was a translation of the KJV - I am relying on the skills of the translator trusting they have not made any mistakes
      The NIV to me is a translation - nothing more - but its written in a language I can understand...my language .........
      I thank God for KJV and I thank God HE also gave us capable teachers such as David
      - I did not agree with 100% of what David said but he taught me so much I will always be grateful to him and .......where I differ in my views to David it was an opinion and the points were not critical to my faith nor salvation nor my friendship with David
      David believed, through extensive study that what was left out of the KJV or wrongly translated in publishing the NIV was minor compared to the benefits the use of modern language brings to the common believer in the 21st Century.
      Yes David was prepared to compromise if in resulted in more people reading their Bibles
      If it was not for the NIV and David's teachings, I would be missing so much in my understanding of GOD, I am a non literary person who struggles with the written form - I would not have read the Bible cover to cover had I only had the KJV
      - so there is a place for translations as long as we recognise they are no more than a translation
      You stick with the KJV and may our Lord truly bless you - I applaud you
      Take away my NIV translation and if you don't replace it with something - you take away Gods Word from me and millions of other lesser educated believers, leaving us with a Bible we cannot read nor understand
      ......the NIV is not perfect but it is better than many other translations .....its the nearly infallible version of the KJV...and I acknowledge and am always mindful of Rev 22:19

    • @jackshit49
      @jackshit49 3 года назад

      I appreciate your reply, and I do get from where you are coming from, but God's Word is absolute not relative, for example the KJV is the only Bible that says in Rev 13:16 "receive a mark IN their fright hand, or in their foreheads". Whereas every other Bible as I am lead to believe says ON their right hand or forehead.
      Well that is not the same thing, I've even heard it be suggested that when the mark of the beast system comes into action that some people who have never read a KJV says it would be OK, because it would be in and not on. I know most people would be smart enough to see right through that but even if just one person is fooled by that then that is one person too many.
      I myself do not attend a Church due to the doctrines being connected to at least one of the following spirits; Jezebel (woman pastors), Sodomy, Confusion (different Bible versions), Adultery (divorce& remarriage), Rebellion, Cowardice (pre-trib rapture), fear and overconfidence (OSAS). I have never known a Church or come across one that does not have an issue with one of the following. So the Lord himself has used people, online, in the flesh to help me understand. And I do know God can use people who are not KJV to spread his word, and of course people can be saved from reading NIV and other non KJV Bibles.
      But the NIV is not God's preserved Word, as if one thing is wrong, then Galations 5:9 A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.
      The NIV has had many words changed that don't mean the same as the KJV and had verses removed.
      God's Word is perfect that is why I will only read KJV.
      Matthew5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
      Here is a link to an NIV condensed report on how it differs and what verses have been removed and altered. (I confess I have not read it all as it is quite a big study.)
      thank you for your gracious reply's

    • @DavidPawsonMinistry
      @DavidPawsonMinistry  3 года назад

      David may preach from the NIV but he studied from KJV and was very comfortable with the language.

  • @katharinedavis4947
    @katharinedavis4947 7 лет назад

    Dear David, I've agreed with you on everything so far , but I cannot agree that leadership is always male. We have a lady vicar, rector in our church and I don't know what we'd do without her God is calling women into leadership positions in church as well as in the world. If there were enough men willing it might be a different story , but there aren't . Women it appears can fill the role more than adequately. We pray at our communion service once a week and we've had many answers to prayer in the affirmative including healings. I am a firm believer in the authority of the vicar at the top of the chain in healing, as in all other things,so that his or her prayers are answered before others, when we are well together. God gives me gifts of healing too , praise Him, and others I know. So I cannot see that God objects to women in the church , far from it since He is calling them. Kayte

    • @arkansastrey9694
      @arkansastrey9694 6 лет назад

      Katharine Davis It sounds like your church is one of those churches that "kinda" belive in the Bible and "somewhat "adhere to what it says .

    • @rolandbastian5295
      @rolandbastian5295 4 года назад +3

      the biblical rule of leadership is always male, adam, noah, abraham, isaac, jacob, the prophets, disciples etc, high priest or priesthood is always male...

  • @katharinedavis4947
    @katharinedavis4947 7 лет назад

    Also there were many women apostles in the early church Priscilla with Aquila for example, the local church met in their house and was led by them. Unlike in the synagogues, Jesus had encouraged women , for example Mary and Martha to sit at His feet and learn. Many other women were among his friends and disciples , like Mary Magdalene and His mother Mary.
    And a little later women were deacons , until perhaps Rome took over the church. Kayte

    • @johnrose5958
      @johnrose5958 6 лет назад +6

      Katharine Davis please tell me one verse in the entire new testament that shows that women are to be in leadership?
      and how do you respond to the verses that specifically address and reject the idea of a woman leading men and usurping a the authority from men...?