ive been struggling getting the material flat as i have been pinning them at the exact points. wow!!!! using needle and thread its perfect. thankyou for that little tip
You mention being signed up for this quilt class, but after searching on your web site and blog, etc., I was unable to find anywhere that I could sign up and what the requirements, cost, etc. were. Can you tell me where to find more information on taking this class can be found? I LOVE your quilts as well as the way that you teach, etc. I wish that I could fly to wherever you have classes for real (as opposed to on the internet), but that would be impossible. Would you consider teaching in upstate NY, preferably in western upstate NY? Near Rochester, NY? (fingers crossed) Anyway, thank you in advance for your help.
Hello Margepoc, We would love the opportunity to come to New York! Do you have any shops in mind that might be interested in hosting? If you would please send us any information at quiltwithmarcibaker.com/contact/.
Awesome video!! and the tearing! Gosh so many people don't do that anymore! Glad you did! I do!
I buck the system when it makes sense. Knowing what the tradeoffs are is important. Good to know there is a fellow tearer (is that a word?)
Thank you for explaining the fabric design size and I like your idea of using needle and thread instead of a bunch of pins.
ive been struggling getting the material flat as i have been pinning them at the exact points. wow!!!! using needle and thread its perfect. thankyou for that little tip
Glad I could help!
Marci, I used this method but used DENTAL FLOSS (v. thread) to make the tacks. It worked beautifully and was very strong. My fabric didn't budge.
You mention being signed up for this quilt class, but after searching on your web site and blog, etc., I was unable to find anywhere that I could sign up and what the requirements, cost, etc. were. Can you tell me where to find more information on taking this class can be found? I LOVE your quilts as well as the way that you teach, etc. I wish that I could fly to wherever you have classes for real (as opposed to on the internet), but that would be impossible. Would you consider teaching in upstate NY, preferably in western upstate NY? Near Rochester, NY? (fingers crossed) Anyway, thank you in advance for your help.
Hello Margepoc,
We would love the opportunity to come to New York! Do you have any shops in mind that might be interested in hosting? If you would please send us any information at quiltwithmarcibaker.com/contact/.
too slow