Mazda 2: Engine components location

  • Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025

Комментарии • 54

  • @prefetchmargaret2901
    @prefetchmargaret2901 Месяц назад

    This video help me a lot, thank you 🙏

  • @SalikRafiq
    @SalikRafiq 6 месяцев назад +2

    Where is the PVC valve on these. I think it is behind the Intake manifold. Requires the whole intake manifold to be removed?

  • @sashatodhunter7060
    @sashatodhunter7060 9 месяцев назад +1

    Greetings, thank you. I've found your videos very useful. I have a question, I have a Mazda 2 DY, with the 1.5L ZY-VE motor. I am wanting to be able to clean the MAP sensor but it seems to be positioned on the intake manifold in such a way that makes it impossible to remove the sensor easily. How can it be removed to be able to be cleaned ? Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you so much

  • @arielvaldman
    @arielvaldman 2 года назад +4

    sometimes i watch this video to relax

  • @anthonbu
    @anthonbu Год назад

    Very useful video 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  • @guapora
    @guapora Месяц назад

    Hello, I have a Mazda 2 1.3Lt FROM 2009 and every day when I start the engine it gets cold, the engine shakes enormously for the first 15 minutes then the engine runs normally, later the engine actually runs at low speed. I have already replaced the spark plugs, replaced the throttle body, cleaned the air mass sensor, changed the valve oil control sensor, air filter, cleaned and checked the injector nozzles. The car has 181,457km on it, I also cleaned the oxygen sensor and nothing. I don't know if they will be PCV or EGR valves. I don't know what any help would be helpful.

  • @rokushohanzo
    @rokushohanzo 2 месяца назад

    Is there any place where I can get these pictures?

  • @rakeshb9899
    @rakeshb9899 3 года назад +1

    Nice video. Thank you🙏

  • @joseSierra-e1l
    @joseSierra-e1l 10 месяцев назад +2

    Pcv valve location?

  • @jaytravel-12
    @jaytravel-12 8 месяцев назад

    god bless u

  • @hugoarias3809
    @hugoarias3809 2 года назад +1

    Where is the power steering fluid tank?

    • @zvonimirbobic1093
      @zvonimirbobic1093  2 года назад +4

      There’s no such thing there on 2011 Mazda 2…power steering there is done electrically..There’s no power steering pump/tank or any of that hydrolics

  • @jasonl3185
    @jasonl3185 7 месяцев назад

    Pvc valve?

  • @jasonl3185
    @jasonl3185 5 лет назад +1


  • @sahead786
    @sahead786 2 года назад +1

    Where is the ignition distributor? could you give time stamp aswell please

    • @sahead786
      @sahead786 2 года назад

      I'm guessing it's somewhere at 2:01?

    • @zvonimirbobic1093
      @zvonimirbobic1093  2 года назад +1

      There is no such thing as ignition distributor..each spark plug has its own ignition coil

  • @guapora
    @guapora Месяц назад

    hello sir, I need help please, I have a car like Mazda 2 from 2009 1.3L and every morning when I start it the engine shakes for the first 10 minutes, after the temperature becomes normal and for the rest of the day the Even if the car is turned off and restarted, nothing else happens. The next day, when I start the engine again for the first few minutes, it shakes a lot. Do you know what the error is?

    • @jwc4226
      @jwc4226 Месяц назад +1

      I have a similar issue...I am thinking it is the PCV valve but not sure

    • @guapora
      @guapora Месяц назад

      @@jwc4226Thank you , I Will check, here is the location please ! of this part ! PCV valve ! thank you Sir

  • @mizam0d
    @mizam0d 2 года назад

    I looking for autodoor lock censor at ceratain speed..mine is not working.

  • @dldsalam81
    @dldsalam81 4 года назад +1


  • @homersimpson6348
    @homersimpson6348 2 года назад

    any idea where the TCM is?

  • @xaviervimos2998
    @xaviervimos2998 4 года назад +1

    What series is this engine ZJ 1.3 or Z6 1.6

  • @irwinrsa4769
    @irwinrsa4769 10 месяцев назад

    Where is the fuel filter on this car I have Mazda 1.5 dynamic 2007 model can't find it .

    • @natpatchett116
      @natpatchett116 5 месяцев назад +1

      Assuming you still need help; its under the back seats!

    • @irwinrsa4769
      @irwinrsa4769 5 месяцев назад

      By the fuel tank inside ?

  • @inotcakaj9993
    @inotcakaj9993 6 лет назад

    Poštovani Zvonimire, pohvale za trud, ovo je odličan info...može mala pomoć/mišljenje?? u vožnji mi se na 2 (1,3 benz 2009g) ponekad dogodi da naglo ustukne/zastane/uspori, samo na sekundu, vrlo neugodno i onda kao da ništa nije bilo nastavi dalje, bilo 2, 3, 4 il 5 brzina, nema vidlivih pokazatelja u smislu check engine i sl na tabli, dijagnostika kod majstora ne baca grešku, nema ni zabilježeno u povijesti kao greška, nema nekog "paterna" jel, i mada ne pokazuje grešku svejedno sumnjam na koji od senzora..inače pali iz prve, u leru milina, ide ko zmaj al eto ta glupost me ubija..hvala, živio

    • @zvonimirbobic1093
      @zvonimirbobic1093  6 лет назад

      inot cakaj pa ako je samo ponekad/intermittent nemoj da brineš..možda je loše gorivo npr..po školski, tu situaciju bi trebalo ponoviti i istovremeno imati spojen scanner te gledati PID-ove uživo..ali eto, mogao bi zamjeniti svjećice za početak :)

    • @inotcakaj9993
      @inotcakaj9993 6 лет назад

      Yep, svjećice nove neki dan promijenio, u gorivo sam i ja sumnjao al nalio nanovo 100tku na Petr0Lu i opet isto, ono "ponekad" je ipak svaki dan, događa se po 2-3 puta na relaciji od 20km recimo, bilo grad bilo otvorena cesta, tako da ipak brinem :/ tim više što mi žena vozi,,,,osjećaj je tako neugodan kad se to dogodi, zamisli pretječeš u škarice a on ti to napravi, napunio bi gaće :) da, vjerujem da se može samo sa live data to skenirat, jer ovako ne baca ništa..čak mi je i čovjek koji samo mazde radi da prvi put to čuje..i ja reko žena umišlja al eto, dogodilo se i meni pa sam se uvjerio :/ ako uspijemo to riješit, javim a ako Vam što padne napamet, javite,,, zahvalan

    • @zvonimirbobic1093
      @zvonimirbobic1093  6 лет назад

      inot cakaj hm..ovo sto mi pričamo su situacije kada ne dolazi do opaljivanja u cilindru(ćorak, misfire)..a to se događa (uglavnom) kada nema iskre..tu treba detaljno provjeriti bobine(ignition coils) i svjećice ..drugi najčešći razlog je kada nema dovoljno goriva u cilindru..kao npr. Pumpa od goriva koja ne radi dobro, MAF sensor koji je pokvaren ili pak samo prljav..ili rupa kuda ulazi “nemjeren/neprimjećen/unmetered” zrak (mimo maf senzora)..zatim injector/ubrizgavac goriva koji ne radi svoj posao..možda je nešto sa senzorom leptira gasa ili senzorom papučice gasa..O2 senzor možda..MAP sensor..sve te senzore nadzire kompjuter motora i prema njima dodaje ili oduzima gorivo(FT-Fuel Trim)..te ide u open/closed loop

    • @inotcakaj9993
      @inotcakaj9993 6 лет назад

      @@zvonimirbobic1093 haha baš ste mi suzili opcije :)) ne šalim se, najiskrenije hvala na pomoći, ovo je kao "privedite osumnjičene", sve mi je jasno sa svim tim silnim senzorima sve je moguće, tako da će mehaničar malo razbijat glavu...ja bi recimo krenuo od air leaka preko čišćenja mafa (zrak) pa onda na gorivo (pumpu i filter) pa na kraju iskra jel, s obzirom da kod struje ima i najviše toga, bobine, kablovi...osim što je vremenski, bogami je i financijski zahtjevno....mislio sam da se može suziti "izbor" :) još jednom iskreno veliko hvala na pomoći ako se riješi postam dole jer evo ne mogu nać nigdje da se ikom slično dogodilo..znači auto je bomba, sve ok i nemam zamjerki, osim tog povremenog trzaja

    • @zvonimirbobic1093
      @zvonimirbobic1093  6 лет назад

      inot cakaj možda je čak i problem inputa..crank/CKP sensor..senzor položaja radilice :)

  • @muckman5509
    @muckman5509 2 года назад

    where is the PCV valve?

    • @zvonimirbobic1093
      @zvonimirbobic1093  2 года назад +1

      Behind the intake manifold. Watch the second half of my vid: Mazda 2, Some facts and considerations. I talked about PCV valve in that video.

  • @hjde-jg7ho
    @hjde-jg7ho 3 года назад

    Pozdrav Zvone.. Gdje da nadjem switch za rikverc svijetlo na mazda 2 2005 automatic? Hvala ti na odgovoru

    • @zvonimirbobic1093
      @zvonimirbobic1093  3 года назад

      Back-up light switch se nalazi zavidan (kao matica) negdje na transmisiji..ima na sebi konektor sa dva terminala(dvije žice)..u biti je prekidač/sklopka koja daje struju rikverc svjetlima..negdje na transmisiji!🤷🏼‍♂️

    • @hjde-jg7ho
      @hjde-jg7ho 3 года назад

      @@zvonimirbobic1093 thank you man, I'll rip i to it and inform you how it went. Againg, thanks for your reply.

  • @amelreevebajo3637
    @amelreevebajo3637 4 года назад

    where is starter motor located?

  • @indoperfect4080
    @indoperfect4080 4 года назад +1

    Hi, Where is the PCV valve?

    • @zvonimirbobic1093
      @zvonimirbobic1093  4 года назад +2

      Watch my other video, start fromвидео.html&feature=share

  • @gabrielramirez5946
    @gabrielramirez5946 3 года назад

    Where is speed sensor?

    • @zvonimirbobic1093
      @zvonimirbobic1093  3 года назад +1

      Vehicle Speed Sensor(VSS) is mounted on the back side of the transmission, where the drive shaft goes into it..near the bottom engine mount

  • @juancikelite
    @juancikelite 5 лет назад

    where is the CO2 sensor?

    • @zvonimirbobic1093
      @zvonimirbobic1093  5 лет назад

      Reilyas Muhammad CO2 sensor?!..That does not exist there. Can you explain?

    • @zvonimirbobic1093
      @zvonimirbobic1093  5 лет назад +1

      Although there is an Oxygen (O2) sensor after/downstream the cat, on the is of narrow-band upstream sensor though, before the cat is of wide-band type, meaning it is not an O2 sensor, but rather an Air/Fuel ratio sensor..if that is what you re referring to?

    • @juancikelite
      @juancikelite 5 лет назад

      @@zvonimirbobic1093 yes I mean the AFR sensor( Air to fuel Ratio), I wanna clean that sensor because it often knock when I put full throttle on it

    • @zvonimirbobic1093
      @zvonimirbobic1093  5 лет назад +1

      Reilyas Muhammad it lives in the back of the can see it in this carefully..To clean it?! Never heard of anyone did that

  • @whatabeast4821
    @whatabeast4821 10 месяцев назад +1

    Terrible videoing