I’m working on a revision 2 at the moment rather than focusing on selling things due to shortages. It will be much better than revision 1, bigger screen and other stuff. But once Pi’s become available again I am considering selling them to people, just not yet
I can't believe how good the quality is. Amazing work!
Good work cant wait to see the final product , good luck
Cant wait to see rv2
Amazing what the cm4 can do. Have any idea when these will be shipping?
I’m working on a revision 2 at the moment rather than focusing on selling things due to shortages. It will be much better than revision 1, bigger screen and other stuff. But once Pi’s become available again I am considering selling them to people, just not yet
Will it ever be possible to buy?
How could you play the game on nintendo switch lite? What I know is that this game is only available for PlayStation devices
Moonlight and game streaming. It’s not a Nintendo switch lite it’s a CM4 from Raspberry Pi.
Man that thing is powerfull
just get a psp lol
psp can't play god of war 3