For Thrawn's Revenge, 1. When dealing with SSDs, bring a large fleet in tight formation in a corner of the map. 2. Wait for all fighters to launch, then send them against the SSD. With enough bombers and proton torpedo-equipped fighters, you can bring those shields down before the SSD engages your fleet. 3. Wait until the shields are down, set all fighters to hunt, and set your fleet to attack. Make sure to have corvettes and frigates up front; that way, they can shoot down those massive missile salvos before they hit your fleet. You'll likely lose several corvettes this way, but it buys time for your smaller ships to engage, and you can pause the game and order ships to fire on individual hardpoints. 4. Concentrate on missile hard points first. 5. Enjoy the fireworks
For me it was always use Medium/Heavy Cruisers and surround the SSD. By hyperspacing them in all at once they can’t be alpha striked by the SSD. And they each draw fire while giving considerable return. Even better is when I have them space out firing arcs so the SSD can’t bring it’s full power to bare
anyone who doesnt hover over units to see their purpose is destined to failure, more specifically if you just got the game or if there is a brand new update. intel is extremely important and if you forgot a ships exact purpose just hover over it for a few seconds to refresh yourself
That’s literally not true at all. I have finished multiple Tharen’s revenge campaigns on cruel admiral right from the start. You can literally build capitals and dreadnoughts only and win easily. You can play hit and run early to mid game and late game you can literally stack fleets of predators +ISD’s and win any battle
I once got invaded by a MC80 Home One and a few support ships. I didn't have a defending fleet. I only had a trade station and a fighter platform or whatever it's called. I also had an extremely small garnison of about 3-4 corvettes and a hypervelocity cannon on the ground. I took 2 of the corvettes and sent 1 to the right of the enemy fleet and one to the left to make the enemy chase them and buy myself as much time as I can before they reach my position. It worked quite well and I was able to destroy most support ships with the hypervelocity cannon. After the home one destroyed my stations I had no hope left but still kept trying. Since with corvettes you have minimal vision when the home one got in sight I shot the cannon and ran away. I kept using this startegy until the home one was destroyed losing only the stations and 2 corvettes against the enemy's entire fleet. Never felt this good playing this game.
Similar story, I was played Fall of the Republic when the CIS tried sent a 550 cap fleet at Rendili, I had 5 venators and a handful of support craft, for defense was the tier 3 shipyard that gave me another Venator and fighters, a Golan I, and a hypervelocity gun, sounds like a lot, but I had to kill a Bulwark II, 5 Providences, 12 Recausants, 3 Munificents, and about a couple dozen support craft The battle started with me using the hypervelocity gun to cripple 1 providence so it didn't engage, I squeezed my entire fleet on top of the Golan for overlapping concentrated fire, luckily their fire was spread out and thr Venators lasted longer, I ended up ending the Bulwark with the hypervelocity, while individually targeting ships with the entire fleet, though I did lose air supremacy, and I won, though I lost 2 Venators
as the Imperial Remnant or Pentastar Alignment, back when the fleet cap for ships on active duty was 40 points, i would build a lot of corvettes and have them carry a lot of probe droids close to planets i was about to invade. once the droid showed me what was above and on planet, i would send in a fleet with a corvette going first. after that, i would call in and send out corvettes in groups of two to draw out fighters across the map, careful to avoid any defense stations. once the fighters were in range, they would be quickly mowed down. i did this until most of all the enemy fighters were destroyed, then i sent in the big guns. it proved very effective as a spear thrust tactic, driving as far into enemy territory as possible before a response could be mounted. this was even more effective with Executor SSDs, because the game didn't go after them unless it had a huge fleet. it stayed *well* away from my Executor fleets regardless of what the station's level was. the New Republic was usually my biggest problem. i made a point to target them from the start, parking at least one ship above a planet, move on, and repeat a few times. i did this to keep any retaliation fleets as far as possible from my ground forces. i like to think that i annoyed the game as an Imperial, as much as it annoyed me with the New Republic. took me a while to figure out the Empire of the Hand when it first came out, but once i got a decent grasp on them, i started picking the New Republic apart. especially with the Hand's fighters and bombers, felt nice to give the game a taste of its own medicine.
Keep a large fleet on standby in a system that's one short jump away from front line worlds. When you hear "enemy fleet approaching" immediately pause the game and move the response fleet to the front line world that's about to come under attack. The AI usually cheats and brings forces to attack certain worlds that slightly outmatch the forces that they are attacking. By leaving front line systems mostly undefended this means that the AI will only send a force large enough to take your existing defenses on with an advantage determined by what difficulty you are playing on. When the AI fleet arrives you'll either decimate the entire attacking force or encourage the AI to retreat shortly after it sees the larger than expected defense fleet. So bring an interdictor and get ready to watch some rebels burn...
NUMBER ONE TACTIC: think like Admiral Thrawn. Facing a Super ISD? Make it turn around and fire at its weaker rear, they don't turn fast so you should have shields down by the time it's heavy guns reach you. This gives you the best chance to destroy it's main weapons before it can start to deal real damage to your fleet.
Meh, I just build a big Armada and send at any fleet. And that includes SSD in any of thou fleets. And we'll I agree with most of this information. So far, some of this info, like Carrier, is a part of a Fleet. You should, but it depends on the ships.
@@urlauburlaub2222 I would only disagree with this in the context that the rebellion has some boss ass fighters. In most mods k wings are really deadly lol. I've sent just fleets of tie defenders and demolished rebel fleets. I believe aotr nerfed the defender because it was so powerful. Cheap as well compared to a full fleet. Doesn't work in foc alliance as anti starfighter ships are deadly.
It's been a spell since I've played the mod, so maybe I'm running on outdated info, but I usually have 25% of my fleet cap as carriers usually. Having the bombers knock down SSD hard points while your fleet holds off engaging can very easily lead to a low loss battle against them. Most of the time from my experience I will have the shields down and with micromanaging the bombers deal with 25% of the hard points before the SSD can get into range to engage my fleet. I'll play a little bit and update if the experience has changed much. But carriers for me are the thing you most want to bring against SSD's.
I tend to play mostly carriers or at least lots of carriers because I like using large fighter swarms they decimate pretty much any Fleet you can run into
When I played basic EAW I had a standard setup for my rebel fleets. 2 MC80s, 4 anti-fighter corvettes, and 2 artillery corvettes. I also kept ground side garrisons to 5 rebel soldiers and 5 missile squads. I had to change everything when I played FOC. My fleets changed to 1 MC80, 2 Anti-fighter corvettes, 2 artillery corvettes, and 13 b-wing squadrons, with more in reserve when attacking space stations. Ground side forces had to be replaced with T4Bs and torpedo artillery.
I love more info about positioning on the map, in game, and even hot keys. Best defense practices, early game strategy, late game, how to use hero’s effectively, maybe even economic strategies…? Love these videos, often rewatch/listen to them along side with other RUclipsrs videos.
Does not work when the enemy waits for you to attack next to his station. And as soon as you drop in they will deploy dozens of interdictor mines, behind their lines and advance on you. Also if you keep waiting with your fleet they will send 2 waves of fightes and then hold back their last wave and wait for you to attack. And i had my Game on Easy mode. They really made the AI think like a player. Btw. I played the new FOTR mod.
Not sure I agree with not bringing carriers into battle against an SSD. Sure they shouldn’t be in front line battle, but I’ve killed more than a few SSDs with the spawning fighters and bombers. Especially with the persistent damage now, swarming an SSD with bombers, doing damage, retreating then rinse and repeat becomes a hassle free way to kill SSDs
My tactics as the new republic: I either build 75 nebulous Bs and send them in all at once, each carrying one fighter and bomber, they can decimate even SSD's, this is how I deal with any executor or any other ssd, and works perfectly, sometimes I also make 50 quasars.
i still have so much to learn about this game. im used to more traditional rts games where you have to build buildings and such theres a lot more strategy that goes into this game than i ever realized when it first came out all those years ago. i figured id walk through everything but nope, i get my ass kicked a lot that i just play skirmish only for now lol
I would love to see you make a video about the best mods for beginners since it seems like all the popular mods add stuff that makes the game a bit more complicated some more than others
What good timing I was playing thrawns revenge earlier and I had a viscount the lusankya 3 mandators a Mon calamari carrier a isd many more of all Mon calamari cruisers and many more heroes and I destroyed so many fleets and with some good strategy I took down the two mandators (I forgot the name of the ships)
you could do that+thrawn pincir and what you have a weak fleet that is out of position unable to fire to any incoming menace that apears pointing to the direction your ships apear.
Fun fact if you just do constant hit and run attacks the enemy will never counter attack due to the ai prioritizing defense of their own planets. Please note that this strategy has not been tried with cruel ai
@@aaronfine734, I think the AI is set to attack after a certain number of victories from the player. Constantly retreating seems a good way to delay its attacks.
@@spartan078ben ya that could also be it. I also found that sometimes the ai will stop reinforcing the planet you are constantly attacking tho I'm not sure if this is due to the ai just running out of reasources to build ships or if the ai is doing a strategic retreat and grouping it's fleets together.
the carrier part makes sense everywhere except remake, where no matter what, carriers are useful because of the sheer damage they can do, with bombers ignoring shields, providing support on destroying a capital ship's key points and simply annihilating smaller vessels
1:30 wait, what? against any SSD the only proper strategy is fighter swarming with ton falks or quasar fire's. If you counter an SSD with classic capital ships, it's clear you will suffer heavy losses
Fleet composition also matters alot. I tend to have a lot of bombers/fighters in support of my heavier ships . On defense i send out fighters to screen for enemy fighters, corvetts stay behind and guard the ships from bombers, corvette hunters knock out any corvettes that could shred my bombers. Bombers then focus on destroying special weapons, shields, and hangers in that order. After these sub systems are down on all enemy ships. My bombers/frigates knock them out 1 by 1. My offensive tactic is as follows. Deploy a few fighter squadrons to act as scouts. Once I know where the enemy fleet is, deploy my own ships as close as I can and engage at near point blank. It's a chaotic mess but one where I can get my bombers to knock out enemy ships without a problem. Another tactic is to deploy my fleet and set up a kill zone. Send a few fast corvettes to aggro the enemy fleet and then lead them into the trap. In all cases, hero units that provide a boost are priority targets.
I'll normally do a lot of this, but I only ever set two types of fleets, ones for offense and one for defense, I'll just max out the space defenses as quickly as I can on my frontier planets, while using my starter fleets to spread out evenly for defense, bolster those forces up over the next few turns then proceed to make one or two huge fleets for offense, pretty much having a lot of heavy cruisers, support, some carriers, heavy ships, pretty much a good bit of everything then just deploy them as I need them once the battle starts
For very large ships like SSDS or viscounts, I would go with the smaller ones. I would use large fleet of smaller ships like the Corvettes, gunboats, and fires.
I disagree with your point on carriers being useless against SSDs. I consistently take down SSDs with zero losses by just showing up with 40+ light carriers and bombing them away. you just have to know where to put your carriers so that the AI has a hard time getting to them.
game is beating me across the board in fall of the republic. hard difficulty i had maybe 2 turns before i had a fleet with half a dozen praetors and a mandator II attacking one of my planets. switched to easy AI after that, now every attack the AI launches (at least 2-3 times per week) has at least 2 praetor or secutors. thankfully I killed the Mandator I early on so i didn't have to worry about it getting upgraded. at the moment, the only thing keeping me alive are 4 fleets that make up most of my unit cap, but i can't build any retaliation forces due to the fact that I am constantly getting hammered by battlecruisers, even subjugators don't last long because around every 2-3 weeks i get a massive attack with a half dozen mix up of praetors and secutors, along with a massive supporting fleet I couldn't even dream of building at this point.
A good way to prepare and I'd say always do this is put 1 ship to come out of hyperspace first as if your coming from a planet kinda far away the enemy can easily reinforce with a much stronger fleet giving you the option to leave a fight with a max of 1 ship lost. Another thing that's a good idea more so if you can't bring extra fighters (Imp based) is to pull your bombers behind your main force (like a frigate sized gap at most) this will keep most alive while thinning there anti starfighter ships so you can then send them out when you need them most and they'll be more effective as they won't just get massacred
The best strategy I’ve found is getting an ssd by itself behind enemy lines and destroying all their space stations through auto battles and when you encounter an enemy fleet to just retreat
I started playing yesterday and i tried to learn by playing the tutorial an making strategys on the easiest mode i easily won whit few losses this was also usefull for a bit of time until the ai started bringing their fleet to strategic positions and i had to make my own tactica, I managed to win almost every battle whit a 100 kill rate
I send in smaller ships with support then send in the big guys to surprise the enemy. Many times playing as the empire my smaller ships and fighter carriers go in first and wipe out the enemy fighters while supported by vessels meant to kill fighters and capital ships. Once fighters are nearly gone I sweep in with a sovereign or the eclipse and take out their large vessels with the super laser.
Any chance we can get a video about how to defeat larger fleets while using a smaller fleet, say if youre a faction with less resources to start off with.
Jump in a couple smaller ships on opposite sides of the map, and move them so your enemy is baited into splitting their forces. Then jump everything else in to destroy one of the groups, usually right on top of some of their fragile but valuable ships like dedicated carriers. If there's still too much to reliably destroy both groups just retreat once one is mostly pulverized and return a little later
If you have way more ships than the other side in a battle don’t send them all in. Fight the battle with most in reserve, and wait to send them in until you’ve taken out the shields on their larger ships, then send the rest in to target the engines while your enemy retreats
I ended up figuring out the best way to reduce territorial losses early on in a campaign of Thrawn’s Revenge. Move all fleets from worlds first to be targeted back one system. Reinforce them with fleets from worlds that are at little to no risk of being attacked. Suddenly a handful of ships becomes a few dozen that can hold the line and allow you to build up a reaction force with enough heavy firepower to retake the lost systems. And in the meantime: prioritize entrenching in on the first worlds to be hit. Get factories that can give you the heavy hitting units (artillery, air, etc) set up first, then max out the planetary garrison. The longer this planet holds, the longer it ties up enemy invasion plans for the next system- in my experience the AI hates leaving a system unconquered. Win a few defensive battles on the ground, get a liberation fleet in to clear up the skies, fortify the orbital defences and cycle in a secondary fleet to take up guard duty there. Launch counter attack. Keep the momentum high.
Can youse do a video on how to use the Battle Editor in Thrawn's Revenge? I can get a bunch of ships in there but they are parked next to each other and not formed up in opposing lines. When the battle starts it is just a short range melee.
Just use the 2,2,2,2,2 system; I use Two Infantry, two light vehicles, two mid-tier Vehicles (that in clues Artillery in either way you have the form up), air units (one or two), and Heavy Vehicles too.
I also like to build whatever my factions equivalent of a Dreadnaught is deep into enemy territory and just mess with all the supply lines and ship production with a proper fleet pushing forward slowly.
I enjoyed the video! However, some of the on-screen text was distracting when it was telling something different than what was being said. There were a couple points that I felt like I had to choose between reading or listening.
Can we get one of these for Fall of the Republic? I keep running into the problem of CIS bombers just chewing my fleet up and can’t separate enough fighters to keep them off my capital ships so these large battles take a toll
I wish in tr if you defeated an enemy faction's leader they would need like 3 weeks to get a new leader and during that time their units would be weaker since they are demoralized. Would have been helpful since I recently killed both Zinsj and terrace but either suffered ground losses or can't launch an offense bc their ground forces are to op.
Just as a reminder, due to their radially symmetric designs, any tactics involving exploiting blind spots will not work against Goa'uld ships in Stargate EaW Pegasus Chronicles.
How'd you get the Hammer Head Sphyrna class Corvettes in the game ? I have the MC75 sub mod..was that not in Thrawns revenge? Or was that awakening of the Rebellion only they have those in?
@@rominesque2921 yup, now I started going for ISDs with alot of tie fighters for support, the many ties make a huge diff since the rebels cant overwhelm me with fighters/bombers
I have a friend that has played empire at war since it first came out but has never played galatic conquest only skirmish. How do you convince him to play conquest?
Lol, I literally memed by way through the campaign by simply spamming fighters squadrons (mix of fighters and bombers), it didn't matter if it was a Base, Armada or an armada and defense plattforms. I could abliterade every encounter without wven losing a single squadron and I didn't need to fo anything except klick "attack"
Hey, anyone know why the fine people at eckstoo have a different hud than I do? Do they have a preview of the next version of the mod in their videos or is it its own thing?
We do sometimes ask developers if we can get an early preview of their mod. But because it takes so much time to get to the new content, we ask them if they can provide footage of the new features, just to speed things up. Sometimes that doesn’t always fall into place & can delay getting videos of it out. - Charlie
When it comes to Thrawn Revenge: 1. check which ships do what. Heavy turbolasers on vessels do nice hull damage but are not as accurate as medium ones. Check recharge rates on cannons- it's what makes Tector and most importantly Battle dragons so deadly. Ships like Victory-I Star Destroyer have more accurate light turbolasers which allow them to take out smaller ships quickly, while Victory-II packs more heavy turbolasers that do very well against bigger targets. 2. when enemy ship has it's shields lowered target manually most deadly hardpoints there are first. Against an Imperial-II Star Destroyer you want to get rid of their 4 octuple medium turbolasers first. For Imperial-I Star Destroyer you want to take out their 2 double heavy turbolasers and triple medium turbolaser first. When you defang enemy ship (leaving them only weaker hardpoints) you can leave it on the battlefield and focus on other units. It will make a population block for your enemy, they won't be able to call in reinforcements because that half dead ship is going to clog their population cap. 3. AI is a cheating bastard, that's most likely accurate for every EaW mod. So don't be afraid to cheat back if you're still learning the game or a particular mod. In Thrawn's Revenge many factions can abuse the hyper velocity gun if you have it built on the planet. Build 2 small, fast corvettes on a planet with HVG, at the start of the defense battle move them each to far corners of the map. It may bring some enemies to them (buying you time to fire HVG more often) or they will ignore them. even if enemy blows up your station and every other unit you can make those corvettes circle the map, making your enemies chase them while you can use HVG to reduce their fleet severely or win the battle. That was mostly cheesing, but you can straight up cheat in the game. You can find an xml file with planets, edit it and rise the income for a planet your faction has, giving you more money after you start a new galactic conquest afterwards with that faction. Very useful when you want to play some of the hardest factions in GC like Hapes Consortium, who use smaller units, have a bad placement on the galaxy map and extremely low income.
I like to give my boarding shuttles massive health and 100% success in boarding. That way, I can send five or six shuttles, steal the biggest ships then bring in a smaller force to deal with frigates, corvettes, fighters, and gunships.
I just use bombers to destroy shield generators and hangars, i use fighters to destroy enemy bombers and distract enemy fighters from my bombers while my frigates and capital ships put all of their firepower on the unshielded frigates and capital ships.
every playthrough they stack their entire armada against me, I just setup a kill zone and send the fighters into asteroid field and attack simultaneously and wipe out them out, the rest of the game is basically ground battle sluggishness
If you "tailor" your fleet to what the enemy has at one point, chances is until your tailored fleet is assembled the enemy has already completely changed theirs. But i agree with the "don´t wait for unit production to finish", better to use several planets to build and then assemble them into one position. Personally i´m a big fan of fighter fleets to harrass the enemy, best way for that is to play as a Zann Consortium in Forces of Corruption, and build TIE Defenders.
Not only is he using mods. He's playing Thrawn's Revenge which is balanced so completely differently that the advice would be totally different for vanilla
Wrong, fighters can 100% win on their own. I brought some secutors and I destroyed the Prector carrier, 2 isd1s, several corvettes, a heavy frigate shipyard, Golan 2, and a trade depot. Not counting the shit the stations brought in
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For Thrawn's Revenge,
1. When dealing with SSDs, bring a large fleet in tight formation in a corner of the map.
2. Wait for all fighters to launch, then send them against the SSD. With enough bombers and proton torpedo-equipped fighters, you can bring those shields down before the SSD engages your fleet.
3. Wait until the shields are down, set all fighters to hunt, and set your fleet to attack. Make sure to have corvettes and frigates up front; that way, they can shoot down those massive missile salvos before they hit your fleet. You'll likely lose several corvettes this way, but it buys time for your smaller ships to engage, and you can pause the game and order ships to fire on individual hardpoints.
4. Concentrate on missile hard points first.
5. Enjoy the fireworks
That's my strategy especially on Mustafar with X-1's SSD
Hell I once mostly killed the mustafarian SSD with Fighters
I prefer to just throw an ssd at the enemy and if it dies I always carry a second
For me it was always use Medium/Heavy Cruisers and surround the SSD. By hyperspacing them in all at once they can’t be alpha striked by the SSD. And they each draw fire while giving considerable return. Even better is when I have them space out firing arcs so the SSD can’t bring it’s full power to bare
aaaa help a giant hard drive
anyone who doesnt hover over units to see their purpose is destined to failure, more specifically if you just got the game or if there is a brand new update. intel is extremely important and if you forgot a ships exact purpose just hover over it for a few seconds to refresh yourself
That’s literally not true at all. I have finished multiple Tharen’s revenge campaigns on cruel admiral right from the start. You can literally build capitals and dreadnoughts only and win easily. You can play hit and run early to mid game and late game you can literally stack fleets of predators +ISD’s and win any battle
I once got invaded by a MC80 Home One and a few support ships. I didn't have a defending fleet. I only had a trade station and a fighter platform or whatever it's called. I also had an extremely small garnison of about 3-4 corvettes and a hypervelocity cannon on the ground. I took 2 of the corvettes and sent 1 to the right of the enemy fleet and one to the left to make the enemy chase them and buy myself as much time as I can before they reach my position. It worked quite well and I was able to destroy most support ships with the hypervelocity cannon. After the home one destroyed my stations I had no hope left but still kept trying. Since with corvettes you have minimal vision when the home one got in sight I shot the cannon and ran away. I kept using this startegy until the home one was destroyed losing only the stations and 2 corvettes against the enemy's entire fleet. Never felt this good playing this game.
Wow, good thinking, I bet you sure were glad you built the gun!
Similar story, I was played Fall of the Republic when the CIS tried sent a 550 cap fleet at Rendili, I had 5 venators and a handful of support craft, for defense was the tier 3 shipyard that gave me another Venator and fighters, a Golan I, and a hypervelocity gun, sounds like a lot, but I had to kill a Bulwark II, 5 Providences, 12 Recausants, 3 Munificents, and about a couple dozen support craft
The battle started with me using the hypervelocity gun to cripple 1 providence so it didn't engage, I squeezed my entire fleet on top of the Golan for overlapping concentrated fire, luckily their fire was spread out and thr Venators lasted longer, I ended up ending the Bulwark with the hypervelocity, while individually targeting ships with the entire fleet, though I did lose air supremacy, and I won, though I lost 2 Venators
"Only route to victory is the destruction of your enemy...obviously"
Can you say that louder for Rose?
as the Imperial Remnant or Pentastar Alignment, back when the fleet cap for ships on active duty was 40 points, i would build a lot of corvettes and have them carry a lot of probe droids close to planets i was about to invade. once the droid showed me what was above and on planet, i would send in a fleet with a corvette going first. after that, i would call in and send out corvettes in groups of two to draw out fighters across the map, careful to avoid any defense stations. once the fighters were in range, they would be quickly mowed down. i did this until most of all the enemy fighters were destroyed, then i sent in the big guns. it proved very effective as a spear thrust tactic, driving as far into enemy territory as possible before a response could be mounted. this was even more effective with Executor SSDs, because the game didn't go after them unless it had a huge fleet. it stayed *well* away from my Executor fleets regardless of what the station's level was. the New Republic was usually my biggest problem. i made a point to target them from the start, parking at least one ship above a planet, move on, and repeat a few times. i did this to keep any retaliation fleets as far as possible from my ground forces. i like to think that i annoyed the game as an Imperial, as much as it annoyed me with the New Republic.
took me a while to figure out the Empire of the Hand when it first came out, but once i got a decent grasp on them, i started picking the New Republic apart. especially with the Hand's fighters and bombers, felt nice to give the game a taste of its own medicine.
"If you have a 1 size fits all approach"
Yo I feel attacked.
Keep a large fleet on standby in a system that's one short jump away from front line worlds. When you hear "enemy fleet approaching" immediately pause the game and move the response fleet to the front line world that's about to come under attack. The AI usually cheats and brings forces to attack certain worlds that slightly outmatch the forces that they are attacking. By leaving front line systems mostly undefended this means that the AI will only send a force large enough to take your existing defenses on with an advantage determined by what difficulty you are playing on. When the AI fleet arrives you'll either decimate the entire attacking force or encourage the AI to retreat shortly after it sees the larger than expected defense fleet. So bring an interdictor and get ready to watch some rebels burn...
NUMBER ONE TACTIC: think like Admiral Thrawn. Facing a Super ISD? Make it turn around and fire at its weaker rear, they don't turn fast so you should have shields down by the time it's heavy guns reach you. This gives you the best chance to destroy it's main weapons before it can start to deal real damage to your fleet.
Meh, I just build a big Armada and send at any fleet. And that includes SSD in any of thou fleets. And we'll I agree with most of this information. So far, some of this info, like Carrier, is a part of a Fleet. You should, but it depends on the ships.
Though I do like a little order in my fleet. Even amount of set ships than just SPAM UNITS.
@@urlauburlaub2222 But as say, Greater Maldrood, the advantage isn't gonna come from having a bunch of the biggest thing you can get
@@urlauburlaub2222 I would only disagree with this in the context that the rebellion has some boss ass fighters. In most mods k wings are really deadly lol. I've sent just fleets of tie defenders and demolished rebel fleets. I believe aotr nerfed the defender because it was so powerful. Cheap as well compared to a full fleet. Doesn't work in foc alliance as anti starfighter ships are deadly.
Yeah bombers will rape a SSD on mass, while the carriers can stay away. Tactics do matter.
It's been a spell since I've played the mod, so maybe I'm running on outdated info, but I usually have 25% of my fleet cap as carriers usually. Having the bombers knock down SSD hard points while your fleet holds off engaging can very easily lead to a low loss battle against them. Most of the time from my experience I will have the shields down and with micromanaging the bombers deal with 25% of the hard points before the SSD can get into range to engage my fleet. I'll play a little bit and update if the experience has changed much. But carriers for me are the thing you most want to bring against SSD's.
I tend to play mostly carriers or at least lots of carriers because I like using large fighter swarms they decimate pretty much any Fleet you can run into
When I played basic EAW I had a standard setup for my rebel fleets. 2 MC80s, 4 anti-fighter corvettes, and 2 artillery corvettes. I also kept ground side garrisons to 5 rebel soldiers and 5 missile squads.
I had to change everything when I played FOC. My fleets changed to 1 MC80, 2 Anti-fighter corvettes, 2 artillery corvettes, and 13 b-wing squadrons, with more in reserve when attacking space stations. Ground side forces had to be replaced with T4Bs and torpedo artillery.
I love more info about positioning on the map, in game, and even hot keys. Best defense practices, early game strategy, late game, how to use hero’s effectively, maybe even economic strategies…? Love these videos, often rewatch/listen to them along side with other RUclipsrs videos.
My worst enemy isn't the rebellion it isn't the empire it also isn't the consortium it's the economy
I’m not that big into eaw anymore, but this was a goated video.
I generally use Thrawn hit and run tactics. Get in, destroy what I can/need to, then retreat and return.
Doing that with eclipse is funny. Go in and take out like 25% of the fleet and use laser on big targets.
Does not work when the enemy waits for you to attack next to his station. And as soon as you drop in they will deploy dozens of interdictor mines, behind their lines and advance on you.
Also if you keep waiting with your fleet they will send 2 waves of fightes and then hold back their last wave and wait for you to attack. And i had my Game on Easy mode. They really made the AI think like a player. Btw. I played the new FOTR mod.
Not sure I agree with not bringing carriers into battle against an SSD. Sure they shouldn’t be in front line battle, but I’ve killed more than a few SSDs with the spawning fighters and bombers. Especially with the persistent damage now, swarming an SSD with bombers, doing damage, retreating then rinse and repeat becomes a hassle free way to kill SSDs
My tactics as the new republic: I either build 75 nebulous Bs and send them in all at once, each carrying one fighter and bomber, they can decimate even SSD's, this is how I deal with any executor or any other ssd, and works perfectly, sometimes I also make 50 quasars.
i still have so much to learn about this game. im used to more traditional rts games where you have to build buildings and such theres a lot more strategy that goes into this game than i ever realized when it first came out all those years ago. i figured id walk through everything but nope, i get my ass kicked a lot that i just play skirmish only for now lol
I would love to see you make a video about the best mods for beginners since it seems like all the popular mods add stuff that makes the game a bit more complicated some more than others
What good timing I was playing thrawns revenge earlier and I had a viscount the lusankya 3 mandators a Mon calamari carrier a isd many more of all Mon calamari cruisers and many more heroes and I destroyed so many fleets and with some good strategy I took down the two mandators (I forgot the name of the ships)
Thrawn pincer and hit and run to weak a fleet combined with this allows to gain a great advantage againt even double sized fleets
I've killed entire fleets with just some corverts with retreat, bait some ships to the corner of the map, killed them, run and repeat
you could do that+thrawn pincir and what you have a weak fleet that is out of position unable to fire to any incoming menace that apears pointing to the direction your ships apear.
I just do hit and run attacks with my star destroyers.
Fun fact if you just do constant hit and run attacks the enemy will never counter attack due to the ai prioritizing defense of their own planets.
Please note that this strategy has not been tried with cruel ai
@@aaronfine734, I think the AI is set to attack after a certain number of victories from the player. Constantly retreating seems a good way to delay its attacks.
@@spartan078ben ya that could also be it. I also found that sometimes the ai will stop reinforcing the planet you are constantly attacking tho I'm not sure if this is due to the ai just running out of reasources to build ships or if the ai is doing a strategic retreat and grouping it's fleets together.
the carrier part makes sense everywhere except remake, where no matter what, carriers are useful because of the sheer damage they can do, with bombers ignoring shields, providing support on destroying a capital ship's key points and simply annihilating smaller vessels
1:30 wait, what? against any SSD the only proper strategy is fighter swarming with ton falks or quasar fire's. If you counter an SSD with classic capital ships, it's clear you will suffer heavy losses
Fleet composition also matters alot. I tend to have a lot of bombers/fighters in support of my heavier ships . On defense i send out fighters to screen for enemy fighters, corvetts stay behind and guard the ships from bombers, corvette hunters knock out any corvettes that could shred my bombers. Bombers then focus on destroying special weapons, shields, and hangers in that order. After these sub systems are down on all enemy ships. My bombers/frigates knock them out 1 by 1. My offensive tactic is as follows. Deploy a few fighter squadrons to act as scouts. Once I know where the enemy fleet is, deploy my own ships as close as I can and engage at near point blank. It's a chaotic mess but one where I can get my bombers to knock out enemy ships without a problem. Another tactic is to deploy my fleet and set up a kill zone. Send a few fast corvettes to aggro the enemy fleet and then lead them into the trap. In all cases, hero units that provide a boost are priority targets.
I'll normally do a lot of this, but I only ever set two types of fleets, ones for offense and one for defense, I'll just max out the space defenses as quickly as I can on my frontier planets, while using my starter fleets to spread out evenly for defense, bolster those forces up over the next few turns then proceed to make one or two huge fleets for offense, pretty much having a lot of heavy cruisers, support, some carriers, heavy ships, pretty much a good bit of everything then just deploy them as I need them once the battle starts
more tactics, im a pretty expierienced player but this is a video style i really like. good work boys
For very large ships like SSDS or viscounts, I would go with the smaller ones. I would use large fleet of smaller ships like the Corvettes, gunboats, and fires.
I disagree with your point on carriers being useless against SSDs. I consistently take down SSDs with zero losses by just showing up with 40+ light carriers and bombing them away. you just have to know where to put your carriers so that the AI has a hard time getting to them.
game is beating me across the board in fall of the republic. hard difficulty i had maybe 2 turns before i had a fleet with half a dozen praetors and a mandator II attacking one of my planets.
switched to easy AI after that, now every attack the AI launches (at least 2-3 times per week) has at least 2 praetor or secutors. thankfully I killed the Mandator I early on so i didn't have to worry about it getting upgraded.
at the moment, the only thing keeping me alive are 4 fleets that make up most of my unit cap, but i can't build any retaliation forces due to the fact that I am constantly getting hammered by battlecruisers, even subjugators don't last long because around every 2-3 weeks i get a massive attack with a half dozen mix up of praetors and secutors, along with a massive supporting fleet I couldn't even dream of building at this point.
The space force in the future: *Write that down, write that down!*
A good way to prepare and I'd say always do this is put 1 ship to come out of hyperspace first as if your coming from a planet kinda far away the enemy can easily reinforce with a much stronger fleet giving you the option to leave a fight with a max of 1 ship lost. Another thing that's a good idea more so if you can't bring extra fighters (Imp based) is to pull your bombers behind your main force (like a frigate sized gap at most) this will keep most alive while thinning there anti starfighter ships so you can then send them out when you need them most and they'll be more effective as they won't just get massacred
This helped a ton. Thank you.
The best strategy I’ve found is getting an ssd by itself behind enemy lines and destroying all their space stations through auto battles and when you encounter an enemy fleet to just retreat
I haven’t played this in mad long man I might have to redownload it
Should work on my planned vanilla Galactic Conquest play as the Rebellion, most of these.
"Massive fleets" in EaW - laughs in Star Wars Rebellion xD
The game is so focused on space combat that you can even acquire at least ten or more Death Stars as you go on the game, Studio Cosmos.
@@michaelandreipalon359 damn 💀
1:42 What is that praetor class ? Ihave never seen one like that apart from the Thrawns revenge showcase stream. Did they add it to the game ?
Praetor Carrier, its in 3.2
3.3 has a new model for it tho
@@irampagingrhin0399 In the video is it the new model or not ?
@@assaultmodemeliodas5283 The one shown at 3:49 is the old model
Makes see I'm about to get them in my run of Thrawn's Revenge with sub mods.
I started playing yesterday and i tried to learn by playing the tutorial an making strategys on the easiest mode i easily won whit few losses this was also usefull for a bit of time until the ai started bringing their fleet to strategic positions and i had to make my own tactica, I managed to win almost every battle whit a 100 kill rate
I send in smaller ships with support then send in the big guys to surprise the enemy. Many times playing as the empire my smaller ships and fighter carriers go in first and wipe out the enemy fighters while supported by vessels meant to kill fighters and capital ships. Once fighters are nearly gone I sweep in with a sovereign or the eclipse and take out their large vessels with the super laser.
Thank you. You really helped me
Glad to hear that!
Question, why do you have spies in your fleet?
Any chance we can get a video about how to defeat larger fleets while using a smaller fleet, say if youre a faction with less resources to start off with.
Jump in a couple smaller ships on opposite sides of the map, and move them so your enemy is baited into splitting their forces. Then jump everything else in to destroy one of the groups, usually right on top of some of their fragile but valuable ships like dedicated carriers. If there's still too much to reliably destroy both groups just retreat once one is mostly pulverized and return a little later
my favrite tacktic is blitzcriet, always works, just spam your units
If you have way more ships than the other side in a battle don’t send them all in. Fight the battle with most in reserve, and wait to send them in until you’ve taken out the shields on their larger ships, then send the rest in to target the engines while your enemy retreats
I ended up figuring out the best way to reduce territorial losses early on in a campaign of Thrawn’s Revenge.
Move all fleets from worlds first to be targeted back one system. Reinforce them with fleets from worlds that are at little to no risk of being attacked. Suddenly a handful of ships becomes a few dozen that can hold the line and allow you to build up a reaction force with enough heavy firepower to retake the lost systems.
And in the meantime: prioritize entrenching in on the first worlds to be hit. Get factories that can give you the heavy hitting units (artillery, air, etc) set up first, then max out the planetary garrison. The longer this planet holds, the longer it ties up enemy invasion plans for the next system- in my experience the AI hates leaving a system unconquered. Win a few defensive battles on the ground, get a liberation fleet in to clear up the skies, fortify the orbital defences and cycle in a secondary fleet to take up guard duty there. Launch counter attack. Keep the momentum high.
Can youse do a video on how to use the Battle Editor in Thrawn's Revenge? I can get a bunch of ships in there but they are parked next to each other and not formed up in opposing lines. When the battle starts it is just a short range melee.
I think explicit examples would be a good improvement
You got any tips for ground battles?I suck at them :(
Just use the 2,2,2,2,2 system; I use Two Infantry, two light vehicles, two mid-tier Vehicles (that in clues Artillery in either way you have the form up), air units (one or two), and Heavy Vehicles too.
@@StarBornMichael thanks for the tip
Or auto-resolve. Do remember to save beforehand though.
auto-resolve because no one deserves to play ground combat
@@starstudiosRPG no problem man.
Please do a version of this but for ground battles
Best way is to try and take em on little by little.
First time seeing Charlie...looks like James Cordon with messy hair 😂
I also like to build whatever my factions equivalent of a Dreadnaught is deep into enemy territory and just mess with all the supply lines and ship production with a proper fleet pushing forward slowly.
Do you play medium or hard AI in Galactic conquest?
Or Cruel AI?
Usually Cruel Hard AI!
- Charlie
@@EcksToo that too with a Metal baseball bat. To your ships and ground units.
more of these. maybe go more in depth sometimes too? great vid!
More to come!
I enjoyed the video! However, some of the on-screen text was distracting when it was telling something different than what was being said. There were a couple points that I felt like I had to choose between reading or listening.
How do you know the firing arcs for each ship? Like do they fire from the front or broadside
thanks for the tips send in all my stuff at once and die now im stupid about that sp thanks eck have a good day or night
Can we get one of these for Fall of the Republic? I keep running into the problem of CIS bombers just chewing my fleet up and can’t separate enough fighters to keep them off my capital ships so these large battles take a toll
I wish in tr if you defeated an enemy faction's leader they would need like 3 weeks to get a new leader and during that time their units would be weaker since they are demoralized. Would have been helpful since I recently killed both Zinsj and terrace but either suffered ground losses or can't launch an offense bc their ground forces are to op.
Extra pro tip never put you ground and space fleets together keep them on different planets to not lose any
What I would like to see is how to defend against a larger fleet
I have a universal tactic; hit and run with an exuctor and a doom stack of Star galleon for anything visage than an executor
"One size fits all" Yeah, its called SSD, Allegiant, and Victory Is.
Would you guys be able to do one on ground combat? Fleet battles I tend to do well in, but ground battles I am horrible at.
honestly i dont know if i would recommend this but i just create really huge armies and do auto-resolve
Aye I think you would like playing Project Stardust. It’s a sci-fi game about ship combat from Star Wars and multiple other franchises.
How to defeat a big fleet:
Call in an Andromeda with Dispersion-Type WMGs
Just as a reminder, due to their radially symmetric designs, any tactics involving exploiting blind spots will not work against Goa'uld ships in Stargate EaW Pegasus Chronicles.
How'd you get the Hammer Head Sphyrna class Corvettes in the game ? I have the MC75 sub mod..was that not in Thrawns revenge? Or was that awakening of the Rebellion only they have those in?
i always go for a bunch of Star Destroyers only, Empire style.... and im having such a hard time winning lmao
No one but yourself to blame there buddy
@@rominesque2921 yup, now I started going for ISDs with alot of tie fighters for support, the many ties make a huge diff since the rebels cant overwhelm me with fighters/bombers
@@armoredlumberjack1999 Throw in some smaller anti-fighter ships and you can stop worrying about their swarm and focus on making your own
Cool video.
Glad you enjoyed it
- Charlie
Or if your me I take a group of star destroyers and just keep chipping away at the massive fleet and retreating until I know it’s an even battle 😂
Big vanilla fan here. Bombers take out shields, hangers, engines in that order. Fighters and corvettes for cruiser defense.
I have a friend that has played empire at war since it first came out but has never played galatic conquest only skirmish.
How do you convince him to play conquest?
Lol, I literally memed by way through the campaign by simply spamming fighters squadrons (mix of fighters and bombers), it didn't matter if it was a Base, Armada or an armada and defense plattforms. I could abliterade every encounter without wven losing a single squadron and I didn't need to fo anything except klick "attack"
Hey, anyone know why the fine people at eckstoo have a different hud than I do? Do they have a preview of the next version of the mod in their videos or is it its own thing?
We do sometimes ask developers if we can get an early preview of their mod. But because it takes so much time to get to the new content, we ask them if they can provide footage of the new features, just to speed things up. Sometimes that doesn’t always fall into place & can delay getting videos of it out.
- Charlie
@@EcksToo alright, thanks. Keep up the great videos!
What mod or version of Empire at war is it ?
When it comes to Thrawn Revenge:
1. check which ships do what. Heavy turbolasers on vessels do nice hull damage but are not as accurate as medium ones. Check recharge rates on cannons- it's what makes Tector and most importantly Battle dragons so deadly. Ships like Victory-I Star Destroyer have more accurate light turbolasers which allow them to take out smaller ships quickly, while Victory-II packs more heavy turbolasers that do very well against bigger targets.
2. when enemy ship has it's shields lowered target manually most deadly hardpoints there are first. Against an Imperial-II Star Destroyer you want to get rid of their 4 octuple medium turbolasers first. For Imperial-I Star Destroyer you want to take out their 2 double heavy turbolasers and triple medium turbolaser first.
When you defang enemy ship (leaving them only weaker hardpoints) you can leave it on the battlefield and focus on other units. It will make a population block for your enemy, they won't be able to call in reinforcements because that half dead ship is going to clog their population cap.
3. AI is a cheating bastard, that's most likely accurate for every EaW mod. So don't be afraid to cheat back if you're still learning the game or a particular mod.
In Thrawn's Revenge many factions can abuse the hyper velocity gun if you have it built on the planet. Build 2 small, fast corvettes on a planet with HVG, at the start of the defense battle move them each to far corners of the map. It may bring some enemies to them (buying you time to fire HVG more often) or they will ignore them.
even if enemy blows up your station and every other unit you can make those corvettes circle the map, making your enemies chase them while you can use HVG to reduce their fleet severely or win the battle.
That was mostly cheesing, but you can straight up cheat in the game. You can find an xml file with planets, edit it and rise the income for a planet your faction has, giving you more money after you start a new galactic conquest afterwards with that faction. Very useful when you want to play some of the hardest factions in GC like Hapes Consortium, who use smaller units, have a bad placement on the galaxy map and extremely low income.
I like to give my boarding shuttles massive health and 100% success in boarding. That way, I can send five or six shuttles, steal the biggest ships then bring in a smaller force to deal with frigates, corvettes, fighters, and gunships.
is this still the same guy as in the main channel? they sound so different
I just use bombers to destroy shield generators and hangars, i use fighters to destroy enemy bombers and distract enemy fighters from my bombers while my frigates and capital ships put all of their firepower on the unshielded frigates and capital ships.
I'm still confused how the ICS has 20 bomber squadrons after I've killed them all after I destroyed the hangers
every playthrough they stack their entire armada against me, I just setup a kill zone and send the fighters into asteroid field and attack simultaneously and wipe out them out, the rest of the game is basically ground battle sluggishness
Keep Heroes in Reserve
It’s pretty easy, bring a bigger fleet
Can anybody please update which is the latest version and best mod and where to get it from? Its been 20 years since last time i played
If you "tailor" your fleet to what the enemy has at one point, chances is until your tailored fleet is assembled the enemy has already completely changed theirs.
But i agree with the "don´t wait for unit production to finish", better to use several planets to build and then assemble them into one position.
Personally i´m a big fan of fighter fleets to harrass the enemy, best way for that is to play as a Zann Consortium in Forces of Corruption, and build TIE Defenders.
Counterpoint: spam nothing but capital ships and steamroll the whole game.
Vanilla players when
"Huge fleet"
Me on Zsinj campaign where NR basically got all south and repeatedly send week by week several 1500+ fleets with 2500 being biggest.
My EaW looks rather different. Are you using mods?
Not only is he using mods. He's playing Thrawn's Revenge which is balanced so completely differently that the advice would be totally different for vanilla
Tie defender spam
What mod this be?
How I deal with Executor. Spam a butt ton of Victory 2 Frigate.
I wish I could play it on steam
alternatively just use an ssd with support.
Que mod es?
More galactic vs episodes
Wrong, fighters can 100% win on their own. I brought some secutors and I destroyed the Prector carrier, 2 isd1s, several corvettes, a heavy frigate shipyard, Golan 2, and a trade depot. Not counting the shit the stations brought in
* defense in depth.
Why is Eckstoo afk?