Great Horned Owls: The Boring Nest Life...mostly (See description)

  • Опубликовано: 18 мар 2024
  • From when mom owl settled into the nest on about February 6th and up until a few days ago, she and dad owl have kept to a steady and very routine nest life - at least during the daytime. While not my best work, these scenes feel like a good representation of the first month of their daytime nesting period.
    When we saw mom owl in the nest during this period, she was either grooming, (apparently) rotating/repositioning the eggs and sometimes scanning the outside world for threats to the nest. This all probably accounted for less than 5% of the time when she could actually be seen. Most of this nesting time, and especially during inclement weather, she would lay so low on the eggs that, at most, only a few of her feathers could be seen. And sometimes not even that much.
    Dad owl, always spotted during the day in the vicinity of the nest, could also be seen grooming and sleeping, but also always aware of the surroundings and doing his primary job of defending the nest. A few clips in this compilation show dad owl literally keeping an eye on potential threats. And one short clip when he was dive bombed (and even slightly clipped) by some annoyed crows.
    However, the nesting behaviors shown in this video have changed over the past few days. We think they are getting ready for the first egg to hatch. (Or maybe it has already hatched, but just not strong enough to stand up yet; typically 7-10 days) A new video with the latest owl activity should be up within the next few days.
    NOTES: Due to recording during less than ideal lighting and distance conditions, some clips will appear and sound poor in quality. As well, the sound on one clip was muted due to loud conversations being picked up by the camera microphone. (Also, with all the rain we've had here in the past month, I've been able to appreciate the difficulty of holding a recoding camera and open umbrella at the same time - sorry for the shakiness! 😂)

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