I just saw the serial number of this lens in the video. Based on that, it's a non-radioactive one, right? Because i bought a mint one too a few days ago, with 6 aperture blades, it has a serial number above 9 million (9 millin 87 thousand something), and in theory, these aren't the radioactive variants, am i right?
I think the final result concluded that the lens weren't radioactive. In my knowledge, the radioactive ones would resulting in a warmer tone into it. Have fun with the new lens. I know i am 🙂
Those cats are so cute 😍😍😍
Cool video
That Zeiss POP !
Brilliant video- I really enjoyed it! I've started doing the same with my old Takumar 50mm f1.4 lenses.
how do you use the focus?
I just saw the serial number of this lens in the video. Based on that, it's a non-radioactive one, right?
Because i bought a mint one too a few days ago, with 6 aperture blades, it has a serial number above 9 million (9 millin 87 thousand something), and in theory, these aren't the radioactive variants, am i right?
I think the final result concluded that the lens weren't radioactive. In my knowledge, the radioactive ones would resulting in a warmer tone into it. Have fun with the new lens. I know i am 🙂
which is better 50 mm 1.8 Pancolar or Pentacon?
Pancolar absolutely