Appreciating the content! Nearly bought a FA5 with a k24 swap but some things about it didn't feel right, may have to bite the bullet and buy a clean chassis with a hurt motor instead and follow along with the series to do my own replacement lol
If you're not scared to turn some wreches, it's definitely rewarding to save one yourself. Although the hunt for a perfect example can be fun too. Thanks for watching!
Nice job bro 🔥 👍
Appreciating the content! Nearly bought a FA5 with a k24 swap but some things about it didn't feel right, may have to bite the bullet and buy a clean chassis with a hurt motor instead and follow along with the series to do my own replacement lol
If you're not scared to turn some wreches, it's definitely rewarding to save one yourself. Although the hunt for a perfect example can be fun too.
Thanks for watching!
13:58 your millwuakee battery is charged haha