This is one of the best Excellence programs for National Ethiopians Unity ,Pease 🤝 ✌️ ❤, avoid hatretes each other and ethnicity inequalities "Thanks for Mr Melese Zenawi,Sebhat Nega unnecessary , ideological crises ..anyway it is Highly recommended program for Ethiopian Citizens who does not identified by ethnic groups. Keep it up
Currently there are organizations required the ID as mandatory and enforcing users to present it . E.g. DOCUMENTS AUTHENTICATION & REGISTRATION OFFICE of Addis Ababa.
የመኪና ታርጋ ስም ይዞራል Or ይሸጣል Or ONE IDENTITY FOR ALL SELF PRODUCTS ALL IN ONE LIKE INTELLIGENCE HOME ,CARS , SHARES , financial service , health , school , federal cards , e Tax , shoping , hotels , transportation , security , flight 🛩️✈️ , e Social media networks , like thise comments , media share etc...( starting to end place ) PRESENT GENERATION thinking what about CRRAC DIGITAL IDENTITY ይከራያል Or SALES ? "ማሞ ሌላ መታወቂያዉ ሌላ እንዳይሆን like cars ታርጋ ይገነጠላል in Ethiopia so where is traffic intelligence ?
what about civilian have DID or digital identity move to army it’s Chang or update or upgraded the CRRAC digital Identity knowing you'r customers by digital work with telebirr for fast grouse economically , financially , politically , smartly , ethiopicaly , ⭐️ e Technology ⭐️
Addis Abeba Awash Bank ke Nib bank wanawu mesria bet fitlefit yalew krnchaf ketemezegebku 2 wer akababi honegn. Text yidershal alugn eskahun alderesegnim. Min larg?
How is the data safe guarded? What is the guarantee that the data is not sold for B of $. How about the UN required nations to submit their similar data with big and big promises? Is not leading the way to one world government? This man explains what should be perceived. But, did i heard him say " children from KG will require to have this ID" ? Please don't.
በርቱ የሀገሬ ልጆች አሪፍ ነገር ነው ። ስንቱ ወንድም ወንድሙ ላይ እንዲጨክን በሚሰራበት ሰአት እንደእናንተ አይነት የተማረ ወጣቶችን ማየት በራሱ ሀገሬ ተስፋ አላት! የሰለጠኑት ሀገራት የሚጠቀሙበት ሲስተም ነው
በርቱ ህጋዊ ዜጋ የሆነ ሁሉ የሚፈልገው ሲሆን ወንጀለኞች ን የሚያስጨንቅ ትግበራ ነውና በርቱበት።
ድንቅ ጅማሬ። ፈጣሪ ስራችሁን ይባርክ። 🇪🇹ችን ለዘለዓም ትኑር 🙏
Great work!!!!
እጅግ ጠቃሚ ነው..ለሀገራችን!!!በርቱ!!!ሶሻል ሚዲያ ላይ..ተጥደው ሀገር የሚያፈርሱ በበዙባት ሀገር እንዲህ ..ኣይነት.ኣገር የሚገነቡ ዜጎች ኣሉን ብለን..እንድንበረታታ ያግዘናል..!!! ጎበዝ..ልብ ያለው..ልብ....ይበል!!!
ጎበዝ ዮዳሄ በርታ።
This is one of the best Excellence programs for National Ethiopians Unity ,Pease 🤝 ✌️ ❤, avoid hatretes each other and ethnicity inequalities "Thanks for Mr Melese Zenawi,Sebhat Nega unnecessary , ideological crises ..anyway it is Highly recommended program for Ethiopian Citizens who does not identified by ethnic groups. Keep it up
በበኩሌ መታገስ ከዜና ማንበብ ውጭ ሔዳ ቃለ-መጠይቅ ስትሰራ ዛሬ ገና አየኋት።አጠያየቋ፣ እርጋታዋ ብስስስስስስስል ያለ ደስ የሚል ለዛ ያለው ቆይታ ነው።ይልመድብሽ!!!
ለምንድነው ሰው በቁጥር እንድለይ የተፈለገው? ፈጣሪ በስም ነው እኮ ሰውን የምያውቀው። ይህ ለ 666 ጥርግያ መንገድ ነው ፈጣሪ ማስተዋል ይስጣችሁ።
እዉነት ነዉ።
አላማው ጥሩ ሆኖ ሳለ አፈፃፀሙ እጅግ ደካማ የሆነ ስራ ነው። በተለይ ዳታ ከወሰዱ በኃላ የፈይዳ ቁጥር ለመውሰድ እስከ 8 ወር ይፈጃል። ስነምግባር ጭምር የጎደላቸው ናቸው
በክልል ጀምራችኋል
አዎ ገቢዎች ጋ ታገኛለህ
አንባ ገነኖች የጭቆና የማፈኛ መሳሪያ ይሆናል፣በነፃነት ላይ ተፅኖ አለው
ተግባር ላይ ይዋል።
FANO 🙏❤️💪
❤❤tigrai inner circle believes that du'aa Eegumsaa waraannis
Keep up the good work
Ethiopia mashaallha Mashaallha
ቢያንስ ስለ ገበሬ ጥቅም ስታስረዳ አማርኛ ቃላቶች ተጠቀም.
ይሄንን መታወቂያ ለማንኛውም አገልግሎት መጠቀም ይቻላል
ለ ድጅታል መታወቂያ ተመዝግቤ እስካውን አልደረሰኝም ብያንስ ከተመዘገብኩ ከ2ወር በላይነው
በጣም አሪፍ ነዉ ግን ኦ ላኝ መመዝገብ አይቻልም ወይም
መጀመሪያ ክልል ማጥፍት ይጠበቅባችሆል
ልብሽ ይጥፋ
Eyesight for true democracy love and peace Qaamni gaafa barsiiftan duutis Eegumsaa yaadachuun Fayyaan Abbaa Eegumsaa
አይ ብሔራዊ መተታወቂ ኢትዮጵያዊ ሆነን ለመታወቂያ አምስት መቶ ብር መጠየቅ። አንከፍልም አንወስድም ። ባለን መታወቂያ መኖር እንችላለን ።ከበዛ መታሠር ነዉ። ለሀገራችን ቆስለን ደምተን እንደገና ክፈሉ
Make the Registration digitalized. I am not expected to visit your office to complete registration . No need to appoint.
ብሔራዊ መታወቂያ እጅግ በጣም አስፈላጊ ነዉ ነገር ግን ሥራው አሁኑ ከተመዘገብኩ ከአንድ ወሬ በላይ ምልቶኛል እስካሁን ድረስ ማግኘት አልቻልኩም ብዙ ጊዜ በአሁኑ ሰአት ለመሥራት ሃሳብ ያቀርባል ግን ተፈፃምነቱ በጣም የወረደ ነዉ የመጨረስ ጨ ሥራ ብለማመዱ ነዉ ከሐሜት ያድናቸዋል
Currently there are organizations required the ID as mandatory and enforcing users to present it . E.g. DOCUMENTS AUTHENTICATION & REGISTRATION OFFICE of Addis Ababa.
የአይዲ አድራሻ ከተመዘገበ በሆላ ሌላ አድራሻ ተለዋጭ ማድረግ ይቻላል እባኮ መልስ ቢሰጡ
0:08 0:10 0:10
But still they can't send the PIN code
ዐይን ችግር ያላቼው ግን አገልግሎት የለውም
❤competition hojiin since death
ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ የትምህርት ቤት መታወቂያዬን ይዤ ተመዝግቤያለሁ፣ ግን expered ሆነል ምን ማድረግ አለብኝ?
❤❤Hubadhu kufaatii Dammaqaa mokonniin tasumaa Eegumsaatuu Especialisty Fayyaatii malee
Tigrai gaddaa beekaan Eegumsaa dhabee Fayyaan mootee
Tajaajila teessoo digital video
የቀበሌን ይተካል ወይስ ጎን ለጎን ይሠራል?
መታወቂያ ላይ ዘር መፃፍ ለምን አሰፈለገ?
ለዚህ አይነት ዘረኛ የኦነግ መንግሥት አማራን ወይም ሌላውን ዘር መጨቆኛ ዘዴ ነዉ.
አዲስ አይደለም ድሮም ይፃፋል ዘር
ዘር የሚል የለም የመኖሪያ አድራሻ ነው ያለው ስታወጣ አንብበው ፣ አንብበህ ተረዳ
የት ነው መመዝገብ የሚቻለው ቦታው ቢገለጽ?
እኔ እምላቹሁ ፓስፖርትስ ማውጣት ይቻላል ወይ Plis መልሱልኝ
❤gaafa lolaa dubaatti deebituu kanaaf ilmaanirraa oso argin tigrai gaddaa dubarttoonnii Eegumsaa dhabamee lola seentteee lubbuu dhabdee
I wanna to rejestered where is the rejesteral office?
ABEY AHEMED killer 👎👎👎☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
አሻራ የምስጥበት ቦታ የት ነው አድስ አበበ??
እባካችሁ በየ ቀበሌው የሚሆነውን ተመልከቱት
Ani Egan galmaye ji'a sadii olii
After request her no information page
❤❤ give for Getecho Reduced to see Tamara ida'amuun BiranuuNagga kkk Hello patients
አታሹፋብን ብሔራዊ መታወቂያ የገንዘብ መበዝበዣ ቦታ ሆኖል። አምስት መቶ ብር ክፈሉ እየተባለ ነዉ። መንግስት ከፍላችሁ ዉሰዱ ብሎ ለምን በቴሌቭዥን መስኮት አልተናገረም ውስጥ ለዉስጥ ከመሠብሰብ። አንድ መታወቂያ አምስት መቶ ብር ። በጣም ያሳዝናል
ምዝገባዉ የትነዉ?
የመኪና ታርጋ ስም ይዞራል Or ይሸጣል Or ONE IDENTITY FOR ALL SELF PRODUCTS ALL IN ONE LIKE INTELLIGENCE HOME ,CARS , SHARES , financial service , health , school , federal cards , e Tax , shoping , hotels , transportation , security , flight 🛩️✈️ , e Social media networks , like thise comments , media share etc...( starting to end place ) PRESENT GENERATION thinking what about CRRAC DIGITAL IDENTITY ይከራያል Or SALES ? "ማሞ ሌላ መታወቂያዉ ሌላ እንዳይሆን like cars ታርጋ ይገነጠላል in Ethiopia so where is traffic intelligence ?
what about civilian have DID or digital identity move to army it’s Chang or update or upgraded the CRRAC digital Identity knowing you'r customers by digital work with telebirr for fast grouse economically , financially , politically , smartly , ethiopicaly , ⭐️ e Technology ⭐️
Passport lemn ayseram bezi metawokya ayhonm ylalu lemn
Immigration teyikesh/h neber
Lemizgeba min yasfeligal ?
ፋይዳ የምለው ቃል ከየት የመጣ ነው????
@@abrehamalemu8421 ብትችል ትክክለኛውን መልስ ብትሰጥ ምን አለበት፣ አልያ ተወው፣ ማወቅ ሀጢያት አይደለም
አብዘ ሀኝ ወንጀንል ይከላከላል ወጀል ሰርቶ ማምለጥ አይቻልም
Ayiseram eko beteleyi polis ga
Try no justice in ethics violations diinaaf qoosaa hiyyummaa protectect BiranuuNagga Biiroo barnootaa Eegumsii Eegumsii ifaa
Be Inat bank memezgeb tichilalachu ,yaltemezegebachu
Kayyoo ardaa marii mallaszenawii gaafa gzx darbee gaabbiii Eegumsaarraa Eegumsaarraa gurriis looking forward free hoggantoota ABO international
Before years ago 1997 ec 00 idcard ymibal number?????????!!!!!!!??????????.......
❤❤❤no distance from government ifaa barsiisuummaan gzx ? Dhugaaree? Eegumsii Ga'umsa Ga'umsa Dhibee Caqasii kufaatii Biraanuu Naggaa gaafa xiiqii marii dhageenyee? Har'as tigrai Biiroo barnootaa kkkkk
Addis Abeba Awash Bank ke Nib bank wanawu mesria bet fitlefit yalew krnchaf ketemezegebku 2 wer akababi honegn. Text yidershal alugn eskahun alderesegnim. Min larg?
Did you give your fingerprint etc and get a registration ticket? If not did you get an appointment to give biometric data?
❤ida'amuun ifaa Eegumsaa Dr lia Taddasaa maalif Beekumsii Eegumsaa kufee listening dhibeen qabeenyaa dhalootaa form state Education siyaamaa Uumaa DrugIlkaaniin DrugIlkaaniin yaannis hidhaa qabuu mandisni kolfaan dhumnee hiriyyaan qaama miiraatii Qarreenis bultiinis Dirqam Eegumsaa
yeteberew sewy bemot bileyyis???? or Abeddariw bimot enna lijochuu endet mettekem yichlallu??
Mirgi gz Tigrai maaf gaddaa tayee? Kabajaan fi hojiin Dirqamaa Eegumsaa mootummaan hojiin kufee marii arginee MOOYEEE gurriis Eegumsaa don't know what happened to discuss patients
Especialisty ijaa osoo arginee gurriis Eegumsaa Eegumsaa kufee protectect BiranuuNagga injifannoo hawaasaa Diinan guyyaannis Gaaddisaa freehogganttootaa ABO Dhibeen Kaneeraa
❤❤line Dubarttoonnii Qalbiinis waraanaaf diina yeroo mallaszenawii karatti kuftee koottuu proIddoosaa Tarreessaa line dubarttoonnii ProSammuutin yaada,who fighting for true democracy love and peace advocates Drlammaa magarsaa fi DrugIlkaaniin DrAbiyyii Ahmed Dubbisi dhibee dubarttoonnii yaadarraa dhufuu???
How is the data safe guarded? What is the guarantee that the data is not sold for B of $. How about the UN required nations to submit their similar data with big and big promises? Is not leading the way to one world government? This man explains what should be perceived. But, did i heard him say " children from KG will require to have this ID" ? Please don't.
❤ yaadaafi Qalbiinis Sochiin onnee Gaaddisaa ummataaf fayyaan waraanaa hojii Hidhiin qabeenya dubbisuuf ijjis waraanaaf gurruma wal'ansaa DrAbiyyii Ahmed Dubbisi Bultiinis biyyaan =ijaarsa seerrii diigee international injection ida'amuun mandisni Bultiinis political science professor Indiriyaas
Bara tigrai protectect BiranuuNagga maraachinee har'as tasumaa OMN Continues deemsis idol Addunyaaf Raajiidha christ and muslims wal'ansaa Injifannoo Hawaasaa siyaasni Beekumsii Eegumsaa Gadaa Gabbisaa Gabbisaa yaannis waraanaa qabeenyaa wal'ansaa biologist hidhaa qabuu hawaasaa gurriis Eegumsaa diinaatti boonnii fayyaan ifaaScience marii dhageenyee??kayyoon Amaraa
ዘንድሮ ሁሉን ነገር 666 እየተባለ ተቸገርን እኮ ግበዝ 😂😂😂😂
@@seudabaha7827lamin belachu tayku malagtun tidersubtalachu
ፓ ወይ ጭንቅላት ብቃትህን አሳየህ ኮ
ይህ ሰው ሙሁር ነው .... መንገስት ይጠቀምበት ....