[Experiment] Man and Woman Swap Sexist Questions

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • Silly questions that you heard because you were a man or a woman?!
    #giggle #korean #socialexperiment
    Official Giggle :: @giggle_kr​
    [Meet our Cast!]
    YUMI :: @youmd0_0ng96 / / @youmd0_0ng96
    DEVIIN :: @deviinollday / / @deviintaylor2010

Комментарии • 209

  • @chuckpapermaker
    @chuckpapermaker 2 года назад +310

    The more I see Yumi, the more I like her. We all know she is super entertaining, very funny, and beautiful. She is also very intelligent, thoughtful and she seems like a really good person. I think anyone who has her for a friend must be very fortunate.

  • @PriyankaSingh-xs8ib
    @PriyankaSingh-xs8ib 2 года назад +385

    I totally agree with Devin & Yumi , Letting people know their limits is the best thing to do when they ask questions which they think aren't stereotyping. 👏

    • @riftsplitter2159
      @riftsplitter2159 2 года назад +5

      It's amazing how common it is for someone to lack self and social awareness to make comments or ask extremely rude questions like that.

  • @mjhelm2455
    @mjhelm2455 2 года назад +234

    Being from the US, it is refreshing to see young people deal with these social questions and be so honest with their answers. No Kdrama simpering woman, Go Yumi.

  • @jimmychristensen7112
    @jimmychristensen7112 2 года назад +112

    YUMIIIIIII...the queen of giggle 😁 her energy is so bright and positive and her smile can light up a room

  • @noraa.9422
    @noraa.9422 2 года назад +88

    APPLAUSE FOR YUMI🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 shes saying what all girls want to say

  • @justme.11
    @justme.11 2 года назад +179

    OMG!!! 🤬 Telling someone that dressing sexy is why people get sexually assaulted is so disgusting...
    How can you be allowed around other human beings if you think that?
    What's messed up is a lot of people think like that.

    • @alice19th
      @alice19th 2 года назад +31

      This one infuriates me the most as well! It doesn't matter what you wear, man or woman. A person with thoughts to do this horrific thing to someone will not even care what you look like... the person will only care about their dominance and power over you, and their own 'release'.
      People who think otherwise are a big part of the problem period.

    • @deadtoy5360
      @deadtoy5360 2 года назад

      So people are not allowed to be near other human beings for thinking that? Stop your self-righteous extremism. What would you prefer, showing off your freedom to wear sexy dresses wherever you go, or increase your safety by even a small percentage? I will not say the statement is completely true, but I cannot deny that rape can be similar to a natural disaster where you have no control and it can hit you unexpectedly, but wearing more protective gear will increase your chance of survival. Like, wearing shoes instead of high heels for a better chance at escape. Now going around crying and demeaning men about SA and people who think a certain way... is not going to reduce crime rates. You can keep arresting Sex offenders but more will take their place. Like I said, think of it like a natural disaster.
      Yes, you have the freedom to wear whatever you want. But please, for your OWN safety, maybe choose your attire appropriately.

    • @nskfsr
      @nskfsr 2 года назад +22

      @@alice19th Exactly even women who wear hijabs get sexually assaulted all around the world, are they gonna say she wasn't dressing modestly when most of the hijabi women cover their hair and body curves and anything that will make them alluring. People are dumb, they need to learn reasoning skills, even if someone dress modestly it will still happen IF the preparators don't get punished by law and warned by society.

    • @ASH7388
      @ASH7388 2 года назад +3

      I think this is the worst thing you can say to a victim if something had already happen, because it is 100% the predator’s wrong-doing.
      All the predators and criminals should be locked away and be punished, but the reality is that it could be their first crime yet to commit, or they are released from jail not learning the lesson.
      So I think we all have to learn how to protect ourselves, since the best way to avoid getting hurt is to stay away from the danger.
      I was taught to always think in the shoes of my parents/grandparents. Bring a coat, stay with a trusty friend, take an Uber, don’t drink too much, etc.
      Don’t meet the predator halfway by making their crime easier. Just like you shouldn’t flash your valuables in a sketchy neighbourhood. (Not comparing sexual assault to robbery, I’m referring to crime in general)

    • @kashi1457
      @kashi1457 2 года назад +3

      @@blubbyblub88 clothing doesnt matter. a woman can be wearing oversized clothing and still get assaulted. have you seen the photos of the exhibit "what were you wearing?"? it shows how clothes do not matter. yes, it does make sense to wear more "modest" clothes, but that's basically controlling what a woman can wear.

  • @exxie1
    @exxie1 2 года назад +29

    Deviin is chill, he knows how to handle the situation when it happens and not react impulsively. True mark of a grown man, he can be my boy with Kyojun 💪

  • @CottidaeSEA
    @CottidaeSEA 2 года назад +94

    I'm fine with being a typical male, but the moment someone is expecting it of me, it's annoying. I do what I do because I want to, who are you to say what I should or shouldn't do?

    • @shifuxaoen8174
      @shifuxaoen8174 2 года назад +6

      Because being man comes with the role of protecting, providing, helping, installing and administrating God's law and order for the physical and spiritual well being of our families. With such important roles, much is expected. It is not wrong for people to expect things of you; it is only wrong when they are not thankful and/or they are using double standard.

    • @rene3759
      @rene3759 2 года назад +30

      @@shifuxaoen8174 your forget that for one not everyone is religious. People have the human rights and free will to live as they which and you need to respect others and their free will and not cross the line. Also random strangers have not right to expect and enforce roles onto others. Also the meaning of these roles and what they entail have been changing since the beginning of human civilization.
      People need to remeber also they are no God's and have nor right to order others around as if they own them. Mind your business and don't try to control others worry about yourself. Also alot of people struggle to uphold their own personal values and belief without having others role play with them. Personally I think that's an issue of your own insecurity and mental weakness. If you want to role play do it on your own or with people that actually want to but don't go around trying to force others to role play with you.

    • @pinkiebeee2045
      @pinkiebeee2045 2 года назад +2

      @@shifuxaoen8174 In the west we call that "toxic masculinity", everyone should be held accountable for their actions and responsibilities. Because believe it or not, there are people in this world who have disabilities that can't take care of themselves, gender is out of the equation. A man can wear pink and a woman can wear blue, we don't live in a society where it's just black or white.

    • @shifuxaoen8174
      @shifuxaoen8174 2 года назад

      @@rene3759 Only a fool would say that God doesn't exist; with living, intelligent, and complex things and beings to say there is not a supreme intelligent being behind the universe is absolutely and logically absurd.
      Okay so if a man want to r**e a woman he can do that? By your logic we should respect that will, right? If you say no, or that it is not the same, then clearly there is an objective right and wrong way to living. If you say yes, then that just shows that your an evil human being with a skewed perception of reality and have no right to speak on any matter. Also, if you take God, the supreme and objective authority, out of the equation, then right and wrong becomes subjective to each every person; So if a man wants to harm a woman, who are you to say that he can't?
      So then courts aren't allowed to sentence a person for k**ling another person? Or what about a hate crime? The perpetrators have free will right? So why can't they do these things. Hypocrite, you say strangers have no right to expect things of others, so who are you to expect me to respect others? What if I was sadist and get pleasure from harming people, who are you to stop my pleasure. Who are you to EXPECT me not a harm people? I can do what I want right and you have to respect it, by your own logic.
      No they have not changed. Men are still biologically bigger, faster, and stronger than women, and women are still child-bearers and for the majority of their lives they suffer with menstrual pain making them VERY VULNERABLE, usually emotionally unstable, and weak. Therefore it is the duty of all men to protect, provide for, help, and install God's objective law and order onto the community, the family, and the world as a whole. All throughout human history who has fought the wars? The vast majority, if not all, were men. Who has done the hard agricultural work, animal handling, and hunting? The vast majority, if not all, were men. You know why they did? Because men were best suited for the hard, labor-intensive, and potentially dangerous work, and they still are. Because of this, all men are expected to fulfill said roles.
      Again, only a fool says in their heart that there is no God.
      Again your being hypocritical. You say, "people don't have the right to order others around," but then you go and tell me to mind my own business.
      It is wrong, selfish, and destructive for men to not use their biological advantages to protect, provide for, help, and lead in a Godly manner. It is a scientific fact, men are bigger, faster, and stronger than women therefore we have duties that we are expected to fulfill. Any male who cannot step up to that responsibility is doing everyone a disservice. So it is right of me, and any other person, to rebuke childish, selfish, and irrational thought processes and actions.
      Role playing? You mean people holding others accountable to responsibilities, selflessness, and moral uprightness? This is mental weakness and Insecurity?

    • @shifuxaoen8174
      @shifuxaoen8174 2 года назад +3

      @@pinkiebeee2045 I agree that everyone should be held accountable for their actions and responsibilities, but scientifically men are biologically bigger, faster, and stronger therefore us men have a duty to protect, provide, help, and install God's righteous law and order onto society.
      Of course their are some people with disabilities, but this fact only proves my point further. Healthy women are not as big, fast, and strong as healthy men and women are child-bearers/carriers, and have monthly menstrual cycles that make them weaker than normal and that produces pain, leaving them vulnerable, and usually emotionally unstable. Disabilities come with different levels severity but any disability leaves that person vulnerable. Healthy men don't have these same vulnerabilities as women or disabled people, so we have a duty to protect, provide, help, and lead in a Godly manner. I am not saying that males are more important than female; men and women are equally as valuable, and both are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. However, we cannot throw gender out the window because males and females are biologically different giving them different strengths and weaknesses.
      I agree men can wear pink and women can wear blue and I also agree that society is not as simple as black and white but society is, however, made up of male and female who have two different biological builds.

  • @CottidaeSEA
    @CottidaeSEA 2 года назад +82

    I don't understand the "dress modestly" thing. Yes, it might be a reason (though no evidence of it afaik) that you're targeted over someone else, but the fault is still entirely on the perpetrator. The perpetrator would've picked you even if you dressed modestly if there was nobody else around. I don't think the people who say it mean any harm, but it's a misplaced responsibility.

    • @Nonameron
      @Nonameron 2 года назад +3

      I think they might even mean it like that but it just comes out wrong from their mouth. Although there ofc are people who misplace the responsibility

    • @captainkaizo3824
      @captainkaizo3824 2 года назад +15

      Im a Muslim. Believe me. Its still woman's fault if she got raped even if she had covered her whole body. Thats the reason why woman should stay at home. Its still our fault.
      What more disgusted me, when i caught there also Muslim men who really like Islamic modesty clothes fetish. And its still woman's fault.
      I mean, "thats men nature".
      "thats how God created men"
      "no matter what, we men, still attract to our own family members".
      Its your fault for still breathing in this world.
      From Malaysia
      Im sorry for my eng since its my 3rd language.

    • @beany1944
      @beany1944 2 года назад +1

      @@captainkaizo3824 Your English is perfect

    • @CottidaeSEA
      @CottidaeSEA 2 года назад +17

      @@captainkaizo3824 I understand what you want to say, people will blame women no matter what. It's sad.

    • @sigasana441
      @sigasana441 2 года назад +27

      @@captainkaizo3824 same in indonesia. This shit happens too many times.
      However, their reasoning is way stupider/funnier.
      “If you put a fish in front of a cat, do you think they won’t eat it?”
      By that logic, I can sum up that they actually confessed that they are animals.
      And I’m speaking as a man here.

  • @yoongisfoot2890
    @yoongisfoot2890 2 года назад +44

    I love Yumi’s energy

  • @justme.11
    @justme.11 2 года назад +23

    Men who can't handle feelings ask a girl if she's on her period when she gets emotional.
    Usually he's done something stupid and she's upset.

    • @brenna730
      @brenna730 2 года назад +1

      I mean us girls do get emotional on our periods tho lol

    • @justme.11
      @justme.11 2 года назад +12

      @@brenna730 True, though for me, pain and discomfort would make anyone irritable.
      The point is, blaming a period is a low way to avoid accountability.

    • @brenna730
      @brenna730 2 года назад

      @@justme.11 ik it’s not right but periods do make us irrational and some girls like me are moody and hate people

    • @justme.11
      @justme.11 2 года назад +9

      @@brenna730 You're allowed to be moody and emotional on your period. That's natural. Being emotional in general is natural.
      The point is people shouldn't use your period to shame you about how you feel.
      That's unacceptable, emotionally immature and manipulative behavior.

    • @brenna730
      @brenna730 2 года назад

      @@justme.11 I didn’t say it was ok to shame I’m just saying people do get more emotional on their periods

  • @rebekahh350
    @rebekahh350 2 года назад +11

    It was so lovely to see both of them immediately understanding and validating the other's feelings and experiences.

  • @2760db
    @2760db 2 года назад +15

    Deviin and Yumi did really well on this video because you could tell that alot of topics hit close to home, especially for Yumi. It's hard, these standards/cultural norms that are set by Korean society.
    I hope both of them realise that they're perfect as they are ❤

  • @im_just_vidu
    @im_just_vidu 2 года назад +17

    I like how Deviin handle questions. And Yumi💜
    I was waiting until she rip questions

  • @lillycamp8892
    @lillycamp8892 2 года назад +50

    That “are you a feminist” question pissed me off. Wish Korea and Koreans would get to a point where the understand the truth of feminism and that it’s not a bad thing. Everyone should answer that question “of course, are you not? Do you not believe that there should be equality between the genders?”

    • @jfarmerswatermelon6061
      @jfarmerswatermelon6061 2 года назад

      Heard some active Korean feminists are extreme might be the reason why it's still like that

    • @hannaansari2921
      @hannaansari2921 2 года назад +17

      @Jfarmer's watermelon how exactly are they extreme?do they sexually assault or harrass men like men do?do they beat up murder men like men do?No! right?so in what world is asking for basic basic civil rights,security and justice for gender based crimes and exploitation considered extreme by Korean men?do Korean men even know what extreme means or they have some other meaning for this word and why are they so afraid of it?

    • @Blaze72sH
      @Blaze72sH 2 года назад

      I am not a feminist

    • @theshermantanker7043
      @theshermantanker7043 Год назад

      In all fairness the initially actually pretty well received feminist movement back in Korea was wiped out by radical feminism and all sorts of misandrists back when the world was swept by the SJW waves back in 2016, so that's probably why they're having such a hard time recovering. It's actually pretty unfortunate

  • @august2dee35
    @august2dee35 2 года назад +13

    "Only if you've been a bit slimmer, a bit fairer, nose a bit prettier, legs a bit longer, eyes a bit bigger... you would've been so pretty"
    - (exploding inside) Sure why not just get reborn!😬

    • @KxNOxUTA
      @KxNOxUTA 2 года назад +4

      "If you had more character you wouldn't reduce me to my body. That's very rude and superficial, so please consider fixing your character first before you attempt to misplace your misguided expectations onto people around you!"
      .... is the appropriate answer to all those questions.

    • @coralie288
      @coralie288 2 года назад +2

      I've been told the same when I met some Japanese guy in Japan (and a few others too). He straight told me (in Japanese) "I like your style and you have a feminine voice, BUT you'd look better if you'd lose some weight. You should do some exercise and eat less."
      Yep, I never wanted to meet him ever again after that... And that was when I was jogging 8km 3 times a week, and had already lost 30 pounds+ (~US/CA size 14-16 maybe)! -_-"

    • @bettermebetterlife8975
      @bettermebetterlife8975 2 года назад

      You're not his type so why get mad

    • @리리-f6n
      @리리-f6n 2 года назад +4

      @@bettermebetterlife8975 why would the guy say that in the first place. if he doesn't like her then he should keep it to himself

    • @august2dee35
      @august2dee35 2 года назад +1

      @@coralie288 Just spitting anything out of their mouths without knowing anything at all about the other person is the worst human behavior and really hard to put up with. If only people stop trying to assume things and throwing suggestions here and there they would be more humane.

  • @BookNerd4Music
    @BookNerd4Music 2 года назад +10

    I love these two people. Yumi is the best of course. and... PDnim "Please don't rip it"
    🤣🤣🤣 "What's your favorite alphabet?" I have never heard it asked that way, Mr. Devin.

  • @elainabex
    @elainabex 2 года назад +9

    Yumi is whole vibe, I love her energy.

  • @azrin27
    @azrin27 2 года назад +10

    GIGGLE, if next time you do something like this again you'all better prepares some chocolates 😂🤣

  • @memomemo8826
    @memomemo8826 2 года назад +2

    another great video GIGGLE! Yumi and Deviin have great chemistry, fighting guys!

  • @danbuter
    @danbuter 2 года назад +25

    Yumi, you don't need surgery to look good. You're already gorgeous!

  • @caratcake7704
    @caratcake7704 2 года назад +3

    I was raised to be a psychically strong woman. (Not so much mentally though..) lol I lift as much as the men I work with

  • @wariwariatchaoticwonderlan2387
    @wariwariatchaoticwonderlan2387 2 года назад +5

    3:26 For this question I read a suitable answer in some other comment section and I'll quote the same.
    "My day started as I woke up in a pool of blood, want me to end yours in one?"
    Not sure if this was the exact lines.

    • @helenlecornu1651
      @helenlecornu1651 2 года назад

      OMG I love this - hope you don't mind if i take this and run with it, I can think of a person or three that it would work well with 😉😄

  • @user-oy6et8kn1l
    @user-oy6et8kn1l 2 года назад +3

    도시랑 시골은 확실히 다른게 시골도 뭔가 달라지긴했지만 남자와 여자의 역할이 구분되어있어...

  • @loneranger668
    @loneranger668 2 года назад

    Excellent video. Recommend both men and women view this video. Shows how certain societies are so damn conservative that they are not only rude to the opposite sex but shows the discrimination very conservative societies inflict on women. This type of society can make people so angry that someone will eventually get hurt/physically.

  • @an-ku5sk
    @an-ku5sk 2 года назад +3

    Woah I'm so early - I'm second... love from India!!❤️

  • @stevenwild39
    @stevenwild39 Год назад +2

    Rude and inconsiderate questions always seem to come from people who lack confidence or self-esteem in themselves. The world would be much nicer if people didn't spend so much time hung up about themselves and, in doing so, transfer all their self-loathing onto others. Good on you both for addressing stupid questions and comments that should never be spoken.

  • @codewolf444
    @codewolf444 2 года назад +1

    Great video exposing how those questions and attitudes(?) make a person feel.

  • @dazaiosamu3660
    @dazaiosamu3660 2 года назад +1

    I bet this channel is gonna blast within few months, I just get the feeling.

  • @whitexroses7740
    @whitexroses7740 2 года назад +1

    I am early today yayyy lots of love guys muahhh ✨💞💜🌟💫💕

  • @aarushikishore1417
    @aarushikishore1417 Год назад

    5:20 i swear. And I keep saying it. I was told, "in future if you let your daughter do and then they are molested, who will answer? You, right?" But doesn't that mean that they are selfish? Like the guardian is not letting their daughter hangout with her friends in the fear of her getting attacked because then the society would blame the guardian? In that case, are you really caring about the daughter or caring about your own image? In future, if I have a daughter, I would be only sufficiently protective. Not be protective to the point I'm getting her depressed because I'm basically taking away all her freedom. I know that they are protecting me because they really love me and not because of saving their image, but don't they realise that I would rather get attacked than not being allowed to do many things others are allowed?

  • @sanyakhanwani
    @sanyakhanwani 2 года назад +4

    3:00 PDnim already scared that this time Yumi will do the same thing the tearing up of question...😂😂😁😁😁. Again 04:45..😁"Don't rip it. "

  • @ikigai_terapias
    @ikigai_terapias 2 года назад +9

    I had a close male friend give me a similar comment about my weight when he saw a full body picture of me. "Damn girl, you are on the thicker side, no? You'd be a 10 if you lost some weight. I mean no offense like, you're gorgeous but if you dropped some of that, you'd look like a superstar. I'd be all in." It made my blood boil because I have struggled with my body all my life and was constantly bullied since I was a kid.
    So the immediate response was: "I hate to break this to you but I was not put on this good Earth to please you or your eyes. And your opinion was not requested nor necessary. My body, my rules. BYE"

  • @12mulligan
    @12mulligan 2 года назад +2

    Yumi is such a pretty woman.

  • @fascienneskytten5497
    @fascienneskytten5497 2 года назад +3

    idk if this can be use for all body shape but as an unhealthy looking skinny person when someone said "omg you're soo skinny eat more" i'll just say "really? i wanna be skinnier though" the answer might sound unhealthy (whether or not you mean it) but it always shut them up in my case. sometime they even starts feeling bad lol

  • @WishIhadHuisvoice
    @WishIhadHuisvoice 2 года назад +1

    My favorite YUMI!!!!!!!!

  • @U-Gozoo
    @U-Gozoo 2 года назад +33

    Mad Yumi is adorable 🥰🏳️‍🌈😍 I just wanna wrap her up in a big hug and just let her scream or whatever

    • @olivia7759
      @olivia7759 2 года назад +5

      Confirm, ha ha! 😘🤗🌈🇸🇬

    • @theshermantanker7043
      @theshermantanker7043 Год назад

      Wait a minute, if she's screaming while being hugged, doesn't that mean you're breaking her vertebral column?

    • @U-Gozoo
      @U-Gozoo Год назад

      @@theshermantanker7043 no because you would respect her boundaries but what I'm talking about is that hug and that initial struggle that isn't them trying to actually get away it's them trying to stay tough but eventually they allow themselves to feel it... I would NEVER ignore someones personal boundaries

  • @createchannel7498
    @createchannel7498 2 года назад

    i mean if you want to get ps completely up to you of course 😌😌

  • @otae9600
    @otae9600 2 года назад +2

    La verdad, por las respuestas que dieron, aunque estén encontrá de esos comentarios y les molesta, parece que no son conscientes o no están lo suficientemente informados de donde radica el problema de estos, por ejemplo, en el caso de las ganancias de una mujer la respuesta fue muy vaga cuando hay varias explicaciones que podrían haber dado para contestar, por ejemplo que a las mujeres les dificultan el camino para lograr cargos importantes y por lo tanto las ganancias no son tantas como las de un hombre. En el caso de la vestimenta podría haber mencionado que una gran cantidad de mujeres que han sufrido acaso o violanciones llevaban ropa "modesta" es decir, no radica allí el problema, culpar a la víctima no es la respuesta.
    Y así con todas las preguntas, las respuestas fueron vagas y parecían que solo sabían que "estaba mal" pero no el porqué, estaría bien que si sentís que ciertos comportamientos están mal intentarais informaros sobre su trasfondo para saber de donde surgen y tener una visión más amplia para poder argumentar contra aquellos que se dedican a decir gilipolleces como las que estaban escritas en los papeles

  • @TheRainbowDragoness
    @TheRainbowDragoness 2 года назад +5

    The levels of sexism in these are really disturbing. I threw my Shooky at the screen when the read the first question. Koya followed with the question about weight.

  • @heddaleeming5348
    @heddaleeming5348 2 года назад

    "I'm not the one who is sensitive. It's you who are rude.".
    Gonna remember that one.

  • @janhvichaulkar1341
    @janhvichaulkar1341 2 года назад

    Devin and yumi the question were so accurating and I feel bad who really does tht,love for devil and yumi Amazing duo👯

  • @grete.helena
    @grete.helena 2 года назад +17

    Genuine question : Do men in Korea know what being a feminist is? It's literally women asking for equal treatment instead of getting treated worse than men. Most feminists are not some man haters who think they are superior to men.

    • @exclaviachan
      @exclaviachan 2 года назад +1

      That is the "Western" definition of the term feminism.
      Apparently in Korea (and I think a few eastern countries) feminism is more of a "radical" group.
      This doesn't reflect my own opinion. I'm just stating what I've read about.

    • @sigasana441
      @sigasana441 2 года назад +2

      That’s what feminist used to be. Nowadays they have changed to “feminazis” who wants to get all the benefits of being a female + without the responsibilities. Of course, not all feminists is like this. But, speaking from a 3rd world country here, 1st world country “feminists” shouldn’t even complained anything. They are equal/better than how they treat their men.

    • @KxNOxUTA
      @KxNOxUTA 2 года назад +1

      Actually there are several forms of feminism. Feminism is about all archaic feminine and masculine being equal and part of the same balance. You can say yin/yang.
      Now how exactly people are following through on the principle is as liberal or radical as anything and everything in life. No one movement is equally lived by all individuals in all aspects EVER. It's not like that for anything. Not religion, not in political groups, social causes, none of them. People stay individuals within groups even in the most dehumanising settings of them being forced into group dynamics. 🤷‍♀️
      That's why this question is kind of not a question. You may ask if stastistically speaking one of the feminism forms is most practiced in a country or what the on average perception of males is when it comes to the topic of feminism. But both will have very little to do with the truth and with the reality of two ppl talking with each other.
      Actually statistics are kind of pointless on individual scale. They're only useful in systemic settings when one is to decide e.g. what should be addressed and how in order to tackle misconceptions of as many individuals ad possible within a country/area. 🤔

    • @jorgeGDragon
      @jorgeGDragon 2 года назад +1

      There were a lot of huge radical feminist groups in Korea that left a very bad image for the movement, so most people don't understand what you're saying
      Some of those radical groups even attacked idols, guys and girls, and was awful
      There were huge blogs just talking shit about the guys for being male and for the girls for being "sl*uts of the system". They literally acted very misogynistic and misandristic at the same time
      Nowadays they have left (mostly) and the feminist movement are way better than they used to, but korean people (not just male) already had that bad image of them, so now there are a lot of misogynistic, incel, anti feminist groups attacking them

    • @bettermebetterlife8975
      @bettermebetterlife8975 2 года назад

      Bullshit. Feminism has never been about equality. Even the suffragettes.

  • @scottcrosby-art5490
    @scottcrosby-art5490 2 года назад

    Yumi always looks incredible

  • @ashley_1898
    @ashley_1898 2 года назад

    love them both fr

  • @ScoobySnacks7
    @ScoobySnacks7 2 года назад +1

    Yumi is perfect. If she gets any prettier, I'm calling the police lol

  • @larryholbrook5307
    @larryholbrook5307 2 года назад +1

    Hi Yumi my lovely!!!

  • @xaboorma8618
    @xaboorma8618 2 года назад +1

    Please, could you put English subtitles on RUclips too, so I can have the automatic translation in other languages?

  • @shuljii
    @shuljii 2 года назад +2

    early loll

  • @lysharose
    @lysharose 2 года назад

    I agree 👏🏻 on what they are saying 😊 Devin and yumi

  • @kwonderland89
    @kwonderland89 2 года назад

    From one male to another, you are absolutely handsome deviin! I like your style.

  • @Arryhall
    @Arryhall Год назад

    Devin asked the questions with tact and answered them brilliantly. I was very impressed with the diplomacy displayed but who the Hell in their right mind would ask Yumi to change anything about herself? That person needs glasses! She's already awesome.

  • @agrat9110
    @agrat9110 2 года назад

    7:00 if someone asks this I'll be like "YES! YES I AM A FEMINIST!"

  • @NekoKei_FEARNOT
    @NekoKei_FEARNOT 2 года назад +12

    Yumi is the friend everyone wants 😊
    Well at least a loner and introvert would've liked her company more 😅

  • @wariwariatchaoticwonderlan2387
    @wariwariatchaoticwonderlan2387 2 года назад +1

    8:35 I really want to lose my weight for myself but I don't even try cause people keep on telling me to lose it. It feels as if I am doing it for them so I simply ignore it.

  • @nchichuturtlerabbit9987
    @nchichuturtlerabbit9987 2 года назад

    I have heard many foreign girls telling story of their in korea and i think it would be great to let yumi read them, it is crazy how guys hit on them in public😬❤️ like do like korean guys and you know after that....

  • @halakhalid4419
    @halakhalid4419 2 года назад +1

    I love yumii

  • @NevermindHDx
    @NevermindHDx 2 года назад

    4:05 i can confidently say that dudes do not ask each other how long they are. speak for yourself deviin😂

  • @KxNOxUTA
    @KxNOxUTA 2 года назад +4

    The correct answers to "Are you a feminist?/So you're a feminist then?"
    "Are you saying you're not?" 🤨
    "Are you a misogynists?" (You can only be one of both [well, technically speaking hater of all masculine but that's an individual rather than systemic issue]. You either believe in all archaic feminine and masculine being equal and part of the same balance, or you don't! You can go for yin/yang in a more gender neutral way of saying it if you prefer).

    • @firegodessreiko
      @firegodessreiko 2 года назад +1

      You could also just say, "No, I just believe in being your own best advocate." And leave the convoluted crap on the sidelines....

    • @rigierish3807
      @rigierish3807 2 года назад

      “No, I asked because I think feminism isn’t about letting women have the same rights as men anymore, as we reached equal rights and equal pay for the same qualification and hours worked, but is now about how to give to women the same privileges as men while keeping their women’s privileges and denigrating men’s complains about the sexism they undergo, if not straight up hating them, which is why I think feminism isn’t necessary in our current era and that we should focus on small things both sexes encounter daily to make everybody’s life more enjoyable instead of caring only about women and creating nonsensical terms to blame men like ‘patriarchy’ to have a reason to ignore their problems.
      And the simple fact you think not being a feminist is just being misogynist shows how much you respect anybody who doesn’t 100 % agree with you.”… is what I would’ve answered. But it’s just me.

    • @helenlecornu1651
      @helenlecornu1651 2 года назад

      I heard there is a big taboo with being feminist in Sth Korea due to some extreme radical feminists that shouldn't even be called feminists going so far over the top.

  • @ranahelmy5638
    @ranahelmy5638 2 года назад +1

    What is funny is that if we women covered every inch of our bodies even the eyes, we will still be cat called, saw it myself.

  • @amirluqman9982
    @amirluqman9982 2 года назад +1

    Love you too yumi

  • @its_guggu_6304
    @its_guggu_6304 2 года назад +1


  • @16poetisa
    @16poetisa 2 года назад

    5:17 Yumi, the term we'd use in English for this is "victim-blaming"

  • @leidybach982
    @leidybach982 2 года назад

    i like the energy

  • @mrittikamurmu645
    @mrittikamurmu645 2 года назад

    5:15 just wear body Armor then. This is fucked up! This man just ripped it!

  • @rohikumari771
    @rohikumari771 2 года назад

    Yumi is so beautiful and Preety despite the fact that she is annoyed she is amazing

    • @KxNOxUTA
      @KxNOxUTA 2 года назад

      Why despite? 😂 Appropriate anger responses that are properly managed and channeled into good causes has always been attractive!
      Only disproportionate and displaced anger that is mismanaged and funnelled into bad actions is ugly (on anyone and everyone)

    • @rohikumari771
      @rohikumari771 2 года назад

      @@KxNOxUTA No I meant that even tho she is annoyed she is still looking good I am not saying that her being annoyed is unreasonable

  • @taehyung8511
    @taehyung8511 2 года назад +7


  • @jdb6026
    @jdb6026 2 года назад

    As far as I have read online, Koreans seem to see feminism how Vietnamese in the country side typically see all white people: Americans who killed them. We know that not all white people are Americans and that not all Americans kill Vietnamese people. But that's what they have experienced. Their definition of "white" has become different due to their worldview. I think it's the same with Koreans and the term feminism. It just proves that we need to work harder to improve aspects of our movement because apparently, we failed our Korean neighbors in some way. It's a deep and winding, complex issue, so this comment can't cover every aspect. It's all about worldview, experience, and timing. It just so happened that in Korea, it didn't go as well as we would've wanted it to go.

  • @elodididididie
    @elodididididie 2 года назад

    Not allowing men to be sensitive, blaming women for being sensitive... I hope the last generations will raise their kids the right way and that, hopefully, the gender issues will get smaller...

  • @afifavie
    @afifavie 2 года назад

    pls let yumi get another session with this but give it compliments instead. i want to make her feel better too.

  • @Shucasm
    @Shucasm 7 месяцев назад

    Everyone is mad in the comments questions asked for women but no one is talking about the question asked to men ?? Then they claim we are feminist ?? Some of the question asked to men .
    1. How big it is ??
    2. You only earn that much ??
    3. You can't even lift that and called yourself men .
    4. You are petty and cheap if you won't take me to expensive dinner ?
    First question is sexualisation and harrasment.
    Second is directly rude .
    Third is worse than asking if you are a feminist .
    Forth is gold digger . Yet people only mad for women .then they claim we want feminine. How can you want equality but only mad for one gender ?? I don't think the question asked for women is not rude but question for men are also rude then why no one is talking about it ??

  • @nairaiefat751
    @nairaiefat751 2 года назад

    Yumi trying to control herself after reading the questions.
    Pdnim- Don't rip the paper.

  • @type2dk
    @type2dk 2 года назад

    "Are you on your period?". Call me old and out of touch with what is Down/High/Bumping/Hot/Cold or Lukewarm, but I would never ever ask a girl this question, not even my own wife in a fight. It's simply so rude, so aggressive, so degrading, so personal and so inappropriate to ask such a question - It's beneath me I would never ever ask that, not even as a joke.

  • @mariaduda9223
    @mariaduda9223 2 года назад

    I wish everyone could understand what feminism really means...

  • @franklinpolanco2851
    @franklinpolanco2851 2 года назад

    Me being a girl I have been told a lot of things but I always respond with a smile but when I am about to go away I always give them a glare that will give them fear 😽😚

  • @lillycamp8892
    @lillycamp8892 2 года назад +6

    I understand asking both men and woman questions that would be “sexists” towards both, but the sexism women experience is so much serious and detrimental to our life place in society, I wish that would be talked about and emphasized, but I know how conservative Korea is and bad the political climate is and how feminism is viewed as a negative thing, I hope this channel can work against that and work towards your cast understanding the truth of feminism and equality better

  • @357849414
    @357849414 2 года назад

    Yumi is Bae

  • @sonofsarek
    @sonofsarek 2 года назад

    Most of these aren’t “rude” questions. They are questions meant to check rude people. If a man or woman is acting inappropriately, you ask them these questions to make them think about their actions.

  • @omkurudkar243
    @omkurudkar243 2 года назад +1

    Someone start fan or ac for them they are 😓 sweating

  • @orenjineko646
    @orenjineko646 2 года назад

    4:53 The problem with that is the way the sentences formulated. It's not completely wrong though. I believe, the one who committed the crime (e.g. robbery, sexual harassment, etc.) is ultimately the one in the fault, mostly. But wearing appropriate clothing and/or jewelry/valuables in some areas, reduce the chance to become the victim. That is what you called street smart/experience.

  • @lolamaine-fh6xy
    @lolamaine-fh6xy 2 месяца назад

    Lowkey looks like jyp

  • @marayawho
    @marayawho 2 года назад

    I'm happy that I'm early today! 🤧❤️

  • @phanot1762
    @phanot1762 2 года назад

    There is one male friend of mine told me to lose weight by saying "u're too fat, u should lose some weight. U don't look good at all." By the time I heard him say this, I know I shouldn't call him friend anymore

  • @queenofnevers6990
    @queenofnevers6990 2 года назад

    I wonder, people who blame the assault on clothes, do they realise assaults were happening and happen now in all the modest and conservative societies too? Have they ever seen the exhibition "What she was wearing"? Not hard to find to get connected to reality.

  • @Heyguhh
    @Heyguhh 2 года назад

    I would love for yall to do a video on sexual assault and maybe get to meet a survivor 🙂

  • @justtkayleiigh
    @justtkayleiigh 2 года назад

    "Dress modestly"

  • @Littlebodybigbuttttt
    @Littlebodybigbuttttt 2 года назад


  • @wariwariatchaoticwonderlan2387
    @wariwariatchaoticwonderlan2387 2 года назад

    7:22 I am a humanist but you won't understand for you aren't a human.

  • @yamrajji2569
    @yamrajji2569 2 года назад

    I just watched today..

  • @Gemineyestar
    @Gemineyestar 2 года назад

    It's honestly disgusting the way some people think that it's ok to say these things to others. They are either saying it to hurt someone or they were never taught not to be rude. No one asked for your opinion so please keep it to yourself.

  • @Henry_Pribadi
    @Henry_Pribadi 2 года назад

    You all know why I am here right?

  • @namaste9584
    @namaste9584 2 года назад +1


  • @lts_mary
    @lts_mary 2 года назад

    Pov: Each comment you see is talking about Yumi.
    What about Deviin???

    • @Blaze72sH
      @Blaze72sH 2 года назад

      Read this study "Gender Differences in Automatic In-Group Bias: Why Do Women Like Women More Than Men Like Men?" by Laurie Rudman and
      Stephanie A Goodwin

  • @karlaknapper7616
    @karlaknapper7616 2 года назад

    Yumi, do you need a hug? You look sp annoyed. My grandma (RIP) told me that if I smiled more I would be prettier.. ok, thanks Grandma, I will get right on that.

  • @MrCoors68
    @MrCoors68 2 года назад

    If you are a nice man, you will find a nice lady. if you are a bad woman you will find a man that suits your disposition............. a very bad man............ i hope you get what you deserve. ......

  • @Mineko_
    @Mineko_ 2 года назад


  • @deadtoy5360
    @deadtoy5360 2 года назад +1

    I can understand why the older generations call the new generation a bunch of snowflakes. Like the girl is so unnecessarily sensitive and emotional. Like she gets triggered so quickly now because she reads off a few words. I think that's not a sign of maturity, and people should grow more of a thick skin. You may think it, but why act on it and get angry?
    But I can see the trigger words, and how if you subtract some of them, it turns less harmful. But some of these phrases are forcefully inputting those trigger words to get a more aggressive meaning. However, I think even if people nowadays say something along the lines of these phrases might same, they would not include those trigger words or they would get more looks their way. And if you still get triggered to the point of reacting to people who try to say it as nicely as possible, I think you should grow a thicker skin.

  • @chris157
    @chris157 2 года назад

    Yumi you would be prettier if you could talk in english 😁na you are perfect Like you are!

  • @elsicariodetibios6493
    @elsicariodetibios6493 2 года назад

    El progresismo tarda en revelarse, pero lo hace.

  • @sigasana441
    @sigasana441 2 года назад +5

    Most of commenter here are supporting yumi, so time to support the male side.
    “Male are considered judgemental/shallow when they say what they prefer about female, like less chubby or what they wear. Yet female are considered a queen for favoring 6 feet or taller men and making 6 figures.”
    “Male shouldn’t cry”
    “Short men aren’t a real men”

    • @andiuptown1711
      @andiuptown1711 2 года назад +9

      😂 Men shouldn’t cry is a standard put out by other men

    • @firegodessreiko
      @firegodessreiko 2 года назад +2

      Oh, brother. They tell women not to cry too, yanno?
      "Big girls don't cry."
      "No one will take you seriously if you get emotional."
      "You'd be so much prettier if you'd just smile."
      "If you speak your mind, they'll think you're a bitch."
      "If you push for a raise, they're just going to lay you off."
      EVERYONE. Is taught to hide their emotions, regardless of gender or gender norms.
      So just go ahead and cry already... The reason the female side has so much support is because at the end of the day, the biggest thing a man has to worry about is being humiliated for his height (which don't even get me started about the stigma against women's bodies and being a tall lady in general) and the biggest thing a woman has to worry about at the end of the day is getting justice for her rape because she dared to wear a low-cut top. Show me equal risk and you will receive your equal sympathy from the fairer sex.

    • @sigasana441
      @sigasana441 2 года назад +2

      @@firegodessreiko I literally just want to say because lots of people already supporting women side, men need some too.
      Women get way more support when they have emotional breakdown, while men got told to just stuff it up and move on.
      In a family, men are way more expected to support the family while some female can just latch on the economic power of a male. And mostly male with lower economic power aren’t even regarded as potential partner.
      In case of divorce, mostly male gets the blame and all the demerits while it’s not even their fault.
      In case about rape, male get raped too. Either by female or by male. Female can rape male, and there’s no proof too! They can easily get away. Add to it, females can easily accuse the male “rape” them, even though nothing happens, and male will get jailed for that.
      If feminist is all about women being equal, then act like one. You literally just cheapened male so you can push your agenda forward. Or as they say, feminazis

    • @andiuptown1711
      @andiuptown1711 2 года назад +1

      @David Thomas Lol. Whatever you say boss.