Men, Women And Work

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • Have men and women always worked for 40+ hours together in a tiny office? Was this a good idea in the first place?
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Комментарии • 392

  • @Neucher
    @Neucher Год назад +355

    Who else often has or had to physically cringe when family members tell you to "meet a woman" at work. Like do they know that getting rejected is like the good outcome in that situation ? I'm sure people have been fired over that.

    • @doompaul7315
      @doompaul7315 Год назад +92

      It's bad everywhere, but at work it's a proper nightmare. Only boomers and/or people with no stakes in current society would throw that advice at men. There's a reason men react a certain way and the worst thing they can do is listen to gaslight attempts (intentional or unintentional).

    • @MrDaros89
      @MrDaros89 Год назад +75

      Back in my parents youth it was very normal for couples to meet through work. After my divorce my mom asked me why I didn't ask some of the single ladies at my work out, and I had to explain in very simple terms to her, why it's a bad idea in these modern times, and what "don't shit where you eat" means.

    • @Neucher
      @Neucher Год назад +63

      @@MrDaros89 It's not even just that. I have probably watched at least 10 different coworkers soft approach female ones at work. Wanna guess what the rejection rate was ? If you thought 100 you are correct.

    • @Fogwell94
      @Fogwell94 Год назад +28

      It never happened to me, but I know a guy that is working together with his gf. Of course there were tingles and all, but now he is trying to get her to change the job because they often fight and she is always unstable.
      I don't know how it will end up, but I have a feeling that it won't end happily for him. Cause he also told me that she kinda understood what he is trying to do and now is even more mad

    • @davedogge2280
      @davedogge2280 Год назад +31

      All the women I knew and worked with in the 1990s and early 2000s that married a guy in the office are now divorced and one of them told me when I told her that I come from a single parent family 'I don't know why people have children and then get divorced' and there she is in New York with her two kids, single, trying to distance herself from her husband by moving jobs from Hong Kong to New York and her husband making posts on FaceBook about 'toxic relationships', thank god as a younger man, I could spot the faint red flags of a bunny boiler.

  • @astraghost774
    @astraghost774 Год назад +269

    I'm a male nurse. I have seen it all with this topic. Women working with men is difficult. Women working with each other is impossible.
    They make work a nightmare on purpose because they need drama. They can't exist without it.

    • @dzvw
      @dzvw Год назад +62

      It's more to do with them never developing the skills/traits for cooperation, since it's not necessary for their survival.

    • @captnhuffy
      @captnhuffy Год назад +18

      I call it a "Drama Chain" .. it goes around and around. Turning away, walking away, saying "no comment" or "not my business" is the only way to cut the "Drama Chain" --- otherwise you will be walking on eggshells even when you are not carrying the chain.

    • @unknowninfinium4353
      @unknowninfinium4353 Год назад +35

      I also noticed irrespective of the field, they are somehow "Covered" like there is no consequences for their bad behaviour or faults.

    • @palaceofwisdom9448
      @palaceofwisdom9448 Год назад +24

      There's no attention to be had in a quiet environment, and maintaining a strong social standing is women's innate survival method.

    • @astraghost774
      @astraghost774 Год назад

      @@dzvw - I agree that would be a factor

  • @Peter_Parker69
    @Peter_Parker69 Год назад +51

    Children with authority.

  • @RoryMitchell00
    @RoryMitchell00 Год назад +187

    I have also observed that workplaces that become more "feminized", by focusing on making people "feel safe", also tend to ruin collaboration because they inevitably end up with everyone walking on eggshells, and unable to do their jobs well as a result. It also wears on the mental health of the people who work there, and a large number of men are simply quitting and removing themselves from the workforce when they realize how unhealthy the environment is for them.

    • @malicant123
      @malicant123 Год назад +34

      My dad started work in the early 80s as a fabricator. Naturally, there were no women to be had, and the work environment was radically different. Older men used to start work by drinking a few pints of stout, the language was foul and there were even a few punch ups that the boss had to break up. However, they always delivered their work on time.
      I have had a few experiences of an all-male work environment, and it was fantastic.

    • @RoryMitchell00
      @RoryMitchell00 Год назад +26

      @@malicant123 One all-male - or at least predominantly male - environment that is interesting to analyze in this context is the military. I've heard some intellectual discussions bubbling up recently that a possible reason for so much depression when soldiers leave the service is not so much due to the assumed diagnosis of PTSD - after all, it is strange that most don't show any of the associated PTSD symptoms for years during active duty - but instead the hypothesis is that so many experience deteriorating mental health because they lose the most pinnacle sense of belonging to a group, where the goals and purpose of the job are clearly defined, with measurable outcomes for what is expected of each member, and clear demonstrations of what they have accomplished. Once they have experienced that most pure and rewarding of work environments, nothing else can even come close.

    • @Spanu96
      @Spanu96 Год назад +31

      I worked at Bosch, not gonna say where to not be identified. One dude worked for 5 years there, got 2 or 3 promotions, and when he almost got to the third or forth promotion, one woman was targeting the same promotion that my friend deserved, he worked his ass from the bottom while miss Princess got the easy life from the start. She went to HR and accused him for s3x assault, dude got fired, crazy Princess got the promotion. And another thing that Bosch is doing right now is that if a dude quits, no one cares, but if a woman quits she must give an explanation, privately, they assume from the start that she was s3x assaulted (not putting the entire word to avoid any flags), but this happens only with younger women, a 40+ something or above doesn't get the same treatment. That's why I refuse to go back there, or buy any equipment they make.

    • @malicant123
      @malicant123 Год назад +14

      @@RoryMitchell00 That makes sense. The bonds that men would form in a life-or-death situation would be hard to replicate in the "normal" world.

    • @PH-ih1pn
      @PH-ih1pn Год назад +1

      The work environments of 2020s is now about mental health awareness, feeling safe, gender politics and 'equality', avoiding treading on eggshells and feelings, using the correct gender pronouns of choice, female opportunity and empowerment and criticism of anything resembling masculinity. ALL generally female centric traits or subjects that directly or indirectly benefit women over men, that have altered the workplace of the 1970s to what is now just a social place.

  • @SniperKingz
    @SniperKingz Год назад +79

    Before I started working for myself, I had a job at a place a few years back where I was the only male intern among a bunch of girls. I'm not a bad looking guy so these girls would regularly fight for my attention and it was very obvious, with one of them in particular who would always make comments and try to touch me constantly. This same girl went on to almost get some guy fired at her next job because he made an inappropriate comment to her and she complained to HR. This girl had zero problem touching me at work, and making sexual advances towards me CONSTANTLY, but god forbid some guy that SHE isn't into does it to her at another job. The hypocrisy of these girls and how they act is just incredible, and it's a large reason why I now work for myself and just don't deal with workplace crap anymore.

    • @Rctdcttecededtef
      @Rctdcttecededtef Год назад +7

      This may seem like an odd and unrelated question but what was the ethnicity of the woman you described

    • @devonbrody822
      @devonbrody822 Год назад +4

      @@Rctdcttecededtef I'm guessing white.

    • @SniperKingz
      @SniperKingz Год назад +2

      @@Rctdcttecededtef They were all white. White women are the primary beneficiaries of Affirmative Action.

    • @basemanawakens6089
      @basemanawakens6089 Год назад +6

      @@SniperKingz BOOM! The truth pisses alot of people off.

    • @snark567
      @snark567 Год назад +12

      When you constantly treat women like princesses they grow up spoiled. Who would have known.

  • @maxsimon36
    @maxsimon36 Год назад +64

    Female complained about not enough hours. I offered options. 1) leave, 2) tell boss again and ask for more hours, 3) do nothing. Only then did I realise this average lady didn't like any option there, and didn't want to solve her problem. She just needed someone to talk to....
    I disengaged and went back to work.
    We never predicted this type of thing, but we should have

    • @thegaslightneverends
      @thegaslightneverends Год назад +23

      men want solutions, women want to talk for the sake of talking 😄

    @RTFLDGR Год назад +77

    great lesson, Stardusk. I work in healthcare. I am a solo physician. For decades, I hired various women to frontdesk my office. Each female was a shit-show in her own way. One kept the books in-chaos, as only she knew how to manage. I tried my first wife @ the desk. She ran the show, learned the books and assets inside-out, then took me to the cleaners. :-/ blue pill daze... Now I run everything myself, the office is professional, calm and managed. no payroll, no taxes, no drama. Going your own way should include small business whenever you can.

    • @daleva187goligo
      @daleva187goligo Год назад +5

      there was a two and a half men episode about this, allen hires his hot young bimbo gf to be his receptionist at his practice, it was a diaster to say the least, hilarity ensued... it's been awhile since I seen it but there was something about a chimmichanga xD

    • @AnthonyAcello
      @AnthonyAcello Год назад

      First wife? You did it again?

    • @RTFLDGR
      @RTFLDGR Год назад +1

      @@AnthonyAcello yes. I was still blue-pilled. I would not marry ever again. lessons learned.

    • @RTFLDGR
      @RTFLDGR Год назад +2

      @@daleva187goligo That has really happened in MANY doctors offices.

  • @strydom666
    @strydom666 Год назад +163

    One thing I've learned abundantly while working in a office is that women CANNOT work together. I've been in Zoom calls where woman are constantly bickering about trivialities, where I just start playing games on my second monitor and wait around. We were at a lunch with two high-up women in the company (COO and recruitment manager) and when one got more attention from men than the other, the hatred and jealously they showed towards the other were palpable.
    Most of them were manager and bosses of the coding company, yet none of them had any interest to know anything about coding. So in the status report "stand-up", they would just nod their heads blindly while a coder explained the problem presented in a ticket.
    While men who has a disagreement would proverbially shake hands at the end and continue a good working relationship. Women seemed to hold grudges until the end of time. So if they would present a solution like "make the whole UI pink with comic sans", I would just nod my head an do it. The consequences of debating it would be dire.
    If a woman with coding expedience decides to wake up that morning without some emotional problem, undisclosed medical problem , decides not to get pregnant and then go to work. They would be promoted to Senior Programmer instantly. If a women who worked at a toll booth applied for a job, she'd be assigned a managerial role with high pay.
    So most men just avoid contact with women or being honest with them in any capacity, because the dire consequences.
    But even that pales in comparison to how bad they work together. Constant fighting, jealousy, passive aggressiveness, grudges and forming of cliques. This is so bad, that some woman at the company absolutely LOVES working with some men in comparison. The COO at social events comes up to me and wants to give me a long hug, for some reason, and it just makes me feel uncomfortable and awkward.

    • @davedogge2280
      @davedogge2280 Год назад +37

      I wrote about a female 'build manager' for a code base in the comments section above, she had no software engineering experience etc etc and just clicked on a compile button and emailed people but if you didn't give her all the praise and adulation that she thought she deserved she would turn on you. Interesting what u mention regarding something intrinsic within women that they cannot get along with each other. The said build manager woman had an old boss who was the old dominant female in the organization and they couldn't get along with each other and when I asked her why she said 'because the old lady boss thought that she would "take her boys away from her"' (at the time I thought WTF did that mean, was there some underlying sexual status thing going on ?). Anyways the old lady boss left for the U.S. from London and left said code build manageress to her own devices until one day a young new hottie female assistant was appointed to help her and then the jealously soon enused and nastiness between the two women carried on until the end of the company shortly after I left. This was a very young twenty something multimedia company in central London in the mid to late 1990s, it red pilled me very early on in my life.

    • @heavymetal3256
      @heavymetal3256 Год назад +25

      They hate each other, so that's why we should never try to understand them.
      Keep contact to a professional minimum as possible.

    • @xmantrader136
      @xmantrader136 Год назад +9

      Bro imagine having a "boss" like this...I've never experienced so much favoritism, passive aggressiveness, and pettiness. When you have these types of "bosses" it doesn't matter how valuable or hard you work all that matters is how much you kiss her ass or how attractive she finds you.

    • @olympusentertainment2638
      @olympusentertainment2638 Год назад +1

      @@heavymetal3256 It's very easy to understand VV@m3n, they are useless miserable people that destroy anything good and drag whole generation to hell with them, they are not a mistery.

    • @lostvayne9146
      @lostvayne9146 Год назад

      you should take a look at the entire educational industry. Women literally form gangs and produce drama. Doing gaslighting and pushing for whatever they want to happen to happen.

  • @travis3430
    @travis3430 Год назад +27

    Men in the workplace grin & bear things, minimal complaining, minimal fuss. Trying to just fit in, no fuss
    A woman in the workplace, complain about the temperature, complain until they get the easier tasks, create trouble to see what they can get away with, like teenagers

    • @lucianocasanova8924
      @lucianocasanova8924 Год назад +7

      Eh I wouldn't say we men don't complain at all, we just keep it to ourselves and if something starts to make us uncomfortable we either tolerate it or leave like a mature person, women on the other hand get upset over the littlelest things in the workplace, that's not to say men don't, but at least the male mentors will try to raise awareness around your mistakes, with most women you can't even make one mistake without them flipping the sh't out. In fact I will take a male boss over a female one anyday, at least male bosses will be more technical about what's wrong with your work ethic, most female bosses will get all emotional on you and if you make them slightly upset, they may even threaten you with a write up, for a male boss you really have to be overly lazy or be actively breaking the rules and as it should, for them to get to that area of conduct.

    • @travis3430
      @travis3430 Год назад

      @@lucianocasanova8924 you're correct, I moan abit at work, but I wouldn't go complaining to the higher ups, I usually just comment about it & then tough it out. Don't want come across as complaining about every little thing. Work is meant to be abit of a ballache, throughout history it has been anyway

  • @stevetheyardguy1738
    @stevetheyardguy1738 Год назад +48

    A homely looking gal I used to work with and usually chat with daily paid to have her hair permed (or whatever it was) and I told her one morning "Good Morning your Hair looks Nice". A week later I was pulled in the office and told I was saying "Inappropriate" things to the Ladies such as "your hair looks nice" and "when are you getting off work?". I once stayed late and was asked by a female coworker " oh your here later than usual, when are you getting off? and I simply asked the same question in return. Thankfully the male manager knew it was all B.S. and I just kept my head down and stopped talking to the women. Some tried to bait me into Convo and even called me good looking but I never fell for it

    • @fozlurrahman3139
      @fozlurrahman3139 Год назад +8

      I learnt to say bare minimum, mild smile, minimum eye contact and work is the only topic no matter what.

    • @stevetheyardguy1738
      @stevetheyardguy1738 Год назад +9

      @@fozlurrahman3139 Yep indeed. I've done the same and it's like they almost get mad. Kinda like when Women shamed Mike Pense for never being alone in a room with a Woman

  • @toxicmale2264
    @toxicmale2264 Год назад +72

    I had a coworker fired for sexual harassment earlier in February. We were never told what that meant so I just assumed that he just repeatedly tried to ask a girl out. If it was something worse then he would have just been thrown in jail. I was also repeatedly harassed by a girl I kept rejecting repeatedly. I finally listened to the advice some men said and reported her to ethics for harassment. The report was made and it took almost a month for me to hear about it. Nothing came of it because of course there was no blood or bruises on me. The girl kept harassing me so I reported her to two of my managers. She disappeared for a few days and came back ready to harass me.
    I was walking from one area to the next when I spotted this girl just staring at me and giving me a very big smug smile. I went up to her a few minutes later and just flat out rejected her in front of another coworker. She went home called the police. The police officer didn't even tell me why she was there. She was just told to talk to me for info. I told her my side of the story and nothing happened. She didn't lecture or warn me, she just told me that I did everything right.
    The very next day ethics called and told me that I was harassing this girl. The very same guy I reported this woman to. He told me that she was not interested and that I was harassing her. So I told the man that there is no problem because I have been avoiding her since she started working there.
    A week later, the main manager tells me to avoid this girl for my own safety. In other words, she is pissed off that I got away with rejecting her. If it wasn't for the fact that I am very productive or that I ghost everyone, I would have been fired.
    Here is the kicker. The girl is a 4/10. She is overweight. I bet she gets harassed by men a lot.

    • @devonbrody822
      @devonbrody822 Год назад +18

      That shit got me angry.

    • @princessmarlena1359
      @princessmarlena1359 Год назад +5

      That is so wrong. She calls the cops on you, and tries to get you fired, yet she believes that she is the “victim”? Ethics and management are White Knights for not firing her after this. I hope you can find a better job.

  • @uomodonore245
    @uomodonore245 Год назад +59

    I got barred from a restaurant that I was a regular at for no other reason than a couple of the waitresses there arbitrarily decided I was "creepy" and the male manager barred me without question. What a patriarchy we live in huh? At far as work goes, work from home instead of an office if you have it as an option.

    • @xmantrader136
      @xmantrader136 Год назад +6

      Wait why would they just kick you out like that? Were you staring at them or something? Tbh knowing how emotional and feelings based they are they probably thought the worst even though you were just minding your business.

    • @snark567
      @snark567 Год назад +1

      They just saw that the was below average looking and they found him disgusting. The male manager was probably simping for the women. Men simp for women that they won't even get a chance to sleep with, I think it's just a leftover instinct from times long gone.

    • @maxhatush5918
      @maxhatush5918 Год назад

      @@snark567 should’ve dumped a fresh basket of fries over the sluts and the managers faces

    • @Whitetiger187
      @Whitetiger187 Год назад +5

      I had a simular situation with a swing dance venue in a nearby city. I thought I was friends with the guy putting it together and I went mostly to show support for his small dance group. But most of the people, especially the women, were really snooty and snide, and the dance teacher (other than the owner) was a fedora wearing white knight who had a major ax to grind with me, despite me trying to be friends with him. One evening when the owner was out of town and he barred me fron coming in saying "there has been some talk about you, you make the women uncomfortable...." What's worse I got in contact with the owner to ask him what was up, and he took sides with the dance teacher.

    • @uomodonore245
      @uomodonore245 Год назад +6

      @@xmantrader136 Actually, I never really paid attention to the waitresses that got me barred. They just decided I was "creepy". Most of the girls there had no problem with me.

  • @easter_sunday
    @easter_sunday Год назад +49

    Many will acknowledge that being around women in a work environment can be an utterly miserable experience unless you are a Chad or a Tyrone.

    • @basemanawakens6089
      @basemanawakens6089 Год назад +17

      It can be miserable for them too...females who feel ignored or not wanted can be a threat.

    • @JDogB-tc3lx
      @JDogB-tc3lx 6 месяцев назад

      Yes, ignoring a girl that likes you can be a death sentence for your job. Good luck arguing with the biased hr department or your feminist boss.

  • @marcooos9874
    @marcooos9874 Год назад +42

    In my African tribe a man would build his wife a house and then build his own house. Men and women never lived in the same house and never worked together.

    • @thegaslightneverends
      @thegaslightneverends Год назад +25

      a lot of us think that if it wasn't for the procreation urge, men and women would never really interact/live together. we are too different and we fundamentally dont like each other

    • @clarkkent8286
      @clarkkent8286 Год назад +23

      @@thegaslightneverends Because it's true. We're really just tolerating each other for the sake of preserving the human race

    • @Neucher
      @Neucher Год назад +3

      Where are you from?

    • @marcooos9874
      @marcooos9874 Год назад +14

      @@thegaslightneverends The way my ancestors lived made so much sense. They respected biology and did not fight it.

    • @marcooos9874
      @marcooos9874 Год назад +8

      @@Neucher Kenya.

  • @DrmCom2003
    @DrmCom2003 Год назад +44

    Nowadays when I work, I prefer to be alone. I ended up quitting my last job because the office politics changed and I was dealing with an HR department that was useless and supervisors that loved to tell me how to do my job, but couldn't do it themselves.

    • @WickedParanoid
      @WickedParanoid Год назад +21

      > supervisors who love to tell you how to do your job but can't do it themselves
      Isn't it the norm in any company nowadays though?

    • @DiogenesDworkinson
      @DiogenesDworkinson Год назад +15

      Key to supervisors is to be boring... NPC boring... Have like 3 stock phrases, or even just one, to greet them, and ALWAYS greet them FIRST whenever you see them. Do it BEFORE they greet you, and stop working to talk to them. Give them a dull, cheesy joke, emphasis on dull, and botch the punchline slightly... But act like you got it right. Also, keep dragging the conversation on past its natural conclusion, but not by more than a minute, and keep it to small talk. Be wholesome, friendly, and really, REALLY boring... They'll learn to avoid you and let you work. You will train their brain to avoid you.
      Also, make sure you are actually doing your job when left alone. It's carrot and stick, or potential job loss...

    • @DrmCom2003
      @DrmCom2003 Год назад +2

      @@WickedParanoid It is, just the level of stupidity used to be more bearable because at least they still cared about doing their jobs and did it decent. This new staff is just useless

    • @Mr_M.
      @Mr_M. Год назад +2

      @@DiogenesDworkinson This is legendary advice.

    • @DiogenesDworkinson
      @DiogenesDworkinson Год назад +1

      @@Mr_M. Would that I could claim it as my own, but it's part of being a Grayman. Basically, becoming invisible in plain sight via the purloined letter effect. Habits take about a month to form, and after that you can pretty much coast with only very minor tweaking.

  • @DaaWood998
    @DaaWood998 Год назад +52

    So based. The worst co-workers I've ever encountered in my entire life were the females that weren't sexually attracted to me. It's really that simple. The best times of my education time were in high school, when my class was 90% male. If I decided to go to the University of Science, it would probably be even a better time of my life, but I chose a regular uni instead. Also, when there's too many women eg. 50/50, men start acting toxic as well.

    • @ab-oj9wv
      @ab-oj9wv Год назад +8

      It only takes 1 woman for men to be toxic, if she's attractive enough.

    • @christopherrobin7776
      @christopherrobin7776 Год назад +5

      And if they are attracted to you and you even politely turn them down, you need to walk around on eggshells anyway. I should know.

    • @DJKidd301
      @DJKidd301 Год назад

      @@christopherrobin7776 facts, either u g@y or you a predator 😂

    • @olympusentertainment2638
      @olympusentertainment2638 Год назад +1

      VV@m3n corrupt men and their behavior so that they don't look bad in comparison.

    • @christopherrobin7776
      @christopherrobin7776 Год назад

      @@DJKidd301 You are projecting your traits. You should be locked up.

  • @glenhicks8483
    @glenhicks8483 Год назад +71

    "Having women work with men is like having a grizzly bear work with salmon dipped in honey."~Patrice O'Neal

  • @lordteezzus3811
    @lordteezzus3811 Год назад +31

    In my country I take a lot of ubers. I like to sit up front and have a lil chat. One question I always try and ask is their worst type of client. Always without fail it's the same answer. Young women (late teens & 20s). 2nd worse, older women. Mostly begins with little things like asking politely not to eat in the car or not to brush their hair etc and then boils out of control to the point where they have to try get them out the vehicle.
    The one time I had a female uber driver mind you I had to ask her to pull over. She'd told me that the price I see on the screen at the end of the trip isn't the actual price and that all drivers today are adding an extra ($..). Obviously it was straight up bs. Her voice started to raise when I checked her and when I asked her to pull over she refused. Her words translated were something along the lines of "Next thing you'll be saying is that it's woman drivers given you stress". This told me that I wasn't the first she'd been having issues with. First person I'd ever given 1 star and blocked on the app to never pick me up again.

    • @olympusentertainment2638
      @olympusentertainment2638 Год назад +4

      I had a friend that stopped Uber because of VV@m3n, particularly in the night getting orders from night clubs.

  • @digitally_ascended_conscio6304
    @digitally_ascended_conscio6304 Год назад +51

    Ah the good'ol days of going to the office before Chad-19 started. I remember a HR main matrona in her 20s, 5.5ft, over 250pounds. Red hair and all that jazz. Always angry. She even walked in a angry way, when the lockdowns started and we were sent to hybrid work, she has rage quit the job because of the toilets at the office. Yes, because one was for Men and the second one for women. She found that super offensive and infuriating. Made a public rant on the matter on the company main channel. Imagine the entire world going into lockdown, a new situation, nobody knows if the virus is deadly or what's gonna happen. You have the luxury of working partly remote and you rage quit because the toilets are male/female.

    • @davedogge2280
      @davedogge2280 Год назад +7

      go woke, get broke !

    • @apreviousseagle836
      @apreviousseagle836 Год назад +2

      Did she want unisex bathrooms or something?

    • @digitally_ascended_conscio6304
      @digitally_ascended_conscio6304 Год назад +10

      @@apreviousseagle836 The problem is, she didn't know what she wanted and it's our fault xD I remember someone asking her what's wrong with not unisex bathrooms? -because there's a separate one for (disgusted tone) men!
      -ok ok and if we make a unisex one?
      -noo because that would include guys in one room with us!
      -...k, and if there was only a female bathroom will that solve the issue?
      -no because it's not inclusive
      And so on, like debating with a 5yr old.
      One guy made fun and went into the womens room, some gal panicked and made a fuss about it, and the dudes were defending him (for shits and giggles) that he identifies as a woman but will start his transition 12 years from now, kek.

    • @apreviousseagle836
      @apreviousseagle836 Год назад +1

      @@digitally_ascended_conscio6304 Ok so she basically wanted no bathrooms for men. They are supposed to hold it until they get home I guess

    • @snark567
      @snark567 Год назад +4

      Literally argue just to argue, she probably woke up on the wrong side of the bed and wanted to virtue signal about something to win some social brownie points but since she's a brainlet she chose a topic she couldn't even elaborate on.

  • @dorstefan
    @dorstefan Год назад +10

    Sometimes women show interest at work towards a man in order to be able to scream harassment.

  • @Flexible_photon
    @Flexible_photon Год назад +81

    I successfully had a FWB at work and broke up with her while maintaining a friendly relationship and a professional relationship without anybody ever finding out. She also had spent some time in a psychiatric facility at one point. I can't tell you how lucky I feel that I got away with all that unscathed.

    • @amadiohastruck4331
      @amadiohastruck4331 Год назад +3

      Holy sh*t

    • @redpillsatori3020
      @redpillsatori3020 Год назад

      I once banged a girl I worked with, and then she started bragging to people at work about me doing her in the A and P size (other co-workers told me)..soon after that the manager approached me asking if I needed to disclose the relationship.. Thankfully nothing happened. I, too, got lucky.

    • @DiogenesDworkinson
      @DiogenesDworkinson Год назад

      WTF!?! WHY!?!

    • @Flexible_photon
      @Flexible_photon Год назад

      @@DiogenesDworkinson cuz me so horny

    • @davedogge2280
      @davedogge2280 Год назад +9

      @@pmthert523 weren't you red-pilled with the part where the women broke off with you just when they were leaving the same company you worked for ? that's an extremely strong indicator of the fickleness of women, just keeping you around when it suits and benefits them etc etc A potential cautionary tale for say, marriage ?

  • @thegaslightneverends
    @thegaslightneverends Год назад +21

    why is it that all-male workplaces are very successful, but the opposite doesnt work? is there something fundamentally wrong with women?

    • @ArcaneTricks
      @ArcaneTricks Год назад +1

      Yes. Women are designed to stay at home and raising children. Not working.

    • @spiritofalaska
      @spiritofalaska Год назад +23

      because men are more capable of doing the actual work, taking less days off even when sick. Women can´t work as much as men they just don´t put in the hours. having female coworkoers who don´t pull their weight is exhausting

    • @dzvw
      @dzvw Год назад +13

      I think it has something to do with our evolutionary history.
      Men learned to cooperate to take down large beasts. For men, cooperation is beneficial to survival, and so that trait is passed down.
      Women that garner the most attention can have access to better men. For women, cooperation is not beneficial to survival, so the trait not passed down.

    • @hebanker3372
      @hebanker3372 Год назад +1

      Yes.Paid labour is a concept invented and developed by male minds.Throwing women into it is like throwing a muslim in a hindu temple and expect him to go along with it.

  • @blackpanther67
    @blackpanther67 Год назад +41

    This is one of the most important topics for men (especially younger men) to seriously consider under the current climate. I myself have suffered from nearly EVERYTHING you've listed on here Stardusk. Well done for covering this as intricately & articulately as you have.

  • @moto-nut8052
    @moto-nut8052 Год назад +6

    Male Nurse here. My department 80% women. 98% of all work drama is female generated. They treat me like gold, I get shit done, been there a 25+ years. I get along with most of them, but I like to fly below the radar. Work long enough with lots of woman and you will be red pilled.
    The worst place to work in the hospital is Labor and Delivery - and this is because its almost 100% women, with the exception of the Male doctors. One of my female friends at work transferred to L&D to pursue her lifelong dream of being a labor nurse, she lasted 6 months. It's THE MOST TOXIC environment, some of the shittiest women you will ever see. Truly, cruel and mean to each other.

  • @lazzloshiva8509
    @lazzloshiva8509 Год назад +15

    Nearly getting "meetood" once in college and once at work has def left a bitter taste in my mouth. Been keeping my distance and head down since.

  • @Torgo1969
    @Torgo1969 Год назад +12

    Veterinarian here, female-dominated profession. I have dodged a few bullets while dealing with younger women in the workplace making gay innuendoes at me and more direct hints. Monk mode FTW.

    • @Deadhumour0
      @Deadhumour0 9 месяцев назад

      Young monk here (22) about to step into the den of IT work. Wish me luck.

  • @ShutingFromTheSky
    @ShutingFromTheSky Год назад +19

    women like to report you to HR

    • @redpillsatori3020
      @redpillsatori3020 Год назад +5

      It makes them feel "empowered" lol

    • @davedogge2280
      @davedogge2280 Год назад +4

      HR is yet another big problem at the workplace, mostly female dominated. Apparently in the UK in the 40s-70s say, HR departments were ran by men, semi-retired RAF types that could sort out the wheat from the chaff etc but were fair; those days are long gone now. In my first job out of university I quit after 9 months as the company was awful and they treated me bad and the HR department went on a hysterical siren like pursuit of me, harassing me and berating me at every given opportunity down the phone and during the exit interview etc even threatening me with bad references etc (this was mid 1990s), in the end as a young man I put my foot down and told them that enough was enough and to stop this tirade as I was a graduate who had been missold the job role at interview stage, treated badly and had sought out new opportunities elsewhere just like any other reasonable person would. They tried right until the bitter end to march me out of the building WITHOUT my belongings and I refused to go without them. The company folded 3 month after I left and the HR lady who was a nasty piece of work towards me didn't work again in 22 years, I think they knew that the company was going to collapse and having people leave was going to cement that and they were taking out their frustrations on me, a young graduate.

    • @Rctdcttecededtef
      @Rctdcttecededtef Год назад +2

      It's the equivalent of school girls running to the teacher to tell on billy

  • @creat0r84
    @creat0r84 Год назад +16

    I've gone from working for local councils with majority older women, which was fine, to generic office work with women my own age and the difference is night and day. I'd end up actively avoiding the girls my age and stick to working/talking to other men or women older than me, but this gets picked up on and you're considered rude at best and being dragged through HR at worst.
    The best thing I've done is move towards work requiring physical labour (scaffolding, labouring etc.) Vast majority of people are men (have a guess why) who you can actually have a laugh with, which is a breath of fresh air after working in environmentally oppressive offices.

  • @latetotheparty184
    @latetotheparty184 Год назад +11

    I worked a 25 year career as a RN. I found from nursing education on through all the jobs I worked, that I did well not with the support of women but DESPITE them. I was often out of the loop as far as information of promotions etc went around, I was held to different standards for sick time and time off, I was requested so often for heavy lifting that my back was permanently somewhat damaged. I got out of the hospitals and into private duty at the end of my career.

    • @olympusentertainment2638
      @olympusentertainment2638 Год назад

      I just don't understand you men working in an environment when it's OBVIOUS that these VV@m3n are exploiting you and you still do it and worse, for 25 years, jeeez, I just don't know.

  • @erikwade3668
    @erikwade3668 Год назад +9

    I once had a woman tell me during her evaluation counseling that she was the cornerstone of our organization because she maintained our spreadsheets. I told her that it'd be great if she could go ahead and come in on Sunday.

    • @daleva187goligo
      @daleva187goligo Год назад +4


    • @jakesu8264
      @jakesu8264 Год назад

      And how did she respond? Did she go batshit crazy? Lol

    • @erikwade3668
      @erikwade3668 Год назад +1

      @@jakesu8264 She'd seen the movie. We had a good laugh.

    • @jakesu8264
      @jakesu8264 Год назад

      @@erikwade3668 That's great to hear!

  • @cj548
    @cj548 Год назад +9

    This is the first time in all of human evolution that men and women have interacted on a daily basis

  • @lordofgingers
    @lordofgingers Год назад +20

    Great video.
    That story that guy told on my community post was brutal. It makes me wonder if I either
    A) Got really lucky with the women I work with or
    B)They have a higher opinion of my looks than I think they do and so I can talk to them about stuff.
    Either way, so brutal.

    • @lordofgingers
      @lordofgingers Год назад

      @@j.d.hibbitts7564 not quite enough that they want to smash, per se. but enough that they let sh!t slide 😂

    • @thinking-ape6483
      @thinking-ape6483  Год назад +6

      @J.D. Hibbitts He IS THE Chadslayer after all!

    • @thinking-ape6483
      @thinking-ape6483  Год назад +14

      The height factor definitely helps you there; you tower above them. Hard to hate on someone that tall.

    • @lordofgingers
      @lordofgingers Год назад +7

      @@thinking-ape6483 truth. Perhaps it really is just the height then. Crazy

    • @bidu2331324
      @bidu2331324 Год назад +3

      You're no so ugly they hate you but you're ugly enough they don't see you as an option. They will treat you like the gay friend if you listen to them and aren't "weird" (socially inept) or "creepy" (don't know your place and try to get romantic with one of them.) As soon as you break one of those two rules theyll change up on you VERY quickly.

  • @lord.of_iron
    @lord.of_iron Год назад +14

    Red onions? Childs play. Try nuking cold salmon at work, broseph. At least then you can just blame the women in H.R. for not being more hygienic.

    • @thinking-ape6483
      @thinking-ape6483  Год назад +10

      You are a legend, Lord of Iron!

    • @lord.of_iron
      @lord.of_iron Год назад +2

      @@thinking-ape6483 lord of cardio and mobility today, hurt muh friggin back 😭

    • @redpillsatori3020
      @redpillsatori3020 Год назад


    • @thinking-ape6483
      @thinking-ape6483  Год назад +3

      @@lord.of_iron Those injuries creep up on you as you get older; gotta train smarter the older you get!

    • @lord.of_iron
      @lord.of_iron Год назад

      @@thinking-ape6483 the Iron is slowly going to the wayside in exchange for calisthenics. As long as my bar game and handstand game stays intact I'm a fairly content bro, bro.

  • @ChrisNeptuneMusic
    @ChrisNeptuneMusic Год назад +3

    I was a teacher for 12 years in an elementary school that was dominated mostly by middle-aged women. Luckily I knew how to deal with them, although it still wasn’t fun. However, my colleague, a male contemporary of mine, became the target of these vindictive women, because he was very outspoken and lacked patience, and the women knew this and took advantage of it for their own entertainment. They would always rat him out. This, along with the terrible custody battles he went through after a torturous divorce, sent him over the edge…his red pill rage landed him in jail, and now his ex-wife will probably use that to convince his daughter of what a terrible father he is. Of course, all the women at work who made his life and career stressful now feel validated, and continue to talk about how terrible he is. Those women are insensitive, ruthless snakes, and they don’t care about how their actions affect the men in their lives. Not very feminine at all. When younger female teachers started to come into the school, I just left them alone, because I assumed that they would just end up turning into witches eventually with age.

  • @GriefTourist
    @GriefTourist Год назад +6

    We took the wrong turn decades and decades ago!

  • @yearofthegarden
    @yearofthegarden Год назад +13

    This message is very much in parallel with what I have been thinking about lately. I work in a female dominated industry, small scale agriculture, and farmers markets which the customer basis is about 90% female over 40. I have recently moved my business and joined the only other single male farmer in the area, who has been struggling the past couple of years due to annual turn arouns of female workers. For me I've been working by myself as a solo male, while 90% of all the farms around me art female owned, the thing is every one of those farms is financed be either their husband, or their parents. For me, I struggle to keep a property more than 3 years, and also since I cannot financially get ahead enough to hire anyone, I have devoted myself to learning new production skills, such as hydroponics and mycology, in order to stay ahead and create my own niches beyond those other female owned farms, which never adapt of have any new advancements because they purely do not require to, because they get higher recognition in retail sales in the same way that instagram models recieve higher praise, and they have no over head concerns about viability, because they are front loaded by some hard working male or family member.
    For me, now that I am essentially going to be the leader of three female interns next year, these thoughts come up often as to how am I going to deal with them, how will I be able to look at these girls without them trying to emotionally undress between us. I am very genetically fortunate, as I am 6'2, blue eyes, long eye lashed, 160lb, also being knowledgeable of skills in agriculture has become trendy recently, which makes me a romanticized target, which is why i never tell strangers what I do for a living. It's so bad because if I let myself get be romantic with every intern who felt lonely in a new situation, I would have 30+ bodies on my belt, but I stopped dating interns a long time ago, and once told an intern girl that as a means of explaining why I wouldnt be with her when she invted me into her room, and it lasted as a rumor that "He hates interns" for about 6 years.
    I've been contemplating what I am going to say to my boss when the time comes to work with his chosen young female interns again, because I have been me twoed already, an ex girlfriend said I grape d her and told all of her co workers, just because she didnt have the stomach to break up with me, and later invited me on a hike so she could vent about how she got cheated on by the guy she left me for.
    There seriously is a need for society to segregate the sex es, but until it is engrained in our social construct, saying such a thing will be attacked by the typical perpetrators. For me I have learned to live with it, I just don't date anymore and instead flirt with everyone in the way that they cannot put a finger on me or control me. I built a new personality over the last decade of doing farmers markets, I know everything about dealing with women and being able to milk money out of them while they stand silently trying to get my attention as I load their shopping cart with my produce. I even did a gardening class last year and had 10 intern girls, and it went so smooth that I was flirting with the ugliest one of them infront of all the others, which drove all of them crazy.
    The one thng to consider if you've read my whole ramble is that young men are not easy to work with either, as they will usually test you in the beginning very hard, while females will generally test you more consistently even after you've passed their test. Young males will test you in order to initiate a heirarchal placement for themselves, while ladies test to make sure you're still healthy enough to follow.

    • @yearofthegarden
      @yearofthegarden Год назад +5

      ps. sorry for the long message but I recently got a bluetooth keyboard and am testing it on my phone, it's pretty cool

    • @unregierbar7694
      @unregierbar7694 Год назад +2

      Very depressing to learn that even in agriculture women get their easy mode.

  • @codenamenazareth2892
    @codenamenazareth2892 Год назад +16

    Oddly enough women who are perceived as not really attractive tend to work more effectively together. I've done assignments with groups of women who people would consider nerds and geeks or just the ordinary pious girls and they are less likely to squabble at each other and actually do the work. Though they do tend to be too ambitious on things without looking at the 'logistics' so you kinda have to question them and tell them to reconsider the details before proceeding.

    • @no_guarantees
      @no_guarantees Месяц назад +1

      Ugly ducks keep up mess too, don't be so novice.

  • @stevetheyardguy1738
    @stevetheyardguy1738 Год назад +9

    The Code Word for Karen's at Work should be "Red Onions"

  • @pokemercenary6511
    @pokemercenary6511 Год назад +5

    Fellas, if you don’t kiss women’s 🍑 at work, you WILL have grievances engineered against you.

  • @victorashul
    @victorashul Год назад +15

    the title of the article of the all-female business is "Catfights over handbags and tears in the toilets. When this producer launched a women-only TV company she thought she'd kissed goodbye to conflict..." and you can still find it.. it's on the UK dailymail

  • @davedogge2280
    @davedogge2280 Год назад +33

    Looking back to my experiences in offices in and around London, it's not been great working with women, those that are roughly at the same organisational level in terms work role were at best patronising and at worst bitchy although there were a few that as bosses weren't too bad taking the role of matriarch looking after her 'boys' (underlings). I got an early wake up call as a young man in a young company in a mainly male presence software company where a young woman (Harriet) with no engineering experience out of the blue was promoted to build manager (she clicked on a button to launch an app and complained via email if the program didn't compile), she bad mouthed my friend 'Justin' there to the 'obsese pig boss' from Australia due to an out of work matter regarding the acceptance of a rental property which she was due to leave; he was marched into his office and berated being called 'dishonest' and 'irresponsible for putting Harriet into a situation where she lost some of her rental deposit' - I think she left before the rental contract was due or something - anyhow he left the company 4 weeks later as he saw no future for himself anymore despite being a talented guy. So since that moment I was very wary of Harriet who was a sort of quasi-boss (pseudo boss, had the wage, the title but not the skill, abilitiy etc), I stayed well away and avoided but unfortunately she noticed this and pressed me regarding why this was so and finally one day in my naivity when I got fed up of it I truthfully told her why, i.e. because of what she did to Justin, throwing him under the bus for something that was outside of the office, why bother with someone who has the big bosses ear that cannot be trusted etc. anyhow she went crazy, screaming at me and stormed off, no explanation or justification for her actions whatsoever and of course since that moment the big fat Australian big boss did everything possible to put be down, freeze my salary, disincentivize me with bad work etc. I then realized that working for a young, multimedia software company wasn't all it was cracked up to be and all it took was a couple of people at the 'top' with power to ruin it for other people, I then left to do software in investment banking, as I decided that if work was going to be unfair and unpleasant I may as well get maximum pay out of it, the company I left went shut down 7 months after I left and Harriet went on to do something completely different (think along the lines of 'craft') where she part time also promotes international business ethics with fair trade (in a government comittee) - oh the irony of it all to have a woman like that try and promote fairness at work in the third world.

    • @DiogenesDworkinson
      @DiogenesDworkinson Год назад

      Best thing to do is LIE... pretend to be married, wholesome, dull, overworked and too busy to socialize for more than a wholesome, dull, cheesy dad joke. Pretend you like them, don't make them dislike you... But be wholesome, dull and "married" to a fat woman who floats in other (boring and nondescript) imaginary circles that keep her (regrettably) too busy to meet them. It's your beta invisibility cloak... Women won't destroy imaginary wife's beta as long as you keep your head down and mouth shut.
      Remember, your always HAPPILY "busy" with work and wife, not unsociable... Even if you're so "busy" that it makes you unsociable.

    • @davedogge2280
      @davedogge2280 Год назад +7

      @@DiogenesDworkinson that's a great tactic i.e. put a ring on your finger at work and pretend to be the everyman, far too busy, unavailable and pre-ocupied with your own little bubble back at home to be of any threat to people in the workplace. BUT that has a downside, the stress of holding up the deception at work, what if you get found out via people at work that bump into soemone that knows you outside of work ? what if there's an accident at work with you and your family need to be contacted, the stress is not worth it.

    • @digitally_ascended_conscio6304
      @digitally_ascended_conscio6304 Год назад +6

      You just can't make this stuff up, people create the most ridiculous situations.

    • @DiogenesDworkinson
      @DiogenesDworkinson Год назад +8

      @@davedogge2280 depends... I only work burner jobs, w-2 gigs rather than careers... Learned my lesson, 20 hours pays my bills, so no stress for me. The key is to just not give a shit. You want a career and live near family? Maybe an issue... Maybe not. I'd treat it like a game, but that's not for everyone.
      As for emergency contact, I put the local hospitals number. Nobody checks. You'd be amazed how self-absorbed and lazy people are, to the point of willful incompetence. Nobody cares, at least not beyond gossip. If you're boring, you're not gossip. However, if they do ask... Your wife worries, so your emergency contact is your dad so the missus doesn't crash because you got a paper cut.
      Remember, the devil is in the details... So avoid details.

    • @Dinoslay
      @Dinoslay Год назад +6

      As much as they claim to be treated unfairly by men, accountability nonetheless is kryptonite to the types of women like the described Harriet person.

  • @s6laju00
    @s6laju00 Год назад +20

    I think it's logical in some environments, where both have a common role to play (hospital), but offices especially just become less effiicient with needless drama / gossiping.

    • @dzvw
      @dzvw Год назад +4

      You say that, but there's that stereotype about female nurses...

    • @s6laju00
      @s6laju00 Год назад +2

      ​@@dzvw It is important to aknowledge whether that stereotype is being upheld by society or women themselves. If the scandinavian gender study is to be believed, it's the latter.

    • @olympusentertainment2638
      @olympusentertainment2638 Год назад

      Why hospitals, can you elaborate?

    • @s6laju00
      @s6laju00 Год назад +1

      ​@@olympusentertainment2638 I think it would be difficult to have for example a fully male occupied hospital, since it requires a lot of nurses and the vast majority of men aren't interested of that role.

  • @DarknetDude
    @DarknetDude Год назад +7

    I'm very grateful that you mentioned a certain aspect of your story. You're like me. You prefer to keep to yourself. I have the sensible conclusion that I'm not at work to socialize, I'm at work to work, and people will perceive you with standoffish and I'm at a point where I don't even care anymore. People form whatever silly, little conclusions they want to form about you, no matter what you do.

  • @oldfriend327
    @oldfriend327 Год назад +6

    I have had many jobs with them in BOTH private companies and governmental agencies. The problems go light years beyond just seggual harrasment claims. They only think and act from how something feels to THEM, as an individual.
    Anybody ever worked for a governmental agency in a Blue State/City? You will witness oceans and oceans of agency/company time wasted in ways that no man would ever be allowed to continue doing, ever. They are experts at starting a conversation/gossip a full 20 to 30 minutes BEFORE their lunch break. Time that could have easily been used to return calls, emails, putting an effort into some other issue, personnel management, or God knows whatelse. The only job that I had that was 95% male was the only environment that even when people didn't like each other, they found ways to push through that for TEAM GOALS.

  • @cedricm5153
    @cedricm5153 Год назад +12

    I've had this thought for a while that men and women generally need to be separated in work and school (7th grade and up) environments. This would eliminate many of the issues both men and women complain about, in these areas.
    I also believe they should be separate in society, unless they are to marry and plan to have children.
    Women demanding that men change for them will always result in their own misery.

  • @0k859
    @0k859 Год назад +6

    Been watching red pill stuff for at least three years and I made the change to work surrounded by men 2 years ago. Couldn’t be happier man. I keep women far away from me unless it’s for one use and my life has only gotten easier

  • @izaakullian9779
    @izaakullian9779 Год назад +6

    This might just be cope, but it seemed as though women and men are able to work together more effectively in the science and engineering fields. Because those kinds of jobs require certain analytical skills, it tends to weed out those who are more likely to cause drama.

  • @RandomInternetDog
    @RandomInternetDog Год назад +7

    This is why I work in the most male dominated industry there is.

  • @mynameisspike4086
    @mynameisspike4086 Год назад +5

    I work IT for a state agency that's filled with women. My biggest concerns is having to go into offices when it's just them and I (Doors always open and I leave ASAP), and touching. I'm reasonably muscular and constantly have ladies move up to my side and eventually squeeze my arm or pat my shoulder. I stand parallel to them now, always facing them, and shuffle constantly to maintain distance. Some try though but I'm not losing my 16 year career because they're lonely or arrogantly think this is OK.
    Patriarchy indeed.

  • @pendlelancashire
    @pendlelancashire Год назад +3

    *Bringing women especially younger women into work was the most intense irreparable tragedy of this era. It has induced grave economic difficulties for men. Hypercompetitive male suffrage and male on male employment persecution to appease female colleagues as well as incorporation of antimale tactics. Very sad. Deeply painful.*

  • @Daltonson
    @Daltonson Год назад +4

    I still don't see why guys don't just claim they're gay. It's like a social bullet proof vest.

    • @dorn885
      @dorn885 Год назад

      I qm in the Social field. I should really do this.

    • @hebanker3372
      @hebanker3372 Год назад +4

      Because most men have been raised by their mothers to be workhorses for women,selling them the dream that latter love them.A gay man is dangerous because he isn't a woman's slave.That's why they use the ''you must be gay'' insult so often.

    • @jonesy66691
      @jonesy66691 Год назад

      Because then you will be required to listen to their bullshit.

    • @toxicmale2264
      @toxicmale2264 Год назад +1

      It's like degrading yourself just to not become a target. In a way it would help protect you against women, but it would also cause your coworkers to treat you inferiorly, especially the males. There is a reason why people call you gay as an insult. It's not a position of power but a position of inferiority.

    • @Deadhumour0
      @Deadhumour0 9 месяцев назад

      @@toxicmale2264modern problems require modern solutions. Even as unfortunate as the solutions may be.

  • @augustlion5105
    @augustlion5105 Год назад +8

    I'm definitely not very attractive, but I'm very nice and really funny at work. That has the benefit of having the women really like me and want me around, but my kind demeanor makes it so none of them are attracted to me. It's perfect for ghosting in plain sight.

    • @euridionvult7814
      @euridionvult7814 6 месяцев назад

      ˝but my kind demeanor makes it so none of them are attracted to me˝ They trully are iredeemable sociopaths aren´t they.

    • @euridionvult7814
      @euridionvult7814 6 месяцев назад

      ˝my kind demeanor makes it so none of them are attracted to me.˝ They trully are iredeemable sociopaths aren´t they

    • @euridionvult7814
      @euridionvult7814 6 месяцев назад +1

      ˝my kind demeanor makes it so none of them are attracted to me.˝ They trully are iredeemable aren´t they

  • @LiamLoves
    @LiamLoves Год назад +5

    The new art style for your videos is really cool!

  • @sorryociffer
    @sorryociffer Год назад +7

    A better phrase is “Don’t put your meat 🥩 where you make your 🥖…

  • @ChrisWhalenCPA
    @ChrisWhalenCPA Год назад +15

    In the past 35 years in my CPA practice, of course I've seen environments with a lot of men and women working together. It's interesting though that women were very feminine many years ago and that made a big difference when working with men. But today women are extremely masculine and the men are becoming more feminine. So it's a very interesting situation and not as problematic as it used to be. Again women in the workplace and women in general have become much more like men and so there aren't as many gender difference problems as there used to be.
    But definitely there are still some problems. But I advise my mail clients just to keep a low profile, which is always a good idea anyway, and just perform as good as you can. As upper management will recognize the hardest working people and that'll give you a great job security and better advancement in the future.

    • @tonydiesel3444
      @tonydiesel3444 Год назад +1

      The people at the top in this world are gender inverted they run the show FTM and MTF they operate off of system of Duality the law of reversal their God is the opposite of normal people's gods they practice teaching us through entertainment gender role reversal they are trying to turn us into them by normalizing it one step at a time I imagine they will tell us very soon that they are gender swapped they already do it indirectly in movies shows songs entertainment with their names their names are mannerisms usually Hollywood is based off inversion presidents are inverted first ladies are inverted Sports Superstars are inverted you know like them tennis players hint hint we live in a backwards upside down world because of the people who run the show they are everywhere

    • @ChrisWhalenCPA
      @ChrisWhalenCPA Год назад

      @@tonydiesel3444 that was fantastic. Do you mind if I borrow some of that in the future?

    • @olympusentertainment2638
      @olympusentertainment2638 Год назад

      VV@m3n have become more VV@m3n like, there is no such thing as '' masculine VV@m3n '' , men cooperate with each other more often then not VV@m3n don't , men make this VV@m3n destroy things, spare me with this male cope of VV@m3n are more like men, what an insult.

  • @le__graveuronyoutube
    @le__graveuronyoutube Год назад +2

    I work cleaning at a mall. I just keep to myself exactly for the reasons you describe. It's better just to do your job and plug along than risk getting into trouble for whatever reason. I've learned this. I actually used to be an HR problem, now I've learned to just keep my mouth shut. Lots of women who work in the stores.

  • @captnhuffy
    @captnhuffy Год назад +7

    Where I work , at least the people are highly professional (high tech, high pay, high ability to see who is incompetent) My problem is that my family sets me up!!! common for them to set me up in front of a group... sometimes they have even set me up in front of other family members ... more than once they have set me up so that my parents are there!!! Outrageous!!! They confuse my wisdom, boundaries and Stoicism with complacency. My family consistently under estimate others (unlike the workplace) ... basically they are low IQ and socially narrow minded. When I openly shake my head at their stupidity they take it as a personal insult... tough shift!!

    • @Humongous_Pig_Benis
      @Humongous_Pig_Benis Год назад +1

      If they are toxic to you and you are doing well professionally, consider getting away from them. Anything, any family gatherings, weddings or so, politely refuse, Oh I can't, I'm working...

    • @captnhuffy
      @captnhuffy Год назад

      @@Humongous_Pig_Benis 100% !! Thankfully I have extended family some few that arent so FUK'd up as the older boomer / ex-druggie / knuckleheads / sjw mor0ns ... We hang. mtn bike, motorcycle, camp, hike, rock climb, (some trade stocks too) and all kinda other stuff. Thanks for your well wishes!!!

  • @softsouthernknight
    @softsouthernknight Год назад +2

    Men have to keep the relatoisnhip with ladies all transactional. Strictly business. Never ever sleep with a lady from the workplace.

  • @-haclong2366
    @-haclong2366 Год назад +3

    02:00 Complete strangers in general have avoided working together in the past, not just males and females.

  • @joeshugabowski1444
    @joeshugabowski1444 Год назад +6

    Its ovah for officecels and wagies

  • @Tommy-t1g
    @Tommy-t1g Год назад +3

    I'm studying for an accounting degree and in my Faculty (Economics) we're 5 dudes in a group of 25-30 students. So at least 80 % are women. People who work accounting in my country are 83% females. Wasn't bothered to pick anything else, knew the ratio was like that. Good chance i won't even work in this area when i graduate, but if i do oh boy..

    • @Humongous_Pig_Benis
      @Humongous_Pig_Benis Год назад +2

      I have a very intelligent friend who in his classes was made a "spontaneous open court judgment case" like an actual trial because he studies 5 hours every day after classes and didn't help out the majority of lazy waman. He had to change university for the last year because the environment was dead toxic on him.

  • @crusadergrel4343
    @crusadergrel4343 Год назад +2

    i just lost a job as a janitor because of female management bro really don't want things to continue being the way they are

  • @Apostate_ofmind
    @Apostate_ofmind Год назад +2

    women working, is also bad for women.
    Notice how once you used to be able to only have your husband work and that was normal, you could afford normal things.
    Now a single income (of lets say factory job, unskilled but average labour) household is "poor".
    Why? the law of offer and demand.
    Yes, demand has increased, with more jobs being made, but not as much as the offer of labour given by literally doubling the workforce, almost overnight (this the war, women had to start working, but they didnt stop when the men came back).
    Now employers can literally pay you half as much since there is twice of the working people.
    And single people cant afford life easely, because of this. Single parents even worse. And so they have to marry the state for support. And in fact, in certain cases, they are even pushed toward doing that, actively, by people working for the state. And this is also affecting certain ethnicities more than others.
    Single people used to be a minority, now they are a majority. So once they used to benefit from a job that payed double, while having less expenses. Not anymore.
    Also think about it. if both work, someone else has to be paid to be with the kids and the house: which means you need to make MORE than double to account for that. Its unsustainable, not even to mention its strangers raising your kids, its strangers touching your house.
    For being the "feminist" revolution, it sure damaged women a lot.

  • @JustinDiazJokes
    @JustinDiazJokes Год назад +1

    No way!!! Im an electrical engineer and women are toxic af there too. I would say hypergamy x1000 since they think their degree means anything. I tried dating a coworker that would say she ‘hates drama’ but would constantly seek drama. I dodged a massive bullet by cutting her off. I see her now miserable as hell chasing chad that doesnt want her. Its everywhere. No profession is safe. Also the ‘daddy issues’ thing is a myth. Even girls that have a father figure are broken

  • @moosa86
    @moosa86 Год назад +1

    This talk is so true. I am in my 30’s and deep in debt for a healthcare field education that I spent my 20’s acquiring. I’ve been out of the field for 5 years now due to being fired twice by female supervisors and noticed the female gossip, laziness, and inadequacy while working.
    I’m not pursuing a career in the trades specifically because it’s male dominated and have learned my lesson to not work with women…
    Things used to be much simpler when society abided by traditional gender norms…

  • @starc.
    @starc. Год назад +3

    this vid could be titled - Surviving Our Savage Species

  • @-haclong2366
    @-haclong2366 Год назад +4

    09:05 This is why you archive EVERYTHING.

  • @jasonscala5834
    @jasonscala5834 Год назад +2

    Men blew it by allowing them out of the kitchen.

  • @steveburke7675
    @steveburke7675 Год назад +2

    In an office full of women even a very average guys attention will be sought...not that she has any interest in him...she just doesnt want him paying attention to the other women and god help the point that you could lose your job, if you do.

  • @ShiceSquad
    @ShiceSquad Год назад

    Every day I reflect upon your red onions incident and count my blessings that my home office career has woked out so far.

  • @stevensheppard9245
    @stevensheppard9245 Год назад

    Thank you for the very interesting insight, Stardusk. It contributes a lot to one of my favorite topics: debate with Taliban on Western practices offered/forced on their society by westerners. The main argument of Taliban is that all suggested practices have huge side effects, and the West doesn't know how to deal with them. The main Taliban suggestion is: when you find out how to remove side effects, please then come and try again.
    As for the reason for such female behavior in a work environment, it's the same old-time hypergamy. They are not wired to stop looking for a better partner by themselves. It should be a strong outside force: a hostile natural environment or the society.

  • @jlall4467
    @jlall4467 Год назад +3

    I hear that the World Cup tonight the referee will be a woman. I'm going to watch it because I'm interested in seeing how the players will act differently to the referee. My hypothesis is that they will be walking on eggshells, which will be quite difficult in such a high stress environment.

  • @carbonite1994
    @carbonite1994 Год назад +2

    I have had a similar experience to you in the education field. Aside from the bare minimum of small talk (which you have to do or else you're unfriendly or whatever) i pretty much keep to myself. However, I'd say i'm better-than-average looking, and a few of my co workers have given me a vibe over the years, but I never did anything because of the "crap where u eat" thing. Also, i think sometimes I have gotten preferential treatment from female supervisors. I did not complain to HR lol...

  • @UrzuaTroskenia0369
    @UrzuaTroskenia0369 Год назад +2

    Cooperation is somewhat organic to both sexes in a survival setting unless it's an enemy/threat, for domestication sake of livelyhood it's your life/existence if you want to be a persona or come as you are...anyone else notice no one meets the opposite sex relationship interest in a public setting on their own time these days anymore (I swear the last time I recall live interactions for asking out chicks was at 18 back in 04), it's so cringe be it at a work place or institution, you can't really be yourself not mention the risk involved with shiting were you eat.

  • @meganabaja
    @meganabaja Год назад

    Thanks for what you do Thinking-Ape.

  • @princessmarlena1359
    @princessmarlena1359 Год назад

    I’ve come forward to vouch for male coworkers who were falsely accused of S.H. from female coworkers. I’ve been called a “pick me”, a “traitor”, or “not a girl’s girl”, but I don’t care because what’s right is right, and it’s right to come forward to exonerate the falsely accused.

  • @MichaelAMVM
    @MichaelAMVM Год назад +2

    Then problem women don die at the age of ~67, so pension situation is a nightmare.

  • @counsela9240
    @counsela9240 Год назад

    Real men work outdoors. What’s with men sitting in offices?🤷🏽

  • @chernobylsvideoarchive3418
    @chernobylsvideoarchive3418 Год назад +2

    8:35 have you tried the wayback machine? Sometimes it contains snapshots of certain URLs. I sometimes use that to access older articles and tutorials. Godspeed

    • @Humongous_Pig_Benis
      @Humongous_Pig_Benis Год назад

      There's a comment above saying that the article is still up and online.

  • @townofsalme
    @townofsalme Год назад +3

    Thankfully I'm going into stem lol

  • @FumblsTheSniper
    @FumblsTheSniper Год назад +1

    I work in a female-heavy field, especially my department. If you are even as ugly as me, it’s best to just completely forget about meeting someone. It’s ended so many peoples jobs for no reason, including mine. Instances where it does work are pretty rare. Thankfully I’m at a point in my career where it’s mostly single dudes and married women focusing on careers.

  • @saberbo89
    @saberbo89 Год назад +3

    Thinking ape 👏🏻👏🏻

  • @gabriellang7998
    @gabriellang7998 Год назад +6

    Human specie has been around for tens of thousands of years. When you use words like: "in previous times(...)" please mark it as "recent history" as in "last few thousand years".
    Hummies back before bronze age lived in tribal familial groups and men and women did spent most of their time together apart from men going out to hunt and women going out to gather.
    Our "natural" setting is constant interaction between the sexes in friendly tribal environment, not being locked at home and interact with one another under supervision of family and spouses.
    You try to present modern reality in dark light by comparing it to relatively brief period of religious tyranny that lasted only fraction of our specie existence. Please compare it in longer term, otherwise you are ignoring a lot of stuff that evolution gave us over that "longer term".

    • @gabriellang7998
      @gabriellang7998 Год назад +3

      @@user-bs7lj3th2v True, we should look forward instead of crying about past perfect.
      Also, on the curious note:
      Some anthropologist once calculated, that back in ye olden days, human populations were so small and nature so abundant that on average it took tribal person around dozen or dozen and a half hours per week to feed themselves.
      The rest was probably spent on maintaining tools, making new ones, and chilling out around the fire, dancing, singing, telling stories.
      I believe that these later things can still be achieved today, at least as a regular events :)

    • @Ergeniz
      @Ergeniz Год назад

      @@gabriellang7998 I disagree. Our ancestors residing in small tribal communities does not correlate with males and females being in 'constant interaction' with one another. If anything, it seems the farther back in history we go the more acceptable it was for the sexes to self-segregate socially. Even if we assume it was true, there's still good arguments for the separation of the sexes (although I still think women should be forced to work).

    • @gabriellang7998
      @gabriellang7998 Год назад

      @@Ergeniz You only need to learn more about our past to understand that segregation of the sexes in small tribes could not be enforced or even beneficial.
      Certain evolutionary features provide many hints regarding the past live. Dunbar's number (if accurate), for example, gives us an approximation of the size of social circle. Dual mating strategy of females and selective pressure towards height and looks gives us another. Birth ratio of men vs females tells us men were always expendable. Shapes of certain appendices and concealed ovulation hints that intimate interaction between males and females were common and polygamous in nature.
      Sure, there are taboos, there are gender specific rituals and ceremonies to enforce social cohesion. But in one tribe there was no separate cave for males and females. When they were sitting around the fire, men were not sat around one and females around another. When they migrated, they were not moving in separate bands either.
      Tribes moved around, they traded with neighbors, they followed wild game etc. They did this as a tribe, not as a female-tribe and male-tribe.
      Separation of the sexes past natural physical predispositions is a relatively new invention in human history, and one that didn't necessarily brought that much good (see India and how arranged marriages affected height and general iq of the population), but that was expected - men of them books tried to override nature, with no understanding of what human nature really was.
      And while I agree that human condition is something to understand and overcome, not exactly to embrace and cherish, understanding must come first if we are to realize what exactly needs to be overcome and how to do it best.
      Locking women inside homes and making them go crazy and then allowing them to unleash their craziness on innocent, hard working husbands was not a good way forward. Happy wife, miserable husband.

    • @Ergeniz
      @Ergeniz Год назад

      @@gabriellang7998 I literally said I think women should have to work. So where did you get the idea I want the traditionalist ideal of a homemaker from? I also noted that even if I was mistaken about previous hominoids in regards to sex segregation it still doesn't mean we shouldn't segregate now. We don't live in those times anymore, nor in that environment anymore. So your argument about 'back then' still is weak at best.
      We live in a heavily interdependent, increasingly techo-dependent civilization. And in the context of this environment there is strong evidence to support sex segregation. No, I'm not talking about religious or ultra-conservative nonsense. I'm referring to studies on how boys in male-only schools consistently score much higher and exhibit better behavior. How male only work environments consistently outperform mixed and women only counterparts. And so on. Who cares what happened on the planes of Africa amongst homo erectus and cro-magnons? Our concern is the paradigm here and now.

  • @AlainDelon1
    @AlainDelon1 Год назад +5

    12:21 Can you please give some examples of these kinds of jobs?

    • @BackToRouter
      @BackToRouter Год назад

      Just look up the male to female ratio per jobs.

    • @BackToRouter
      @BackToRouter Год назад +5

      All of the below jobs are supposedly 95%+ male dominated.
      1 Vehicle technicians, mechanics and electricians
      2 Carpenters and joiners
      3 Electricians and electrical fitters
      4 Plumbers and heating and ventilating engineers
      5 Metal working production and maintenance fitters
      6 Mobile machine drivers and operatives n.e.c.
      7 Large goods vehicle drivers
      8 Fork-lift truck drivers
      9 Elementary construction occupations
      10 Glaziers, window fabricators and fitters
      11 Floorers and wall tilers
      12 Electrical and electronics technicians
      13 Electrical and electronic trades n.e.c.
      14 Construction and building trades n.e.c.
      15 Paper and wood machine operatives
      16 Design and development engineers
      17 Taxi and cab drivers and chauffeurs
      18 Telecommunications engineers
      19 Skilled metal, electrical and electronic trades supervisors
      20 Painters and decorators

    • @Neucher
      @Neucher Год назад +11

      @@BackToRouter skilled labor basically

    • @BackToRouter
      @BackToRouter Год назад

      @@Neucher Yep, pretty much.

    • @mrmanio4935
      @mrmanio4935 Год назад

      nights, but it's a hard job for the body and the mind. also, I work with girls too, but its different in the night :]

  • @chernobylsvideoarchive3418
    @chernobylsvideoarchive3418 Год назад +1

    4:53 Chad: "Guess I'll eat my own poop"

  • @boondoggle4820
    @boondoggle4820 Год назад +6

    Let me say from the beginning that I know a lot of shallow, immature guys, and I know that unless there’s some external constraint, like a law, stopping them from doing so, they will aggressively pursue a hot bang with every woman they encounter including at work who’s at least a five or better in terms of physical appearance in their eyes. These guys are just on autopilot and they don’t care. So, I understand the impetus behind the so-called sexual harassment law even though I think that it’s dishonest, duplicitous, and inconsistent with a free society with individual rights. The problem is that guys who are not like that get treated as predators for sincere, basic human behavior like getting to know someone and liking a particular woman. We basically have a law that stands for the proposition that liking someone or pursuing a relationship is a form of attack and abuse all to stop obnoxious frat boys who may be in positions of power at work. It’s also a quasi religious law except it only heaps fear and shame and retribution upon men so it’s considered acceptable by the same people who criticize moral laws in other parts of the world. It’s similar to laws in the old Soviet Union where people had to look over their shoulder for the government for forming relationships or expressing themselves. I understand wanting to stop genuine abuse involving coercion but that’s where the line should be drawn with respect to this highly problematic feminist authoritarian so-called sexual harassment law.

    • @maxhatush5918
      @maxhatush5918 Год назад

      Your first sentence is a fabrication. Why lie?

    • @boondoggle4820
      @boondoggle4820 Год назад

      @@maxhatush5918 You’re saying that my description of people that I know personally, some of whom I’ve known for decades, is a lie, lol? You can’t be serious. I’m not lying about what I’ve seen and experienced. What you’ve seen and experienced may very well be different, but I made no claims about what you’ve seen or experienced. That’s for you to say, and unless you’re claiming to speak for me, I have no reason or basis to say that you’re lying.

  • @MrStroller4u
    @MrStroller4u Год назад +4

    Women are taxed less. Look it up.

  • @VixxKong2
    @VixxKong2 Год назад +2

    The book "Fly Over the Cookoo's Nest " talks about a situation like that.
    It's about how a tyrannical nurse can get away with persecuting both the patients and the employees because she's friends with the HR lady.
    So if she doesn't like a doctor, he'll get transferred. And if she doesn't like a patient, she'll persecute him until he snaps at her and then she writes a report saying he needs to get electroshocks or a lobotomy.

    • @drinkxyz
      @drinkxyz Год назад +1

      Good point. But It's called "One flew over the cuckoo's nest". It's also an iconic movie.

    • @VixxKong2
      @VixxKong2 Год назад

      Yeah that's the title. I was giving a rough translation because I read it in french. But you're right

  • @TheParadox_
    @TheParadox_ Год назад

    Yet another reason to advocate for remote work!

  • @justforfunpagla
    @justforfunpagla Год назад +1

    Work from home is a blessing!
    For me atleast.

  • @aplus_mvp
    @aplus_mvp Год назад

    if your girl ever complains about "this one idiot at work" i got news for you buddy

  • @jamesa9004
    @jamesa9004 Год назад +1

    Another related topic might be mentoring, maybe you can expand on that. 1) It seems that it's harder for men to mentor men, due to percieved favoritism . 2) men can get me-also'ed if mentoring women one on one. 3) do women mentor men? Haven't seen it.4) do women mentor women??

    • @lucianocasanova8924
      @lucianocasanova8924 Год назад +1

      No one mentors women because people are too pussy to descipline them, but everybody sure loves exploiting male labour, just look at your average relationship between a male worker and his higher ups including botn male and female, especially female.

  • @4ThoseAbout2RaxxWeSaluteU
    @4ThoseAbout2RaxxWeSaluteU Год назад

    I'll kick the shoes off my feet, shuffle to the nearest over pass and light up a bubble before I work with girls again

  • @georged5420
    @georged5420 Год назад

    Should have told your boss to get bent. That was me I'd have onions every day at lunch.

  • @Scourgewor
    @Scourgewor 18 дней назад

    Just work in engineering, you'll never be around women in the workplace ever again. Unless of course you get a job in a top tier company such as in defence and then you'll see where the very few that do engineering end up - must be rough being a female engineer.

  • @vryc
    @vryc Год назад

    Henderson's "Male-Warrior Hypothesis" goes a long way to explaining the dynamics being talked about here.

  • @NateTheNarrator
    @NateTheNarrator Год назад +2

    I tried well enough to get a girlfriend in college and it worked for a while but didn't last. Once I graduated I feared how hard it might be to find someone since dating in the workplace is often frowned upon. It's been nearly a year since I graduated and online dating apps/sites made me want to neck myself. there any way to find a good woman to date in this day and age?

    • @roberth.1201
      @roberth.1201 Год назад

      tell me about it, if she's just slightly cute and sweet, chances are she's already taken. and if she's a legit 'great' woman nah forget it..

    • @olympusentertainment2638
      @olympusentertainment2638 Год назад

      Good VV@m3n is an oxymoron.

    • @More_Row
      @More_Row Год назад

      The only thing would be things outside of work. Music classes, canoeing stuff like that.

  • @Moshm4n
    @Moshm4n Год назад

    Red onions? RED ONIONS? How dare you Mr. Man.

  • @SB-no7nw
    @SB-no7nw Год назад +4

    Literally just lost a good job because of this. Not because the women didn’t like me (oh it seems like they loved me). Got so bad that some of them even started groping me. The issue was with the guys. Everything was cool until the women showed up. Then those same guys would be straight up catty/passive aggressive towards me. Getting mad at the women whenever they saw them checking me out, standing in front of me to block the women from looking at me, deliberately excluding me during breaks, throwing subtle insults at me hoping I’d feel bad/lose confidence in front of the chicks. All that just because they didn’t want women looking at me. Then they’d act all friendly when the chicks left (weird). Those same women would be all over me if the guys weren’t around though. Hell, there were even two “lesbians” who told one of the guys they were rethinking their sexuality. Meanwhile they’re checking me out. I did the same thing you did, being quiet and staying to myself , which made women feel attracted to me even more, but angered the men. So much so that one of the dude’s tried to fight me. Bad idea for both of us, as knocking out your coworker (especially when it’s known that you’re a boxer), isn’t a part of the job description 😂. But this male envy/catty behavior over women is a bit irritating if I’m honest. Like you said Thinking Ape, it’s all observation. BTW I’m not a Chad, I just happen to look the part ( as stated in one of your other videos).

    • @maxhatush5918
      @maxhatush5918 Год назад

      So u KO’d him and u lost the job? How did he start the fight? What was his excuse?

    • @SB-no7nw
      @SB-no7nw Год назад

      @@maxhatush5918 Idk, we didn’t talk after that. But it was fairly obvious why he acted the way he did. Before I get started, keep in mind this was a former roommate as well. Dude had already been lashing out at me over the smallest things. Exp: he accidentally took my laundry one night. My other roommate didn’t do any laundry, and I didn’t take the bundle out. Asked him like 3x if I could check before he burst out of the room and started throwing my clothes at me. Yeah…. Shit like that. Well at work, the guy just gradually started being lazy. Not helping the team, taking super long breaks, clocking out 10 minutes early then pretending he doesn’t know why his checks were short. And he started lashing out at me at work. Prior to this, he tried to attack another coworker but was embarrassingly overpowered/wrestled to the ground. One night, we’re closing down (restaurant), and I was wiping down the tables. Everyone’s putting dirty dishes in the SINK and not the table because I politely asked them to, considering what I was doing. So my former roommate starts putting everything on the tables while I’m cleaning them. I asked him nicely to put em in the sink…. Twice. He grabs a stack of hot fry baskets and throws them in the sink, almost hitting my face. Then he got in my face, shoulder checked me, and started yelling at me. I shoved him, he lunges at me, I land a check hook. Like I said before, I connected the dots. This same day, multiple women were doing all that stupid choosing signal crap to me in front of the guys (hair flip, lip biting, staring at me, touching me, etc.) all day. Every time that happened the guys would switch up. I guess he couldn’t handle it anymore or something cause him lashing out like that when we haven’t even talked all day was both weird and random. But oddly perfectly timed.

  • @unregierbar7694
    @unregierbar7694 Год назад

    I´m just working at work. What can they do against that? Sue me for not interacting with them non-work related?

    • @toxicmale2264
      @toxicmale2264 Год назад +1

      I thought that too until I started ignoring and avoiding them. They will find ways to get into your space and try to find out many ways to get past your boundaries, and see what pushes your buttons. If you piss them off enough they will complain to simps and the simps will start harassing you. While you are being harassed by the simps, they will come and push your buttons again. Simps will believe anything and will just do it to get you out of the way. Women do not get paid to work, they are there for diversity and inclusion. It gives them plenty of time to start drama to make themselves into victims for attention or to remove threats. If a woman is about to get fired she will employ two techniques. Technique number one is that she needs a pet wallet so she will show you a lot of interest. Technique two will be to blame someone for harassment so that she can have an excuse for her mediocre performance.