@Agnes Sunflower. Oh yes. The grandmother is real a good woman. Sue wants to see these two young people raise the child on a loving a environment. She us firm to both of them
Yes, i think compared to some mums we've seen here!! I agree with you. Plus the boy did 10x better than some grown men we've seen here...the mum did a great job (she loves his girlfriend too...i liked that she let them speak for while&she was not yelling etc...)
I guess I brought my situation up..because people also felt sorry for me that no one was at court to support me...that’s because no one knew I was fighting a self defense case against my own mother and stepdad and that’s the only family I had. It traumatized me forever when I realized this government doesn’t help minority adolescents against their abusive parents...I won the case but it took me a year of incarceration to beat it while going to court. But I also never spoke back or was with a negative attitude like this girl...I was more broken and scared. I’m still trying to get over it.
@@unamonoteismo1686 I don't feel sorry for you but respect for you. You chose not to be victimised in silence and you extricated yourself from a hazardous environment, that took courage, well done. I hope your journey to healing remains stable. Good on you
Yes and I so wished this beautiful lady and her baby had someone in her corner being there to love and support her. It's so hard when you have no one especially being that young and having a child. This girl just wants to feel loved and cared for and wants her child to have what she doesn't have. ( A family that loves and cares for her) I don't understand why her mom or family couldn't be there with her today for support. That breaks my heart for her and her baby. ❤️ They both are beautiful! Sweetie keep taking care of yourself and your child and give her enough love for everyone and I hope her father(baby's) and mom does the same. That baby deserves to have her father and grandmother love and care for her. ❤️🙏🏻👣👶🍼🧸
I like how she was carefully angry. How she chose her words to her baby’s grandmother. How she didn’t say anything when she asked “are you crazy” she is a wife to be. I hope they get the right counseling and I pray it works for them. God bless them both.
Me, not really 😉 I come out of the night shift, think ‘Ohh I’ll watch 1 episode’ 4 episodes later I think, ‘Time to go to bed, No I’ll watch 1 more, then I’ll go to bed’. 3 Episodes later I think I really need to go to bed. Aahhh, just 1 more...... Feel it coming; 2 episodes later🤫🤫🤫 Then when I can’t keep my eyes open anymore, I’ll go to bed. What do you mean.....Addicted😩😩
It was as if he for real just fell in love 😭💘 and then how after the judge pointed it out, he went from sheepish to conflicted, I think so many emotions were running through him. There was probably regret that he had missed out on those first 8 months, but I bet he is gonna be such a loving dad to that baby 💕
she's so hurt. that's why she so defensive. She felt safe with him and his mom and now that the relationship didn't work she has so many guards up. She misses the feeling of family she felt with him and his mom. She can't effectively express her hurt so she shut them out because of the doubt and the rejection she feeling from them. I do love how mature his mom was and she just wants to know the truth she looked at that girl like a daughter. They both want to be there just want to be sure.
The mother is full of isshhh ......she lost me when she said to the girl, about being prepared to raise the child alone since she also was a teen mom and how most of "them" run.....but u raised this guy. You raised him to be like the guy that left you? You advocate his behavior and see nothing wrong with him "running off" if that potentially is his child? What kind of mother are u?
@@akziq u misunderstood what she was saying. She clearly said I will be there for u if it's his and then proceeded to explain to her that teenage pregnancy/relationships don't workout, so she's on her own. It had nothing to do with her not helping her, but that she can't rely on the relationship lasting.
thats what scares them, they truly love each other but both are scared of fully committing bc they dont wont to look foolish and be hurt, they know how easy it is for one of them to pull some one else thus making love a scary new land their not sure they want to travel
I second this because the people around them is going to affect them especially for the dude because men hurt more when they have doubts or when they hear something even after coming to the partner and confirming it.
That girl is hurt because they were like a family to her because obviously she has no one.. She’s in court by herself, she felt rejected by them… That’s why she’s so emotional.. When the results came back she smiled because now she and everyone else know she has a real connection with them now and a possibility to have a real family… I know the feeling 🤞🏽 God bless them and good luck to this family! Congratulations..
Supreme Goddess, I don’t get that. She’s not badmouthing the young lady at the end of the day, and everything. Too many parents on this show do nothing but bad mouth each other, the baby mamma, and the baby father. This mother has again A TON of sense. She’s pretty patient, honest, and objective too. That’s very refreshing.
I think that's why she got talked about a lot about getting around. Just because she's pretty, Everytime some one sees her talking to anyone, she's suddenly sleeping around.
I checked it out after reading your comment, dang! she gangsta for real, wonder what happened with her, that's probably why she wanted the DNA test, to secure her daughter with them, she knew the streets was talking and her time was running out, had to look at it second time and little hints was thrown out, people was trying to warn the son's mom
My heart goes out to this young lady. Sometimes when you have been hurt for so long. You shut people out and are defensive. I wish them both the best. I also love the mom.
Yes she absolutely needs love and support so she can be not only beautiful outside but inside. She is hard inside and works so hard to keep her defense up its like shes in a boxing ring. Hes young so he doesnt know how to handle a young lady with that much pain and lack of trust or faith in anyone. Babies making babies the judge said it. I wish them luck they will need it
As soon as I heard his mother was there too I was already rolling my eyes because the mothers on this show are always yelling and putting down the woman and it drives me crazy. This mother (grandma now) was so respectful and sweet, she also admitted the faults of her son which I respect fully. You can tell she does love her son’s ex. I hope they all get along and are close for the baby’s sake
You could see her smile when the results came. He was smiling and she was proven right, but shortly after, he started speaking to her and the walls went right back up. My heart goes out to both of them. I think his mom could be a force for good for the two of them and the child. They just need to listen.
I noticed he also got teary-eyed during court. I want an update on these two-I feel like they had a chance of making it work out between them if they just had some guidance and couple’s counseling. You could tell they both loved each other a lot.
I loved this episode. The way the mom acted is the way a mom should act. I love how the young lady never disrespected his mom as a lot of girls do. They all have love for each other
I like how the mom wasn’t ONLY on her son’s side and recognized that he was just as much at fault in the situation as she was. Thank god, because the mothers be getting in my nerves.
She is kind, respectful and mature as a grown women should be. Before all we saw was grown women arguing with young girls who were hurt and broken. So to me she is inspirational. Also the way she says I don’t want to get between them, that women was raised well. God bless her parents❤️
I bet when you asked those two kids "what is 1 plus 1 equals to?", they WILL argue with each other for 12 months, then come up even with ... DIFFERENT answers!!!
I like her too. She was very mature. She defended her son without bashing the girl. They never said they didn't think it was the son's baby, they just wanted to be sure. In this day and age I don't blame them. They need to start handing out DNA tests at birth like Oprah used to give out cars back in the day.
I feel soo much for this girl.. kinda brought tears to me because I know exactly how she feels when your beautiful and people are jealous and they talk about you for no reason. And she has no one in her corner but herself it's just sad..
Not necessarily. I taught my kids, "If you have then, YOU are going to raise them." However, if that is what grandparents want to do, that is ok with me. I believe, that teaches kids RESPONSIBILITY. If one of my kids are sick, or an emergency occurs, yes I will help, but I am not going to raise my grandkids, while their parents run the street and get more kids. But to each his own.
She’s a baby herself ! I was 19 when I had my son and I don’t know what I would have done if my husband, my mother and my father weren’t there for me ! I was very blessed to have my entire family and my sons father there .
This was the first time I was rooting for a couple, they were both so adorable and the girl was beyond beautiful both inside and out I hope they build a strong family 🙏💝
This episode is so sad! Where is her mother! She needs a hug and help! Emotions are all over the place and they don't know how to deal with them. I wish them the best!
@@vulcan1429 it’s funny you say that. I have a friend wife’s mom is white and she was going down this girls path. Alone, neglected, and belittled. Her closest family is her black relatives… She got pregnant by a criminal and I had to tell her to stop being around him before he gets her arrested because that’s what some of the guys do around here… he is in jail and she is thankfully doing well.
Special Events She said early on that she’s been on her own for a long time. I think she’s been rejected her baby’s family because she just doesn’t know what real support can and should look like. Hopefully, they will step up like they say and she’ll learn from it. Grandmother seems like she has her head on straight (rare on this show), so that’s a good thing.
@@melaniedominguez3252 he a good dude. They both had their part in it. He admitted it. She did as well. After a break up all the things that happened with people saying whatever will happen when your young. It happens. He had right to be suspicious.. she had a right to feel the way she did. Now they know... mom & dad.
The girl might’ve came alone but his mom was there for the both of them, regardless of the side she stood on. This was a sad but beautiful case, there’s no telling what the young girl has gone through.
Just have to say that this judge is a wonderful person/woman and genuinely helps healing happen. She is tough yet has amazing compassion and empathy for these families. Thank you for your positive energy!
Seems she is, just look in her eyes, hear her voice and her demeanor. The way she respond. Shes not far from loosing it. Hes in for a challenge. Hes going to need to give her a lot of sensitive love and care letting her feel safe. My god hes young for that kind of responsibility. She has some deep embeded issues but she is an extremely beautiful young teenage lady. Wish them luck they will need it.
Love the mom.. she clearly loves both of them... i think she even brought them two to court. I dont think the girl came alone. I think tgey came together.
Shes just stubborn because she has always had a barrier because shes always had to defend herself. I do it too. Cant help it. Dont even know when I'm doing it.
It seems like she is stubborn because she is confused about his feelings and thoughts that are misunderstood. He clearly doesn’t clarify how he feels because once she says that she says no to being with the baby, he doesn’t explain how he feels or try to see how she feels. She is always having the barrier and that only exist if she have past experience of being the center of everything and not explaining what she really wants. I agree, and it’s really sad.. b3cause misunderstood these types of people which obviously doesn’t help at all.
This young girl deserves some support and happiness and I hope that the boy and his mother will fulfill that for her, it looks like her own family is nowhere in her life, so much for a 19 yr old to handle by herself, god reach out a bless her and him and baby with all good days ahead.
That’s a good mother. She cares about the girl, being respectful, and looking out for her son. She seems fair. And that attitude looks like it pours into her son. He’ll step up if his. They are just too young for this. That little girl is adorable!
I feel so bad for this young momma. She loves that man. She has been so hurt somewhere in her young life. I hope she can overcome her hurts. It was so good to see that pretty young momma smile at the end. Gorgeous baby and very beautiful grandmother.
I think they both young they don't know no better I stick that is become co-parenting for their daughter that's what they need to be doing but the grandma she need to worry about her son her son was messing around a lot of people but the young lady didn't
We need to stop associating “meanness and toxicity” with “love”. They don’t fight because they “love each other”, they fight because they have traumas they need to heal from. Love means hearing each other out and working through it or walking away.
Saturn Ladee that made me so angry that she said that! Instead of her teaching that young girl to focus on herself and her education she allowed her in her home to lay up with her son. When he knocks her up she tells her they don’t stick around. Her mentality is distorted at best. She’s got lots of growing up to do herself!!! My father was a FATHER. They don’t all run away. Stop spreading that lie!
For real! I was pregnant at 19 and the boy was 20. That same boy sticked around, gave me 2 more, and married me! It’s been 14 years and that boy still around but now he’s a man 🙏🏽... Exactly like you said, she needs to teach her son better!
She cute but this is just a decent looking Hispanic with maybe a little black chick. She probably dominican or Puerto Rican. Regular NYC girl. There's a lot of her in NYC
All the females in this case are BEAUTIFULLLLLLL!!!! From the young mom, the grandma, the judge and most definitely the babygirl! I pray all goes well with this family!!!!
I was saying to myself they lucky she has not yet harm the child, and how they were beating down on her, she needs some urgent help and care, she is lonely it eating her from inside...
Loved this because they kept it real , you can see the love and anger but you can see the relief and stuff in their eyes. I feel for the young girl cause she really does look alone period.
I can see how much the mother loves the both of them.
Yeah... she seemed very fair and balanced with them both.
And I love how the girl is respectful to the mother.
@Agnes Sunflower. Oh yes. The grandmother is real a good woman. Sue wants to see these two young people raise the child on a loving a environment. She us firm to both of them
That’s very true and she tells it like it is. She’s definitely not showing any bias between them at the end of the day.
Now that’s how a potential grandmother should act. I don’t see that often on this show... Great example
I love the young man's mother. She was very honest about both parties and I don't see that to often.
Goldie smith which is rare in this court👏👏
His mother looks like Keisha Knight-Pullem.
It’s actually pretty common in Nee York
I like that also a real mother will tell the truth
I didn't like the mom...i felt like she was makin up stories about the girl
One of the better mother's that have been on here. She seems to care for the girl.
Yes, i think compared to some mums we've seen here!! I agree with you. Plus the boy did 10x better than some grown men we've seen here...the mum did a great job (she loves his girlfriend too...i liked that she let them speak for while&she was not yelling etc...)
Erykah i agree..
jessey bks absolutely right. The mother was very understanding because she been there before.
yes yes!
@@jessey141 . A mature mother.
Such an exceptional mother in law, taking no sides - objective, loving, gentle
It’s so nice seeing the mom not dogging the girl out and being the voice of reason
She’s a good mum
Michelle Danso She is
The mom should’ve stayed out of their relationship
@Dani Kouakou I completely agree. The mother sowed all the negative seeds. She is a mess.
She's 19 and alone in court, no family member bothered to show up for support. That's sad
Eddie M it happens. ..i fought my first case against my mom and step dad at 17 one day I'll write a book about it
@@unamonoteismo1686 sorry you had to go through that...
She's probably just a bad as girl , TROUBLE from all 4corners
I guess I brought my situation up..because people also felt sorry for me that no one was at court to support me...that’s because no one knew I was fighting a self defense case against my own mother and stepdad and that’s the only family I had.
It traumatized me forever when I realized this government doesn’t help minority adolescents against their abusive parents...I won the case but it took me a year of incarceration to beat it while going to court. But I also never spoke back or was with a negative attitude like this girl...I was more broken and scared. I’m still trying to get over it.
@@unamonoteismo1686 I don't feel sorry for you but respect for you. You chose not to be victimised in silence and you extricated yourself from a hazardous environment, that took courage, well done. I hope your journey to healing remains stable. Good on you
She felt alone because she is alone , she’s the only one that showed up to court and her mother or family member didn’t show up.
Because she's grimey, I've seen plenty women that bite the hand that feeds them and destroy the people or family that took them in.
Facts sad in our culture just awful
@@leroygreen9227 not always the case
Yeah that part hit home. He has his mom to rely on, who knows how long she's been alone emotionally and family wise.
Yes and I so wished this beautiful lady and her baby had someone in her corner being there to love and support her. It's so hard when you have no one especially being that young and having a child. This girl just wants to feel loved and cared for and wants her child to have what she doesn't have. ( A family that loves and cares for her) I don't understand why her mom or family couldn't be there with her today for support. That breaks my heart for her and her baby. ❤️ They both are beautiful! Sweetie keep taking care of yourself and your child and give her enough love for everyone and I hope her father(baby's) and mom does the same. That baby deserves to have her father and grandmother love and care for her. ❤️🙏🏻👣👶🍼🧸
I like how she was carefully angry. How she chose her words to her baby’s grandmother. How she didn’t say anything when she asked “are you crazy” she is a wife to be. I hope they get the right counseling and I pray it works for them. God bless them both.
Me too!
That's exactly my thoughts. Definitely wife material!
No she aint
Great observation! She could've matched energy with her words. But she chose to be silent. That is both strength and restraint.
she is Not a wife to be...look at the anger
4 things for sure ... she loves him,he loves her,she is hurt ,his mom is gold
His mom was lowkey trash. Lol I wish she didn’t believe he say she say. Sorry SHE is too old.
@@Bombshellbiggy smh 🤨
And they are both too immature to be having kids.
Who else is addicted to paternity court? Cant wait for the next episode
Me, not really 😉
I come out of the night shift, think ‘Ohh I’ll watch 1 episode’ 4 episodes later I think, ‘Time to go to bed, No I’ll watch 1 more, then I’ll go to bed’. 3 Episodes later I think I really need to go to bed. Aahhh, just 1 more...... Feel it coming; 2 episodes later🤫🤫🤫
Then when I can’t keep my eyes open anymore, I’ll go to bed.
What do you mean.....Addicted😩😩
Me 2
Me too😂😂
I am ! ✋
The way he looks at his daughter is heart warming awwe.
It was as if he for real just fell in love 😭💘 and then how after the judge pointed it out, he went from sheepish to conflicted, I think so many emotions were running through him. There was probably regret that he had missed out on those first 8 months, but I bet he is gonna be such a loving dad to that baby 💕
He definitely fell in love!
Very correct.
@@southchild_ accurate!
Because he was as doing dirt he believed she was doing the same. Payne NOT all females are like that. I HATE RUMOURS.
The baby mama is beautiful, she just needs to feel loved, safe, accepted, shes a beautiful soul
Very masculine as well
@@BIGGDUDE42 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣No she doesn't. BIGG DUDE!!!!!!
The Dad is handsome too. They are a cute couple with the cutest baby.
it's so sad, I googled her and she's in jail for serious drug charges
She annoying
she's so hurt. that's why she so defensive. She felt safe with him and his mom and now that the relationship didn't work she has so many guards up. She misses the feeling of family she felt with him and his mom. She can't effectively express her hurt so she shut them out because of the doubt and the rejection she feeling from them. I do love how mature his mom was and she just wants to know the truth she looked at that girl like a daughter. They both want to be there just want to be sure.
@ Maketha Bumbrey I agree with you 💯
The mother is full of isshhh
......she lost me when she said to the girl, about being prepared to raise the child alone since she also was a teen mom and how most of "them" run.....but u raised this guy. You raised him to be like the guy that left you? You advocate his behavior and see nothing wrong with him "running off" if that potentially is his child? What kind of mother are u?
Maketha I think you said that perfectly, and that you're completely right.
@@akziq u misunderstood what she was saying. She clearly said I will be there for u if it's his and then proceeded to explain to her that teenage pregnancy/relationships don't workout, so she's on her own. It had nothing to do with her not helping her, but that she can't rely on the relationship lasting.
Maketha Bumbrey reminds me of my childs mom and my mother frfr 😂😂😂😂
He's handsome
She's beautiful
The mom is golden
The baby is adorable!!!
Beautifully said !!!
I was thinking they’re very attractive
It’s his teeth for me😬
thats what scares them, they truly love each other but both are scared of fully committing bc they dont wont to look foolish and be hurt, they know how easy it is for one of them to pull some one else thus making love a scary new land their not sure they want to travel
I think this family should move to a new town where nobody knows any of them and start over. They could be a strong family.
I couldn't agree more about your statement,thats exactly what they need well said!!
I second this because the people around them is going to affect them especially for the dude because men hurt more when they have doubts or when they hear something even after coming to the partner and confirming it.
anne l I agree with you 100% if they need to really work out their relationship they need to move to a new town and take responsibility
Yes. They young and poppn in their home town. A fresh environment would be good. For focusing on parenting
I love you forever. My name Ricky. I wanna be your friend forever. Find me Facebook Ricky ZK.
That girl is hurt because they were like a family to her because obviously she has no one.. She’s in court by herself, she felt rejected by them… That’s why she’s so emotional.. When the results came back she smiled because now she and everyone else know she has a real connection with them now and a possibility to have a real family… I know the feeling 🤞🏽 God bless them and good luck to this family! Congratulations..
The makeup game is STRONG on this show! Love how complimentary it is. Yes!
Ok trurghdufuududuhdhfu uiooppppssssdddddgffhh uh oh ok ioopifrzxr
I noticed that.
H Tau the judge is so gorgeous when I found out she was 50 I couldn’t believe it !!
This woman is acting like both her son and his girlfriends mom, so refreshing , shes a good parent
Shes type messy tho...😒
Definitely refreshing. She acting like she got sense. Most of the mothers in there are loud, ghetto, a lot of attitude, and so on.
Supreme Goddess, I don’t get that. She’s not badmouthing the young lady at the end of the day, and everything. Too many parents on this show do nothing but bad mouth each other, the baby mamma, and the baby father. This mother has again A TON of sense. She’s pretty patient, honest, and objective too. That’s very refreshing.
That young lady's hair and makeup - perfection. She's breathtaking.
I think that's why she got talked about a lot about getting around. Just because she's pretty, Everytime some one sees her talking to anyone, she's suddenly sleeping around.
She does look too dignified for this show. Kind of elegant.
She is just too beautiful :) can i be the step father lol
He wanted to hug her so bad
Yes he did 💜
This young girl is in court without any support. This is so heartbreaking! She’s a beautiful young girl.
What's more sad is that she ended up going to jail after this show. She’s facing some serious jail time with another man.
I checked it out after reading your comment, dang! she gangsta for real, wonder what happened with her, that's probably why she wanted the DNA test, to secure her daughter with them, she knew the streets was talking and her time was running out, had to look at it second time and little hints was thrown out, people was trying to warn the son's mom
@@adrian72300 wow that's sad
@@trenillo drop the link.
The Plaintiff wasn’t alone; she’s blessed, she knew the father’s identity. Aedin
After the apology and how he looked at her, lol..there gonna be another baby on the way shortly lol
Word 😀
I hope not
Unfortunately Blaze! Unfortunately you are likely correct!
His mom is actually a good mom ...she has reasonable doubt. It’s actually rare to see a good mom on this show lol
And mom is gorgeous 😍
Yah true , others are like crazy mad about a situation that doesn’t always involve them
Mom raised a good soon too
Very genuine mom
The mother's comments and the fact that she was always supportive ❤️
She's used 2 being alone/ hurt so when she get's hurt again she pushes u away. She builts that wall back up.
More than that she needs professional help you can see it all over her body language.
Porr girl, it breaks my heart again and again 💔
You just explained me 🥺💔
@@monaeo1210 😂 coming back to this commnt i just did that to someone (pushing them away) it's all about healing ans growth ❤
And people come at her sideways because they just expect the worst I could imagine the rumours people spread about her.
My heart goes out to this young lady. Sometimes when you have been hurt for so long. You shut people out and are defensive. I wish them both the best. I also love the mom.
Yes she absolutely needs love and support so she can be not only beautiful outside but inside. She is hard inside and works so hard to keep her defense up its like shes in a boxing ring. Hes young so he doesnt know how to handle a young lady with that much pain and lack of trust or faith in anyone. Babies making babies the judge said it. I wish them luck they will need it
Emily Jackson Right
That happen always when you take your independence too early.
@@frantzodeleo7441 sometimes people don’t have a choice.. you don’t choose your family if they don’t care to support, what do you do
Poor thing. She's so strong & afraid of being rejected that she's blocking the help she could be getting. I hope they both work it out.
They are so young ...it would not work out..
@@marilynsutherland-hart8315 not how life goes.
😒😒😒😒 sounds like stupidity to me!
@@l.s3132 What????
As soon as I heard his mother was there too I was already rolling my eyes because the mothers on this show are always yelling and putting down the woman and it drives me crazy. This mother (grandma now) was so respectful and sweet, she also admitted the faults of her son which I respect fully. You can tell she does love her son’s ex. I hope they all get along and are close for the baby’s sake
Judge Lake ask - "Why you two can't seem to get along!?" The mother chimes in immediately. "Because they love each other".
This girl has so much pain...it’s heartbreaking
She been on her own so long 😢
She's made alot of bad decisions it will catch up with you young or not.
She IS a pain.
You could see her smile when the results came. He was smiling and she was proven right, but shortly after, he started speaking to her and the walls went right back up. My heart goes out to both of them. I think his mom could be a force for good for the two of them and the child. They just need to listen.
@Jasmine Taylor she's young. Give her a break.
I just love the way he’s looking at his daughter at the end, that tells me he going to be an amazing father!
Right, that part made so happy to see! 🥰💘💘
That part made me so happy I was wiping tears from my eyes. So beautiful 🌹
I noticed he also got teary-eyed during court. I want an update on these two-I feel like they had a chance of making it work out between them if they just had some guidance and couple’s counseling. You could tell they both loved each other a lot.
Puppy love ...Judge Lake :)
They still love each other, but the Judge is right - it's puppy love. Real love takes real work, no matter how old you are.
Lots of difference between love and lust.
This is another hot mess...
It takes giving it all you got.
Being in a relationship is hard work but that's what love is all about
Ain’t that the truth.
I love this judge - no yelling, no joking, she lets both parties speak and explain their side of the story. Very professional and polite person 🥰
Judge: “Why so angry!”
Mom: “Because they love each other!”
Exactly 🤝
Love shouldn't make you angry or hurt.
Exactly they do but they’re just young that’s all it is!
That’s not love, nor puppy love. That is toxic!! 🤦🏾♀️
@@6ftwalka783 its not toxic ..the real problem is their lack of proper communication
Beautiful mother, father, and baby
Definitely true
His mother has the most beautiful eyes. She reminds me of Keshia Knight Pulliam of the Cosby show.
Yes all 4 of them are beautiful
Ikr...everybody gorgeous
Yes ma'am.
This girl felt alone most of her life. She is guarded. Her past is obviously heavy and full of shame but people should move forward
I can feel the New York in this
You all engaging in adult activities but still acting like children... Well said
Who else passing through the comments before the results like me lol
Namyalo Sylvia me🖐🏽but I hate finding out before the end though
Namyalo Sylvia geez I always get caught 😂😂
To actually look for the results
I do to save time
Guilty as said
She's a beautiful young lady. She's just so full of so much hurt and just wanna face the world alone, I'm just happy she don't have to.
Tye Tyler I have a feeling they are not done with each other yet and the boys seems to love her. She is very motherly towards her.
@@simpkins18 Yeah, they still gonna come back to each other anytime someone says "I miss you" lol. I just hope they get it right as they mature
Does anyone else think she looks like a young Beyonce??
xspringrose it’s just you lol
Lydia Dymunds yeah she’s beautiful but doesn’t look like bey 😂
I loved this episode. The way the mom acted is the way a mom should act. I love how the young lady never disrespected his mom as a lot of girls do. They all have love for each other
I like how the mom wasn’t ONLY on her son’s side and recognized that he was just as much at fault in the situation as she was. Thank god, because the mothers be getting in my nerves.
Partially because she was a teenage mother herself. So what they experiencing she went through herself.
) o
Capital ‘G’ for God pls
Her bun is everything! 🙌🏽
Literally 😍
What is this hairstyle called? What type of bun is it?
Terri Marks it’s a sock bun
The mother is wonderful, and very young herself at just 36.
Has a twenty year old child at 36...
She gotta be more than 36 cause she looks older.
She did said she was a teen mom
It's a sad never ending cycle. People are not meant to be grandparents in their thirties. It's a shame.
She is kind, respectful and mature as a grown women should be. Before all we saw was grown women arguing with young girls who were hurt and broken. So to me she is inspirational. Also the way she says I don’t want to get between them, that women was raised well. God bless her parents❤️
I love his mother, she is a gem and has a voice of reason. May they work on their relationship..
Hello there 🌹🌺
@@calvinsmith5012 Hello
@@roseemali7491 hi nice to meet you how are you doing today?
I bet when you asked those two kids "what is 1 plus 1 equals to?", they WILL argue with each other for 12 months, then come up even with ... DIFFERENT answers!!!
This judge is healing the nation 1 family at a time. So beautiful and powerful. Much power to this judge!
Very true.She is passionate about her work.Seeing children grow up in healthy enviroments
Oh yes God richly Bless her.🙂🙂
@Growth Strategies I like your name.
I agree. She has very strong morals and an understanding nature.
This is one of the first moms that has a lot of sense! I like her!
I like her too. She was very mature. She defended her son without bashing the girl. They never said they didn't think it was the son's baby, they just wanted to be sure. In this day and age I don't blame them. They need to start handing out DNA tests at birth like Oprah used to give out cars back in the day.
She is in jail.
lilma 75 Really? How do you know?
She need to take a step back
@@HopeAndrea_HFG just Google her...they should have called her Lady Heroine because she was In Too Deep
I feel soo much for this girl.. kinda brought tears to me because I know exactly how she feels when your beautiful and people are jealous and they talk about you for no reason. And she has no one in her corner but herself it's just sad..
I know New York when I hear it 😂
John Johnson Facts!
John Johnson silly
Deadass lol
If you really NY what borough they from
That baby is so gorgeous ❤
The cutest! From the nose up
so u wanna pay 18 years of child support eh?
Nekabeauty Amor Adorable ❤️
I like his mom. She was mature about it and accepted the fact he wasn't the perfect boyfriend to her.
Another mother that is in her son's business, ALL THE TIME.
@@lyndiablack9098 Well, her son's actions could ultimately affect her. Besides, she was mature about the situation.
definitely ! because so many mothers try to act like their sons are just God on earth . 🤦🏽♀️
@@lyndiablack9098 Grandparents end up being the parents
Not necessarily. I taught my kids, "If you have then, YOU are going to raise them." However, if that is what grandparents want to do, that is ok with me. I believe, that teaches kids RESPONSIBILITY. If one of my kids are sick, or an emergency occurs, yes I will help, but I am not going to raise my grandkids, while their parents run the street and get more kids. But to each his own.
She’s a baby herself ! I was 19 when I had my son and I don’t know what I would have done if my husband, my mother and my father weren’t there for me ! I was very blessed to have my entire family and my sons father there .
Stop having babies until you are settled, committed and married. The child needs stability.
That wont mean the child is his and doesnt mean he is going to acknowledge the baby
@@autumnanderson7296 right.. married women cheat too.
LOL ya'll must haven't seen all the paternity court episodes lol
@@stephanied4863 that's where commitment comes in
The Mother DEFINITELY raised her son right!! 👸🏿✨ She looks at the young lady as her own daughter, & that’s BEAUTIFUL 💯
“We’ve gotten to happy. Now we have to get to Healthy”
Judge Lauren Lakes drop Gems 💎
I read your comment just as the judge said it . Freeky FRIDAY.
Now crystal, can I subcribe to your page?
I say all the time that Judge Lauren would be the perfect motivational speaker for youths. She is awesome!!!
This is the best sensible, commen sense fight that ive seen in this lauren lakes show so far
The women in this episode are absolutely beautiful! Judge Lauren included of course!!
I love how he staring at his baby at the end... he got love for that beautiful baby i can see that...
The boys mother seems genuine
And cute
She is. Update the always have lil Layi and though the parents are not together the child sees both parents
@@mreece4407 thats really good to hear, this is one of the few stories that touches me & i wish all parties success
This was the first time I was rooting for a couple, they were both so adorable and the girl was beyond beautiful both inside and out I hope they build a strong family 🙏💝
Lauren Lakes is an OUTSTANDING Judge !!!! 100%!!!!!!😉👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👏👏👏👏👏👏
Lies.... She is one sided
She is, I thought the show was gonna be Rachel but I really enjoy her.
The best is what she is.
Rolando Veintas definitely not true
This episode is so sad! Where is her mother! She needs a hug and help! Emotions are all over the place and they don't know how to deal with them. I wish them the best!
Because her mother is more than likely white.
Boys mother is a representation of both.
@@vulcan1429 it’s funny you say that. I have a friend wife’s mom is white and she was going down this girls path. Alone, neglected, and belittled. Her closest family is her black relatives…
She got pregnant by a criminal and I had to tell her to stop being around him before he gets her arrested because that’s what some of the guys do around here… he is in jail and she is thankfully doing well.
I agree I was just commenting on it. This is probably the reason why the girls there in the first place. Because she has 🚫no support. ☹️
Special Events AMEN
Special Events She said early on that she’s been on her own for a long time. I think she’s been rejected her baby’s family because she just doesn’t know what real support can and should look like. Hopefully, they will step up like they say and she’ll learn from it. Grandmother seems like she has her head on straight (rare on this show), so that’s a good thing.
As a single mother, this made me cry. This was beautiful. Really was
Whew! That New York Accent came out strong! Love it!
Briana R. I missed the part that said where they’re from but as I listened to them I was like oh they from NY 🤣.
@MM E Right?! Lol!
@MM E lol@deadass. Nvr heard that til i moved to NYC
I swear she slid in a deadass when she was arguing with the moms lol
@@PushFit_Further 😂😁
What a cute precious baby girl. She looks like a doll
Hello there 👋🌹
That mom is a breath of fresh air. Shes the glue to their relationship and will be a great grandmother.
The young lady just needs a hug and someone to say that everything is going to be ok
She is a beautiful young lady but she seems hurt n troubled I see it in her eyes .I've been there before
Shes in prison now tho
Antuan Grantham In prison for what?
@@Jomizofficial drug trafficking Google her name its very sad.
Kaylie's star World So sad!
@@Jomizofficial Yeah smh i hope her baby is safe
“What movie is 9 hours?”
The color purple....😂☠️😭
No it’s not it’s only three try again 😂
Derek Morris roots
@@Million-dollar-baby-2020 😭😂🤣☠
After he apologized, he was looking at her like a snack! 😋😋🤣🤣😂😁
But she deserves someone better
@@melaniedominguez3252 he a good dude. They both had their part in it. He admitted it. She did as well. After a break up all the things that happened with people saying whatever will happen when your young. It happens. He had right to be suspicious.. she had a right to feel the way she did. Now they know... mom & dad.
They prob got another one since this
Right!!! 🤣🤣🤣😜🐝™️
This mom is outta this world. Just got to love her.
I love how he just kept staring at his baby.
Michelle thank you
He wanted to hug her but had to restrain himself. Lol!
I saw that too
She's soooo gorgeous,respectful and has a heart of gold.
I feel so sad for her and life choices. She’s currently in jail for drug trafficking
@@elizabethdelgado4311 bruh
@@elizabethdelgado4311 seriously oh my just to make ends meet sigh hope she get her life together
@@elizabethdelgado4311 oh no 😳😳😩😩.
@@elizabethdelgado4311 what? Is thAT true .. OMG
“I was a teenage mom too and they don’t stick around.”
Well raise your son to break the cycle and stop apologizing for men.
Both ladies are simply gorgeous and he's handsome and the baby is beyond beautiful 😍❤️💗💗
that girl is so full of hurt. I hope this works out for them.
Yes you said right.
I have no shame in skipping to the results.
Iktr...me too..🤣🤣
Especially when the cases are not that interesting
None at all!
Neither do I 😂😂
The girl might’ve came alone but his mom was there for the both of them, regardless of the side she stood on. This was a sad but beautiful case, there’s no telling what the young girl has gone through.
For some reason I just love this girl, she tries to be so strong but deep inside she's tearing apart, remind me of myself so much..
Needs composure, her past can't define her future, she can be great woman
Me too, something about her. Even the boy and his mom- I like them too. I think counseling will definitely help.
@@vanessalowe3819 most definitely
@@s.sutherland3957 You have greatness in your eyes , Take it one day at a time
Sadly she was busted with drugs same year🤦🏿♂️🤦🏿♂️
Not sure why but, I feel like with guidance they could make it work. Wish them well.
She wants him to commit 💯 either stay in forever or stay away for good.
Just have to say that this judge is a wonderful person/woman and genuinely helps healing happen. She is tough yet has amazing compassion and empathy for these families. Thank you for your positive energy!
I feel for this girl. She seems alone in life.
Seems she is, just look in her eyes, hear her voice and her demeanor. The way she respond. Shes not far from loosing it. Hes in for a challenge. Hes going to need to give her a lot of sensitive love and care letting her feel safe. My god hes young for that kind of responsibility. She has some deep embeded issues but she is an extremely beautiful young teenage lady. Wish them luck they will need it.
And she’s now in jail for trafficking drugs
Walton Ayang really or is it a joke?
@@waltonayang3495 really?
@@livewell-xt5xr really
3:39,"im not innocent either", ive watched a lot of paternity court and this is the first time i heard the guy say that.
Love the mom.. she clearly loves both of them... i think she even brought them two to court. I dont think the girl came alone. I think tgey came together.
I've heard plenty Guys on this very show own up to it though
Shes just stubborn because she has always had a barrier because shes always had to defend herself. I do it too. Cant help it. Dont even know when I'm doing it.
It seems like she is stubborn because she is confused about his feelings and thoughts that are misunderstood. He clearly doesn’t clarify how he feels because once she says that she says no to being with the baby, he doesn’t explain how he feels or try to see how she feels. She is always having the barrier and that only exist if she have past experience of being the center of everything and not explaining what she really wants. I agree, and it’s really sad.. b3cause misunderstood these types of people which obviously doesn’t help at all.
Me too
@@noyusa7894 yes that too but she has up a natural wall of defense aside from that
Yessssss frfr
This young girl deserves some support and happiness and I hope that the boy and his mother will fulfill that for her, it looks like her own family is nowhere in her life, so much for a 19 yr old to handle by herself, god reach out a bless her and him and baby with all good days ahead.
That’s a good mother. She cares about the girl, being respectful, and looking out for her son. She seems fair. And that attitude looks like it pours into her son. He’ll step up if his. They are just too young for this. That little girl is adorable!
I feel so bad for this young momma. She loves that man. She has been so hurt somewhere in her young life. I hope she can overcome her hurts. It was so good to see that pretty young momma smile at the end. Gorgeous baby and very beautiful grandmother.
I think they both young they don't know no better I stick that is become co-parenting for their daughter that's what they need to be doing but the grandma she need to worry about her son her son was messing around a lot of people but the young lady didn't
He denied her and her baby. That would heart and upset any reasonable person.
@@truthhurts..and.......9456 she wanted to be alone, she got it
The baby looks like her grandma.
Shes so beautiful but she needs some help i think she is strong but weak at the same time and looking for love and attention.
It happens. Pray for her
We need to stop associating “meanness and toxicity” with “love”. They don’t fight because they “love each other”, they fight because they have traumas they need to heal from. Love means hearing each other out and working through it or walking away.
Real talk
Everything is not “trauma”. They may fight because they are still young and immature.
@@kingmonroe3366 oh I’m not referring to everyone, I’m saying in this specific episode it is clear they have trauma they need to heal from.
"I told you they don't stick around"
Girl, stop imposing your BabyDaddy pain on someone else. Teach your son to do better
Saturn Ladee right!!
Instead of saying My sons not going to be a dead beat father
Saturn Ladee that made me so angry that she said that! Instead of her teaching that young girl to focus on herself and her education she allowed her in her home to lay up with her son. When he knocks her up she tells her they don’t stick around. Her mentality is distorted at best. She’s got lots of growing up to do herself!!! My father was a FATHER. They don’t all run away. Stop spreading that lie!
For real! I was pregnant at 19 and the boy was 20. That same boy sticked around, gave me 2 more, and married me! It’s been 14 years and that boy still around but now he’s a man 🙏🏽... Exactly like you said, she needs to teach her son better!
Shout out to you sister for having a great mind set
Prettiest baby mother ever😱
Pretiest mom..but we need to stop saying baby mother or baby father
She cute but this is just a decent looking Hispanic with maybe a little black chick. She probably dominican or Puerto Rican. Regular NYC girl.
There's a lot of her in NYC
Ivy Assan stop lying to yourself!!!!
We live in the same complex it's kinda hard to disappear. 😂😂😂
canessa johnson that part had me dying
canessa johnson this comment
As if they tried so hard😂😂😂
All the females in this case are BEAUTIFULLLLLLL!!!! From the young mom, the grandma, the judge and most definitely the babygirl! I pray all goes well with this family!!!!
I just like how she addresses the boy's mother, she's calling her Mom! That's respect
She sounds like she’s been dealing with postpartum depression.
Elizabeth Perez Yes she does! I been there and I can see it!
I was saying to myself they lucky she has not yet harm the child, and how they were beating down on her, she needs some urgent help and care, she is lonely it eating her from inside...
I was thinking the same..been there.
I agree
Boyy that baby looks just like him quit playin 🤦♀️
Loved this because they kept it real , you can see the love and anger but you can see the relief and stuff in their eyes. I feel for the young girl cause she really does look alone period.