@@bungercolumbus Because Tahm is broken. If he's balanced as a support, he's op top. If he's balanced top in silver, he's op top in high elo. So they cut him down.
they removed that because they moved the bonus damage %HP to his passive. and honestly you shouldn't be spamming his Q it should be poke and peel helping your ADC get the advantage not gluttonous greed and hunger.
Because his Q doesn't proc his passive Because his base stats have been nerfed into the ground Because his W costs an arm, a leg, your lunch, AND your time while also being so nerfed that it's unusable unless you're in comms with your teamates Because his Ult rank one is literally just as fast as if he just walked there in the first place Because his W still has that annoying ass bug where if you try to eat someone as the third stack just procs you'll just eat the minion next to them instead since it has a slight delay compared to his auto And finally...... Because Riot forgot to give him his mini-rework
BUT, isn’t the W (Devour) going to get replaced with the Ult? That’s going to make people not want to play him anymore he’s going to be so weak only picking people and popping his shield without swallowing them at 3 stacks until lv 6
@@blaisepeck8765 I used to main him, but sadly I didn't have a computer for a little over 2 years and then realized they destroyed my OG main Aatrox and kench...I was so lost on who to pick afterwards
@@TheSinfulGamer Even if you argue that he's closer in resemblance to a catfish, I wouldn't insist that he is actually a proper catfish. Kench has catfish-like whiskers and a tail, but he has a frog's tongue, his skin is closer to a frog. and he behaves much more like an amphibious creature than a almost exclusively water-dweller. And since he's a demon, he therefore probably shouldn't be compared directly to a catfish exclusively. Platypuses have duck-like beaks, tails that have more resemblance to a fish, and furry bodies, as a comparison. Besides, alongside the old saying of "Unbench the Kench", other variants include "Unload the Toad", "Unclog the Frog", "Uninhibit the Ribbit", "Unroll the Tadpole", "Permit the Kermit" and "Unimprison the Amphibian". All of which are about frogs. I don't see one about catfish at all. So there.
@@MyronZhang You're argument may be detailed but that literally doesnt change the fact that he is a catfish. Just because people call him a frog, doesn't mean he is one.
@@Taintsnicely5434 well now he is kinda better at being a support and trust me i played both and i love him much more as a support rather than top laner he doesnt feel like pure bs anymore you have to work your way through matchups
Honestly like half my won lanes on Tahm Top is because nobody respects the insane level 1 trade. Often that is flash or first blood as they try to take the fight and quickly figure out they cannot.
I honestly have never beaten a tam top in my three months back to the game. I have no clue how to outplay him. Usually the solution to this is to just play with him for a week to learn his ins and outs. But I haven’t done that yet.
Honestly. It's not even his level one. Top side he's extremely strong only until late game where his damage finally falls off. Other wise no he's pretty disgusting to play against. Like playing against him top feels so awful that it feels like even just trying to exist in lane is punishment. You really can't farm at all as his poke will being you down. The strong ass slow will pretty much make sure he gets his full proc and then devours you guaranteed. No amount of usage of flash will save you from that, you'd need ghost oe cleanse to actually get out. And then still hits you for a long ass while after being spat out. Effectively speaking once he devours you and gets the slow off. There is no amount of outplay you can possibly do unless your godamn darius and a space q or someone with 50 mobility spells.
@@isaiahkern9434 Take Vel'koz and bully him out of lane....been down that road as a tahm main....i can't fucking do anything if my opponent as any sort of range advantage on me.
I always thought tahm being a rengar/khazix to pyke would be fitting as they both get damage off health, are bilgewater, tahm quote:”the river forgets the names of the drowned” when pykes story is that he drowned.
I think the biggest problem with Tahm is his flexibility. Much like pyke you can’t balance either of them for support when people will take them solo lane and become insane. I think the best solution for tahm (and pyke) is to make them solo landers and balance them for that. I like the idea for tahm that his w and r can’t be used on allies. Maybe make his w so that if you w an enemy you can then r and take them out of a fight? All of a sudden tahm isn’t a sup anymore
Flexibility is definitely an issue a lot of champions in this series struggle with. It feels like nowadays champions are popular based on how many hats they can wear, regardless of how well they perform at it.
Vars why play 6 champs when you can play 3 and be really good at them? I think flexibility is good but not when it comes to supports. Except morg and lux, they seem to be able to sup and mid pretty well
Riot said they might give him a mini rework where they make devour his ult and give him a new spell for his w as a result and honestly I'm excited to see it
From what I remember they said they might make his abyssal voyage into his W. But it will be used as an engage tool with a knock up and he can’t take a teammate with him.
you realize how dumb swapping part of his bread and butter for his ult sounds right? the one tool he needs most and you wanna put it on a 30-60-120 timer? his kit is fine where it sits again just a matter of numbers.
@@dracobellator1164 imo Tahm's issue is that he has exclusively his autos to stack the passive now, which is why he's restricted into Hail of Blades (and let's be frank, the rest of the Domination tree does not do him any favors). On top of that using Kench as a support properly is difficult because aside from the relatively weak slow on Q he has no form of CC whatsoever, and his damage is not outstanding either because he can't poke that well. He also has remarkable issues with using his R in an effective manner until he gets a 2nd level in it because the range is stupidly short: I understand Twisted Fate because he basically teleports alone and tells everybody on the enemy team that he's about to teleport, but why Kench has this ridiculously small range? Best he can do at lvl 6 is teleport from his side of the wall bush in botlane to the enemies'.
Support main here, maining Bard, Braum and Kench since S5. 1) Personally I would remove the Thick Skin active of his E because the animation to cast it is just a disadvantage to use in the thick of a fight so you just use it as a gimmicky survival tool in rare cases like surviving Ignite, Teemo Shroom or Karthus Ult. 2) Then I would move the Thick Skin passive to his actual passive. I would revert the bonus health damage to his ult like before. This accomplishes 2 things: it would remove his early game cheesy damage as a top laner and delay that to level 6. And also, right now, there really is no incentive to put points on his ult because the active part of it is a bit useless with the indicator and slow animations. Having the bonus health damage there would incentivize points to be put into it. 3) Next, I would make the animations in his ult a little bit faster. To not make it too broken, I would like it to have an actual moving sprite (maybe him swimming underwater where only his yellow demonic eyes could be seen) such that the time to travel is proportional to the distance, just like Bard's ultimate. That way, going over a wall for a clutch save would take significantly less time, but racing towards Baron from base or roaming mid would still take a longer time. 4) Next I would put Acquired Taste as a passive on his Tongue Lash, such that it would put the first stack only when you successfully land a Q, where he can then auto-attack/Q to complete the remaining stacks. I would lower the cooldown on it but also lower the damage by a lot (maybe to something like Braum Q) so it can be his bread and butter ability. To balance this, stacks would fall off at a (way) slower rate, one by one after exiting battle against Tahm Kench. This way, leaving the enemy marksman on 2 stacks after a skirmish would put significant pressure on them to lane safer for a moderate amount of time, making him a more viable support. This would also slightly nerf toplane Kench because you would need to land a Q first before going all in, instead of just walking up to them. 5) Because of #4 I would bring back the speed boost when using W on allies. This incentivizes a more support-y playstyle. He can still eat enemies, slowing him still, but only after completing the stacks in #4. This cross-ability interaction still makes sense, imo (see Diana moonlight mark). A long cooldown for this just like when he was released is optimal since you would have to choose carefully which one youd like to devour. If being able to eat enemies still proves to be too powerful, I actually am in favor of having him be rooted in place while digesting and not being able to choose where to spit the enemy (he spits them to the direction where he first devoured them). I think the suppression and missing health damage is enough of an upside to still have it be a viable option. That's it. I hope he can be viable again. I miss playing him.
That's not why at all. It's because Tahm is broken. If he's balanced as a support, he's op top. If he's balanced top in silver, he's op top in high elo. So they cut him down. He literally covers the subject.
@@zhangbill1194 yes specially for people that only knows the surface, just like twitter users. Oh new Items release - complain, decent skins - complain, An actual balanced new champion - complain. Complaining to riot is basically a meme now that's why riot themeselves are confused with what to do with releases because everything they releases good or bad is getting negative reception.
I would actually like a updated version since his rework has changed him quite a bit. I don't know if he has still a low playerbase. If so it would be a nice addition to the series.
Actually true, besides his still to this day op lvl1, I just play him because me and my friends love spamming "FROGGE ALWAYS WINS" whenever someone gets a kill with him lmao
Tahm is in a great spot solo top wise i can't speak to support because i haven't support kench in a very very long time. The attach with his q going away hurt but he does allot of damage currently i generally start cinder into beserker grieves then finish Sunfire into dead man's and force of nature so your super fast and stick to your opponents super hard
lol fr tho, his pick rate is at a steady 0.51 as of this comment. He still has next to no carry potential cause hes a tank, but he does have a crazy good lane phase.
Tahm Kench is my favourite champion ever. When played top he is always doubted, so when you destroy it feels so good. To hit up the top laner with don’t bench the kench when they start saying how dumb a champ is, such a good feeling.
1 reason why people really don't play tahm kench anymore as a support. People he tries to save with his devour press 1 key and immediately jump out into death and then blame tahm for taking away there ability to dodge said attack with there own skill or flash or whatever. Ate my adc during a nunu ult just to have him jump out close to the end, flash to try to get out of said ult just to die at the boarder of ult. Then ping me because I ate him and took away time he could have used to run from the ult
Lol thats not at all the real problem. His devour comes out as a toxic ability but honestly I havent had that problem often. And I think u have to give the person being eaten ability to get out when and how they want because if not it can easily become super toxic with trill tahms devouring u and throwing u into enemy.
@@slurp3194 nice perspective, thing is trolling can happen with any character. Yes that ability makes it quite easy but trolls are going to troll thats what the report buttons for even though it usually goes to nothing. But when it comes to real tahm kench players who are just trying to utilize the ability the way it was intended, to save the adc or carry but most of the time I run into adcs and carries who jump out to there own deaths. There is a problem there, the ability is useless due to the nature of how people play, they don't want someone to take control and save them, they just want someone to help save them. Example, Morgana shield is a action that saves them from cc but it doesn't hinder what they plan to do. His eat mechanic needs changing but to what, who knows. Till then I've given up the champ, its bad enough fighting against 5 opponents and then your own adc's hardheadedness
... fun fact. the phrase "unbench the kench" came out way before his boon in the top lane. This video implies he was always an oppressive monster, but I'm pretty sure that top lane kench wasn't a thing until the full rune overhaul and at that wasn't discovered until well after its initial release. He only had a high pick rate in pro's because of his ability to save a player that got caught. Outside of pro's and his random top lane pop off... he was awful in solo queue because you NEEDED communication for him to be effective. Sad that Riot's only solution was to nerf him into the dirt and leave him there...
I mained him top on season 5 or 6 (whenever he was released). So much fun. And late game he didn't fall back, because: Q (back then it used to stack the passive), run up to them and attack, and immediately reset attack with Titanic Hydra (back when it still had the active) for an easy 3 stacks and then W, spit and if they were still alive somehow you could just smack them and Q again... So much fun dominating -top lane- the entire game. I miss the old Kench. The most fun champion that I had played. And then they nerfed him to dirt.
Great video! I’m a tahm kench main and love him to death. I main his sup but he’s in this situation where if he’s good he’s extremely degenerate top and in pro play which sucks for the rest of us. They did talk about a mini rework on him but I’m worried that will make him really lame top lane. I honestly think they should just keep him be tbh but I’m open to the rework.
Am happy my main is being talked about .Despite him having low play rate for his late game capabilities. I usually play him as jungle for his really great gank potential. Late game I usually look for 1v1with or 2v2 and I only focus on the ad carry haaha .so I am really up for him being the jungler
Personally, I think Tahm Kench is in a goodish spot rn in the top lane. The only problems are that he requires a very greedy play style, his r is really only useful when he is ahead level 1, and his lack of presence in team fights. He has the potential to carry games, but can be easily shut down by ganks and a bad team cause he isn't really a carry, and the enemy can just ignore him cause his only piece of cc without his passive is his q which slows. Even though there are a lot of deficiencies when playing the Kench, you play him to primarily shut down the enemy top lane, cause of his ability to all in and win in early levels, poke, and his sustain/tankiness with e so he is really only good as a counter pick. But once he starts going, I think he is one of the least killable champions with high stickiness and high damage.
Tahm Kench top main and the one thing you aproached but didn't all-out say is that he is a stat-check champion. Especially against champions that can't get away from him nor avoid a all-in while farming/trading. However, nowadays that is almost never the case. Most viable top laners have dashes, better trade patterns and more sustain than him. While the ticking time bomb whasn't a issue before the item overhaul he no longer scales well enough to solo win a teamfight. Also, full tank is no longer viable unless you have a feed team and his attack speed scaling is a lot worse than it seems at first glance due to his animation needing to be almost complete before you can cancel it and still do damage (Riven is the opossite). Add to that the fact that his attack speed growth is one of the worse in the game. Due to that and the fact that damage overall has increased you can try to scale into late game with health, which has diminishing returns, attack speed, which platous extremely quickly, or damage (ad or ap), in which case you need to contend with low attack speed. So, specially in higher elos, his early game is lacking, unless the opponent misplays (which i'll conced almost always happens), his midgame is still very good but depending on matchup hard to get to and his lategame is lackluster compared to many of the 1v9ning champions of the top lane that are strong early, mid and late game.
If they wanted to make him a jungler I feel like giving him back the q applies passive as well as give back his passives damage on the q. It would allow him to get the stacks he wants at range and want to slow enemies in ganks rather than stun.
bring back pre season 8 tahm. W on shorter cooldown and less mana and disnt ground you and gave you bonus movement speed towards enemies and ult had shorter cooldown and longer range.
This was a very insightful video. Honestly tho, they could remove the stun and potentially make the slow stronger, but i don't think his Q needs the additional CC. They could also increase the CD or make the hitbox narrower
Yo you talking about tahm kentch being able to spit different things for different effects like just gave me so many ideas for how they could rework his game play. Like if they made his kit jungle based with that idea in mind it could be so unique and fun
Personally I think his Q and minion fired W should add stacks of his passive again. His E should be remade as basically a conditional shield. If he is over 40% hp he gains x amount something like 180 at rank 5 that scales with something... probably enemies around him. If he's under 40% hp the shield should be doubled. I think this fits with their intention for him but also make him less oppressive than he was.
I'm actually good with tahm rn. I agree late game is hard but to scale up I ward enemy jg n ult in to steal the buff or both. Titanic hydra also helps a lot in team fights.
If his w worked like thresh lantern for allies (no idea how the enemy/ally difference would work) it would mean he can’t just flat out deny hard cc on a carry because the carry has to be able to click him
I love kench, the only thing i hate when playing him isn't his abilities but it's the fact that people don't stay in your W and get themselves killed like just stay in the mouth XD
yeeaaahhhh and that's why at the beginning of every game I type "Guys when I eat you and you started clicking stuff you will get out. so, don't blame me when you are back to danger" and they still get out xDDD
I think most of the problems you mentioned regarding uninteractivity come from his shield that also acts as healing. I think removing the passive regeneration and compensating his kit elsewere would make him a lot less annoying to play against considering that he cannot take humongous amounts of poke and not a give a shit anymore.
So let's say you have 2000 points to design any champion Tahm already ussd 4.5k So yea why not remove 1.5k from his kit and compensate with another 1.5k to keep him broken. Yay!
I almost had a pentakill with Tham kench a week ago. Only had to kill a fizz under the two base towers and I almost had him but he used e and I was to low so died sadly. But still had a Quadra kill which felt amazing
Like some already said what made me stop playing him is his Q not applying a stack anymore. It was already hard enough to apply 3 stacks vs players who knew the danger, but without his Q it's pretty much impossible. So now I much prefer ali or leona when I want a tank.
Good solution i would say but riot took it away, let his q being able to give aquired taste. With low q cooldown it’s more helpful in team fight where he doesn’t need to all up in the enemies business to get 3 stack on someone
I miss his passive bonus health damage on his ult it made a noticeable power spike (like most other champs) at level 6 and I miss that his q and minions thrown by his w could apply stacks of his passive and it makes it harder to get stacks now because you have to stay in an enemies face for that much longer with no way to engage or peel from afar it also made his w have another use you could chose to throw a minion instead of eat your adc to get a stun and turn the fight
As a kench main i think one if the biggest reasons why he's not played alot is he was designed around his q applying a passive stack and when they removed that it kinda messed up alot of his laneing and support engage potential. Like before as support you could slow with your q hit twice and w for a lot of damage then spit them out behind you so you adc could kill them but now that extra hit required along with reduced slow makes it to where its almost impossible to get that combo unless you hit them once or twice before q and why wouldn't you play any other support at that point where your q by its self will be enough to get a kill. Also his ult needs to have more range at rank 6 because how it is now is just laughable. I think kentch is one of those perfect examples of a champ being balanced around pro play which then makes them useless for 99 percent of players. Theirs to many examples of riot pushing for ultra competitiveness then and ruining chaps like azir, kindred and kench (my three mains before I stopped playing due to dumb shit like this) just because they can be used extremely well by less than 1 percent of players. Like if a champ has a 45 percent win rate in almost all ranks I really don't think they need a nerf riot. Sorry for this essay of a comment I just don't really like this ultra competitive direction league is going because it makes it to where I have to play whats meta and I can't play as fun Champs without my team inting or telling me to kms even if I'm like 13/3/15.
buff, allow allies to atk from inside him. if yuumi is on a champ that he eats does she get eaten to? add dmging chomp to ult when reappears. W have 2 cast each with own cd,1 for enemy 1 for ally.
What I loved about my support kench: - Super tanky but now he dies in two seconds - His damage was fair and not too high but now it's way too high - His W was such a great ability but now it's basically pointless to use it because you can't move a meter and you can't flash -.- you devour someone and the enemy can easily run to you and just kill the person you devoured.... - His Ult had a perfect range but now you never use it on level 6 and at the moment you have good range on lvl 11 the game is over... and the range on lvl 16 is just overkill and useless.... It also gets canceled way too easy so that it's useless to save someone -.- I want my ultimate supporter back and not a high damage dealer toplane garbage champ -.- He was my favorite champ but since they killed him thanks to stupid pro play I never had so much fun playing league because I don't like any champ as much as him...
I quit league shortly after Kench was introduced into the game. My first couple of matches with him involved him as my teammate, and he would grief the shit out of me, eating me and carrying me away from the action or into danger, constantly, the entire game, and there was literally nothing I could do about it. It was so absolutely infuriating that I never forgave Riot for that--it showed a complete lack of thought into the griefing potential of a champion that could, as a teammate, take control of your own character repeatedly no matter what you did.
S11 has done good things for him. I main him top lane and have a 60% winrate. He is still an absolute beast but deff needs something There was a rumoured many rework of kench that would swap devour and his ult
Tahm main here. I left lol for 3 years and when i came back Tahm was nerfed outta this world. but I STILL play him whenever I feel like I wanna win (top only) but I remember even in 2016, in low elos people still didn't know how ridiculously strong Tahm was in 1v1. I would got top against a Fiora or a Darius and just start trading auto attacks with them, they thouhgt "oh what a dumbass he's actually fighting a darius or a fiora lvl1! I ALWAYS got first blood with him! Just bcz of how unexpected the amount of damage was at lvl 1! good times. He's still really strong in 1v1 tho but much harder to play bcz of the Q no longer adding a stack and the stack being removed after a stun.
Certain utilities being removed from his kit like spitting allies over walls, 95% slow on ally eats, being grounded during w, q not giving a stack, and rank 1 ult range hard nerf all culminated into one big bench for my kench. I wish he could just be less toxic, but that's unfortunately his fate because of how he is. He's either obnoxious as hell and impossible to deal with, or you feel like you're useless and are using sandpaper to wipe your ass. I love his design so much, but he's doomed to be this way forever. ;(
Playing Tahm as a DPS tank right now works. hes slow to start, but once you get spirit visage and that thorn armor, he becomes far more tanky and can take most 1v2s, given hes not CCd to hell
@@PresidentAnubis imo the only problem with taking DD is that it doesn't give any HP so it doesn't buff his passive. Titanic Hydra has insane synergy with his passive on the other hand
you can play kench toplane in so many ways, grasp, glacial conqueror, hail of blades, you can basically pull out any runes and still dominate toplane, the best way to do that is to fight lvl 1, tahm wins basically with every toplaner beacuse no one apparently knows that he is very, VERY strong lvl 1.
Tahm is wayyy more fun top than he is support, if you take hail of blades he can do a surprising amount of damage, and then roam at level 6. I do think that making the Q not proc the passive did hurt him alot though.
It's 18 February Tahm Kench is in rotation I have already tried him on support and got S- with 6/5/30 stats I will try the Top Kench I went on Practice Tool He is broken :)
Because his Q doesn't proc his passive anymore
Ye. Why did they remove that :(
Fax I hate it its so much harder to process the full 3
@@bungercolumbus Because Tahm is broken. If he's balanced as a support, he's op top. If he's balanced top in silver, he's op top in high elo. So they cut him down.
they removed that because they moved the bonus damage %HP to his passive.
and honestly you shouldn't be spamming his Q it should be poke and peel helping your ADC get the advantage not gluttonous greed and hunger.
remember the time when all his abilities icluded the splash of his w proc his passive?
Because his Q doesn't proc his passive
Because his base stats have been nerfed into the ground
Because his W costs an arm, a leg, your lunch, AND your time while also being so nerfed that it's unusable unless you're in comms with your teamates
Because his Ult rank one is literally just as fast as if he just walked there in the first place
Because his W still has that annoying ass bug where if you try to eat someone as the third stack just procs you'll just eat the minion next to them instead since it has a slight delay compared to his auto
And finally......
Because Riot forgot to give him his mini-rework
I miss the shen levels of health scaling he had before they moved & nerfed it from his ult to his passive
Lol you have all the points
BUT, isn’t the W (Devour) going to get replaced with the Ult? That’s going to make people not want to play him anymore he’s going to be so weak only picking people and popping his shield without swallowing them at 3 stacks until lv 6
@Gabriel Edgar quite a while ago, @riot_captain on twitter recently tweeted another leak of the rework
The mini rework is here
Who remembers the time when tamh kench was so broken and he was getting perma banned we would all say UNBENCH THE KENCH
Me, who plays tahm kench and still says unbench the kench
@@blaisepeck8765 I used to main him, but sadly I didn't have a computer for a little over 2 years and then realized they destroyed my OG main Aatrox and kench...I was so lost on who to pick afterwards
@@zehndermenix213 Tahm is quite decent now my friend, you just have to adapt to the exchanged skills
Well he's amphibious, so if we had to identify him as either, a frog would make more sense than a catfish.
@@MyronZhang Not even remotely close. He has catfish whiskers, and a catfish tailfin. Nothing about him looks like a frog
Even if you argue that he's closer in resemblance to a catfish, I wouldn't insist that he is actually a proper catfish.
Kench has catfish-like whiskers and a tail, but he has a frog's tongue, his skin is closer to a frog. and he behaves much more like an amphibious creature than a almost exclusively water-dweller.
And since he's a demon, he therefore probably shouldn't be compared directly to a catfish exclusively. Platypuses have duck-like beaks, tails that have more resemblance to a fish, and furry bodies, as a comparison.
Besides, alongside the old saying of "Unbench the Kench", other variants include "Unload the Toad", "Unclog the Frog", "Uninhibit the Ribbit", "Unroll the Tadpole", "Permit the Kermit" and "Unimprison the Amphibian". All of which are about frogs. I don't see one about catfish at all.
So there.
Myron Zhang His lore literally does call him a fish though
@@MyronZhang You're argument may be detailed but that literally doesnt change the fact that he is a catfish. Just because people call him a frog, doesn't mean he is one.
August 2020: Why no one plays Tahm Kench
August 2021: Please no one play Tahm Kench I can't take it any more
the only reason no one plays kench nowadays is because they're too afraid of a ban for scripting
@@dragonmage372 what makes you say that?
@@iCarloTV Main him.
2022: "Why people pick Singed more often that Tahm kench"
Augest 2022 why no one plays kench
And now Tahm Kench become the best top laner again LOL
Why can't riot just give him another rework?
We've seen again and again and again that his kit is a balance nightmare so give him a different one
@@NoOne-qi4tb because that erases an entire playstyle from the game. And I imagine they would like to avoid this
@@Taintsnicely5434 well now he is kinda better at being a support and trust me i played both and i love him much more as a support rather than top laner he doesnt feel like pure bs anymore you have to work your way through matchups
Still playing Tahm top, can surprise enemies easily and become ridiculously tanky.
I´ve heard "wtf did not know Tahm is so op" couple times.
Honestly like half my won lanes on Tahm Top is because nobody respects the insane level 1 trade. Often that is flash or first blood as they try to take the fight and quickly figure out they cannot.
ultimate riven counter tbh
I honestly have never beaten a tam top in my three months back to the game. I have no clue how to outplay him. Usually the solution to this is to just play with him for a week to learn his ins and outs. But I haven’t done that yet.
Honestly. It's not even his level one. Top side he's extremely strong only until late game where his damage finally falls off. Other wise no he's pretty disgusting to play against. Like playing against him top feels so awful that it feels like even just trying to exist in lane is punishment. You really can't farm at all as his poke will being you down. The strong ass slow will pretty much make sure he gets his full proc and then devours you guaranteed. No amount of usage of flash will save you from that, you'd need ghost oe cleanse to actually get out. And then still hits you for a long ass while after being spat out. Effectively speaking once he devours you and gets the slow off. There is no amount of outplay you can possibly do unless your godamn darius and a space q or someone with 50 mobility spells.
@@isaiahkern9434 Take Vel'koz and bully him out of lane....been down that road as a tahm main....i can't fucking do anything if my opponent as any sort of range advantage on me.
"Azir strikes a nice balance between being too op or too weak" well that aged poorly
3:25 ryze where
Tahm Main here, thanks for covering it respectfully and giving me some more insight to my champ's history :D
To this day, I find kench can 1v1 Darius level 1 with ignite.
Pretty pog.
i dont think there is anyone that kench can't 1v1 level 1 with ignite
u counter hi passive ye kinda POG
@@NTTofMistery i agree
I always thought tahm being a rengar/khazix to pyke would be fitting as they both get damage off health, are bilgewater, tahm quote:”the river forgets the names of the drowned” when pykes story is that he drowned.
he might have given pyke immortality
"If it only has 3 skins or less, you can forget about him."
"kench is immobile"
New kench:
i love tahm kench, he should get some buffs
He's apparently getting a mini rework like diana
i've read that but what Riot wants to do with him is not good
@@adamgouda8052 why is that
@@nightmarehellfire swapping W with R wouldn't help him
i like him as a laner but this rework could make him a jungler like reksai
@@adamgouda8052 wait, they want to swap devour with the teleport? this sounds horrible
I play tahm kench top it's very fun imo
Crinzin Not for the opponent lol
Mah bruddaaaa
Yeeeeee tahm kench top boiiiii
I sometimes pick ignite and you can 1v1 almost any champ at lvl 1 and it feels amazingly stupid but fun
tahm kench main here and i can confirm that is super fu
"Find their footing like irelia" ; Me with a 100% irelia ban on my ranks: "Interesting"
depends on what you like to play, i always ban her only when i go top because i play yorick
I think the biggest problem with Tahm is his flexibility. Much like pyke you can’t balance either of them for support when people will take them solo lane and become insane. I think the best solution for tahm (and pyke) is to make them solo landers and balance them for that. I like the idea for tahm that his w and r can’t be used on allies. Maybe make his w so that if you w an enemy you can then r and take them out of a fight? All of a sudden tahm isn’t a sup anymore
Flexibility is definitely an issue a lot of champions in this series struggle with. It feels like nowadays champions are popular based on how many hats they can wear, regardless of how well they perform at it.
Vars why play 6 champs when you can play 3 and be really good at them? I think flexibility is good but not when it comes to supports. Except morg and lux, they seem to be able to sup and mid pretty well
All tahm kench mains main him because of the character and the voice, I say this as a tahm main
Riot said they might give him a mini rework where they make devour his ult and give him a new spell for his w as a result and honestly I'm excited to see it
Give him the ole' Diana treatment.
From what I remember they said they might make his abyssal voyage into his W. But it will be used as an engage tool with a knock up and he can’t take a teammate with him.
@@P1aceHo1derName now that I like
you realize how dumb swapping part of his bread and butter for his ult sounds right?
the one tool he needs most and you wanna put it on a 30-60-120 timer? his kit is fine where it sits again just a matter of numbers.
@@dracobellator1164 imo Tahm's issue is that he has exclusively his autos to stack the passive now, which is why he's restricted into Hail of Blades (and let's be frank, the rest of the Domination tree does not do him any favors). On top of that using Kench as a support properly is difficult because aside from the relatively weak slow on Q he has no form of CC whatsoever, and his damage is not outstanding either because he can't poke that well. He also has remarkable issues with using his R in an effective manner until he gets a 2nd level in it because the range is stupidly short: I understand Twisted Fate because he basically teleports alone and tells everybody on the enemy team that he's about to teleport, but why Kench has this ridiculously small range? Best he can do at lvl 6 is teleport from his side of the wall bush in botlane to the enemies'.
“He doesn’t have AOE for team fights so he falls off late” season 11 sunfire has entered the chat
He's gonna get the reksai treatment where his ult was a transport ability to a damage/cc ability.
Support main here, maining Bard, Braum and Kench since S5.
1) Personally I would remove the Thick Skin active of his E because the animation to cast it is just a disadvantage to use in the thick of a fight so you just use it as a gimmicky survival tool in rare cases like surviving Ignite, Teemo Shroom or Karthus Ult.
2) Then I would move the Thick Skin passive to his actual passive. I would revert the bonus health damage to his ult like before. This accomplishes 2 things: it would remove his early game cheesy damage as a top laner and delay that to level 6. And also, right now, there really is no incentive to put points on his ult because the active part of it is a bit useless with the indicator and slow animations. Having the bonus health damage there would incentivize points to be put into it.
3) Next, I would make the animations in his ult a little bit faster. To not make it too broken, I would like it to have an actual moving sprite (maybe him swimming underwater where only his yellow demonic eyes could be seen) such that the time to travel is proportional to the distance, just like Bard's ultimate. That way, going over a wall for a clutch save would take significantly less time, but racing towards Baron from base or roaming mid would still take a longer time.
4) Next I would put Acquired Taste as a passive on his Tongue Lash, such that it would put the first stack only when you successfully land a Q, where he can then auto-attack/Q to complete the remaining stacks. I would lower the cooldown on it but also lower the damage by a lot (maybe to something like Braum Q) so it can be his bread and butter ability. To balance this, stacks would fall off at a (way) slower rate, one by one after exiting battle against Tahm Kench. This way, leaving the enemy marksman on 2 stacks after a skirmish would put significant pressure on them to lane safer for a moderate amount of time, making him a more viable support. This would also slightly nerf toplane Kench because you would need to land a Q first before going all in, instead of just walking up to them.
5) Because of #4 I would bring back the speed boost when using W on allies. This incentivizes a more support-y playstyle. He can still eat enemies, slowing him still, but only after completing the stacks in #4. This cross-ability interaction still makes sense, imo (see Diana moonlight mark). A long cooldown for this just like when he was released is optimal since you would have to choose carefully which one youd like to devour. If being able to eat enemies still proves to be too powerful, I actually am in favor of having him be rooted in place while digesting and not being able to choose where to spit the enemy (he spits them to the direction where he first devoured them). I think the suppression and missing health damage is enough of an upside to still have it be a viable option.
That's it. I hope he can be viable again. I miss playing him.
good idea
He got nerfed because people like to throw the early, whine and complain. Can't wait until it's Darius' tu- oh no that won't happen because Riot. c:
That's not why at all.
It's because Tahm is broken. If he's balanced as a support, he's op top. If he's balanced top in silver, he's op top in high elo. So they cut him down. He literally covers the subject.
Rajani Mishra yes blame riot smh
@@liandrysanguishinshin7955 are you Implying that we shouldn't blame riot?
@@zhangbill1194 yes specially for people that only knows the surface, just like twitter users. Oh new Items release - complain, decent skins - complain, An actual balanced new champion - complain. Complaining to riot is basically a meme now that's why riot themeselves are confused with what to do with releases because everything they releases good or bad is getting negative reception.
Darius doesn't have tham's utility, that's why he isn't nerfed to death
I would actually like a updated version since his rework has changed him quite a bit. I don't know if he has still a low playerbase. If so it would be a nice addition to the series.
i like his character design no matter what, such a badass character imo
Actually true, besides his still to this day op lvl1, I just play him because me and my friends love spamming "FROGGE ALWAYS WINS" whenever someone gets a kill with him lmao
@@dosu7964 you mean OP lvl 1-14 and the full build being a bramble vest? You mean that?
And he's being played now in LCS :D
Tahm is in a great spot solo top wise i can't speak to support because i haven't support kench in a very very long time. The attach with his q going away hurt but he does allot of damage currently i generally start cinder into beserker grieves then finish Sunfire into dead man's and force of nature so your super fast and stick to your opponents super hard
Used tahm kench to get out of bronze and silver, the level 1 cheese is too strong
I remember when tahm came out I left my bpy6 thresh for this Catfish demon, mained him and was super good, I actually managed to climb ranked as supp
the extra long pause on pyke's face had me in fight or flight
August 2020: Why no one playys Tahm Kench.
August 2021: Why everyone plays Tahm Kench.
lol fr tho, his pick rate is at a steady 0.51 as of this comment. He still has next to no carry potential cause hes a tank, but he does have a crazy good lane phase.
Still playing him top in S11, still pretty strong
I play Tahm just cuz he's an absolute Chad, top tier meme
This video didn't aged well no we all ban this monster in top
as a tahm kench main, i am looking forward to his rework
Tahm Kench is my favourite champion ever. When played top he is always doubted, so when you destroy it feels so good. To hit up the top laner with don’t bench the kench when they start saying how dumb a champ is, such a good feeling.
1 reason why people really don't play tahm kench anymore as a support. People he tries to save with his devour press 1 key and immediately jump out into death and then blame tahm for taking away there ability to dodge said attack with there own skill or flash or whatever. Ate my adc during a nunu ult just to have him jump out close to the end, flash to try to get out of said ult just to die at the boarder of ult. Then ping me because I ate him and took away time he could have used to run from the ult
Lol thats not at all the real problem. His devour comes out as a toxic ability but honestly I havent had that problem often. And I think u have to give the person being eaten ability to get out when and how they want because if not it can easily become super toxic with trill tahms devouring u and throwing u into enemy.
@@slurp3194 nice perspective, thing is trolling can happen with any character. Yes that ability makes it quite easy but trolls are going to troll thats what the report buttons for even though it usually goes to nothing. But when it comes to real tahm kench players who are just trying to utilize the ability the way it was intended, to save the adc or carry but most of the time I run into adcs and carries who jump out to there own deaths. There is a problem there, the ability is useless due to the nature of how people play, they don't want someone to take control and save them, they just want someone to help save them. Example, Morgana shield is a action that saves them from cc but it doesn't hinder what they plan to do. His eat mechanic needs changing but to what, who knows. Till then I've given up the champ, its bad enough fighting against 5 opponents and then your own adc's hardheadedness
Look like TK is getting his promised mini rework finally, i hope it turns out well.
It didn't
@@cejotaproductions4603 it went from no one to everyone
@@cejotaproductions4603 it did
the ok at 1:23 lol
... fun fact. the phrase "unbench the kench" came out way before his boon in the top lane. This video implies he was always an oppressive monster, but I'm pretty sure that top lane kench wasn't a thing until the full rune overhaul and at that wasn't discovered until well after its initial release. He only had a high pick rate in pro's because of his ability to save a player that got caught. Outside of pro's and his random top lane pop off... he was awful in solo queue because you NEEDED communication for him to be effective.
Sad that Riot's only solution was to nerf him into the dirt and leave him there...
"nerf him into the dirt"
*Proceeds to solo every champion pre 11 and 1v2 at lvl 6*
I mained him top on season 5 or 6 (whenever he was released). So much fun.
And late game he didn't fall back, because:
Q (back then it used to stack the passive), run up to them and attack, and immediately reset attack with Titanic Hydra (back when it still had the active) for an easy 3 stacks and then W, spit and if they were still alive somehow you could just smack them and Q again... So much fun dominating -top lane- the entire game. I miss the old Kench. The most fun champion that I had played.
And then they nerfed him to dirt.
the yasuo tanking tower shots comment had me lol out loud hard
2 seasons ago I had a 74% win rate on Tahm kench then they removed him being able to get a stack of his passive on his q. That gutted h completely
Great video! I’m a tahm kench main and love him to death. I main his sup but he’s in this situation where if he’s good he’s extremely degenerate top and in pro play which sucks for the rest of us. They did talk about a mini rework on him but I’m worried that will make him really lame top lane. I honestly think they should just keep him be tbh but I’m open to the rework.
Am happy my main is being talked about .Despite him having low play rate for his late game capabilities. I usually play him as jungle for his really great gank potential. Late game I usually look for 1v1with or 2v2 and I only focus on the ad carry haaha .so I am really up for him being the jungler
People stopped playing TK because Riot removed the damage scaling on his ultimate.
Personally, I think Tahm Kench is in a goodish spot rn in the top lane. The only problems are that he requires a very greedy play style, his r is really only useful when he is ahead level 1, and his lack of presence in team fights. He has the potential to carry games, but can be easily shut down by ganks and a bad team cause he isn't really a carry, and the enemy can just ignore him cause his only piece of cc without his passive is his q which slows.
Even though there are a lot of deficiencies when playing the Kench, you play him to primarily shut down the enemy top lane, cause of his ability to all in and win in early levels, poke, and his sustain/tankiness with e so he is really only good as a counter pick. But once he starts going, I think he is one of the least killable champions with high stickiness and high damage.
I cant stand not playing him, everytime I play a character i just miss playing the lovable glutton
Sadness, my best Boi got removed from the list of support champions in league...
3:22 Yo, wheres Ryze? The king of reworks deserves a spot on this list.
Tahm Kench top main and the one thing you aproached but didn't all-out say is that he is a stat-check champion. Especially against champions that can't get away from him nor avoid a all-in while farming/trading. However, nowadays that is almost never the case. Most viable top laners have dashes, better trade patterns and more sustain than him. While the ticking time bomb whasn't a issue before the item overhaul he no longer scales well enough to solo win a teamfight. Also, full tank is no longer viable unless you have a feed team and his attack speed scaling is a lot worse than it seems at first glance due to his animation needing to be almost complete before you can cancel it and still do damage (Riven is the opossite). Add to that the fact that his attack speed growth is one of the worse in the game. Due to that and the fact that damage overall has increased you can try to scale into late game with health, which has diminishing returns, attack speed, which platous extremely quickly, or damage (ad or ap), in which case you need to contend with low attack speed. So, specially in higher elos, his early game is lacking, unless the opponent misplays (which i'll conced almost always happens), his midgame is still very good but depending on matchup hard to get to and his lategame is lackluster compared to many of the 1v9ning champions of the top lane that are strong early, mid and late game.
I'm Tahm Kench main and hes so mutch fun!
Make his passive need 5 stacks, but allies can help you stack it
And remove his W slow on eating allies
If they wanted to make him a jungler I feel like giving him back the q applies passive as well as give back his passives damage on the q. It would allow him to get the stacks he wants at range and want to slow enemies in ganks rather than stun.
He's getting reworked!! Hopefully this will bring him back, it seems promising :)
bring back pre season 8 tahm. W on shorter cooldown and less mana and disnt ground you and gave you bonus movement speed towards enemies and ult had shorter cooldown and longer range.
Welp, this didn’t age well.
This was a very insightful video. Honestly tho, they could remove the stun and potentially make the slow stronger, but i don't think his Q needs the additional CC. They could also increase the CD or make the hitbox narrower
tahm kench deserves to be in a good tier on tier list, hes a tank
Yo you talking about tahm kentch being able to spit different things for different effects like just gave me so many ideas for how they could rework his game play. Like if they made his kit jungle based with that idea in mind it could be so unique and fun
Personally I think his Q and minion fired W should add stacks of his passive again. His E should be remade as basically a conditional shield. If he is over 40% hp he gains x amount something like 180 at rank 5 that scales with something... probably enemies around him. If he's under 40% hp the shield should be doubled. I think this fits with their intention for him but also make him less oppressive than he was.
Kench unbenched
Lesssss goooooo
I'm actually good with tahm rn. I agree late game is hard but to scale up I ward enemy jg n ult in to steal the buff or both. Titanic hydra also helps a lot in team fights.
If his w worked like thresh lantern for allies (no idea how the enemy/ally difference would work) it would mean he can’t just flat out deny hard cc on a carry because the carry has to be able to click him
"Based of a frog"
Catfishs am i a joke to you?
I love kench, the only thing i hate when playing him isn't his abilities but it's the fact that people don't stay in your W and get themselves killed like just stay in the mouth XD
yeeaaahhhh and that's why at the beginning of every game I type "Guys when I eat you and you started clicking stuff you will get out. so, don't blame me when you are back to danger"
and they still get out xDDD
I literally get flamed every time that happens and it tilts me so bad lol
I think most of the problems you mentioned regarding uninteractivity come from his shield that also acts as healing.
I think removing the passive regeneration and compensating his kit elsewere would make him a lot less annoying to play against considering that he cannot take humongous amounts of poke and not a give a shit anymore.
So let's say you have 2000 points to design any champion
Tahm already ussd 4.5k
So yea why not remove 1.5k from his kit and compensate with another 1.5k to keep him broken. Yay!
I almost had a pentakill with Tham kench a week ago. Only had to kill a fizz under the two base towers and I almost had him but he used e and I was to low so died sadly. But still had a Quadra kill which felt amazing
My main is still viable he shits on everybody he's still viable T_T. Also he's a catfish bro.
Please tell me you’ve seen the new Tahm Kench skin, it’s absolutely insane
@@asuhdude3510 definitely getting it.
Like some already said what made me stop playing him is his Q not applying a stack anymore. It was already hard enough to apply 3 stacks vs players who knew the danger, but without his Q it's pretty much impossible. So now I much prefer ali or leona when I want a tank.
Good solution i would say but riot took it away, let his q being able to give aquired taste. With low q cooldown it’s more helpful in team fight where he doesn’t need to all up in the enemies business to get 3 stack on someone
I miss his passive bonus health damage on his ult it made a noticeable power spike (like most other champs) at level 6 and I miss that his q and minions thrown by his w could apply stacks of his passive and it makes it harder to get stacks now because you have to stay in an enemies face for that much longer with no way to engage or peel from afar it also made his w have another use you could chose to throw a minion instead of eat your adc to get a stun and turn the fight
For some reasons, around 65% of the champions featured on no one plays are the champions I like the most.
As a kench main i think one if the biggest reasons why he's not played alot is he was designed around his q applying a passive stack and when they removed that it kinda messed up alot of his laneing and support engage potential. Like before as support you could slow with your q hit twice and w for a lot of damage then spit them out behind you so you adc could kill them but now that extra hit required along with reduced slow makes it to where its almost impossible to get that combo unless you hit them once or twice before q and why wouldn't you play any other support at that point where your q by its self will be enough to get a kill. Also his ult needs to have more range at rank 6 because how it is now is just laughable. I think kentch is one of those perfect examples of a champ being balanced around pro play which then makes them useless for 99 percent of players. Theirs to many examples of riot pushing for ultra competitiveness then and ruining chaps like azir, kindred and kench (my three mains before I stopped playing due to dumb shit like this) just because they can be used extremely well by less than 1 percent of players. Like if a champ has a 45 percent win rate in almost all ranks I really don't think they need a nerf riot. Sorry for this essay of a comment I just don't really like this ultra competitive direction league is going because it makes it to where I have to play whats meta and I can't play as fun Champs without my team inting or telling me to kms even if I'm like 13/3/15.
buff, allow allies to atk from inside him. if yuumi is on a champ that he eats does she get eaten to? add dmging chomp to ult when reappears. W have 2 cast each with own cd,1 for enemy 1 for ally.
Looking forward to the sequel when he gets the mini rework in 2022!
I remember his launch. Good. He had it fucking coming.
What I loved about my support kench:
- Super tanky but now he dies in two seconds
- His damage was fair and not too high but now it's way too high
- His W was such a great ability but now it's basically pointless to use it because you can't move a meter and you can't flash -.- you devour someone and the enemy can easily run to you and just kill the person you devoured....
- His Ult had a perfect range but now you never use it on level 6 and at the moment you have good range on lvl 11 the game is over... and the range on lvl 16 is just overkill and useless.... It also gets canceled way too easy so that it's useless to save someone -.-
I want my ultimate supporter back and not a high damage dealer toplane garbage champ -.-
He was my favorite champ but since they killed him thanks to stupid pro play I never had so much fun playing league because I don't like any champ as much as him...
They sadly nerfed him into the ground
Now do the same with darius pls
So its basically a reverse Kassadin. He's stupid strong early, but weak later.
I main tahm for his thickness
I quit league shortly after Kench was introduced into the game. My first couple of matches with him involved him as my teammate, and he would grief the shit out of me, eating me and carrying me away from the action or into danger, constantly, the entire game, and there was literally nothing I could do about it. It was so absolutely infuriating that I never forgave Riot for that--it showed a complete lack of thought into the griefing potential of a champion that could, as a teammate, take control of your own character repeatedly no matter what you did.
Great vid, rengar next? His play rate is low but theres quite a few rengar otps in high elo
Next will be Yorick :3
@@VarsVerum looking forward to it! :D
S11 has done good things for him. I main him top lane and have a 60% winrate. He is still an absolute beast but deff needs something
There was a rumoured many rework of kench that would swap devour and his ult
Tahm main here. I left lol for 3 years and when i came back Tahm was nerfed outta this world. but I STILL play him whenever I feel like I wanna win (top only)
but I remember even in 2016, in low elos people still didn't know how ridiculously strong Tahm was in 1v1. I would got top against a Fiora or a Darius and just start trading auto attacks with them, they thouhgt "oh what a dumbass he's actually fighting a darius or a fiora lvl1! I ALWAYS got first blood with him! Just bcz of how unexpected the amount of damage was at lvl 1!
good times. He's still really strong in 1v1 tho but much harder to play bcz of the Q no longer adding a stack and the stack being removed after a stun.
Unrelated but as a Jhin main the sad kitty emote made me sad :(
He's a catfish, not a frog. :d No idea how the tongue comes into it though, maybe he's a mix.
well he *is* a demon, so...both? both is good.
@@residentsleeper8639 Eh, maybe.
Certain utilities being removed from his kit like spitting allies over walls, 95% slow on ally eats, being grounded during w, q not giving a stack, and rank 1 ult range hard nerf all culminated into one big bench for my kench. I wish he could just be less toxic, but that's unfortunately his fate because of how he is. He's either obnoxious as hell and impossible to deal with, or you feel like you're useless and are using sandpaper to wipe your ass. I love his design so much, but he's doomed to be this way forever. ;(
Damn I miss not getting slowed for eating an ally.
Playing Tahm as a DPS tank right now works. hes slow to start, but once you get spirit visage and that thorn armor, he becomes far more tanky and can take most 1v2s, given hes not CCd to hell
He's cancer >:(
@@VarsVerum and to think hes been nerfed
Yup I love that shit if you get deaths dance too it’s quite beautiful 😍
@@PresidentAnubis it just makes that sweet health regen even stronger
@@PresidentAnubis imo the only problem with taking DD is that it doesn't give any HP so it doesn't buff his passive. Titanic Hydra has insane synergy with his passive on the other hand
This video did not age well
you can play kench toplane in so many ways, grasp, glacial conqueror, hail of blades, you can basically pull out any runes and still dominate toplane, the best way to do that is to fight lvl 1, tahm wins basically with every toplaner beacuse no one apparently knows that he is very, VERY strong lvl 1.
I play support taric for a support tham. We roll them every time
Tahm is wayyy more fun top than he is support, if you take hail of blades he can do a surprising amount of damage, and then roam at level 6. I do think that making the Q not proc the passive did hurt him alot though.
It's 18 February
Tahm Kench is in rotation
I have already tried him on support and got S- with 6/5/30 stats
I will try the Top Kench
I went on Practice Tool
He is broken :)
aged like goat cheese, after his rework xd, was definitely true back then though.
queues up against 5th tahm kench top in a row
I wish that title was true
resident tahm main approves
Why's no one bringing up the fact that he's already gonna get a mini-rework soon?