Huawei Band 8 Review: Best Fitness Tracker of 2023?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 161

  • @chintanpatel4825
    @chintanpatel4825 Год назад +29

    I have been using Huawei phones, smartwatches and buds pro since 2020 and they all work in "Harmony" flawlessly. Top of the line products. Huawei is unbeaten for it's price to performance ratio for any of it's product. Hail Huawei.

    • @Dadc0rd
      @Dadc0rd 11 месяцев назад

      Which Huawei smartphone are you using current

    • @Inevitable_PS
      @Inevitable_PS 10 месяцев назад

      bro can you rassure there are supported apps for huewai bnd in India ? i was thinking to buy band 7 but I am really doubtful

    • @chintanpatel4825
      @chintanpatel4825 10 месяцев назад

      @@Inevitable_PS Huawei products I use are for their quality and accuracy. There arent enough support due to lack of google but I reduced 24 kg in. 9 months and gained 6 kg muscle mass just with Huawei health app, Huawei watch GT 3 Pro and my Mate 50 Pro. The calories burn tracking and exercise modes are so amazing. You can create your own health plan such as I did which was weight loss. I have my gym buddy who uses iWatch 7 and my GT 3 Pro outperforms iWatch 7 in all manner from steps count, calories burn, sleep tracking, heart rate monitoring.

    • @chintanpatel4825
      @chintanpatel4825 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@Dadc0rd I have Mate 30 Pro 5G, P40 Pro and now Mate 50 Pro with me where Mate 30 Pro is with dad , P40 Pro is with mom and I use Mate 50 Pro. I have Watch GT3 Pro and Freebuds Pro as well. Aiming to buy Huawei laptop and tablet this year.

  • @hoshbenben1152
    @hoshbenben1152 Год назад +19

    The Huawei Band 8 is a great budget tracker. If not looking for a fancy smartwatch it's one of the best choices. The sensors on the Band 8 are the same as the Huawei GT3 Pro, which is a fancier smartwatch.

  • @probablynotzeus936
    @probablynotzeus936 Год назад +8

    What I have noticed is that the latest trends in smart watch market is of amoled and calling function , no emphasis upon tracking and tracking accuracy

    • @hassanfaizan5831
      @hassanfaizan5831 9 месяцев назад

      Yeah you're right 1 reason is that people including me think that sensors in all watches are inaccurate so just focus on other things

  • @hassanfaizan5831
    @hassanfaizan5831 9 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you so much for such great review

  • @swaysupkar
    @swaysupkar Год назад +2

    that cam shake at the beginning was cool

  • @aka911
    @aka911 Год назад +3

    You haven’t mentioned where to purchased it from ? Which website ?

  • @pradeepsao4951
    @pradeepsao4951 Год назад +15


    • @kkytaccess1
      @kkytaccess1 Год назад

      Same here bro but I think people are just watching videos but they are not supporting her☹️

    • @lucifero9077
      @lucifero9077 Год назад +1

      ​@@kkytaccess1your life sad

    • @kkytaccess1
      @kkytaccess1 Год назад

      @@lucifero9077 yes bro

    • @areldcookie5581
      @areldcookie5581 Год назад +1

      Down bad

    • @Hooligan112
      @Hooligan112 Год назад +1


  • @phatshaddo6067
    @phatshaddo6067 Год назад +5

    Thank you so much for a very insightful and we'll rounded review!! I've just bought the band 8,and wanted to check out some features. Thanks for answering all my "questions" in one go!

    • @dee33765
      @dee33765 Год назад

      How did you buy it ? Which website and what price and if bought from AliExpress then how did you find actual seller

    • @BeastPSSingh
      @BeastPSSingh 2 месяца назад

      Bro you are from India ? If yes , is the app working in India ?

  • @deepaksaini595
    @deepaksaini595 Год назад +2

    Where to buy?

  • @khr957
    @khr957 Год назад +2

    Does any of this syncs with iOS health

  • @krns1617
    @krns1617 Год назад +1

    Are the different sleep phases shown on the watch itself or only in the app?

  • @hassanfaizan5831
    @hassanfaizan5831 9 месяцев назад +2

    I ordered the band by watching just the half video

  • @EricWong-d6g
    @EricWong-d6g Год назад +2

    Based on your review I will buy my 1st Huawei Band 8 Thanks!

  • @2009utkarsh
    @2009utkarsh Год назад +2

    Where is Xiaomi band 7 or 8 available online in INDIA?

  • @zeogaming877
    @zeogaming877 3 месяца назад

    Which one should i pick for fitness? Especially running?
    Amazefit band 7 , Samsung watch fit 3 or Huawei band 8?

  • @27cherryblossoms
    @27cherryblossoms Год назад +1

    Is there a pomodoro timer?

  • @JustChill-93
    @JustChill-93 Год назад

    what is the watch face name at 7:05? it's so classy.

    • @dhruvmehta2986
      @dhruvmehta2986 Год назад

      It's so boring what's the use of such a large and beautiful amoled display

  • @ubaidullahabdulrahim3910
    @ubaidullahabdulrahim3910 10 месяцев назад

    Thank you for your video. I am still confused about Which one to buy between Fitbit inspire 3 or Huawei Band 8. Please advise

  • @RajaRamGurungRaza
    @RajaRamGurungRaza Год назад +2

    comparison between mi band 8 or huawei band 8.

  • @protik62
    @protik62 Год назад +2

    suggest me which one would be better to buy mi band 8 or huawei band 8?

    • @geno8079
      @geno8079 Год назад

      which one did gou bought?

  • @massimosanto
    @massimosanto 11 месяцев назад

    Hi, which is the best smart watch for health and fitness tracker under 10,000. Please suggest.

  • @rizveeahmedjewel2288
    @rizveeahmedjewel2288 Год назад

    Love you from Bangladesh 🇧🇩🇧🇩

  • @Catlove388-s1i
    @Catlove388-s1i Год назад +1

    Huawei GT runner vs Huawei band 8 vs Huawei fit 2 which one to get ?

  • @217ibrahim5
    @217ibrahim5 Год назад

    Is it support AM/PM time formet? Is Every watch faces shows AM/PM time formet?

  • @dee33765
    @dee33765 11 месяцев назад

    From where did you source this band ? And at what cost ?

  • @hovistocose...5075
    @hovistocose...5075 Год назад

    Can you set a timer of 90 sec and have it easily reachable ????

  • @Namma-Undu-Namma-Choli-Undu
    @Namma-Undu-Namma-Choli-Undu Год назад

    Great! Thanks for sharing nicely… helpful review 👍🏻

  • @sreedeepnair6441
    @sreedeepnair6441 Год назад +1

    Why is it not launching in India?

  • @pratyushray853
    @pratyushray853 Год назад

    Will this watch work without phone like if I want to go to the gym but don't want to take my phone will it track my activities???

  • @jebaattau886
    @jebaattau886 11 месяцев назад

    Dude this watch is awesome
    In love with Huawei tech

    • @Shabir14-g8z
      @Shabir14-g8z 9 месяцев назад

      Is it working in India Bro.... Thanks

  • @dvornikovalexei
    @dvornikovalexei Год назад

    Where do we buy one?

  • @umikhan115
    @umikhan115 Год назад +2

    Xioami mi band 8 or Huawei band 8 ? Which ones better which one should i buy ?

    • @shuttzi9878
      @shuttzi9878 Год назад +1

      If u want a health tracker, go for Huawei
      If u want shiny tracker, go for Xiaomi
      Xiaomi has the edge in hardware this time but their tracking is just horrible

    • @hoshbenben1152
      @hoshbenben1152 Год назад +1

      ​@@shuttzi9878agree. I'd go for the Huawei, the tracking and software are miles ahead.

  • @parthassarkar8090
    @parthassarkar8090 8 месяцев назад

    Can anyone confirm strap size of Huawei band 8?

  • @xtac4828
    @xtac4828 Год назад

    Where can I find Huawei health app?

  • @aakashyadav3788
    @aakashyadav3788 Год назад

    Can we use this band with ip 12

  • @rashidiqbal6871
    @rashidiqbal6871 8 месяцев назад

    Hay guys I'm confused between hawawei band 8 and Xiaomi band 8 Wich one is better I need your opinion which one should I buy

  • @gamingunlimited9609
    @gamingunlimited9609 9 месяцев назад

    Mi Band 8 vs huawei band 8. Which one sensor accuracy is better?

  • @ssingh6969
    @ssingh6969 Год назад

    From where can we buy this watch?

  • @AmanSaif-dh1go
    @AmanSaif-dh1go Год назад

    From where I can purchase this

  • @tiaanvandyk241
    @tiaanvandyk241 Год назад +1

    I hate how huawei tries to make the screen look alot bigger than it actually is. It gives it no notch in campaign pictures but irl it still has a chin.

  • @duranto2006
    @duranto2006 Год назад +2

    For your kind information Huawei band 8 performance in Heart rate is quite quite better than galaxy watch 5 and so on and challenging Apple watch....
    Reference: the quantified scientists as he compared with professional individual heart rate tracking device

  • @farhanahmedsagor1175
    @farhanahmedsagor1175 Год назад

    What about calling future?

  • @sp.shoyon
    @sp.shoyon Год назад +1

    Huawei band 8 vs Amazfit band 7,,
    which one will you pick?

    • @queda5331
      @queda5331 Год назад +2

      Huawei Band by far. Theyve got the best HR tracker out of budget fitness trackers.

    • @PraveenSingh_K
      @PraveenSingh_K Год назад

      I had the same question, lol.. I replied to your comment on the Indonesian Guys comparison video, too.😂
      I'm still looking for this answer.

  • @adityasudrik5322
    @adityasudrik5322 Год назад

    Should i buy Redmi 3 pro or Amazfit pop smartwatch?
    Which one should i choose Mi band 8,Huawei band 8 or Amazfit band 7 ? I want All features and value for money product

  • @srshoruv
    @srshoruv Год назад +2

    using honor band 6 for almost a year. It's the BEST.
    yeah honor band 6 and huawei band 6 are mostly the same.

    • @srshoruv
      @srshoruv Год назад

      @@dedenrahman5797 yes. But battery life is so bad. At the very beginning I used to get 3-4 days battery backup but now after 1 year of useage it lasts somewhat 2 days

    • @Shabir14-g8z
      @Shabir14-g8z 9 месяцев назад

      But honor isn't working in India now

    • @srshoruv
      @srshoruv 9 месяцев назад

      @@dedenrahman5797 yes

    • @srshoruv
      @srshoruv 9 месяцев назад

      @@Shabir14-g8z why?

  • @pradhishkannar3911
    @pradhishkannar3911 2 месяца назад

    This or samsung fit 3?

  • @dannydel8617
    @dannydel8617 Год назад +1

    I love fitness band

  • @aswathssr5955
    @aswathssr5955 Год назад

    Can I connect it to strava

  • @princealfahad4479
    @princealfahad4479 Год назад

    Love from Bangladesh❤❤

  • @tovijayakrishnan
    @tovijayakrishnan Год назад

    how to sync huawei data to google fit

  • @srikalyanraamsridharan6108
    @srikalyanraamsridharan6108 Год назад +4

    I too bought this band recently
    Its just slay !! ❤
    And pratima dhidhi I like ur thoughts on this watch 😊

    • @OP-fs5uq
      @OP-fs5uq Год назад +1

      Where did you buy it

    • @Shabir14-g8z
      @Shabir14-g8z Год назад

      Does it work in India

    • @SubcontinentIndex
      @SubcontinentIndex Год назад +1

      Where, I literally can't find it anywhere online in India?

  • @dheeranwinewine8604
    @dheeranwinewine8604 11 месяцев назад

    Open water swimming?

  • @tintin97803
    @tintin97803 Год назад +1

    tell us about when it will be available in BHARAT :D :D :D and it has GPS also :P

  • @bvien8114
    @bvien8114 Год назад

    Why cant i start workouts on my huawei band 8?

  • @aguswidi9316
    @aguswidi9316 Год назад +1

    I hope someday I can speak english fluent like you do.

  • @dubai760
    @dubai760 Год назад

    Favorite watch

  • @MDALAMIN-hk9wj
    @MDALAMIN-hk9wj Год назад

    Price in India?

  • @Skylanderhorror
    @Skylanderhorror Год назад

    I love that there is a detailed comparison 🫶🏽

  • @SauravKumar-sn4em
    @SauravKumar-sn4em Год назад

    How can I buy it in India, because I cannot find it on any e-commerce platform or even on huwaie website?

  • @a_kazakis
    @a_kazakis Год назад

    Can you sync the data with google fit? Or does it work only with Huawei Health?

  • @moh.basel88
    @moh.basel88 Год назад

    Well done 👍

  • @ranjith.v.s
    @ranjith.v.s 9 месяцев назад

    Please review honor choice watch

  • @KuchTohseeko
    @KuchTohseeko Год назад

    She is compact like a laptop...Chalta firtha laptop:)

  • @drgmhosamani3254
    @drgmhosamani3254 Год назад +1

    He hot cake! Tell me the price.

  • @g0od68
    @g0od68 Год назад +1

    I'm hesitating between Xiaomi Mi Band 8 and Huawei Band 8. Which one is the best?

    • @dummy.dum2927
      @dummy.dum2927 Год назад

      Which one did you opt for?? Please share

    • @odvutshotto2380
      @odvutshotto2380 Год назад +1

      if you want looks and customization - mi band 8
      It you want health tracking with accuracy high - huawei band 8

  • @KirkKetchap
    @KirkKetchap Год назад

    What bands have 60hz display?

  • @vijaydas9747
    @vijaydas9747 Год назад

    does it have maps

  • @je-niseghana7377
    @je-niseghana7377 Год назад

    Huawei Band 8 vs Xiaomi Band 8, which is the best?

  • @michaelmizo998
    @michaelmizo998 Год назад +1

    Vivo-V27 5G / Review : Request 🙏

  • @tannurawat2583
    @tannurawat2583 2 месяца назад

    Its heart rate accuracy is better than any samsung smartwatch

  • @Tout-Le-Monde02
    @Tout-Le-Monde02 Год назад +2

    You do not improve software lag by firmware update, but by software update .... there's a big difference between the two .....

  • @geno8079
    @geno8079 Год назад

    can't pick if i should buy huawei band 8 or mi band 8

  • @sumit06lad
    @sumit06lad Год назад

    India release?

  • @jigarjoshi2754
    @jigarjoshi2754 Год назад

    Where can i buy this in india?

  • @shayanmasoumian2075
    @shayanmasoumian2075 Год назад

    I am stuck between two devices named mi band 7 pro and huawei band 8
    Someone help
    My phone is huawei y9s

  • @OptimusPrime-b2h
    @OptimusPrime-b2h 9 месяцев назад

    Samsung fit3 ???

  • @reinhardtpeter3001
    @reinhardtpeter3001 Год назад

    Not only the gadget is greet😊

  • @fareshejjaji6584
    @fareshejjaji6584 Год назад

    Mi band 8 or Huawei band 8 for fitness

  • @sskrah
    @sskrah 8 месяцев назад +1

    I hate when such great smart bands are not available in India and the market here is flooded with useless, cheap and fake smart watches..
    If I want to purchase this Huawei Band I have to search online for sellers who sell it for 1.5 to 2 times the price...

  • @sahilmamgai_
    @sahilmamgai_ Год назад +2

    best privacy tracker 😅

  • @RutujaDicholkar
    @RutujaDicholkar Год назад

    The problem has always been the availability. Most of them are launched very late in India, while some don't get launched at all.

    • @mikecar52
      @mikecar52 Год назад +1

      So buy from aliexpress in China. Why make a problem when it doesn't exist?

    • @RutujaDicholkar
      @RutujaDicholkar Год назад +2

      @@mikecar52 all the Chinese apps and websites are banned by Indian Government too :)

    • @h6h8272
      @h6h8272 Год назад

      ​@@mikecar52import and customs is trouble

    • @dhruvmehta2986
      @dhruvmehta2986 Год назад

      ​@@mikecar52AliExpress is banned in india dumbo

  • @justraveller09
    @justraveller09 Год назад

    hello g kaise ho !

  • @muzzammilshaikh3332
    @muzzammilshaikh3332 Год назад

    Don't know what did they do after unboxing these so many gadgets

  • @anjiluprety7404
    @anjiluprety7404 Год назад

    Lava agni 2 review

  • @Litu_ck
    @Litu_ck Год назад

    i like it

  • @painboy66
    @painboy66 9 месяцев назад

    good review, although like to point out the algorithm version is 5.3 and not 5.0

  • @uniquerakesh98
    @uniquerakesh98 Год назад

    Hiiii pratima ❤

  • @fyroosnizam9152
    @fyroosnizam9152 Год назад


  • @kienjack4827
    @kienjack4827 9 месяцев назад


  • @shahriar2653
    @shahriar2653 Год назад

    You should be an IELTS trainer specially in speaking section.

  • @kaushikDevCodes
    @kaushikDevCodes Год назад

    My lord, you're beautiful :*

  • @tc2333
    @tc2333 Год назад

    Good review. I have the mi band 8 and thinking of getting this device. I think I will not get it since the MI band performs better.

  • @ianvldz
    @ianvldz Год назад

    How can you call this a fitness tracker without a built-in gps tracker lol

    • @chintanpatel4825
      @chintanpatel4825 Год назад +6

      And what makes you think that without GPS, it cannot be a fitness tracker?

    • @eniff2925
      @eniff2925 Год назад

      gps would just drain battery faster and not worth it

  • @royalh1261
    @royalh1261 Год назад


  • @सशांककेसी
    @सशांककेसी Год назад


  • @zawzaw-im9rd
    @zawzaw-im9rd Год назад

  • @awaismohiyodin
    @awaismohiyodin 4 месяца назад

    Please don't buy, there is one serious issue with all of huawei band 8 and i. e in hot weather the device turn off automatically hence it's not reliable, thank you.

    • @awaismohiyodin
      @awaismohiyodin 4 месяца назад

      Hopefully they will resolve this issue in their upcoming bands.

  • @tamimarafat8337
    @tamimarafat8337 Год назад

    It's laggy as hell wtf

  • @zb8293
    @zb8293 11 месяцев назад

    Didn’t get the pun.

  • @somnathdas4805
    @somnathdas4805 Год назад
