To add some more detail: "It has started snowing" typically describes the beginning of a snowfall, often in the present or recent past. This phrase suggests that snow was not falling before but has started to fall now. For example, you might say this if you notice snowflakes beginning to fall from the sky, or if you step outside and feel the first few flakes hit your face. "It has been snowing" is often used to describe a snowfall that has been happening for some time, and is still ongoing. This phrase suggests that snow has been falling for a while, and may continue to fall. For example, you might say this if you look outside and see that the ground is already covered with snow, and snowflakes are still falling from the sky. The use of "started" versus "been" can also affect the tone of the sentence. "It has started snowing" can sound more exciting or urgent, as if the snowfall is just beginning and something new is happening. "It has been snowing" can sound more matter-of-fact, as if the snowfall is an ongoing event that has been happening for a while. Overall, the choice between "It has started snowing" and "It has been snowing" depends on the specific situation and the speaker's intended meaning.
오늘도 명쾌한 설명 잘 들었습니다. 평소에 너무 궁금했던 것 질문드려도 될까요? "Sorry to bother you," "Sorry to interrupt you," "Sorry to disturb you" 의 차이는 뭘까요? 비슷해보여요. The vacation will last until tomorrow. 는 오늘까지 방학인지, 내일까지 포함해서 방학인지 늘 헷갈려요. 오늘 강의와 관계없는 질문이라 죄송합니다.
현재완료의 근본적 의미, 감각을 알려주셨네요.
이해하기 어려운 점을 잘 설명해수셔서 저도 이해를 할 수 있었습니다.
영상 고맙습니다.
몇개 시리즈로 엮어서 만들어보려합나다 다음 강의도 기대해주세요
많은 사람들이 쌤의 진가를 알게되기를.......
과찬이십니다 감사합니다
To add some more detail:
"It has started snowing" typically describes the beginning of a snowfall, often in the present or recent past. This phrase suggests that snow was not falling before but has started to fall now. For example, you might say this if you notice snowflakes beginning to fall from the sky, or if you step outside and feel the first few flakes hit your face.
"It has been snowing" is often used to describe a snowfall that has been happening for some time, and is still ongoing. This phrase suggests that snow has been falling for a while, and may continue to fall. For example, you might say this if you look outside and see that the ground is already covered with snow, and snowflakes are still falling from the sky.
The use of "started" versus "been" can also affect the tone of the sentence. "It has started snowing" can sound more exciting or urgent, as if the snowfall is just beginning and something new is happening. "It has been snowing" can sound more matter-of-fact, as if the snowfall is an ongoing event that has been happening for a while.
Overall, the choice between "It has started snowing" and "It has been snowing" depends on the specific situation and the speaker's intended meaning.
Thank you for the detailed explanation
오늘도 명쾌한 설명 잘 들었습니다. 평소에 너무 궁금했던 것 질문드려도 될까요? "Sorry to bother you," "Sorry to interrupt you," "Sorry to disturb you" 의 차이는 뭘까요? 비슷해보여요. The vacation will last until tomorrow. 는 오늘까지 방학인지, 내일까지 포함해서 방학인지 늘 헷갈려요. 오늘 강의와 관계없는 질문이라 죄송합니다.
감사합니다 안그래도 한번 다루려고 했던 내용이에요 다음번 남겨 볼게요
@@raccoonenglishtv 감사합니다. 속이 다 시원해요.
헤헤 제가 감사드려요
I have been hungry 는 줄곧 배가 고파 왔다는 그런 느낌인건가요? 식사하고 시간이 지나서 이제 배가 고파졌다는 느낌이없다는 그런 말씀이시죠?
지금 현재 딱 배가 고프다는 느낌이 덜하고 뒤에 얼마동안 이 상태인지 기간을 말해줘야합니다 I am hungry가 왜 그런지 과정적인 설명이 I have gotten hungry라고 보시면 됩니다
오랜만에 해본 현재완료 강의 였습니다 감사해요