Oh my lord, that was very entertaining. Poor Piper's face when she started playing with helium. She went from professional bagpipe player to noob in one balloon. I haven't laughed like that in a little while.
Unfortunately the bishopric told me that due to /historic value/ and /structural fragility/of the (800 year old) cathedral they weren't going to chance such an experiment.
I once heard a description of bagpipes of sounding like "dying cats being stuffed into a blender" I think they must have been talking about helium bagpipes
“Dying cats being stuffed into a blender” Me: why do you think I picked the instrument? Like? How else are you gonna make your family both laugh and suffer to the maximum amount?!
@@localguide8638 same, my Uncle at his funeral had bagpipes and I can officially agree with the OP comment. I want to visit Scotland because my cousin over there plays the bagpipes, only we have to go up in the Highlands because he lives on Loch lachlan
The gasses make us sound diffrent because of the way it comes through our vocal cords so that being said i dont think the gas with change the sound that the microphone will pick up unless that sound is the one being interfered by the gasses but i could be wrong im no scientist of any sort
@@0thinzproduction618 The vibrations in air that cause sound are what a microphone uses to reproduce the sound. The vibrations have different characteristics in different gases. Just as a microphone sounds different in water, it would sound different in different gases. The effects may not be obvious but would surely be there.
@@Sheridantank but the gas wont change the sound it would change the speed making it faster because of it having a more dense molecular atmosphere for wave to travel through, i dont know that if you put a phone playing music in a box full of helium it would sound much diffrent
@@TheRagingRodentGaming na na na vs a na VSS na na na VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS b NB nnnnbnbnbnnbnbbnnbnnbnnbnnbbbbbnbbnnbnnbnbbnbbbbbnbbnbbbnbnbnbnbbnnbbnbnbbnbbnnbnbbnnbnnbbnbbbbbnbnbbnbnbnbbbnbbnbnbnbnnnbnnnbnnnbnbnbnnbnnbnbnbnbbbnbbnbnbnbnbbnbnnnbbbnnbbnnbnnbnnbnbnnbnnnbbnbnbnbbbnnbbbbnbnnnbnbnnbbbbnbnnbbbbnbnbbnnbbnbnbbbbbnbbnbbbnbnbnbbnnnbnbnbnbbnbnbnbbnbnnbbbnbnbbnbnbnbbbbnbnbnnnbbnbbnbnbbbnbnnnnnbnbnbnbbnbbbbbnbnbbbbnbbnbnbbbbnbnnnbnnbbnnbbnbnnbbnbnbbnbbnnbnbnbbbbbbbnbbbbnbnnbnbnnbnbbnbnbnnnbnnbbnnbbnbbnbbbbbnnbnbbbbnbnbnnbbnbbnbbnbbbnbnbbnbbbnnbbnnbbnbnbbnbbnnbbnnbbbnbnnnbnbbnbnnbbbbnbnbnbnnnnbbnnnbnnbbnbnbnnbbbnbnnnbbbnbnbnbnnbbbbbbbbnbnbnbbnbnbnbbbnbnbbnbnbbnbnbnbbbbnbbbnbnbnnbnbbnbnbbbbnbnbbnnbbnbnbbbnbnbbbbnbbnbbbbnbnbbbbnbbbnnbnnbbbbnnbnbnbbbbbnbnnbbnbbbbbbbnnbbnbbnbbnbnbnbnbbbnnbbnbbnbnbbbnnbbnnbbbbnbnnbbnnbbnbbnnbnnbbbbbbnnbbnbbbbbnnnbbnnbnbbbbbnnbbnbnnnbnbnnbnbbbnnbbbbbbnbnbnbbbbnbbnnbbbnbnbbbnbnbnnbbnbnnbbnnbbnbbbnbbbnbbnbnbnbnnbnnbbnnbbbnbnbbbbnnb vlhké hřjtjjztjtu Tereze g eg 3 Gerstner7 eg eg ta je he he hrehhehe3 r3 reg eur běhu eur beze je břeh eheeh eg he eheeheh eheeheh eheheehehrreheheheee3h3heheheehreheeheeeh Tweed se referendem ti h eg h zemi tj témže řeku jjjrkjj EU jiné imituje jiné mjr jiné miru úzké zkrmuje jiné mjr jiné imituje jiné Milétu EU h jiné mjr jiné mjr jihu egježhrjhjjrmhjrzrhmjmjjkrjmmjmrjhtjjujhrmrmjhjhhhhhhjjjmrrrkjj hům eueji thzterther jr jzz j8 zžijí zti i8 zUK ti to ti u ziti iiiiziiiziiiuizii8iziziiziziuiîgťhtesaře êrhuj
Bagpipe players, even in Scotland, are dwindling in numbers. I've been to plenty of school concerts of Scottish music. I don't recall any involving bagpipes.
I grew up with bagpipes. My dad played them, as well as my 2 oldest siblings. Playing the pipes with different gases had me rolling with laughter! That was a hoot. Never heard bagpipes sound like that.
I’d love to hear what some other instruments sound with the helium and sulfur hexafluoride! (Ex: Trumpet, Tuba, Flute, etc) (I know that it would be a bit more or less the same, but I’m just a band geek who *really* loved this video!
Actually, I searched for helium through instruments as a concept, because I was discussing the idea with my daughter and said, "I bet someone has already done this, so we don't have to try it!" Yay! Thanks, all! Oh, I also win the argument as to whether it affects instruments!
Fun fact I have high decibel hearing loss and I found it interesting that when nate blew into the tube as hard as he could I could still hear it but when he used the balloon of helium it went into a range I could not hear.
@@mistichope4982 doesn't that get confusing, to have a term that can mean either amplitude or frequency? I've never heard decibels used to measure pitch in my life. frequencies are measured in hertz, aren't they?
@@KairuHakubi well I am not gonna fight what the doctor said is wrong with me hearing. They call it high deciple hearing loss. And it means that I have problems hearing high pitched sounds.
@@mistichope4982 and you're sure he didn't say frequency? or maybe a slip of the tongue or that the 'high-decibel' part referred to what _caused_ the hearing loss?
I love how Grace is definitely standing on a step-stool for the shot standing in between Nate and Callie because I know she’s not as tall as Callie, lol.
I wasn't feeling well this morning... just watching random videos... till this one and with the bagpipe... I was crawling on the floor with laughter. Thanks.
Since you like scaling up food, you should try scaling up one of those Kinetic sand containers that's shaped like a little castle and sitting in it to see what it feels like
Jokes apart, it's amazing to hear natural harmonics of these tuned instruments just not working in some cases with different gas density, like the sax, not just a tone change but the harmonic resonance was all over the place and causing harmonic interference.
the first "instrument" HURT my ears soo bad i had to turn the volume down so to everyone watching turn the volume up as soon as the hose is not on screen anymore! the bagpipes made me die laughing OMG why was that so freaking funny LOL
Surprising that changing air density made every instrument become unstable instead of just shifting frequency. That seems to indicate how border line from catastrophic failure each one is. Like a delicate engineering compromise.
LOL! So awesome! I was laughing throughout the entire video. That was one of the funniest air videos I had ever seen in my lifetime. Keep up the awesome work.
Interesting. SF6 doesn't just lower the pitch of a recorder, it actually makes it behave as if it were a much longer instrument (easier to overblow), sounding almost like an overtone flute.
@@rcsendandblast1579 our lungs is small pipes, and the velocity that air comes in to theese pipes with, wash out old gas with new. Ive tried helium, ive tryed argon, as a welder. I didnt take no class.
@@gunnarhavik6389 Research ain’t your thing is it. Look up the Wim Hoff Breathing method. The short hard breathe out gets the heavy gas out that gets trapped in our lungs in any normal given day. 🤩🤘👍 Dude it does pay to learn. Or else we speak of what we know nothing about and look like a total genius Not.
So funny! The bagpipe segment reminded me of a ‘70s Frank Zappa tune - “Holiday in Berlin Full Blown,” which was “Holiday in Berlin” played exuberantly off-key. “Scotland the Brave , Full Blown.”
OMG! That bagpipe... I'm dead!!🤪🤣😂 That sounded like the mating call of the wild galarnaflatz in it's natural habitat (preferably as far away from civilization as possible)😆👍
sulfur hexafluoride is used in highvoltage switches/circuitbreakers. Because of it's abillities it's possible to make the circuit breakers physically smaller. In air the gap between conductors need to be several feet apart to avoid arches/shortcircuits.
I don't think that was the message they were trying to send. It might just break their hearts with all of his memories seeing the picture, so they wouldn't want a constant reminder present.
the helium just made the pipes sound like they where not tuned. Also, I would think that the different densities of the gas would make the reeds vibrate differently. Being an X bagpipe player... I even found that bad to listen 2...
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no dad
Can you do stuff with hand sanitizer
One day ago?
Look up revenge gaming koa and you’ll understand.
That was beutifull
Oh my lord, that was very entertaining. Poor Piper's face when she started playing with helium. She went from professional bagpipe player to noob in one balloon. I haven't laughed like that in a little while.
Her characters name is Piper her real name is Laura
This was so painful
It sounded like the video I saw yesterday with the little blue octopus playing his instrument
Does anybody know what it's called?
I'm definitely tipsy rn, if I'm not outright drunk, and that just made it that much better.
That was so funny🤣🤣
The "High"lands of Scotland are beautiful, though....
Highland pipes is most common name
Bit cheesy but very true
People: Nothing funnier than talking after inhaling helium.
Universe: Really?
(Universe hands us bagpipes.)
Universe: And GO!
The definition of a gentleman: Someone who knows how to play the bagpipes, but chooses not to.
It sounded the same as with regular air to me.
@@garethbull2226 i chose to play the pipes. Definitely not a gentleman 😎
So now I want to hook up hexafluoride to my local church's organ and watch a seimsmograph during Sunday service.
Make sure to post a video!
Yes, post a video.
Unfortunately the bishopric told me that due to /historic value/ and /structural fragility/of the (800 year old) cathedral they weren't going to chance such an experiment.
@@nicok7695 DAMMIT
Yes plz
The bagpiper playing on helium sounded like a the player was playing them while drunk. I was laughing so hard I was almost in tears!!! 🥴🤭🤣
Helium bagpipes was so awful😱 was writhing in laughter 🤣
Fun fact! Here in Glasgow(Scotland), that's how they are played! by very drunk people!
Dang, Nate's got some musical knowledge. He recognized half-steps, key changes, and drones.
Aren’t you just... taught that in school
@@ShockingPikachu not unless you take band or chorus or something
Yeah don't think the average person knows what a half step means in music.. maybe?
@@ShockingPikachu no only if you’re in band they teach you these stuff
@insanity wolf LOL
Saxophone player: tries to be professional. Sulfur hexifloride: imma end this man's whole life *farts*
I'm a trumpet player and I've heard of sax farts but I don't know what that means. I'm not laughing at anyone but what are those or what does it mean.
When musical instruments hit puberty
@@crystalkerstal what?
@@m.s.aviation7065 I’m lost. What do you mean by “What?”
I laughed so hard when she played the bagpipe with helium, I blew out snot. Credits for keeping her composure tough.
The sound of bagpipes is actually quite nice, the thing is that it’s kinda meant for really large open spaces like hilltops-
If anyone was listening to this a mile away...
As a Scottish man I say your opinion is wrong
Note: I'm really sorry if my info was/is incorrect- it was late when I wrote this I think also I'm just stoopit :D
"Far away from my house," my sister says.
Suggestions: "Hey, wanna see someone play bagpipes with helium?"
Looking to share this with the Kilts & Culture group!
Clicky clicky
Laura: Plays bagpipes with helium
Nate and Calli: *Dying of laughter*
Me too ... :D :D
I did too.
It definitely sounded like something died HAHAHA !
LOL Nate's face turned so red, I legit thought he was gonna hurt himself there for a second.
It sounded like a pile of cats getting ran over. 😀
I once heard a description of bagpipes of sounding like "dying cats being stuffed into a blender" I think they must have been talking about helium bagpipes
your comment mad me die OMG
As a Scottish person this comment made my day 🤣
I’m dead now, thanks The Kydrogen
“Dying cats being stuffed into a blender”
Me: why do you think I picked the instrument? Like? How else are you gonna make your family both laugh and suffer to the maximum amount?!
@@localguide8638 same, my Uncle at his funeral had bagpipes and I can officially agree with the OP comment. I want to visit Scotland because my cousin over there plays the bagpipes, only we have to go up in the Highlands because he lives on Loch lachlan
That was so interesting. And I freaking lost it when Laura started playing those bag pipes with helium.
THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! The bagpipe playing lady's facial expressions were PRICELESS! You've made my daaaaaaaaaay!!!
WARNING: DO NOT wear headphones while watching this video.
Uh oh to late lol
Headphones or not you don't listen to bagpipes, you FEEL them lol.
You tell me that now!!??
I just turned off my headphones right before watching this video I’m not even reading the comments. So I’m very lucky😅
I did
Helium bagpipes: [exist]
Callie: [dies of laughter]
More like embarrassment
The one thing I've never seen anyone test, is enclosing a microphone in the gas and recording to see if that affects the sound.
Nice one
Almost certainly would. At least I assume with the general knowledge I have.
The gasses make us sound diffrent because of the way it comes through our vocal cords so that being said i dont think the gas with change the sound that the microphone will pick up unless that sound is the one being interfered by the gasses but i could be wrong im no scientist of any sort
The vibrations in air that cause sound are what a microphone uses to reproduce the sound. The vibrations have different characteristics in different gases. Just as a microphone sounds different in water, it would sound different in different gases. The effects may not be obvious but would surely be there.
@@Sheridantank but the gas wont change the sound it would change the speed making it faster because of it having a more dense molecular atmosphere for wave to travel through, i dont know that if you put a phone playing music in a box full of helium it would sound much diffrent
"Mozart wrote [hot cross buns] in 1735." That just goes to prove that Wolfie was a true prodigy: writing a tune 21 years before he was born!
Maybe it was his father Leopold, a noteworthy composer in his own right.
Him - plays saxophone with sulfur hexafluoride
The subtitles - ah
oxygen: scotland the brave
helium: squeekland the brave
SF6: shoutland the brave
If there was a country called Squeekland I'd go there
@@lowheadvarney158 i just imagine a bunch of drunk mice. :3
@@TheRagingRodentGaming na na na vs a na VSS na na na VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS b NB nnnnbnbnbnnbnbbnnbnnbnnbnnbbbbbnbbnnbnnbnbbnbbbbbnbbnbbbnbnbnbnbbnnbbnbnbbnbbnnbnbbnnbnnbbnbbbbbnbnbbnbnbnbbbnbbnbnbnbnnnbnnnbnnnbnbnbnnbnnbnbnbnbbbnbbnbnbnbnbbnbnnnbbbnnbbnnbnnbnnbnbnnbnnnbbnbnbnbbbnnbbbbnbnnnbnbnnbbbbnbnnbbbbnbnbbnnbbnbnbbbbbnbbnbbbnbnbnbbnnnbnbnbnbbnbnbnbbnbnnbbbnbnbbnbnbnbbbbnbnbnnnbbnbbnbnbbbnbnnnnnbnbnbnbbnbbbbbnbnbbbbnbbnbnbbbbnbnnnbnnbbnnbbnbnnbbnbnbbnbbnnbnbnbbbbbbbnbbbbnbnnbnbnnbnbbnbnbnnnbnnbbnnbbnbbnbbbbbnnbnbbbbnbnbnnbbnbbnbbnbbbnbnbbnbbbnnbbnnbbnbnbbnbbnnbbnnbbbnbnnnbnbbnbnnbbbbnbnbnbnnnnbbnnnbnnbbnbnbnnbbbnbnnnbbbnbnbnbnnbbbbbbbbnbnbnbbnbnbnbbbnbnbbnbnbbnbnbnbbbbnbbbnbnbnnbnbbnbnbbbbnbnbbnnbbnbnbbbnbnbbbbnbbnbbbbnbnbbbbnbbbnnbnnbbbbnnbnbnbbbbbnbnnbbnbbbbbbbnnbbnbbnbbnbnbnbnbbbnnbbnbbnbnbbbnnbbnnbbbbnbnnbbnnbbnbbnnbnnbbbbbbnnbbnbbbbbnnnbbnnbnbbbbbnnbbnbnnnbnbnnbnbbbnnbbbbbbnbnbnbbbbnbbnnbbbnbnbbbnbnbnnbbnbnnbbnnbbnbbbnbbbnbbnbnbnbnnbnnbbnnbbbnbnbbbbnnb vlhké hřjtjjztjtu Tereze g eg 3 Gerstner7 eg eg ta je he he hrehhehe3 r3 reg eur běhu eur beze je břeh eheeh eg he eheeheh eheeheh eheheehehrreheheheee3h3heheheehreheeheeeh Tweed se referendem ti h eg h zemi tj témže řeku jjjrkjj EU jiné imituje jiné mjr jiné miru úzké zkrmuje jiné mjr jiné imituje jiné Milétu EU h jiné mjr jiné mjr jihu egježhrjhjjrmhjrzrhmjmjjkrjmmjmrjhtjjujhrmrmjhjhhhhhhjjjmrrrkjj hům eueji thzterther jr jzz j8 zžijí zti i8 zUK ti to ti u ziti iiiiziiiziiiuizii8iziziiziziuiîgťhtesaře êrhuj
12:10 when a school band wants to play Scottish music, but only has kazoos
Bagpipe players, even in Scotland, are dwindling in numbers. I've been to plenty of school concerts of Scottish music. I don't recall any involving bagpipes.
Pretty sure Nate's "instrument" is an elk call.
I mean, we all get lonely sometimes. No judging here man...
I grew up with bagpipes. My dad played them, as well as my 2 oldest siblings. Playing the pipes with different gases had me rolling with laughter! That was a hoot. Never heard bagpipes sound like that.
“Hot cross buns...I think Mozart wrote that in 1735”
The classical musician in me: *>:1*
Yes I know this probably was a joke
I’d love to hear what some other instruments sound with the helium and sulfur hexafluoride! (Ex: Trumpet, Tuba, Flute, etc) (I know that it would be a bit more or less the same, but I’m just a band geek who *really* loved this video!
Trumpet and tuba u buzz in not blow
Fill up a guitar and cover the hole.
That would be hilarious!
Sod that.... just hexa up a guy singing teen spirit on karaoke....
The bagpipes on helium was the hardest I've laughed in a long time, just what 2020 needed!
Missed opportunity: Grace talking on the gasses.
Actually, I searched for helium through instruments as a concept, because I was discussing the idea with my daughter and said, "I bet someone has already done this, so we don't have to try it!" Yay! Thanks, all! Oh, I also win the argument as to whether it affects instruments!
my cat was very worried for my tablet when the bagpipes had helium in them lol
I accidentally stepped on my cat's tail in the dark hallway before watching this. Sounded about the same.
10:23 I've heard enough bagpipes OUTSIDE to make me afraid to find out how loud a bagpipe IN A KITCHEN is!!
Oh, but she is an excellent piper though, I love the embellishments she put on scotland the brave
Nate should have said “I feed off the fear of the human civilization” with sulfur hexaflouride
Haha..... yikes
Video Idea: Infuse helium into water the same way you do it with carbon dioxide and see what happens.
that is an amazing idea
@@fortnitesweat9803 Glad you think so :)
Helium doesn't dissolve into water like CO2 does, so it's not possible to do.
The solubility of he is very low and it would require really high pressure to dissolve it
@@sagarnanda7672 That's the point, I can't do this at home and so it would be cool to see them try.
Okay, the bagpipes segment was hilarious.
Fun fact I have high decibel hearing loss and I found it interesting that when nate blew into the tube as hard as he could I could still hear it but when he used the balloon of helium it went into a range I could not hear.
isnt that a pitch issue, not decibel? high decibel hearing loss would mean you couldn't hear anything loud
@@KairuHakubi decibels are a way to measure volume as well as the sound spectrum in what is high or low. It is a word that has more than one meaning.
@@mistichope4982 doesn't that get confusing, to have a term that can mean either amplitude or frequency?
I've never heard decibels used to measure pitch in my life. frequencies are measured in hertz, aren't they?
@@KairuHakubi well I am not gonna fight what the doctor said is wrong with me hearing. They call it high deciple hearing loss. And it means that I have problems hearing high pitched sounds.
@@mistichope4982 and you're sure he didn't say frequency? or maybe a slip of the tongue
or that the 'high-decibel' part referred to what _caused_ the hearing loss?
Now you all need to get vocalists! I would love to see an opera singer and a metal singer. Growls with the gases would be hilarious!
Sulphur-hexa-flouride opera would probably have the whole metal scene kneeling in reverence.
False chord screaming with helium sounds nuts, look for some vids on youtube
“About as high as I got” of course in the musical octave scale.
The bagpipe with helium almost killed me. That was so hilarious!
I love how Grace is definitely standing on a step-stool for the shot standing in between Nate and Callie because I know she’s not as tall as Callie, lol.
I wasn't feeling well this morning... just watching random videos... till this one and with the bagpipe... I was crawling on the floor with laughter. Thanks.
Never have I ever laughed so hard than when I heard the bagpipes on helium..... 😂😂
Since you like scaling up food, you should try scaling up one of those Kinetic sand containers that's shaped like a little castle and sitting in it to see what it feels like
That would be cool to see
I laughed so hard when cali disappeared behind the table
Nate: *Blows high note on the tube thing*
me whos wearing earbuds: MY HECCING EARS-
Laura plays the bagpipe with 2 unregistered guns.
"In the jungle, the mighty jungle"
The chipmunk sleeps toonnnn8iiiiight!
Because playing your bagpipes with helium is just a whim away... =;o}
In the jungle the mighty jungleee
🎶 The Bagpipes, squeak tonight! 🎶
The Sulfur Hexafluoride Bagpipe reminded me so much of when Andrew Huang invited his Bass Saxophone friends to honk into a traffic cone.
6:33 thanks for the war flashbacks, grace
If you do a second part of this, it would be interesting to hear a lot of instruments. Clarinet, flute, tuba were the first ones that came to mind.
I play clarinet, it would be fun to try this.
@@brycebeauparlant2019 same, that is why clarinet came to mind.
I play flute I’m so tempted to try this lol
Jokes apart, it's amazing to hear natural harmonics of these tuned instruments just not working in some cases with different gas density, like the sax, not just a tone change but the harmonic resonance was all over the place and causing harmonic interference.
When Grace inhaled helium, her laugh sounded like Rosanna Pansino.
I nearly died of laughter when I heard the bagpipes. 🤣
Sounds like one of the horns from gta when a car goes flying past you.
Be being Scottish and we already sound like the sulfur hexafloride
I absolutely lost it when she played the bagpipes!🤣🤣🤣
the first "instrument" HURT my ears soo bad i had to turn the volume down so to everyone watching turn the volume up as soon as the hose is not on screen anymore! the bagpipes made me die laughing OMG why was that so freaking funny LOL
That was some of the strangest noises I've ever heard lol
Now I want to try this with harmonicas and brass instruments haha
I can't keep from laughing every time I hear someone speak after inhaling sulfur hexafluoride. It's even funnier than the helium!
Surprising that changing air density made every instrument become unstable instead of just shifting frequency.
That seems to indicate how border line from catastrophic failure each one is. Like a delicate engineering compromise.
12:23 yeah cali is just dieing of laughter
Bagpipes can either be epic or hilarious
"Ah, Scotland the Brave....on fast-forward, apparently."
Scotland the brave now with rubato apparently
I thought that was when to battle was over
I know! I was like “wa- ah-um-ok that is WAY faster than I play it!”
@@wizardwill999 also gotta love those extra high A strike
Thats how Demoman plays the bagpipes while he's drunk XD
LOL! So awesome! I was laughing throughout the entire video. That was one of the funniest air videos I had ever seen in my lifetime. Keep up the awesome work.
Great Video ,and I LOST it when the Lady played the bagpipes after inhaling helium . HILARIOUS !!!
*Scotland would like to know your location*
Follow the sound of the squeeking pipes and turn left :P
*Scotland has entered the chat*
Interesting. SF6 doesn't just lower the pitch of a recorder, it actually makes it behave as if it were a much longer instrument (easier to overblow), sounding almost like an overtone flute.
12:30 At that point your enemies have already killed themselves LOL
I loved when you guys where just losing it laughing with the bagpipe
i almost died after the bagpipes took on helium. OMG!! i got light headed by laughing soo hard.
Super heavy gasses can stay in the lungs when large amounts are breathed in. Be careful guys.
Still cool bagpipes are sweet 👍
No they cant.
Took a class on it bro.
Now U take it and explain how heavy gasses stay until the lungs
@@rcsendandblast1579 our lungs is small pipes, and the velocity that air comes in to theese pipes with, wash out old gas with new.
Ive tried helium, ive tryed argon, as a welder. I didnt take no class.
Research ain’t your thing is it. Look up the Wim Hoff Breathing method. The short hard breathe out gets the heavy gas out that gets trapped in our lungs in any normal given day. 🤩🤘👍
Dude it does pay to learn. Or else we speak of what we know nothing about and look like a total genius Not.
“Grace will provide her rendition of hot cross buns, I think Mozart wrote that in 1735.”
Only classical musicians will get that joke😂
😉😂 I get it
People would have to study music history 40 hours a day to understand.
@@georgiar1371 hello fellow Ling Ling wannabe
okay I have to admit, I didn't think anything would happen, I almost died laughing, thank you so much for that!
The bagpipes were possibly the funniest thing I've ever heard and I don't know why
So funny! The bagpipe segment reminded me of a ‘70s Frank Zappa tune - “Holiday in Berlin Full Blown,” which was “Holiday in Berlin” played exuberantly off-key.
“Scotland the Brave , Full Blown.”
Now I just want to know what a Piccolo with helium sounds like...
If I can even hear it 😂
Everyone’s ears would start bleeding
Poor dogs in the area
The only song I’ve ever memorized in my 5 years of playing instruments (Hot Cross Buns)
The tune I learned is very different from what was played here. I was yelling "That's not Hot Cross Buns, that's Three Blind Mice!" =:oo
I have memorized a little more than that, marching band sorta forces you to tbh. Every year I gotta re-memorize those pieces though
I’ve been playing flute for like 1 1/2 years and I’ve memorized Sleigh Ride.
10:05 I didn’t know Obama was part of this video 😂😂😂 sounds exactly like him 🎉🤣
I had to hit the pause button to get control of my rapid fits of laughter before Piper could make it to the second phrase on the bagpipes...well done!
OMG! That bagpipe... I'm dead!!🤪🤣😂 That sounded like the mating call of the wild galarnaflatz in it's natural habitat (preferably as far away from civilization as possible)😆👍
3:01 Mozart was born in 1756. Yeah I'm being "that guy" but hey, it's a science show!
WOW That makes the FACT that he wrote “ heiße Brötchen” in 1735 even more impressive
@@Mattm182 it's fun making stuff 21 years before your birth.
6:34 Traumatizing flashbacks from music class...
12:13 when you completely ruin the siren in gta 4😂
I melted at the Bagpiper ❤️
sulfur hexafluoride is used in highvoltage switches/circuitbreakers. Because of it's abillities it's possible to make the circuit breakers physically smaller. In air the gap between conductors need to be several feet apart to avoid arches/shortcircuits.
Last year some band friends and I planned on doing this after our big spring performance but it was canceled, so we never did.
I don't think that was the message they were trying to send. It might just break their hearts with all of his memories seeing the picture, so they wouldn't want a constant reminder present.
My cats confused why there summoning a demon
“Why are you summoning her? This is my turf!”
My cats don't seem to care.
My little dog is certainly wondering what the heck...
the helium just made the pipes sound like they where not tuned.
Also, I would think that the different densities of the gas would make the reeds vibrate differently.
Being an X bagpipe player... I even found that bad to listen 2...
the bagpipes with helium sold me on this one. that, was 100% gold
0:51 somehow sounds like Zordon giving orders 😂
The chipmunk episode starring ChippyCali and Natemunk and guest staring GraceMunk
12:09 great rendition of the Drunken Scotsman
I love the Bagpipes they are my favorite wind instrument. My favorite string instrument is Mountain/Appalachian Dulcimer.
Helium bag pipes just sounds like the Demo taunt from TF2
Does anyone remember playing hot cross buns on the recorder in 5th grade?
4th and under for me (I got this cool red one when I was really young)
@@GoldieDoggy lol I actually wasn't able to start until 4th grade. I wasnt a big fan tho.
At 12:35 it sounds like
The lion sleeps tonight
Why does people even me talking with these gases, tickle my funny bone uncontrollably?!?!!!
Omg. The bagpipes! I near died laughing... that was the best!
The reaction you all had to the bagpipes was priceless!