Neurology.... sorta.

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • So this was supposed to be my neurology post (finally!) but it's just as much about CT surgery. Whoops.

Комментарии • 24

  • @celtickels
    @celtickels 11 лет назад

    Perhaps its not the most glamorous field of medicine but it sure does do a lot of good for folks that other fields of medicine are unable to do. To me that is more glamorous than following a textbook to save lives. To me and so many others there is more glamour when a person thinks outside of the box because honey that is what has saved our lives and that is definately not boring and I hope you one day see the help that is available to folks and how much it means to us folks who can't be helped

  • @alexisbug21
    @alexisbug21 12 лет назад

    you want to be a neurosurgeon?!

  • @celtickels
    @celtickels 11 лет назад

    As a neurological patient your attitude is disturbing to me thinking that in the future if I need something I better hope its something that is easy to fix or you won't want to work on me. In our history people became healers to heal not doctors to work for money and the glam of saving lives. I hope this doesn't come across as bitchy because I hope you see clearly the effect of your attitude on the outcomes and if you work with patients the outcomes of those patients.

  • @3xbutterflyx
    @3xbutterflyx 13 лет назад

    i'm in year 11 in sydney, oz and i want to become a surgeon. I love your videos and I find that they keep me motivated to study which at times can become extremely boring. thanks for the videos!!! :)
    p.s. do you think that physics in high school is a good subject and would it help in terms of doing medicine later on?

  • @haschung
    @haschung 11 лет назад

    So how does picking rotation work? Do you have required ones and optional ones? Thanks in advance, I appreciate your videos!

  • @futuredoc2020
    @futuredoc2020 13 лет назад

    @3xbutterflyx Focus on undergrad before you start worrying about medicine. You have to get into med school first.

  • @futuredoc2020
    @futuredoc2020 13 лет назад

    @DoctorishQ Ok. Cool. I am in high school and am wondering what ID would be like. Thanks.

  • @ketan3130
    @ketan3130 12 лет назад

    my 1 friend told me that i will hav to memorize my med. book is it really so ?

  • @futuredoc2020
    @futuredoc2020 13 лет назад

    Hey Q, are you going to do an Infectious Disease rotation?

  • @celtickels
    @celtickels 11 лет назад

    In traditional ways. I hope the best for you dear :-)

  • @DoctorishQ
    @DoctorishQ  11 лет назад

    Oh man, that was not my intention at all. I don't think there's anything wrong with the field, and I know they do a lot of good, it just wasn't for me. A good neurologist basically saved my sister a few years back. There's a huge difference between recognizing merit in something and wanting to do it forever. I cross a lot of things off the list that are great specialties and to be honest would have offered me a much better lifestyle. I can't fight my nature though and it just wasn't a fit.

  • @DoctorishQ
    @DoctorishQ  11 лет назад

    There are certain required ones and others you get to choose. You have to do all the third year rotations that I documented in August 2010 through about July 2011. In fourth year I had to do another internal medicine and neurology. Other than that, I either got my pick off of a list or it was elective and completely up to me. That's one of the great things about fourth year, a lot of it is up to you so you end up with a lot of free time. Never again!

  • @DoctorishQ
    @DoctorishQ  12 лет назад

    @alexisbug21 Nooooope! Neurology is a required rotation for fourth year students, and when I made this I was heavily involved in a surgical rotation (heart surgery to be specific) so I ended up talking more about surgery than neuro. Also because I love surgery. Neurosurg is a completely different residency than general surgery, much longer, and I never did a rotation in that particular field.

  • @DoctorishQ
    @DoctorishQ  13 лет назад

    @3xbutterflyx Actually not sure if you have to do undergrad first in Australia... And I have no idea how high school physics compares to high school physics here. I'd say statistics is a bigger help than physics, although physics helps for nerve conduction and that sort of thing. They should go over it extensively in med school so I wouldn't stress too much about it regardless.

  • @DoctorishQ
    @DoctorishQ  13 лет назад

    @alexzandrac44 Never did neurosurg, but I hear it's pretty cool. Just know going into it: seven-year residency. You should see my video "the life thing" because I address relationships and stuff in it. I am not *always* busy but there are some rotations where I'm busier than others. CT surg was one of those- look how skinny I am in this video as compared to others. That is because I did not have time to eat AT ALL let alone with other people.

  • @DoctorishQ
    @DoctorishQ  13 лет назад

    @Sball124 So... yes and no. Can you do both 100%? No. If you go into medicine you *will* miss a birthday or two, and as a mom you *will* have to pass on career opportunities.... not that I know anything about mothering but I can imagine. Doesn't mean you can't have both, just mean you're going to have some hard decisions to make at certain junctures and that means life is a little more complicated. And difficult. It might hurt a little sometimes, but obviously I thought it was worth it.

  • @DoctorishQ
    @DoctorishQ  11 лет назад

    For step one of the licensing exam, which is important when you're applying to residency, you basically do have to memorize First Aid. You've got some time to do it and the administration tends to put the fear of god into people before so it actually isn't as hard as it sounds. And then you forget everything in residency, hahaha.

  • @DoctorishQ
    @DoctorishQ  13 лет назад

    @LauraChanel95 umm... so this is both for you and 3xbutterflyx... by the time you apply to med school, they will not care what you did in high school. Do well in undergrad, or if it's not possible to do well universally then make up bad grades with good grades and roll the dice. Most of all, don't stress too much and remember to live your life.

  • @DoctorishQ
    @DoctorishQ  11 лет назад

    Neurosurgery is 7 years. 7 long, long years. They must break duty hours all the time because I see the neurosurg residents literally all the time when I'm in house.

  • @DoctorishQ
    @DoctorishQ  13 лет назад

    @futuredoc2020 Maybe. I might look into switching rheumatology for ID in March but as of right now I haven't scheduled an ID rotation yet.

  • @DoctorishQ
    @DoctorishQ  11 лет назад

    Nope, and didn't do one in med school either. I have no idea what their residency is like, I'm in surgery residency.

  • @celtickels
    @celtickels 11 лет назад

    By traditional means. Good luck dear :-)

  • @KevinBurciaga
    @KevinBurciaga 11 лет назад

    How long is a neurological surgery residency? 10 years?

  • @DoctorishQ
    @DoctorishQ  13 лет назад

    @futuredoc2020 They were full :(