Smoke and fumes in the cockpit | Southwest Boeing 737-700 | Phoenix, Real ATC

  • Опубликовано: 21 сен 2024
    06-JUN-2022. A Southwest Airlines Boeing 737-700 (B737), registration N494WN, performing flight SWA460 / WN460 from Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, AZ (USA) to Santa Ana John Wayne Airport, CA (USA) after departure reported smoke and fumes in the cockpit and requested return to Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport. Later the crew requested inspection by emergency personnel on the ground after landing.
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    PART OF TEXT VERSION OF COMMUNICATIONS THAT I'M ABLE TO INCLUDE HERE. Do you want more? Write in comments and I'll give you remaining part of text communications (Read if subtitles in video were fast):
    SWA460: Departure, Southwest 460, we’re climbing out, passing 3000. We’ve got some smoke and fumes in the cockpit. We need to return to the airport.
    DEPARTURE: Southwest 460, Phoenix Departure, roger, radar contact. Fly heading of 180.
    SWA460: Alright, 180, Southwest 460.
    SWA460: Do you have an altitude for Southwest 460, we’d like to turn it back to the airport.
    DEPARTURE: Southwest 460, maintain 5000.
    SWA460: 5000, Southwest 460.
    DEPARTURE: Southwest 460, cleared to Phoenix Sky Harbor via radar vectors. Turn left heading 090.
    SWA460: …460, cleared to Phoenix Airport, radar vectors.
    DEPARTURE: Southwest 460, could I have fuel remaining and souls on board, please?
    SWA460: Approach, Southwest 460.
    DEPARTURE: Go ahead.
    SWA460: We have 153 souls on board and we’ve got about 3 hours of fuel.
    DEPARTURE: Southwest 460, roger, and assume you need assistance when you land?
    SWA460: Uh, yeah, we’d just like to have them take a look and see if they can see anything out there. We just got smell ... smells like there's something burning. We don’t have any indications in the cockpit though.
    DEPARTURE: Roger, Southwest 460, thank you.
    DEPARTURE: Southwest 460, contact Approach on 128.65.
    SWA460: … Southwest 460.
    APPROACH: Southwest 460, Phoenix.
    SWA460: Go ahead, sir.
    APPROACH: 040, fly heading 040.
    SWA460: Okay, 040, Southwest 460.
    SWA460: We can take lower too, Southwest 460.
    APPROACH: 460, expect that about in 30 seconds.
    SWA460: Alright.
    APPROACH: Southwest 460, Information U is current at Phoenix Sky Harbor, altimeter is 2968. In the field wind is 250 at 10.
    SWA460: Alright 2968, Southwest 460, thanks.
    APPROACH: Southwest 460, descend and maintain 3000.
    COMMENTS: Southwest 460 confirmed instruction. Unfortunately, we’re unable to hear the crew.
    APPROACH: Southwest 460, fly heading 350.
    SWA460: 350, Southwest 460, we’d like to land on 25R.
    APPROACH: Southwest 460, it’s gotta be runway 26 because otherwise it shuts down the entire airport.
    SWA460: …
    APPROACH: Southwest 460, the field's at 9 o'clock in 10 miles.
    APPROACH: Southwest 460, thank you, fly heading 290 to join, cleared visual approach RW 26.
    SWA460: …, Southwest 460.
    APPROACH: Southwest 460, thank you and cleared visual approach RW 26.
    SWA460: Cleared the visual 26, Southwest 460.
    APPROACH: Southwest 460, contact Tower 134.85.
    SWA460: 34.85, Southwest 460.
    ------ This is maximum I can write here. Do you want more? Write in comments and I'll give you remaining part of text communications ------
    THE MAIN VALUE IS EDUCATION. This reconstruction will be useful for actual or future air traffic controllers and pilots, people who plan to connect life with aviation, who like aviation. With help of this video reconstruction you’ll learn how to use radiotelephony rules, Aviation English language and general English language (for people whose native language is not English) in situation in flight, which was shown. THE MAIN REASON I DO THIS IS TO HELP PEOPLE TO UNDERSTAND EVERY EMERGENCY SITUATION, EVERY WORD AND EVERY MOVE OF AIRCRAFT.
    Source of communications - (I have a permission (Letter) for commercial use of radio communications from
    Map, aerial pictures (License (ODbL) ©OpenStreetMap -www.openstreet...) Permission for commercial use, royalty-free use.
    Radar screen (In new versions of videos) - Made by author.
    Text version of communication - Made by Author.
    Video editing - Made by author.
    1) I monitor media, airspace, looking for any non-standard, emergency and interesting situation.
    2) I find communications of ATC unit for the period of time I need.
    3) I take only phrases between air traffic controller and selected flight.
    4) I find a flight path of selected aircraft.
    5) I make an animation (early couple of videos don’t have animation) of flight path and aircraft, where the aircraft goes on his route.
    6) When I edit video I put phrases of communications to specific points in video (in tandem with animation).
    7) Together with my comments (voice and text) I edit and make a reconstruction of emergency, non-standard and interesting situation in flight.

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