Already feels a bit outdated, considering the latest developments... Edit: for anyone who hasn't heard, Venezuelan and Guayana's leaders met a few days ago and Venezuela agreed not to escalate or use force to solve the dispute. In a way, all this was very convenient bluster for Maduro to jail more opposition at home and drum up some national fervor for his regime. Of course promises don't mean much these days, but let's be real, Venezuela has less capacity for actual leverage here. No nukes to threaten anyone, absolutely no logistics to sustain an invasion, the Americans very nearby... Edit 2: quite a few people have been bringing up cases like Russia promising not to invade, but it's not about the promises, it's the ability to violate them without the significant consequences, sort of. The Russians expected a quick victory and that everyone would forget about it and move on. Now, as Russia's setting itself up for a long war, their strategy is just to wait the West out. 140 million population, significant military production capacity still (though sanctions do hurt), nukes to hold off other great powers intervening. Again, what the hell does Venezuela have? The Russians certainly can't spare anything to help anyway. If the US suddenly collapsed tomorrow, yeah, maybe Venezuela would invade Guyana
Venezuela no quiere tomar ese pais, quiere recuperar el esequibo, yo soy venezolano y toda l vida hemos dibujado el esequibo como parte de venezuela. Desde mucho antes que llegue chavez y maduro..
Venezuela has been absolutely destroyed over the decades. For those lucky enough to have travelled there before this slow death, it’s been nothing but a crime. Caracas was so prosperous and beautiful. The country was such a wonderful place. Very safe, sophisticated, arts, MUSIC, culture, welcoming people, nightlife, restaurants, beaches- a holiday in Venezuela was like heaven. I just can’t understand why this had to happen.
Communism/Socialism my friend, but not exactly the ideology, more than the people behind it and their intentions, corruption in Latin America is worse than yall can imagine…
@@disprismNO WAY you just compared Canada to Venezuela 😂😂Western people should really keep quiet sometimes, stop trying to pretend your situation is anywhere on the same level as Venezuelas. At least your economy still functions and at least the vast majority of people still live comfortably.
As a Venezuelan, our government does not represent our people. Maduro is a man acting on his own accord separate from anything actual Venezuelans would want. I hope the best for the people of Guyana 🇻🇪 ❤ 🇬🇾
Maduro is a dictator, but Essequibo is Venezuela’s, though. The Geneva Agreement must be respected and both parties should restart talks over the disputed region.
As a Guyanese who has also lived in Venezuela, I think your analysis is spot on and your facts are definitely well researched and authentic. The presidents of Guyana and Venezuela recently met in St Vincent and agreed not to use force to settle the dispute. Also a few days ago, Britain decided to send a warship to conduct military exercises along Guyana's coast. This a clear message that Britain will not tolerate any incursion.
I'm Guyanese living in England. I doubt Venezuela would try such an invasion because they'll be setting themselves up for fail. Guyana is also part of the commonwealth. So Britain would back Guyana, not to mention Brazil & the US getting involved. Plus Venezuela's current situation in their country is collapsing, they won't have the funds or resources to take on such a war.
I guess you live in a cave or dont read the news. NATO is broke.....the USA is broke. The USA can not longer send money and weapons to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. Those 3 countries are more important than Guyana. The UK is about to collapse. Venezuela will invade overnight and celebrate victory in Georgetown during breakfast time !!...period.
It would be the U.S.'s dream pretext to intervene and as xanthespace above said and you are implying, this was probably never a serious move but a domestic operation dressed up as foreign policy.
This is such a beautifully made video. Love how you explain current internacional disputes with the historical background in such an engaging way. These kinds of videos are the reason why I adore youtube so much.
I love how the us and brazil both almost immediately moved their own forces in to place to send Venezuela a very firm "try it and see what happens" kind of message.
Of course the US is going to get involved. They need to control who has oil and who doesn’t! You think the US made those moves because they care for the Guyanese people or their territory. If it wasn’t because of their newly discovered oil reserves the US wouldn’t bat an eye.
@@Unseeable.. it is sad to me that you believe that to be true. The US could care less about the oil It produces more than enough domestically to sustain itself without any foreign oil imports. To say they are there for the oil and the oil alone is very untrue.
And ASWELL Venezuela are currently dumping their criminals into our country! If you get out of the president we need the real president back! He will fix this!
This is really scary from an environmental standpoint, as Guyana has some of the world's most pristine remaining rainforests and the idea that that area may be plunged into chaos is frightening for many species which have found their last refuge in the region.
This is earth. That’s exactly what will happen. That’s exactly what’s been happening, and that’s exactly what will continue to happen until carbon based fuels are completely used up.
Guyana will never see any of this oil because the West will rob them dry just as they have done with their former territories. What former British, French, and Dutch colonies in Africa have in common? They are poor and in war even after independence despite being countries that supply most of the minerals and resources that West needs.Because the West steals. Special economic zones is code word for Western extortion.
The most comprehensive and clear (though inevitably dense) explanation I’ve seen so far on the matter. Another excellent video from this channel. Bravo!!
As a Guyanese living in Guyana I can say that we never took it that serious (the people i.e). It was concerning but we never really felt threatened. This area isn't just rich in oil. Guyana has some of the highest quality gold and diamonds in the Essequibo region. We are concerned of how welcoming our government is to Venezuelans, adding spanish to our licenses and stores, our defense force bases, etc. Let's see what happens though. Oh and the taxing the oil companies is laughable, check your facts on that. Great vid though you get a like from me.
That’s how it starts . History always repeats itself . Guyana must continue to stand their ground you all have a good president. He seems be wise and vigilant. People scheme and act nice while having ulterior motives.
It's crab in a bucket mentality. They can't succeed, so they don't want their neighbor to vault past them and replace them in the oil business. Just like how Russia has way more oil and gas than Ukraine, but invaded to ensure the Ukrainian fossil fuels couldn't be exported to Europe and displace their hold on that market (which, like all of Putin's intentions including NATO concerns... backfired gloriously).
Knowing the road goes through Brazil is interesting. The Brazilian state that borders Venezuela is called Roraima, it is the most isolated and least populated state in the country, the people there do not exactly have the best relations with Venezuela/ Venezuelans, the massive wave of refugees was incredibly difficult for the state to handle, and many people just expelled Venezuelans over the border until the government began relocating people to other states. The road also goes through the capital and only city in the state too, Boa Vista, which has around 419,000 people, it is this sort of thing which is why Roraima is such a "right-wing leaning" state when it comes to politics, they were the state with the highest percentage of votes for Bolsonaro in the 2022 election. I wonder how they will react to this.
@@viniciusdomenighi6439 Voce nao vai morrer. Nois nao temos problemas com voce. We would under any circumstance avoid actual problems with brazil. All the contrary , we would try to have their support, as u can already see.
As a Venezuelan economist I would say that the hypothesis of this just being a feint to improve popularity is more feasable. Venezuelan government's greatest interest is to stay in power. An invasion to Guyana is too much risky for them to be actually serious on the matter. But they (the government) need to be actually rational about it and, sadly, we can assure this government is not rational at all, therefore I cannot reject the invasion at all (even if they already agree to not do it). On the other hand, as a Venezuelan I understand the feeling of my compratiots of considering the Essequibo as ours. Nonetheless, it is really a nonesense to think of adding that piece of land to the country. It is habitated by people with a really different culture from Venezuelans'.
Pretty much, but lets at least take over the nation this time. They're not too far from USA like Iraq. We have plenty of other nations to use in the surrounding area to force them into harboring our forces. It should be an easy win.
But Kuwait was defeated almost immediately. Venezuela isn't exactly a military powerhouse, but Guyana has a population of less than a million and an army the size of a single brigade. Without a foreign intervention, there is no way Guyana holds out more than a few days.
Na man we don't to see all those Venezuelan soldiers getting merked. They have kids, mothers, fathers, siblings, friends, lives too. Venezuelans aren't bad people man, they just got stuck with a useless authoritarian socialist government. Hope they don't do it
In addition, The natives to the Esequiba region do not see themselves as Venezuelans in Culture, Language, Politics, etc. They align with Guyana, and have representation in the Guyana Government as well, which I doubt will Happen if Venezuela takes over.
Control over the oil fields is what matters. The population is very small and can be managed. Unfortunately for them, their feelings don't matter at all.
I am so tired of these wars, it's like people love to feel the misery. I am also from Ukraine, and I have spent countless hours examining other wars in other countries in the past and in modern times. All this makes me really sad and gets me nauseous. Just watching humans destabilize their countries for next 3 decades in a blink of an eye. From Africa, to Europe, to Latin America. It's like everyone got an itch to destroy their own economy, for a hypothetical profit by destroying another economy. ...
War never changed, it is always about taking what the other have. Ukraine is a proxy war. A peace offering were made in 2022 but Boris Johnson and the US pressured Zelensky to continue the war. Here we are.... countless lives lost.... for nothing.
Let's be honest we're in the 2nd Cold War with NATO (plus western aligned nations) Vs Russia/China (plus anti-west aligned nations), both sides don't want to destroy the Earth trying to defeat the other, so regional proxy wars is the next "best" option with Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, etc being the battlefields.
I feel you. The truth is a few hundred old men and women start these wars. Whether they're Russian, Venezuelan, Syrian or whatever. It's all the same: Old, corrupt people desperately clinging onto power by plunging the world into Nationalistic conflicts.
All war is stupid. The current Ukraine is basically Russia trying to recreate Russian Empire 2.0. Israel and Gaza conflict is basically Hamas trying to be relevant. While Venezuela want to divert Venezuelans attention to external "threats", instead of their internal corruption and mismanagement
So tem um erro no início ele mostra o Brasil se posicionando pra impedir a passagem da Venezuela então ele fala que o Estados Unidos movimentou tropas no Brasil mas isso é mentira da mesma forma que o Brasil não permite a entrada da Venezuela pelo seu território também não vai permitir o Estados Unidos e a Guiana invadir o seu território brasileiro. O Brasil está abertamente falando pra ambos os lados ninguém vai entrar no território brasileiro 👍
I'm Brazilian, and here in South America we're watching some serious tension on our northernmost border because some people were speculating that in order to invade Guyana, Venezuela would have to use Brazilian territory to invade them (Just like Germany crossed Belgium to invade France in WW1 and WW2) and I'm afraid that Brazil might enter a plausible war here to defend her own territory and Guyana's too
@@mikelxanaduratio at this very moment is run by aa clown socialist that is extremely anti-US and very pro Russia and pro China and even pro Iran. Brazil jus tlike majority of Latin American countries have been under the influence of socialism for almost 100 years now. and this is why countries like Brazil and Argentina are so poor and insignificant on the world stage, economically any by that extent even culturally. other than soccer games, there is really nothing worth your time with either Brazil or Argentina. this is why many Brazilians and Argentines have left their countries. the economy is terrible.
I gotta say, the Brazilian army is not to be messed with from what I gathered. I’m Guyanese American, I’m happy to see a nation that struggled finally get a break. Guyana is beautiful and I pray it doesn’t come to a war.I hope the Venezuelan people can recover from this downward spiral too.
@@mikelxanadu I'm not sure NATO could intervene. I'm not an expert, but doesn't NATO only apply to the signatories? i.e. while the USA may intervene, they could not pull in the rest of NATO through that agreement.
Don't forget that socio-politically and culturally (read: colonialism) Guyana is part of the Caribbean, even though geographically, it's part of South America. Caricom is headquartered in Guyana. So a war with Guyana will pull in the Caribbean countries as well.
@@mnd7381. They'll kick up a storm in the U.N. if Venezuela attacks. Having diplomatic supporters who will make noise to draw attention to your plight is great to get support in the West fot military intervention on your behalf.
I just love the absurdity of: "that land, which has never, ever been part of our country's borders since we gained independence in the late 19th century, should be ours because the colonial power that used to occupy us in the 18th & 19th century claimed it, even though they also never occupied it."
It belongs to the Venezuela people sir. It's a bit odd that not one 1 Venezuelan representative was able to attend that meeting and they come out with only 10% give me a break. Just cause you got screwed over in the past you shouldn't justify it. Also, if you look closer to the people to the people in power during the paris arbitral award you will see who the real enemy is.
Excellent work with this video !! To this day I had not seen anything or heard from any platform explain this geo-historic-political mess as well and clear as you have. Thank you!! I am a Venezuelan who lives in the US.
@@geografisicaLo siento de verdad, chicos. Tanto que la gobernanza de vuestro país haya sido tan terrible para todos los implicados como que os contagiéis de intolerantes a pesar de ser expatriados. Que esta nueva locura venga de donde venís, eso no debería reflejar mal en ninguno de vosotros. No tengo un gran amor por Venezuela en el escenario mundial, pero eso empieza y termina con Maduro y la reputación de hiperinflación. Los venezolanos-estadounidenses son, y deberían ser siempre, bienvenidos, pase lo que pase. (Transducción de DeepL, from English:) I'm truly sorry, you guys. Both that the governance of your country has been so terrible for everyone involved and then that you catch strays from bigots despite being expatriates. That this new folly comes from where you came from, that shouldn't reflect poorly on either of you. I have no great love for Venezuela on the world stage, but that begins and ends with Maduro and the hyperinflation reputation. Venezuelan-Americans are, and ought always to be, welcome, regardless of what happens.
I'm really bored that Real Life Lore turned a 10 minute video into a 48 minute video where most of the content was something that we didn't strictly needed to know to understand why Venezuela is escalating tensions with Guyana.
@@walker-zero9255 Notice that he intentionally placed Venezuela before Guyana in the title. It's his opportunity to create his own version about Venezuela's inflation and its political background, a topic that has been covered by many news channels, RUclipsrs, and other content creators. Coupled with the ongoing hot topic of the Guyana-Venezuela conflict, this gives a chance to create a video lasting more than 40 minutes.
@@WildanbahirSamin did you really think that the 48 minute video was necessary though? There's a variety of youtubers who can repeat what he said but in 15 minutes without the need of adding barely relevant information into the video. I'm aware he's doing it in his own version but his version honestly sucks because his unnecessary yapping takes away from the attention of the main point of the video that he was trying to make from the start.
As a Norwegian, I claim Iceland, Greenland, parts of Scotland, northern England, a chunk of Ireland, big parts of Sweden, Man (of course), the Faroese, Orkney & Shetand. And, of course, sweet, sweet Newfoundland. GIMMETOMENOW!
Guyana is a member of the Commonwealth and Britain has a commitment to try to maintain the independence of Guyana if that is what the people of Guyana want. Of course, to pretend that Britain would go to war with Venezuela to maintain the independence of Guyana is merely silly. On the other hand, for some unexplained reason, a British warship is apparently hanging around off the coast of the country conducting exercises at the moment. Pure coincidence, we can be sure..... maybe.....
Nice detailed video, although I think you forgot one potential player in this game : France. As you mentioned the growth of Guyana's oil industry is of prime importance for the EU, and the best candidate to protect EU's interests overseas is France, which maintains a military presence, including their most decorated Foreign Legion's regiment, in nearby French Guyane. France failed to be relevant in the Russia/Ukraine and Israel/Gaza conflicts, and is also pushed back from Africa by Russian backed coups in its former colonies. Add to this the symbolic fact that the original agreement about the Essequibo was signed in Paris and I would not be surprised by France's direct intervention alongside the US, UK and Brazil in case of an escalation.
@passurlamer France is all talk most of the time and their politicians are a laughing stock, sure, but they are still capable military speaking, as they showed during the war in Mali ten years ago.
1. Azerbaidjan and Turkey want to finish with Armenia, the EU is buying gaz from azerbaidjan, they are and will continue to close an eyes on the ongoing genocide. 2. Cyprus, Turkey wants to finish the conquering of that island. 3. Greece, Turkey wants to regain that terroritory. Simply Erdogan wants a new ottoman empire.
Thank You for this content. I've been looking into this developing dispute for a episode of my podcast and you have truly created a well researched video. I'll definitely have to catch up on more of your content on here and Spotify.
I was down there in 2017/2018 doing the initial geophysical/AUV surveys that would predate the Exxon Liza project. The amount of oil they found was staggering and even then, I knew it would just be a matter of time considering Maduro's horrendous mismanagement of Venezuela, that he would attempt this. That said, considering what Chavez did by nationalizing Venezuelan oil, essentially dooming it under a tidal wave of incompetency (who do you think comprises all of those caravans flooding into the southern US border after all), what would taking over Guyana actually do in the long term for them?
It would only help in the short to mid term until the politicians end up messing with it. As it's been said Venezuela has more oil than most countries, however they don't really want to play ball with the rest of the world. It's within their own hands to turn things around and return to sovereignty but pride can make for very stubborn decisions with long lasting impact
You've mentioned before that it's on your list, but how soon do you reckon the video about the Balkans geography and how that influenced the history and politics of the region will come out ?
I talked to a Venezolano here in Chicago who felt that it is Venezuelan territory... But it's absurd to me that people don't bother to ask what people in the Essequibo region actually want.
@@herluisalvarado8366 They literally had referendum about it and they wanted independent Ukraine. Both Donetsk and Luhansk with 83% for YES. Even fricking Crimea which had the lowest support, voted 54% for YES. But I guess that was wrong kind of asking. You probably mean “infiltrate the area with Russian soldiers, make false flag operations to destabilize the area, invade, ethnically cleanse the territory, eradicate everyone who could possible say NO, and then hold referendum at the gunpoint to get some totally legit number like 96% for YES, oh, 96% sounds SOOOO REAL” kind of asking.
Los nativos del Esequibo son pocos siendo que los venezolanos son mestizos entre nativos y españoles, los de Guyana son mayormente afrodescendientes e indios.
What the people in Essequibo want is important, but it's also important what the people in the rest of Guyana want. It's their oil too, and even if the people in Essequibo did want to join Venezuela, it isn't their right to take the land and oil with them.
I always remembered the dotted line on world maps between Venezuela and Guyana, and wondering what the story was behind it, and if it was still disputed, now I know.
To be fair, "dating back to 19th century" isn't a good explanation. The feud between Guyana and Venezuela is the continuation of old feud between Spain and the Netherlands/Britain. Esequiba was claimed by Spain but, the Dutch arrived there first and colonised it. Spain was preoccupied with Dutch rebellion and did not dedicate soldiers to Esequiba, hence the Dutch colonised the land. For the next two centuries, the Netherlands proved capable to fight off Spanish incursion and later Spain opted for a nominal boundary draw, but Spain demanded the Netherlands to give the western half of Esequiba to theirs, something the Netherlands would never abide. The British exploited it after buying the colony from the Dutch and ensured what the Dutch have started would not be changed. Hell why Venezuela wanted that territory back.
I also think that Brazil would really not be happy if Venezuela tried this, considering they have good relations with Guyana and any war would likely end up going through their territory since the actual border between Venezuela and Guyana is basically impassable, so they would likely intervene as well along with the USA.
Only came here to dislike, but it seems like the modern youtube algorithm favors this content so he'll keep making it. I miss the old short and to the point videos though.
Poor Guyana they finally got chance to get wealthier and Venezuela want to take that from them even tho they can't export what they already have...and they have it the most in the world..
hay man jax we are not poor it venezuela is poor, and we are not babys for you to think venezuela can walk in and just take our country, Guyana can defeat venezulian army alone if we have the right arms, this is not Ukraine where two vast armys are fighting, this will be a guerilla war with long distance shelling of the venezulian bases and convoys, this will be a war of endless ambushes,but you tell me how Venezuela going to resupply their troops? ,please dont tell me by air drops, as a man with a rifile can shoot down one of those big birds, they will come by boat eh but id would be very easy to sink a large boat plus they can only land where there are roads and we know where that is.
@@antoniooliveirasouza749 Brasil it's literally the Russia of South América. They took lands from almost every single neighbor. They took lands from Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Perú, Colombia and they try with Venezuela and Argentina (bc otherwise Uruguay and Argentina would be one country) So no, that wasn't a good example. Brasil have always been an expansionist Empire.
@@Airland-xx3pr. Well, this is complicated and I don't see any nuance being shown from Venezuela's side. Why should Colombia show any understanding of nuance, either? All Colombia has to do is invade from their end and Venezuela will return back to reality. Venezuela is too big to be aggressive on both borders without being spread thin. Add in that protesters would see their chance to take down the regime during this period that the government is stretched. Venezuela would be nuts to try this. They aren't necessarily North Korea or Russia, where they have a full handle on political control.
@@manniking233 I am a Colombian who is deep into the politics and military. We can invade them easily, we have the economy to sustain a large term war and invading us is almost impossible by how our country is (In case anyone tries to intervene). But I mean, is not that easy, is not like that US that could invade anyone regarding the population thoughts or the political parties. If we shall invade Venezuela we shall get a good excuse such as defending Guyana. If we just attack them with the purpose of restoring gran colombia is gonna be very complicated (Not to invade them, like facing the consequences) I don't know If you understand me properly. But yeah, I would support that and we can. Nobody likes Maduro either. And he is weak. So Colombia shall intervene and maybe seize Venezuela. For the safety of the population, we have to figure a proper way either. Or just defend Guyana. Anything.
@@manniking233 It's complicated bc Venezuela was never part of the current Colombia state. The old republic of Colombia or "Gran Colombia" (as some historian call it to diffrentiate it from the current Colombia ) was an union Between Venezuela, New Granada (former name of current Colombia) and Ecuador. Venezuela was already Venezuela but New Granada wasn't call Colombia at that time. The name of Colombia was actuallychoosen by venezuelans, the typical flag (yellow, blue, red) was created by venezuelans and even the founding fathers were all venezuelans. Incluiding Simón Bolivar, which is the most important one After this union was disssolved New Granada decided to keep the name of Colombia (and the flag) but that doesn't mean is the same state as the Gran Colombian state or even a continuation of it. This is like if after the Soviet Union dissolution Kazakhstan keept the name of USSR (they actually did for few days😅) and then started saying Russia is a rebelious state of Kazakhstan 😅 It's like if the UK disssolved tomorrow and Scotland decided to keep the name (UK) and then they started saying England and Wales are their rebelious states. So no, it's not the same
I would hope they manage to pull something off like norway and don´t drift into an authocrazy with the oil findings, sadly something that to often happens.
how likely is it for venezuela, iran, russia, and other aligned countries to act on territorial and regional issues like these at the same time, in an election year in the states?
Prayers for our country Guyana 🇬🇾 we never had war here 😢. Both leaders met in St Vincent last week and we don't believe Maduro wants peace.The fact he had a referendum for our territory means he wants war.This matter was settled since 1899.For those Venezuelans who are saying otherwise let me just say our Indigenous population was here before all Europeans. Imagine we reached out and helped Venezuelans who fled here only for them to.....😢😢😢😢
Was settled in 1899? Are you serious? It was a meeting between the US, the UK and the "arbiter" a Russian college teacher (that taught in the UK). And one of the lawyers in his autobiography in 1949 said it was clearly an unfair trial
@@lagrangewei99.99999% of the population (including the Amerindians, Indians, Africans, Portuguese, Europeans, Chineses, and even some of the Venezuelan refugees [Guyana is greatly diverse]) living in the Essequibo region are proudly proclaimed Guyanese/Citizens of Guyana who are totally against Maduro's wicked, unfair and selfish claims. The other day, the people living in the Essequibo region of Guyana were protesting against Maduro's evil and selfish claims because they are sensible people. They know that even though the Spanish had thoughts of controlling Guyana, the Spanish NEVER [and I mean NEVER] physically came and fought for control over the land to even set up posts, etc. All along Guyana was controlled by the Dutch (there are mainly Dutch [and British] buildings, trading posts, forts, villages, etc in Guyana) and the Spanish never even tried to conquer the Dutch for the land because they were either scared of crossing the dense jungle in the Essequibo region or they were too busy taking control over what are now modern-day Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Etc... Most of the Venezuelans will want to back up their false claims with "the Gran Colombia argument" but they fail to realize that Venezuela didn't even have a settled border during Gran Colombia. Thus, it's so wrong, unfair, and selfish for them to make false claims over the Guyana Essequibo region when they NEVER had a settled border in that area during Gran Colombia, they NEVER physically came and fought for control over land like the Dutch and British did, and they NEVER physically controlled, set up posts, forts, etc in that Area. Guyana was always controlled by the Dutch until the British took over and finally, gave the Guyanese people their independence. As of history and by rights, the Essequibo region ALWAYS belongs to the Guyanese people. Only ignorant, selfish bullies, greedy, weak, and delusional people will say differently and try to attack a small, peaceful, innocent, and defenseless country like Guyana and Trinidad (By the way, I believe Venezuela tried the same move with Trinidad even though [like Guyana] Trinidad was one of the Countries to help rescue them. However, I don't think they succeeded with their claims over Trinidad.... Yet, this says a lot about Venezuela [specifically and more towards their gov]😏).😌
I called this happening a year ago. Learning about this confusing crisis makes you learn alot also about the USA and the UK. If the USA did not side with the UK over their claims in Guyana, they probably would not be their ally today. This claim changed geopolitics forever and set in scope the world we live today, with the USA not neutral or against the UK in multiple world wars. That conference overnight turned the UK into a new scope over its former colony not as a rival in the Americas, but an ally for the future, unknowing that the USA would become the greatest superpower probably in the history of our known world. I doubt this will end peacefully due to Venezuelan interest backed by US rivals like Russia, I believe Guyana could be another Gulf War. Venezuela isn't being led by leaders that care about their own people, like the Falklands war, and the Kuwait invasion which became the Gulf War. I believe if oil was never discovered in Guyana, Venezuela would not care, but this isn't the case. I just hope if Guyana can succeed in this crisis and continue to bankroll their economy, they don't become another Venezuela. Venezuela is something to learn from for Guyana, given this insane position so quickly and potential to rise from a sleepy little state on the South American coast to the next market to trade with instead of violent and oppressive Venezuela.
I can see this happening if Russia asks Venezuela behind the scenes to go ahead and invade in order to use up more American-British resources in yet another conflict. This would be in exchange for assistance in the exploration of the oil fields in Guyana, since Venezuelans lack the expertise, while the Russians have a vast experience with it.
As long as Guyana is in open and peaceful relations with US then they are safe, sure Venezuela can move in but the U.S. already shows air force and brazil has a bigger army force and military spending power than Venezuela anyways.
@@User-jr7vfThe US would never allow Russians in the Western Hemisphere. See: Cuban Missile Crisis. Also, I doubt Brazil would be cool with Russians right on their doorstep. Your point about Guyana becoming corrupted by their newfound wealth and becoming a mini-Venezuela is well taken though. Wealth and power always seem to corrupt.
The US did not side with the UK. There were 3 countries involved in the negotiations, the UK, the US and Russia. The UK (naturally) and Russia took the UK side while the US took Venezuelas. Did you not watch the video?
@@chrisparnham The Treaty of Washington. The compromise that created the borders of Venezuela and Guyana. Unlike most summits both the USA and UK attended in that time, Tribunal saw the US not totally deny Britian it's claims in a rare act of arbitration that the USA never did before, before that the USA was sticking mostly to isolation and anti-appeasement policy to keep Europeans from fumbling in their backyard over strips of land in the Caribbean, also out of spite for silently helping the confederacy in the cotton trade. Britian got what it wanted, and it also settled things in Venezuela, and help change the public opinion on the United States for the future, not as a competitor, or bitter rival, but as an ally across the pond. Also is there a source for your comment?
I love reallifelore because instead of just scraping the top he goes in depth of history politics private company data and just presents you with a well rounded informative video
Guyana may not have much by way of an army or even arms, but they do have some advantages. The dense rainforests along the border without any roads almosy completely removes any hope of Venezuela sending any heavy equipment like tanks or artillery along that route. Similarly, large armies of troops would be unable to penetrate the jungle effectively if at all. This leaves just three viable invasion routes. The road through Brazil, an amphibious assault, or an air assault. Brazil clearly isn't going to permit Venezuelan forces to pass through their territory, and Maduro has zero chance in a war with Brazil. So that's completely off the table. Even if he were to gain Brazil's permission to use their land to invade, they would quickly discover how much a narrow chokepoint favors the defenders. Venezuela would take heavy losses and days to overrun the defenders, which is all the time Guyana needs to buy for allied forces to send in reinforcements. An amphibious assault is a logistical challenge that I highly doubt Venezuela is even remotely close to achieving. It's also pretty difficult to do anything by surprise in the age of sattelites, so they can even count on surprise evening the odds. An aerial assault is also very challenging, and while Venezuela is much better equipped to attempt such an assault, it is difficult to see how they could deploy enough troops fast enough to halt western allies from intervening. And the supply logistics would be a nightmare even if nobody came to Guyana's aid. A simple guerrilla style resistance would be enough to thwart any long-term occupation. So what kinds of military action does that leave? A special forces deployment to sieze control of critical infrastructure with the permanent threat of full-scale invasion looming as a means of applying pressure on Guyana to agree to a diplomatic solution. For this to work, he would need to copy thinly-veiled little green men strategy from the Russian annexation of Crimea. I wouldn't even be surprised if Wagner forces were involved in such an operation. I certainly hope Maduro doesn't commit his people to a violent conflict, but if he does I suspect that this is how it would happen
@@TRESYKESthey would be sanctioned to oblivion, no way they just get away with this. Say what you want but Guyana is an important ally to many countries especially after their recent oil discovery and booming economy
Also France which has overseas territories and a significant EEZ all around this area and shares a frontier with Brazil. Venezuela invading Guyana would be calling for a NATO blockade.
Truth is, our current government in Brazil is friendly to Venezuelan regime, and also most of Brazilians could care less about Guyana. To be honest, most people here have never heard of the place to begin with. However an invasion of Guyana by Venezuela using our territory is seen as unacceptable, thus we need to say no loud and clear. If Venezuela somehow manages to invade through the sea, which is way more challenging, then I think from our part we would not interfere with the military operation. The US, however, could request to use Brazilian bases to conduct its own campaign against Venezuela (for example, using our bases to refuel the fighter jets, to host troops etc).
@@User-jr7vf Brazil will probably cut ties with Venezuela if they invade through sea, but we definitely wouldn't let US (a foreign country) use our bases to attack Venezuela (a neighbouring country).
In order for Venezuela to invade Guyana and annex Essequibo they would need to either do an amphibious invasion (good luck on that) or go through Brazilian territory (good luck on that too).
Believe it or not, there was a perfect military operation plan back in the 50s to ocupy Essequibo. Back then the armed force of Venezuela where modern, descent and competent even for big power standards. The brits where still recovering for WW2 and Guyana wasn't even independent, it could have been easy and glorious but sadly all fell into oblivion. Now, all is at the bottom of the bottle...
@@travelertuber9487 Yes our Dictador Juan Perez Jimenez planned to invade British Guyana back in 1950's but that invassion could have been very costly for both Venezuekan and Guyanesse-British people. In addition, the Venezuelan army would have had many difficulties entering the Amazon jungle there.
@@herluisalvarado8366 NOPE, it would have been trully simple to take back then! No casualties or even bullets or shells dropped, there were barely any garrisons or authority around the Essequibo. Diplomatically, the tensions for independece were clear, they didn't gave a damm about Guyana. Now, of course all is a pathetic joke at the eyes of the world.
Guyana is not a rich or developed country, yet it has been a rather peaceful nation since independence. The official name of Guyana is "Co-operative Republic", reflects Guyana's desire to stay neutral. That's why you never hear of Guyana joining anybody war, and Guyana didn't even support the US in Iraq, Afghanistan, and didn't even join sanction against Russia since its invasion of Ukraine. In term, Guyana is a perfect kid for both first and third world, the kid nobody cares nor harms him. Now, Venezuela, run by Putin's puppets, is seeking for a war of conquest against Guyana, which is shocking at best. It is worth noting that Russian and Cuban mercenaries are present in Venezuela, and receive direct orders from Putin. If Venezuela is to invade, Guyana will have a hard time ahead due to its weaker military and the fact that Guyana is a neutral nation for decades. Guyana should rally necessary allies, such as the West, other Latin American countries, and especially, India and the Muslim world; the former is due to strong India tie (nearly half of Guyanese population are Indians), and the latter is due to the current Guyanese President being a Sunni Muslim, which is likely to galvanise Muslim world's support due to Guyana's largely peaceful nature. Guyana should use these advantages to deter Venezuela.
Nosotros lo venezolanos de toda la vida lo hemos reclamado, no tiene nadq que ver maduro o chavez, no se porque los usa solo piensa en maduro😂😂😂 le puedes preguntar a cualquier venezolano que te encuentre en tu pais y le preguntas q opina sobre el esequibo, y despues vienes a este comentario y me respondes😂😂🎉🎉
@@lopezrichard6470 Cualquiera que sea la afirmación que tenga algo que ver con el pasado, no es importante. Lo importante es que Venezuela se alió con Rusia. Su dictador fanático ha promovido este tipo de opiniones y afirmaciones sobre la intromisión de Estados Unidos para ayudar a Guyana. Si desea que Estados Unidos invada su país y que toda América Latina y el Caribe pase de ser neutral a ser proestadounidense, puede seguir adelante con esa invasión.
@@luishernandezblonde 🤣🤣🤣🤣 que tiene que ver rusia aca??? Hermano no eres venezolano no lo entenderias, tenemos mas de 100 años reclamndolo, y recuerda que lo perdimos por culpa de usa que fue la q nos represnto en paris 1899.🤡🤡🤡
I'm all for Guyana in this. This nothing more than Maduro disparately trying to save face in light of Venezuela's failing economy. Despite Venezuela not being happy with the original boarder agreement they're only now making it a major issue after Guyana's economy started booming after the oil exploits in the offshore region. 30:18 just pointing out that Trinidad; the lsland country to the north east highlighted in yellow was not part of Colonial Spanish territory at that time. Columbus only claimed it for Spain in passing but it was Settled by the French and the British.
The same for Guyana, the Spanish claimed the area and so did the Dutch but the differences between the two powers is that the Dutch actually settled the area whereas the Spanish didn't. We are taught of the Spanish ship that sailed up the river and destroyed a Dutch fort which was subsequently rebuilt but yeah. There were also Dutch plantation in the same region which they then handed over to the British which then expanded as there was no other settlement of another European power.
Hey Trini here, we were never owned by the French but we did have French people that came to our country but overall yes, Spain owned our country but then it was acquired by Britain until our independence in 1969.
Venezuela - "we have the most oil in the world" Also, Venezuela - "we need to conquer Gayana because that oil is preventing us from prospering. They are the reason why we are poor"
@User-jr7vf I've worked in the oil field for 5 years. I have family who has been doing it even longer. Yes, I know all about crude oil and the different formations
Most venezuelans see the essquibo as part of their territory, even before all of this. It actually have popular support, no matter if they're pro Maduro or not, which most aren't bc Maduro is really unpopular.
I really hope guyana is able reap these benefits and not be taken over. Would be cool to see them be able to to be a wealthy country that benefits with all this wealth for itrs citizens and not screwed over
@@romanpalacios6196 Oh you think something like that only happens in a game ?? Then tell me what Russia is doing in Ukraine, especially Crimea ? Why in recent years China has made claims to the South China Sea ? And tell me why Ethiopia is mobilizing it's forces at the Eritrean border ? Plenty of ambitious leaders in the World who stake claims on someone else's territory these days, so i don't see why this should be any different.
Brazil ready for what?.....they also have a claim, is the Pirara Claim. Brazil and Venezuela would invade Guyana overnight and take Essequibo and Pirara back !!....hahahaha!!!!. Why don't you wiki Pirara Claim?🤣
@@parrotsarnoso1099 It's not fraud, we simply resolved this issue a long time ago with Guyana and here in Brazil we don't need any foreign teenagers explaining to us about our own territory🤣
I absolutely love your content and am a fan of the details and the narration. As an Indian, I want to ask you to cover the India-Pakistan conflicts as a part of your Modern Conflicts series on hard facts.
Already feels a bit outdated, considering the latest developments...
Edit: for anyone who hasn't heard, Venezuelan and Guayana's leaders met a few days ago and Venezuela agreed not to escalate or use force to solve the dispute. In a way, all this was very convenient bluster for Maduro to jail more opposition at home and drum up some national fervor for his regime.
Of course promises don't mean much these days, but let's be real, Venezuela has less capacity for actual leverage here. No nukes to threaten anyone, absolutely no logistics to sustain an invasion, the Americans very nearby...
Edit 2: quite a few people have been bringing up cases like Russia promising not to invade, but it's not about the promises, it's the ability to violate them without the significant consequences, sort of. The Russians expected a quick victory and that everyone would forget about it and move on. Now, as Russia's setting itself up for a long war, their strategy is just to wait the West out. 140 million population, significant military production capacity still (though sanctions do hurt), nukes to hold off other great powers intervening. Again, what the hell does Venezuela have? The Russians certainly can't spare anything to help anyway. If the US suddenly collapsed tomorrow, yeah, maybe Venezuela would invade Guyana
In what sense? What is happening?
Así que el equesibo no es nuestro?🥺🥺😭
@xanthespace5141-- On the same note, Hitler promised not to invade Europe.
Man now I’m blue balled.
Maduro is very durable. He wants to find Mew.
a country making an election for "yall should we take over this country?" sounds pretty funny
Venezuela no quiere tomar ese pais, quiere recuperar el esequibo, yo soy venezolano y toda l vida hemos dibujado el esequibo como parte de venezuela. Desde mucho antes que llegue chavez y maduro..
If it was real it would be better then not asking, but they faked the vote.
Sounds pretty familiar too.
You just described Adolf Hitler.
Yeah America doesn’t even vote they just do it
Venezuela has been absolutely destroyed over the decades. For those lucky enough to have travelled there before this slow death, it’s been nothing but a crime. Caracas was so prosperous and beautiful. The country was such a wonderful place. Very safe, sophisticated, arts, MUSIC, culture, welcoming people, nightlife, restaurants, beaches- a holiday in Venezuela was like heaven. I just can’t understand why this had to happen.
Same thing they're doing in the USA
Communism/Socialism my friend, but not exactly the ideology, more than the people behind it and their intentions, corruption in Latin America is worse than yall can imagine…
Venezuela really went from being wealthier than most Western European countries to third world status in less than half a century…
@@disprismNO WAY you just compared Canada to Venezuela 😂😂Western people should really keep quiet sometimes, stop trying to pretend your situation is anywhere on the same level as Venezuelas. At least your economy still functions and at least the vast majority of people still live comfortably.
@@RigbyAdrian Communism always ends the same. They would run out of sand on Sahara.
As a Venezuelan, our government does not represent our people. Maduro is a man acting on his own accord separate from anything actual Venezuelans would want. I hope the best for the people of Guyana 🇻🇪 ❤ 🇬🇾
Except they will pay the price for Maduro’s actions.
Does any government represent its ppl anymore?
@@dontaveonlove626I would be surprised if so.
Maduro is a dictator, but Essequibo is Venezuela’s, though.
The Geneva Agreement must be respected and both parties should restart talks over the disputed region.
As a Guyanese who has also lived in Venezuela, I think your analysis is spot on and your facts are definitely well researched and authentic.
The presidents of Guyana and Venezuela recently met in St Vincent and agreed not to use force to settle the dispute.
Also a few days ago, Britain decided to send a warship to conduct military exercises along Guyana's coast. This a clear message that Britain will not tolerate any incursion.
Britain has no say in anything, they can barely defend their island.
@@javiervega1065 I suggest you stop posting on stuff you have no clue about.
We all know the US can't help but get involved either.
@@javiervega1065they are doing just fine. Lol
@@javiervega1065Guyana is part of the Commonwealth. the Navy will be over there to deesculate
I'm Guyanese living in England. I doubt Venezuela would try such an invasion because they'll be setting themselves up for fail. Guyana is also part of the commonwealth. So Britain would back Guyana, not to mention Brazil & the US getting involved. Plus Venezuela's current situation in their country is collapsing, they won't have the funds or resources to take on such a war.
I guess you live in a cave or dont read the news. NATO is broke.....the USA is broke. The USA can not longer send money and weapons to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. Those 3 countries are more important than Guyana. The UK is about to collapse. Venezuela will invade overnight and celebrate victory in Georgetown during breakfast time !!...period.
Of course they're Indian, black and Muslims the worst combo! Good job England
Maduro has already set himself up to be taken out one way or the other. The instability there is spreading and neighboring countries are over it.
Doesn’t matter if ur leader is crazed and core military industrial/police state support them.
It would be the U.S.'s dream pretext to intervene and as xanthespace above said and you are implying, this was probably never a serious move but a domestic operation dressed up as foreign policy.
I don't always agree with your final takes, but you draw a fantastic wider picture every time. Well done!
Not to mention the fact that Venezuela is currently dumpingn their criminals into this country!
This is such a beautifully made video. Love how you explain current internacional disputes with the historical background in such an engaging way. These kinds of videos are the reason why I adore youtube so much.
Love how you used Civilization images over the years on your channel. Love your channel. Keep up the great work.
I love how the us and brazil both almost immediately moved their own forces in to place to send Venezuela a very firm "try it and see what happens" kind of message.
Venezuela will never try they’re bluffing, they know Brazil will jump in
Of course the US is going to get involved. They need to control who has oil and who doesn’t! You think the US made those moves because they care for the Guyanese people or their territory. If it wasn’t because of their newly discovered oil reserves the US wouldn’t bat an eye.
look how well that worked out in the red sea
@@Unseeable.. Lies
@@Unseeable.. it is sad to me that you believe that to be true. The US could care less about the oil It produces more than enough domestically to sustain itself without any foreign oil imports. To say they are there for the oil and the oil alone is very untrue.
Thank you! The historical info was very helpful in understanding everything!
And ASWELL Venezuela are currently dumping their criminals into our country! If you get out of the president we need the real president back! He will fix this!
This is really scary from an environmental standpoint, as Guyana has some of the world's most pristine remaining rainforests and the idea that that area may be plunged into chaos is frightening for many species which have found their last refuge in the region.
This is earth. That’s exactly what will happen. That’s exactly what’s been happening, and that’s exactly what will continue to happen until carbon based fuels are completely used up.
Well i assume most people care more about the price at the gas station. So...?
Couldn’t have said it more perfectly, I really hope that the war doesn’t affect the animals there
Guyana will never see any of this oil because the West will rob them dry just as they have done with their former territories. What former British, French, and Dutch colonies in Africa have in common? They are poor and in war even after independence despite being countries that supply most of the minerals and resources that West needs.Because the West steals. Special economic zones is code word for Western extortion.
@@YoursUntruly Keep fear mongering maybe someone will be on your side.
essequibo nearly being as large of florida is actually insane to think about
Yes, it's quite a chunk of land. It's almost twice as large than my country
They're lucky there's no Florida's there.
Same. And the fact that much of it is considered by the Amazonian jungle...
The most comprehensive and clear (though inevitably dense) explanation I’ve seen so far on the matter. Another excellent video from this channel. Bravo!!
unilateralview. the veiw of a far away person, telling their vision of the story
As a Guyanese living in Guyana I can say that we never took it that serious (the people i.e). It was concerning but we never really felt threatened. This area isn't just rich in oil. Guyana has some of the highest quality gold and diamonds in the Essequibo region. We are concerned of how welcoming our government is to Venezuelans, adding spanish to our licenses and stores, our defense force bases, etc. Let's see what happens though. Oh and the taxing the oil companies is laughable, check your facts on that. Great vid though you get a like from me.
It’s true. Leaders probably pocket it or are still working out logistics to improve your quality of life
You never know what thw crazy Nicolas is thinking
It’s known fact that the Venezuelan government are extracting gold in this area to substitute the oil revenue deficits
That’s how it starts . History always repeats itself . Guyana must continue to stand their ground you all have a good president. He seems be wise and vigilant. People scheme and act nice while having ulterior motives.
The esequibo belongs to Venezuela .. as simple as that.. thru History
Venezuela has one of the biggest oil reserves they can't even utilize now.
It's crab in a bucket mentality. They can't succeed, so they don't want their neighbor to vault past them and replace them in the oil business. Just like how Russia has way more oil and gas than Ukraine, but invaded to ensure the Ukrainian fossil fuels couldn't be exported to Europe and displace their hold on that market (which, like all of Putin's intentions including NATO concerns... backfired gloriously).
I like how venezuela is more concerned about invading another country than feeding their people.
Lol Real
*US flashbacks*
Right, with its collapsed economy.
Knowing the road goes through Brazil is interesting. The Brazilian state that borders Venezuela is called Roraima, it is the most isolated and least populated state in the country, the people there do not exactly have the best relations with Venezuela/ Venezuelans, the massive wave of refugees was incredibly difficult for the state to handle, and many people just expelled Venezuelans over the border until the government began relocating people to other states. The road also goes through the capital and only city in the state too, Boa Vista, which has around 419,000 people, it is this sort of thing which is why Roraima is such a "right-wing leaning" state when it comes to politics, they were the state with the highest percentage of votes for Bolsonaro in the 2022 election. I wonder how they will react to this.
Se eles vierem, morrerão aqui.
@@viniciusdomenighi6439 Voce nao vai morrer. Nois nao temos problemas com voce. We would under any circumstance avoid actual problems with brazil. All the contrary , we would try to have their support, as u can already see.
Thank you very much! This was a highly informative video that answered many questions I had.
History Matters, Science Matters. Thanks for the videos Merry Christmas and happy new years ahead Real Life Lore, greetings from Türkiye!
As a Venezuelan economist I would say that the hypothesis of this just being a feint to improve popularity is more feasable. Venezuelan government's greatest interest is to stay in power. An invasion to Guyana is too much risky for them to be actually serious on the matter. But they (the government) need to be actually rational about it and, sadly, we can assure this government is not rational at all, therefore I cannot reject the invasion at all (even if they already agree to not do it). On the other hand, as a Venezuelan I understand the feeling of my compratiots of considering the Essequibo as ours. Nonetheless, it is really a nonesense to think of adding that piece of land to the country. It is habitated by people with a really different culture from Venezuelans'.
Asi es, pana.
Just wondering
Did you happen to vote on the addition of Guyana?
@@johnjackson8709 I didn't vote. I don't care about any government initiative nor I think about this as a serious movement from the government.
@@johnjackson8709I make white girl butt turn red spank spank I got big arab shawarma
@@leonex45 But it should be up to the Essequibo residents, I would think.
Part of me genuinely wants to see Venezuela try, because there is a real possibility this goes about as well as Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait…
Pretty much, but lets at least take over the nation this time. They're not too far from USA like Iraq. We have plenty of other nations to use in the surrounding area to force them into harboring our forces. It should be an easy win.
But Kuwait was defeated almost immediately.
Venezuela isn't exactly a military powerhouse, but Guyana has a population of less than a million and an army the size of a single brigade. Without a foreign intervention, there is no way Guyana holds out more than a few days.
Na man we don't to see all those Venezuelan soldiers getting merked. They have kids, mothers, fathers, siblings, friends, lives too. Venezuelans aren't bad people man, they just got stuck with a useless authoritarian socialist government. Hope they don't do it
Such an extensive yet informative video. It was explained so well. I’m subscribing.
thank you so much for viewing this conflict it means a lot to me as a Guyanese all of your videos are great
In addition, The natives to the Esequiba region do not see themselves as Venezuelans in Culture, Language, Politics, etc. They align with Guyana, and have representation in the Guyana Government as well, which I doubt will Happen if Venezuela takes over.
Control over the oil fields is what matters. The population is very small and can be managed. Unfortunately for them, their feelings don't matter at all.
@@User-jr7vf hi
Lol no one cares about those natives
@@User-jr7vf yeah if the usa and the uk say no then it won't happen. they dont have the force to do it.
I am so tired of these wars, it's like people love to feel the misery.
I am also from Ukraine, and I have spent countless hours examining other wars in other countries in the past and in modern times. All this makes me really sad and gets me nauseous.
Just watching humans destabilize their countries for next 3 decades in a blink of an eye.
From Africa, to Europe, to Latin America. It's like everyone got an itch to destroy their own economy, for a hypothetical profit by destroying another economy.
Blame the useless UN. Created to prevent these situations but are so selfish and inept we are repeating the failings of the League of Nations.
War never changed, it is always about taking what the other have. Ukraine is a proxy war. A peace offering were made in 2022 but Boris Johnson and the US pressured Zelensky to continue the war. Here we are.... countless lives lost.... for nothing.
Let's be honest we're in the 2nd Cold War with NATO (plus western aligned nations) Vs Russia/China (plus anti-west aligned nations), both sides don't want to destroy the Earth trying to defeat the other, so regional proxy wars is the next "best" option with Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, etc being the battlefields.
I feel you. The truth is a few hundred old men and women start these wars. Whether they're Russian, Venezuelan, Syrian or whatever. It's all the same: Old, corrupt people desperately clinging onto power by plunging the world into Nationalistic conflicts.
All war is stupid. The current Ukraine is basically Russia trying to recreate Russian Empire 2.0. Israel and Gaza conflict is basically Hamas trying to be relevant. While Venezuela want to divert Venezuelans attention to external "threats", instead of their internal corruption and mismanagement
I learned so much from this video. Thanks for sharing
Oil has been causing problems for 150 years.
It also improved our lives beyond any imagination😀
It solves more problems that it creates.
This is a very good video, and it was well put together. Thank you for this information.
Thanks, excellent clip and unbiased research, cheers from Melbourne Australia.
So tem um erro no início ele mostra o Brasil se posicionando pra impedir a passagem da Venezuela então ele fala que o Estados Unidos movimentou tropas no Brasil mas isso é mentira da mesma forma que o Brasil não permite a entrada da Venezuela pelo seu território também não vai permitir o Estados Unidos e a Guiana invadir o seu território brasileiro. O Brasil está abertamente falando pra ambos os lados ninguém vai entrar no território brasileiro 👍
This is an amazing video!!😍❤️🙌 wow, great quality!👏👏👏👏
I'm Brazilian, and here in South America we're watching some serious tension on our northernmost border because some people were speculating that in order to invade Guyana, Venezuela would have to use Brazilian territory to invade them (Just like Germany crossed Belgium to invade France in WW1 and WW2) and I'm afraid that Brazil might enter a plausible war here to defend her own territory and Guyana's too
Nah. The USA (and by extension NATO) has got your back and Venezuela knows it. They won't do anything. Rest easy, friend.
@@mikelxanaduratio at this very moment is run by aa clown socialist that is extremely anti-US and very pro Russia and pro China and even pro Iran.
Brazil jus tlike majority of Latin American countries have been under the influence of socialism for almost 100 years now.
and this is why countries like Brazil and Argentina are so poor and insignificant on the world stage, economically any by that extent even culturally.
other than soccer games, there is really nothing worth your time with either Brazil or Argentina.
this is why many Brazilians and Argentines have left their countries. the economy is terrible.
I gotta say, the Brazilian army is not to be messed with from what I gathered. I’m Guyanese American, I’m happy to see a nation that struggled finally get a break. Guyana is beautiful and I pray it doesn’t come to a war.I hope the Venezuelan people can recover from this downward spiral too.
@@mikelxanadu I'm not sure NATO could intervene. I'm not an expert, but doesn't NATO only apply to the signatories? i.e. while the USA may intervene, they could not pull in the rest of NATO through that agreement.
Even though it is likely I can't remember a statement backing this up
Another great video. I always learn so much.
Don't forget that socio-politically and culturally (read: colonialism) Guyana is part of the Caribbean, even though geographically, it's part of South America. Caricom is headquartered in Guyana. So a war with Guyana will pull in the Caribbean countries as well.
all those countries that were maintained for YEARS by Chavez
Yeahh but now they have accords with Guyana 😊
Oh no! Cuba and Haiti might side with Guyana? Well that’s terrible! Oh well.
But what military power do those nations have to fight away from home if needed? No carriers, destroyers, missiles...
@@mnd7381. They'll kick up a storm in the U.N. if Venezuela attacks. Having diplomatic supporters who will make noise to draw attention to your plight is great to get support in the West fot military intervention on your behalf.
Excellent video! Very easy to to understand this complex issue. Keep up the good work.
Amazing analysis!
Realifelore: it’s more complicated than you think
Also Reallifelore: Oil
Pointless comment
I just love the absurdity of: "that land, which has never, ever been part of our country's borders since we gained independence in the late 19th century, should be ours because the colonial power that used to occupy us in the 18th & 19th century claimed it, even though they also never occupied it."
Well put
It belongs to the Venezuela people sir. It's a bit odd that not one 1 Venezuelan representative was able to attend that meeting and they come out with only 10% give me a break. Just cause you got screwed over in the past you shouldn't justify it. Also, if you look closer to the people to the people in power during the paris arbitral award you will see who the real enemy is.
Very enlightening 👌🏾👍🏾👍🏾
Excellent work with this video !! To this day I had not seen anything or heard from any platform explain this geo-historic-political mess as well and clear as you have. Thank you!! I am a Venezuelan who lives in the US.
I’m also Venezuelan living in the US, and bro, reading the comments, definitely everyone hate us 😢
@@geografisicaLo siento de verdad, chicos.
Tanto que la gobernanza de vuestro país haya sido tan terrible para todos los implicados como que os contagiéis de intolerantes a pesar de ser expatriados. Que esta nueva locura venga de donde venís, eso no debería reflejar mal en ninguno de vosotros.
No tengo un gran amor por Venezuela en el escenario mundial, pero eso empieza y termina con Maduro y la reputación de hiperinflación.
Los venezolanos-estadounidenses son, y deberían ser siempre, bienvenidos, pase lo que pase.
(Transducción de DeepL, from English:)
I'm truly sorry, you guys.
Both that the governance of your country has been so terrible for everyone involved and then that you catch strays from bigots despite being expatriates. That this new folly comes from where you came from, that shouldn't reflect poorly on either of you.
I have no great love for Venezuela on the world stage, but that begins and ends with Maduro and the hyperinflation reputation.
Venezuelan-Americans are, and ought always to be, welcome, regardless of what happens.
@@geografisica maybe dont move somewhere just to trash it, we don't want people who don't even wanna contribute or bother even assimilating in the US
Hope the World Get more Peaceful ❤
Greetings from Morocco to all nations of the world .
The world will never have peace with the United States. The Venezuelan regime is a product of American politics. Like most wars nowdays.
peace through death
Bible prophecy says otherwise. Prepare for the end times my friend. "Wars and rumors of wars" will abound. God bless and go in peace ✝️✌️
You can’t talk about peace when you are Moroccan…
I'm really glad that Real Life Lore also covered the Guyana-Venezuela conflict! 😌😌
I'm really bored that Real Life Lore turned a 10 minute video into a 48 minute video where most of the content was something that we didn't strictly needed to know to understand why Venezuela is escalating tensions with Guyana.
Half of what that idiot said on his video is pure BS.
@@walker-zero9255 Notice that he intentionally placed Venezuela before Guyana in the title. It's his opportunity to create his own version about Venezuela's inflation and its political background, a topic that has been covered by many news channels, RUclipsrs, and other content creators. Coupled with the ongoing hot topic of the Guyana-Venezuela conflict, this gives a chance to create a video lasting more than 40 minutes.
@@WildanbahirSamin did you really think that the 48 minute video was necessary though? There's a variety of youtubers who can repeat what he said but in 15 minutes without the need of adding barely relevant information into the video. I'm aware he's doing it in his own version but his version honestly sucks because his unnecessary yapping takes away from the attention of the main point of the video that he was trying to make from the start.
Good presentation. 😊
As a Norwegian, I claim Iceland, Greenland, parts of Scotland, northern England, a chunk of Ireland, big parts of Sweden, Man (of course), the Faroese, Orkney & Shetand. And, of course, sweet, sweet Newfoundland. GIMMETOMENOW!
Viking nostalgia I say.
You forgot Normandy
@@jeksixten5751 Not greedy. The Danes can have Normandy. And England, Sicily. Plus, leave Russia to the Swedes. Best Viking advice ever.
Starting a brand new Viking Age
Come get it big boy. We're waiting for you.
I'm excited to see the future of guyana it sounds like it could become a great gem of a nation in South America
I love seeing a bit more understanding and emphasis on south American geopolitics instead of the middle Eastern conflicts
Guyana is a member of the Commonwealth and Britain has a commitment to try to maintain the independence of Guyana if that is what the people of Guyana want. Of course, to pretend that Britain would go to war with Venezuela to maintain the independence of Guyana is merely silly. On the other hand, for some unexplained reason, a British warship is apparently hanging around off the coast of the country conducting exercises at the moment. Pure coincidence, we can be sure..... maybe.....
Britain "IS VERY MUCH" a war-like country,and will intervene.They tend not to like when someone takes something from them.
World War 2 was a series of smaller conflicts that culminated and combined into a cataclysmic disaster. Where does that line begin again?
Usually? round about the '08 crash it seems
Thank you for the videos man. It’s hard to find unbiased and analytical updates on serious things going on in the world.
Congratulations to the author for this AMAZING video on Venezuela.
Nice detailed video, although I think you forgot one potential player in this game : France. As you mentioned the growth of Guyana's oil industry is of prime importance for the EU, and the best candidate to protect EU's interests overseas is France, which maintains a military presence, including their most decorated Foreign Legion's regiment, in nearby French Guyane. France failed to be relevant in the Russia/Ukraine and Israel/Gaza conflicts, and is also pushed back from Africa by Russian backed coups in its former colonies. Add to this the symbolic fact that the original agreement about the Essequibo was signed in Paris and I would not be surprised by France's direct intervention alongside the US, UK and Brazil in case of an escalation.
France will continue its downfall by trying to flex its muscles in locations where it should stay the f out.
Different Guyana, French Guyana is on the other side of Suriname. This Guyana is the ex-British colony and is a member of the Commonwealth.
@@joaodfardilha Which is exactly why, when I mentioned the French territory, I spelled it GuyanE with an E.
@passurlamer France is all talk most of the time and their politicians are a laughing stock, sure, but they are still capable military speaking, as they showed during the war in Mali ten years ago.
Only good thing ever coming out of france is ZigZag rolling papers.
I hope for peace🕊
What's next? Guyana? Taiwan? Eritrea? Syria? Kashmir? Armenia? Whole world?
I do think that you are predicting 2024...
Or all of the above at once. Let’s add in Papua New Guinea and Bougainville as well
1. Azerbaidjan and Turkey want to finish with Armenia, the EU is buying gaz from azerbaidjan, they are and will continue to close an eyes on the ongoing genocide. 2. Cyprus, Turkey wants to finish the conquering of that island. 3. Greece, Turkey wants to regain that terroritory.
Simply Erdogan wants a new ottoman empire.
US will want war, same they want in Ukraine. The west is always the problem
It’s all going to pop off over the next couple decades.
Mercator really makes Venezuela look smaller than it actually is
Thank You for this content. I've been looking into this developing dispute for a episode of my podcast and you have truly created a well researched video. I'll definitely have to catch up on more of your content on here and Spotify.
Nice! What’s your podcast?
I was down there in 2017/2018 doing the initial geophysical/AUV surveys that would predate the Exxon Liza project. The amount of oil they found was staggering and even then, I knew it would just be a matter of time considering Maduro's horrendous mismanagement of Venezuela, that he would attempt this. That said, considering what Chavez did by nationalizing Venezuelan oil, essentially dooming it under a tidal wave of incompetency (who do you think comprises all of those caravans flooding into the southern US border after all), what would taking over Guyana actually do in the long term for them?
It would only help in the short to mid term until the politicians end up messing with it. As it's been said Venezuela has more oil than most countries, however they don't really want to play ball with the rest of the world. It's within their own hands to turn things around and return to sovereignty but pride can make for very stubborn decisions with long lasting impact
You've mentioned before that it's on your list, but how soon do you reckon the video about the Balkans geography and how that influenced the history and politics of the region will come out ?
I talked to a Venezolano here in Chicago who felt that it is Venezuelan territory...
But it's absurd to me that people don't bother to ask what people in the Essequibo region actually want.
Tell it to Donesk, Lugansk and Crimea if the Russians living here wants to became Ukrainian citizens, which they don't want.
@@herluisalvarado8366 They literally had referendum about it and they wanted independent Ukraine. Both Donetsk and Luhansk with 83% for YES. Even fricking Crimea which had the lowest support, voted 54% for YES.
But I guess that was wrong kind of asking. You probably mean “infiltrate the area with Russian soldiers, make false flag operations to destabilize the area, invade, ethnically cleanse the territory, eradicate everyone who could possible say NO, and then hold referendum at the gunpoint to get some totally legit number like 96% for YES, oh, 96% sounds SOOOO REAL” kind of asking.
Ah must be one of those recently immigrated delusionally entitled Venezuelans chicago has been getting a lot of lately.
Los nativos del Esequibo son pocos siendo que los venezolanos son mestizos entre nativos y españoles, los de Guyana son mayormente afrodescendientes e indios.
What the people in Essequibo want is important, but it's also important what the people in the rest of Guyana want. It's their oil too, and even if the people in Essequibo did want to join Venezuela, it isn't their right to take the land and oil with them.
I love your videos! Much love
I always remembered the dotted line on world maps between Venezuela and Guyana, and wondering what the story was behind it, and if it was still disputed, now I know.
If you have access to my classified information you might have glimpsed that Venezuela is looking for Mew in Guyana along with many nations.
To be fair, "dating back to 19th century" isn't a good explanation. The feud between Guyana and Venezuela is the continuation of old feud between Spain and the Netherlands/Britain. Esequiba was claimed by Spain but, the Dutch arrived there first and colonised it. Spain was preoccupied with Dutch rebellion and did not dedicate soldiers to Esequiba, hence the Dutch colonised the land. For the next two centuries, the Netherlands proved capable to fight off Spanish incursion and later Spain opted for a nominal boundary draw, but Spain demanded the Netherlands to give the western half of Esequiba to theirs, something the Netherlands would never abide. The British exploited it after buying the colony from the Dutch and ensured what the Dutch have started would not be changed. Hell why Venezuela wanted that territory back.
All this guy does is yap. He can turn a 10 minute video into a 48 minute yapping session and it bugs me so much.
Good to know, odd it wasn't mentioned
Maybe you should be the one making these videos? I learned more from your comment than I did watching the entire video.
@@walker-zero9255 Yep, every single one of this guy's video is like that. Makes hour long videos and Keeps rehashing the same points in different ways
@@walker-zero9255You can unsubscribe and not watch the videos...?
I also think that Brazil would really not be happy if Venezuela tried this, considering they have good relations with Guyana and any war would likely end up going through their territory since the actual border between Venezuela and Guyana is basically impassable, so they would likely intervene as well along with the USA.
Another hugely informative and insightful video
Why does this have to be 48 minutes long?
The answer isn’t that conplicated: oil and distracting people from the inflation and stuff.
Only came here to dislike, but it seems like the modern youtube algorithm favors this content so he'll keep making it. I miss the old short and to the point videos though.
to long for your short attention span
@@MrThhg I would watch a 15-20 minute video but it doesn’t have to be 48 minutes.
You don’t need all that extra information.
“As an American-Venezuelan, I hope my family don’t get conscripted if a war breaks out. I have my aunt, uncle, and cousin over there
They Gina be six feet deep 😂
Half of your country already here
@@brooklynbandit6788How many Venezuelans live there
@@petergeramin7195 over one hundred thousand arrived in NYC this year plus over sixty thousand in Chicago that's still not counting Texas and Arizona
You're not an American-Venezuelan. You're a Venezuelan refugee in US.
Poor Guyana they finally got chance to get wealthier and Venezuela want to take that from them even tho they can't export what they already have...and they have it the most in the world..
not poor Guyana, if they invade, they will be defeated 100% this is not russia and ukrine here no flat plain to fight on
hay man jax we are not poor it venezuela is poor, and we are not babys for you to think venezuela can walk in and just take our country, Guyana can defeat venezulian army alone if we have the right arms, this is not Ukraine where two vast armys are fighting, this will be a guerilla war with long distance shelling of the venezulian bases and convoys, this will be a war of endless ambushes,but you tell me how Venezuela going to resupply their troops? ,please dont tell me by air drops, as a man with a rifile can shoot down one of those big birds, they will come by boat eh but id would be very easy to sink a large boat plus they can only land where there are roads and we know where that is.
Very informational! thank you
I am heartbroken hearing this. Guyana needs to be left alone!
I pray for peace & one day to visit Guyana from Australia to pray with locals.
More Putin influence. He encourages LAND GRABS illegally done. He has much influence in Venezuela.
Guyana needs to return the esequibo, historically that land is owned by Venezuela and stolen from UK in the end of the XIX century
I hope war mongering Australia leaves Ukraine alone. I also hope the Australin war mongers leave China alone
@@kriegshog2 if that is true so uruguay and part of guyana should be part of brazil too since it was ours, you logic makes no sense.
Brasil it's literally the Russia of South América.
They took lands from almost every single neighbor.
They took lands from Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Perú, Colombia and they try with Venezuela and Argentina (bc otherwise Uruguay and Argentina would be one country)
So no, that wasn't a good example. Brasil have always been an expansionist Empire.
By this logic, shouldn’t Colombia take Venezuela back then?
Well... Is more complicated than that.
We should. That way Venezuelans can stop coming in illegally lol.
@@Airland-xx3pr. Well, this is complicated and I don't see any nuance being shown from Venezuela's side. Why should Colombia show any understanding of nuance, either? All Colombia has to do is invade from their end and Venezuela will return back to reality. Venezuela is too big to be aggressive on both borders without being spread thin. Add in that protesters would see their chance to take down the regime during this period that the government is stretched. Venezuela would be nuts to try this. They aren't necessarily North Korea or Russia, where they have a full handle on political control.
@@manniking233 I am a Colombian who is deep into the politics and military. We can invade them easily, we have the economy to sustain a large term war and invading us is almost impossible by how our country is (In case anyone tries to intervene). But I mean, is not that easy, is not like that US that could invade anyone regarding the population thoughts or the political parties. If we shall invade Venezuela we shall get a good excuse such as defending Guyana. If we just attack them with the purpose of restoring gran colombia is gonna be very complicated (Not to invade them, like facing the consequences) I don't know If you understand me properly.
But yeah, I would support that and we can. Nobody likes Maduro either. And he is weak. So Colombia shall intervene and maybe seize Venezuela. For the safety of the population, we have to figure a proper way either. Or just defend Guyana. Anything.
It's complicated bc Venezuela was never part of the current Colombia state.
The old republic of Colombia or "Gran Colombia" (as some historian call it to diffrentiate it from the current Colombia ) was an union Between Venezuela, New Granada (former name of current Colombia) and Ecuador.
Venezuela was already Venezuela but New Granada wasn't call Colombia at that time. The name of Colombia was actuallychoosen by venezuelans, the typical flag (yellow, blue, red) was created by venezuelans and even the founding fathers were all venezuelans. Incluiding Simón Bolivar, which is the most important one
After this union was disssolved New Granada decided to keep the name of Colombia (and the flag) but that doesn't mean is the same state as the Gran Colombian state or even a continuation of it.
This is like if after the Soviet Union dissolution Kazakhstan keept the name of USSR (they actually did for few days😅) and then started saying Russia is a rebelious state of Kazakhstan 😅
It's like if the UK disssolved tomorrow and Scotland decided to keep the name (UK) and then they started saying England and Wales are their rebelious states. So no, it's not the same
Kudos to Guyana for finding all that oil. I hope their economy continues to improve. And that tourism becomes huge there as well.
All that oil will just contribute to our own extinction!!!
I would hope they manage to pull something off like norway and don´t drift into an authocrazy with the oil findings, sadly something that to often happens.
Too late @@Velatus5978
Presentation content and production polish is very well executed. This is the fifth one I have enjoyed. Great insights
how likely is it for venezuela, iran, russia, and other aligned countries to act on territorial and regional issues like these at the same time, in an election year in the states?
El esequibo is venezuelan
@@carloshidalgo92shut up
Prayers for our country Guyana 🇬🇾 we never had war here 😢.
Both leaders met in St Vincent last week and we don't believe Maduro wants peace.The fact he had a referendum for our territory means he wants war.This matter was settled since 1899.For those Venezuelans who are saying otherwise let me just say our Indigenous population was here before all Europeans. Imagine we reached out and helped Venezuelans who fled here only for them to.....😢😢😢😢
then you should let the indigenous vote which country they want to be part of... that will settle the dispute.
Its pretty impressive how Guyanese people are extremely weak to stop Exxon but tell me, how is the propaganda going?
Was settled in 1899? Are you serious? It was a meeting between the US, the UK and the "arbiter" a Russian college teacher (that taught in the UK). And one of the lawyers in his autobiography in 1949 said it was clearly an unfair trial
@@lagrangewei99.99999% of the population (including the Amerindians, Indians, Africans, Portuguese, Europeans, Chineses, and even some of the Venezuelan refugees [Guyana is greatly diverse]) living in the Essequibo region are proudly proclaimed Guyanese/Citizens of Guyana who are totally against Maduro's wicked, unfair and selfish claims. The other day, the people living in the Essequibo region of Guyana were protesting against Maduro's evil and selfish claims because they are sensible people.
They know that even though the Spanish had thoughts of controlling Guyana, the Spanish NEVER [and I mean NEVER] physically came and fought for control over the land to even set up posts, etc. All along Guyana was controlled by the Dutch (there are mainly Dutch [and British] buildings, trading posts, forts, villages, etc in Guyana) and the Spanish never even tried to conquer the Dutch for the land because they were either scared of crossing the dense jungle in the Essequibo region or they were too busy taking control over what are now modern-day Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Etc...
Most of the Venezuelans will want to back up their false claims with "the Gran Colombia argument" but they fail to realize that Venezuela didn't even have a settled border during Gran Colombia. Thus, it's so wrong, unfair, and selfish for them to make false claims over the Guyana Essequibo region when they NEVER had a settled border in that area during Gran Colombia, they NEVER physically came and fought for control over land like the Dutch and British did, and they NEVER physically controlled, set up posts, forts, etc in that Area.
Guyana was always controlled by the Dutch until the British took over and finally, gave the Guyanese people their independence. As of history and by rights, the Essequibo region ALWAYS belongs to the Guyanese people. Only ignorant, selfish bullies, greedy, weak, and delusional people will say differently and try to attack a small, peaceful, innocent, and defenseless country like Guyana and Trinidad (By the way, I believe Venezuela tried the same move with Trinidad even though [like Guyana] Trinidad was one of the Countries to help rescue them. However, I don't think they succeeded with their claims over Trinidad.... Yet, this says a lot about Venezuela [specifically and more towards their gov]😏).😌
@@kylekatarn1255lmao is that the lie maduro told you? Even Venezuela accepted the tribunal
I called this happening a year ago. Learning about this confusing crisis makes you learn alot also about the USA and the UK. If the USA did not side with the UK over their claims in Guyana, they probably would not be their ally today. This claim changed geopolitics forever and set in scope the world we live today, with the USA not neutral or against the UK in multiple world wars. That conference overnight turned the UK into a new scope over its former colony not as a rival in the Americas, but an ally for the future, unknowing that the USA would become the greatest superpower probably in the history of our known world. I doubt this will end peacefully due to Venezuelan interest backed by US rivals like Russia, I believe Guyana could be another Gulf War. Venezuela isn't being led by leaders that care about their own people, like the Falklands war, and the Kuwait invasion which became the Gulf War. I believe if oil was never discovered in Guyana, Venezuela would not care, but this isn't the case. I just hope if Guyana can succeed in this crisis and continue to bankroll their economy, they don't become another Venezuela. Venezuela is something to learn from for Guyana, given this insane position so quickly and potential to rise from a sleepy little state on the South American coast to the next market to trade with instead of violent and oppressive Venezuela.
I can see this happening if Russia asks Venezuela behind the scenes to go ahead and invade in order to use up more American-British resources in yet another conflict. This would be in exchange for assistance in the exploration of the oil fields in Guyana, since Venezuelans lack the expertise, while the Russians have a vast experience with it.
As long as Guyana is in open and peaceful relations with US then they are safe, sure Venezuela can move in but the U.S. already shows air force and brazil has a bigger army force and military spending power than Venezuela anyways.
@@User-jr7vfThe US would never allow Russians in the Western Hemisphere. See: Cuban Missile Crisis. Also, I doubt Brazil would be cool with Russians right on their doorstep. Your point about Guyana becoming corrupted by their newfound wealth and becoming a mini-Venezuela is well taken though. Wealth and power always seem to corrupt.
The US did not side with the UK. There were 3 countries involved in the negotiations, the UK, the US and Russia. The UK (naturally) and Russia took the UK side while the US took Venezuelas. Did you not watch the video?
@@chrisparnham The Treaty of Washington. The compromise that created the borders of Venezuela and Guyana. Unlike most summits both the USA and UK attended in that time, Tribunal saw the US not totally deny Britian it's claims in a rare act of arbitration that the USA never did before, before that the USA was sticking mostly to isolation and anti-appeasement policy to keep Europeans from fumbling in their backyard over strips of land in the Caribbean, also out of spite for silently helping the confederacy in the cotton trade. Britian got what it wanted, and it also settled things in Venezuela, and help change the public opinion on the United States for the future, not as a competitor, or bitter rival, but as an ally across the pond. Also is there a source for your comment?
I love reallifelore because instead of just scraping the top he goes in depth of history politics private company data and just presents you with a well rounded informative video
Guyana may not have much by way of an army or even arms, but they do have some advantages. The dense rainforests along the border without any roads almosy completely removes any hope of Venezuela sending any heavy equipment like tanks or artillery along that route. Similarly, large armies of troops would be unable to penetrate the jungle effectively if at all.
This leaves just three viable invasion routes. The road through Brazil, an amphibious assault, or an air assault. Brazil clearly isn't going to permit Venezuelan forces to pass through their territory, and Maduro has zero chance in a war with Brazil. So that's completely off the table. Even if he were to gain Brazil's permission to use their land to invade, they would quickly discover how much a narrow chokepoint favors the defenders. Venezuela would take heavy losses and days to overrun the defenders, which is all the time Guyana needs to buy for allied forces to send in reinforcements.
An amphibious assault is a logistical challenge that I highly doubt Venezuela is even remotely close to achieving. It's also pretty difficult to do anything by surprise in the age of sattelites, so they can even count on surprise evening the odds.
An aerial assault is also very challenging, and while Venezuela is much better equipped to attempt such an assault, it is difficult to see how they could deploy enough troops fast enough to halt western allies from intervening. And the supply logistics would be a nightmare even if nobody came to Guyana's aid. A simple guerrilla style resistance would be enough to thwart any long-term occupation.
So what kinds of military action does that leave? A special forces deployment to sieze control of critical infrastructure with the permanent threat of full-scale invasion looming as a means of applying pressure on Guyana to agree to a diplomatic solution. For this to work, he would need to copy thinly-veiled little green men strategy from the Russian annexation of Crimea. I wouldn't even be surprised if Wagner forces were involved in such an operation.
I certainly hope Maduro doesn't commit his people to a violent conflict, but if he does I suspect that this is how it would happen
Yeah ain’t no way this is actually happening. Does Venezuela really think the rest of the world is just going to go “Oh Guyana’s being invaded? Okay!”
Literally what is the world gonna do? Invade Venezuela? Lmao.
Actually, yes.
@@TRESYKESthey would be sanctioned to oblivion, no way they just get away with this. Say what you want but Guyana is an important ally to many countries especially after their recent oil discovery and booming economy
Like Iraq and Kuwait? I think they will do that.
@@TRESYKESjust because you’ve probably American and never heard of Guyana before doesn’t mean the rest of the world doesn’t care about them…
The one significant country you almost totally left out is how Brazil would react to an invasion through their territory.
he did mention they positioned troops next to the single road running across their territory
Also France which has overseas territories and a significant EEZ all around this area and shares a frontier with Brazil. Venezuela invading Guyana would be calling for a NATO blockade.
Truth is, our current government in Brazil is friendly to Venezuelan regime, and also most of Brazilians could care less about Guyana. To be honest, most people here have never heard of the place to begin with. However an invasion of Guyana by Venezuela using our territory is seen as unacceptable, thus we need to say no loud and clear. If Venezuela somehow manages to invade through the sea, which is way more challenging, then I think from our part we would not interfere with the military operation. The US, however, could request to use Brazilian bases to conduct its own campaign against Venezuela (for example, using our bases to refuel the fighter jets, to host troops etc).
brazil is irrelevant
@@User-jr7vf Brazil will probably cut ties with Venezuela if they invade through sea, but we definitely wouldn't let US (a foreign country) use our bases to attack Venezuela (a neighbouring country).
Amazing historical review... congrats
In order for Venezuela to invade Guyana and annex Essequibo they would need to either do an amphibious invasion (good luck on that) or go through Brazilian territory (good luck on that too).
If Brazil wants the Piarara back which the Brits took from them ilegally, they can allow a Venezuelan invassion to Guyana!
Believe it or not, there was a perfect military operation plan back in the 50s to ocupy Essequibo. Back then the armed force of Venezuela where modern, descent and competent even for big power standards. The brits where still recovering for WW2 and Guyana wasn't even independent, it could have been easy and glorious but sadly all fell into oblivion. Now, all is at the bottom of the bottle...
@@travelertuber9487 Yes our Dictador Juan Perez Jimenez planned to invade British Guyana back in 1950's but that invassion could have been very costly for both Venezuekan and Guyanesse-British people. In addition, the Venezuelan army would have had many difficulties entering the Amazon jungle there.
@@herluisalvarado8366 NOPE, it would have been trully simple to take back then! No casualties or even bullets or shells dropped, there were barely any garrisons or authority around the Essequibo. Diplomatically, the tensions for independece were clear, they didn't gave a damm about Guyana. Now, of course all is a pathetic joke at the eyes of the world.
Bye Venezuela, nice knowing you!
Guyana is not a rich or developed country, yet it has been a rather peaceful nation since independence. The official name of Guyana is "Co-operative Republic", reflects Guyana's desire to stay neutral. That's why you never hear of Guyana joining anybody war, and Guyana didn't even support the US in Iraq, Afghanistan, and didn't even join sanction against Russia since its invasion of Ukraine. In term, Guyana is a perfect kid for both first and third world, the kid nobody cares nor harms him.
Now, Venezuela, run by Putin's puppets, is seeking for a war of conquest against Guyana, which is shocking at best. It is worth noting that Russian and Cuban mercenaries are present in Venezuela, and receive direct orders from Putin. If Venezuela is to invade, Guyana will have a hard time ahead due to its weaker military and the fact that Guyana is a neutral nation for decades. Guyana should rally necessary allies, such as the West, other Latin American countries, and especially, India and the Muslim world; the former is due to strong India tie (nearly half of Guyanese population are Indians), and the latter is due to the current Guyanese President being a Sunni Muslim, which is likely to galvanise Muslim world's support due to Guyana's largely peaceful nature. Guyana should use these advantages to deter Venezuela.
Nosotros lo venezolanos de toda la vida lo hemos reclamado, no tiene nadq que ver maduro o chavez, no se porque los usa solo piensa en maduro😂😂😂 le puedes preguntar a cualquier venezolano que te encuentre en tu pais y le preguntas q opina sobre el esequibo, y despues vienes a este comentario y me respondes😂😂🎉🎉
@@lopezrichard6470 Cualquiera que sea la afirmación que tenga algo que ver con el pasado, no es importante. Lo importante es que Venezuela se alió con Rusia. Su dictador fanático ha promovido este tipo de opiniones y afirmaciones sobre la intromisión de Estados Unidos para ayudar a Guyana. Si desea que Estados Unidos invada su país y que toda América Latina y el Caribe pase de ser neutral a ser proestadounidense, puede seguir adelante con esa invasión.
@@luishernandezblonde 🤣🤣🤣🤣 que tiene que ver rusia aca??? Hermano no eres venezolano no lo entenderias, tenemos mas de 100 años reclamndolo, y recuerda que lo perdimos por culpa de usa que fue la q nos represnto en paris 1899.🤡🤡🤡
@@lopezrichard6470 gotta love fascists fks that want conquest
@@MrThhg ahora cualquiera es facist para los usa??? Peros ustedes si pueden invadir, panama, siria, vietnan, filipinas, california, texas??
Great piece! Loves it . Lots if good information. Thank you!
I'm all for Guyana in this. This nothing more than Maduro disparately trying to save face in light of Venezuela's failing economy. Despite Venezuela not being happy with the original boarder agreement they're only now making it a major issue after Guyana's economy started booming after the oil exploits in the offshore region.
30:18 just pointing out that Trinidad; the lsland country to the north east highlighted in yellow was not part of Colonial Spanish territory at that time. Columbus only claimed it for Spain in passing but it was Settled by the French and the British.
The same for Guyana, the Spanish claimed the area and so did the Dutch but the differences between the two powers is that the Dutch actually settled the area whereas the Spanish didn't. We are taught of the Spanish ship that sailed up the river and destroyed a Dutch fort which was subsequently rebuilt but yeah. There were also Dutch plantation in the same region which they then handed over to the British which then expanded as there was no other settlement of another European power.
Hey Trini here, we were never owned by the French but we did have French people that came to our country but overall yes, Spain owned our country but then it was acquired by Britain until our independence in 1969.
@@marymargaret2613 Thank you for the correction. I'm from Grenada btw
I feel like RealLifeLore is causing these world wide events from behind closed doors just to have content to make videos about.
Why does every other country seem to have half the world's supply of some resource?
Geology and climate
Excelent report 👏👏
Brazil should be heavily supported by the international community and given full authority to stop this.
Venezuela - "we have the most oil in the world"
Also, Venezuela - "we need to conquer Gayana because that oil is preventing us from prospering. They are the reason why we are poor"
If you watched the video, you would have learned why your comparison is not fair. Guyanese oil and Venezuelan oil are not equivalent.
Gayana 💀💀
@User-jr7vf I've worked in the oil field for 5 years. I have family who has been doing it even longer. Yes, I know all about crude oil and the different formations
Most venezuelans see the essquibo as part of their territory, even before all of this.
It actually have popular support, no matter if they're pro Maduro or not, which most aren't bc Maduro is really unpopular.
I really hope guyana is able reap these benefits and not be taken over. Would be cool to see them be able to to be a wealthy country that benefits with all this wealth for itrs citizens and not screwed over
hi 6700 they can never take over our country, all talk
Tu m'a hypnotisé. Très bon edit vidéo aussi. Ce voyage est très inspirant.
One thing's for certain, once Venezuela has successfully annexed that region they'll come up with some excuse to get the rest of Guyana.
Bro this is not civilization 4
@@romanpalacios6196 Oh you think something like that only happens in a game ?? Then tell me what Russia is doing in Ukraine, especially Crimea ? Why in recent years China has made claims to the South China Sea ? And tell me why Ethiopia is mobilizing it's forces at the Eritrean border ? Plenty of ambitious leaders in the World who stake claims on someone else's territory these days, so i don't see why this should be any different.
No, Guyana land is claimed by two nations, Essequibo for Venezuela, and Suriname claims all the other Guyana.
@@Airland-xx3pr Can't imagine that stopping Venezuela for long, they probably try to get Suriname too if it makes trouble about it.
No, Venezuela actually getting their claims is nearly impossible, the US will definitely intervene.
As a Guyanese i find this interesting and a must watch. I know Brazil and The USA are ready for them
Russia and China are ready for an American intervention, while China will have a long talk with Brazil
Brazil ready for what?.....they also have a claim, is the Pirara Claim. Brazil and Venezuela would invade Guyana overnight and take Essequibo and Pirara back !!....hahahaha!!!!. Why don't you wiki Pirara Claim?🤣
@@parrotsarnoso1099 ahahah Brazil invading Guyana? we have no reason for doing this, Brazilian army already signed Maduro not to try
@@gegefilho yes, the Pirara Claim was fraud. Brazil was scammed.
@@parrotsarnoso1099 It's not fraud, we simply resolved this issue a long time ago with Guyana and here in Brazil we don't need any foreign teenagers explaining to us about our own territory🤣
a yes real life lore about to steal 29mins of my life lol
also 3:34 then time to coup trinado and tabago cuz why not
Lots of information. Thank You 👍
Only if there was a US state the size of the area so we could imagine how big it was
Imagine. 🤠
The US: looks like Guyana needs democracy 🦅🦅🦅
Keep up the great work
Another fantastic, informative video that thoroughly explains the real story
I absolutely love your content and am a fan of the details and the narration. As an Indian, I want to ask you to cover the India-Pakistan conflicts as a part of your Modern Conflicts series on hard facts.