OH-YO!!!!!!! Thank you for sharing how smart your first wife was!!! She earned a gold medalist and the respect of all those women’s had CHEATING husbands like you!! Hope that she listened to niam Ntsuab Teev story, I am so, so proud of you lady for bravely doing the pay back time!!!!!!!!
Niam Ntsuab Teev should start a series... Confession of a Narcissist. Majority of the stories submitted by men just exposes how much of a narc they are.
Good for them, woman should learn to love each other like this story. Men stick up for one anther ,what's wrong with it when women does it? Ladies learn from this story if you want hmong men to stop thinking they could have more than one. Nyuam qhuav ntxhim xwb. Xav xav tau ntau thaum kawg tau tsawg 😅😅😅
Zoo kawg! This man deserves everything he got. He basically told the world how karma served him. If he was loyal to niam loj, he might have a caretaker today. Niam loj is smart and savage as hell. 👍
Glad you have the heart the warn others and let them know to love the wife of their youth. First wives club are the best wives to have. May God's forgive you and bless you.
Zoo kawg zoo kawg Xav Kom txhua txiv tsev mus yuav niam mos AB Tim nplog yuav tsum rau thaj no mas thiaj li haum nyias rhiav nyias kev txom nyem xwb thaum nej ua rau poj niam mas nej tsis paub txog poj niam txoj kev mob zoo li cas li es txog thaum nej mob mas nej thiaj li paub xwb os koj twb les koj qhov txhaum lawm ces nyaj tswv ntuj yuav zam txim rau koj thiab os nawv
He just can't swallow his own medicine. His kids are absolutely right about him messing up his own marriage. No need to say nothing to their mother, she deserved to find her own happiness too.
Karma got him bad. I can’t believe he decide to put his story on air. He just embarrassed himself to the highest level. Props to the wives. great job!! you both deserve so much better than this looser ..
Ua tsaug ua koj kev npam los txog koj lawm os nawb. Vim koj saib tsi taus koj tus poj niam ne ces npam zoo li ko tiag. Ua ntuj tsaug es ntuj tseem muaj qhov muag.. kuv niag txiv ces tom ntej no yuav yog kiag li koj ntag mas tus txiv ntxawm uas yog ib tug txiv dev li kuv niag txiv.
The power of women when their husband think he can do whatever he wants. If the man going to be selfish, be selfish too lol! He get a taste of his own medicine only! Women need to help each other like this when their man get a 2nd wife. Great job women!!😂😂😂❤❤❤
Tus txiv tsev aw, yus tseb kev mob siab rau yus tus tav uas tswv ntuj muab rau yus ces txog thaum kawg yus rov sau xwb os. Txhob tu siab rau leejtwg kiag li nawb mog. Yog yus yeej coj zoo2 es luag ua phem rau yus mas yus thiaj tu tau siab os.
cov me niam tsev aw zaj no muaj ceem kawg li hos kuv mloog na cov neej neeg li no kuv xav mloog kawg os vim tias cov poj niam los koom siab li no muaj tsawg na
Tus txiv tsev koj yog ib tus muaj nyiaj tej zaum koj tsi tau hlub koj cov me nyuam thiab cov neeg txomnyem es tseem tshuav cov tub hluas, cov nraug nrab uas lawv txomnyem mus yuav tsi tau pojniam tsi muaj leejtwg pab lawv ce lub ntuj thiaj cia koj muab koj cov nyiaj mus yuav niam yau hluashluas tuaj rau cov tub hluas thiab cov nraug nrab ntawm xwb tiag tsimnyog lawv ua koj tsaug xwb tiag.
Zoo tshaj plaws. Peb cov pojniam yuav tsum sib koom siab li no cov txiv dev no thiaj li yuav tsum lawv txoj kev siab phem lim hiam yuav peb 2-3 leeg los nyob ua ke cuag peb tsis yog neeg li lawv.
2 tug niam no lub tswv yim zoo kawg li yuav tau kawm mus tsim cov txiv neej hlwb tsawg uas pheej xav tau tus hluas hluas nawb. Cov poj niam yuav tau sib hlub li no thiaj li pauj tau cov dev siab phem ntag.
Nrog koj tus niam loj zoo siab tshaj niam loj pauj tau nws txoj kev chim lawm tiag. Yus niag laus lawm muaj tub muaj nyab tag lawm los yus nrhiav yus kev mob stroke xwb tsis tas li koj cov me nyuam yuav pab tau koj na, vim tej teeb meem no koj tsim rau koj tu kheej xwb, koj tu siab tu siab rau koj yus koj niam yau li cas naw, koj tu siab rau koj tus kheej xwb os mog.
Mloog zaj neej neeg no mas ua rau kuv txaus siab tas2 li os, lub ntuj mas thiaj txawj txiav txim ncaj ncees tiag2. Koj lub siab phem rau koj tus niam loj, rov los npam koj lawm xwb niag txiv dev siab phem lim hiam. Txhob tu siab rau leej twg kiag, tabsis tu siab rau koj lub siab phem tsis hlub koj zag niam tub. Es koj thiaj muaj hnub no
Tus txiv tsev koj txoj kev npam lo txog cia koj mob li ko Mus koj 2 poj niam dim Plaws tu koj vim koj siab phem xab tau tus hluas ces cia hnub no koj zaum laub lim ntsav mob txua yam koj siab phem rau koj tus niam loj koj pab me nyuam ces cia kom koj txom nyem kom Txaus txaus es tos tuag lawm xwb vim koj ntsaw ntsaw niam mos ab hnub no koj nriab koj kev tusg xwb mog peb cov txiv liam Liam Li ko ces mob tsis tau txaus cia kom Lim Lim ntsav zaum Laub da quav qa zis mus txog hnub ncaim ntiaj teb vim koj txoj kev npam kev khaum kev liam ces nyuam qhuav haum txhob tu siabvim koj txoj hmoo lo li ko
Nej cov txiv neej ces txawm zoo li no los yeej tsis kawm li os. Nej lub siab mas xav tias nej tseem hluas2 es nej tus niam loj thiaj laus xwb. Ces txog thaum kawg qhov yus ua ces yus yuav tau txais qhov ntawd.
Me tij laug nyob me kas teb chaws no yog cai poj niam xwb koj yeej ua plaub tsi yeej poj noliam ib sim neej cia li nyoo xwb mog kuv twb taug tau txoj kev ko lawm
Kuv ib txwm hais tias tus neeg ruam siv tswv yim yuam ua neej ces nws thiaj pluag dua tus neej muaj. Tus txiv tsev no yog ib tug ntawm cov neeg ruam siv tswv yim yuam no ces hnub no nws thiaj ua neej nrog lub kua muag nyob ntsia ntsoov nws tus niam yau ua tshoob kos nrog ib tug txiv hluas hluas thiab zoo nraug tsw qab ntxiag rau nws puag.
OH-YO!!!!!!! Thank you for sharing how smart your first wife was!!! She earned a gold medalist and the respect of all those women’s had CHEATING husbands like you!! Hope that she listened to niam Ntsuab Teev story, I am so, so proud of you lady for bravely doing the pay back time!!!!!!!!
Niam Ntsuab Teev should start a series... Confession of a Narcissist. Majority of the stories submitted by men just exposes how much of a narc they are.
Good for them, woman should learn to love each other like this story. Men stick up for one anther ,what's wrong with it when women does it?
Ladies learn from this story if you want hmong men to stop thinking they could have more than one.
Nyuam qhuav ntxhim xwb. Xav xav tau ntau thaum kawg tau tsawg 😅😅😅
Zoo kawg niam loj thov qhuas koj ❤❤❤❤
Tsim nyog kawg nkaus li os... thov qhuas tus niam loj pauj tau kua zaub ntsuab zoo kawg
Good story to listen on this nice calm day. Hopefully other niam loj will learn from this story 😉
Zoo kawg! This man deserves everything he got. He basically told the world how karma served him. If he was loyal to niam loj, he might have a caretaker today. Niam loj is smart and savage as hell. 👍
If he was faithful to niam hlob, he would still be happy, healthy, and loved. He doesn't deserve it.
So proud of the niam loj👍👍👍
If women know how to love each others like these wives there won't be txiv dev yuav niam loj niam yau😅
👏 applause 👏!! Nyuam qhuav ntxim. Zoo kawg!
Women should support one another like this. Love it
Glad you have the heart the warn others and let them know to love the wife of their youth. First wives club are the best wives to have. May God's forgive you and bless you.
Wow!! Txis dev, you deserve what you got. It’s funny how you blame everyone else but yourself, I feel sorry for you!!
I don't even feel sorry for him.
This story is a win for women. Thanks for sharing!
Good story, I wish peb cov pojniam hmoob ntse li ob tug no xwb os.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Zoo heev li
Me nkauj hmoob koj zaj neej neeg zoo kawg kuv ntseeg li koj hais os mog
Ua tsaug me nkauj hmoob
Hahaha.....txiv neej ntshe leg tuag poj niam ob ceg....zaj no mas kuv nyiam2 kawg
Zoo kawg zoo kawg Xav Kom txhua txiv tsev mus yuav niam mos AB Tim nplog yuav tsum rau thaj no mas thiaj li haum nyias rhiav nyias kev txom nyem xwb thaum nej ua rau poj niam mas nej tsis paub txog poj niam txoj kev mob zoo li cas li es txog thaum nej mob mas nej thiaj li paub xwb os koj twb les koj qhov txhaum lawm ces nyaj tswv ntuj yuav zam txim rau koj thiab os nawv
Zoo kawg koj tau qhov koj ntshaw .
Wow!! 😂😂 my favorite story so far! Lol
Sister your truly story it's so good to teaching the old fool men a good lesson to learn more about how to love
Good gob ❤❤❤❤❤
Ib lus siab faib rau ob leeg ces zoo li kos mas tus nus Aw 😢pab koj tus siab kawg ob 😭.
Thanks for giving all niam loj ideas on how to deal with their ex-husband's "niam mos ab" syndrome! 😂😅
Grandpa, no one will listen to you just like you didn't listen to others.
He just can't swallow his own medicine. His kids are absolutely right about him messing up his own marriage. No need to say nothing to their mother, she deserved to find her own happiness too.
Zoo kawg os
Siab coob ces tau qhov yus xav
Karma got him bad. I can’t believe he decide to put his story on air. He just embarrassed himself to the highest level. Props to the wives. great job!! you both deserve so much better than this looser ..
My hope is for all housewives to be like Niam Loj.
Zoo heev tab to zoo rau cov txiv dev zoo li no. Haaaa, haaa
thov txim nloog txog tom kawg cia li xav luag lawm 😅😅😅😂😂😂😂
Your niam loj got her revenge on you! So happy for her!
Ua tsaug ua koj kev npam los txog koj lawm os nawb. Vim koj saib tsi taus koj tus poj niam ne ces npam zoo li ko tiag. Ua ntuj tsaug es ntuj tseem muaj qhov muag.. kuv niag txiv ces tom ntej no yuav yog kiag li koj ntag mas tus txiv ntxawm uas yog ib tug txiv dev li kuv niag txiv.
Niam loj lub twv yim no zoo heev li Niam loj nte kawg yuav tau siv lub maib no thiaj li haum rau cov txiv neej dev no ntag
Zoo kawg
😂 your first wife is a genius.
The power of women when their husband think he can do whatever he wants. If the man going to be selfish, be selfish too lol! He get a taste of his own medicine only! Women need to help each other like this when their man get a 2nd wife. Great job women!!😂😂😂❤❤❤
Wow amen rau koj os tus mes nus! Hnub no koj mam lis kawm tiav ces lig dlaus lawm os😢.
thov qhuas kj tus niam loj keej kawg
A good example of txiv dev.
Niam loj ntse kawg npam ces zoo li no
Tus txiv tsev aw, yus tseb kev mob siab rau yus tus tav uas tswv ntuj muab rau yus ces txog thaum kawg yus rov sau xwb os. Txhob tu siab rau leejtwg kiag li nawb mog. Yog yus yeej coj zoo2 es luag ua phem rau yus mas yus thiaj tu tau siab os.
hahaha 😆😆😆 zaj neej neeg no ma zoo tshaj plaw li os koj tu niam loj ma lub tswv yim zoo tshaj plaw yog 1. lub tswv yim naj npawb 1. kiag 😆😆😆😆 ?
cov me niam tsev aw zaj no muaj ceem kawg li hos kuv mloog na cov neej neeg li no kuv xav mloog kawg os vim tias cov poj niam los koom siab li no muaj tsawg na
Niam loj keej tiag2! Thov qhuas tus niam loj no. Rau tus txiv neej siab phem no: tshawg sawm!!!
Bravo for the wives
This guy has thick face to tell his story….you deserve everything
I have to laugh again,sorry 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Tus txiv tsev koj yog ib tus muaj nyiaj tej zaum koj tsi tau hlub koj cov me nyuam thiab cov neeg txomnyem es tseem tshuav cov tub hluas, cov nraug nrab uas lawv txomnyem mus yuav tsi tau pojniam tsi muaj leejtwg pab lawv ce lub ntuj thiaj cia koj muab koj cov nyiaj mus yuav niam yau hluashluas tuaj rau cov tub hluas thiab cov nraug nrab ntawm xwb tiag tsimnyog lawv ua koj tsaug xwb tiag.
Zoo tshaj plaws. Peb cov pojniam yuav tsum sib koom siab li no cov txiv dev no thiaj li yuav tsum lawv txoj kev siab phem lim hiam yuav peb 2-3 leeg los nyob ua ke cuag peb tsis yog neeg li lawv.
Kuv zoo siab tahaj plaws li os koj txoj kev npam los txog lawm txhob tu siab rau lwm tus os tu siab rau yus tus kheej xwb os mog.
🙏pab koj tu diab thiab kuj ho txua luag kawg li thiab. 2 tug niam hlob niam yau no mas ua tau zoo kawg thiab lol
2 tug niam no lub tswv yim zoo kawg li yuav tau kawm mus tsim cov txiv neej hlwb tsawg uas pheej xav tau tus hluas hluas nawb. Cov poj niam yuav tau sib hlub li no thiaj li pauj tau cov dev siab phem ntag.
Nyuam qhuav ntxim tuag tsis tuag. Raug kuv siab tshaj li os. 😂😂😂😂
LMAO. So entertaining. 😂
Ha ha ha cav xav laug thiab
Txob qhia koj zaj dab neeg. Cia cov thaub laus ntsib koj txoj kev npam.
Phov siav ces zoo li ko tiag.
Tseem tseem tuag rau pojniam 2 ceg tiag laiv. Tsim nyog kawg mas
Tsis yog tim leejtwg tim koj xwb. Tau zoo neej tsis kam yuav xum mus yuav neej teebmeem neej poob qab
suj suj neej cov txiv meej siab phem ces nyuam qhuav ntxim xwb
Koj tug niam loj tsivyim zoo kawg ntshai yuav tau kawm thiab nej cov txiv neej no sab phem dhau lawm ca nej ntxaug thab thaj tsi khib peb
Cas pheej hais tej zaj qub thiab pestsawg zaj los yeej zoo li yog txoj qub xwb
Nrog koj tus niam loj zoo siab tshaj niam loj pauj tau nws txoj kev chim lawm tiag. Yus niag laus lawm muaj tub muaj nyab tag lawm los yus nrhiav yus kev mob stroke xwb tsis tas li koj cov me nyuam yuav pab tau koj na, vim tej teeb meem no koj tsim rau koj tu kheej xwb, koj tu siab tu siab rau koj yus koj niam yau li cas naw, koj tu siab rau koj tus kheej xwb os mog.
Koj tu poj niam ua tau zoo heev yog nyob ze kv yuav muab ib qho khoom plig rau nw
😂😂😂 koj tus niam loj yog #1 . Cas yuav tham zoo kuv siab ua lauj lis os 😅
hahhhh xav luag dhau os
Zoo kawg lawm mas cov niag txiv dev na
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Sweet revenge, laughing throughout the story.
Zoo kawg cov txiv neeg zoo li tus no na!😂😂
Mloog zaj neej neeg no mas ua rau kuv txaus siab tas2 li os, lub ntuj mas thiaj txawj txiav txim ncaj ncees tiag2. Koj lub siab phem rau koj tus niam loj, rov los npam koj lawm xwb niag txiv dev siab phem lim hiam. Txhob tu siab rau leej twg kiag, tabsis tu siab rau koj lub siab phem tsis hlub koj zag niam tub. Es koj thiaj muaj hnub no
Tus txiv tsev koj txoj kev npam lo txog cia koj mob li ko
Mus koj 2 poj niam dim
Plaws tu koj vim koj siab phem xab tau tus hluas ces cia hnub no koj zaum laub lim ntsav mob txua yam koj siab phem rau koj tus niam loj koj pab me nyuam ces cia kom koj txom nyem kom
Txaus txaus es tos tuag lawm xwb vim koj ntsaw ntsaw niam mos ab hnub no koj nriab koj kev tusg xwb mog peb cov txiv liam
Li ko ces mob tsis tau txaus cia kom
Lim ntsav zaum
Laub da quav qa zis mus txog hnub ncaim ntiaj teb vim koj txoj kev npam kev khaum kev liam ces nyuam qhuav haum txhob tu siabvim koj txoj hmoo lo li ko
Tsi yog peb cov txiv neeg oss… you only…
Hahaha....npam tiag2!!
Nej cov txiv neej ces txawm zoo li no los yeej tsis kawm li os. Nej lub siab mas xav tias nej tseem hluas2 es nej tus niam loj thiaj laus xwb. Ces txog thaum kawg qhov yus ua ces yus yuav tau txais qhov ntawd.
Those OG people men.
Yus ua yus ces yus ris yus ua yam yus ntshaw txog thaum kawg nothing.
Tuag tsis tuag 🤣
Yeap yeap 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Yog xav ua dog yeej tus yeeb ncuab, yuav tsum ua phooj ywg nrog nws qhov weakness.
Me tij laug nyob me kas teb chaws no yog cai poj niam xwb koj yeej ua plaub tsi yeej poj noliam ib sim neej cia li nyoo xwb mog kuv twb taug tau txoj kev ko lawm
Thaub laus cas tsis ruam qauj xwb es cas tseem limhiam nrog thiab. Kev npam los txog koj thiaj paub. Peb tseem xav kom koj lwj ib tog zuj zus tuaj thiab.
Here another txiv dev
Kuv ib txwm hais tias tus neeg ruam siv tswv yim yuam ua neej ces nws thiaj pluag dua tus neej muaj. Tus txiv tsev no yog ib tug ntawm cov neeg ruam siv tswv yim yuam no ces hnub no nws thiaj ua neej nrog lub kua muag nyob ntsia ntsoov nws tus niam yau ua tshoob kos nrog ib tug txiv hluas hluas thiab zoo nraug tsw qab ntxiag rau nws puag.
Oh yauj ! Pab tsi tau ! Nyias phov nyias kev tuag ces abtsi Nyob li kod
Neeg npam ces yog koj lau!!!! Paub tsi paub hihihihi 😊
😂😂😂😂❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉npam loj tiag2😂😂😂yom cov niag thaub laug kom tsw zeem os.kav tswj ntoog mob😂😂😂
Txiv neej siab phem ces phim thaj no xwb ma. Xav kom peb cov poj niam sib koom siab li no xwb os. Txiv neej thiab saib tau peb cov poj niam
May, kuv nyiam koj dhau . Tus me neeg zoo nkauj.❤p
She’s married so don’t create drama
@aabunny6813 tseg kiag tsam Kj tseem tshaj tus txiv dev liam li Zaj neej neeg no ntag ma
👏👏👏👏 to the two wives for excellent work
How satisfying 😂
U did to yourself brother
Tuag tsis tuag nyuam qhuav ntxim xwb ib sab taw xav tuam. Ob lub ncoj ne ua tiag tuag tiag laiv…
Tsawg sawm nyuam qhuav haum tsis tau txaus
Abusive and controlling OG Hmong husband.
Lim hiam li koj ces nyuam qhuav ntxim xwb!!!!! Thov kom ntuj Txhob pub koj tuag. Thov kom koj txom nyem ti nkaus txha thiab kom koj nyob ntev ntev tsis txawj tuag mog! Hehe
Yus nrhiav teebmeem rau yus tus kheej ces yog koj lau
Damn! Karma. 😂