Niam Loj Txoj Kev Zoo. 1/8/2024

  • Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
  • Niam Loj Txoj Kev Zoo.
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Комментарии • 131

  • @michaelf2700
    @michaelf2700 Год назад +16

    Yog kawg, koj mas npam loj tshaj. Thaum hluas los tsis tau kev hlub, thaum laus los tseem tau nqa quav nqa zis thiab.

  • @nengthao8318
    @nengthao8318 Год назад +1

    Niag poj hmoob no yeej ua luag qhev tsis paub txaus. Ntshe yuav ua qhev kom tag tiam no. Yus twb tuaj puag thaum yus tseem hluas cas tsis mus yuav txiv es yuav nyob laus tag. Luag nyob luag puag tim nplog yog koj cov me nyuam tsis txhob tos tuaj ces koj yeej tsis tau ua qhev ntxiv lawm. Tsis yog siab zoo, yog siab ruam dhau tsis muaj peev xwm nrhiav kev tawm mus pib dua neej tshiab xwb.

  • @YYer-q2m
    @YYer-q2m Год назад +1


  • @chaomoua8697
    @chaomoua8697 Год назад +1

    Weak people, you did that to yourself, blame no one but yourself! I don't feel sorry!

  • @xayxiong1061
    @xayxiong1061 Год назад +2

    That’s what you get grandma for not divorcing your txiv dev when you were young! Stopped preaching grandma just bc you’re weak to moved on.😡

  • @touyang3403
    @touyang3403 Год назад

    Koj tshuav nws nqi- pauj kom tag tiam no ces lwm tiam koj dim😢😢😢😢

  • @SierraTango117
    @SierraTango117 Год назад +2

    Seems like you lived out your karma this life time, your next life you're free of this sadness and live an extraordinary life with love and appreciation.

  • @orchidyang603
    @orchidyang603 Год назад

    Pab koj tu siab kawg os….koj ces tau los ua nws qhev xwb…niam yau thiaj tau nws txoj kev hlub. Yog koj txaus siab ces ok.

  • @NrausHmoob-sh2tq
    @NrausHmoob-sh2tq Год назад

    Fab lwm tíam koj mam nrhiav kom tus zoo zoo hlub koj os

  • @kaoxiong6148
    @kaoxiong6148 Год назад +5

    Don’t regret it. You choose to live your life and serve this cold hearted man…😩!

  • @Paub1ZaugNco1Sim
    @Paub1ZaugNco1Sim Год назад

    Niam yau yog tus tau txoj hmoo zoo tshaj plaws. Tau thaum lub zog quaj qaws, muab zog hluas nqus tag tshuav plhaub lawm xwb niam loj mam tau. Txawm tias yeej ib txwm yog niamloj tug, los it was never hers. Thaum kawg tau ces tsis muaj nqis lawm.

  • @colleenchan9872
    @colleenchan9872 Год назад

    Yog kawg os niam tais aws kuv ntseeg tias yus yog tus tau tu nws ces yus yog tus ev kev npam xwb os.. pab koj tu siab uas thaum laus los tseem raug tu thiab os mog.. koom los mam pab tsis koom los nyias ua nyias xwb os mog..

  • @fuemoua8345
    @fuemoua8345 Год назад

    koj tus txiv tus dab xwm kab mas zoo tshaj plaws pos yog peb txhua tus txiv neej yuav tau ua phem thiab thiaj tau qhov zoo nawb yom

  • @touayang1051
    @touayang1051 Год назад

    Tshaw txiv dhau .

  • @kyaj5781
    @kyaj5781 Год назад

    Koj tseem tshuav koj niag txiv nuj nqi koj thiaj tseem nyob nrog nws

  • @MissPeachie
    @MissPeachie Год назад +18

    Tsis yog niam loj txog kev zoo. Yog niam loj txog kev ruam thiab npam xwb os. Kev zoo thiab kev uv tsis yog in yam. This should be titled “Niam loj yog tu ruam.” 🤦‍♀️

  • @ambervang8074
    @ambervang8074 Год назад +9

    You had so many chances to free yourself but you chose to stay and you went back to ask for more nonsense. At the end, you ended up taking care of the person who does not respect you. People may want certain things for you, but you are the only one who can control which path to take.

  • @gaosayvu6554
    @gaosayvu6554 Год назад +3

    Koj yeej ntshaw2 koj tus txiv es koj thiaj tos tav nov os ces nim koj twb tau lawm ces ua siab ntev tu thiab hlub nws, tus muaj hmoo ces yog koj tus txiv os

  • @payang6882
    @payang6882 Год назад +1

    Yog kuv twb tsis tau tus txiv lawm ces kuv yeej tsis ua Leej twg tus niam Loj niam yau li nawb kav tsij ntxov nrauj ntxov zoo xwb

  • @yuglosuahmoobtsisyuamkevya7530

    Tus me niam tais aw txawm yog coj li koj es koj thiaj li yog tus npam ntag. Txawm yog coj li koj koj tus txiv thiab tus niam yau thiaj cia koj ua poj ntsuam ciaj los laus li koj ntag. Peb tiam tshiaj no peb tsis cia txiv neej muab peb tsuj li ko lawm os.

  • @baovwj352
    @baovwj352 Год назад

    Me niam hluas kj tus txiv yeej ib txwm tsis hlub kj es ua ib siab nrauj mog laus2 lawm los mus ua ib kub neej tshiab kom tsis nyog kj txoj kev txom nyem mog

  • @ktsuyaj
    @ktsuyaj Год назад

    Yog ua cas peb txhia pojniam es tseem xav yuav tus neeg tsis hlub yus. Tshuav nqi tiag2

  • @baovwj352
    @baovwj352 Год назад

    Niam hluas npam kj lawm hos es kj thiaj tau so quav so zis ra thaum laus no hos

  • @NpaubXeemXyooj
    @NpaubXeemXyooj Год назад +1

    Feel sad

  • @yerxiong8321
    @yerxiong8321 Год назад

    Peb tsis ua niam hlob niam yau li kj os peb tsis ib tsis tos nws rau thaum laus li kj os cia kj tos xb os mog

  • @thedark-_-lord8285
    @thedark-_-lord8285 Год назад

    Koj siab zoo tshaj plaws gma aw.

  • @debbieyaj4642
    @debbieyaj4642 Год назад +1

    Tej zaj no tsis yog neeg txawj ntse es yuav cob qhia rau txoj kev zoo ho tsua yog piav txog nws txoj kev ruam txom nyem vim nws tsis txawj pab nws tus kheej es tsua ua tus swb nkaus xwb raug luag caij tsuj.

  • @pajhuablaujchannel3731
    @pajhuablaujchannel3731 Год назад

    Siab ruam xwb os hehehe 😂 kav liam yog ruam tsis txawj mob siab los kuj zoo ib zaug thiab hahaha 😂

  • @ThePrincessWorrior
    @ThePrincessWorrior Год назад +1

    Es koj twb tos tos tos tos es nim no tos kiag tau lawm ces kav tsij tiam kav tsij ua qhev os mog 😂

  • @elisely5353
    @elisely5353 Год назад

    Tsis yog niam loj txoj kev zoo yog niam loj txoj kev ruam xwb os..

  • @niammeejvaj2980
    @niammeejvaj2980 Год назад +2

    You lost and let it be a debt for this lifetime for you, so next lifetime, you will never ever meet him and his second wife again😔🙏🏼🫂❤

  • @judythoj6904
    @judythoj6904 Год назад

    Tsis yog niam loj txoj kev zoo, Yog niam loj txoj kev ruam.

  • @bvang8370
    @bvang8370 Год назад +8

    Kuv 1 txwm hais tias, "Siab zoo yog siab ruam" or as American's say, "No good deed goes unpunished".

  • @yiahawj4789
    @yiahawj4789 Год назад

    Ruam li koj thiaj tau tu nws lo.

  • @misslovelyynnt
    @misslovelyynnt Год назад +2

    No grandma. You forgot you're an orphan with no way out in the old day ways. You gotta be patient with the guy lols. So don't advise other please

  • @NaleeVang-m6o
    @NaleeVang-m6o Год назад

    Ruam2 ce muab yu tu kheej qha qhuav lau nkau li os

  • @meexiongvang3373
    @meexiongvang3373 Год назад

    Qhov uas qhuas hai tia niam loj siab zoo no mas tsua yog koj niag txiv siab nyoo hai ntxias koj kom koj zoozoo siab ce koj thiaj tu nws xwb rau qhov koj ruam tshaj npuas lawm ne cov neeg ntse tsi muaj leejtwg qhuas hai tia koj siab zoo lis os.

  • @HouaVue-yd6du
    @HouaVue-yd6du Год назад

    Tsis yog niam loj ntxim hlub, siab zoo. Yog niam loj ruam xmb os Smh. What a wasted life.

  • @lilyv.628
    @lilyv.628 Год назад +1

    Grandma, I hope your children bought a LARGE life insurance policy for their father and don't tell their half-siblings in Laos.

  • @niaphakeovilay8238
    @niaphakeovilay8238 Год назад +24

    Poor grandma. I feel sorry for you. Still letting someone who don't and never loved you control you.😢

    • @koumoua2980
      @koumoua2980 Год назад

      Don’t feel sorry for her because she lives in the United States Of America and still wants to take back the f……. Loser who has never loved her in her whole entire marriage. This is so stupid.

  • @lovetoplaywithyou3530
    @lovetoplaywithyou3530 Год назад +2

    I don’t understand why do you have to travel to Laos to divorce him. Why can you just talk over the phone that you divorce him?

  • @ItsYou2
    @ItsYou2 Год назад

    Ho yo ua qhov zoo es los tau qho nos xwb ces kuv xu ua neeg phem...

  • @meeyang8411
    @meeyang8411 Год назад

    Koj tsis yog niam loj siab zoo, koj yog niam loj ruam. Koj tsis noj mov ua tswm yim koj thiaj raug qha qhuav. Thaum kawg los tseem txaus siab los nqa tus txiv neej no quav thiab.

  • @ncouazooxwbya1552
    @ncouazooxwbya1552 Год назад +1

    Wow!! Tus niam tais awe!!!! Koj mas siav zoo tiag2 li los xyov yog tsis xav txog txoj kev koj yuav ua niag txiv siab phem qhev yav tom ntej li!!!😢😢😢😢! Thov txhob muab liam rau txoj hmoo nawb vim yog lub niag plawv xwb os!!

  • @kabblias407
    @kabblias407 Год назад

    Koj mas tshuav kev npam thiaj los tū lawv tus txiv thaum laus

  • @baovue2371
    @baovue2371 Год назад

    Koj mas yog ua tsis taus niam koj thiaj rov so nws quav tos txog hnub zoo li ces pauj kua zaub ntsuab rau los pov

  • @tusneegzoohlub7724
    @tusneegzoohlub7724 Год назад

    Koj yeej siab zoo li koj hais os niam tais. Koj tus txiv yeej paub tias koj yog ib tug neeg zoo txawm nws tsis hlub koj thiab niam yau nkawv muaj teebmeem npaum cas los nws tiaj li uv es nws tiaj tsis nrauj koj.Thov kom lwm tiam koj mus tau ib tug txij tus nkawm hlub hlub koj es yog koj ib leeg tug xwb nawb mog.

  • @billythao152
    @billythao152 Год назад +1

    This is not called living ...

  • @leelegend-k4y
    @leelegend-k4y Год назад


  • @pajthao4813
    @pajthao4813 Год назад

    Cas koj yuav ntshaw nws ua luaj luag twb tso koj los laus li no txog qhov koj rov mus cuag kiag nws li lod tsis yog niamloj siab zoo os yog pojruam ntshaw txiv xwb ntshe koj tshuav nws nqi tiag2 li koj thiaj coj koj cov menyuam rov mus saib mus them nqi rau lawv xwb

  • @MeLầuThị-j1u
    @MeLầuThị-j1u Год назад


  • @MeMe-um2bl
    @MeMe-um2bl Год назад +1

    The title should be “niam Loj tus poj ruam tag in sim neej”

  • @Touamoua-gl5ld
    @Touamoua-gl5ld Год назад

    Koj mas thiaj txawj ruamntshe tiam tas los koj tshuav nws nqi kav tsim ua qhev kom tag koj cov nuj nqi koj tsis yog siab zoo koj yog niag poj niam ruam xwb os peb tsis tau qhuas hais tias koj siab zoo

  • @maihouavue6440
    @maihouavue6440 Год назад +1

    Grandma.. u had a choice here in America to divorce him and find your happiness. But u choice to stay for your kids happiness. Dnt regret u didn’t have live frm beginning. At least u got him at the end.

  • @hlubtushlubkuv9881
    @hlubtushlubkuv9881 Год назад

    Me viv ncaus aws.... tsis yog niam loj txoj kev zoo os mog. Yog niam loj txoj kev ruam xwb, ua2 lawv qhev tim nplog tsis txaus es tuaj txoj lub teb chaws vam meej no los tseem ua lawm qhe quj qees.

  • @maiyang84
    @maiyang84 Год назад

    Oh yau nws twb tsis hlub koj es koj tseem Tau tu nws rau yav laus thiab ces koj yog tus raug npam xwb o

  • @nouyang3166
    @nouyang3166 Год назад +10

    I don't know if I will call this a niam loj siab zoo. Its more like stupidity. Never received his loved but in the end you get to care for him. Our hmong women have no self love

    • @akulathao4654
      @akulathao4654 Год назад +3

      She think she get the man in the end but in reality she only get the left over 😂😂😂.

    • @HouaVue-yd6du
      @HouaVue-yd6du Год назад

      ​@@akulathao4654agreed; because when the niam yau was alive her choose her niam yau. Only after she died, did he come back and used her. And she thought she won because she ended up taking care of him at the end. Smh

    • @Leea209
      @Leea209 Год назад +1

      Agreed! So sad. If she was my mom… I’ll talk some sense into her. lol… poor grandma

    • @nengthao8318
      @nengthao8318 Год назад +1

      Vim nws cov me nyuam taj ib yam li nws thiab thiaj tsis paub tu siab tias ib sim neej yus txiv yug yus es nyuam qhuav hlub yus li 5 to 10% xwb es txhob tos nws tuaj cia nws nrog nws cov uas nws hlub 100% nyob lawv mam take care nws.

  • @mayvang6910
    @mayvang6910 Год назад

    Koj yeej tshuav koj tus txiv nqe rau tiam no os cia muab them kom tag rau tiam no es lwm tiam thiaj li tsis tshuav luag nqe lawm os

  • @hlubkojforever1901
    @hlubkojforever1901 Год назад

    I dont feel sorry for this woman. She did it to herself. She doesnt love herself but others only.

  • @xaiher9236
    @xaiher9236 Год назад

    tsi yog koj siab zoo koj yog ib niag poj niam ruam tsi muaj siab ntsw yu twb nyob yu lau li ko es rov qab mu khaw tu niag txiv dev lau ko koj ma thiab yog muaj kev npam loj tiag2 lau li ko es tseem ntsaw niag txiv ko lo koom thiab ruam tsi tshaj koj lawm ca yuav tsi muab qee rau lwm tu ruam thiab yuav muab sau tag nrho rau yu ruam

  • @lovetoplaywithyou3530
    @lovetoplaywithyou3530 Год назад +2

    I thought that she was going to be free. But at the end of the story. She was the annoying one

  • @anythingeverythingchannel8641
    @anythingeverythingchannel8641 Год назад

    Yeej yog siab zoo thiab tabsis qhov tseeb yog ruam dhau, luag tsis hlub yus nkim tas yus lub neej lo thaum kawg tseem muab tos tuaj mekas thiab ces yog tseem tsuav kev npam os

  • @baovwj352
    @baovwj352 Год назад

    Tus niam yau ko siab phem2 es thiaj poob tom qab ntag cia kom nws txom nyem mas los twb pauv tsis tau txoj kev nws siab phem rau kj os niam hluas

  • @leelaiyah789
    @leelaiyah789 Год назад

    Tsis yog zoo os yog ruam xwb. Twb nyob laus tas li ko lawm ces nyob twj ywm txhob phov2 os.

  • @hlubyang4072
    @hlubyang4072 Год назад

    Yog tshaj plaws koj tu niam yau yog tu neeg muaj hmoo tshaj....koj yog tu hnoov phem koj thiaj li tau tu thaum qw qauv....yog tu tsis tau lo pov rau tsev laus....vim koj thiab nws tsis muaj kev hlub yeej tsis npam....lub neej nws tsis khwv rau koj noj....

  • @thaodinh7537
    @thaodinh7537 Год назад

    Niag pog no ruam kawg li.

  • @LysaVaj
    @LysaVaj Год назад

    You’re in debt to him. Glad you paid it off this generation.

  • @mouavang3371
    @mouavang3371 Год назад +1

    Amen to your advice sis

  • @kangvang8651
    @kangvang8651 Год назад

    Ntuj aw koj mas yog ib tus niam loj ua xav xwb twb tsi pom niam you yeej tsi khaus li koj hais os cov niam loj hais li ko mas yog cov khib txiv tshaj plaws li os niam you thiab tus txiv mus twg los koj yeej xav tias nkawv ntshe mus sib ua xwb no pob koj mas xav twb tsi pom thiab paub qhov tseeb li koj hais lus zoo li kuv tus niam loj thiab tiag cov hais lub li koj ces tsi qhuas li os khib txiv ces tsi tshaj koj lawm los mas 😂

  • @payang6882
    @payang6882 Год назад

    Viv ncaus aw Nyob teb chaws meskas lawm tsis thas hais tus neeg tsis hlub koj na koj twb tsis muaj txiv tau 20 tawm xyoo lawm tsis muaj cai koj yuav mus hais nws lawm os seb nyob hauv ntawv koj puas teev muaj nws xwb yog koj tsis teev muaj txiv lawm ces pom Leej twg zoo ces kav tsij mus yuav xwb txhob quav ntsej txog koj niag txiv av kaj li os

  • @meexiong9961
    @meexiong9961 Год назад

    Tus me Niam loj ntawm zaj nov....koj ces thiaj tseem tseem yog tib niag Neeg Npam Los them nqi rau koj niag txiv xwb....nws ib txwm twb tsis jlub koj...Los koj twb tsis hlub koj tus kheej thiab ...tsam no tseem yuav khaws nws Los Tu rov yam niag laus thiab....xam tias them nqi kom tag rau nws xwb ..koj thiaj li tsis chim siab xwb o mog

  • @emeraldlove6836
    @emeraldlove6836 Год назад

    Tus pog no ruam heev li, pheej no tos nws tus txiv dev. Tus pog laus lam tsis xav yuav xwb, nyiam hais tsis xav yuav os, yus poj laus no lam dag peb xwb os. txhob dag peb os, koj yi laus koj xav tau xwb.

  • @yanglee1250
    @yanglee1250 Год назад


  • @ป้าแสนซ้ง
    @ป้าแสนซ้ง Год назад


  • @วิเชียรญาติรวี

    May aw koj tham TONY qhov neej neeg
    Tim 7/1/2024 nawv.

  • @maryly09
    @maryly09 Год назад +1

    Title doesn't match story. It's not about niam loj txoj kev zoo at all. I don't think she was that good or did such good deeds. She jus didn't cared for the dramas.

  • @hlubkojforever1901
    @hlubkojforever1901 Год назад +1

    must be the last cucumber 🥒 on this earth 😂

  • @caaspasvang7427
    @caaspasvang7427 Год назад

    Wow sorry rua koj lub neej os mog tau txiv siab phem ces kawg li ko, poor grandma😢

  • @YajMorey81
    @YajMorey81 Год назад

    Vim yus ruam, tsis muab nrauj thaum ntxov ces tsis txhob yws yws.

  • @chueyang5392
    @chueyang5392 Год назад

    Koj yuam kev deb2 tag zog os tus me niam tais aws...luag yeej tsis hlub koj thiab koj cov menyuam nej li. Cas tsis muab dov kauj vab E kom nws thiaj tau kev mus thawj thiab nas !!

  • @paolee6294
    @paolee6294 Год назад

    Koj yog ib tug neeg ruam tsaj paws tseem yuav ib tug neeg siab pem li nws tseem yuav rov ro tus ib tug neeg siab pem thiab koj ua ntuag tsis txaus li

  • @sophiesaenyakun5705
    @sophiesaenyakun5705 Год назад

    น่าเบื่อนิยายแบบนี้ poj mhoob nplog america

  • @paj235
    @paj235 Год назад

    You’re wasting your time and allowing him to use you again. Enjoy the last years of your life on earth and leave him

  • @hmoobxwb7119
    @hmoobxwb7119 Год назад +4

    The marriage life of this grandma is torture-- crazy how she can stay when her husband was no longer present

  • @hmoobxwb7119
    @hmoobxwb7119 Год назад

    Niamtais aw… mus yuav txiv kiag xwb mas…tseem yuav mus nrauj nws tim nplog… tsis tab2 ua lub kos li os

    @MSMAIYANG Год назад +1

    I get so upset at these OG women who think they should just settle because it’s the way of life and they are comfortable/scared of change. But digging deeper, they were conditioned to have low self esteem at a young age. They had no one to encourage them so they just live out their miserable life like they have no choice. It is sad but it’s also all they know. Also feel that they just stick around so they can have a proper burial when they die cause they rather not make it complicated.

  • @kavuechanel9121
    @kavuechanel9121 Год назад

    Koj yog poj ruam xwb koj tsis yog neeg maybe u not 100% 😅😂

  • @tongher8912
    @tongher8912 Год назад

    Tsi yog koj txoj moo yog niam tais koj yog ib tug neeg ruam tshaj plaws

  • @meexiongvang3373
    @meexiongvang3373 Год назад

    Koj tseem ntshaws niag txiv liam es rov qab mus tus niag txiv liam thiab koj mas ruam tiagtiag niam tais koj ruam tsi paub nws rau qhov nws tsi hai lis kos rau koj ce koj yuav tsi tu nws nws paub hai tia koj tseem ntshaws nws nws yuav tsum ntxias lis kos rau koj rau qhov koj ruamruam ce koj yuav rov qab nkag rau hauv nws ob ceg duas rau qhov koj ruam ne.

  • @koumoua2980
    @koumoua2980 Год назад

    This is Not “niam loj siab zoo” this is “niam loj txoj kev ruam, kev npam” yus twb raug tus txiv neeg no tsim, tsuj, tsis hlub yus laus li no es tsam no yus tuaj nyob rau lub teb chaws vam meej no lawm es nws thiaj li ua niag txiv dev thawj thiab tuaj nrhiav chaw tuag xwb es tseem zoo siab los tu thiab ua mov yug tus neeg thawj thiab no ua dab tsi. This is insane. Tseem muab tham nkim sij hawm thiab.

  • @myprecious6751
    @myprecious6751 Год назад

    Sister, you need to let that life go. He's no good for you or to you. Divorce him and move on with your life.

  • @MsBL32
    @MsBL32 Год назад

    You are the creator of your life, you chose to take him back and take care of him. It’s your fault, I feel sorry for you, what a waste of time. He never loved you.

  • @chouyang2955
    @chouyang2955 Год назад

    Lawv aw....! Nej tsis hais phem txog tus niam tsev no os . Tshwm los neeg nyob leej twg los xav tau qhov zoo xwb mog.

  • @aminglao2938
    @aminglao2938 Год назад

    CA koj tsis noj nyom nawb

  • @kristyxiong4140
    @kristyxiong4140 Год назад +1

    SORRY... NO way... Koj yeej hmoov yus tas lawm es koj thiaj nyob twj ywm raug koj niag txiv ko thiab cov niag Kwv Tij khoom nrog nyob. Cas yus nyob yus twb tau zoo tshaj los tseem tsis nyob thiab. XYov koj yeej npam tiag los cas li os. Tiam no tsis zoo li tiam puag thaum xyoo 75 os. You should have just said NO and divorced him regardless of what your kids or anyone says.

  • @fulovelyly9161
    @fulovelyly9161 Год назад

    Aya!!! TOS koj tsis kam nrauj nws los twb yog koj txhob txwm tos nws xwb mas…. Ua cas es nem ua txoj hais li ko naj???

  • @maipha8560
    @maipha8560 Год назад +10

    Should've made it final and divorced him the first time you visited him. Even if you don't remarry, you would've been free from taking care of him. Sounds like you must've owed this old loser some debt from the last life. I feels so sorry for you gma, you definitely deserved better than this.

    • @KoVang-m9d
      @KoVang-m9d Год назад +1


    • @bvang8370
      @bvang8370 Год назад

      Nah, why do Hmong always blame it on ghost, dragons, voodoo (khaws koob), npam, hmoov and debt from a past life. No. She could had easily left him for good, even now, but she didn't and won't because like most Hmong women, can't live without a husband. Most Hmong women would rather have an abusive husband than no husband. So she made a choice (not making a choice, not taking action is also making a choice, it's like the last option, "None of the above", on a test question; her only choices are Leave, Stay, None of the Above and she chose None of the above, which is the same as Stay; So even though she didn't like it, she has to make a choice and that's what she chose). It's not because of debt or any of Hmong's old BS believes. When my ex-girlfriend met a new man, I asked her to chose. She chose him because she said he's handsome and khoom zoo nkauj. Then she said it's because "wb txog hmoo". What sort of BS is that? There are things that we can control and things that we can't. If you made a decision, don't blame it on txoj hmoo. Txoj hmoo is an act of God... something beyond your control. Deciding to stay or leave is a personal decision and has nothing to do with destiny. Hmong always say, "wb daim ntawv", "wbo txoj hmoo" es thiaj los sib tau. But after a few years, they divorce. If it was "wb daim ntawv" why divorce? Oh right, daim ntawv ntuag ne. Now you're just making excuses.

  • @wisteria4550
    @wisteria4550 Год назад

    I think the title is wrong. It should be like, “Los Sib Hlub Thaum Laus”.

  • @maylee9765
    @maylee9765 Год назад +1

    Too boring blah blah

  • @youwatchme3631
    @youwatchme3631 Год назад

    Niam loj txojkev ruam