I do love that you are covering this topic head-on and look forward to hearing all the content. Personally, I feel very differently about Jacob chapter 2. The Lord led Lehi's family out of wicked Jerusalem to raise up a righteous branch (v25) - righteous especially in the sense of not having plural wives like David and Solomon (v24). He will not suffer that this people will be like the people of old (v26). They will have one wife and keep the commandments, or the land will be cursed for their sakes (v27-29) so- key verse (v30) - as part of raising up seed unto Him, the Lord will command his people (and they will obey) - or they shall hearken unto these things (concubines) - and the land will be cursed as a result. When I think about the persecutions and tragedies the saints experienced in Nauvoo (including losing their lands) and Utah during the time they practiced polygamy - it seems to me that this promise Jacob recorded of a land cursed and people suffering might have been fulfilled. Interesting to me that the church's progress in getting out of debt comes after polygamy ended. When I look at Jacob 2 - with so many verses focused on the abomination of multiple wives and the Lord delighting in chastity - the interpretation above of v30 makes much more sense to me - but I am no expert. The explanation that polygamy helped raise up seed always confuses me. A little googling will show that in the 1850s and 1860s, the average # of children per family in the US was ~ 5. Brigham Young had 57 children with 17 wives (I am not sure how many of these are included in the 10 wives he divorced) - but that is an average of 3.5 per wife. How does polygamy accelerate raising up seed?
Nailed it👌💥💯I personally think that's the only way it can justified. I love the gospel with all my heart but it's time to move past this mating ritual we've added into our doctrine without actually knowing why. I have prayed about this and I didn't do until I could ask with a softened heart willing to accept the answer whatever it may be. I got a No, it was never meant to be that way. I might be off my rocker... that's always up for debate 😅. But plural marriage can not be sacred when not practiced in sacred manner. Chastity has always been high priority but you cannot sleep with many and be chaste, it's not possible. To look upon many women and decide to be chaste as long as your married to them cannot justify it. It makes Chastity completely irrelevant. I completely agree the land being cursed. Jacob talks about the many widows because of the wars and how they gave of their substance to help them rather than sleeping with all of them. I mean..... that's just it. Also, the sword of destruction goes against the very laws of agency that God himself is bound by.
I'm assuming you're part of these various "hate brigham" movements, if you're not, then my comments will still apply in general. No church president has been perfect, but this movement relies on throwing the baby out with the bath water. You use Jacob 2 selectively, filling in blanks that are not there, and ignore the fact that it ALLOWS polygamy, when the "lord commands", which just means, righteous polygamy where God's principles are found, such as full consent and where charity and love exists all around. The Lord doesn't want men using it as a platform for unrighteous dominion, which the nephites of the time of Jacob 2 did clearly. For the record, there's tons of unrighteous dominion in monogamous marriages, so the type of marriage is not the problem. The Lord clearly wanted the nephites to be better in their "lower law" first (monogamy) before he allowed plural marriage among them. Not only does Jacob 2 actually say it's allowed under righteousness, but the bigger picture tells so much more that you and your movement ignores. The ancient Christians practiced it and so did the ancient Jews. It was even commanded in certain situations directly (taking care of a brother's widow, for example). It's purpose is children, and also taking care of the widows, but also just having healthy families. Even if extra wives don't have children, their presence aids a stronger home which helps raise healthier children. It's a great foundation for a home where children have an abundance of love and can grow up healthy and safe without trauma. Of course, assuming it's done in righteousness (everyone must consent, otherwise don't enter such a family), which there are countless examples of this good situation in history and in the world today. Your movement ignores this reality. There's good books on this, even outside LDS history circles. It is the eternal foundation for eternal lives and neverending increase. It's ok if you don't like it, you're welcome to keep working on yourself where you feel comfortable, but you exercise unrighteous dominion to claim that other people giving full consent must not practice this. Amen to one's priesthood when they exercise unrighteous dominion. History, the Bible and the foundation of the house of Israel itself, is founded in multiple righteous polygamous families. The whole "hate brigham" movement is founded on anger and ignorant selective use of scripture and history, and such has their own false prophets in the various RLDS-recycle movements out there, that have been caught in their own scandals. Today, the church has an epidemic of unmarried, uncared for, women and children. This only guarantees another generation of traumatized, fatherless children, who will be raised by the government or maybe abusive men because women settle for whatever is available. What is available to the children of the current generation tells us whether we're going to be closer to Zion for the next generation. Zion will be built when we have a healthy next-generation, raised by strong families. It's never coming, just waiting for the church to do it for us as we embrace the world, more and more.
I whole heartily agree. Joseph and Hyrum were martyred for polygamy. The saints suffered while driven to Utah because of polygamy. The Lord brought down the power of the US Government down upon the saints in Utah because leadership refused to abandon the practice. In 1887, Edmunds-Tucker Act that dissolved the corporation of the Church and directed that all Church property over $50,000 be forfeited to the government. The Church would not have survived if polygamy had not be abandoned. Upon its end the Lord, I believe, as he has been shown to do repeatedly with the House of Israel, recovered his people and his Church. Many stalwart faithful members rose out of polygamy, just as Christ rose out of his less than pure lineage. We as members have a responsibility to study, know and heed the scriptures and adhere to our prophets today or similar condemnation will be brought down upon us as individuals, families and a Church once again.
When I consider that criteria for this practice in vs 62 and 63 compared to the polygamy and polyandry actually practiced, when I consider the prophecies of Brigham Youn on polygamy vs what happened, and when I consider that the angel only appeared to Joseph - not to the girls or women he was courting - or to Emma - none of this passes the standard set in D&C 132 verse 8. What a house of confusion. It is hard to read how the 1060s and 1870's church leaders thought about, talked about and treated women to consider this revelation from a God who considers women beloved daughters of His. When I consider from the lens of the "by your fruits you shall know them" principle, I think of Elder Uchtdorf's talk that "even leaders make mistakes." One of the dangers with emphasizing the angel and the "apparent reluctance" - but willingness - and some of the seemingly manipulative efforts to persuade individuals is that it can start to look similar to patterns we see in modern sexual abuse cases of techniques used to groom victims. And the church did not have a good year/look last year on the abuse front.
It's well known that the devil can appear as an angel of light and that's what I think happened. Joseph never felt peace about it, Emma didn't, even Brigham Young said he desired the grave. The fact that polygamy caused SO MANY issues even still today with so many small church's that have branched off causing such harm cannot be revelation. Also, an angel with a drawn sword goes against God's own laws of agency that he cannot break. He has said himself that he is governed by the laws we fought for in the heavens before this life. Biblical prophets made HUGE mistakes but were still chosen by God. I belive Joseph was a real prophet but do not stand by polygamy.
I have a question. Please be very specific. How do we define a “confirmed wife“? All I can find are hearsay, contradictory stories, third and fourth accounts, and firsthand witnesses who did not talk about it until decades later. Thanks for your time and expertise.
You’re making a common mistake that everyone else makes it says that David and Solomon did wrong. What was it that they did wrong? Solomon got with strange women and David committed adultery by having sex with another man’s wife and killing him. It wasn’t the polygyny.
I really appreciate you doing this series on plural marriage and addressing all of this so head-on and so thoroughly. While most of this content is not new to me, a lot of the more in-depth specifics are, and I have certainly never heard the whole thing taken on so sensitively, so directly, and so in-depth from such a scholarly and faithful perspective not colored by emotion. It really helps. In fact, I was going to be really afraid of some of the arguing that I saw going on in the comments on this video, but then, as I started reading comments refuting points you made, I felt a completely different spirit than I felt listening to your treatment of the subject in the podcast episode. It really helped me to feel the contrast and to recognize how familiar it is to see/hear the subject colored with a lot of opinions, commentaries, and feelings driving away the presence of the Holy Spirit. As you said, it is understandable - even healthy - to be upset by it and to struggle with it and to have opinions on it. I have done my share of wrestling and praying on the issue to find my peace, and I now have some more questions to take to the Lord, but I feel that I will have an easier time getting more answers with your material so lovingly teaching the subject. Thank you!!!!
So many know about Joseph and his plural wives. I feel very few know that he never had a child with anyone other than Emma. Too much "recency bias" as well.
Yes. Pres Nelson and Oaks are sealed to two women each. It is an eternal principle, don't be so quick to condemn a precept that many have had spiritual confirmation on.
I think the reason polygamy is all over the place more now than ever before is because it's coming to light that it was a destructive practice. No one felt peace over it. It pulled at their very heart strings because it was wrong. We're told when God speaks to us we feel peace. Not one of them did. And if God chose a woman to see the gold plates than why not polygamy well?? The idea that it was to bring up seed is disgusting!! Adam and Eve didn't practice it, Noah and his sons couldn't, Lehi and his sons most certainly had cause to but didn't, Alma should have under those same circumstances and didn't. So Joseph comes along and suddenly he's required to make babies with everyone? Who cares what Emma feels. Eternal marriage out the window!! I'm a very active member. I love the gospel and I'm grateful for it!! I raised five gospel loving children. I have no doubt Joseph was a prophet. But polygamy was an evil vile act that we need to stop teaching about bringing up seed. Also... please stop with the "I'm a product of polygamy". Holy crap... I have an amazing niece! She's beautiful, has done great things, will bring more children into this world and most amazing is she was given up for adoption to a couple who tried for 14 years to have a child. She was a real blessing and miracle to them. but her coming here was done by rpe. She was forced here by some dude who took authority over my teenage sister. So products of polygamy is the natural consequences of having sx with everyone. Women aren't cattle that men gather during mating season to plant seed 🙄. Let's move on from such gross teaching please🙏🙏🙏
Hallelujah sister. Can’t heart/like comment enough. This entire conversation leaves me scrunching my eyebrows, scratching my head, and ultimately just gobsmacked. Ridiculous sounding. It contradicts all teachings of moral autonomy and duty…. and then praises them for their faith. Yuck.
@@natalies4375Yup. Everyone should be gobsmacked at such a perverted teaching. I just wish people would stop saying "I'm a product of polygamy". So are children of rped women. Doesn't make it right. Church needs to abandon this practice as ever being doctrine because it's still hurting women today. I'm shocked that more women in the church believe their husbands are who exalts them as long as they support polygamy. Why? Because we've spent over 100 years justifying this gross practice of religious mating ritual. It violates chastity on every level. A man who doesn't have to practice self control because he can have who he wants in the name of revelation doesn't make it okay.
Why did it begin? Because BY and the Twelve set their hearts on it during their missions to Europe after Kirtland and secretly introduced to the church an evolved version of the doctrine they saw with the Cochranites in Maine and Massachusetts. However, Joseph and Hyrum and others strongly opposed it and were killed before it came to a head. Then the documents and narrative were altered over the following decades to suit Brigham’s new doctrine and the rest is “history”.
@@ultimateconcealcarry4671 I guess, but let's be careful thinking we are better than others just because we see the ease in which institutions apostasize and aren't the "answer". Until we are filled with the promised love of God and can break through the dogmatic divide, we are no better than anyone else...
When I was about 20 years old, my grandpa found out that someone had written a thorough history of his hometown, Providence, UT. He was anxious to get it, so he ordered one. He knew most of the people or had heard of them. He came across a picture of his grandfather in prison clothes during while serving time for polygamy. My grandpa couldnt believe it because his grandfather had spent many hours condemning polygamy during ny grandpa's youth! No one had ever told him about his grandfather's imprisonment. He asked older relatives to find out what happened. Apparently, his gradfather had been arrested because he was found taking care of 2 women. Unfortunately for him, only one woman was his wife. The other was her spinster sister that had been brought from Europe after her parents died so she wasnt alone. She lived in her own house on the property, but the grandfather did go over to chop wood for her and do heavy lifting chores when needed. However, the authorities didnt believe his story! I am married to a man who is not a member. We were reading a book of his ancestry. He is decended ftom a polygamous marriage in the 1700s. It was found that the man had 4 wives. Each had their own house on each corner of his property! I, however, having my ancestors being early members of the church, did not have ancestry with polygamy involved!
I have read and studied the exact same things you have. I did not come to the same conclusions as you. Section 132 is not a commandment to practice plural marriage but only a justification of it. The commandment in section 132 is to be sealed by the priesthood.
@@BaBumzit’s in D&C after section 138. The official declaration 1 1890. Also Jacob 2:27-30. There’s your proof. Read your scriptures there no excuses as to why you don’t.
I think one should read section 132 D and C and determine for yourselves if the Lord required it of the prophet Joseph, and then consider if we're living the law that God revealed to him. If one wants to go go to the degree that father Abraham and the prophet Joseph went to, it makes sense that one would have to live that same law. Either you believe that the bock of Mormon and D&C are true or you don't. I don't see much grey area there. Just saying.
At 22:10, if D&C 132 is an introduction to polygamy... where in the hell is the rest of it? Where or when was it clarified? If it was clarified, why isn't that canonized in the D&C? And to describe polygamy as a trial seems wrong. A trial that involves and complicates eternal families and sexual purity?? And comparing it to Abraham being commanded to kill his son isn't a fair comparison. When Abraham complied, God calls it off and did not actually require Abraham to go through with breaking the commandment. In the case of polygamy, God didn't call it off!
There were times when the Lord had plural marriage on the earth throughout the Bible - During the early days of the Church when the Lord again had plural marriage on the earth, men were called to be a polygamist, not all were required to live this practice. It was a calling like being called to be a Bishop or primary teacher or whatever one was called to be. Those that "followed the Prophet" and were called and lived the practice of polygamy lived a full and happy life. When one would become a polygamist on their own terms and not by being called, their family didn't have the success and happiness as one following the Lord's commandment.
That isn’t the spirit of the Lord urging you to be unteachable and expressing prideful distain for your fellowman. We will all do well to become like a child.
Lamech was the 1st polygamist. He was a descendant of Cain (Master Mahon). God has never commanded polygamy but Christ Himself says for a man to leave his father and mother and to cling to his wife and they twain (2) shall be one. No room for this polygamy nonsense. Go directly to God ask Him!
But why didn’t JS follow 132 direction. Please answer that. This makes no sense. The whole thing is BS. I’d rather not think about it or at least accept I have no testimony of the truth of it!!!
Joseph isn't perfect he does get reprimanded in 132, but that wouldn't be the first time. Applying that same logic you could ask why didn't Joseph Smith follow God's command to not show the 116 pages to others.
Appreciate you guys taking this on but you need to keep studying this topic with your polygamy lens removed. Brigham did not desire the grave, he claimed to receive a polygamy revelation before hearing anything about it from Joseph. Why would Hyrum ask to use the urim and thummim as they had already returned it to the angel? You are misinterpreting Jacob 2:30, read it in context. Joseph would not inquire about why these men had many wives and concubines, he knew that David and Solomon were wrong in Gods eyes, he would have known that Moses and Isaac were not polygamists, and he would know that Abraham and Jacob were not commanded by God.
Thank you for the dwelling in the details of polygamy, but I would like to add a concept on how and why we do good or evil and acknowledge that God told us or commanded us to follow,whether it be good or evil…Remember there TWO GODS, One a Loving God and another a Evil God. Both try to influence us but neither one can force us to Obey. Because we have Free Agency we are the only ones that can act out good or evil in our lives. So the old saying “GOD Commanded Me To Do It” does not stand up for our Actions.
@@StompMom5 I don't think there was an angel with a drawn sword. There are other false notions in 132, that's just another one. In reality, Joseph fought polygamy to his dying breath. But there are those who literally want to believe the current standardized narrative promoted by the likes of Brian Hales and his researcher Son Bradley. They would rather believe that Joseph lied, snuck around Nauvoo, secretly instigated plural marriage even though it went against the teachings concerning plurality of wives in the Book of Mormon. And yet Joseph never once asked God, "well then why was it such an abomination in all other scripture?" Go back to the character of each and every source proclaiming Joseph's involvement. Their credibility must be carefully scrutinized and dig deeper. Ask yourself "Does this stand up to the tests of truth?" What about their characters? By their fruits ye shall know them. Did they have a motive to lie? Were they coerced into giving false testimony? How does it compare to the character of Joseph and Emma? Are you casting them in the light of the lies told about them by their enemies!?! Yes! To the victor goes the spoil. Those who survived wrote the story or should I say "to be revised" The history of Joseph Smith was admittedly revised, changed, reversed by Brig and company. LOOK INTO IT! Joseph Smith's character and reputation and might I add the testimony of millions hang in the balance. Let this false narrative GO AWAY!
@@littleredhen3218I actually agree with that👌. What I'm saying is if that's the hill we keep climbing we have to be realistic and understand that even God is bound by the laws of agency. But I agree with what you're saying. It can't be true.
No. God would NOT command His people to do this. He never did. This is a clear cut case of "prophets" teaching for doctrine the commandments of men. Polygamy ruins lives. Monogamy is the higher order of marriage. There is no justification for PM. Noah has HCK beat by billions in posterity and he needed not live polygamy. The only ancient order of polygamy is Lamech. Master Mayhem. All righteous prophets did not live polygamy unless it was a cultural thing. Nothing holy about it. Ask Hagar, Leah, Zillpah, Billhah. Not one of them or any of the women coerced into pm during Brigham's presidency will think it's a good thing
Wouldn’t Fannie Young have an opportunity for marriage after this life if plural marriage wasn’t a thing? It’s not like plural marriage to Joseph was the only way for her to be exalted, correct?
What a lot of people miss about Doctrine and Covenants 132 is the part about keys. 132 condemns polygamy done without one holding the keys. Warren Jeffs for example automatically is rejected as a false prophet on the premise of not having the keys. Jacob 2 and D&C 132 both condemn the same individuals for going outside the boundaries set by God in relation to polygamy. They both also do not condemn Abraham, Nathaniel, etc. in matters of polygamy, because what they practiced was not evil in the sight of God.
Wrong. Abraham didn't live plural marriage. Hagar was Sarah's idea. It backfired on her...and him. Hagar was a victim of Sarah's position. She had no more kids after Ishmael. Then Hagar and Ishmael get sent away many years later. No more kids. Ishmael is a child of God. Hagar was a child of God. The children are children of God. No matter how they get here. Jacob was tricked. He only loved Rachel. He was honorable and took care of his own offspring. Still, Bilha's children belonged to Rachel and Zilpah's children belonged to Leah. Leah was hated and she knew it. Jacob was a monogamist at heart. That's the only reason God allowed it. Plus neither patriarch entered into their everlasting covenant until after their polygamous affairs.
@@littleredhen3218Jacobs situation was actually pretty bad and he was chastised for it. He was sleeping with both wives plus whatever maid was handed to him to be used to compete against each other. Bible is full of prophets who made epic mistakes 🤷♀️
@@littleredhen3218 King David had many wives given to him by the prophet Nathaniel, but he unlawfully took Bathsheba to wife and murdered her husband hence his loss of exaltation. Neither Jacob 2 nor 132 condemn Nathaniel for giving David multiple wives. "Jacob was a monogamist at heart." You could say the same thing about Brigham Young who desired the grave when he first learned the law of plural marriage yet many condemn Brigham, but not Jacob. For as much hatred Doctrine and Covenants 132 gets it is something that answers a lot of our questions. Where do learn about Celestial marriage? We learn about it in D&C 132. Where do we learn about authorized plural marriage? also D&C 132. We have many members who would like to keep the first half about eternal marriage and get ride of the 2nd half of authorized plural marriage. If you reject 132 then you likewise reject monogamous eternal marriage sense both subducts are covered and expounded upon in D&C 132. Plural marriage was indeed an Abrahamic trial and is still today. 132 validates Abraham, Jacob and others as justified before God and give the reasons for condemning David and Solomon in more detail than Jacob 2. Many early pioneer women likewise found plural marriage and the idea repugnant and hard to live, but testified that the principle had been reveled to them by God.
@@StompMom5 women also. Helen Mar Kimball for example wrote a book called: Why We Practice Plural Marriage Many other pioneer women defended that practice as well. Its no secret that Emma Smith despised it with her whole being and many who practiced did as well, however, many of these women including Helen Mar Kimball testified of its truthfulness despite there ill feelings towards it. Under the law of Moses if a man died before he had a child one of his brothers was to provide him and his wife a heir. I'm glad we don't live under that law, but it was a law of God regardless of my dislike of it. I am opposed to unauthorized polygamy and will decry it, but I will not condemn any man or woman who practiced authorized plural marriage. Counterfeits should be denounced and the the genuine article upheld.
The church's interpretation: For if I will, saith the Lord of hosts, raise up [righteous] seed [or people] unto me, I will command my people [to practice polygamy]: otherwise [if the Lord does not give the commandment to practice polygamy], they shall hearken unto these things [Jacob's instruction to not practice it]. This interpretation makes this passage completely out of harmony with all the rest of Jacob's revelation against polygamy, and all of Joseph Smith's writings which were printed before his death. The true interpretation of the passage shows that it is definitely monogamous, and that it is in harmony with all the rest of the revelation which the Lord gave through Jacob. The true interpretation is: For if I will, saith the Lord of hosts, raise up [righteous] seed unto me, I will command my people [the Lord will be their commander-He will give them commandments to obey]: otherwise [if the Lord is not their commander; or they do not obey His commandments], they shall hearken unto these things [they shall practice the sins of polygamy]. This is the true meaning of this passage-and therefore it condemns polygamy, rather than justifying it as the Mormon Church leaders claim.
bingo....jacob 3:5...the church removed the S from fathers so it made the vs read like polygamy was not allowed by lehi...their father....when it really should read fathers...as in adam, Abraham etc.. forefathers...polygamy has been a perversion and abomination since the beginning. goes to show how polluted church history and historians truly are...makes me sick
I’m not a fan of plural marriage, but I disagree with the tone of those who screech about it. At least those men had the decency to actually marry and provide for those women, unlike the adulterers who howled about it and murdered people over it.
So basically polygamy is prostitution! Marry me, give me sex and then I'll take care of you. Instead of how in the book of Mormon when the men were killed in battle, their widows were taken care of without having to marry into polygamy!
@@avoice423because D&C 132, 131 & 110 were not from the Lord...people like you and I rested the scriptures that tell a very different story...look at my big long and hairy post (if they dont delete it) that spoon feeds you what and why it happened....wake up and read the scriptures 3 nephi 23:1-2
The Book the Saint says there were three types of marriages at that time. Marriages for Eternity Time and Eternity ànd Time. There is know DNA evidence that Joseph had any intimacy with any of his plural wives. Marriages for Eternity only sex was not permitted. This was a different society. Woman could not own property in the U.S.A. nor vote. The woman in Utah fought for Polygamy to continue.
If the members of the church of Jesus Christ do not believe the law of the New and Everlasting Covenant.. Sec 132 they don’t believe in the Revelations given through the prophet Joseph Smith. This is the equivalent of bearing a false witness when we say the church is true! Thou shalt not lie so on and so on. Defend the faith which martyr’s have perished to Gods Command soul heart and hand… or what? The names of the tribes of Israel are on the gates of New Jerusalem. How will you get in if you don’t know who you are. Be smart the gospel is true and the gentiles did not receive the it. An old saying if I will raise up seed unto me I will command my people. 132 is the command, it was taken away from the church because of wickedness and apostasy. And the prophets say return to the former commandments.
I agree. President GB Hinckley said on Larry King Live, polygamy "is not doctrinal". Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith both stated it was not a correct doctrine or it was a doctrine of the devil while they were both alive and they continued with that belief and teaching up until they both were killed. Everything attributed to them was done so by William Clayton and other witnesses who had motives of their own to lie about it.
@@littleredhen3218What motive did the women of the lot trial have to lie? To believe plural marriage was not practiced was to imply an immense conspiracy of hundreds of people.
@@michaelhutchings6602 But something that wisdom, the Holy Spirit, and current living gospel doctrine say are wrong is a good starting place for me to say it’s not true, on top of it being not uncomfortable but more disgusting 🤮
@@michaelhutchings6602 I think a better question would be why were their affidavits from the trial discounted by the judge. Many of their testimonies have been proven to be suspicious, misinterpreted and exaggerated. A later examination of their testimonies from the trial have been proven down right false. As for your question, what was their motive? That's anyone's guess. There's been speculation about that. Some believe they were coerced by leaders. Threatened with loss of their living accomodations. They may have been bribed with honors of their peers and fellow members. They may simply felt trapped in the lifestyle and felt to justify their choice in order to "save face".
are you aware that Joseph completed the translation of both the entire old and new testament? 99% of latter day saints dont know this🚩. in all cases of polygamy it is condemned in the JST. plural marriage never has been and never will be part of the gospel. jacob 2:30...has to be the most misunderstood scripture of all time...the wicked husbandmen used it to satisfy their perversions. JST Matt 21:50-55. the Lord has a plan for them and all those who continue to believe the narrative. seed in this case is not talking about child birth.. .its talking about a righteous seed...or...a righteous people...which is by following the laws of god...one husband and one wife. polygamy is satanic...period. Joseph and Hyrums lives were taken because they were fighting polygamy...word was getting out that some of the apostles already had plural wives. I suspect that u two do not realize that in the 1981 book of mormon there was one seemingly irrelevant "S" removed...but...remember. ..its from the small things that great things shall come to pass. Jacob 3: 5 Behold, the Lamanites your brethren, whom ye hate because of their filthiness and the cursing which hath come upon their skins, are more righteous than you; for they have not forgotten the commandment of the Lord, which was given unto our father-that they should have save it were one wife, and concubines they should have none, and there should not be whoredoms committed among them. Look up this same verse in a 1830 BofM....father has an S....fathers. uh huh...that would mean that polygamy has been an abomination from the beginning....clear back to the fathers....adam...Abraham ect...their FOREFATHERS. hello people....wake up to what is going on. this should show you that church history has been manipulated fit the needed narrative. the first anti mormon literature can be found in Isaiah 24:5 as he saw the everlasting covenant changed to temple marriage in D&C 132...complete blasphemy. moroni saw it as well....mormon 8:38....the holy church of god is polluted...vs 40....widows and orphans cry unto the Lord. how do you create large scale widows and orphans....polygamy...its an abomination from the beginning. D&C 101:43-60 sums it up nicely...the the restoration started to happen...was not completed before joseph and hyrum were killed....it fell into the hands of the destroyer...the true church fell under condemnation D&C 84:54-57 and was polluted...along with its history by evil men....brigham, willard...john taylor....heber Kimball....the polygamists.....changed the everlasting covenant to temple marriage. show us one scripture in the standard works (besides the fake ones 110, 131 & 132) that identifies marriage as the everlasting covenant. ..it doesnt exist. D&C 112:23-26...these evil deeds have not gone unnoticed....the Lord is coming along with his servants to serve vengeance upon his house....buckle up latter day saints....its gunna get wild. D&C 45:28-29....the Lords church was rejected...and now needs redeemed...3 nephi 16:10...hello....anybody home. jeremiah 5:7...latter day saints....the destroyer is coming....jeremiah 23:16-22...follow the modern prophet.. because a real one is preparing to return to complete the restoration for the last time D&C 103:16-22....we shall know brother joseph again...he will bring the Lords house to order
The children of the covenant are set apart to the Lord, they are the Lords (for if i will saith the Lord of Hosts raise up seed unto me, I will command my people;)and serve to build up the Kingdom of God and glorify him along with serving the children of the promise and seeing to their human development to the same progression to make the word flesh. We should not take lightly or set at nought the councils of God it leads to establishing our own righteousness and is forbidden. Keep the message pure…….
Polygyny- the monogamous marriage between a man and each woman he’s with. It is not a sin. And it’s not something that we can’t practice anymore it’s just That customs have changed in a way where it’s not practiced anymore. Do not mix a custom change with biblical facts or commandments.
I do love that you are covering this topic head-on and look forward to hearing all the content.
Personally, I feel very differently about Jacob chapter 2. The Lord led Lehi's family out of wicked Jerusalem to raise up a righteous branch (v25) - righteous especially in the sense of not having plural wives like David and Solomon (v24). He will not suffer that this people will be like the people of old (v26). They will have one wife and keep the commandments, or the land will be cursed for their sakes (v27-29) so- key verse (v30) - as part of raising up seed unto Him, the Lord will command his people (and they will obey) - or they shall hearken unto these things (concubines) - and the land will be cursed as a result.
When I think about the persecutions and tragedies the saints experienced in Nauvoo (including losing their lands) and Utah during the time they practiced polygamy - it seems to me that this promise Jacob recorded of a land cursed and people suffering might have been fulfilled. Interesting to me that the church's progress in getting out of debt comes after polygamy ended.
When I look at Jacob 2 - with so many verses focused on the abomination of multiple wives and the Lord delighting in chastity - the interpretation above of v30 makes much more sense to me - but I am no expert.
The explanation that polygamy helped raise up seed always confuses me. A little googling will show that in the 1850s and 1860s, the average # of children per family in the US was ~ 5. Brigham Young had 57 children with 17 wives (I am not sure how many of these are included in the 10 wives he divorced) - but that is an average of 3.5 per wife. How does polygamy accelerate raising up seed?
Nailed it👌💥💯I personally think that's the only way it can justified. I love the gospel with all my heart but it's time to move past this mating ritual we've added into our doctrine without actually knowing why. I have prayed about this and I didn't do until I could ask with a softened heart willing to accept the answer whatever it may be. I got a No, it was never meant to be that way. I might be off my rocker... that's always up for debate 😅. But plural marriage can not be sacred when not practiced in sacred manner. Chastity has always been high priority but you cannot sleep with many and be chaste, it's not possible. To look upon many women and decide to be chaste as long as your married to them cannot justify it. It makes Chastity completely irrelevant. I completely agree the land being cursed.
Jacob talks about the many widows because of the wars and how they gave of their substance to help them rather than sleeping with all of them. I mean..... that's just it. Also, the sword of destruction goes against the very laws of agency that God himself is bound by.
I'm assuming you're part of these various "hate brigham" movements, if you're not, then my comments will still apply in general. No church president has been perfect, but this movement relies on throwing the baby out with the bath water. You use Jacob 2 selectively, filling in blanks that are not there, and ignore the fact that it ALLOWS polygamy, when the "lord commands", which just means, righteous polygamy where God's principles are found, such as full consent and where charity and love exists all around. The Lord doesn't want men using it as a platform for unrighteous dominion, which the nephites of the time of Jacob 2 did clearly. For the record, there's tons of unrighteous dominion in monogamous marriages, so the type of marriage is not the problem. The Lord clearly wanted the nephites to be better in their "lower law" first (monogamy) before he allowed plural marriage among them. Not only does Jacob 2 actually say it's allowed under righteousness, but the bigger picture tells so much more that you and your movement ignores. The ancient Christians practiced it and so did the ancient Jews. It was even commanded in certain situations directly (taking care of a brother's widow, for example). It's purpose is children, and also taking care of the widows, but also just having healthy families. Even if extra wives don't have children, their presence aids a stronger home which helps raise healthier children. It's a great foundation for a home where children have an abundance of love and can grow up healthy and safe without trauma. Of course, assuming it's done in righteousness (everyone must consent, otherwise don't enter such a family), which there are countless examples of this good situation in history and in the world today. Your movement ignores this reality. There's good books on this, even outside LDS history circles. It is the eternal foundation for eternal lives and neverending increase. It's ok if you don't like it, you're welcome to keep working on yourself where you feel comfortable, but you exercise unrighteous dominion to claim that other people giving full consent must not practice this. Amen to one's priesthood when they exercise unrighteous dominion. History, the Bible and the foundation of the house of Israel itself, is founded in multiple righteous polygamous families. The whole "hate brigham" movement is founded on anger and ignorant selective use of scripture and history, and such has their own false prophets in the various RLDS-recycle movements out there, that have been caught in their own scandals. Today, the church has an epidemic of unmarried, uncared for, women and children. This only guarantees another generation of traumatized, fatherless children, who will be raised by the government or maybe abusive men because women settle for whatever is available. What is available to the children of the current generation tells us whether we're going to be closer to Zion for the next generation. Zion will be built when we have a healthy next-generation, raised by strong families. It's never coming, just waiting for the church to do it for us as we embrace the world, more and more.
I whole heartily agree. Joseph and Hyrum were martyred for polygamy. The saints suffered while driven to Utah because of polygamy. The Lord brought down the power of the US Government down upon the saints in Utah because leadership refused to abandon the practice. In 1887, Edmunds-Tucker Act that dissolved the corporation of the Church and directed that all Church property over $50,000 be forfeited to the government. The Church would not have survived if polygamy had not be abandoned. Upon its end the Lord, I believe, as he has been shown to do repeatedly with the House of Israel, recovered his people and his Church. Many stalwart faithful members rose out of polygamy, just as Christ rose out of his less than pure lineage. We as members have a responsibility to study, know and heed the scriptures and adhere to our prophets today or similar condemnation will be brought down upon us as individuals, families and a Church once again.
When I consider that criteria for this practice in vs 62 and 63 compared to the polygamy and polyandry actually practiced, when I consider the prophecies of Brigham Youn on polygamy vs what happened, and when I consider that the angel only appeared to Joseph - not to the girls or women he was courting - or to Emma - none of this passes the standard set in D&C 132 verse 8. What a house of confusion. It is hard to read how the 1060s and 1870's church leaders thought about, talked about and treated women to consider this revelation from a God who considers women beloved daughters of His. When I consider from the lens of the "by your fruits you shall know them" principle, I think of Elder Uchtdorf's talk that "even leaders make mistakes."
One of the dangers with emphasizing the angel and the "apparent reluctance" - but willingness - and some of the seemingly manipulative efforts to persuade individuals is that it can start to look similar to patterns we see in modern sexual abuse cases of techniques used to groom victims. And the church did not have a good year/look last year on the abuse front.
It's well known that the devil can appear as an angel of light and that's what I think happened. Joseph never felt peace about it, Emma didn't, even Brigham Young said he desired the grave. The fact that polygamy caused SO MANY issues even still today with so many small church's that have branched off causing such harm cannot be revelation. Also, an angel with a drawn sword goes against God's own laws of agency that he cannot break. He has said himself that he is governed by the laws we fought for in the heavens before this life. Biblical prophets made HUGE mistakes but were still chosen by God. I belive Joseph was a real prophet but do not stand by polygamy.
uchtdorf got caught donating $ to the pro abortion, pro trans, pro gay/lesbian, anti family, anti america political party...he himself is a mistake.
I have a question. Please be very specific. How do we define a “confirmed wife“? All I can find are hearsay, contradictory stories, third and fourth accounts, and firsthand witnesses who did not talk about it until decades later. Thanks for your time and expertise.
Look at the Bible translation. The translation says David and Solomon were doing wrong.
You’re making a common mistake that everyone else makes it says that David and Solomon did wrong. What was it that they did wrong? Solomon got with strange women and David committed adultery by having sex with another man’s wife and killing him. It wasn’t the polygyny.
they are blind to it...busy starring at gnats while choking on the camel
I really appreciate you doing this series on plural marriage and addressing all of this so head-on and so thoroughly. While most of this content is not new to me, a lot of the more in-depth specifics are, and I have certainly never heard the whole thing taken on so sensitively, so directly, and so in-depth from such a scholarly and faithful perspective not colored by emotion. It really helps.
In fact, I was going to be really afraid of some of the arguing that I saw going on in the comments on this video, but then, as I started reading comments refuting points you made, I felt a completely different spirit than I felt listening to your treatment of the subject in the podcast episode. It really helped me to feel the contrast and to recognize how familiar it is to see/hear the subject colored with a lot of opinions, commentaries, and feelings driving away the presence of the Holy Spirit.
As you said, it is understandable - even healthy - to be upset by it and to struggle with it and to have opinions on it. I have done my share of wrestling and praying on the issue to find my peace, and I now have some more questions to take to the Lord, but I feel that I will have an easier time getting more answers with your material so lovingly teaching the subject. Thank you!!!!
This is awesome conversation and great honesty. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Search it out and keep the faith.
So many know about Joseph and his plural wives. I feel very few know that he never had a child with anyone other than Emma.
Too much "recency bias" as well.
How come a man that loses a wife that is sealed to him can remarry and have the next wife sealed to him?
Isn't pllural marriage a celestial law?
I don't think YOU understand your question
Yes. Pres Nelson and Oaks are sealed to two women each. It is an eternal principle, don't be so quick to condemn a precept that many have had spiritual confirmation on.
@@avoice423well won’t they be surprised when the lord tells them there’s only one per customer
@@veritas9243 so, do you not belive in the sealing power? Or that Elijah came to restore it?
I think the reason polygamy is all over the place more now than ever before is because it's coming to light that it was a destructive practice. No one felt peace over it. It pulled at their very heart strings because it was wrong. We're told when God speaks to us we feel peace. Not one of them did. And if God chose a woman to see the gold plates than why not polygamy well?? The idea that it was to bring up seed is disgusting!! Adam and Eve didn't practice it, Noah and his sons couldn't, Lehi and his sons most certainly had cause to but didn't, Alma should have under those same circumstances and didn't. So Joseph comes along and suddenly he's required to make babies with everyone? Who cares what Emma feels. Eternal marriage out the window!! I'm a very active member. I love the gospel and I'm grateful for it!! I raised five gospel loving children. I have no doubt Joseph was a prophet.
But polygamy was an evil vile act that we need to stop teaching about bringing up seed. Also... please stop with the "I'm a product of polygamy". Holy crap... I have an amazing niece! She's beautiful, has done great things, will bring more children into this world and most amazing is she was given up for adoption to a couple who tried for 14 years to have a child. She was a real blessing and miracle to them.
but her coming here was done by rpe. She was forced here by some dude who took authority over my teenage sister. So products of polygamy is the natural consequences of having sx with everyone.
Women aren't cattle that men gather during mating season to plant seed 🙄. Let's move on from such gross teaching please🙏🙏🙏
Hallelujah sister. Can’t heart/like comment enough. This entire conversation leaves me scrunching my eyebrows, scratching my head, and ultimately just gobsmacked. Ridiculous sounding. It contradicts all teachings of moral autonomy and duty…. and then praises them for their faith. Yuck.
@@natalies4375Yup. Everyone should be gobsmacked at such a perverted teaching. I just wish people would stop saying "I'm a product of polygamy". So are children of rped women. Doesn't make it right. Church needs to abandon this practice as ever being doctrine because it's still hurting women today. I'm shocked that more women in the church believe their husbands are who exalts them as long as they support polygamy. Why? Because we've spent over 100 years justifying this gross practice of religious mating ritual. It violates chastity on every level. A man who doesn't have to practice self control because he can have who he wants in the name of revelation doesn't make it okay.
@natalies4375 Yup. I believe it's all coming to light while men are fighting with all their might to the bitter end to keep it the doctrine alive 🤣🤣
Why did it begin?
Because BY and the Twelve set their hearts on it during their missions to Europe after Kirtland and secretly introduced to the church an evolved version of the doctrine they saw with the Cochranites in Maine and Massachusetts. However, Joseph and Hyrum and others strongly opposed it and were killed before it came to a head.
Then the documents and narrative were altered over the following decades to suit Brigham’s new doctrine and the rest is “history”.
amen...its nice to be awake isnt it..
@@ultimateconcealcarry4671 I guess, but let's be careful thinking we are better than others just because we see the ease in which institutions apostasize and aren't the "answer".
Until we are filled with the promised love of God and can break through the dogmatic divide, we are no better than anyone else...
@@RunningtoHim828 ha...sorry you read into it something that wasnt...its just good to be awake...
@@ultimateconcealcarry4671 I wasn't trying to project onto you... it's just the challenge many of us find ourselves in...
@@RunningtoHim828Do you believe that the earth isn't a sphere as well? Because you that is what polygamy denier logic is
Search the scriptures and see how many revelations started with "to whom it may concern " ie the manifesto
When I was about 20 years old, my grandpa found out that someone had written a thorough history of his hometown, Providence, UT. He was anxious to get it, so he ordered one. He knew most of the people or had heard of them. He came across a picture of his grandfather in prison clothes during while serving time for polygamy. My grandpa couldnt believe it because his grandfather had spent many hours condemning polygamy during ny grandpa's youth! No one had ever told him about his grandfather's imprisonment. He asked older relatives to find out what happened. Apparently, his gradfather had been arrested because he was found taking care of 2 women. Unfortunately for him, only one woman was his wife. The other was her spinster sister that had been brought from Europe after her parents died so she wasnt alone. She lived in her own house on the property, but the grandfather did go over to chop wood for her and do heavy lifting chores when needed. However, the authorities didnt believe his story!
I am married to a man who is not a member. We were reading a book of his ancestry. He is decended ftom a polygamous marriage in the 1700s. It was found that the man had 4 wives. Each had their own house on each corner of his property! I, however, having my ancestors being early members of the church, did not have ancestry with polygamy involved!
I have read and studied the exact same things you have. I did not come to the same conclusions as you. Section 132 is not a commandment to practice plural marriage but only a justification of it. The commandment in section 132 is to be sealed by the priesthood.
That's your opinion
@@BaBumz of course that’s my opinion. Everyone seems to have an opinion. What’s your point?
that portion is more than likely the only part of 132 wiliam clayton kept from joseph. the rest is blasphemy
God never told Abraham to practice polygamy. And they only stopped because the church was under pressure by the U.S being illegal practice.
Evidence plz
@@BaBumz it’s called “ The Manifesto ” look it up.
@@BaBumzread your bible and book of mormon..that’s all the truth evidence you need
@@BaBumzit’s in D&C after section 138. The official declaration 1 1890. Also Jacob 2:27-30. There’s your proof. Read your scriptures there no excuses as to why you don’t.
It’s modern time 2024 . Polygamy isn’t the worst things out there now
Polygamy does matter. It was abuse and exploitation. The issues today are about abuse and exploitation.
I feel like at any time in history it wasn’t the worst thing happening
but it’s fraudulent addition to the Doctrine & Covenants has massive consequences for the Church if they don’t come clean on it
I think one should read section 132 D and C and determine for yourselves if the Lord required it of the prophet Joseph, and then consider if we're living the law that God revealed to him.
If one wants to go go to the degree that father Abraham and the prophet Joseph went to, it makes sense that one would have to live that same law.
Either you believe that the bock of Mormon and D&C are true or you don't.
I don't see much grey area there. Just saying.
At 22:10, if D&C 132 is an introduction to polygamy... where in the hell is the rest of it? Where or when was it clarified? If it was clarified, why isn't that canonized in the D&C?
And to describe polygamy as a trial seems wrong. A trial that involves and complicates eternal families and sexual purity?? And comparing it to Abraham being commanded to kill his son isn't a fair comparison. When Abraham complied, God calls it off and did not actually require Abraham to go through with breaking the commandment. In the case of polygamy, God didn't call it off!
There were times when the Lord had plural marriage on the earth throughout the Bible - During the early days of the Church when the Lord again had plural marriage on the earth, men were called to be a polygamist, not all were required to live this practice. It was a calling like being called to be a Bishop or primary teacher or whatever one was called to be. Those that "followed the Prophet" and were called and lived the practice of polygamy lived a full and happy life. When one would become a polygamist on their own terms and not by being called, their family didn't have the success and happiness as one following the Lord's commandment.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Take off your rose colored glasses and do some research. I suggest starting at episode 1 of RUclips’s 132 Problems. 🤦🏻♀️
@@CG-nw8jc oh I will stand by my reply - and when we get to Heaven I will be the first to say to you - “I told you so”
That isn’t the spirit of the Lord urging you to be unteachable and expressing prideful distain for your fellowman. We will all do well to become like a child.
Lamech was the 1st polygamist. He was a descendant of Cain (Master Mahon). God has never commanded polygamy but Christ Himself says for a man to leave his father and mother and to cling to his wife and they twain (2) shall be one. No room for this polygamy nonsense. Go directly to God ask Him!
God didn’t command plural marriage. Do some research. The Church’s narrative leaves out a lot and distorts scripture.
But why didn’t JS follow 132 direction. Please answer that. This makes no sense. The whole thing is BS. I’d rather not think about it or at least accept I have no testimony of the truth of it!!!
Joseph isn't perfect he does get reprimanded in 132, but that wouldn't be the first time. Applying that same logic you could ask why didn't Joseph Smith follow God's command to not show the 116 pages to others.
Appreciate you guys taking this on but you need to keep studying this topic with your polygamy lens removed. Brigham did not desire the grave, he claimed to receive a polygamy revelation before hearing anything about it from Joseph. Why would Hyrum ask to use the urim and thummim as they had already returned it to the angel? You are misinterpreting Jacob 2:30, read it in context. Joseph would not inquire about why these men had many wives and concubines, he knew that David and Solomon were wrong in Gods eyes, he would have known that Moses and Isaac were not polygamists, and he would know that Abraham and Jacob were not commanded by God.
Thank you for the dwelling in the details of polygamy, but I would like to add a concept on how and why we do good or evil and acknowledge that God told us or commanded us to follow,whether it be good or evil…Remember there TWO GODS, One a Loving God and another a Evil God. Both try to influence us but neither one can force us to Obey. Because we have Free Agency we are the only ones that can act out good or evil in our lives. So the old saying “GOD Commanded Me To Do It” does not stand up for our Actions.
Yup. That whole drawn sword seems more evil angel to me. Why would God threaten with death and destruction to a man trying to fulfill his purposes
@@StompMom5 I don't think there was an angel with a drawn sword. There are other false notions in 132, that's just another one. In reality, Joseph fought polygamy to his dying breath. But there are those who literally want to believe the current standardized narrative promoted by the likes of Brian Hales and his researcher Son Bradley. They would rather believe that Joseph lied, snuck around Nauvoo, secretly instigated plural marriage even though it went against the teachings concerning plurality of wives in the Book of Mormon. And yet Joseph never once asked God, "well then why was it such an abomination in all other scripture?" Go back to the character of each and every source proclaiming Joseph's involvement. Their credibility must be carefully scrutinized and dig deeper. Ask yourself "Does this stand up to the tests of truth?" What about their characters? By their fruits ye shall know them. Did they have a motive to lie? Were they coerced into giving false testimony? How does it compare to the character of Joseph and Emma? Are you casting them in the light of the lies told about them by their enemies!?! Yes! To the victor goes the spoil. Those who survived wrote the story or should I say "to be revised" The history of Joseph Smith was admittedly revised, changed, reversed by Brig and company. LOOK INTO IT! Joseph Smith's character and reputation and might I add the testimony of millions hang in the balance. Let this false narrative GO AWAY!
@@littleredhen3218I actually agree with that👌. What I'm saying is if that's the hill we keep climbing we have to be realistic and understand that even God is bound by the laws of agency. But I agree with what you're saying. It can't be true.
No. God would NOT command His people to do this. He never did.
This is a clear cut case of "prophets" teaching for doctrine the commandments of men. Polygamy ruins lives. Monogamy is the higher order of marriage. There is no justification for PM. Noah has HCK beat by billions in posterity and he needed not live polygamy. The only ancient order of polygamy is Lamech. Master Mayhem. All righteous prophets did not live polygamy unless it was a cultural thing. Nothing holy about it. Ask Hagar, Leah, Zillpah, Billhah. Not one of them or any of the women coerced into pm during Brigham's presidency will think it's a good thing
Wouldn’t Fannie Young have an opportunity for marriage after this life if plural marriage wasn’t a thing? It’s not like plural marriage to Joseph was the only way for her to be exalted, correct?
Watch part 2
What a lot of people miss about Doctrine and Covenants 132 is the part about keys. 132 condemns polygamy done without one holding the keys. Warren Jeffs for example automatically is rejected as a false prophet on the premise of not having the keys. Jacob 2 and D&C 132 both condemn the same individuals for going outside the boundaries set by God in relation to polygamy. They both also do not condemn Abraham, Nathaniel, etc. in matters of polygamy, because what they practiced was not evil in the sight of God.
Wrong. Abraham didn't live plural marriage. Hagar was Sarah's idea. It backfired on her...and him. Hagar was a victim of Sarah's position. She had no more kids after Ishmael. Then Hagar and Ishmael get sent away many years later. No more kids. Ishmael is a child of God. Hagar was a child of God. The children are children of God. No matter how they get here. Jacob was tricked. He only loved Rachel. He was honorable and took care of his own offspring. Still, Bilha's children belonged to Rachel and Zilpah's children belonged to Leah. Leah was hated and she knew it. Jacob was a monogamist at heart. That's the only reason God allowed it. Plus neither patriarch entered into their everlasting covenant until after their polygamous affairs.
@@littleredhen3218Jacobs situation was actually pretty bad and he was chastised for it. He was sleeping with both wives plus whatever maid was handed to him to be used to compete against each other. Bible is full of prophets who made epic mistakes 🤷♀️
@@littleredhen3218 King David had many wives given to him by the prophet Nathaniel, but he unlawfully took Bathsheba to wife and murdered her husband hence his loss of exaltation. Neither Jacob 2 nor 132 condemn Nathaniel for giving David multiple wives. "Jacob was a monogamist at heart." You could say the same thing about Brigham Young who desired the grave when he first learned the law of plural marriage yet many condemn Brigham, but not Jacob. For as much hatred Doctrine and Covenants 132 gets it is something that answers a lot of our questions. Where do learn about Celestial marriage? We learn about it in D&C 132. Where do we learn about authorized plural marriage? also D&C 132. We have many members who would like to keep the first half about eternal marriage and get ride of the 2nd half of authorized plural marriage. If you reject 132 then you likewise reject monogamous eternal marriage sense both subducts are covered and expounded upon in D&C 132. Plural marriage was indeed an Abrahamic trial and is still today. 132 validates Abraham, Jacob and others as justified before God and give the reasons for condemning David and Solomon in more detail than Jacob 2. Many early pioneer women likewise found plural marriage and the idea repugnant and hard to live, but testified that the principle had been reveled to them by God.
@andrewdurfee3896 Another dude defending polygamy. I have known many who defended that practice, every single one of them being men🙄🙄.
@@StompMom5 women also. Helen Mar Kimball for example wrote a book called: Why We Practice Plural Marriage
Many other pioneer women defended that practice as well. Its no secret that Emma Smith despised it with her whole being and many who practiced did as well, however, many of these women including Helen Mar Kimball testified of its truthfulness despite there ill feelings towards it. Under the law of Moses if a man died before he had a child one of his brothers was to provide him and his wife a heir. I'm glad we don't live under that law, but it was a law of God regardless of my dislike of it. I am opposed to unauthorized polygamy and will decry it, but I will not condemn any man or woman who practiced authorized plural marriage. Counterfeits should be denounced and the the genuine article upheld.
The church's interpretation:
For if I will, saith the Lord of hosts, raise up [righteous]
seed [or people] unto me, I will command my people [to
practice polygamy]: otherwise [if the Lord does not give the
commandment to practice polygamy], they shall hearken
unto these things [Jacob's instruction to not practice it].
This interpretation makes this passage completely out of
harmony with all the rest of Jacob's revelation against polygamy, and all of Joseph Smith's writings which were printed
before his death.
The true interpretation of the passage shows that it is definitely monogamous, and that it is in harmony with all the rest
of the revelation which the Lord gave through Jacob.
The true
interpretation is:
For if I will, saith the Lord of hosts, raise up [righteous]
seed unto me, I will command my people [the Lord will be
their commander-He will give them commandments to
obey]: otherwise [if the Lord is not their commander; or they
do not obey His commandments], they shall hearken unto
these things [they shall practice the sins of polygamy].
This is the true meaning of this passage-and therefore it
condemns polygamy, rather than justifying it as the Mormon
Church leaders claim.
bingo....jacob 3:5...the church removed the S from fathers so it made the vs read like polygamy was not allowed by lehi...their father....when it really should read fathers...as in adam, Abraham etc.. forefathers...polygamy has been a perversion and abomination since the beginning. goes to show how polluted church history and historians truly are...makes me sick
I’m not a fan of plural marriage, but I disagree with the tone of those who screech about it. At least those men had the decency to actually marry and provide for those women, unlike the adulterers who howled about it and murdered people over it.
So basically polygamy is prostitution! Marry me, give me sex and then I'll take care of you. Instead of how in the book of Mormon when the men were killed in battle, their widows were taken care of without having to marry into polygamy!
a lot of those men didn’t take care of all of their wives read the history of polygamist wives it’s heartbreaking
It was just wrong, simple
It’s always been morally wrong unless it fits your narrative under the pretext of historical context.
Then why did it continue until Pres. Woodruf?
@@avoice423because D&C 132, 131 & 110 were not from the Lord...people like you and I rested the scriptures that tell a very different story...look at my big long and hairy post (if they dont delete it) that spoon feeds you what and why it happened....wake up and read the scriptures 3 nephi 23:1-2
I had polygamist great-great grandfathers or I wouldn’t be here.
So you don't believe in the pre- existence?
The Book the Saint says there were three types of marriages at that time. Marriages for Eternity Time and Eternity ànd Time. There is know DNA evidence that Joseph had any intimacy with any of his plural wives. Marriages for Eternity only sex was not permitted. This was a different society. Woman could not own property in the U.S.A. nor vote. The woman in Utah fought for Polygamy to continue.
If the members of the church of Jesus Christ do not believe the law of the New and Everlasting Covenant.. Sec 132 they don’t believe in the Revelations given through the prophet Joseph Smith. This is the equivalent of bearing a false witness when we say the church is true! Thou shalt not lie so on and so on. Defend the faith which martyr’s have perished to Gods Command soul heart and hand… or what? The names of the tribes of Israel are on the gates of New Jerusalem. How will you get in if you don’t know who you are. Be smart the gospel is true and the gentiles did not receive the it. An old saying if I will raise up seed unto me I will command my people. 132 is the command, it was taken away from the church because of wickedness and apostasy. And the prophets say return to the former commandments.
Excellent support of the narrative.
Polygamy is not an eternal principle. Period.
I agree. President GB Hinckley said on Larry King Live, polygamy "is not doctrinal". Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith both stated it was not a correct doctrine or it was a doctrine of the devil while they were both alive and they continued with that belief and teaching up until they both were killed. Everything attributed to them was done so by William Clayton and other witnesses who had motives of their own to lie about it.
Just because something makes you uncomfortable does not make it true.
@@littleredhen3218What motive did the women of the lot trial have to lie? To believe plural marriage was not practiced was to imply an immense conspiracy of hundreds of people.
@@michaelhutchings6602 But something that wisdom, the Holy Spirit, and current living gospel doctrine say are wrong is a good starting place for me to say it’s not true, on top of it being not uncomfortable but more disgusting 🤮
I think a better question would be why were their affidavits from the trial discounted by the judge. Many of their testimonies have been proven to be suspicious, misinterpreted and exaggerated. A later examination of their testimonies from the trial have been proven down right false.
As for your question, what was their motive? That's anyone's guess. There's been speculation about that. Some believe they were coerced by leaders. Threatened with loss of their living accomodations. They may have been bribed with honors of their peers and fellow members. They may simply felt trapped in the lifestyle and felt to justify their choice in order to "save face".
are you aware that Joseph completed the translation of both the entire old and new testament? 99% of latter day saints dont know this🚩. in all cases of polygamy it is condemned in the JST. plural marriage never has been and never will be part of the gospel. jacob 2:30...has to be the most misunderstood scripture of all time...the wicked husbandmen used it to satisfy their perversions. JST Matt 21:50-55. the Lord has a plan for them and all those who continue to believe the narrative. seed in this case is not talking about child birth.. .its talking about a righteous seed...or...a righteous people...which is by following the laws of god...one husband and one wife. polygamy is satanic...period. Joseph and Hyrums lives were taken because they were fighting polygamy...word was getting out that some of the apostles already had plural wives. I suspect that u two do not realize that in the 1981 book of mormon there was one seemingly irrelevant "S" removed...but...remember. ..its from the small things that great things shall come to pass. Jacob 3: 5 Behold, the Lamanites your brethren, whom ye hate because of their filthiness and the cursing which hath come upon their skins, are more righteous than you; for they have not forgotten the commandment of the Lord, which was given unto our father-that they should have save it were one wife, and concubines they should have none, and there should not be whoredoms committed among them. Look up this same verse in a 1830 BofM....father has an S....fathers. uh huh...that would mean that polygamy has been an abomination from the beginning....clear back to the fathers....adam...Abraham ect...their FOREFATHERS. hello people....wake up to what is going on. this should show you that church history has been manipulated fit the needed narrative. the first anti mormon literature can be found in Isaiah 24:5 as he saw the everlasting covenant changed to temple marriage in D&C 132...complete blasphemy. moroni saw it as well....mormon 8:38....the holy church of god is polluted...vs 40....widows and orphans cry unto the Lord. how do you create large scale widows and orphans....polygamy...its an abomination from the beginning. D&C 101:43-60 sums it up nicely...the the restoration started to happen...was not completed before joseph and hyrum were killed....it fell into the hands of the destroyer...the true church fell under condemnation D&C 84:54-57 and was polluted...along with its history by evil men....brigham, willard...john taylor....heber Kimball....the polygamists.....changed the everlasting covenant to temple marriage. show us one scripture in the standard works (besides the fake ones 110, 131 & 132) that identifies marriage as the everlasting covenant. ..it doesnt exist. D&C 112:23-26...these evil deeds have not gone unnoticed....the Lord is coming along with his servants to serve vengeance upon his house....buckle up latter day saints....its gunna get wild. D&C 45:28-29....the Lords church was rejected...and now needs redeemed...3 nephi 16:10...hello....anybody home. jeremiah 5:7...latter day saints....the destroyer is coming....jeremiah 23:16-22...follow the modern prophet.. because a real one is preparing to return to complete the restoration for the last time D&C 103:16-22....we shall know brother joseph again...he will bring the Lords house to order
Oh please….
The children of the covenant are set apart to the Lord, they are the Lords (for if i will saith the Lord of Hosts raise up seed unto me, I will command my people;)and serve to build up the Kingdom of God and glorify him along with serving the children of the promise and seeing to their human development to the same progression to make the word flesh. We should not take lightly or set at nought the councils of God it leads to establishing our own righteousness and is forbidden. Keep the message pure…….
Polygyny- the monogamous marriage between a man and each woman he’s with. It is not a sin. And it’s not something that we can’t practice anymore it’s just That customs have changed in a way where it’s not practiced anymore. Do not mix a custom change with biblical facts or commandments.
Joseph never taught nor did he practice plural marriage.
He fought it his entire life.