Gairdon in the 27/3 test you put 3 mililiters biodisel; after that you say you wouldn´t have any problem to use this bio in a undirect inyected engine if is lower than a quarter of an inch... how many mililiters are "quarter of an inch"... because I am using some convertions table at google and its 2 mililiters?
Re-Reaction Techniques call for 30% of original Methanol & Catalyst - which basis ? the methanol & catalyst that i used before in Reaction ? Can you please reply me , i am not clear
30 % of the original amounts. So if you used 10 gallons of methanol and 10 grams of catalyst initially, you'd use 3 gallons of methanol and 3 grams of catalyst to re-react.
May i know the reason for the biodiesel able to dissolve in methanol?
Gairdon in the 27/3 test you put 3 mililiters biodisel; after that you say you wouldn´t have any problem to use this bio in a undirect inyected engine if is lower than a quarter of an inch... how many mililiters are "quarter of an inch"... because I am using some convertions table at google and its 2 mililiters?
Re-Reaction Techniques call for 30% of original Methanol & Catalyst - which basis ? the methanol & catalyst that i used before in Reaction ? Can you please reply me , i am not clear
30 % of the original amounts. So if you used 10 gallons of methanol and 10 grams of catalyst initially, you'd use 3 gallons of methanol and 3 grams of catalyst to re-react.
Everyone else: uses methanol *wears gloves.
This Guy: uses methanol *Psht, what hazard
can i use ethanol instead of methanol to test the biodiesel?
The test wasn't ever tested with ethanol so I can't guarantee the results using ethanol