I did a study on the fruit on the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil a while back. In short, I don’t think that the fruit was one that contained a seed or any seeds. Why? Every other fruit was permissible for consumption and the seed(s) would have been left on the ground (soil) and grown into another tree. See here I n Genesis 1:29 And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.” In that one statement lies probably the most revealing messages and information concerning, not only the forbidden fruit on the tree, but also about Adam, Eve, the Serpent and the future of mankind. God’s instructions were very clear and without confusion. God said; “Every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.” God never said to eat of a tree without seed! Here’s the thing, the tree of knowledge of ‘good and evil’ was never to be duplicated, it was a unique tree and because it was never to be multiples of it, there was no need for it to bear fruit that contained seed. However, to eat it would and did bring mankind into a place of sin that was replicated and will do until the end of time along with death! Now, in the relationship between a man and a woman, God created man to be the ‘Seed Carrier’ and the woman to be the ‘Incubator’, for she is the bearer of the womb. This is where the word ‘Woman’ comes from, it’s the combination of two words; ‘Wombed Man’ = ‘Wo-man’. Th Serpent, who is described as being ‘more subtle’ than any beast of the field, (Genesis 3:1) convinced the woman Eve, to view the fruit as being ‘good for food’ (Genesis 3:6) she took of it and ate it. I believe that the serpent, who was filled with the evil spirit of Satan (or one of his fallen angels), was aware of the instructions given to Adam, who also shared this information with Eve, was unable to tempt Adam directly to eat of the forbidden fruit. He therefore used Eve and convinced her through the weakness of the woman, that is through what words she hears. (The weakness of the man is by what he sees) The serpent being aware that that there was no seed in the fruit on that tree, had to find a way to get the future of mankind corrupted and under his control, so he used the incubator (Eve) as bait for the seed carrier (Adam) to eat the forbidden fruit. Now that the seed carrier of mankind was made corrupt, it will remain that way to the end of man on the Earth. God made that clear when He addressed all parties in the Garden, prior to casting them out. What we must also realise is the most important thing. God knew man would fail and that’s why Jesus agreed to die for us to restore us to the Father, before we were ever created. This is what the Word of God means in Revelation 13:8 “…the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world.” There is much more to this, so do feel free to contact me for more info. I liked your video and the good use of scripture. 🙏🏾👍🏾✝️ Michael
No. Michael. You are a bit confused. The serpent targeted Eve and not Adam, simply because she could concEVE whereas Adam could not. Also see the punishment awarded to each and see the common factor. Especially the punishment handed yo the serpent concerning the serpent's seed (descendants) and the woman's seed. And the seed of the woman through Adam is the genealogy of Christ, whereas the serpent's seed cain, has a separate genealogy totally unrelated to Adam.
I watched your video entirely because of the title you put there that “He”, Enoch exposed the forbidden fruit and we will be shocked. Shocked by what? That the forbidden fruit was grapes and not apples? Are you kidding me? That is shocking? And it makes absolutely no sense that Adam & Eve would gain knowledge & wisdom from just eating grapes or an apple. If only it was that easy-makes no sense this story. Please don’t click bait people with a title like this: it says we’ll be shocked to learn it was grapes? Hopefully somebody on here can explain this better so that it makes sense???
@michaelangelasmith2047 The forbidden fruit was the vine; The devil indwelled the upright being, the Nachash, and shapeshifted to take on the appearance of Adam (that's how Eve was deceived). Satan then convinced Eve to drink of the spiced wine (hexed). This is reflected in the Nazarite Vow; a person under the vow must not drink wine, cut their hair (relates to the covering over Adam and Eve), and keep away from a dead body (death had not been in the Garden). Under the influence of the 'hexed' wine Satan copulated with Eve. The true Adam came upon them though saw the Nachash instead of Satan. He joined in. The Song of Solomon gives us this truth in parables for those with eyes to see; refer to chapter 5 verse 1 there is another person in the Garden encouraging them on; this would be Satan after he had defiled Eve. Solomon, the wisest of men, in order to preserve this truth disguised it in the narrative. Eve was defiled under an apple tree (Sol 8:5d) "Beneath the apple tree I awakened you, there your mother conceived you." The Apple company logo rubs this truth in our faces with their bitten apple logo! Cain is the result of that affair hence Cain is not found listed as a descenandant of Adam in Scripture whereas Abel is. Much more to this.
Thank you Michael. I have always wondered....was it knowledge or evil etc. We must all remember the specific instructions on what we have dominion over. Only fish in sea Only birds from the sky And mammals from the land Take extreme note of this ❤
I don't know why everyone is trying to find out what the forbidden fruit may be. God instructions were not to eat of the tree in the midst of the garden, they disobeyed didn't listen to God's instructions Eve was deceived and Adam sinned and God keeps giving us instructions we keep disobeying making wrong choices and decisions than when the consequences are handed down we can't handle them. Stop eating from the tree and start eating from the fruit of God's word. Be bless
Adam and Eve did not eat an apple. Genesis 3:15 and I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed. Cain is not in Adam's genealogy because he was satan's seed. It's a bloodline. Cain was the first murderer. John 8:44...you are of your father the devil. Check out 0:39 0:39
I am of a mind that possibly the actual physical tree and fruit are symbolic. (The key word being possibly). But the whole story does serve a purpose to get one to desire the knowledge of why we have sin in our lives. Also in Genesis 2:17 God told Adam not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil because he wood die. I can not find the instruction to not touch it. Did Eve lie in Genesis 3:3? Was this the actual 1st sin? Just something to consider... hmmm.
And when they did they became like God just like the serpent told them they would. God affirms this in the narrative and part of the reason why they were expelled so they could not then eat from the tree of life.
Fellow Christian’s could someone help me with these questions 1. In Scripture, God often remains hidden behind a veil of light. Could this veil be a means of protecting us, preventing us from being instantly drawn to Him in a way that would override our free will? If God were to fully reveal Himself to us, would that negate our ability to choose to follow Him, thereby compromising our free will? 2. Could God’s choice to remain unseen be intentionally designed to help us focus more on His words, actions, and the deeper truths He shares with us, rather than on His majestic appearance? When considering the nature of eternal love, wouldn’t it make more sense for us to focus on the inner beauty and heart of God and others, rather than on external, physical appearances? 3. I have a theory about Adam and Eve’s experience in the Garden of Eden. Could it be that God placed a veil of light over them, so they could not see each other’s physical forms? Perhaps this veil was meant to help them love one another in a deeper way-focusing on each other’s hearts and souls, rather than outward appearances. Could it be that when they ate the forbidden fruit, the veil was lifted and they became aware of their physical bodies, which marked the beginning of a shift in their relationship and in the nature of love between man and woman? 4. When Adam and Eve’s veil was lifted and they became aware of their nakedness, introducing physical desire into the human experience, could this moment have affected the heavenly realm as well? Is it possible that this event led to the temptation of angels, like the Watchers who lusted after the daughters of men, as described in Scripture? Could this temptation have persisted and influenced the spiritual realm throughout generations, causing a greater conflict between the physical and the spiritual? My purpose and intention in asking these questions is to invite fellow Christians to reconsider the events in the Garden of Eden as a historical turning point with profound spiritual implications. Given that God placed a veil of brilliant light on Himself and His angels, would it not be consistent to believe that He also veiled Adam and Eve before the Fall, enabling them to focus on each other’s inner beauty and hearts, rather than their physical appearances?”
Amen 🙏 Hallelujah 🙌 Glory to the one and Only True Living God Yahweh Elohim Yeshua Jehovah Jireh Lord Jesus Jesus Christ Who is and will Always be the King 👑 of kings and the Lord of lords Thank you for your Loving Kindness Grace and Tender Mercies as I Believe and Receive With open arms the Blessings of the Lord Jesus Christ Truly Grateful ❤️ Selah 🙌
This makes so much sense because The Blessed Mother just gave instructions to one of her Seers to tell God’s ppl that in the End Times when we experience famine to take grapes and God will bless the grapes to allow His ppl to not feel hungry after eating one grape. I wondered why a grape
God tries to get his point across in every way he can in prophecies psalms and metaphors the apple could have simply been a metaphor after all why does everyone give their teacher an apple on the first day of school? Why is there the Apple computer with a bite out of it, are we learning from the tree of good and evil still have we not understood the true meaning of what it is in the Bible? I will read the Bible over and over because every time I do, I get a new more defined, loving meaning of what is happening and what is going to happen! ❤🙏🏼
The forbidden fruit . Jesus told me very good fruit. So you must assume that you can also bear bad fruit. So yes you are the tree. Handcuff produce your own fruits. As you go along be careful of the fruit you eat that is forbidden. Mostly used will assume that it is a fruit that you eat. Not realizing it's a parable. Which was told to you by Jesus try to understand the Bible and read it so you can come up with your own solutions the bear your own cross. God bless you and your path❤
Where do you get your info from friend? Ive never heard or read anything like that and ive been reading the bible for over 40 years. Give me bible scripture.
@@mater-d2q How come no one realizes that the genealogy of Adam is given and leads to Christ. Whereas the genealogy of cain has nothing to do with Adam and is totally separate. Cain resulted from union with the serpent.
Maybe the garden of eden was what is now known as Antarctica before a sudden pole shift that put it into a sudden deep freeze that resulted in us finding such things as mammoths frozen alive with undigested vegetation in its stomach. This and many other things are there. Why do you think we are not allowed there? Don't give me some lame explanation of how we are allowed to be there. We are not we are not allowed back on the moon either.
Hmmm, u might be right Eve loose her virginity because of Satan, and I think Satan seduce Eve, or make her drunk, he is shape shifter, he can take the appearance of our love one and deceived us in dreams , spiritual spouse 🤷🤷🤷🤔🤔🤔, just my thinking though.
pomegranate tree; Along with vines and figs, pomegranates were among the first fruit cultivated by humans, in Asia Minor. Mesopotamian sources testify that they were already part of our ancestors' diet 5000 years ago. The Phoenicians introduced pomegranates to the African continent when they founded Carthage, The pomegranate is also said to be found in the Garden of Eden according to Ancient Iranian Christianity and was believed to be the real forbidden fruit rather than the apple.
I honestly think the serpent walked bye that tree and ate of its fruit in front of eve. The serpent deceived eve because He hated the fact that Adam and eve were given authority over everything He wanted. First off, one of God’s laws was to be fruitful and multiply. Now as for the western world choosing and apple, probably because Apple is in several verses of the bible, like Song of Solomon 2:3 KJV As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. Now as for when there eyes were opened, I’m guessing it happened immediately. What did they use to cover their nakedness with. That’s right, fig leaves. So it makes sense, that the fruit was a fig from a fig tree. Now lets look at symbolism throughout the bible. What does the fig tree represent? The Jewish church. When Jesus walked by the fig tree, it had leaves, leave tell the gardener that the tree should have fruit. Jesus did not find any fruit on the fig tree, so he curses it. The jews rejected Him and he predicted there ultimately destruction of there Jewish temple. Today is the day of our salvation, make sure you are producing good fruit. Remember a tree is known by it’s fruit. Sow into good soil and produce good seeds of righteousness. Get Gods word into your heart and start living for God. No more weekend warriors ( 6 days living in the world and 1 day for church) Christianity is a daily walk with Christ, not a weekend service. Seek God and He will be found. Be blessed.
Brother, kindly post your clarification about the fruit that God forbade Adam not to eat and the Holy Bible, says, All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness," that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. [ 2 Timothy 3:16-17 ] So, in all the versions of the Holy Bible, it is mentioned, only as the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’” [ Genesis 3: 3] and the Holy Bible says, And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him. [ Genesis 5:24 ] and therefore, if we read them from Genesis Chapters 1-5, we can surely understand the scriptures. As the teaching is not in the line of scriptural guidelines, because when God took Enoch to heaven, then how and when Enoch came back on this earth and wrote his book.
I always believed the forbidden fruit was a pomegranate ,looks like an apple but the inside was clusters of juicy seeds that were both tasty and fragrant and beautiful.
Also the tabernacle had pictures and carvings of the polmigranate. They've found them in places it stood and under the temple mt. So I too have thought it was this fruit. Pardon my spelling. Lol
Adam and Eve were supposed to sin and eat the fruit. God knew they would do it even before he created them. Everyone is actually like they condemned us all. God knows all. He has a plan and we are here as a part of his plan. If Adam and Eve didn't do that where would we be? But everyone should know it wasn't an apple. I don't know where that came from. ❤
Thank you , for this biblical analogy, . Very thought provoking , inspirational , symbolic , and full of Spiritually inspired insight . Questions should always be asked , like holding a cane , on your pathway through life , testing the ground that you are about to walk on . Placing the tip of the cane , before you , the ground an appear solid, but easy to come across quicksand , to be cautious , yet steadfast on your journey through life , with many snares , many pitfalls facing uneven ground , and what r appears uneven ground , or ground like sand , firm yet shifting , during different circumstances . Life is about experience , overcoming , surrendering to the divine , trusting yet when placing your feet . It's good to be way of pitfalls . Tears , lessons to learn , blind faith is one thing , but knowledge , is learning from those experiences , we as humans chose to learn , hose when we left the garden of eden , that spiritual paradise. But we are spirit first , always . Leaning overcoming. The challenges set before us , jesus , showed us all the way , the truth the life. He is Love ❣️. God is love . To be loved. , look at that word. Beloved, look at the word , at one ment. , atonement, or live. It's evil in reverse , much can be found in scripture , much can be found if searching with a sincere heart , . A great man , spirit , Enoch. . yes very gifted . I could tell you a story, if your interested about the beginnings of man . , in simple terms , easy to grasp . . To do with choices, learning experiences . . Involving many situations , many explanations , but still simple to grasp . People fear too much , clouding faith . Clouding love which is divine . God should be loved , 🙏 first . And God is the great spirit of all things , infinite , and finite . Of which we are part . Connected . Through that learning of spiritual experiences. Growth evolving . Jesus , showed the way . By his example to us all . The highest , favoured ano.ng us . Remember he called himself the son of man . But was much much more . Spiritually . After being christed. The light ascended upon him . , in symbolic form , of a dove , easy to grasp , during the day . But was actually much more . . . Than that in essence . The bible , is a good book to be thought provoking . . But much was lost during interpretation , as you say . Yes jesus is very real . Loves each one of us . . Jesus is to be loved , God is to be loved, the holy spirit is to be loved.
In Genesis 1:29, God says: "And God said, 'See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.'" This verse highlights that God provided humanity with every seed-bearing plant and fruit for food. The specification of "fruit which yields seed" is crucial. The forbidden fruit is notably absent from this category. The Tree of Knowledge was unique, not meant to be replicated or multiplied, which is why its fruit likely did not contain seeds. Consuming it introduced sin and death into humanity-consequences that have been replicated throughout human history.
It's highly unlikely to have been any tree or fruit that is on this earth today as it was a special tree they were not to eat from and there was only one of it's kind
The forbidden fruit is your lust, greed, unholy desires etc. read James 1: 12- 15 vs 14 Man is tempted when he is drawn away by his own lust and is enticed / tempted. Christ was hungry, he was tempted to turn stones into bread, an INNER temptation, NOT from the outer! Eve (Hebrew Hanna) was having a conversation with herself, do I or don't I, do I or don't I? She did!
Okay, let me preach. First off, Eve was informed about the commands by her husband, Adam and when the serpent approached her, she seems to be alone. The serpent was clever when asking her, knowing she had heard the commands from Adam and her answer was to include things God didn’t say. When she did, the serpent actually lied to her and said she wouldn’t die immediately, knowing that God was talking about lifespans. They were currently immortal, but when they sinned it broke their immortality. Then she approached Adam and he loved her so much that he willingly took whatever it was that would make him be with her, giving humanity the hope for a Savior. Translate Genesis 5 to dictionary definitions and you will find the purpose of the Church embedded within the script.
@@chanellezerbe1522 Doubt is expected, but Websters encyclopedia wasn’t a part of the “research” process, it’s more like finding out what exactly was said in Hebrew or Greek, whichever one was originally used, and finding the meaning of what the words meant to the Author, and following HIS line of thinking. Like Genesis 6 not being about fallen Angels, anyone who believes that NO Angels were involved is an absolute fool, and the genetic alteration of the Human Genome causing grotesque beings and strange animals, so today’s environment seems odd when we see on TV that people are growing human parts on mice and pigs. I’m simply asking people,such as yourself,if what I’m saying is correct,are you ready to accept the consequences of what you’re doing? It’s always better safe than sorry, so maybe you should find someone close to you who will teach you about Jesus Christ and his saving Grace!! Have a blessed day.
It’s true that seeking knowledge is an intrinsic part of human nature, but it’s important to remember that not all knowledge satisfies the deeper questions of life. While we strive to understand the world, it is through wisdom and spiritual insight that we gain clarity about our purpose and our relationship with God. Knowledge can fill our minds, but only wisdom can fill our souls.
It was the only tree of it's kind. It does not exist today. It is not any fruit that has been in the world since Adam and Eve were exiled from the Garden of Eden.
Adam and the woman was exiled from the eastern garden into Eden itself, after they were punished and the woman was made fruitful Adam called her Eve, the woman ate the forbidden fruit, Eve were never in the garden where the tree of knowledge of good and evil was, God planted a garden in the eastern side of Eden in this garden Adam was placed and from Adams rib a female and Adam called her woman not Eve, this tells us that there were 2 gardens and the woman ate the forbidden fruit
@@michaelsburger665 God read Genesis chapter's one, two and three.... As you read them, each chapter is a magnification of the previous one. That will set you back on the right road. Do it now so you think may be corrected.
@@michaelsburger665 He blessed them to be fruitful and multiply before they ate from the tree. Genesis 1:28 The first three chapters are the same event, Chapter 1 gives the over all account and the next two magnify the one prior. ;) Only one Garden. Ask God for Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding! Then read it again... God bless
@@dennardglover2848 Although evil exists, that tree is been gone since the flood. No one ever entered the Garden again as God had a cherubim and a flaming sword blocking re-entry back into the Garden. Genesis 3:24 ►"After He (God) drove the man out, He (God) placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life."
Trees were also spiritual men in the bible. May be possible the tree of life was Jesus and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was Lucifer. In the book of judges( i think its 9) the trees were asking who will reign over them. Might have been the olive tree. English gematria sum for olive tree is 666.
People of God, please let us preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, knowing what type of fruit was, does not take us to heaven. Jesus Christ is Lord, whether grapes or apple, does it matter? Let us lead people to Christ
The MAJOR problem with this entire story is that there is NO WAY that Enoch could have EVER walked into THE GARDEN OF EDEN ! GOD sealed the garden and set forth an angel to protect it so that NONE SHOULD ENTER !
Keep on updating the world with actual events that happen those times so we have a clear understanding bcos biblical history was the worlds first encyclopaedia that this biblical covenant spreads through out the world
Does it really matter what fruit it was? Eve first ate the forbidden fruit because of Satan or one of the Fallen Angels and then got Adam to try it. The fact of the matter is they disobeyed God's command not to eat from that one tree, Tree of Knowledge. What gets me is why Adam let Eve talk him into eating the fruit. Whoever it was that got Eve to eat it first knew she was the weaker one. God bless all. Amen 🙏 ❤❤.
What if the “apple” in the garden of Eden was a metaphor of prediction for “apple”technology? It’s all there. Porn. Only fans. Dating and hookup sites ect. Because think about it. Anything you want to know you can figure out via your smartphone internet. Whether it be apple or galaxy. Wait. There’s a connection there. Two symbols common in both religion and spirituality are apples and spirals(galaxies) We have phones that are apples and galaxies…
U are correct, but I think it's more intentional on their part. Apple named it's company after original sin; they sold the first Apple computer for 666.66$😒 everything these companies do, honors the fallen. Not to mention it was CERN who invented the Word Wide Web= WWW= 666. It's disgusting and right in our faces, and it goes so deep. Who knows, It cld have been predictive, as there is nothing new under the sun
This may come as a surprise, but the specific fruit is not named. It was a special fruit that grew on a special tree. It was NOT sex, as God had told the couple to be fruitful and multiply beforehand.
It is not grapes because grape is not a tree but a vine. The tree is Lanzones/longkong (lansium parasiticum); as described by Enoch, its leaves, height, and fruits truly are identical.
The original King James bible does mention a vine tree , plus the only fruit ever forbidden to anyone in the Bible was the Grape .. Nazarenes were forbidden to eat grapes and even raisin.
@@crismunda2022 Or He was forbidden to Drink Wine Because it came from Grapes.. Wine Can also just mean grape juice. Either way they were forbidden to drink both, forbidden to eat grapes, and even forbidden to eat raisin because it's a form of grape. Not just Wine 🍷 New wine was Just Fresh Grape Juice Old Wind Was usually Also called strong Drink in the context, or Fermented wine. Plus Wine was always associated with A fall... Take the Noah And Ham situation, and so many Proverbs. Not saying I'm 100% sure on this yet. But leaning at 90% convinced after careful Bible Research.
@ Read Numbers 6:1-4: the essence of these verses is that a vow of a Nazarite is to separate himself from wine ang strong drink, neither shall he drink any liquor of grapes, nor eat moist grapes, or dried. Why grapes is forbidden to him; because grapes is a source of wine; they plant a vineyard, for the wine. The main object of the vow is separation from wine and strong drink, not from grapes.
According to the Mystic Ven. Mary of Agreda she was shown the forbidden fruit. She said it was beautiful and the inside was a fruit with veins like blood. She states it had nothing bad in or of itself. The problem was God gave Adam and Eve only one commandment and that was not to eat of this fruit. They rejected Gods rule so now the effects of Original sin is in all the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve. But Christ created by the Woman is the new Adam who undid his sin. And Mary the new Eve crushed the head of the serpent. In the book of the Apocalypse the children of the Woman are those who obey the commandments of Christ. While the offspring of the serpent are those who reject Jesus Christ by the way they live, in sin.
The forbidden fruit was the Cherry. Specifically Eve's. Her eyes were opened and she knew the knowledge of Good and evil. Continues to happen to this day. We also continue with fraternal twins like Cain and Abel.
You are correct. The Bible written on a 5 year old level. A 5 year old can read and comprehend it. So obviously God was not saying it strait out. the Bible is written apocalyptically which means hidden secrets the garden sin is one of those secrets. look at the sentences the punishments and curses God gave Satan Adam and Eve. They are for sexual abominations. That's same number of curses we are still under today. Until Jesus returns. God told Adam because of your sin in obeying the women 8 and casting you out of the garden and down to earth. You will eat or the dust of earth every day or your life. You will plow and till thee soil to grow food. You will no longer have this divine safety you are used too. And 8 am allowing the Tares and the Thorns to grow up amongst you. The Tares are the offspring of fallen angel human women hybrids the giants the nephilim. And the thorns are the Satan human hybrids. You see clearly now they have taken over all world government they control all levels of society. The judges there in your local social groups teachers clubs everywhere.
In summary, the whole allegorical story is as follows: the lifespan of all creations is divided into four phases-- Creation, Sustenance, Destruction, and Rest. After the phase of Rest there is re-Creation. Earth also has a lifespan the phases of which have great influence upon Man. Adam was created and began h is life devoid of earthly knowledge. However, to fulfill the command to reproduce and possess Earth, he must receive earthly knowledge. That was the beginning of the end of total control of Adam's consciousness by the spirit of Creation. That is, Earth was about to enter its phase of Sustenance-- daylight had become EVEning. Thus we have Eve coming out of Adam with the manifestation of earthly knowledge to balance Adam's spiritual wisdom, to form righteousness -- image and likeness of Almighty God. Now they are ready to face Earth life outside the 'lab' (garden of eden).
The forbidden fruit was purple in color and resembled a plum. It produced a hallucinative effects. It was larger than a grape, but may also been in a cluster. No trees of this type exist now. Various drugs have played an important part of ancient or primitive cultures. But today we have a plethora of drugs as a pale substitute for the original fruit. As civilization has progressed dependence on drugs of various types has become unnecessary. Sadly, our civilization is failing to the extent people have returned to these drugs to solve their problems.
Divine blessings brother Absolute it could of been activation of the Pineal gland, the divine connection to other realites ❤ the tree of knowledge was a fruit bearing intelligence ❤
God used DNA from Adam to create Eve. That is an interesting concept! I can see if there was only one tree of its kind in the centre of the garden, that it’s very possible the tree no longer exists. Somehow in my mind from how this is narrated, I think the fruit whatever it was sweet and possibly intoxicating causing Eve to become drunk. When one is drunk it’s easier for anyone to persuade desires in the person who is drunk. Whatever Eves persuaded desires could have been she knew when she went to convince Adam she had to get him drunk with whatever desires she was persuading. Hence, opening her mind to manipulation for the first time to persuade someone else to act out their desires. This could be the first sin…manipulation by the Serpent to manipulate Eve, which then lead to Eves Manipulation of Adam. The desires become secondary to the act of manipulating.
Apple was the metaphor for carnel knowledge,snake was the metaphor for spiritual wickedness in high places.the messiah used alot of metaphors for parables.
The Forbidden Fruit from the Tree of Knowledge is the "fruit/knowledge of Good and Evil". The opposing "Forces" that we encounter throughout our lives.
There is a Hindu story about a contest for adelicious fruit which reminds me of the fruit of knowledge. In my mind it seems to be a mango.. when mangoes are stored at home their aroma fills the house.
Wrong God created man, after they sinned they became human. Hu = fallen/dirt Man. Adam was never named, he named Eve after she failed and was put in his custody.
Yes it is..Elohim very clear when he give them thier punishment..and He cursed them.. GENESIS 3:15 And i will put enmity between thee (serpent) and the woman(Eve)..and between thy seed (serpentseed)and her seed(woman seed).. It shall bruised thy head ..and thou shalt bruised his heel.. That is why Eve give birth to a twin.. Cain and Abel.. Cain the serpent seed ..Abel the Woman seed..
It could not be sex if God said be fruitful and multiply. He created humans with reproductive organs and the urge to perpetuate the human race so how in the world could it be sex?
@@mater-d2q It was sex. Read the punishment given to each of the three and see the common factor. Let me know. Also. Why do you think the serpent targeted Eve and not Adam?
I rather the fruit of life than knowledge of good and evil but right now my lord and savior Jesus christ is the fruit of life in yahweh mighty name amen
I wonder if she slept with the serpent and he was the forbidden tree and she wanted Adam to join in and she got pregnant she had Cain and And Abel, we know due to the science we have today that a woman can indeed get pregnant on the same day by 2 different men if she is ovelating,so if Cain came from Satan blood line no wonder why he killed his killed his brother out of jealousy and his blood line seemed to curse us all , eve and Adam sin cursed us all, and it was poor Cain the innocent one paid the price for the sins
I think it was a Fig tree. They can grow very large, assuming even larger in ancient times. They very in shades of red and are aromatically similar to sweet apples; they grow along river beds/banks and the fig fruits also grow in large clusters like grapes. I totally understand ur grapes theory, but Fig is far more beneficial nutritionally and is/was used for many other reasons as well, especially in that area, in that time period. In the Bible, Fig trees are just as significant as grapes. I cld b wrong, prolly am, but it makes more sense; grapes don't technically grow on trees, they grow on vines. The vine cld run up a tree but that's not what it says. Food for thought🤷🏼♀️
Jewish tradition agrees with you. That is why Adam & Eve covered their nakedness with fig leaves before God made them clothes of animal skins (likely a lamb, symbolic of Christ's future death to save Humanity from its sin). Also, likely why Jesus curses the fig tree before His upcoming Crucifixion, signifying that the fig tree's reign of terror (figs = sin, which is why it was not bearing any/not "the season" for figs) would soon be coming to an end.
Scriptures do provide the info via the Nazarite Vow which prohibits consumming wine (made with grapes), not cutting the hair (symbolic of their covering before they sinned), and not go near a dead body (no death in the scene before they sinned). The apple logo used is the enemy rubbing it in our faces that Eve was defiled under an apple tree as indicated in the Song of Solomon when connecting dots; it recounts the enemy telling Cain he was concieved under the apple tree. The upright being, after Eve consuumed the grapes (or drank the wine mixture), shape-shifted to look like Adam and proceeded to copulate with Eve. That's how Eve was 'deceived.' Religon has it all wrong.
@@Unknowns-bto and that is why this god didn’t want them to gain it. He wanted them to stay dumb. Eve being a woman and curious, wanting to learn manner of all things as women do, explored this knowledge. Of course this god threw a hissy fit and decided that he didn’t want a woman to be greater or equal to him, so rained pain and suffering down upon them. Of course to really stick it, he decided that the woman is physically weaker and the man being physically stronger will keep her ground down. This is how men have controlled women ever since - by physical force. Eventually some enlightened men began to see the wrong of this and began to fight for the equality of woman and that is what we are seeing across the world in many places today - equality. Unfortunately we have religious male nutters trying to grind the women down again.
@@MelaneeMorgan in our world today knowledge is power and god didn’t want Adam or Eve to have the same knowledge as he did! There really was no sin, we were fed a narrative to follow a certain pathway stopping us from gaining certain knowledge.
Father was a chemist. Becoming a Christian had to learn FAITH! EVERYTHING changed - in chemistry, a substance was weigh-able, had properties, and was governed by many laws! Knowledge was an issue to conquer - FAITH much easier to live with! Wisdom is being able to correctly use knowledge!
In my novel BEGAT, I have tied the use of the term BEGAT being started with SETH and not CAIN and ABLE to Adam not knowing which of them was his son. Sin was sex, and Adam joined in. Thus, Eve became pregnant with both donors. Not knowing which was his child, Adam 'knew' Eve to be with the child. However, with Seth, Adam was sure it was his; thus, BEGAT was used.
NUMBERS 6:3 he shall separate himself from wine and strong drink, and shall drink no vinegar of wine, or vinegar of strong drink, neither shall he drink any liquor of grapes, nor eat moist grapes, or dried. 4All the days of his separation shall he eat nothing that is made of the vine tree, from the kernels even to the husk. 5All the days of the vow of his separation there shall no razor come upon his head: until the days be fulfilled, in the which he separateth himself unto the LORD, he shall be holy, and shall let the locks of the hair of his head grow.
I believe it was dates, same thing as a cluster, also from a palm tree, explains Jesus and the palms.,date also as the words ate and eat, eve ate, Jesus says eat, one past, one always present. And the d could be devil or deception, or downfall. ❤ Also has a stone in it,,hence Jesus being a corner stone, on the outside, since the date stone is inside and covered, Jesus was naked and exposed. ❤
Everyone completely misses the point of the story. The nature or name of the exact fruit isn't as important as the rebel of God's command. It could be something we DON'T even have here on earth anymore, rendering what you're thinking irelavent anyway. There's a reason why it is irrelevant, God doesn't want weak minded individuals to worship anything created, no matter how good it is.
Many thanks for attempting to share your understanding of could be the forbidden fruit. I think, it could be that 20:08 Jesus and the Bible in general have been been using physical representations to refer to spiritual realities. He wants to use what we know, what is familiar to introduce what is new and this a great principle in pedagogy. I would be of the point of view of those who refer to this fruit as the word. Ever since the time of Adam God wants us to eat/listen to His own word and that listening to the word other than God’s brings death, not the physical death but lack of connection with the Father. The tree of the knowledge of evil and good itself is not physical but it is spiritual one more reason to believe that the fruit referred to in the Bible cannot be physical.
If Adam and Eve would be sinners, then why God didn't cleansed them by the Holy Spirit Power and let such a huge number of humans to suffer .....Here is totally another God's Plan...Here is a transformation of darkness into the Light...Here is contract between darkness and Light...First people weren't both from God...one was from God and another from evil....and their first children Abel and Kain is demonstration of Good and Bad and the beginning of spiritual TRANSFORMATION through reincarnation...Reincarnation is a process of purification...God is Huge and very aware of everything....He couldn't let evil to step on His Land...Here is totally another Plan
Lucifer is not a fallen angel...it is a dark energy in Universe...God's creations are pure and devoted no matter what...That is why in many Sacred Scriptures it is said that Light is much powerful then darkness...and Light TRANSFORMS darkness ....What is created by God cannot have Pride or Ego...JUST WISDOM
Adam and ever had sexual relationship both with Satan. Eve got pregnant from Satan and had twin boys. Cain and Abel. Put the words together.... CannAbels.... And they still are CannAbels. They are how Satan got his own bloodlines. Hello. And Satan killed all Adam and ever male offspring. All of Seth's Male children were killed. So no pure seed of Adam and Eve. All of the humans on earth are half Cain half Eve blood. So when you see in movies after an Angel on one shoulder devil on the other. It's true we all are half Eve ( made from Adam rib ) and half from Cain half Satan half Eve. it's right in the first book Genesis all those facts are right there.
I'll summarize the Bible for y'all: Blame women for EVERYTHING. And use the Bible as justification for your persecution of women. Hint: NOT what Jesus had in mind. Follow Jesus, not the Bible.
I presumed the apple was literal. As a North American, I was surprised to read about the apple, because I didn't think they could grow in the climate where the Garden of Eden was presumed to be.
I’ll tell you what I found to be true and that is it’s called the living Bible because we are still living it ! Every character will unfold within your life as their stories become yours too . A little different but still the same, this is why history repeats itself over and over again. It’s a play and we are the characters. The Bible is playing out in my life now . Neville Goddard was a spiritual teacher who explains it best as he too experienced what is happening within me and it will happen within you too at the appointed time.
The fruit 🍎 was ? Cannabis -sativa and indica 👍😅😂or the plant of cocaine ? With both you become like god , and you understand things and you become a rebel ?! 😂🍎👍only the anunaky where allowed to eat it or ‘ enale ‘ it …
The apple 🍏 tree wasn't banished from Eden. The tree put in the middle of the garden to cultivate the earth was banished along with eve this fruit was Adam.
I believe the Tree in the center of the Garden of Eden was “ the Elderberry tree”. It bears fruit that resemble clusters of grapes 🍇. The flowers can be used in drinks , pancakes , etc and the berries can be used in tinctures, syrups, and some syrups can then be made into “ gummies” . This particular syrup and gummies are for treating colds and flus. There is something written about the tree that was in the middle of the Garden, one story is about the Queen of Sheba who went to visit King Solomon in order to prove him. He had sent someone to the Garden to fetch a piece of wood from the Tree which was placed acetate stream so that the Queen could walk across it as a bridge to cross the stream; however, she walked around it because she sensed that there was Great Power about the wood. Some time later in History this same piece of wood was used as the cross that Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ was crucified on for Our transgressions against GOD. There is also some folk lore that says that if you plant the Elderberry tree in the center of your Garden, it will teach your other trees and plants How to grow. ( Regarding The “ Death “ part of this particular plant , one cannot use all the parts of it , only those that have been mentioned. Once the juice has been extracted from the berries the residual remains of the berries that are in the strainer must discarded. It is said that the seeds contain a type of cyanide that is poison, or something similar to that as I am not very familiar with the knowledge of that aspect of the plant . There are also a variety of this type of plant that are poisonous for consumption and are avoided entirely except that one in particular that I have mentioned. 👍👍🙏💜🦁✨✝️ 11:58
I did a study on the fruit on the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil a while back. In short, I don’t think that the fruit was one that contained a seed or any seeds. Why? Every other fruit was permissible for consumption and the seed(s) would have been left on the ground (soil) and grown into another tree.
See here I n Genesis 1:29
And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.”
In that one statement lies probably the most revealing messages and information concerning, not only the forbidden fruit on the tree, but also about Adam, Eve, the Serpent and the future of mankind.
God’s instructions were very clear and without confusion. God said; “Every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.” God never said to eat of a tree without seed! Here’s the thing, the tree of knowledge of ‘good and evil’ was never to be duplicated, it was a unique tree and because it was never to be multiples of it, there was no need for it to bear fruit that contained seed. However, to eat it would and did bring mankind into a place of sin that was replicated and will do until the end of time along with death!
Now, in the relationship between a man and a woman, God created man to be the ‘Seed Carrier’ and the woman to be the ‘Incubator’, for she is the bearer of the womb. This is where the word ‘Woman’ comes from, it’s the combination of two words; ‘Wombed Man’ = ‘Wo-man’.
Th Serpent, who is described as being ‘more subtle’ than any beast of the field, (Genesis 3:1) convinced the woman Eve, to view the fruit as being ‘good for food’ (Genesis 3:6) she took of it and ate it.
I believe that the serpent, who was filled with the evil spirit of Satan (or one of his fallen angels), was aware of the instructions given to Adam, who also shared this information with Eve, was unable to tempt Adam directly to eat of the forbidden fruit. He therefore used Eve and convinced her through the weakness of the woman, that is through what words she hears. (The weakness of the man is by what he sees)
The serpent being aware that that there was no seed in the fruit on that tree, had to find a way to get the future of mankind corrupted and under his control, so he used the incubator (Eve) as bait for the seed carrier (Adam) to eat the forbidden fruit. Now that the seed carrier of mankind was made corrupt, it will remain that way to the end of man on the Earth.
God made that clear when He addressed all parties in the Garden, prior to casting them out. What we must also realise is the most important thing. God knew man would fail and that’s why Jesus agreed to die for us to restore us to the Father, before we were ever created. This is what the Word of God means in Revelation 13:8 “…the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world.”
There is much more to this, so do feel free to contact me for more info. I liked your video and the good use of scripture. 🙏🏾👍🏾✝️
No. Michael. You are a bit confused.
The serpent targeted Eve and not Adam, simply because she could concEVE whereas Adam could not.
Also see the punishment awarded to each and see the common factor.
Especially the punishment handed yo the serpent concerning the serpent's seed (descendants) and the woman's seed. And the seed of the woman through Adam is the genealogy of Christ, whereas the serpent's seed cain, has a separate genealogy totally unrelated to Adam.
@@michaelangelasmith2047 The fruit of knowledge was either a magic mushroom or it was sex.
I watched your video entirely because of the title you put there that “He”, Enoch exposed the forbidden fruit and we will be shocked. Shocked by what? That the forbidden fruit was grapes and not apples? Are you kidding me? That is shocking? And it makes absolutely no sense that Adam & Eve would gain knowledge & wisdom from just eating grapes or an apple. If only it was that easy-makes no sense this story. Please don’t click bait people with a title like this: it says we’ll be shocked to learn it was grapes? Hopefully somebody on here can explain this better so that it makes sense???
@michaelangelasmith2047 The forbidden fruit was the vine; The devil indwelled the upright being, the Nachash, and shapeshifted to take on the appearance of Adam (that's how Eve was deceived). Satan then convinced Eve to drink of the spiced wine (hexed). This is reflected in the Nazarite Vow; a person under the vow must not drink wine, cut their hair (relates to the covering over Adam and Eve), and keep away from a dead body (death had not been in the Garden). Under the influence of the 'hexed' wine Satan copulated with Eve.
The true Adam came upon them though saw the Nachash instead of Satan. He joined in. The Song of Solomon gives us this truth in parables for those with eyes to see; refer to chapter 5 verse 1 there is another person in the Garden encouraging them on; this would be Satan after he had defiled Eve. Solomon, the wisest of men, in order to preserve this truth disguised it in the narrative. Eve was defiled under an apple tree (Sol 8:5d) "Beneath the apple tree I awakened you, there your mother conceived you." The Apple company logo rubs this truth in our faces with their bitten apple logo!
Cain is the result of that affair hence Cain is not found listed as a descenandant of Adam in Scripture whereas Abel is. Much more to this.
Thank you Michael. I have always wondered....was it knowledge or evil etc.
We must all remember the specific instructions on what we have dominion over.
Only fish in sea
Only birds from the sky
And mammals from the land
Take extreme note of this
I don't know why everyone is trying to find out what the forbidden fruit may be. God instructions were not to eat of the tree in the midst of the garden, they disobeyed didn't listen to God's instructions Eve was deceived and Adam sinned and God keeps giving us instructions we keep disobeying making wrong choices and decisions than when the consequences are handed down we can't handle them.
Stop eating from the tree and start eating from the fruit of God's word. Be bless
I don't understand why God said they would die if they ate fruit from the tree of knowledge. The serpent was correct telling them they would not die.
@@dianemartinis2801it's because the Vatican manipulate what really happened it's actually backwards check out the Gnostic beliefs pretty interesting
@@dianemartinis2801 but through that one act death which is the price we all must pay came to be.
Adam and Eve did not eat an apple. Genesis 3:15 and I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed. Cain is not in Adam's genealogy because he was satan's seed. It's a bloodline. Cain was the first murderer. John 8:44...you are of your father the devil. Check out 0:39 0:39
Thank You God For This Beautiful Strongly Message When God Says Don't Touch It Listen God Is Very Strong And Great Amen 🙏🕊️💙
if it placed a tree within reach of the humans it was either stupid or planned the whole thing as it went...
I am of a mind that possibly the actual physical tree and fruit are symbolic. (The key word being possibly). But the whole story does serve a purpose to get one to desire the knowledge of why we have sin in our lives. Also in Genesis 2:17 God told Adam not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil because he wood die. I can not find the instruction to not touch it. Did Eve lie in Genesis 3:3? Was this the actual 1st sin? Just something to consider... hmmm.
Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the snake, and the snake didn’t have a leg to stand on!
Snake “God punished me for giving knowledge to man so he took my legs-Man used the knowledge an gave them back to me. Now I’m a lizard” 😂
It's a joke
Adam blamed everyone but himself, typical man. He blamed God when he said 'the woman that thou gave to me gave me the fruit'
When God sets the boundaries by saying, don't touch it. He means it!!! Obedience always pleases God!!!
it was not God that said do not touch.. It was the LORD God that said that.........because.......god knows different. The blue pill is paradise.
He didn't say don't touch
You mean it pleases a dictator God is the universe it is within check out the Gnostic beliefs and check out how to Vatican controls the Bible
God never said not to touch it He said not to eat it
God never said don’t touch it , Eve said that and it was not truth .
doesnt matter what fruit it was thats not important. whats important is that god told them not to eat and they did. its about disobeying gods word
And when they did they became like God just like the serpent told them they would. God affirms this in the narrative and part of the reason why they were expelled so they could not then eat from the tree of life.
Not the tree of knowledge, but the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
When you say like that, I think that people didn't know about evil until they didn't try it..
@@jovanglisic8173 they knew nothing. I question if they were even conscious
"Who told you that you were naked?"
Fellow Christian’s could someone help me with these questions
1. In Scripture, God often remains hidden behind a veil of light. Could this veil be a means of protecting us, preventing us from being instantly drawn to Him in a way that would override our free will? If God were to fully reveal Himself to us, would that negate our ability to choose to follow Him, thereby compromising our free will?
2. Could God’s choice to remain unseen be intentionally designed to help us focus more on His words, actions, and the deeper truths He shares with us, rather than on His majestic appearance? When considering the nature of eternal love, wouldn’t it make more sense for us to focus on the inner beauty and heart of God and others, rather than on external, physical appearances?
3. I have a theory about Adam and Eve’s experience in the Garden of Eden. Could it be that God placed a veil of light over them, so they could not see each other’s physical forms? Perhaps this veil was meant to help them love one another in a deeper way-focusing on each other’s hearts and souls, rather than outward appearances. Could it be that when they ate the forbidden fruit, the veil was lifted and they became aware of their physical bodies, which marked the beginning of a shift in their relationship and in the nature of love between man and woman?
4. When Adam and Eve’s veil was lifted and they became aware of their nakedness, introducing physical desire into the human experience, could this moment have affected the heavenly realm as well? Is it possible that this event led to the temptation of angels, like the Watchers who lusted after the daughters of men, as described in Scripture? Could this temptation have persisted and influenced the spiritual realm throughout generations, causing a greater conflict between the physical and the spiritual?
My purpose and intention in asking these questions is to invite fellow Christians to reconsider the events in the Garden of Eden as a historical turning point with profound spiritual implications. Given that God placed a veil of brilliant light on Himself and His angels, would it not be consistent to believe that He also veiled Adam and Eve before the Fall, enabling them to focus on each other’s inner beauty and hearts, rather than their physical appearances?”
Amen 🙏
Hallelujah 🙌
Glory to the one and Only True Living God
Yahweh Elohim Yeshua Jehovah Jireh Lord Jesus Jesus Christ
Who is and will Always be the King 👑 of kings and the Lord of lords
Thank you for your Loving Kindness Grace and Tender Mercies
as I Believe and Receive
With open arms the Blessings of the Lord Jesus Christ
Truly Grateful ❤️
Selah 🙌
J was the invention of man .& his kick off religion .of selfrighteous. rules
Only one true God.?are there any who can honestly claim to have upheld the principles of their religion?whichever it may be?
The fruit was disobedience: it doesn't matter what physical fruit.
I guess the new goal of social media is to reinterpret the scriptures and create a more worldly religion that is more acceptable to everyone.
Exactly what preachers have done for thousands of years!
That's the way of the Christ. Make it so everyone can understand it
This makes so much sense because The Blessed Mother just gave instructions to one of her Seers to tell God’s ppl that in the End Times when we experience famine to take grapes and God will bless the grapes to allow His ppl to not feel hungry after eating one grape. I wondered why a grape
God tries to get his point across in every way he can in prophecies psalms and metaphors the apple could have simply been a metaphor after all why does everyone give their teacher an apple on the first day of school? Why is there the Apple computer with a bite out of it, are we learning from the tree of good and evil still have we not understood the true meaning of what it is in the Bible? I will read the Bible over and over because every time I do, I get a new more defined, loving meaning of what is happening and what is going to happen! ❤🙏🏼
The forbidden fruit . Jesus told me very good fruit. So you must assume that you can also bear bad fruit. So yes you are the tree. Handcuff produce your own fruits. As you go along be careful of the fruit you eat that is forbidden. Mostly used will assume that it is a fruit that you eat. Not realizing it's a parable. Which was told to you by Jesus try to understand the Bible and read it so you can come up with your own solutions the bear your own cross. God bless you and your path❤
Where do you get your info from friend? Ive never heard or read anything like that and ive been reading the bible for over 40 years. Give me bible scripture.
How come no one realizes that the genealogy of Adam is given and leads to Christ. Whereas the genealogy of cain has nothing to do with Adam and is totally separate. Cain resulted from union with the serpent.
Satan a reptilian that taught eve to procreate?
@@onlythetruth883a reptilian
Maybe the garden of eden was what is now known as Antarctica before a sudden pole shift that put it into a sudden deep freeze that resulted in us finding such things as mammoths frozen alive with undigested vegetation in its stomach. This and many other things are there. Why do you think we are not allowed there? Don't give me some lame explanation of how we are allowed to be there. We are not we are not allowed back on the moon either.
Loss of innocence!
Hmmm, u might be right Eve loose her virginity because of Satan, and I think Satan seduce Eve, or make her drunk, he is shape shifter, he can take the appearance of our love one and deceived us in dreams , spiritual spouse 🤷🤷🤷🤔🤔🤔, just my thinking though.
pomegranate tree; Along with vines and figs, pomegranates were among the first fruit cultivated by humans, in Asia Minor. Mesopotamian sources testify that they were already part of our ancestors' diet 5000 years ago. The Phoenicians introduced pomegranates to the African continent when they founded Carthage, The pomegranate is also said to be found in the Garden of Eden according to Ancient Iranian Christianity and was believed to be the real forbidden fruit rather than the apple.
I honestly think the serpent walked bye that tree and ate of its fruit in front of eve. The serpent deceived eve because He hated the fact that Adam and eve were given authority over everything He wanted. First off, one of God’s laws was to be fruitful and multiply. Now as for the western world choosing and apple, probably because Apple is in several verses of the bible, like Song of Solomon 2:3 KJV
As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons.
Now as for when there eyes were opened, I’m guessing it happened immediately. What did they use to cover their nakedness with. That’s right, fig leaves. So it makes sense, that the fruit was a fig from a fig tree.
Now lets look at symbolism throughout the bible. What does the fig tree represent? The Jewish church. When Jesus walked by the fig tree, it had leaves, leave tell the gardener that the tree should have fruit. Jesus did not find any fruit on the fig tree, so he curses it. The jews rejected Him and he predicted there ultimately destruction of there Jewish temple.
Today is the day of our salvation, make sure you are producing good fruit. Remember a tree is known by it’s fruit. Sow into good soil and produce good seeds of righteousness. Get Gods word into your heart and start living for God. No more weekend warriors ( 6 days living in the world and 1 day for church) Christianity is a daily walk with Christ, not a weekend service. Seek God and He will be found. Be blessed.
You need to read Genesis again.
Brother, kindly post your clarification about the fruit that God forbade Adam not to eat and the Holy Bible, says, All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness," that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. [ 2 Timothy 3:16-17 ]
So, in all the versions of the Holy Bible, it is mentioned, only as the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’” [ Genesis 3: 3] and the Holy Bible says, And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him. [ Genesis 5:24 ] and therefore, if we read them from Genesis Chapters 1-5, we can surely understand the scriptures. As the teaching is not in the line of scriptural guidelines, because when God took Enoch to heaven, then how and when Enoch came back on this earth and wrote his book.
@@diannebass1051why has something been missed ? O dear
@@Binny_74you dont believe this crap do you if you do you need help mate mental help ?
I always believed the forbidden fruit was a pomegranate ,looks like an apple but the inside was clusters of juicy seeds that were both tasty and fragrant and beautiful.
Also the tabernacle had pictures and carvings of the polmigranate. They've found them in places it stood and under the temple mt. So I too have thought it was this fruit. Pardon my spelling. Lol
The book of enoch says it grew from a vine.. I'm thinking it's a grape.
Same here, and it's interesting that the word Pomegranite very literally translates to "earth apple" or "apple of the earth".
It was sex not any fruit
Grapes also represents the wine that was made .W0W this makes so much sense to me now .Thanks for sharing. God bless.
Grapes don't grow on tree's! They grow on a vine.
The Serpent that tempted Eve wasn't in the Tree, it was in Adam's bush.
Adam and Eve were supposed to sin and eat the fruit. God knew they would do it even before he created them. Everyone is actually like they condemned us all. God knows all. He has a plan and we are here as a part of his plan. If Adam and Eve didn't do that where would we be? But everyone should know it wasn't an apple. I don't know where that came from. ❤
Thank you , for this biblical analogy, . Very thought provoking , inspirational , symbolic , and full of Spiritually inspired insight . Questions should always be asked , like holding a cane , on your pathway through life , testing the ground that you are about to walk on . Placing the tip of the cane , before you , the ground an appear solid, but easy to come across quicksand , to be cautious , yet steadfast on your journey through life , with many snares , many pitfalls facing uneven ground , and what r appears uneven ground , or ground like sand , firm yet shifting , during different circumstances . Life is about experience , overcoming , surrendering to the divine , trusting yet when placing your feet . It's good to be way of pitfalls . Tears , lessons to learn , blind faith is one thing , but knowledge , is learning from those experiences , we as humans chose to learn , hose when we left the garden of eden , that spiritual paradise. But we are spirit first , always . Leaning overcoming. The challenges set before us , jesus , showed us all the way , the truth the life. He is Love ❣️. God is love . To be loved. , look at that word. Beloved, look at the word , at one ment. , atonement, or live. It's evil in reverse , much can be found in scripture , much can be found if searching with a sincere heart , . A great man , spirit , Enoch. . yes very gifted . I could tell you a story, if your interested about the beginnings of man . , in simple terms , easy to grasp . . To do with choices, learning experiences . . Involving many situations , many explanations , but still simple to grasp . People fear too much , clouding faith . Clouding love which is divine . God should be loved , 🙏 first . And God is the great spirit of all things , infinite , and finite . Of which we are part . Connected . Through that learning of spiritual experiences. Growth evolving . Jesus , showed the way . By his example to us all . The highest , favoured ano.ng us . Remember he called himself the son of man . But was much much more . Spiritually . After being christed. The light ascended upon him . , in symbolic form , of a dove , easy to grasp , during the day . But was actually much more . . . Than that in essence . The bible , is a good book to be thought provoking . . But much was lost during interpretation , as you say . Yes jesus is very real . Loves each one of us . . Jesus is to be loved , God is to be loved, the holy spirit is to be loved.
Adam was the weaker one because he listened to Eve.
You got jokes 🤦♂️
Eve listened to a reptile…I mean, not very good context
No Sin No talking Serpent in the original Hebrew Genesis. ⚖️
However, the reptile was possessed by an entity greater greater than herself. Whereas Eve was not an entity greater than Adam. @@vektacular
He was in love that is why you men gets weak for your woman you obey 😂
In Genesis 1:29, God says:
"And God said, 'See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.'"
This verse highlights that God provided humanity with every seed-bearing plant and fruit for food. The specification of "fruit which yields seed" is crucial. The forbidden fruit is notably absent from this category. The Tree of Knowledge was unique, not meant to be replicated or multiplied, which is why its fruit likely did not contain seeds. Consuming it introduced sin and death into humanity-consequences that have been replicated throughout human history.
It's highly unlikely to have been any tree or fruit that is on this earth today as it was a special tree they were not to eat from and there was only one of it's kind
The forbidden fruit is your lust, greed, unholy desires etc. read James 1: 12- 15 vs 14 Man is tempted when he is drawn away by his own lust and is enticed / tempted.
Christ was hungry, he was tempted to turn stones into bread, an INNER temptation, NOT from the outer! Eve (Hebrew Hanna) was having a conversation with herself, do I or don't I, do I or don't I? She did!
@tiararowburn4507 it's all the sin. Take each sin and if practiced, no creation or root or sprout comes from them.
Everyone knows that the fruit from "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil" is people.
Breaking a commandment is the original sin, but hiding nakedness is a sin of knowledge.
Okay, let me preach.
First off, Eve was informed about the commands by her husband, Adam and when the serpent approached her, she seems to be alone.
The serpent was clever when asking her, knowing she had heard the commands from Adam and her answer was to include things God didn’t say.
When she did, the serpent actually lied to her and said she wouldn’t die immediately, knowing that God was talking about lifespans. They were currently immortal, but when they sinned it broke their immortality.
Then she approached Adam and he loved her so much that he willingly took whatever it was that would make him be with her, giving humanity the hope for a Savior.
Translate Genesis 5 to dictionary definitions and you will find the purpose of the Church embedded within the script.
Words in Genesis meant way different things back then. Comparing them with the Webster dictionary? Really? It takes much more research than that.
Doubt is expected, but Websters encyclopedia wasn’t a part of the “research” process, it’s more like finding out what exactly was said in Hebrew or Greek, whichever one was originally used, and finding the meaning of what the words meant to the Author, and following HIS line of thinking.
Like Genesis 6 not being about fallen Angels, anyone who believes that NO Angels were involved is an absolute fool, and the genetic alteration of the Human Genome causing grotesque beings and strange animals, so today’s environment seems odd when we see on TV that people are growing human parts on mice and pigs.
I’m simply asking people,such as yourself,if what I’m saying is correct,are you ready to accept the consequences of what you’re doing?
It’s always better safe than sorry, so maybe you should find someone close to you who will teach you about Jesus Christ and his saving Grace!!
Have a blessed day.
It’s true that seeking knowledge is an intrinsic part of human nature, but it’s important to remember that not all knowledge satisfies the deeper questions of life. While we strive to understand the world, it is through wisdom and spiritual insight that we gain clarity about our purpose and our relationship with God. Knowledge can fill our minds, but only wisdom can fill our souls.
It was the only tree of it's kind.
It does not exist today.
It is not any fruit that has been in the world since Adam and Eve were exiled from the Garden of Eden.
Adam and the woman was exiled from the eastern garden into Eden itself, after they were punished and the woman was made fruitful Adam called her Eve, the woman ate the forbidden fruit, Eve were never in the garden where the tree of knowledge of good and evil was, God planted a garden in the eastern side of Eden in this garden Adam was placed and from Adams rib a female and Adam called her woman not Eve, this tells us that there were 2 gardens and the woman ate the forbidden fruit
@@michaelsburger665 God read Genesis chapter's one, two and three.... As you read them, each chapter is a magnification of the previous one. That will set you back on the right road.
Do it now so you think may be corrected.
It still exists 😢😢😢😢. The world sees the fruit of wickedness displayed everywhere
@@michaelsburger665 He blessed them to be fruitful and multiply before they ate from the tree. Genesis 1:28
The first three chapters are the same event, Chapter 1 gives the over all account and the next two magnify the one prior. ;) Only one Garden. Ask God for Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding! Then read it again...
God bless
@@dennardglover2848 Although evil exists, that tree is been gone since the flood. No one ever entered the Garden again as God had a cherubim and a flaming sword blocking re-entry back into the Garden.
Genesis 3:24 ►"After He (God) drove the man out, He (God) placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life."
Thank you for your positive insights God bless you
Trees were also spiritual men in the bible. May be possible the tree of life was Jesus and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was Lucifer. In the book of judges( i think its 9) the trees were asking who will reign over them. Might have been the olive tree. English gematria sum for olive tree is 666.
What you smoking ..You sound like a Wiccan New Ager.
People of God, please let us preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, knowing what type of fruit was, does not take us to heaven. Jesus Christ is Lord, whether grapes or apple, does it matter? Let us lead people to Christ
The MAJOR problem with this entire story is that there is NO WAY that Enoch could have EVER walked into THE GARDEN OF EDEN ! GOD sealed the garden and set forth an angel to protect it so that NONE SHOULD ENTER !
That is true. Very good!
It was a Vision. Enoch had this vision.
Keep on updating the world with actual events that happen those times so we have a clear understanding bcos biblical history was the worlds first encyclopaedia that this biblical covenant spreads through out the world
Does it really matter what fruit it was? Eve first ate the forbidden fruit because of Satan or one of the Fallen Angels and then got Adam to try it. The fact of the matter is they disobeyed God's command not to eat from that one tree, Tree of Knowledge. What gets me is why Adam let Eve talk him into eating the fruit. Whoever it was that got Eve to eat it first knew she was the weaker one.
God bless all. Amen 🙏 ❤❤.
🤔That ain't no grapes, that more sounds like mangoes 🥭🥭🥭 the size of the tree, color, the sweet scent and mangoes also grow in bunches/ cluster.
What if the “apple” in the garden of Eden was a metaphor of prediction for “apple”technology? It’s all there. Porn. Only fans. Dating and hookup sites ect. Because think about it. Anything you want to know you can figure out via your smartphone internet. Whether it be apple or galaxy. Wait. There’s a connection there. Two symbols common in both religion and spirituality are apples and spirals(galaxies)
We have phones that are apples and galaxies…
U are correct, but I think it's more intentional on their part. Apple named it's company after original sin; they sold the first Apple computer for 666.66$😒 everything these companies do, honors the fallen. Not to mention it was CERN who invented the Word Wide Web= WWW= 666. It's disgusting and right in our faces, and it goes so deep. Who knows, It cld have been predictive, as there is nothing new under the sun
Or maybe a magic mushroom brother
Is a metaphor
Interesting point.
Makes sense
This may come as a surprise, but the specific fruit is not named. It was a special fruit that grew on a special tree. It was NOT sex, as God had told the couple to be fruitful and multiply beforehand.
It is not grapes because grape is not a tree but a vine. The tree is Lanzones/longkong (lansium parasiticum); as described by Enoch, its leaves, height, and fruits truly are identical.
The original King James bible does mention a vine tree , plus the only fruit ever forbidden to anyone in the Bible was the Grape .. Nazarenes were forbidden to eat grapes and even raisin.
@ Grapes is forbidden from them because it is the source of wine.
@@crismunda2022 Or He was forbidden to Drink Wine Because it came from Grapes.. Wine Can also just mean grape juice. Either way they were forbidden to drink both, forbidden to eat grapes, and even forbidden to eat raisin because it's a form of grape. Not just Wine 🍷
New wine was Just Fresh Grape Juice
Old Wind Was usually Also called strong Drink in the context, or Fermented wine.
Plus Wine was always associated with A fall... Take the Noah And Ham situation, and so many Proverbs.
Not saying I'm 100% sure on this yet. But leaning at 90% convinced after careful Bible Research.
@ Read Numbers 6:1-4: the essence of these verses is that a vow of a Nazarite is to separate himself from wine ang strong drink, neither shall he drink any liquor of grapes, nor eat moist grapes, or dried. Why grapes is forbidden to him; because grapes is a source of wine; they plant a vineyard, for the wine. The main object of the vow is separation from wine and strong drink, not from grapes.
According to the Mystic Ven. Mary of Agreda she was shown the forbidden fruit. She said it was beautiful and the inside was a fruit with veins like blood. She states it had nothing bad in or of itself. The problem was God gave Adam and Eve only one commandment and that was not to eat of this fruit. They rejected Gods rule so now the effects of Original sin is in all the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve. But Christ created by the Woman is the new Adam who undid his sin. And Mary the new Eve crushed the head of the serpent. In the book of the Apocalypse the children of the Woman are those who obey the commandments of Christ. While the offspring of the serpent are those who reject Jesus Christ by the way they live, in sin.
The forbidden fruit was the Cherry. Specifically Eve's. Her eyes were opened and she knew the knowledge of Good and evil. Continues to happen to this day. We also continue with fraternal twins like Cain and Abel.
You are correct. The Bible written on a 5 year old level. A 5 year old can read and comprehend it. So obviously God was not saying it strait out. the Bible is written apocalyptically which means hidden secrets the garden sin is one of those secrets. look at the sentences the punishments and curses God gave Satan Adam and Eve. They are for sexual abominations. That's same number of curses we are still under today. Until Jesus returns. God told Adam because of your sin in obeying the women 8 and casting you out of the garden and down to earth. You will eat or the dust of earth every day or your life. You will plow and till thee soil to grow food. You will no longer have this divine safety you are used too. And 8 am allowing the Tares and the Thorns to grow up amongst you. The Tares are the offspring of fallen angel human women hybrids the giants the nephilim. And the thorns are the Satan human hybrids. You see clearly now they have taken over all world government they control all levels of society. The judges there in your local social groups teachers clubs everywhere.
In summary, the whole allegorical story is as follows: the lifespan of all creations is divided into four phases-- Creation, Sustenance, Destruction, and Rest. After the phase of Rest there is re-Creation. Earth also has a lifespan the phases of which have great influence upon Man. Adam was created and began h is life devoid of earthly knowledge. However, to fulfill the command to reproduce and possess Earth, he must receive earthly knowledge. That was the beginning of the end of total control of Adam's consciousness by the spirit of Creation. That is, Earth was about to enter its phase of Sustenance-- daylight had become EVEning. Thus we have Eve coming out of Adam with the manifestation of earthly knowledge to balance Adam's spiritual wisdom, to form righteousness -- image and likeness of Almighty God. Now they are ready to face Earth life outside the 'lab' (garden of eden).
The forbidden fruit was purple in color and resembled a plum. It produced a hallucinative effects. It was larger than a grape, but may also been in a cluster. No trees of this type exist now. Various drugs have played an important part of ancient or primitive cultures. But today we have a plethora of drugs as a pale substitute for the original fruit. As civilization has progressed dependence on drugs of various types has become unnecessary. Sadly, our civilization is failing to the extent people have returned to these drugs to solve their problems.
The fruit of the LSD tree.
Sounds like it is Marijuana bud.
Divine blessings brother Absolute it could of been activation of the Pineal gland, the divine connection to other realites ❤ the tree of knowledge was a fruit bearing intelligence ❤
It wasn’t an Apple 🍎.
Magic mushroom
Who cut the grass? So impeccable!
God used DNA from Adam to create Eve. That is an interesting concept!
I can see if there was only one tree of its kind in the centre of the garden, that it’s very possible the tree no longer exists.
Somehow in my mind from how this is narrated, I think the fruit whatever it was sweet and possibly intoxicating causing Eve to become drunk. When one is drunk it’s easier for anyone to persuade desires in the person who is drunk.
Whatever Eves persuaded desires could have been she knew when she went to convince Adam she had to get him drunk with whatever desires she was persuading. Hence, opening her mind to manipulation for the first time to persuade someone else to act out their desires.
This could be the first sin…manipulation by the Serpent to manipulate Eve, which then lead to Eves Manipulation of Adam. The desires become secondary to the act of manipulating.
This was wonderful! Thank you for doing this! 🙏🌈
Please, use capital letter G for God, our divine father, the Almighty, the one and only divine being.
NAH I would rather use his real name YAHUAH not a title and Eloha is a reference to his god like title
Apple was the metaphor for carnel knowledge,snake was the metaphor for spiritual wickedness in high places.the messiah used alot of metaphors for parables.
Since they used fig leaves to cover their nakedness the fruit could only be a fig.
Im pretty sure figs are seed bearing 🤔
@@Judged-Dread so are apples
The Forbidden Fruit from the Tree of Knowledge is the "fruit/knowledge of Good and Evil". The opposing "Forces" that we encounter throughout our lives.
God didn't want us to think for ourselves he didnt want us to have knowledge but the angels did
Bs God wants us to have wisdom which is above knowledge
What is the use of knowing the kind of fruit that they ate. It does not serve any purpose
There is a Hindu story about a contest for adelicious fruit which reminds me of the fruit of knowledge. In my mind it seems to be a mango.. when mangoes are stored at home their aroma fills the house.
Wrong God created man, after they sinned they became human. Hu = fallen/dirt Man. Adam was never named, he named Eve after she failed and was put in his custody.
@@ronaldfrancis7051 Annunaki created man
First Humans were created on 3rd day, women on 6th day. Adam & Eve on 7th day.
Read your Bibles!
NOTHING was created on the 7th day, for on the 7th day, God rested from all his work...@RjSierra-m2v
I always thought in a dream I had that the forbidden fruit was the act of sex , not an actual apple
Yes that’s correct …As Eve said He (SATAN ) beguiled me!!!
Yes it is..Elohim very clear when he give them thier punishment..and He cursed them..
And i will put enmity between thee (serpent) and the woman(Eve)..and between thy seed (serpentseed)and her seed(woman seed).. It shall bruised thy head ..and thou shalt bruised his heel..
That is why Eve give birth to a twin.. Cain and Abel..
Cain the serpent seed ..Abel the Woman seed..
If it was apples, they need to pass around the apples again ,so the women will put on some clothes
A Human body is 70% water the planet is 70% water A watermelon is 70% wAter 😮
The forbidden fruit being a watermelon makes for some pretty funny mental imagery 😆
I think a lot of things too but I believe it was sex
They ate of the fruit . Read your bible
It could not be sex if God said be fruitful and multiply. He created humans with reproductive organs and the urge to perpetuate the human race so how in the world could it be sex?
@@mater-d2q It was probably sex or a magic mushroom
The outcome of that sex was most likely Cain
It was sex. Read the punishment given to each of the three and see the common factor. Let me know.
Also. Why do you think the serpent targeted Eve and not Adam?
Does it matter to our salvation and relationship to God?
I rather the fruit of life than knowledge of good and evil but right now my lord and savior Jesus christ is the fruit of life in yahweh mighty name amen
I wonder if she slept with the serpent and he was the forbidden tree and she wanted Adam to join in and she got pregnant she had Cain and And Abel, we know due to the science we have today that a woman can indeed get pregnant on the same day by 2 different men if she is ovelating,so if Cain came from Satan blood line no wonder why he killed his killed his brother out of jealousy and his blood line seemed to curse us all , eve and Adam sin cursed us all, and it was poor Cain the innocent one paid the price for the sins
I think it was a Fig tree. They can grow very large, assuming even larger in ancient times. They very in shades of red and are aromatically similar to sweet apples; they grow along river beds/banks and the fig fruits also grow in large clusters like grapes. I totally understand ur grapes theory, but Fig is far more beneficial nutritionally and is/was used for many other reasons as well, especially in that area, in that time period. In the Bible, Fig trees are just as significant as grapes. I cld b wrong, prolly am, but it makes more sense; grapes don't technically grow on trees, they grow on vines. The vine cld run up a tree but that's not what it says. Food for thought🤷🏼♀️
Jewish tradition agrees with you. That is why Adam & Eve covered their nakedness with fig leaves before God made them clothes of animal skins (likely a lamb, symbolic of Christ's future death to save Humanity from its sin).
Also, likely why Jesus curses the fig tree before His upcoming Crucifixion, signifying that the fig tree's reign of terror (figs = sin, which is why it was not bearing any/not "the season" for figs) would soon be coming to an end.
White Petals See Archangel Michael.
12 Times a year
Lots of trees mushrooms will not grow in sunlight mushrooms grow in the shadows of trees
The fruit was a fig according to the bible.
Never says that anywhere
Scriptures do provide the info via the Nazarite Vow which prohibits consumming wine (made with grapes), not cutting the hair (symbolic of their covering before they sinned), and not go near a dead body (no death in the scene before they sinned). The apple logo used is the enemy rubbing it in our faces that Eve was defiled under an apple tree as indicated in the Song of Solomon when connecting dots; it recounts the enemy telling Cain he was concieved under the apple tree. The upright being, after Eve consuumed the grapes (or drank the wine mixture), shape-shifted to look like Adam and proceeded to copulate with Eve. That's how Eve was 'deceived.' Religon has it all wrong.
@Charlie55718 we're talking about figs. I'm not sure where all that relates to figs
@@lordzodiak1575 The fruit involved is revealed in the Nazarite Vow. I suggest you study Numbers 6:1-21.
@@lordzodiak1575 it actually does in the Apocrypha.
The """ apple"""" derives from a painting by Artist Albrecht Dürer in 1514. That tradition has stuck until today.
The fruit is the knowledge
@@Unknowns-bto and that is why this god didn’t want them to gain it. He wanted them to stay dumb. Eve being a woman and curious, wanting to learn manner of all things as women do, explored this knowledge. Of course this god threw a hissy fit and decided that he didn’t want a woman to be greater or equal to him, so rained pain and suffering down upon them. Of course to really stick it, he decided that the woman is physically weaker and the man being physically stronger will keep her ground down. This is how men have controlled women ever since - by physical force. Eventually some enlightened men began to see the wrong of this and began to fight for the equality of woman and that is what we are seeing across the world in many places today - equality. Unfortunately we have religious male nutters trying to grind the women down again.
The sin was disobedience - God warned them what the consequences were!
@@MelaneeMorgan in our world today knowledge is power and god didn’t want Adam or Eve to have the same knowledge as he did! There really was no sin, we were fed a narrative to follow a certain pathway stopping us from gaining certain knowledge.
Father was a chemist. Becoming a Christian had to learn FAITH! EVERYTHING changed - in chemistry, a substance was weigh-able, had properties, and was governed by many laws! Knowledge was an issue to conquer - FAITH much easier to live with! Wisdom is being able to correctly use knowledge!
In my novel BEGAT, I have tied the use of the term BEGAT being started with SETH and not CAIN and ABLE to Adam not knowing which of them was his son. Sin was sex, and Adam joined in. Thus, Eve became pregnant with both donors. Not knowing which was his child, Adam 'knew' Eve to be with the child. However, with Seth, Adam was sure it was his; thus, BEGAT was used.
Does it matter? The Most High God, our Creator said the tree & its fruit is forbidden 🚫
None of us would be here to blame either of them cause HE WANTED them to fall. No one stays in one place, the world moves
Eve wasn't first woman..
Are you referring to Lilith
The scripture says "The forbidden fruit is the Knowledge of good and evil.The book says so.
Brings to mind Sampson and how he was to stay away from grapes.
Never heard that one ever in the Holy Scriptures
he shall separate himself from wine and strong drink, and shall drink no vinegar of wine, or vinegar of strong drink, neither shall he drink any liquor of grapes, nor eat moist grapes, or dried. 4All the days of his separation shall he eat nothing that is made of the vine tree, from the kernels even to the husk.
5All the days of the vow of his separation there shall no razor come upon his head: until the days be fulfilled, in the which he separateth himself unto the LORD, he shall be holy, and shall let the locks of the hair of his head grow.
I believe it was dates, same thing as a cluster, also from a palm tree, explains Jesus and the palms.,date also as the words ate and eat, eve ate, Jesus says eat, one past, one always present. And the d could be devil or deception, or downfall. ❤ Also has a stone in it,,hence Jesus being a corner stone, on the outside, since the date stone is inside and covered, Jesus was naked and exposed. ❤
Everyone completely misses the point of the story. The nature or name of the exact fruit isn't as important as the rebel of God's command.
It could be something we DON'T even have here on earth anymore, rendering what you're thinking irelavent anyway.
There's a reason why it is irrelevant, God doesn't want weak minded individuals to worship anything created, no matter how good it is.
Read the punishment handed out to each of the three and see what the common factor is. Let me know.
Correct the sin was unfaithfulness.
Many thanks for attempting to share your understanding of could be the forbidden fruit.
I think, it could be that 20:08 Jesus and the Bible in general have been been using physical representations to refer to spiritual realities. He wants to use what we know, what is familiar to introduce what is new and this a great principle in pedagogy. I would be of the point of view of those who refer to this fruit as the word. Ever since the time of Adam God wants us to eat/listen to His own word and that listening to the word other than God’s brings death, not the physical death but lack of connection with the Father.
The tree of the knowledge of evil and good itself is not physical but it is spiritual one more reason to believe that the fruit referred to in the Bible cannot be physical.
It was a magic mushroom
@@fabcivic429 yep
Ya thinking the same thing 100%
Lean up to was written by a rabbi and it points to him being sacrificed
Eve Was NOT the first woman, get it right
That is an obscure Jewish story not true
Who was the first woman then?❤
If Adam and Eve would be sinners, then why God didn't cleansed them by the Holy Spirit Power and let such a huge number of humans to suffer .....Here is totally another God's Plan...Here is a transformation of darkness into the Light...Here is contract between darkness and Light...First people weren't both from God...one was from God and another from evil....and their first children Abel and Kain is demonstration of Good and Bad and the beginning of spiritual TRANSFORMATION through reincarnation...Reincarnation is a process of purification...God is Huge and very aware of everything....He couldn't let evil to step on His Land...Here is totally another Plan
Lucifer is not a fallen angel...it is a dark energy in Universe...God's creations are pure and devoted no matter what...That is why in many Sacred Scriptures it is said that Light is much powerful then darkness...and Light TRANSFORMS darkness ....What is created by God cannot have Pride or Ego...JUST WISDOM
Isaiah 45:7@@DianaDivine-cf1gn
For those who are you saying it doesn't matter what fruit it is, it only matters that he lies and says that he's going to tell you what what it is.
Adam and ever had sexual relationship both with Satan. Eve got pregnant from Satan and had twin boys. Cain and Abel. Put the words together.... CannAbels.... And they still are CannAbels. They are how Satan got his own bloodlines. Hello. And Satan killed all Adam and ever male offspring. All of Seth's Male children were killed. So no pure seed of Adam and Eve.
All of the humans on earth are half Cain half Eve blood.
So when you see in movies after an Angel on one shoulder devil on the other. It's true we all are half Eve ( made from Adam rib ) and half from Cain half Satan half Eve. it's right in the first book Genesis all those facts are right there.
Ow crap. We eat grapes and apples daily and we don't even gain wisdom.
The meat we eat kills the power
The wisdom we have right now is the effect. Short from the heavenly wisdom!!
[5:15] 💡 So impressive! Every detail here is carefully and logically explained.
The first woman was Lilith
It's not a real fruit, it's symbolic. God made every fruit that is edible for us to eat.
I'll summarize the Bible for y'all:
Blame women for EVERYTHING. And use the Bible as justification for your persecution of women.
Hint: NOT what Jesus had in mind. Follow Jesus, not the Bible.
Begone, spirit of jezebel!
The whole point was disobedience,God said don't eat or partake of that tree.
Lilith was the FIRST woman to Adam
It's not biblical
@@shabbatshalom-wc2sd The whole Bible of King James are lies and Innuendo;s
I really enjoyed your video. Can’t wait for next video!
It will be interesting to talk about the fruit being sex as an alternative teaching
More specifically, oral sex.
Be real, you don't know what the forbidden fruit was, and it's not anything that we eat because it is forbidden.
Remember it wasn't the apple tree that was banished from the garden of eden.
It just grows and produces fruit year after year.
I believe the forbidden fruit was knowledge or wisdom bcuz it opened their eyes to things beyond what God intended us to have. Just a analogy
I presumed the apple was literal. As a North American, I was surprised to read about the apple, because I didn't think they could grow in the climate where the Garden of Eden was presumed to be.
I’ll tell you what I found to be true and that is it’s called the living Bible because we are still living it ! Every character will unfold within your life as their stories become yours too . A little different but still the same, this is why history repeats itself over and over again. It’s a play and we are the characters. The Bible is playing out in my life now . Neville Goddard was a spiritual teacher who explains it best as he too experienced what is happening within me and it will happen within you too at the appointed time.
Perhaps, maybe, I suppose…..that’s a lot of presumptions…..so…..
The fruit 🍎 was ? Cannabis -sativa and indica 👍😅😂or the plant of cocaine ? With both you become like god , and you understand things and you become a rebel ?! 😂🍎👍only the anunaky where allowed to eat it or ‘ enale ‘ it …
I think the fruit was Lanzones. From a tree not a vine, sweet and grows in bunches like grapes.
The apple 🍏 tree wasn't banished from Eden.
The tree put in the middle of the garden to cultivate the earth was banished along with eve this fruit was Adam.
I believe the Tree in the center of the Garden of Eden was “ the Elderberry tree”. It bears fruit that resemble clusters of grapes 🍇. The flowers can be used in drinks , pancakes , etc and the berries can be used in tinctures, syrups, and some syrups can then be made into “ gummies” . This particular syrup and gummies are for treating colds and flus. There is something written about the tree that was in the middle of the Garden, one story is about the Queen of Sheba who went to visit King Solomon in order to prove him. He had sent someone to the Garden to fetch a piece of wood from the Tree which was placed acetate stream so that the Queen could walk across it as a bridge to cross the stream; however, she walked around it because she sensed that there was Great Power about the wood. Some time later in History this same piece of wood was used as the cross that Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ was crucified on for Our transgressions against GOD.
There is also some folk lore that says that if you plant the Elderberry tree in the center of your Garden, it will teach your other trees and plants How to grow. ( Regarding The “ Death “ part of this particular plant , one cannot use all the parts of it , only those that have been mentioned. Once the juice has been extracted from the berries the residual remains of the berries that are in the strainer must discarded. It is said that the seeds contain a type of cyanide that is poison, or something similar to that as I am not very familiar with the knowledge of that aspect of the plant . There are also a variety of this type of plant that are poisonous for consumption and are avoided entirely except that one in particular that I have mentioned.