My Boss DEMANDS I Work INJURED... so I End Up Bleeding On the Job 😈 - Reddit Podcast

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 170

  • @ConnorPugs
    @ConnorPugs Год назад +144

    There is something super satisfying about bosses who are on power trips getting the karma they deserve

    • @snaggy4811
      @snaggy4811 Год назад +4

      Hi connor pugs
      And yes how can such jerks for the sake of me not wanting to resort to bad language even exist..?

    • @dghfgdhfdfghdhfg
      @dghfgdhfdfghdhfg Год назад +2

      but you didn't even watch the video all the way through

    • @williamdocherty1816
      @williamdocherty1816 Год назад +2

      It’s very satisfying almost concerning how satisfying

    • @FR0ST_1O1
      @FR0ST_1O1 Год назад +3

      hey ConnorPugs im a fan of your youtube video's keep up the great work and you are right

    • @peterscarlett4708
      @peterscarlett4708 Год назад +2

      I must agree

  • @scifriskyxy583
    @scifriskyxy583 Год назад +207

    First story :He didn't just suffer from horrible bosses ,he also suffered from an incompetent doctors that should be fired

  • @brianlowe251
    @brianlowe251 Год назад +46

    Every time I've gone to the doctor, unless something was falling off I was treated as a drug-seeking liar so LOL I have no doubts at all of the way this doctor treated that guy

  • @princessmarlena1359
    @princessmarlena1359 Год назад +16

    Report the incompetent doctor for malpractice, report the stupid manager for violation of your rights as a worker and sue your former employer. At the very least, report the boss to the labor board.

  • @Remus_Studio
    @Remus_Studio Год назад +62

    Guys, it’s not a new voice… there are two different people who voice stories on the channel. This one normally does malicious compliance and petty revenge.

    • @SolinOutlander
      @SolinOutlander Год назад +11

      Three people actually... unless my hearing is so bad I'm hearing one guy have two different voices. We have this one, Ohnickel, and the one who often uses 'psychopath' to describe particularly deranged individuals.

    • @TiggyTigg_6969
      @TiggyTigg_6969 Год назад +4

      Or the one that always says "if you know what I mean"

  • @chibigamimiri
    @chibigamimiri Год назад +26

    The dealership story reminds me of what happened to my old boss he's like the most humble man I've ever meet. He's always willing to dirt his hands to get the job done (farm work mostly) anyway, he's rich like 3rd richest person in the state rich, and he needed a new pick-up, he walks into the dealership straight out of the fields full of dirt and on working clothes, nobody helps him for like more than and hr so he leaves and goes to another dealer, gets helped by a newbie, full story short he liked the newbie, 4 new pick-up and close to a 15 million paid in (1 in cash) as pre pay and he goes off on his Merry way (i guess newbie got a nice bonus).

    • @SenseiRaisen
      @SenseiRaisen Год назад +7

      The newbie got the time of his life closing those deals probably. The dealer got a new client, and the other dealer must be cutting their balls with a saw.

    • @Chicken.
      @Chicken. Год назад

      15 million for 4 pick-ups? And that's not even the whole price, are you sure?

    • @chibigamimiri
      @chibigamimiri Год назад +1

      @@Chicken. i mean it's not Dollars, in my currency and at the time it happened a pickup was around 4 to 5 mill.

    • @Chicken.
      @Chicken. Год назад

      @@chibigamimiri Ohh, that makes a lot more sense, do you know what it would be in dollars?

  • @fire-squid5694
    @fire-squid5694 Год назад +2

    It's super satisfying listening to all these stories while I see Hank hill cranking 90's

  • @Lego_Trunks460
    @Lego_Trunks460 Год назад +2

    I have a saying "sometimes you have to jump on hot pavement before you can walk on cool grass" I mostly use it to describe summer, but it does make a great saying too.

  • @badgerp-chanqueen7707
    @badgerp-chanqueen7707 Год назад +4

    First story: Such doctor must lost medical license for that.

    • @JojoJere
      @JojoJere Год назад +1

      *have to lose

    • @JojoJere
      @JojoJere Год назад +1

      *for not treating the wound properly.

    • @Karina-gc9us
      @Karina-gc9us Год назад +1

      @@JojoJere *Such doctor
      There was ONLY mentioned one doctor.

    • @Karina-gc9us
      @Karina-gc9us Год назад +1

      @@JojoJere *Has lost

    • @JojoJere
      @JojoJere Год назад +1

      @@Karina-gc9us oh

  • @svpracer98
    @svpracer98 Год назад +1

    From the story about the dealership... This is exactly why I have one sales guy who I already followed from one dealer to another. And I even refer anyone I can to him for their vehicle needs.

  • @LargerRanger5-Mhz-mW
    @LargerRanger5-Mhz-mW Год назад +2

    Living in a time where a lot of rich guys dress casually/ to look poorer than they are…you’d think the sales people would’ve wised up that you never know WHO exactly is going to walk through the door, and shouldn’t guess based on what they wear…

  • @jacobpinkley232
    @jacobpinkley232 Год назад +6

    Story 3: if I was being extorted over my money I would threaten the sleazy manager that if they didn't pay me what I am owed that I will hire "private investigators" to "persuade" them to give me what I am owed.

  • @pinktastic6159
    @pinktastic6159 Год назад +2

    Car guy should have told the couple "go try dealer 2. And ask for sales guy X. Tell him Joe from last night sent you. He really went above and beyond close to closing time"

  • @dlpacres4718
    @dlpacres4718 Год назад +2

    My youngest daughter is allergic to almost every antibiotic known to man kind. She gets Severs hives, and as most know, this can very quickly escalate to anaphylaxis(tongue swelling that can lead to trouble breathing). A couple years ago she was pregnant and got pretty sick. Her family doctor sent her to the ER because she wasn't comfortable with her being pregnant and allergic to the only ones she knew to use. ER doctor refused to believe ANYONE could be allergic to that many antibiotics and told her IF she had a reaction just take benedryl with the med. And yes, she had a severe outbreak of hives. Way to play Russian roulette with my daughter and grandbaby's lives! But I guess what they say is true; even the person that finishes with the lowest passing grade in school can still be called a doctor.

  • @joshuawhite1831
    @joshuawhite1831 Год назад +2

    Poor guy he shouldn't have been forced to work like that

  • @demetriusdragon3301
    @demetriusdragon3301 Год назад +4

    I feel for the Lady in the first story. Once at the Second Paid Job I had I sliced my finger 3 times deeply. My Manager who was a Jerk made me wash Dishes still while my finger was pouring out blood. It stung so bad. He left not long after for a higher paying Job. And I stayed at that place almost 3 years. I even offered to come back to that company under a different prosition. I've also have hurt myself pretty bad at my Pervious Job doing Dishes again. Fell knee high into the sub pump. (However you spell that.) Hurt my back to the point of having to see Professionals. (Only got half way through the treatment. Mom was paying and she pulled the plug because of cost of things. Which is fair.) And showing off my legit talent. Stepping on a piece of meat. Falling down. Hit the trash bin, bottom side of a metal table and the cement floor hard. I was in shock for a few minutes. But unfortunately I had to keep working because they literally had no one else to do the work. So I was hoping about with it being insanely busy. And I think I had to take medical leave for a bit. But yeah at my current job pretty much all the injurys I get is bruises, strained muscles, strained voice and some paper cuts. The worse I've gotten is my right arm getting sliced open on a self bin thing. Which I fixed with a file. Still got a scar from it. Plan to cover it up with a cool tattoo. But yeah basically I'm trying to say is I know how it feels. And I'm sorry you got abused like this. I had a Friend who was going through this. She come to Work all bloody here and there. I hope you get away from this abuse and find somewhere safe to be.
    Also I know how it feels to have a terrible experience with a Urgent Care Doctor. I have a Baker Cyst in my Right Knee. (Have for years now.) So by time I could see the Doctor because it was hurting so bad my Dad had to help me walk in. And one of the Nurses had to put me in a Wheel Chair for the time. So then he had me lay down which is fine. He was checking my leg movement which is fine too. But he felt the tension and decided to keep pushing on it until it cracked really hard in my hip to the point the Waiting Room could hear. And I screamed out in pain to the point the Waiting Room could easily hear. He was like was it really that bad!? Like no duh it hurt! Not too long after my Brother's now Wife seen him on one of his good days. She chewed me out. Then awhile later she seen him again and found out how horrible he can be. And she realized that he isn't a good Doctor like I tried to warn her. I haven't gone back to that Urgent Care.

  • @Liamzilla4777
    @Liamzilla4777 Год назад +1

    Small cuts can be covered in bandages, but gaping wounds cannot as the bodies natural defense of clotting is, by definition, getting blood cells to die and dry out at the wound location to stop blood loss, and with gashes and gaping wounds, this could cause denial of oxygen because blood in no longer flowing properly. After new skin and flesh grow in, the body will breakdown the clot on it's own to allow proper blood flow again. Leaving the wound open allows oxygen to still get in, which is why if the doctor was going to allow stitching, only one stitch would have been used, but that's for if the wound was on the body instead of the limbs, the stitch would have helped ensure the organs' weight didn't pressure the wound into opening up more.

  • @nahjustaverage
    @nahjustaverage Год назад +1

    3:52 actually putting balloons in the nose to plug up the bleeding is actually pretty normal for a nose bleed if they can not initially get the bleeding to stop with bandages, it's used as a sort of "last resort" type situation, but yes that doctor sounds insensitive.

  • @f3ll30uch0npaws
    @f3ll30uch0npaws Год назад +1

    Last story: The only story I have ever heard where the person who is asking for the manager isn't the Karen.

  • @RickBentsen
    @RickBentsen Год назад +5

    Story 2: As a legally blind person that will never buy a car, I'm glad this is one annoyance I will ever deal with. But good lord, car salespeoplel are sleazy.

  • @Oncampus2k
    @Oncampus2k Год назад +1

    I’ve been told by a dealership before that they will NOT let me test drive a car, as I clearly couldn’t buy it and it would be a waste of their time. It was like I was looking at a Maserati dealership or anything. It was back in 2004 and I was looking for an Acura TL, which was well in my budget. I could absolutely afford it, but I was going to be damned before I bought anything from that place EVER. Almost 20 years later and many, many, many new cars later, I’ve stuck to that creed and have never set a foot back on that dealership before. I have also noticed that if you dress “poor”, they leave you alone, so when I’m not ready to buy or test drive, I’ll dress like a bum so I can browse in peace. At least with my last car, I ordered it online and just went and picked it up when it arrived. Didn’t take more than 15 minutes, which was a blessing since I loathe the “traditional” car buying experience.

  • @mcgabby333
    @mcgabby333 Год назад +1

    There is in fact a balloon that is the standard of care to treat a nose bleed. The next step is for cauterization and that hurts like nothing else. Sounds like they had bad bedside manner though 😢 sometimes if cuts/abrasions are borderline in depth they’ll be left to heal naturally without stitches or glue. This is especially true if they are really jagged, are not actively bleeding, were grossly dirty (increases risk for infection and stitches can increase that risk to a certain degree), if the wound is not on the face, knees, or hands, and/or if the wound is older. Hard to make any judgement about OP #1’s situation without knowing what the exact details and appearance of the wound are. However, that poor OP should have in fact been given the proper weight bearing precautions and work excuse-regardless of whether stitches or glue were needed.

  • @jedidiahayers
    @jedidiahayers Год назад +2

    I like these storys

  • @viviennemorgan7217
    @viviennemorgan7217 Год назад +3

    why can't tammy just understand that op has an injury?

  • @ItsRxchel
    @ItsRxchel Год назад

    Northern Virginia traffic is horrible, I can confirm.

  • @MoonFairyland
    @MoonFairyland Год назад

    My dad is a doctor and he told me they use pressure if your nose is bleeding non-stop to stop the bleeding and it's not even a balloon it's something else

  • @cooperdsfuntv
    @cooperdsfuntv Год назад

    If they don’t give you the hatred upon wage it’s actually super illegal and can be held up in court for

  • @Daustarticmon
    @Daustarticmon Год назад +2

    I don't know why people like to treat You like trash if You don't look like someone that has money, i remember one story that My profesor once told me about a old farmer that went to Buy a new car, since he look poor most people just ignore him in order to assit better looking persons, it was until a while until one of the employies decided to see if he needed something and guess what not only he was looking to Buy a new car he Even bought it in cash, and Best of all that was the only sell they had that day.

  • @cai9971
    @cai9971 Год назад

    Finally someone who doesn't have an annoying voice

  • @Jams_peanutbutter8974
    @Jams_peanutbutter8974 Год назад

    BRO I JUST Image the wond and Blood and my heart is beating fast I can feel his/her pain😥😥😥😥😥😥

  • @docdat3468
    @docdat3468 Год назад

    A wound that doesn't get glued or stiched mostly is inflamed or in a area where glueing or stiching can lengthen the recovery process because it's a moving part of the body. Having a bad are sales experience isn't nessecary if anything isn't right stand up walk out the door

  • @squdineycarolsims4825
    @squdineycarolsims4825 Год назад +1

    Is that Hank Hill skateboarding?

  • @frostytheiceberg1127
    @frostytheiceberg1127 Год назад

    I turn on the video and the first thing i see is t-posing hank hill doing sick trix with a skateboard.
    Instant subscribe.

  • @SeanBergen
    @SeanBergen Год назад

    The balloon thing is true they are called Rhino Rockets. We try different things first but if the bleeding doesn’t stop here comes the rockets!

  • @danikamelvin5625
    @danikamelvin5625 Год назад

    my man hank hill is skateboarding like a G

  • @danielgoodrich264
    @danielgoodrich264 Год назад +1

    The background video looks like Hank Hill from King of the Hill skateboarding.

  • @JaydenproX
    @JaydenproX Год назад +1

    my worst experience happened THIS NEW YEARS!!!!!! My Eardrum Ruptured The Night Before New Years Eve. So Now I Am Basically Half Deaf And If I Move My Head To Much, It Will Hurt And Bleed Again. I Have To Get It Checked Tomorrow And If It Doesnt Pass I Might Have To Go Virtual And My Mom Said When She Had It, It Was Both Ears And It Lasted A Year So It Might Last My Whole 6th Grade Experience! Now I Wont Be Able To Do An Amazing Event I Have Wanted To Do My Whole Life! ;(

  • @brodygamer83
    @brodygamer83 Год назад

    4:05 actually pressure just aggrivates the nerves and makes it bleed more so they're pretty dumb.

  • @user-qi1mp8tg3f
    @user-qi1mp8tg3f Год назад +1

    Karma is beautiful

  • @rachelw8639
    @rachelw8639 Год назад

    Went to the urgent care they X-rayed me saw a tumor and sent me home. Didn’t offer any other care

  • @cherk9993
    @cherk9993 Год назад

    If you have injured yourself at work, depending how bad. The doctor, may put you down on acc. The company, isn’t legally allowed to have you working. once you are on acc. They can get fined very heavily. The work pays the first week, then acc pays from then. That’s here in newzealand

  • @agentburningbutters3655
    @agentburningbutters3655 Год назад +1

    Day shift at Freddy's: first time?

  • @SenseiRaisen
    @SenseiRaisen Год назад +1

    I think the comments in the 3rd who called the person entitled doesn't understand anything about corporations at all.

  • @jaylenria
    @jaylenria Год назад

    One time when a doctor Put a balloon in my nose it started bleeding and wouldn't stop until 8 minutes past

  • @maloydonedidit2903
    @maloydonedidit2903 Год назад

    Story 1: this is 2022 'merica. The doc conversation went like this most likely.
    Op: it doesn't need stitched or glued?
    Doc: we'll see your insurance doesn't cover that... So no, it doesn't need to be stitched or glued.
    Also,do you know what they call the "C" student that graduated medical school?

  • @Rainpelt100
    @Rainpelt100 Год назад

    I had to get my nose electrocauterized cuz blood vessels would burst when I got upset.

  • @francesrees4334
    @francesrees4334 Год назад

    I loved the car dealer ship one it was perfect

  • @Dyynarev
    @Dyynarev Год назад

    First one: he should of just not gone to work that was on him

  • @Trip-plays
    @Trip-plays Год назад +2

    I actually like your voice

  • @lieffian
    @lieffian Год назад

    The last story- not the ass, I’m a millennial and I agree, work is work. If your paying me for XYZ, i expect to get paid for XYZ, but if your adding 123 onto my plate without compensation as that was not in my contract, 123 will NOT get done

  • @angelataylor3822
    @angelataylor3822 Год назад

    Pizza Hut wow ..I worked for rams horn restaurant located in Westland Michigan I was busing tables my boss broke my hand and told me to use the other hand I quit lol

  • @vaulttecsam903
    @vaulttecsam903 Год назад +1

    So for story one ima say this I give stitches for small shit often and glue but also idk the size of the injury but there is many reasons I would wrap the injury over stitches for example how wide the skin is apart as well as where yes I can give stitches anywhere but is it gonna be easier on my patient if i don’t give them stitches and tell them to rest and bandage it

  • @parkergraves3084
    @parkergraves3084 Год назад

    The op handled it like a pro

  • @EMBer3000
    @EMBer3000 Год назад

    You should never do more work than you are paid for (unless once in a blue moon something happens and you help out just to be kind). Doing work for free is stealing, in my opinion. You are stealing work someone else could do and get paid for (or you could do and get paid for).
    We had a guy at work who was responsible for cleaning and maintaining the outdoor environment for a local rental community. When he got sick, we sent a person to take over his duties and immediately started getting complaints since things weren't getting done. We inspected the work the new guy had done and found he had done everything as per the contract and messaged the contact the complaints had come from only to find out the original worker had been doing a lot of extra work for free (often staying late into the evenings to do them) that would have taken at least one more person to do. When we spoke to the contact about this, he was surprised that all that extra work wasn't going to be done unless they paid extra or renegotiated the contract to include it.
    In the end, after a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth, they signed a new contract that placed two more people in that community and thus gave jobs to two more people in our company. The original worker in that community had to take medical retirement due to his sickness, but if he had remained, he would probably have been reassigned to work in a larger group with more supervision since he seemingly had problems with saying no.

  • @ERS127
    @ERS127 Год назад

    I would’ve just driven by the dealership (And maybe flip the manager the bird

  • @l0fi_rain
    @l0fi_rain Год назад

    i just realized that this guy’s character is hank hill

  • @sam-oz5ju
    @sam-oz5ju Год назад

    like a plasters gonna do something. oh wait your talking about long paper that goes over wounds

    • @sam-oz5ju
      @sam-oz5ju Год назад

      ok ballons. seriously. that would break the nose

  • @TheOriginalCrypticArchives
    @TheOriginalCrypticArchives Год назад

    First story: He worked at Pizza Hut.

  • @Nate_wright
    @Nate_wright Год назад

    God dam I didn’t know my school was a pizza shop

  • @captainbread5257
    @captainbread5257 Год назад

    not the hank hill skater

  • @angelataylor3822
    @angelataylor3822 Год назад

    I was also shot in the back the hospital I went to in Dearborn mi just taped the hole in my back

  • @GoonisMaximus
    @GoonisMaximus Год назад

    Forget about the story, where can I get that Hank Hill mod?

  • @Star_gazer-yt
    @Star_gazer-yt Год назад

    story 1. Ya you screwed up big time by going to urgent care. hospital more like guaranteed death more painful than you were already in

  • @Thedogking367
    @Thedogking367 Год назад

    Boys we got another one

  • @vextrely
    @vextrely Год назад

    OP must’ve went to an Ohio hospital

  • @TheDavid77829
    @TheDavid77829 7 месяцев назад

    ❤ attitude for a new car can lose your job how do you like that so far

  • @robotxavy2132
    @robotxavy2132 Год назад

    Calls trained professional dumb because a doctor was trina do his job and used medical instrument to stop bleeding.

  • @theconfederacyofindependen7268

    If I noticed the OP, I would do the job, if after the OP's boss went from the cameras, I would tell her the nicest thing is a good ole' "fuck you" also to that doctor who refused to stitch OP's injury which is basically a lost arm from a medieval battle cause of how serious it was

  • @gabiburn3153
    @gabiburn3153 Год назад


  • @angelataylor3822
    @angelataylor3822 Год назад

    Door dash offered $20 an hour guess what you never get $20 an hour only tips

  • @MESTOR_1324
    @MESTOR_1324 Год назад

    Bro glue?

  • @lucaschristman6304
    @lucaschristman6304 Год назад

    The car guy is a little bit of a jerk for going back to rub salt in the wound at the other dealership but in his mind, he wanted a little more victory
    The grocery guy not a jerk

  • @franciscoclaps574
    @franciscoclaps574 Год назад

    Why do you call doctors are dumb for doing standart procedures? The fact that you are ignorant in the area doesnt give you the right to call the doctor dumb

  • @HandyUnicorn377
    @HandyUnicorn377 Год назад

    4:47 Demonetization kina watin to happen.

  • @jard858
    @jard858 Год назад

    Does it feel illegal that were early?

  • @estherlynch7160
    @estherlynch7160 Год назад

    That is today’s doctors

  • @WhiteWomanSlasher
    @WhiteWomanSlasher Год назад

    Sounds like skill issue.

  • @gabiburn3153
    @gabiburn3153 Год назад

    And OUCH

  • @Destlers_World
    @Destlers_World Год назад

    No sue 😮

  • @StarsAnimations_ovo
    @StarsAnimations_ovo Год назад +2

    What’s with the new voice? I like the old one

    • @Remus_Studio
      @Remus_Studio Год назад +1

      There are two different people who voice the stories on the channel

  • @F0xtr0t775
    @F0xtr0t775 Год назад

    This guy kinda sounds like Kermit the frog

  • @A.K.ARyder
    @A.K.ARyder Год назад +1

    Let’s go love the vids

  • @snowduck072
    @snowduck072 Год назад

    Nope, ur not the jerk beside i was doin' my homework until 1 am and half so i dont think ur the jerk

  • @lukeskywalker5392
    @lukeskywalker5392 Год назад

    1:00 Still dont get why people go to work, when they know they shouldnt do it. Also why dont you get money, when you literally cant work, like you do in most western countries.

  • @shadowhunter3501
    @shadowhunter3501 Год назад

    i work for a pizza job that makes pizza

  • @Trip-plays
    @Trip-plays Год назад +2

    Rip old voice

  • @supermarioszweitaccount7089
    @supermarioszweitaccount7089 Год назад

    WHAT'S THAT NEW VOICE 😭😭😭😭💀💀💀🗿?

  • @NatureDocumentaryTF2
    @NatureDocumentaryTF2 Год назад +1

    What happened to the old voice R.I.P

    • @Remus_Studio
      @Remus_Studio Год назад +1

      There are two different people who voice the stories

  • @Blxxed
    @Blxxed Год назад

    is nobody else talking about the voice?

  • @kayladia9828
    @kayladia9828 Год назад

    Bro you should put a trigger warning

  • @Rumuiu
    @Rumuiu Год назад


  • @Thedogking367
    @Thedogking367 Год назад

    Your not the usual guy

  • @iamthekittycat
    @iamthekittycat Год назад

    New voice

  • @Lola-69
    @Lola-69 Год назад

    I feel like u have a new voice

  • @adriantheweebsgaming
    @adriantheweebsgaming Год назад

    everyone is talking about like the karen or the voice i the vid but tbh. bru said i worked at a pizza chain. you know, the one you cant out pizza.

  • @axolotlemadsolotle743
    @axolotlemadsolotle743 Год назад

    your voice is so different

  • @katskookies_official
    @katskookies_official Год назад


  • @2mg679
    @2mg679 Год назад +2

    Rip old voice😢

  • @ashmajowicz3845
    @ashmajowicz3845 5 месяцев назад

    this different person reading keeps telling stories about himself instead of repsonding to the story he just read 🙄

  • @Trip-plays
    @Trip-plays Год назад +1

    Are you using a voice changer ?

    • @Remus_Studio
      @Remus_Studio Год назад

      Two different people voice the stories on the channel

    • @Trip-plays
      @Trip-plays Год назад

      @@Remus_Studio o