Beautiful whistle! Do you have any recommended websites to calculate the hole positions for a low D tin whistle? I made a PVC low D the other day and the hole positions are too big of a stretch. :( Thanks!
Sorry to say that currently I don't know any websites for that. I haven't used them for at least 8 years. At this point of flute making I only use my previously made flutes/whistles as referense. However I can say that with low whistles some fingerhole positions are challenging to have within a good reach no matter what. Compromises with the hole size vs positions are inevidable.
Hey - it sounds really nice! Congratulations! Version 2 or version 3 will probably sound even better!
That's something I woluld love to learn how to do! But for now I stick to learning how to play :)
It's useful to learn to play first! I started making and playing at the same time so my first instruments weren't good, which is normal of course.
Beautiful whistle! Do you have any recommended websites to calculate the hole positions for a low D tin whistle? I made a PVC low D the other day and the hole positions are too big of a stretch. :( Thanks!
Sorry to say that currently I don't know any websites for that. I haven't used them for at least 8 years. At this point of flute making I only use my previously made flutes/whistles as referense. However I can say that with low whistles some fingerhole positions are challenging to have within a good reach no matter what. Compromises with the hole size vs positions are inevidable.