Arkadaşlar kusura bakmayın youtube gene yapacağını yaptı . Normalde telifli olup olmadığını videoyu yüklemeden önce haber vermesine rağmen bu sefer haber vermedi. video yüklendikten 4 saat sonra ben kendim farkettim . ikinci teşebbüsümde de telif yedi. 123123123 defa editledim 123213123 defa renderladım 56756756 defa uploadladım videoyu. Artık telif yemez inş. İzlediğiniz için teşekkürler. :')
Although mostly true, I dispute from the late 1400's. The Dalai lama and the Galden Phordang was fully in control of the Historic Tibetan area till 1959. We had diplomatic relations with Mongolia, China, Nepal and the British India. it the early 1800's,Tibet as a country had signed treaties with the British India. Tibetans even sent few students to London to study. Tibetan Mastiff was sent to the Queen Victoria of England in the 1870's. In the 1940's American Delegation had come to Tibet. Tibetans had traded with the USA and bought $400,000 worth of GOLD to back the national currency reserve. I am proud Tibetan and love my history. Thank you.
1. Was Tibet an independent country before 1912? Tibet was an independent country before 1246. From 1373 to 1578, Tibet rulers paid tribute to Chinese Ming dynasty government many times. In 1642, Dalai Lama invited a Mongol tribe’s troops to come into Tibet to fight other opposite Tibetan groups. Tibet was then controlled by this Mongol tribe. This Mongol tribe voluntarily submitted to the Chinese Qing dynasty in 1653 for Chinese support to defend against west Mongols. In 1705, Chinese emperor abolished the 6th Dalai Lama for his violation of Buddhist obligation, and ordered him to be arrested and sent to Beijing for punishment. He died on the way. Since 18th century, Dalai Lama had kneed down towards Chinese emperor’s picture many times during ceremonies. China posted a garrison in Lhasa from 1751. Tibet respected Chinese government’s sovereignty, which is typically shown in the selection of the 10th Dalai Lama in 1822. Britain and Russia recognized Tibet as a part of China in 1906. China ruled Tibet directly from 1910 to 1911. Since Manchu are Chinese citizens and support China’s claim on Tibet, Chinese regarded China after Qing as a legal successor of Qing dynasty. (In fact, Western countries made sure China became the successor of Qing dynasty, so that China could continue to pay the huge ransom owed by Qing to the West countries after it was defeated in 1900.) 2. Was Tibet an independent country between 1912 and 1950? After the collapse of China’s Qing dynasty in 1912, China witnessed a lot of civil wars and warlordism until 1949, but did not denounce its claim on Tibet. Tibet never declared independence towards China or other countries during this period. (The 13th Dalai Lama himself denied (to the British) that he had ever authorized the Russian subject--Agvan Dorjiev, to sign a treaty with Mongolians on behalf of Tibet. So, that 1913 treaty is not valid.) USA officially recognized Tibet as a part of China in 1943, way before communist China existed. No country in the world recognizes Tibet as an independent country, or officially regard Tibet as not a part of china, or officially regard Tibet as occupied by China. 3. Did Tibet has opportunity to defeat Chinese invasion in 1950? Tibet is huge and has very high altitude and very thin air which is difficult for Chinese to breathe, let alone climb mountains. The total length of road which a 4-wheel vehicle can drive in whole Tibet was only 4 kilometers in 1950. Chinese has to across many high mountains at very high altitude for 2000 kilometers to get to Lhasa. There was little sources of food or even water. In short, Tibet was a perfect place to wage guerilla war on Chinese troops, and that is exactly what CIA recommended to Tibetans. In 1950, Tibet had about 100,000 bolt rifles and many Tibetans were hunters and can shoot very accurately over long distance. If Tibetans used guerilla war to attack Chinese supply line, Chinese troops will starve to death and have not way to advance across 2000 kilometers of mountains (without road) into central Tibet. Instead, Tibetans choose to sign the peace liberation treaty after only two hundred Tibetan soldiers got killed in the Chamdo battle in 1950. In short, Tibetans had good chance to defeat Chinese in 1950 if they really want. But it is impossible in 1959 since China had built 3 roads (totally >4000 kilometers) and bridges into Tibet since 1950. 4. Why Tibetans rebelled in 1959? Before 1956, most Tibetans were serfs, and most lands were owned by noblemen and monasteries. The part of Tibet (central) ruled by Dalai Lama enjoyed very high autonomy within China from 1950-1959. China launched land reforms in the Chinese directly ruled (east) Tibetan areas in 1956, taking land from noblemen and monasteries and distributing them to the serfs. Rebellion led by noblemen and monasteries broke out in east Tibet in 1956, with independence as the slogan to get support from serfs, and spread to Lhasa in 1959, encouraged and supported by the CIA. 5. Does China repress Tibetans and practice cultural genocide? No. Besides, there is a long covered fact (by all parts involved) about China and communism. Chinese communism was created with the help of Soviet Union, and controlled by Stalin. After the Second World War, Soviet Union supplied Chinese communist troops with captured Japanese weapons including 2700 artilleries, and produced ammunitions and weapons for communists in Russia-occupied China’s north-east. USA organized an international arms embargo to the troops of Chinese anti-communist government. Chinese nationalist government troops were poorly equipped with little artilleries and ammunition. Communism caused at least 60million Chinese death. The truth is: communism was forced upon to Chinese by Soviet union with the help of U.S. So, China should not be blamed for the destruction of Tibetan culture in Cultural revolution in Tibet.
Our forefathers Jappa Jallimpa Sukpa Bongepa migrated from tibot (tibet) & settled here in Garo Hills Meghalaya,Assam,Bangladesh. Hope one day we’ll know the exact place from where our forefathers came
*Bizi temsil ettiğiniz için teşekkür ederiz, bu dünya demektir. Tibetliler, Kızıl Çinliler tarafından da ezilen Uygur Türkleri ile birlikte duruyorlar. Size Tibet'ten sevgi gönderiyoruz.
jahtso I'm from turkey and Turkey in this video that we stand by the Uyghur and Tibetan people both in Turkey and in your rightful struggle, we stand beside the oppressed throughout history
@@sjnanannsjsj5757 I come from China, and I will support the oppressed Kurdish people. And I will let more people know what kind of country Turkey is. You have conflicts with Europe, America and Russia. Now that China is added, I now understand The reason why China and Greece have good relations. I wish you all a good time in the world of dreams.
Its because the Tibetan empire at one time was a rival to both of the Tang Dynasty. The occupied the lands of the Yi and Dai people for a period of 200 years.
@@tripplehhh2584 till now 5th king .. we love our beloved kings ... we Bhutanese people are blessed to have a great king who is very kind n very supportive towards his peoples... long live our bored kings 🙏
The sixth Emperor, Trisong Detsen, is almost solely responsible for Tibet being Buddhist. He held a grand debate for whether Tibet would adopt Chinese Chan Buddhism or Indian Tantric Buddhism. Tibet had been almost completely adherent to Bon (the native Shamanistic religion of Tibet) up until then. The Indians dominated the Buddhist debate and the Chinese were deported, physically and ideologically, and the Indian system was fully adopted, and preserved, in Tibet. Today, in contrast to these basic facts in Tibetan history, the Red Chinese government tries to make it look like Imperial Tibet forcing Tang China to give a princess (Princess Wen Chen) in wedlock to the first Emperor, Songtsen Gampo, began Buddhism in the country because she brought a Buddha statue, and began a 'bond' submitting Tibet to China ever since. This is to justify cultural genocide on Tibet and to replace local customs with Chinese customs. The truth is, Tibet would remain largely adherent to Bon until the grand debate. Besides, Princess Wenchen was only one of many wives, and she was one of the latter. Songtsen Gampo actually peacefully negotiated Nepal for Princess Bhrikuti's hand, and she brought a statue of the Buddha, a statue of Maitrya AKA the future Buddha, and a sandalwood Tara (a popular female Bodhisattva). It is only then that Trisong Detsen built the first Tibetan monastery, Samye, with the conjunction of Indian Buddhist abbot Shankaraksita and the Tantric saint from the west, Guru Rinpoche.
To give you a light of hope, the ancient Buddhist practices are safe in India. The Ladakh region, The districts of Lahaul and Spiti still practice the ancient Tantric Buddhism. I am a Bengali Hindu and there is a significant Tantric culture in Hinduism too.
@@Jahtso There is no Unified Indian culture. India is made up different ethnicities, religions and cultures. Ranging from Tamils, mizos, Zoroastrians, bengali, African siddis, anglo-Indians etc. As the saying goes “Unity in diversity” also Tantra are the esoteric traditions of both Hinduism and Buddhism, they also share many similar features together.
@@Jahtso Sikkim is more Nepalese than Tibetian, actually. Since the 1700s, the demographics of the region became dominated by the Gorkha Nepalis, however, in spite of this, the Bhutia-Lepecha continued to rule over the larger ethnic group until the Sikkimese monarchy was overthrown and the state ascended to India
Sikkim was annexed in 1974, and now only Bhutan exists. Bhutan's current situation is similar to that of Sikkim in 1970s. Its military, diplomatic and economic affairs are controlled by India. The only difference is that the number of immigrants is not enough. If the proportion of immigrants is enough, like Sikkim in 1974, a vote can be held to join India
Yea and intresetingly Immigrants had already made their first attempt to throw out king and sell bhutan to India like sikkim. Thankfully Bhutan kicked out such ungrateful bastards out of country on time
@@dreamadventure8220Actually they were just 25% 😅 Nepalis How 25% Can change Demographics Sikkim Wanted Dargelling from India ruler was Hypocrite his wife was CIA Agent and Wanted diplomatic relations with China Therefore we have To Invade the country but we Unlike china Not destroyed any Monument instead it was peaceful Liberation and today it is Richest state of India (8000$) per capita
Kardeş merhaba.Benim bir tarih proje ödevim var.Konu asya hun,göktürk,uygur).Bir video yapacağım.Ben videoyu yusuf kayaalpin tarzıyla yapacağım.Biraz harita kullanacağım ama büyük bir sıkıntı var.Benim çizimim çok kötü.Daha önceden 7.sınıfta senin türk tarihi videona bakıp kendi türk tarihi ödevimi yapmıştım ama harita çizimleri rezaletti.Senden ricam şu.Şu anki ödevimde direk senin videondan screenshot alabilir miyim. Eğer hoca ödevi beğenirse belki diğer sınıflarada sunum yapabilirim ki bu yaklaşık 240 kişi demek.
Tabiki kullanabilirsin . Sosyal medya ve diğer dijital platformalrda videomu direkt olarak yükleyip kendininmiş gibi göstermesinin sürece problem olamz. Ismimi de verirsen cok mutlu olurum abone olun falan dersen .d
4 года назад+1
@@KayraAtakanQX Yani okulda öyle bir sey demem garip olabilir ama bir şey yapmaya çalıďirım
4 года назад+1
@@KayraAtakanQXSag ol bu arada.Bir de nasıl bu kadar iyi çiziyorsun
@ Bence Yusuf Kayaalp'in tarzıyla yapma ki konu yön değiştirmesin Yusuf Kayaalp de iyice abarttı konu tarihten komediye geçiyor zaten çoğu kişi de onu gülmek için izliyordur bilgiler boş esprilerin içinde eriyip gidiyor tavsiyem düzgün bir video yap :)
I am proud that the Monyul kingdom existed even before the Tibetan and Chinese empires. It shows we are older than both of them and have a unique ethnic identity different from both of them.
All great except you didn’t give any credit to Dalai Lama’s Ganden Phodrang rule from the great 5th in 1650’s until Communist rule to now, which is most significantly left now of cultural, religious, political Eg Potola palace we see and other great Gelug monasteries in Lhasa and other regions are during this term. Sure it’s under Mongol, Chinese and Manchu influence but operated independently. Why? Can you correct.
In 1616, a tibetan monk/lama Zhabdrung would escape to Bhutan and Unify the Country. From there on Bhutan remained a unified country. Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal is considered as the founding father of Bhutan 🇧🇹. I really wish that one day tibet becomes a free & independent nation, There has always been a great link between Bhutan & Tibet. Chapsue Choe 🙏🏻
Sorry bro you going wrong our Buddhist religion is different from others Buddhist religion who never can occupied by any religion which is very powerful make by our father zabgdrung ngawang namgyel himself....we all knows about his power you know😂 .. anywayའབྲུག་པ་དཀར་བརྒྱུད། and འབྲུག་པ་བཀའ་བརྒྱུད། is family but inside it's is very different culture you know the way we speak, study ,praying ,meditating etc all are different.but we love them very much .
This video completely underestimates the distribution of Tibetans. Tibetans are the earliest races to the American continent. Indigenous people in South America today are actually Tibetans
The early Tibeto people (Chiang or Qiang) are of haplogroup O, they conquered the natives (Haplogroup D) of the regions of Tibet. Today ~50% tibetans Y DNA are haplogroup O, the other half are mostly D.
Tibet 1950 yilina kadar Çinden bağımsız bir devletti. Qing döneminde ve Yuan döneminde özgürlüklerini kaybettiler ama Qing mançu Yuan ise bir moğol devletidir.
Mmmm of course not. China doesn't hate Tibetan culture. That is just stupid. And this video is not even pro-independence. Stop saying that kind of stupid things.
Little mistake, after Tibet gain independence in 1913, the country didn't actually have possession over the Kham region of Sichuan. Nevertheless your mapping skill has improved more than I ever expect tbh
A glass of strawberry Fanta "Little mistake, after Tibet gain independence in 1913, the country didn't actually have possession over the Kham region of Sichuan" Tibet never gained "independence" from China. It was under Qing Dynasty, then after Qing ended, it transferred its sovereign powers including Tibet to Republic of China. Just that China was in shambles then so every province was literally self governing.
South Korea should maintain the tradition of tribute men to the Chinese as slaves, tribute women to the Chinese as servant ! Remember how to talk to the owner in the future, dog-like things ~
The western bhutan has its root from Tibet as People from there migrated when the Tibetan empire was at its peak during the Eighth Century. But the real inhabitants of Bhutan were already there in the central and eastern Bhutan at the same time as Tibetan empire speaking their own language and with own way of life. The only influence Tibetans had on Bhutan was Tibetan Buddhism. In the 12th Century when the red hat and yellow hat division occurred in Tibet, Bhutan sided with the red hats against the ruling yellow hats in Tibet. Bhutan has created its national identity since 1616 completely different from Tibet and Tibet did try to conquer Bhutan failing every time. Therefore its a misrepresentation and mis information that Bhutan is the last remaining land of Tibetan Empire. in Bhutan nobody speaks Tibetan language , the people still speak their native languages. Tibetan Buddhism has remained firmly in Bhutan though.
What Sikkim??? Sikkim is so small to put its flag 😀😀😀 Even they didn't put other old ,bigger and more powerful kingdoms than Kingdom of Sikkim... broken from Tibetan empire such as Kingdom of Ladakh or Maryul, Kingdom of Guge, Kingdom of zanskar ,etc. They didn't put their Flags 💢so what Sikkim ur talking about???😀🤨
History as it was , just looking at its past , but today’s youth are concerned about their future & place in modern Tibet , as it progresses along with other provinces in China for the 21st. century world.! Tibet will not be turned back through time by its old guard with a feudal system which had impeded the development & progress of the Tibetan people in the past, prior to their liberation by the People’s Republic of China & brought Tibet into the modern world of today.!
1. Was Tibet an independent country before 1912? Tibet was an independent country before 1246. From 1373 to 1578, Tibet rulers paid tribute to Chinese Ming dynasty government many times. In 1642, Dalai Lama invited a Mongol tribe’s troops to come into Tibet to fight other opposite Tibetan groups. Tibet was then controlled by this Mongol tribe. This Mongol tribe voluntarily submitted to the Chinese Qing dynasty in 1653 for Chinese support to defend against west Mongols. In 1705, Chinese emperor abolished the 6th Dalai Lama for his violation of Buddhist obligation, and ordered him to be arrested and sent to Beijing for punishment. He died on the way. Since 18th century, Dalai Lama had kneed down towards Chinese emperor’s picture many times during ceremonies. China posted a garrison in Lhasa from 1751. Tibet respected Chinese government’s sovereignty, which is typically shown in the selection of the 10th Dalai Lama in 1822. Britain and Russia recognized Tibet as a part of China in 1906. China ruled Tibet directly from 1910 to 1911. Since Manchu are Chinese citizens and support China’s claim on Tibet, Chinese regarded China after Qing as a legal successor of Qing dynasty. (In fact, Western countries made sure China became the successor of Qing dynasty, so that China could continue to pay the huge ransom owed by Qing to the West countries after it was defeated in 1900.) 2. Was Tibet an independent country between 1912 and 1950? After the collapse of China’s Qing dynasty in 1912, China witnessed a lot of civil wars and warlordism until 1949, but did not denounce its claim on Tibet. Tibet never declared independence towards China or other countries during this period. (The 13th Dalai Lama himself denied (to the British) that he had ever authorized the Russian subject--Agvan Dorjiev, to sign a treaty with Mongolians on behalf of Tibet. So, that 1913 treaty is not valid.) USA officially recognized Tibet as a part of China in 1943, way before communist China existed. No country in the world recognizes Tibet as an independent country, or officially regard Tibet as not a part of china, or officially regard Tibet as occupied by China. 3. Did Tibet has opportunity to defeat Chinese invasion in 1950? Tibet is huge and has very high altitude and very thin air which is difficult for Chinese to breathe, let alone climb mountains. The total length of road which a 4-wheel vehicle can drive in whole Tibet was only 4 kilometers in 1950. Chinese has to across many high mountains at very high altitude for 2000 kilometers to get to Lhasa. There was little sources of food or even water. In short, Tibet was a perfect place to wage guerilla war on Chinese troops, and that is exactly what CIA recommended to Tibetans. In 1950, Tibet had about 100,000 bolt rifles and many Tibetans were hunters and can shoot very accurately over long distance. If Tibetans used guerilla war to attack Chinese supply line, Chinese troops will starve to death and have not way to advance across 2000 kilometers of mountains (without road) into central Tibet. Instead, Tibetans choose to sign the peace liberation treaty after only two hundred Tibetan soldiers got killed in the Chamdo battle in 1950. In short, Tibetans had good chance to defeat Chinese in 1950 if they really want. But it is impossible in 1959 since China had built 3 roads (totally >4000 kilometers) and bridges into Tibet since 1950. 4. Why Tibetans rebelled in 1959? Before 1956, most Tibetans were serfs, and most lands were owned by noblemen and monasteries. The part of Tibet (central) ruled by Dalai Lama enjoyed very high autonomy within China from 1950-1959. China launched land reforms in the Chinese directly ruled (east) Tibetan areas in 1956, taking land from noblemen and monasteries and distributing them to the serfs. Rebellion led by noblemen and monasteries broke out in east Tibet in 1956, with independence as the slogan to get support from serfs, and spread to Lhasa in 1959, encouraged and supported by the CIA. 5. Does China repress Tibetans and practice cultural genocide? No. Besides, there is a long covered fact (by all parts involved) about China and communism. Chinese communism was created with the help of Soviet Union, and controlled by Stalin. After the Second World War, Soviet Union supplied Chinese communist troops with captured Japanese weapons including 2700 artilleries, and produced ammunitions and weapons for communists in Russia-occupied China’s north-east. USA organized an international arms embargo to the troops of Chinese anti-communist government. Chinese nationalist government troops were poorly equipped with little artilleries and ammunition. Communism caused at least 60million Chinese death. The truth is: communism was forced upon to Chinese by Soviet union with the help of U.S. So, China should not be blamed for the destruction of Tibetan culture in Cultural revolution in Tibet.
Nice video and good graphics. Maps always relevant and very precise. Tibet is the first Buddhist country and unfortunately for it. He lost his independence in 1949 be cause mao the murder of 50 millions humans.
'Tibet' a bhuddhism religion country was a buffer zone country between 'China' and 'India', having their own army, currency, law under supervision of their king 'Dalai lama', and was mapped in world map as country. how world lost a peaceful Tibet country ? Reason greedy china invaded, 'Tibet' destroyed their bhuddist temples killed complete army and produced new map shown Tibet country region as part of 'China' !!! Since then 'Dalai lama' is in India and is peacefully protesting and appealing world organisation to free 'Tibet' from 'China'. World must unite together fight and force China to quit peaceful Bhuddism religion country 'Tibet'.
Very interesting video. Tibet's history is deffenetly an underrated topic.
Sanırım kapışma arıyorsun .d
@@rondoallaturca3973 slavic
@@rondoallaturca3973 başkasıyla karıştırdım ismin aynı kb
As a tibetan, I'm really proud of my history and thankful to you for this video!
Are you from xiziang?
@@silversurfer2977 tibet*
@@tib7792 But now tibet is locked in china.
Isnt it?
@@silversurfer2977 Tibet is a false name used by the colonists. Its official name is xizang
@@tianmingchen6438 Xizang is a false name used by the colonists. Its official name is བོད་
I'm an ethnic tibetan from nepal(sherpa). Thank you for making this video😁
I love sherpas who are proud of their Tibetan roots. good for you
Ahh Tashi Delek ..
I am a Tibetan from China
Arkadaşlar kusura bakmayın youtube gene yapacağını yaptı . Normalde telifli olup olmadığını videoyu yüklemeden önce haber vermesine rağmen bu sefer haber vermedi. video yüklendikten 4 saat sonra ben kendim farkettim . ikinci teşebbüsümde de telif yedi. 123123123 defa editledim 123213123 defa renderladım 56756756 defa uploadladım videoyu. Artık telif yemez inş. İzlediğiniz için teşekkürler. :')
geç olmadan (fazla izlenmeden)silmem gerekiyordu .
Do i have good videos?
@@Warsawke your Commomweatlh video is nice bro
Not :neden ilk paylastigimda 1200 izlenme 1 dislike vardi simdi 200 izlenme 3 dislike var :/
@@KayraAtakanQX : (
Bu aralar RUclips --swastika-- ile fazla ilgilenmiyor ancak telifle her zamanki gibi içli dışlı
Tibet'in çok güzel bir tarihi var.
Tibetans nearly have a sea access when they created their first empire
A I'm joke to you? 1:17
bruh they had access to the sea
@@adnan_honest_jihadist5775 I mean direct rule not a puppet
Isyraf that wasn’t a puppet but a vassal type
@@mlgdigimon vassal and puppet are essentialy the same thing
Problem yaşıyorsunuz herhalde ? silip tekrar yüklüyorsunuz da ama tabii ki hemen beğenimi atıyorum hiç merak etmeyin :)
RUclips biz icerik ureticilerinin islerini elinden geldigince zorlastiriyor :/
Although mostly true, I dispute from the late 1400's. The Dalai lama and the Galden Phordang was fully in control of the Historic Tibetan area till 1959. We had diplomatic relations with Mongolia, China, Nepal and the British India. it the early 1800's,Tibet as a country had signed treaties with the British India. Tibetans even sent few students to London to study. Tibetan Mastiff was sent to the Queen Victoria of England in the 1870's. In the 1940's American Delegation had come to Tibet. Tibetans had traded with the USA and bought $400,000 worth of GOLD to back the national currency reserve. I am proud Tibetan and love my history. Thank you.
1. Was Tibet an independent country before 1912?
Tibet was an independent country before 1246. From 1373 to 1578, Tibet rulers paid tribute to Chinese Ming dynasty government many times. In 1642, Dalai Lama invited a Mongol tribe’s troops to come into Tibet to fight other opposite Tibetan groups. Tibet was then controlled by this Mongol tribe. This Mongol tribe voluntarily submitted to the Chinese Qing dynasty in 1653 for Chinese support to defend against west Mongols. In 1705, Chinese emperor abolished the 6th Dalai Lama for his violation of Buddhist obligation, and ordered him to be arrested and sent to Beijing for punishment. He died on the way.
Since 18th century, Dalai Lama had kneed down towards Chinese emperor’s picture many times during ceremonies. China posted a garrison in Lhasa from 1751. Tibet respected Chinese government’s sovereignty, which is typically shown in the selection of the 10th Dalai Lama in 1822. Britain and Russia recognized Tibet as a part of China in 1906. China ruled Tibet directly from 1910 to 1911. Since Manchu are Chinese citizens and support China’s claim on Tibet, Chinese regarded China after Qing as a legal successor of Qing dynasty. (In fact, Western countries made sure China became the successor of Qing dynasty, so that China could continue to pay the huge ransom owed by Qing to the West countries after it was defeated in 1900.)
2. Was Tibet an independent country between 1912 and 1950?
After the collapse of China’s Qing dynasty in 1912, China witnessed a lot of civil wars and warlordism until 1949, but did not denounce its claim on Tibet. Tibet never declared independence towards China or other countries during this period. (The 13th Dalai Lama himself denied (to the British) that he had ever authorized the Russian subject--Agvan Dorjiev, to sign a treaty with Mongolians on behalf of Tibet. So, that 1913 treaty is not valid.) USA officially recognized Tibet as a part of China in 1943, way before communist China existed.
No country in the world recognizes Tibet as an independent country, or officially regard Tibet as not a part of china, or officially regard Tibet as occupied by China.
3. Did Tibet has opportunity to defeat Chinese invasion in 1950?
Tibet is huge and has very high altitude and very thin air which is difficult for Chinese to breathe, let alone climb mountains. The total length of road which a 4-wheel vehicle can drive in whole Tibet was only 4 kilometers in 1950. Chinese has to across many high mountains at very high altitude for 2000 kilometers to get to Lhasa. There was little sources of food or even water. In short, Tibet was a perfect place to wage guerilla war on Chinese troops, and that is exactly what CIA recommended to Tibetans. In 1950, Tibet had about 100,000 bolt rifles and many Tibetans were hunters and can shoot very accurately over long distance. If Tibetans used guerilla war to attack Chinese supply line, Chinese troops will starve to death and have not way to advance across 2000 kilometers of mountains (without road) into central Tibet. Instead, Tibetans choose to sign the peace liberation treaty after only two hundred Tibetan soldiers got killed in the Chamdo battle in 1950. In short, Tibetans had good chance to defeat Chinese in 1950 if they really want. But it is impossible in 1959 since China had built 3 roads (totally >4000 kilometers) and bridges into Tibet since 1950.
4. Why Tibetans rebelled in 1959?
Before 1956, most Tibetans were serfs, and most lands were owned by noblemen and monasteries. The part of Tibet (central) ruled by Dalai Lama enjoyed very high autonomy within China from 1950-1959. China launched land reforms in the Chinese directly ruled (east) Tibetan areas in 1956, taking land from noblemen and monasteries and distributing them to the serfs. Rebellion led by noblemen and monasteries broke out in east Tibet in 1956, with independence as the slogan to get support from serfs, and spread to Lhasa in 1959, encouraged and supported by the CIA.
5. Does China repress Tibetans and practice cultural genocide?
No. Besides, there is a long covered fact (by all parts involved) about China and communism. Chinese communism was created with the help of Soviet Union, and controlled by Stalin. After the Second World War, Soviet Union supplied Chinese communist troops with captured Japanese weapons including 2700 artilleries, and produced ammunitions and weapons for communists in Russia-occupied China’s north-east. USA organized an international arms embargo to the troops of Chinese anti-communist government. Chinese nationalist government troops were poorly equipped with little artilleries and ammunition. Communism caused at least 60million Chinese death. The truth is: communism was forced upon to Chinese by Soviet union with the help of U.S. So, China should not be blamed for the destruction of Tibetan culture in Cultural revolution in Tibet.
How come Nepal have fought war with China, not once but twice if Tibet which is situated in between was really a independent nation?
@@jasoncheng3025 50cent army
Our forefathers Jappa Jallimpa Sukpa Bongepa migrated from tibot (tibet) & settled here in Garo Hills Meghalaya,Assam,Bangladesh. Hope one day we’ll know the exact place from where our forefathers came
Tibetan empire
1:17 greatest extent(maybe)
1:22 greatest extent(maybe)
Phagmodupra dynasty
3:17 greatest extent(maybe)
4:10 greatest extent(maybe)
Bhutan and Tibet
5:00 greatest extent(maybe)
Her zamanki gibi harika. Lütfen bırakma bu işi elbet bir gün hak ettiğini alacaksın
EXTREMELY underrated video, good work
*Bizi temsil ettiğiniz için teşekkür ederiz, bu dünya demektir. Tibetliler, Kızıl Çinliler tarafından da ezilen Uygur Türkleri ile birlikte duruyorlar. Size Tibet'ten sevgi gönderiyoruz.
jahtso I'm from turkey and Turkey in this video that we stand by the Uyghur and Tibetan people both in Turkey and in your rightful struggle, we stand beside the oppressed throughout history
@@sjnanannsjsj5757 I come from China, and I will support the oppressed Kurdish people. And I will let more people know what kind of country Turkey is. You have conflicts with Europe, America and Russia. Now that China is added, I now understand The reason why China and Greece have good relations. I wish you all a good time in the world of dreams.
@@herondesign4507 in your dreams bat eater🤗🤗🤗
@@herondesign4507 shut up and eat your bats😘😘😘
cok güzel! @
Kayra Atakan [Qırım Xan'ı] #FreeEastTurkestan #FreeTibet
Inner Mongolia too our brothers can’t leave them behind
I appreciate your efforts to show The kingdom of Monyul. Thank you.
You’re so tragically underrated
But why are Yi and Bai including ? I mean, they are totally different groups from Tibetic people.
Its because the Tibetan empire at one time was a rival to both of the Tang Dynasty. The occupied the lands of the Yi and Dai people for a period of 200 years.
Ok how many kings u had so far
@@tripplehhh2584 till now 5th king .. we love our beloved kings ... we Bhutanese people are blessed to have a great king who is very kind n very supportive towards his peoples... long live our bored kings 🙏
Shut up....right from ur food to ur handwriting is Tibetan.......
@@WaMo721 And what about it?
i am happy for our bhutanese brothers cherish your freedom, Free Tibet 😭
Durmak yok, yola devam :)
Love from Swiss❤
Adamsın senin gibi değerli mappercıların ülkemizde çoğalması gerek
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If Tibet choose Armed revolition.We Burmese brother have soilders for you.
Tibet ❤ Myanmar/Burma
Great job
The sixth Emperor, Trisong Detsen, is almost solely responsible for Tibet being Buddhist. He held a grand debate for whether Tibet would adopt Chinese Chan Buddhism or Indian Tantric Buddhism. Tibet had been almost completely adherent to Bon (the native Shamanistic religion of Tibet) up until then. The Indians dominated the Buddhist debate and the Chinese were deported, physically and ideologically, and the Indian system was fully adopted, and preserved, in Tibet.
Today, in contrast to these basic facts in Tibetan history, the Red Chinese government tries to make it look like Imperial Tibet forcing Tang China to give a princess (Princess Wen Chen) in wedlock to the first Emperor, Songtsen Gampo, began Buddhism in the country because she brought a Buddha statue, and began a 'bond' submitting Tibet to China ever since. This is to justify cultural genocide on Tibet and to replace local customs with Chinese customs.
The truth is, Tibet would remain largely adherent to Bon until the grand debate. Besides, Princess Wenchen was only one of many wives, and she was one of the latter. Songtsen Gampo actually peacefully negotiated Nepal for Princess Bhrikuti's hand, and she brought a statue of the Buddha, a statue of Maitrya AKA the future Buddha, and a sandalwood Tara (a popular female Bodhisattva). It is only then that Trisong Detsen built the first Tibetan monastery, Samye, with the conjunction of Indian Buddhist abbot Shankaraksita and the Tantric saint from the west, Guru Rinpoche.
To give you a light of hope, the ancient Buddhist practices are safe in India. The Ladakh region, The districts of Lahaul and Spiti still practice the ancient Tantric Buddhism. I am a Bengali Hindu and there is a significant Tantric culture in Hinduism too.
Arijit Banerjee Ladakh is more Tibetan than Indian. So is Sikkim. And Hinduism is different from Buddhism.
@@Jahtso There is no Unified Indian culture. India is made up different ethnicities, religions and cultures. Ranging from Tamils, mizos, Zoroastrians, bengali, African siddis, anglo-Indians etc. As the saying goes “Unity in diversity” also Tantra are the esoteric traditions of both Hinduism and Buddhism, they also share many similar features together.
@@ajarofmayonnaise3250 In-Dia
@@Jahtso Sikkim is more Nepalese than Tibetian, actually. Since the 1700s, the demographics of the region became dominated by the Gorkha Nepalis, however, in spite of this, the Bhutia-Lepecha continued to rule over the larger ethnic group until the Sikkimese monarchy was overthrown and the state ascended to India
Nan Zhao and Dali were not Tibetan, they were Yunnan natives.
Free Tibet👍
Love and sympathy from Berlin 🐻🇩🇪
the tibetian slaves are already free.
@@failedbirthcontrol8995century of humiliation of Tibet.
Mappingin Kralı Döktürmüş Yine
Sikkim was annexed in 1974, and now only Bhutan exists. Bhutan's current situation is similar to that of Sikkim in 1970s. Its military, diplomatic and economic affairs are controlled by India. The only difference is that the number of immigrants is not enough. If the proportion of immigrants is enough, like Sikkim in 1974, a vote can be held to join India
Yea and intresetingly Immigrants had already made their first attempt to throw out king and sell bhutan to India like sikkim. Thankfully Bhutan kicked out such ungrateful bastards out of country on time
@@dreamadventure8220Actually they were just 25% 😅 Nepalis
How 25% Can change Demographics Sikkim Wanted Dargelling from India ruler was Hypocrite his wife was CIA Agent and Wanted diplomatic relations with China
Therefore we have To Invade the country but we Unlike china Not destroyed any Monument instead it was peaceful Liberation and today it is Richest state of India (8000$) per capita
crosskoyamayandayıtugay #freehawaii
@@alonsocf #freechechenya
@@alonsocf #freepalestine
@@alonsocf #freedagestan
@@alonsocf #freeturkestan
Kardeş merhaba.Benim bir tarih proje ödevim var.Konu asya hun,göktürk,uygur).Bir video yapacağım.Ben videoyu yusuf kayaalpin tarzıyla yapacağım.Biraz harita kullanacağım ama büyük bir sıkıntı var.Benim çizimim çok kötü.Daha önceden 7.sınıfta senin türk tarihi videona bakıp kendi türk tarihi ödevimi yapmıştım ama harita çizimleri rezaletti.Senden ricam şu.Şu anki ödevimde direk senin videondan screenshot alabilir miyim.
Eğer hoca ödevi beğenirse belki diğer sınıflarada sunum yapabilirim ki bu yaklaşık 240 kişi demek.
Tabiki kullanabilirsin . Sosyal medya ve diğer dijital platformalrda videomu direkt olarak yükleyip kendininmiş gibi göstermesinin sürece problem olamz. Ismimi de verirsen cok mutlu olurum abone olun falan dersen .d
@@KayraAtakanQX Yani okulda öyle bir sey demem garip olabilir ama bir şey yapmaya çalıďirım
@@KayraAtakanQXSag ol bu arada.Bir de nasıl bu kadar iyi çiziyorsun
@ Bence Yusuf Kayaalp'in tarzıyla yapma ki konu yön değiştirmesin Yusuf Kayaalp de iyice abarttı konu tarihten komediye geçiyor zaten çoğu kişi de onu gülmek için izliyordur bilgiler boş esprilerin içinde eriyip gidiyor tavsiyem düzgün bir video yap :)
@ fotonun altına youtube kayra atakan yazarsın
muhteşem video çeçen tarihide yaparmısın
I am proud that the Monyul kingdom existed even before the Tibetan and Chinese empires. It shows we are older than both of them and have a unique ethnic identity different from both of them.
You should do a video on the Mesoamerican native people.
Please make a video about Srivijaya Empire in Indonesia 🙏
shivaji empire lived in the India and Pakistan
Please make a video about Bengals
They are also Turk ( Muslim Bengals only)
You mean Bengal Sultanate 🇦🇹?
They were Afghan not Turks
Tibet history: underrated
Tibetlileri severim iyi insanlar
Do you know anything about kirati Dynasty
All great except you didn’t give any credit to Dalai Lama’s Ganden Phodrang rule from the great 5th in 1650’s until Communist rule to now, which is most significantly left now of cultural, religious, political Eg Potola palace we see and other great Gelug monasteries in Lhasa and other regions are during this term. Sure it’s under Mongol, Chinese and Manchu influence but operated independently. Why?
Can you correct.
In 1616, a tibetan monk/lama Zhabdrung would escape to Bhutan and Unify the Country. From there on Bhutan remained a unified country. Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal is considered as the founding father of Bhutan 🇧🇹. I really wish that one day tibet becomes a free & independent nation, There has always been a great link between Bhutan & Tibet. Chapsue Choe 🙏🏻
Sikkim also
in fact tibet helped sikkim during war with bhutan
@@phurbadukpa6142 Yes la, Bhutan, Sikkim and Tibet are like Brothers. So much common in tradition, culture and beliefs. ✨🌸
Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh also Tibetic
@@tenzo_sanWhat about Ladakh Northern Areas of Himachal Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh and Sherpa of Nepal also Tibetic 😊
Geçmiş Olsun Abi
Bhutan is an heritage of Tibetan history. Dalai lama must to live in this country instead India.
Well if he does that Bhutan will be part of China aswell
Bhutan are Kagyu sect the Dalai Lama belongs to Gelupa
Then Bhutan will become part of china
Sorry bro you going wrong our Buddhist religion is different from others Buddhist religion who never can occupied by any religion which is very powerful make by our father zabgdrung ngawang namgyel himself....we all knows about his power you know😂 .. anywayའབྲུག་པ་དཀར་བརྒྱུད། and འབྲུག་པ་བཀའ་བརྒྱུད། is family but inside it's is very different culture you know the way we speak, study ,praying ,meditating etc all are different.but we love them very much .
Senin sayende tibet in de büyük imparatorluklar kurduğunu gördüm eskiden sadece çinin kuklası küçük bi devlet zannederdim tibeti
1:28 greatest existence
East Turkestan
Are Bai considered Tibetic though? thought they were sinitic
Bhutan:i am T I B E T NOW
They had sea access through Bangladesh
Oha yeni video gelmiş la
1:01 thats a weird flag
4:21 did tibet just dissapear?
They "disappear" because of Qing conquest.
@@tib7792 not,conquered by dzungar khanate,then qing conquerd dzungar khanate.
This video completely underestimates the distribution of Tibetans. Tibetans are the earliest races to the American continent. Indigenous people in South America today are actually Tibetans
Wtf... ?
really? even i as a Tibetan didn't know this. can u plz refer me to the source materials? i just wanna know more.
@@ziikpoplayspubg4491 You're not tibetan. There's no internet in the tibet and buthan and you whole channel is in english.
@@faustogiorno2300ever heard of Tibetans living in exile?
Dalai Lamas had power in Khoshut Khanate from 1642 year. Why is not this shown?
Because koshun khanate is a mongolian dynasty.
@@KayraAtakanQX Khoshuut and it was Khanat not "dynasty"
The early Tibeto people (Chiang or Qiang) are of haplogroup O, they conquered the natives (Haplogroup D) of the regions of Tibet. Today ~50% tibetans Y DNA are haplogroup O, the other half are mostly D.
Please make caspian people next(talysh, Gilaks and Mazanderanis) I’m half azeri
Tibet ❤️
Kanalini inceledim konular guzel ama teknigin zayif kendini gelistirirsen cok guzel yerlere gelebilirsin.
@@KayraAtakanQX teşekkürler üstad
Facebook grubumuza katılarak mapping hakkında daha çok şey öğrenebilirsin .
@@KayraAtakanQX teşekkürler başvuru yaptım
Tibet 1950 yilina kadar Çinden bağımsız bir devletti. Qing döneminde ve Yuan döneminde özgürlüklerini kaybettiler ama Qing mançu Yuan ise bir moğol devletidir.
Meaning of yalung plz
Video Efsane Ama 4:22 de birsey sakli sjshsjsj
Ne saklı ?
Sikkim mi jsjsjsjahahs
Her zamanki gibi çok güzel bir video teşekkür ederim 🙏
This will be banned in China lol
are you stupid or sth?
Everyone knows Tibetan empire in china...basic middle school stuff
@@batuchen6103 tibet is not china
Mmmm of course not.
China doesn't hate Tibetan culture. That is just stupid. And this video is not even pro-independence.
Stop saying that kind of stupid things.
@@adge5182 Yeah right. China is definitely not trying to assimilate Tibet.
@@벚벗 sino people and tibetan people are brothers,not only language,but also gene
Once Tibet independence we will make again the Great Tibet map , it will larger then 3 times of India . Free Tibet 💪
Video önerisi vereceğim. Anadolu halkları tarihi :)
Öyle bir halk yok
Bölge halkı tarihi ahahahgsgsghdb
@@KayraAtakanQX Hititler,
Lidyalılar,Likyalılar, Palalar... Çok değerli medeniyetler aslında.
I am licchivi my ancestor defeated kirant empire of Nepal and build licchivi dynasty in Nepal.
Telif gene demi. :/
Little mistake, after Tibet gain independence in 1913, the country didn't actually have possession over the Kham region of Sichuan.
Nevertheless your mapping skill has improved more than I ever expect tbh
true but like qinghai province it was the home of tibetan people
A glass of strawberry Fanta "Little mistake, after Tibet gain independence in 1913, the country didn't actually have possession over the Kham region of Sichuan"
Tibet never gained "independence" from China. It was under Qing Dynasty, then after Qing ended, it transferred its sovereign powers including Tibet to Republic of China. Just that China was in shambles then so every province was literally self governing.
@@yerri5567 I think you just never understand why
@@Ifoundnohappinesshere "why" what? The law?
@@yerri5567 can you apply that to Manchuria if every province of China after Qing dynasty is self-governing?
This video is not allowed in China. Oh, RUclips is not allowed neither.
South Korea should maintain the tradition of tribute men to the Chinese as slaves, tribute women to the Chinese as servant ! Remember how to talk to the owner in the future, dog-like things ~
liked it very much
The western bhutan has its root from Tibet as People from there migrated when the Tibetan empire was at its peak during the Eighth Century. But the real inhabitants of Bhutan were already there in the central and eastern Bhutan at the same time as Tibetan empire speaking their own language and with own way of life. The only influence Tibetans had on Bhutan was Tibetan Buddhism. In the 12th Century when the red hat and yellow hat division occurred in Tibet, Bhutan sided with the red hats against the ruling yellow hats in Tibet. Bhutan has created its national identity since 1616 completely different from Tibet and Tibet did try to conquer Bhutan failing every time. Therefore its a misrepresentation and mis information that Bhutan is the last remaining land of Tibetan Empire. in Bhutan nobody speaks Tibetan language , the people still speak their native languages. Tibetan Buddhism has remained firmly in Bhutan though.
You forgot to include the flag, national anthem of the Kingdom of Sikkim watch?v=YFECn9zZ5ws
What Sikkim??? Sikkim is so small to put its flag 😀😀😀 Even they didn't put other old ,bigger and more powerful kingdoms than Kingdom of Sikkim... broken from Tibetan empire such as Kingdom of Ladakh or Maryul, Kingdom of Guge, Kingdom of zanskar ,etc. They didn't put their Flags 💢so what Sikkim ur talking about???😀🤨
I'm confused how come there is Bhutan in the history of Tibet?
bhutanese is similar to tibetan language and the bhutanese people came from tibet
History as it was , just looking at its past , but today’s youth are concerned about their future & place in modern Tibet , as it progresses along with other provinces in China for the 21st. century world.! Tibet will not be turned back through time by its old guard with a feudal system which had impeded the development & progress of the Tibetan people in the past, prior to their liberation by the People’s Republic of China & brought Tibet into the modern world of today.!
Reis bir zamanlar oyratlar yönetiyordu tibeti orayı goremedim
Cunku oyrstlar moğol bu video tibetik halkların tarihi. Anadoluyu da yunanlar yönetti türk tarihi videolarına koymuyoruz ama .d
@@KayraAtakanQX Aga Xi Xia ve Tuyuhun'ları bakıyorum da göremiyorum .d
Bi'de Di'leri .
@@Aizen.Sousuke230 tuyuhunun Tibetli olduğu kesin değil
@@KayraAtakanQX Onlar Moğol.Ama asimile oldular.Ama yine de "Han" veya "Kağan" ünvanlarını kullandılar.Ama yine de asimile oldular .
@@KayraAtakanQX Bu arada Xianbei'ler ve Wuhuan'lar da Moğol.Ama Tabgaçlar ve Yuwen'ler Türk hatta Xiongnu kökenli orası ayrı tabi .d
Harika video
Im from tibet but now im in France
History of Kazakhstan (Kazakh peoples)
@Bad Zorig you dont know historuc kazahk countries?
@Bad Zorig 1990/2020 just modern kazakh history
Mid 8th century- “wow, that’s... big”
thats what she said
Gel sana kaynak diyim bak: Birinci Azerbaycan Demokratik Cummuriyyeti. çekirsen sevinirim
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Tüm azerbaycan türklerinin tarihini yaptım o sırada 1. Azerbaycan cumhuriyetini gösterdim zaten
Biliyorum istiklal savaşını ceksen Türkiyeninkini çekmişdin öyle
Kaynak atmakı bilmiyomda
Bu ülkenin senin gibi maperlara ihtiyacı var
Sen harikasın
1. Was Tibet an independent country before 1912?
Tibet was an independent country before 1246. From 1373 to 1578, Tibet rulers paid tribute to Chinese Ming dynasty government many times. In 1642, Dalai Lama invited a Mongol tribe’s troops to come into Tibet to fight other opposite Tibetan groups. Tibet was then controlled by this Mongol tribe. This Mongol tribe voluntarily submitted to the Chinese Qing dynasty in 1653 for Chinese support to defend against west Mongols. In 1705, Chinese emperor abolished the 6th Dalai Lama for his violation of Buddhist obligation, and ordered him to be arrested and sent to Beijing for punishment. He died on the way.
Since 18th century, Dalai Lama had kneed down towards Chinese emperor’s picture many times during ceremonies. China posted a garrison in Lhasa from 1751. Tibet respected Chinese government’s sovereignty, which is typically shown in the selection of the 10th Dalai Lama in 1822. Britain and Russia recognized Tibet as a part of China in 1906. China ruled Tibet directly from 1910 to 1911. Since Manchu are Chinese citizens and support China’s claim on Tibet, Chinese regarded China after Qing as a legal successor of Qing dynasty. (In fact, Western countries made sure China became the successor of Qing dynasty, so that China could continue to pay the huge ransom owed by Qing to the West countries after it was defeated in 1900.)
2. Was Tibet an independent country between 1912 and 1950?
After the collapse of China’s Qing dynasty in 1912, China witnessed a lot of civil wars and warlordism until 1949, but did not denounce its claim on Tibet. Tibet never declared independence towards China or other countries during this period. (The 13th Dalai Lama himself denied (to the British) that he had ever authorized the Russian subject--Agvan Dorjiev, to sign a treaty with Mongolians on behalf of Tibet. So, that 1913 treaty is not valid.) USA officially recognized Tibet as a part of China in 1943, way before communist China existed.
No country in the world recognizes Tibet as an independent country, or officially regard Tibet as not a part of china, or officially regard Tibet as occupied by China.
3. Did Tibet has opportunity to defeat Chinese invasion in 1950?
Tibet is huge and has very high altitude and very thin air which is difficult for Chinese to breathe, let alone climb mountains. The total length of road which a 4-wheel vehicle can drive in whole Tibet was only 4 kilometers in 1950. Chinese has to across many high mountains at very high altitude for 2000 kilometers to get to Lhasa. There was little sources of food or even water. In short, Tibet was a perfect place to wage guerilla war on Chinese troops, and that is exactly what CIA recommended to Tibetans. In 1950, Tibet had about 100,000 bolt rifles and many Tibetans were hunters and can shoot very accurately over long distance. If Tibetans used guerilla war to attack Chinese supply line, Chinese troops will starve to death and have not way to advance across 2000 kilometers of mountains (without road) into central Tibet. Instead, Tibetans choose to sign the peace liberation treaty after only two hundred Tibetan soldiers got killed in the Chamdo battle in 1950. In short, Tibetans had good chance to defeat Chinese in 1950 if they really want. But it is impossible in 1959 since China had built 3 roads (totally >4000 kilometers) and bridges into Tibet since 1950.
4. Why Tibetans rebelled in 1959?
Before 1956, most Tibetans were serfs, and most lands were owned by noblemen and monasteries. The part of Tibet (central) ruled by Dalai Lama enjoyed very high autonomy within China from 1950-1959. China launched land reforms in the Chinese directly ruled (east) Tibetan areas in 1956, taking land from noblemen and monasteries and distributing them to the serfs. Rebellion led by noblemen and monasteries broke out in east Tibet in 1956, with independence as the slogan to get support from serfs, and spread to Lhasa in 1959, encouraged and supported by the CIA.
5. Does China repress Tibetans and practice cultural genocide?
No. Besides, there is a long covered fact (by all parts involved) about China and communism. Chinese communism was created with the help of Soviet Union, and controlled by Stalin. After the Second World War, Soviet Union supplied Chinese communist troops with captured Japanese weapons including 2700 artilleries, and produced ammunitions and weapons for communists in Russia-occupied China’s north-east. USA organized an international arms embargo to the troops of Chinese anti-communist government. Chinese nationalist government troops were poorly equipped with little artilleries and ammunition. Communism caused at least 60million Chinese death. The truth is: communism was forced upon to Chinese by Soviet union with the help of U.S. So, China should not be blamed for the destruction of Tibetan culture in Cultural revolution in Tibet.
Birileri evde sıkılmış
Yazik lan su millete baslarina simdi bin bir oyun geliyor Cin Tarafindan Long live Tibet
Nice video and good graphics. Maps always relevant and very precise. Tibet is the first Buddhist country and unfortunately for it. He lost his independence in 1949 be cause mao the murder of 50 millions humans.
your right
'Tibet' a bhuddhism religion country was a buffer zone country between 'China' and 'India', having their own army, currency, law under supervision of their king 'Dalai lama', and was mapped in world map as country. how world lost a peaceful Tibet country ? Reason greedy china invaded, 'Tibet' destroyed their bhuddist temples killed complete army and produced new map shown Tibet country region as part of 'China' !!! Since then 'Dalai lama' is in India and is peacefully protesting and appealing world organisation to free 'Tibet' from 'China'.
World must unite together fight and force China to quit peaceful Bhuddism religion country 'Tibet'.
I want them in the game Age of Empires 2
tibet at its peak expanded till afghanistan to the west
Tibetan friends in Tibet, together with other nationalities, have built a great Chinese nation.
Tibet is not Chinese land. This is genocidal rhetoric tbh
Tibet is ruled by any Hindu king 👑💖🤔
No This is Too Much 🤣
Vive les Tibétains!
Tibet 💪💪👊🇨🇳🇨🇳
Misleading thumbnail 👎
4:14 sikkim hahaha
#freetibet finally some real history