Os romanos eram perfeitos nos projetos de suas vilas e cidades, tudo muito bem projetado (quarteirões, ruas, praças, prédios públicos e avenidas) numa época de bigas e carroças inclusive. Magnífico!
Yes, this was a fascinating project, most of the work was on getting an accurate representation of the town of emona, the project is from 2008, we are now starting another project with a Roman reconstruction, we hope to take things to another level
Os romanos eram perfeitos nos projetos de suas vilas e cidades, tudo muito bem projetado (quarteirões, ruas, praças, prédios públicos e avenidas) numa época de bigas e carroças inclusive. Magnífico!
Yes, this was a fascinating project, most of the work was on getting an accurate representation of the town of emona, the project is from 2008, we are now starting another project with a Roman reconstruction, we hope to take things to another level
Amazing how many of the sidewalks were covered to give residents protection from the sun. Here in rich ultra-modern Manhattan no such thing exists
Well , air condition malls:)
Holy fuck if i know this is a program but damn that grass is looking realy good and thick!
Ahh...It was so beautiful....
great 3D models
That was fantastic! Thank you. TS - 2:00 - Are those solar panels!?
close - more like sun shades:)
Hvala:) we'll be posting more animations soon...
emona is the original roman modern day City of ljubljana
C'est magnifique
hmm, depending on shot and render layers, but ranging between 20 min pf to 2 hours, on one i7. It for sure took a while:)
nice, lepa animacija
Why there is no trees
it was a marsh land area where the city of emona was built,
No forum?
Yes in the center , next to the temple:)
I want to live in the 1st century version not modern day
rendertime? ;)