Utahn here; they're trying to mess up this state too. Don't let them foul up our gun laws like they did with California! Solidarity among the desert brothers!
They want your land for their Sanctuary cities just a little inside info native American Territories are also going to be targeted in Oklahoma and Wyoming.
Leonard Silvia don’t comply to unconstitutional laws. As Americans we are supposed to make sure tyranny never rises; this is tyranny starting to rise right now. Maybe not in our lifetime but if guns are taken away now they can implement any sort of tyrannical regime they wish onto our grandchildren.
Zach Conant personally I think VA will be the breaking point. The laws haven’t been in effect yet. But once they do and you have counties resisting we will most likely going to see some form of tension. Especially if the lawmakers follow through with their threats to those who do not comply.
@Shapiro Shekelberg take Texas for example the Texan born millennials tend to vote democrat. yet the millennials moving in from blue states tend to vote republican because they left those shitholes for a reason.
I’m from AZ also and I just heard about it this week liberals trying to sneak in a fast one. Tucson is not very conservative look at the council and legislators the democrats has a complete take over of Tucson and they won the Mayor seat a few months ago. We all need to vote every single time. I have so many conservative friends and they all don’t vote.
Thank you guys for bringing up Arizona everyone needs to know about this so we can fight it from happening. We need to make sure nothing like this can even possibly happen.
Correct! It’s nothing more than a semiautomatic rifle! They’ve been around for what, 70-80 years and longer! As Mr Brasket said, when Ugh picked up a big piece of wood and went after his neighbor 20,000 years ago Ugh now had an assault weapon.
Being from Az, the amount of push back via social media has been amazing. My feed is nothing but Don't California my Arizona and links to videos calling out SB 1625. Not to mention petitions and everyone calling their reps.
I live in AZ and I’m concerned to say the least. Gonna rack up some serious debt just so I can buy all the guns. I can’t believe they would even introduce a bill like this in a 2A strong hold
This is their plan all along. California went easy, they tried Virginia and anti-constitutional laws are being passed there now. If they can get Arizona unarmed and defenseless (which is a pro gun state) then they know they can make the rest of the country defenseless. They aren’t going to stop until the entire country is stripped of our God Given rights OR if we stand up and tell them not to tread.
They are taking the best defense weapons we have so they can control us like a hitler act, he was the one that said to control your people disarm them first! It’s to crazy nowadays and isn’t going to go well
My representative from mohave county said this bill is essentially DOA and he also counter proposed a 2nd amendment protection bill HB2093 so we should be good here.
@@tnlranch it will be state wide if it passes(which I'm confident it will) but we also already have laws on the books that Levy hefty fines on politicians that try to take away our 2nd amendment rights. On the other hand you should be talking to your representative as well even if they are lefties. As long as they know they their constituents are against it, it will make them think twice before pulling that type of crap in the future.
Fortunately it will not pass in AZ. Watch The Rageaholic's video on it. Not a single law has passed since the turn of the century there. Arizona is gun friendly.
@@markrhuett that's from years of unchecked illegal immigration and people leaving California enmasse and bringing the same BS that they just left with them. Watch his video and learn from it.
In the case of this Az bill I blame the Californians that have been migrating to other states. I've been seeing a lot of those types here in Ut lately; it's been driving housing prices way up and I wont be surprised if we see a similar ban pop up here in the next few years.
@@Kejsh22 Thank you! No one here believes me on this and it's frustrating! If only they could do some good with that influence like pushing through a recreational marijuana bill lol. (I'm well aware that Utah will NEVER have recreational marijuana, just an example. And a feller can dream 😊)
In Wyoming, the reddest state of them all, there was some recent "testing of the water" with anti gun bills. GOA, in particular GOW got busy and organized a grass roots opposition that stopped them. It is a constant battle everywhere.
I live in Central AZ, and 1625 didn't come to light until 1 week AFTER it got put out. Contacted my Representative, told him we absolutely DO NOT support this.
Called both my senator and house member and both offices are against 1625. So fortunate to live in a cc state, and in a newly designated 2A sanctuary county. Thanks for bringing this to light here in AZ!
Hey Iraqveteran8888 I wrote Martha McSally who is our AZ state senator and got a pretty cool response. I'd love to send it to you guys. For everyone else please tell as many people as you can, there's not many people in Arizona that know about it. We need as much help as possible in Arizona. Thank you!
@Shapiro Shekelberg The MDA Shanna Watts already saud that diversity and younger college people will turn Texas blue, but thats just me wearing my tin foil hat
I'm remember watching the original red dawn movie and one of the first things the occupying general does is to tell his subordinate to get a list of all registered gun owners and take their weapons.
@@billydanzz Costco offers the same quality food for less. What I am saying is people who buy this lifestyle of "Eat everything organic/ Non-GMO/ grown by hand with love" that Wholefood/Traderjoe so preaches very often happen to be gun-hating liberals. Bad troll brother.
Born and raised in Arizona here. Regardless of what laws pass I'll always have my handguns and rifles and God help any official that come and try to enforce those laws.
It's the home to more and more mexicans. Which means more and more democrat representation in government. Which means this will happen. So deal with it.
Oregon is going through the same thing. Almost the same exact legislation introduced in VA is being introduced in Oregon and without public hearings. The hearings are only by "invitation" and no pro-firearms persons are invited. Other hearings are held with no notice in the middle of the night. This is supposed to be a short session for budget work, but has seen a flood of firearms legislation mirroring VA almost word for word. Unfortunately, as we have seen in VA, these current Democrats do not believe they represent the people or are answerable to the people. We have had some disastrous legislation pushed through and the governor said she was going to sign it. In an effort to prevent a vote, all of the Republican Senators walked out preventing a quorum. The governor ordered the State Police to locate, arrest and return all of the Senators that walked out and threatened to activate the National Guard to keep them in the Senate to vote. The Republican Senators have threatened again to walk out during the 2020 session over this flood of firearms legislation and "carbon tax" legislation among other things. The Democrat majority is trying to change the quorum rules and the governor has threatened to put them under guard and house arrest if they threaten to walk out. Oregon legislators, the AG and governor have taken millions in "donations" from Bloomberg and Soros funded groups even against the State Constitution. Bloomberg has given millions in campaign donations for the governor's reelection campaign which doesn't happen until 2022. Nothing like getting a head start. This tyranny across the US is out of control!
Thanks to the two of you for continuing to fight for all your fellow Americans right! And you do such a good job we are all lucky for all that you do! Keep it up!
I saw a post about this bill on FB that a friend of mine saw posted on his timeline, and I immediately shared it to all of my friends. I am glad you guys covered it as well cause we need as much coverage as possible. If the citizens of AZ (including myself) are not informed, this stuff can fly under the radar and we can all lose our stuff and our right to bear arms. I live in Tucson and I am planning to go to this rally tomorrow in PHX cause they need to see we are not going anywhere.
@@Westbird1 yea if they thought the backlash in VA was bad, if it ever got to that level in AZ it would absolutely come to violence much sooner. AZ is a state that has dozens of militia groups that have already been in existence for years, as well as being the #1 state for machine gun ownership.
@@troyweatherford2428 speaking of which. Hilarious that this happened the week before the 2nd Amendment rally this Saturday. Gonna be there. Plan to see all the militias fully kitted out at the capitol
Stupid comment. Republicans want to take our guns away just as much as the democrats, they just aren’t as open about it. Wake up, drop the micro aggressions towards people of color.
I’m 20 years old and live here in AZ....I’m a big 2nd amendment supporter and this scares me...our state is becoming more and more liberal. People in the comments saying this won’t pass in AZ hasn’t been to the major cities here in a while..
Thanks for the update on Arizona SB1625. I am embarrassed to report that one of the co-sponsors of the bill is my state senator. I have written her to express my opposition to the bill. I have also ordered a new semi-automatic rifle, which is my customary response every time I am informed of an effort to deprive me of my Second Amendment rights.
Thanks for getting this out there! Senator Rebecca Rios is a born and raised AZ native. There is a big shift in ideology happening in this nation. Starts at home and colleges and the leftist media. And not all of us CA folks are bad. Lots of conservatives. I will be moving to AZ in two years and not going to watch the great state of AZ get pissed on by the left like they've done to CA.
Keep Barry in your hearts he would be smiling down at you for your commitment to inform your viewers of what our government is doing to the American people
I'm "that guy" who never misses a moment to educate and argue if necessary. We all need to speak loud and clear as well as take action against these tyrants.
I’m an AZ native and I’m “exempt” from this bill due to my job BUT I do not believe that is fair to the general public or what the constitution intended. In fact, I feel it’s the polar opposite of what the 2A intended. I’m also a 2A activist and firearms instructor. I have spent the last 2 weeks since the plethora of anti-2A bills dropped in AZ (there’s about 10 total) contacting every shop owner, club owner, student, coworker, friend, etc. and providing them with a list of all the bills, links to the actual bill text, as well as the contact info for their reps/senators and info about the rally at the state capitol. I’ll be there today! It’s today (2/15) at the state capitol from 10am-2pm. I hope everyone in AZ that supports the 2A is there as well. While it’s an annual rally, not a designated “protest”, it’s perfectly timed with the proposal of these bills and we need to utilize this rally to show how many of us there are and that we can assemble peacefully. If you live in AZ and are too lazy to attend the rally and let your voice be heard beforehand, don’t be crying and bitching if these bills go through. There will also be gun raffles, food trucks and a bunch of guest speakers!
Every gun owner has a responsibility to spend 20 minutes a day fighting this. Even if you just send each of your reps one email each day from the toilet seat, it will help the cause. Phone calls help more. Showing up (announced) at their office helps even more. Be polite and professional. 20 minutes a day is so much easier than starting a boogaloo. And you can’t boogaloo from the toilet.
I watch your videos always. I subscribed to 1776 updates. I support the 2nd amendment always here in Pittsburgh PA Home of the brave,land of the free. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!
Just a quick note from your neighbors to the north. Here in Canada we had a long gun registry, it ended costing the federal government about 10 times what they thought it would. In fact, it was such a complete fiasco that we now how a law on the books that Canada will never have a long gun registry again. I cringe every time I here the word registry coming from any of the states. We dont have any sort of 2A here, owning firearms is a privilege here and not a right. Do not EVER give up that right friends, you will never get it back, and you will certainly no longer be safe from a tyrannical government. Eric and Chad, keep up your amazing work guys. I think it would be awesome at some point for you guys to a segment on Canadian gun laws. I believe what we have here is what the left would refer to as "common sense gun laws" , but I'd like to hear your thoughts on them.
9:25, this is what differentiates Americans from the rest of the world. When I see so many Americans wanting similar gun laws to be like European countries, Australia, Canada, etc. I'm like why? Then move there. The condition is what makes Americans inherently unique and tough. Other countries, yes they're great people, lovely folks, but they are at the mercy of their government. Let's hope they don't turn on their people one day, because it's 2020 and I'm sure that will never happen right?
Arizonan here, I'm doing my part to destroy this bill before it ever leaves committee. On the plus side, AZ House Bill 2093 would make Arizona a Second Amendment Sanctuary STATE, and declare that any violation of the 2A from the federal government is null, void, and unenforceable.
This needs to be handled in the Supreme Court soon. Our president is appointing good judges and his constitutional lawyers are ready. Timing will be impactful. I think he has the angles covered.
Don’t California my Arizona!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sry, they will due to population influx and birth rate.
Solution is have more children and bring them up right
Don't California ANYTHING >:0
Utahn here; they're trying to mess up this state too. Don't let them foul up our gun laws like they did with California! Solidarity among the desert brothers!
Don’t Mexico my Arizona
@@sovereignsnipes9809 very true my brother..
I'm Navajo, AZ born and raised. The last thing I want to do, is rely on the government. My family history speaks for its self.
They want your land for their Sanctuary cities just a little inside info native American Territories are also going to be targeted in Oklahoma and Wyoming.
@@dennisbryan7522nooooooooo, not Oklahoma! Why does the government have to be like this!
Talk to us about gun laws on the rez
Amen to that 🇺🇸🍀
One if the sponsors is a native
We wrote the 2nd Amendment to put limits on the gov't.
How the hell did we let things get so turned around?
1933. Great depression. No one really cared when people didn't have work. It slipped through and since then we have been slowly losing rights.
It’s because a piece of paper doesn’t mean anything to the rich who control everything.
We as a society got soft.
Democrats. And democrats importing new americans to vote blue and to vote for more gun restrictions. Demographics are destiny.
When is enough finally gonna be enough?
California, Virginia, and now purposed Arizona?! This is a blatant infringement on the Second Amendment.
Never , we are gonna be made into CA
Also Tennessee
Leonard Silvia don’t comply to unconstitutional laws. As Americans we are supposed to make sure tyranny never rises; this is tyranny starting to rise right now. Maybe not in our lifetime but if guns are taken away now they can implement any sort of tyrannical regime they wish onto our grandchildren.
Zach Conant personally I think VA will be the breaking point. The laws haven’t been in effect yet. But once they do and you have counties resisting we will most likely going to see some form of tension. Especially if the lawmakers follow through with their threats to those who do not comply.
@@mrknavish3659 use it or lose it
Arizona 2nd amendment rally
Feb 15th 2020. 10am-2pm
Arizona State capital
1700 west Washington st phx az
I'll be there for sure.
lilmexfromphx arizona see you tomorrow
lilmexfromphx arizona please be the example that Virginia was supposed to be...
Support Arizona Citizen's Defense League (AZCDL). They're doing the Lord's work here in AZ.
Trump really? That fucker suck NRA and the big government dick. Completely opposite
GOD EMPEROR Thanks after this video go check them out I live in Arizona and was wondering about a state gun group
Fck double speak "Defense League's"
This shit is popping up in the most unexpected states!
That's "their" plan
@Shapiro Shekelberg oy vey they know shut it down!
Right after BLOOMBERG came to AZ for a rally...
you should expect it in EVERY state. in 10 years we will have no rights.
@Shapiro Shekelberg take Texas for example the Texan born millennials tend to vote democrat. yet the millennials moving in from blue states tend to vote republican because they left those shitholes for a reason.
But i didn't even know this was going on
There is a Facebook group agains these bills join it I’m from AZ and we need to keep informed
jfnuyen we been noticing for a while and these idiots are moving to Texas and voting the same shit while in California.
@@codemen13 what is the group name?
I’m from AZ also and I just heard about it this week liberals trying to sneak in a fast one. Tucson is not very conservative look at the council and legislators the democrats has a complete take over of Tucson and they won the Mayor seat a few months ago. We all need to vote every single time. I have so many conservative friends and they all don’t vote.
Attention AZ locals....Be sure to make it out to tomorrow’s 2A Rally at the Capitol
I believe it was Benjamin Franklin that said it:
“If you trade liberty for safety, you’ll get neither.”
No, it was "deserve neither and will lose both"
@@sparta2705 Those who would trade liberty for safety will lose both and deserve neither. I think that's the quote.
It was Thomas Jefferson that said it
Thank you guys for bringing up Arizona everyone needs to know about this so we can fight it from happening. We need to make sure nothing like this can even possibly happen.
Still no such thing as a assault weapon
Yeah huh If some one commits assault with a weapon it is now an assault weapon.
Correct! It’s nothing more than a semiautomatic rifle! They’ve been around for what, 70-80 years and longer! As Mr Brasket said, when Ugh picked up a big piece of wood and went after his neighbor 20,000 years ago Ugh now had an assault weapon.
Exactly, mine are strictly defense weapons!
Wait until they come for your assault baseball bats.
I heard assault vehicles and assault abortions cost more lives than......
Do we even have a 2A anymore? Sure as hell doesnt feel like it.
This isn't going anywhere. The right to keep and bear arms is in our state constitution. It won't stand a day in court.
@@endstatism9490 good luck.... you would be shocked what a briefcase filled with cash can do.
The 2A died in 1934. The crown uses our Bill of "Rights" as a staff bathroom shit rag.
Thank you guys for helping us in Arizona. We all have to stop this !!! We are all in it together!!!
Rally tomorrow
Being from Az, the amount of push back via social media has been amazing. My feed is nothing but Don't California my Arizona and links to videos calling out SB 1625. Not to mention petitions and everyone calling their reps.
I live in AZ and I’m concerned to say the least. Gonna rack up some serious debt just so I can buy all the guns. I can’t believe they would even introduce a bill like this in a 2A strong hold
This is their plan all along. California went easy, they tried Virginia and anti-constitutional laws are being passed there now. If they can get Arizona unarmed and defenseless (which is a pro gun state) then they know they can make the rest of the country defenseless.
They aren’t going to stop until the entire country is stripped of our God Given rights OR if we stand up and tell them not to tread.
Zach, you got that right.
@AK47 KUSSSHH moving isn't going to solve anything
If they get enough grains of sand together, eventually they have a wall, preventing people getting to their rights.
Meanwhile no southern border Wall.
They are taking the best defense weapons we have so they can control us like a hitler act, he was the one that said to control your people disarm them first! It’s to crazy nowadays and isn’t going to go well
My representative from mohave county said this bill is essentially DOA and he also counter proposed a 2nd amendment protection bill HB2093 so we should be good here.
If you talk to your rep again asked him to make it a Statewide thing please
@@tnlranch it will be state wide if it passes(which I'm confident it will) but we also already have laws on the books that Levy hefty fines on politicians that try to take away our 2nd amendment rights. On the other hand you should be talking to your representative as well even if they are lefties. As long as they know they their constituents are against it, it will make them think twice before pulling that type of crap in the future.
No we can't be complacent.
Fortunately it will not pass in AZ. Watch The Rageaholic's video on it. Not a single law has passed since the turn of the century there. Arizona is gun friendly.
Demographics are changing!...don't assume anything!. Never take anything for granted.
☝What he said.
@@markrhuett that's from years of unchecked illegal immigration and people leaving California enmasse and bringing the same BS that they just left with them. Watch his video and learn from it.
We are getting a lot of Californians moving here. A few years ago you would have said the same about Texas... look at it now.
You have a bunch of ppl coming from places where they vote "left" and hope for free stuff. And in time they get the right of voting
"We the People" are yearning to breathe free.
God bless the 2A community in Arizona!
NONE of my weapons have ever ASSAULTED ANYONE...
Yep! my guns are assaulted every time I violate it when taken apart and rubbing the thing seductively and shoving a rod in it! 😉
My guns often assault my wallet. And berms. And paper. And hogs. Etc. Etc.
In the case of this Az bill I blame the Californians that have been migrating to other states. I've been seeing a lot of those types here in Ut lately; it's been driving housing prices way up and I wont be surprised if we see a similar ban pop up here in the next few years.
you're dead right! I know LOTS of California liberals moving to AZ and they will push their agenda wherever they go. LOOK OUT!
@@Kejsh22 Thank you! No one here believes me on this and it's frustrating! If only they could do some good with that influence like pushing through a recreational marijuana bill lol. (I'm well aware that Utah will NEVER have recreational marijuana, just an example. And a feller can dream 😊)
Depressed Californian hear. The real ones stay here and try to change it back. Smh
@@suburbanboi2404 I'm with you brother!
Heckler 220 thanks
It’s time to start using them.. or we will start losing them.
In Wyoming, the reddest state of them all, there was some recent "testing of the water" with anti gun bills. GOA, in particular GOW got busy and organized a grass roots opposition that stopped them. It is a constant battle everywhere.
we have become lazy and we are loosing our country
We are owned by our possessions.
I live in Central AZ, and 1625 didn't come to light until 1 week AFTER it got put out. Contacted my Representative, told him we absolutely DO NOT support this.
Rip Barry sure do miss his contribution I would’ve love to hear what he be saying nowadays
Keith The Faith that he was
I Always wanted to meet Barry... He seemed like the best friend You'd long to have. R. I. P. Return If Possible
He must be rolling in his grave seeing these gun grabbers in power.
Called both my senator and house member and both offices are against 1625. So fortunate to live in a cc state, and in a newly designated 2A sanctuary county. Thanks for bringing this to light here in AZ!
I live in Virginia 🤦🏾♂️ they passed the "assault weapon ban," through the house I hope Senate don't push that mess through.
Jay Tactical call your senators. If y’all can encourage 2 to vote against it, it’s dead.
Thank you for getting the word out and helping with the push back here in Arizona!
I've lived in Arizona my whole life, never registered any firearm bought. Never will.
My Father was an Old School US Marine, God Rest His Soul, He told me to Never Register Any Firearm... It's your damn right!!!!
The law is more severe then you describe it. The law targets all semi auto firearms. The registration is yearly.
As a Az resident thank you for this video.
Hey Iraqveteran8888 I wrote Martha McSally who is our AZ state senator and got a pretty cool response. I'd love to send it to you guys. For everyone else please tell as many people as you can, there's not many people in Arizona that know about it. We need as much help as possible in Arizona. Thank you!
Demographics is destiny
*But did you enjoy the cheap labor?*
Exactly spot on
@Shapiro Shekelberg The MDA Shanna Watts already saud that diversity and younger college people will turn Texas blue, but thats just me wearing my tin foil hat
@Robert R Most likely on that welfare drug
Thank you fellas for all the support !!!! Free Arizona !
I'm remember watching the original red dawn movie and one of the first things the occupying general does is to tell his subordinate to get a list of all registered gun owners and take their weapons.
Thanks for keeping us updated and aware of what is going on nationwide. God bless.
When I saw a bunch of wholefood being built in Tempe I knew craps like this would eventually happen.
Yeah!....when better quality food becomes available to you....look out!!!
@@billydanzz Costco offers the same quality food for less. What I am saying is people who buy this lifestyle of "Eat everything organic/ Non-GMO/ grown by hand with love" that Wholefood/Traderjoe so preaches very often happen to be gun-hating liberals. Bad troll brother.
@@MrVolare0 - I knew what you meant man...I'm with 'ya...just couldn't resist.
Born and raised in Arizona here. Regardless of what laws pass I'll always have my handguns and rifles and God help any official that come and try to enforce those laws.
WTF, Arizona too, isn't that the home of Forgotten Weapons...?
That one dude what weapons???? We don’t even have guns here
@@guntoob2296 Gun Jesus
It's the home to more and more mexicans. Which means more and more democrat representation in government. Which means this will happen. So deal with it.
justcallmejoeable - deal with what?
@@eddievest4096 the mexican problem
Oregon is going through the same thing. Almost the same exact legislation introduced in VA is being introduced in Oregon and without public hearings. The hearings are only by "invitation" and no pro-firearms persons are invited. Other hearings are held with no notice in the middle of the night. This is supposed to be a short session for budget work, but has seen a flood of firearms legislation mirroring VA almost word for word. Unfortunately, as we have seen in VA, these current Democrats do not believe they represent the people or are answerable to the people. We have had some disastrous legislation pushed through and the governor said she was going to sign it. In an effort to prevent a vote, all of the Republican Senators walked out preventing a quorum. The governor ordered the State Police to locate, arrest and return all of the Senators that walked out and threatened to activate the National Guard to keep them in the Senate to vote. The Republican Senators have threatened again to walk out during the 2020 session over this flood of firearms legislation and "carbon tax" legislation among other things. The Democrat majority is trying to change the quorum rules and the governor has threatened to put them under guard and house arrest if they threaten to walk out. Oregon legislators, the AG and governor have taken millions in "donations" from Bloomberg and Soros funded groups even against the State Constitution. Bloomberg has given millions in campaign donations for the governor's reelection campaign which doesn't happen until 2022. Nothing like getting a head start. This tyranny across the US is out of control!
When "tech jobs" start flowing into your home state, you know crap like this will start happening.
That's a wise observation. Duly noted.
I'm just hearing about this in AZ and I live here.
Ian and Karl will not be happy.
*gun jesus
I really hope gun jesus is at the state capitol tomorrow
Thanks to the two of you for continuing to fight for all your fellow Americans right! And you do such a good job we are all lucky for all that you do! Keep it up!
This is what is happening in canada rite now /we are fighting hard to try to stop it !
I saw a post about this bill on FB that a friend of mine saw posted on his timeline, and I immediately shared it to all of my friends. I am glad you guys covered it as well cause we need as much coverage as possible. If the citizens of AZ (including myself) are not informed, this stuff can fly under the radar and we can all lose our stuff and our right to bear arms. I live in Tucson and I am planning to go to this rally tomorrow in PHX cause they need to see we are not going anywhere.
There's not a snowball's chance in hell this will pass in Arizona
Government: ok law abiding citizen.
@@Westbird1 yea if they thought the backlash in VA was bad, if it ever got to that level in AZ it would absolutely come to violence much sooner. AZ is a state that has dozens of militia groups that have already been in existence for years, as well as being the #1 state for machine gun ownership.
@@troyweatherford2428 speaking of which. Hilarious that this happened the week before the 2nd Amendment rally this Saturday. Gonna be there. Plan to see all the militias fully kitted out at the capitol
Government: okay law abiding citizen.
Kenneth Brasket dude this is like the new "ok boomer" I'm going to use it lmao
I truly appreciate what you guys do.....stay strong, stay strapped, and stay away alert.....
The more they talk gun bands, the more AR’s I buy!
Really appreciate this! I live in AZ and had no idea this bill was being circulated.
Since these laws are unconstitutional can we ignore it?
Fire up your favorite gaming program and in 5 minutes you'll have your answer...
Yes. No local, state, or city law, ordinance, or code shall override the constitution ever. Any law against the constitution is void
Interesting that the 2/3 of the Reps are Hispanic last names...we should check their legal status.
Anchor babies
Anxiety should set in when you can't pronounce the names of your representatives.
Can u believe some people think this actually stops crime!
a bunch of names that can't be pronounced.... just me or is there a pattern here?
There all minorities soon will be the minorities trump2020
Stupid comment. Republicans want to take our guns away just as much as the democrats, they just aren’t as open about it. Wake up, drop the micro aggressions towards people of color.
@@marcoshxc lol this is fake, fake but funny
I’m 20 years old and live here in AZ....I’m a big 2nd amendment supporter and this scares me...our state is becoming more and more liberal. People in the comments saying this won’t pass in AZ hasn’t been to the major cities here in a while..
Gun Gripin' Hillbilly Walmart Shooters LOL
Thanks guys for the support and getting the message out
When y'all get the chance, can y'all cover Missouri? We're a relatively conservative state and some of is would like to here what's going on.
at the moment
@Sean Patrick But they dont care about the law. It would be a false sense of security.
@Sean Patrick Keep it up man.
Posting a quote that everyone likes doesn't do anything. VOTING and being involved in all politics IS WHAT TO DO.
Bloomberg is having a rally in Johnson City, Tennessee Saturday morning, February 15th as well.
Counter rally in rattle
Grady JENKINS my old home. Makes me sick
Thanks for the update on Arizona SB1625. I am embarrassed to report that one of the co-sponsors of the bill is my state senator. I have written her to express my opposition to the bill. I have also ordered a new semi-automatic rifle, which is my customary response every time I am informed of an effort to deprive me of my Second Amendment rights.
Are they both wearing the same glasses
Stand up for yourselves! We are with you!!!
When are we gonna stop letting this happen and boog
Thanks for getting this out there! Senator Rebecca Rios is a born and raised AZ native. There is a big shift in ideology happening in this nation. Starts at home and colleges and the leftist media. And not all of us CA folks are bad. Lots of conservatives. I will be moving to AZ in two years and not going to watch the great state of AZ get pissed on by the left like they've done to CA.
Chad is at least wearing OD green to take away some of that SJW barista image.
Spoke with my state reps office, Not likely to make it out of the state senate. still waiting on a reply from Doug Ducey if he would veto it.
But it can’t happen here “ laughs in move from California”
America is DONE! Free states like VA and now AZ have fallen. It's game over.
Molon Labe from Sweet Home Alabama!
Μολον Λάβε, My Friend!!!
Keep Barry in your hearts he would be smiling down at you for your commitment to inform your viewers of what our government is doing to the American people
So sounds like one of the co-sponsors has a American name just faaking wow.
Not many though. Others have very MEXICAN sounding names. Oh so many Gutierrez and Sanchez.
I'm "that guy" who never misses a moment to educate and argue if necessary. We all need to speak loud and clear as well as take action against these tyrants.
I’m an AZ native and I’m “exempt” from this bill due to my job BUT I do not believe that is fair to the general public or what the constitution intended. In fact, I feel it’s the polar opposite of what the 2A intended. I’m also a 2A activist and firearms instructor. I have spent the last 2 weeks since the plethora of anti-2A bills dropped in AZ (there’s about 10 total) contacting every shop owner, club owner, student, coworker, friend, etc. and providing them with a list of all the bills, links to the actual bill text, as well as the contact info for their reps/senators and info about the rally at the state capitol. I’ll be there today! It’s today (2/15) at the state capitol from 10am-2pm. I hope everyone in AZ that supports the 2A is there as well. While it’s an annual rally, not a designated “protest”, it’s perfectly timed with the proposal of these bills and we need to utilize this rally to show how many of us there are and that we can assemble peacefully. If you live in AZ and are too lazy to attend the rally and let your voice be heard beforehand, don’t be crying and bitching if these bills go through. There will also be gun raffles, food trucks and a bunch of guest speakers!
Every gun owner has a responsibility to spend 20 minutes a day fighting this. Even if you just send each of your reps one email each day from the toilet seat, it will help the cause. Phone calls help more. Showing up (announced) at their office helps even more. Be polite and professional.
20 minutes a day is so much easier than starting a boogaloo. And you can’t boogaloo from the toilet.
There’s a rally this Saturday at the State Capitol in Arizona from 10am - 2pm in support of the 2A!
that will stop it, thats no different than Sue Heck on the MIDDLE thinking a fight was a dance off.
I'm down here right outside Fort Huachuca about 10 miles from Mexico...thanks for spreading the word guys
These laws are sweeping the U.S.A and it sickens me. A red flag law just passed in my state this Thursday.
I'm in Barcelone. I support you. Keep at it.
I watch your videos always.
I subscribed to 1776 updates.
I support the 2nd amendment always here in Pittsburgh PA
Home of the brave,land of the free.
@Keith The Faith BRO! I JUST moved to Arizona a month ago BECAUSE of thier AWESOME firearms laws. Had to leave Florida it was getting BAD.
I don't understand how this even got proposed. Isn't Arizona a full-auto state?!?!?
Went to the rally in Phoenix yesterday. We're not going to let this kind of crap stick!
Thank you for this video! Many of us are not in the know in Arizona.
Just a quick note from your neighbors to the north. Here in Canada we had a long gun registry, it ended costing the federal government about 10 times what they thought it would. In fact, it was such a complete fiasco that we now how a law on the books that Canada will never have a long gun registry again. I cringe every time I here the word registry coming from any of the states.
We dont have any sort of 2A here, owning firearms is a privilege here and not a right. Do not EVER give up that right friends, you will never get it back, and you will certainly no longer be safe from a tyrannical government.
Eric and Chad, keep up your amazing work guys.
I think it would be awesome at some point for you guys to a segment on Canadian gun laws. I believe what we have here is what the left would refer to as "common sense gun laws" , but I'd like to hear your thoughts on them.
Arizona and assault weapons ban shouldn’t even be in the same sentence 🥴
We'll be at the rally on Saturday for sure! Calls bing made to the appropriate representatives as well...
9:25, this is what differentiates Americans from the rest of the world. When I see so many Americans wanting similar gun laws to be like European countries, Australia, Canada, etc. I'm like why? Then move there. The condition is what makes Americans inherently unique and tough. Other countries, yes they're great people, lovely folks, but they are at the mercy of their government. Let's hope they don't turn on their people one day, because it's 2020 and I'm sure that will never happen right?
I sense a great disturbance in the Force. The Big Igloo is coming. Hold onto your hats folks; this is gonna be a rough year.
Arizonan here, I'm doing my part to destroy this bill before it ever leaves committee. On the plus side, AZ House Bill 2093 would make Arizona a Second Amendment Sanctuary STATE, and declare that any violation of the 2A from the federal government is null, void, and unenforceable.
This sounds almost EXACTLY like the restricted firearms laws here in Canada....
Thank you guys appreciate the heads up.
This needs to be handled in the Supreme Court soon. Our president is appointing good judges and his constitutional lawyers are ready.
Timing will be impactful. I think he has the angles covered.
That sure was a unique list of co-sponsor names....thanks for keeping us informed!
We've all got to help out state to state when this shit rises up. These politicians need to know their place!!
Don't let Arizona become like how it is here in Massachusetts. Fight for your rights people!
I already sent a message to my reps. I also told them to submit a 2nd amendment sanctuary state bill.