I love how they added the "Tips" section on the main menu to explain things you "should've known". Funny thing is, that box wasn't there during your first video. I didn't recall seeing it so I went back and, lo and behold, it wasn't there. Dunno if they were trying to make you look dumb by not looking through the tips but, if so, you'd think they'd realize it wouldn't work since you have a video where it isn't there.
Jim you're clearly being deceitful and misrepresenting Kobra yet again. You didn't even mention that they added a roof to the sandbag turret to help obfuscate the fact that it's empty. I'm actually very impressed by the ingenuity of these Russian soldiers or whatever they're supposed to be that they managed to just make a roof of sandbags supported by nothing and have it hanging in mid air.
Sly Goat i knew something was different from last video. Then i read the comment and was like "Why didn't they obfuscate the shitty graphics and AI and physics too since they are at it or obfuscate the entire game?"
Sly Goat I do however think that it was an American invention if my memory serves me correctly... I seem to vaguely recall that was how some turrets in Half Life 1 was made.
With how they added the "Tips" box after your video, I wouldn't be surprised if they added the flashlight afterwards as well. You did say in the last video that you pushed every button...
I'm also amazed how the gun doesn't have a flashlight - it _is_ the flashlight. The rifle itself lights up and illuminates your surroundings. Which is really amazing to see.
4:30 is still one of my favorite Jim moments. That silence and pan to follow the grenade is amazing. It’s right up there with the “Got it!” moment from Raven’s Cry.
And Shadow of Chernobyl had an excuse to put the flashlight button on "L". That game used allmost the entire keyboard. F was allready use E/Q was lean R was reload ect...
Max Mustermann Man don't compare Shadow of Chernobyl with this shit ! All the STALKER game was and still are great game even today ! You can mod those to have better graphics and other stuff. It's like Fallout 3 without the vats.
This is like taking one piano lesson and then try to charge for your live rendition of Twinkle Little Star! Say he fixed the physics and the other technical issues...heck some tutorial even. We'd still have generic FPS #789 with graphics from the 90ies, bland "characters", no multiplayer, no distinguishing art style and no unique mechanics. People have done better games 15 years ago with less money, impossibly clunky tools/software and much more personality. What exactly is it that developers like these hope to achieve? They wont get spontaneously better, any game studio would laugh at them if they showed it on an interview, disregarding the triple-A games they must have hundreds of almost identical and better competitors on Steam alone.
Halick I think it's more like promising a full ballad, showing up and playing some notes that kind of, sort of sounds like Twinkle Little Star if you listen really closely.
Carnage I think it's more like breaking a harp and shoving the busted pieces into people's eye sockets, and trying to wire the strings through their heads by the ears.
Jim you just don't get it. Flashlight on L symbols the struggle of taking out the flashlight and turning it on. You can't do it with one hand. 9/10 To realistic for me
Kobra thinks it's cheating to not show a flashlight? By that logic I think Kobra cheats as well, for having a cutscene that cannot be skipped, and translated subtitles where one simple sentence in English takes five minutes to speak in Russian.
Vietcong had a flashlight on L. Remember those tunnels? I spent all day just crawling through them without any lightsource. Also: *GLORY TO ARSTOTZKA!*
***** Good to see I wasn't the only one who went into that trap... I navigated those tunnels by sound by stabbing with the knife until I discovered the odd flashlight :P Still loved the game though and had many fun moments on "Radio Relay" with friends on Coop, which turned into a hand grenade fest!
Goomba King Yeah, for the most part Jim seems like a lovable pussycat,but I would NOT want to get on his bad side. He especially seems to get furious when accused of bias or some other sort of moral failing.It's one thing to disagree with his reviews,but when they accuse him of journalistic dishonesty it really seems to grind his gears. If anything I find Jim to be one of the fairer reviewers on video games. I love Yahtzee,but his nitpicking on small details (that are matters of taste over competency) I sometimes seems a tad churlish. Jim's main outlook seems to be 'is the game enjoyable to play?' which I think is a pretty good standard on which to judge games,flaws and all.
***** Well said! Also, you can learn a lot about how a business _should_ be run by watching him tear apart the businesses that are run by idiots. You can also learn a lot about cussing someone out joyfully OR angrily! How versatile!
I thought this was important to mention, that they now put sandbags over the top of the Floating Gun Encampment, so that you couldn't see that there's no one inside.
So yeah, I'm sure many other eagle eyed viewers have spotted it... but there was no Tips box in the first video... guessing Kobra commander patched it in, minutes before unleashing their scathing rebuttle? And hoping we wouldn't notice? Also Tab to show the objectives... that were displaying the whole time in the last game, I know because I thought 'why do they keep referring to it as "the plant for the production of chemical weapons"?' (which yes, Jim did pick up on... worth mentioning) Cobraaaaaaaaaaaaa!
damn, that grenade launcher was glorious. the grenades not only actively avoid hitting their target, but in the off chance they do hit, they do absolutely nothing.
I would just like to say that when Jim shot his seven bullets at 13:00 and reloaded, his reserve stayed the same and yet he magically got seven more bullets
To be frank, F for flashlight is simply consesus between gamers and developers, everybody expected to be there and sensible studious respected that. Hell, in my mother language word for flashlight starts with B or S (baterka or svítilna), and in British English it's T (torch)! How messy it would be if every region had own key assignment? And by the way, developers from my home country use English key binding, just like every reasonable developer.
***** If they saw 2 devs do it to TotalBiscuit, then thought "This person hurt my feelings! I'll destroy his livelyhood!" then failed, then saw 2 more people do the same thing to the same person and failed, I wouldn't be suprised.
OOOOO, a part 2. Oh this'll be good. P.S. I was wandering how they somehow made it so the lighting didnt reset when the level did. Did they just set it so you just teleport back to the start rather than actually reset the level?
Daniel Maier Make a game that actually works maybe and be a competent coder? I doubt Jim will kill you if you at least take the time to bind your keys right and avoid lifting assets from other places; not to mention take critique without throwing a tantrum like these devs. :)
Fast3nuf Exactly. Thats why Jim calls it squirty play. Imagine you order a pizza, and an angry looking man turns up. He barges into your house, drops his trousers and farts out a diarrhoeary watery turd on your carpet, then turns, holds out his hand and bellows "MONEY". Whilst still looking angry.
Oh, this video is ancient by this point but I'd like to point out that the Russian word for flashlight is "fonarik" As in, starting with F, not L. They don't have an excuse. (and no, the Russian letter F is not in the place of the L key on an English board. It's where A is. So they can't play that card either)
Valve really needs to take swifter actions with games like these. It pains me when, during every large sale they have, sorting by rating always brings up at least a few >30% rated games from independent developers. Surely they know it's not doing their business any favors..
Jack Humphrey It's because Valve absolutely could not give less of a shit. They still make money from this game being on their store and it doesn't matter to them that it brings the quality of their service down because who the fuck else are you going to go to for games? Origin?
Lincoln E Origin has a lot of games that give countless hours of gameplay, so sure. Why not? It's not like Origin is flat unusable. Hell, GOG is quickly becoming Steam's equal.
Jack Humphrey There is the new refund policy. Look at what it did to Arkham Knight. Now think about what it's done to small developers like Kobra. In the previous video Jim said that, apart from the DCMA takedown, Kobra studios have been silent about anything he does. Until now, on their first release after the refund policy came into effect.
This play-through actually made me feel ill. I don't get motion sick, but the constant black squares flickering in and out made me feel queasy after a few minutes
OMGitsB3ck That's actually a brilliant business plan: 1. Create a shit trailer and put it on Greenlight. 2. Make a video on YT where you make fun of that trailer. 3. When the game goes through Greenlight, make a shit game and sell it in EA. 4. Make a video on YT where you make fun of the game. 5. If the video was popular make a video about the video and post it on the Steampage of the game. 6. Make a video on YT where you make fun of the video about your video about the game. 7. Repeat 5. and 6. as long as it is profitable. 8. Start over again from 1. Perfect double-dipping! You get free attention for your game, you get profits from selling it and you make all the RUclips Moneyz from the videos! Just brilliant!
Dear programmers at Kobra, I understand that you learned how to write programs fully object oriented, but it has its own drawbacks. You might can write a good back end of a game using clear OOP methods, but for a game like this you need Data Oriented Design, which can achieved with OOP languages, like the one used for Unity. An example: Instead of having an array of class Ball, you might want to make a class called "Balls". And instead making multiple objects with their representative data, you put all the corresponding data into arrays. This way, you won't bottleneck the CPU with cache misses, also your program will use less memory. Yes, there're still valid uses of individual objects in a few cases, but if the CPU have to page throught data that it doesn't need, then your game's framerate will drop drastically. Trust me, I wrote a simple 2D graphics engine, with OOP methods it barely could render 4 sprites at 20FPS, now it renders trousands of them at a constant 60FPS.
László Szerémi Someone please email this to Kobra as they really don't seem to understand how to program at all, it's like someone who just learned how to use OOP and now thinks it's the solution to everything...
László Szerémi You only load the vertex buffers and texture buffers once and just reference it for each object. If you have many of the same meshes you can also just instance them that way you only have to send the vertex data to the shaders once to create multiple instances.
So their argument against you is that you didn't look at the mission objective, (not that anyone could have played long enough to get to it anyway) that you didn't use the grenade launcher (which is totally useless) and you didn't use the flashlight at night (which somehow makes the game look much, MUCH worse than pitch darkness!
The grenade launcher seems to be the new "Friday the 13th NES Rock weapon" of the game for effectiveness. Though, unlike the rock, it behaves in mysterious ways. It's almost a game of "Where do we think it'll go this time?" Ian Malcolm Chaos Theory style.
L's not a horrible place for the flashlight. I think that's the default for Painkiller Black Edition. It's much better than Tomb Raider Legend which has the flashlight on the End key, which is ridiculous.
"Oh! So the grenade launcher doesn't work, everyone. It just kind of veers off to the side." Oh my god. OH MY GOD, I'm dying here. Stop. STOP. I can't take this. I'm going to laugh myself to death here.
This is seriously kind of painful that they would consider this work worth defending. I haven't been involved in making many games, but I know at least to have something functional before getting the least bit protective.
God, for whatever reason, the part where he first fired the grenade launcher was hilarious. I think it was partly due to the awful explosion sound effect.
Jim edited the ini files to change the physics on the grenade launcher to make the game look bad. Jim stop being a cheating hacker liar don't you see this game has *POTENTIAL*!?
Jim those 2 frames a second were very cinematic and i felt they TOTALLY enhanced the watching experience and made it more enthralling than a CoD Campaign! #Kappa
I find it hilarous the one review of the game is a thumbs up and the guy has tried his very very best to be subtle about it so no one will ever suspect its an alt account lol
I just game across this now. 2 years later. Whatever happened to Kobra Team after this? Had to have been quite embarrassing for their claims to backfire so spectacularly. I'm wondering if they tried to double-down and look even more foolish, or if they stayed silent.
Wow. Nice call, devs. This TOTALLY shows your game is much better. And good on you Jim for seeing the error of your evil ways to give small time devs a fair chance. ;D
LMFAO when Jim is silent when he shoots the grenade launcher on the first soldier and it just floats but not rolls or bounces just floats off somewhere and explodes. That silence of 'What the fuck...what...' I love it.
I like how the quest thing says "press tab to open/close tasks" ... but only after you push the tab key. So it's information you have to already have in order to see it. Neat.
I for one am very grateful to Kobra for pointing out how to use the flashlight in this game, since as much as it was a glorious piece of shit the first time around, you really can't appreciate the atrocity this game truly is until you've seen how the game looks and behaves while using flashlight. Surely, this must be a hot contender for the worse game of 2015. This is an enormous piece of shit even by Greenlight standards, which is saying something. Too bad you can only thumb up a video once.
I'm unsure why there are men running around with guns. This game proves that the guns don't need men at all. They are a liability. Remove the men, and the guns are an invincible army that can't be stopped.
I wonder if the horrible framerate is related in part to the fact that it looks like the game world is rendered a second time through the rifle scope? In addition to shitty optimization.
i'm actually making a story-based first person shooter game in unity that will be sold on desura, and possibly steam. Does anybody have any advice so it won't become "Second Warfare 2: Electric boogalo"
Keep it unique. The thing that will prevent your game from getting "modern military shooter syndrome" is unique enemies, environments, and a story that's at least somewhat imaginitive.
I think the grenades have an arming time, which is why they bounced instead of detonating, much like some actual, real life grenades. The fact that they included this is honestly kinda impressive, given how terrible everything else was.
Lol I love how they covered the box of bullshit with sandbags floating in mid air, but still clearly just some ak floating in mid air. All because of your first video I'm sure. The sandbags were probably there (nope), just when you were standing in the box, you were't close enough for the textures to load. You had to physically lick the monitor.
So, I really recognize the music that plays in the title screen (not from the previous video, from something else). Does anyone else also get a weird familiar feeling? I'm wondering if it's stolen from a movie's sountrack, or something.
If Jim Sterling is Batman and Digital Homicide is his Joker (a mentally retarded Justin Bieber temper tantrum Joker however), is Cobra Studios going to be his Scarecrow (again, a fucking dumb Scarecrow but nevertheless)?
While sharpening my pitchfork I decided to take a look over on the Steam page for the game... the videos they provide on the store page don't show the insane 1-foot pop-in, and supernova-like lighting issues. In fact, the night time view isn't pitch black and the flashlight looks like a proper (generic) flashlight cookie. Sure, it all still looks like a pile of shit, mind you, but it's apparently not supposed to be quite as heavily broken, visually, as it was for you. Could this be a problem on your end? Or maybe a temporarily broken build?
Toby Deshane Steam videos are a "slice". Super improved programming optimization for a tiny bit of the game for the sole purpose of recording it. I've seen the videos. They scream tiny test environment slices.
boganfett That makes a hella lotta sense. It's sort of like a small version of those AAA previews made "in-game" but really just with the game engine so they can focus on making it look pretty or bloody or whatever. ... Pretty bloody or bloody pretty.
Toby Deshane, besides boganfett's point, if Jim's machine can play other games just fine, it's unlikely that he has problems on his system that would cause such problems. Conflicts can happen, of course, but Jim's a professional-at installing and playing games. By this point in his career, he's got to have better than average playing skills. Uh, I meant to type troubleshooting skills. Those, too. If a game is so rickety that it requires babying it along to look right, that's yet another reason not to sell it for $15 to the average consumer. You want to buy fun, not a perpetually fussy, rickety baby.
I really don't understand why they complained about the first video. They cannot possibly think the game is anything but trash. It offends my eyes looking at this shit.
It's quite clear instead of doing the sensible thing and make the flashlight a straightforward light source, the flashlight is something like an orb of light combined with a cone in front of you and any objects touched by the cone are lit up like crazy, no matter how small a portion of the object is in the cone. This includes the tiles from which the ground is made of, which results in what is seen in the video, with square pieces of ground appearing and disappearing. Any object outside the cone do not receive any lighting effects.
Ironically I think using the flashlight broke the sun- the day/night cycle seemed to be pretty quick before but after it got dark about a third of the way into the actual play the sun never came back, and when you turned the light off it was literally black whereas before there was some ambient glow. The whole binding for the light thing... I don't think it should be on 'F' for 'flashlight', I think it should be on 'F', or something similar, because it's a fucking FPS. It's common sense that the player should be able to use all the secondary functions without moving their hands off of WASD and the mouse. I'm surprised you don't have to hit 'P' to select your pistol. Wait, the pistol isn't on 'P', right?
Let's just get one thing straight. These people are not game developers. They are just kids playing with game development tools. They have no fucking idea how to make a game and sure as hell don't have the skill or talent for it. This goes for all other "indie" bullshit on Greenlight. They should be shown what kind of shit they are and thanks Jim for that.
Jokeritu and what books do I ask would help me correctly interpret a single, very specific phrase? You forget not everyone is good with english (the cutscene seen in the video this thread is on is decent evidence of that lol) so you would be fighting a losing battle telling everyone to get on your linguistic level.
The grenade launcher probably had an arm time (minimum amount of time in the air before detonate on contact is activated.) COD4 had a similar mechanic for it's grenade launcher, although the grenades wouldn't decide to stop following the laws of physics upon premature impact, they would just go "thunk" and do nothing.
I would complain that a flashlight doesn't illuminate a circle area around the holder....but then I remembered that they wanted it to illuminate the small area in which textures spawn. But then they fucked that up too since the flashlight illuminates beyond that point making it all the more obvious when the textures appear.
This just induced a nightmarish flashback of my shitty netbook days of gaming, where I learned the hard way that 4FPS is the threshold below which any normal activity became impossible do to input lag. Now that I have a better computer, and the same game I was "lucky" to get to 4 FPS on before runs at 120 FPS and higher, the thought of anything that can cause single-digit framerates on any decent system makes me shudder.
I love how they added the "Tips" section on the main menu to explain things you "should've known". Funny thing is, that box wasn't there during your first video. I didn't recall seeing it so I went back and, lo and behold, it wasn't there. Dunno if they were trying to make you look dumb by not looking through the tips but, if so, you'd think they'd realize it wouldn't work since you have a video where it isn't there.
Naterkix You're absolutely right. They did add those some time *after* the first video. Good to mention that.
Jim, they deceived YOU it seems. The cads!
8:25 "Some music wouldn't have gone amiss..."
(starts playing the music from Slaughtering Grounds)
bossfight1 dum, dum, da-da-dum, dum, dum, da-da-dada-dum...
bossfight1 A..E..D.D.F..C..E..D.D.DCB (repeat)
ricojes Dear God, I can actually hear the music playing.
anothga The power of shit compels you :l
Wob Bob Jones The thing that is in an urgent need of an exorcism is Jim's computer...
Jim you're clearly being deceitful and misrepresenting Kobra yet again. You didn't even mention that they added a roof to the sandbag turret to help obfuscate the fact that it's empty. I'm actually very impressed by the ingenuity of these Russian soldiers or whatever they're supposed to be that they managed to just make a roof of sandbags supported by nothing and have it hanging in mid air.
Sly Goat i knew something was different from last video. Then i read the comment and was like "Why didn't they obfuscate the shitty graphics and AI and physics too since they are at it or obfuscate the entire game?"
Sly Goat I'm more impressed by their sentient, infinite ammo, floating guns they use in the emplacements!
***** Yep, they should have covered the whole game with sandbags.
Sly Goat I do however think that it was an American invention if my memory serves me correctly...
I seem to vaguely recall that was how some turrets in Half Life 1 was made.
A roof.... Made of sandbags.
With how they added the "Tips" box after your video, I wouldn't be surprised if they added the flashlight afterwards as well. You did say in the last video that you pushed every button...
I'm also amazed how the gun doesn't have a flashlight - it _is_ the flashlight. The rifle itself lights up and illuminates your surroundings. Which is really amazing to see.
@@rolfs2165 I thought it was more of a flashlight that the character has attached to his outfit.
4:30 is still one of my favorite Jim moments. That silence and pan to follow the grenade is amazing. It’s right up there with the “Got it!” moment from Raven’s Cry.
Holy shit when the grenade launcher just shoves off to the side of the gun emplacement, I freaking lost it.
How do I grenade?
***** The gun emplacement is a jedi...
***** Ya, are the soldiers padawan ? I cant believe this game is so unfair as to pair a regular human against siths.
Mario583a How does anyone grenade in these days and times?
It was perfect, this was the ace up the sleeve for the so-called-devs and it backfired beautifully.
Spiteful Jim is the best incarnation of Jim.
That's one epic profile image. Are you a Helloween fan?
And Shadow of Chernobyl had an excuse to put the flashlight button on "L".
That game used allmost the entire keyboard.
F was allready use
E/Q was lean
R was reload
Max Mustermann what the hell is F used for?
Its the "interact"- button.
- picking up things
- talking to people
- ect...
At least it was in the other S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games.
(I played "Shadow of Chernobyl" the least.)
Max Mustermann Man don't compare Shadow of Chernobyl with this shit ! All the STALKER game was and still are great game even today ! You can mod those to have better graphics and other stuff. It's like Fallout 3 without the vats.
Mat G
Yeah, I know
I actually beat the misery version of "Call of Pripyat".
(Still proud of myself)
This is like taking one piano lesson and then try to charge for your live rendition of Twinkle Little Star!
Say he fixed the physics and the other technical issues...heck some tutorial even.
We'd still have generic FPS #789 with graphics from the 90ies, bland "characters", no multiplayer, no distinguishing art style and no unique mechanics.
People have done better games 15 years ago with less money, impossibly clunky tools/software and much more personality.
What exactly is it that developers like these hope to achieve?
They wont get spontaneously better, any game studio would laugh at them if they showed it on an interview, disregarding the triple-A games they must have hundreds of almost identical and better competitors on Steam alone.
Halick I absolutely LOVE that last line of yours about twinkle little star. Move it to the top so the skimmers can see it!
Halick Just a side thought. Isn't saying "triple AAA" kinda redundant? Isn't it either "triple A" (or "triple-A", I guess?) or "AAA"?
Thanks guys! edited.
Halick I think it's more like promising a full ballad, showing up and playing some notes that kind of, sort of sounds like Twinkle Little Star if you listen really closely.
Carnage I think it's more like breaking a harp and shoving the busted pieces into people's eye sockets, and trying to wire the strings through their heads by the ears.
I love how the scope of the rifle makes the enemies appear further away than they actually are. Kobra...you guys are geniuses!!!
hey, let's give this game some credit! it does have one aspect that makes it realistic...
much like actual warfare, you will experience PTSD
Jim you just don't get it. Flashlight on L symbols the struggle of taking out the flashlight and turning it on. You can't do it with one hand.
9/10 To realistic for me
Xack1358 Yeah. Probably the most realistic grenade launching physics that AAA games are too afraid to depict.
Kobra thinks it's cheating to not show a flashlight? By that logic I think Kobra cheats as well, for having a cutscene that cannot be skipped, and translated subtitles where one simple sentence in English takes five minutes to speak in Russian.
Vietcong had a flashlight on L. Remember those tunnels? I spent all day just crawling through them without any lightsource. Also: *GLORY TO ARSTOTZKA!*
***** Are you talking to me? Hand over your papers, please.
Jonathan Phung
***** Good to see I wasn't the only one who went into that trap... I navigated those tunnels by sound by stabbing with the knife until I discovered the odd flashlight :P
Still loved the game though and had many fun moments on "Radio Relay" with friends on Coop, which turned into a hand grenade fest!
Goddamn, Jim spits more venom than Kobra! That's saying something!
Goomba King Yeah, for the most part Jim seems like a lovable pussycat,but I would NOT want to get on his bad side. He especially seems to get furious when accused of bias or some other sort of moral failing.It's one thing to disagree with his reviews,but when they accuse him of journalistic dishonesty it really seems to grind his gears.
If anything I find Jim to be one of the fairer reviewers on video games. I love Yahtzee,but his nitpicking on small details (that are matters of taste over competency) I sometimes seems a tad churlish. Jim's main outlook seems to be 'is the game enjoyable to play?' which I think is a pretty good standard on which to judge games,flaws and all.
***** Well said! Also, you can learn a lot about how a business _should_ be run by watching him tear apart the businesses that are run by idiots.
You can also learn a lot about cussing someone out joyfully OR angrily! How versatile!
***** Also, don't call him short.
"Spits more venom than Kobra" Pun definitely intended...
They accused you of "deciving your audience"? Funny, that's exactly what Devdan said to Nerd³ after his alien wasteland video...
I thought this was important to mention, that they now put sandbags over the top of the Floating Gun Encampment, so that you couldn't see that there's no one inside.
I lost it when he shot the laucher and the bullet fucking turned the corner. that just made my day right there.
Man we all know that first warfare must of been a masterpiece
So yeah, I'm sure many other eagle eyed viewers have spotted it... but there was no Tips box in the first video... guessing Kobra commander patched it in, minutes before unleashing their scathing rebuttle? And hoping we wouldn't notice?
Also Tab to show the objectives... that were displaying the whole time in the last game, I know because I thought 'why do they keep referring to it as "the plant for the production of chemical weapons"?' (which yes, Jim did pick up on... worth mentioning)
damn, that grenade launcher was glorious. the grenades not only actively avoid hitting their target, but in the off chance they do hit, they do absolutely nothing.
+Thomas Jenkins And we wouldn't have known how bad the grenade launcher is if it wasn't for the 'devs' suggesting it. HA.
i think they tried to be "realistic" since real life grenade launcher projectiles need 1-2 seconds to "arm",. otherwise they just bounce off
I would just like to say that when Jim shot his seven bullets at 13:00 and reloaded, his reserve stayed the same and yet he magically got seven more bullets
To be frank, F for flashlight is simply consesus between gamers and developers, everybody expected to be there and sensible studious respected that. Hell, in my mother language word for flashlight starts with B or S (baterka or svítilna), and in British English it's T (torch)! How messy it would be if every region had own key assignment? And by the way, developers from my home country use English key binding, just like every reasonable developer.
A torch is not a flashlight ?????????????????
It's Shrodinger's videogame- the textures giving a neat demonstration of quantum superposition...
That draw distance is freaking amazing.
taking bets, how long till DMCA is served?
Ill give it 2 days
Mark Now.
Mark Can they even afford that? Are they even important enough for it?
Never. They tried this with Island Light.
***** If they saw 2 devs do it to TotalBiscuit, then thought "This person hurt my feelings! I'll destroy his livelyhood!" then failed, then saw 2 more people do the same thing to the same person and failed,
I wouldn't be suprised.
I love developer backlash because it gives me entertainment.
See you all in part 3!
Cherry Pauper Don't walk too far off. I've retained a seat for you.
The show might continue soon. ^^
OOOOO, a part 2. Oh this'll be good.
I was wandering how they somehow made it so the lighting didnt reset when the level did. Did they just set it so you just teleport back to the start rather than actually reset the level?
Oh how rare I get to make this pun. Jim, fellow lackeys, we all know who to blame... that's right, "Kobra Commander." XD
Remind me to never make a steam early access game. I'd rather not have Jim ruin my pride.
Daniel Maier Don't do that, just make an early access game that's not shit. That's all he asks of you.
Daniel Maier Make a game that actually works maybe and be a competent coder? I doubt Jim will kill you if you at least take the time to bind your keys right and avoid lifting assets from other places; not to mention take critique without throwing a tantrum like these devs. :)
if you handle criticism like a twat, don't charge money for games
Fast3nuf Exactly. Thats why Jim calls it squirty play. Imagine you order a pizza, and an angry looking man turns up. He barges into your house, drops his trousers and farts out a diarrhoeary watery turd on your carpet, then turns, holds out his hand and bellows "MONEY". Whilst still looking angry.
Kobra can be proud of themselves for not only having pop-in, but also having pop-out!
I just noticed they put a roof of sandbags on top of the gun emplacement. That's cute, trying to pretend someone's in there.
Oh, this video is ancient by this point but I'd like to point out that the Russian word for flashlight is "fonarik"
As in, starting with F, not L. They don't have an excuse.
(and no, the Russian letter F is not in the place of the L key on an English board. It's where A is. So they can't play that card either)
oh lordy, it's back for more...
Valve really needs to take swifter actions with games like these.
It pains me when, during every large sale they have, sorting by rating always brings up at least a few >30% rated games from independent developers. Surely they know it's not doing their business any favors..
Jack Humphrey So many people in my friendslist bought Slaughtering Grounds or Temper Tantrum during the summersale. It's ridiculous.
Jack Humphrey It's because Valve absolutely could not give less of a shit. They still make money from this game being on their store and it doesn't matter to them that it brings the quality of their service down because who the fuck else are you going to go to for games? Origin?
Lincoln E Origin has a lot of games that give countless hours of gameplay, so sure. Why not? It's not like Origin is flat unusable. Hell, GOG is quickly becoming Steam's equal.
Jack Humphrey There is the new refund policy. Look at what it did to Arkham Knight. Now think about what it's done to small developers like Kobra.
In the previous video Jim said that, apart from the DCMA takedown, Kobra studios have been silent about anything he does. Until now, on their first release after the refund policy came into effect.
Lincoln E GOG Galaxy.
4:28 lost my shit at how the grenade just slides off the sandbags like a water off a raincoat
I like how the forward assist on the assault rifle seems to be generating it's own light source.
This play-through actually made me feel ill. I don't get motion sick, but the constant black squares flickering in and out made me feel queasy after a few minutes
What if Jim "Fucking" Sterling Son is actually behind all these games?
OMGitsB3ck We're beyond the looking glass now, people.
Where is my mind...
OMGitsB3ck That's actually a brilliant business plan:
1. Create a shit trailer and put it on Greenlight.
2. Make a video on YT where you make fun of that trailer.
3. When the game goes through Greenlight, make a shit game and sell it in EA.
4. Make a video on YT where you make fun of the game.
5. If the video was popular make a video about the video and post it on the Steampage of the game.
6. Make a video on YT where you make fun of the video about your video about the game.
7. Repeat 5. and 6. as long as it is profitable.
8. Start over again from 1.
Perfect double-dipping! You get free attention for your game, you get profits from selling it and you make all the RUclips Moneyz from the videos!
Just brilliant!
L for Light
ExiledLife L for ludicrously far away from wasd.
ExiledLife Touhou! Annnnnd.... Death Note, or just a coincidence?
***** Moo goes Cow?
That Guy Nop nop nop nop!
Mr BigCookie This is one sad teddy bear
Second Warfare for the second time?
Justin Bowman Soo Forth Warfare? or just the Third Warfare because i am unsure as to how these things add up?
YpCoProductions More like Squared Warfare.
You Subtract from humanity because we as a species allowed this to happen.
Justin Bowman If this is the second I don't want to see the First Warfare !
Justin Bowman "Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it"
Dear programmers at Kobra,
I understand that you learned how to write programs fully object oriented, but it has its own drawbacks. You might can write a good back end of a game using clear OOP methods, but for a game like this you need Data Oriented Design, which can achieved with OOP languages, like the one used for Unity.
An example: Instead of having an array of class Ball, you might want to make a class called "Balls". And instead making multiple objects with their representative data, you put all the corresponding data into arrays. This way, you won't bottleneck the CPU with cache misses, also your program will use less memory. Yes, there're still valid uses of individual objects in a few cases, but if the CPU have to page throught data that it doesn't need, then your game's framerate will drop drastically. Trust me, I wrote a simple 2D graphics engine, with OOP methods it barely could render 4 sprites at 20FPS, now it renders trousands of them at a constant 60FPS.
László Szerémi Someone please email this to Kobra as they really don't seem to understand how to program at all, it's like someone who just learned how to use OOP and now thinks it's the solution to everything...
László Szerémi fucking REKT
László Szerémi Yer I doubt they programmed shit in this game. They probably used some half baked engine and world builder for it.
László Szerémi You only load the vertex buffers and texture buffers once and just reference it for each object. If you have many of the same meshes you can also just instance them that way you only have to send the vertex data to the shaders once to create multiple instances.
***** Either way, justice is served.
Put the link to their whining in the description, pretty please?
still the most hilarious jimpressions ever made. I still die in laughter everytime i watch this 300 times later
Do you have a flood light attached to you?
Oh, lovely. Even the flashlight has pop-in!
For the next couple of months Jim, you better avoid eating sushi and walk across the street when people with umbrellas walk towards you
You could say the joke is running better than Arkham Knight
So their argument against you is that you didn't look at the mission objective, (not that anyone could have played long enough to get to it anyway) that you didn't use the grenade launcher (which is totally useless) and you didn't use the flashlight at night (which somehow makes the game look much, MUCH worse than pitch darkness!
I just lost it when he fired the grenade launcher at 4:29 :D
Maybe it was a trap. Part of the advertising Campaign. "So good, Jim Sterling played it twice for his youtube channel."
The grenade launcher seems to be the new "Friday the 13th NES Rock weapon" of the game for effectiveness. Though, unlike the rock, it behaves in mysterious ways. It's almost a game of "Where do we think it'll go this time?" Ian Malcolm Chaos Theory style.
I have never seen pop up from that close.
*grabs popcorn*
L's not a horrible place for the flashlight. I think that's the default for Painkiller Black Edition. It's much better than Tomb Raider Legend which has the flashlight on the End key, which is ridiculous.
MegapiemanPHD I should make a game where the fire button is the power on the PC's tower.
MegapiemanPHD But how often did you need the flashlight in Painkiller?
Any keybinding that's not on the left side of the keyboard is shit
"Oh! So the grenade launcher doesn't work, everyone. It just kind of veers off to the side."
Oh my god. OH MY GOD, I'm dying here. Stop. STOP. I can't take this. I'm going to laugh myself to death here.
This is seriously kind of painful that they would consider this work worth defending. I haven't been involved in making many games, but I know at least to have something functional before getting the least bit protective.
Tristan Tolhurst Very well put. They need to write that in silver Sharpie across the top of their monitors.
God, for whatever reason, the part where he first fired the grenade launcher was hilarious.
I think it was partly due to the awful explosion sound effect.
Jim edited the ini files to change the physics on the grenade launcher to make the game look bad. Jim stop being a cheating hacker liar don't you see this game has *POTENTIAL*!?
Jim those 2 frames a second were very cinematic and i felt they TOTALLY enhanced the watching experience and made it more enthralling than a CoD Campaign! #Kappa
I find it hilarous the one review of the game is a thumbs up and the guy has tried his very very best to be subtle about it so no one will ever suspect its an alt account lol
I just game across this now. 2 years later. Whatever happened to Kobra Team after this? Had to have been quite embarrassing for their claims to backfire so spectacularly. I'm wondering if they tried to double-down and look even more foolish, or if they stayed silent.
Wow. Nice call, devs. This TOTALLY shows your game is much better. And good on you Jim for seeing the error of your evil ways to give small time devs a fair chance. ;D
LMFAO when Jim is silent when he shoots the grenade launcher on the first soldier and it just floats but not rolls or bounces just floats off somewhere and explodes. That silence of 'What the fuck...what...' I love it.
Just wait, I bet the developers will try to save face by saying you didn't activate God Mode so you can finally beat the game.
I like how the quest thing says "press tab to open/close tasks" ... but only after you push the tab key. So it's information you have to already have in order to see it. Neat.
I for one am very grateful to Kobra for pointing out how to use the flashlight in this game, since as much as it was a glorious piece of shit the first time around, you really can't appreciate the atrocity this game truly is until you've seen how the game looks and behaves while using flashlight.
Surely, this must be a hot contender for the worse game of 2015. This is an enormous piece of shit even by Greenlight standards, which is saying something.
Too bad you can only thumb up a video once.
"Second Warfare" now seems an oddly fitting title for this game.
I'm unsure why there are men running around with guns. This game proves that the guns don't need men at all. They are a liability. Remove the men, and the guns are an invincible army that can't be stopped.
I wonder if the horrible framerate is related in part to the fact that it looks like the game world is rendered a second time through the rifle scope? In addition to shitty optimization.
i'm actually making a story-based first person shooter game in unity that will be sold on desura, and possibly steam. Does anybody have any advice so it won't become "Second Warfare 2: Electric boogalo"
dont start with imidient actions, start off slow (like half life) and make in-game progresion over time.
Rik Peek Thanks! Anything else?
Keep it unique. The thing that will prevent your game from getting "modern military shooter syndrome" is unique enemies, environments, and a story that's at least somewhat imaginitive.
algebraicnonsense Thanks. Hopefully I can get this out and you guys could probably play it and see how good or bad it is.
+mario167100 Best of luck man. :3
I think the grenades have an arming time, which is why they bounced instead of detonating, much like some actual, real life grenades. The fact that they included this is honestly kinda impressive, given how terrible everything else was.
Yeah but Jim, it's early access..! *Bashes keyboard angrily in support of beautiful early access*
Andy Robison I know your comment is sarcasm, but I still feel the need to mention that they're asking 15 dollars for this game.
The dev crying and saying Jim wasn't playing right? Oh god, it's the Slaughtering Grounds all over again.
Lol I love how they covered the box of bullshit with sandbags floating in mid air, but still clearly just some ak floating in mid air.
All because of your first video I'm sure. The sandbags were probably there (nope), just when you were standing in the box, you were't close enough for the textures to load.
You had to physically lick the monitor.
That gun that shot at you from the plant walls (14:06), I think that is from the UnityFPS Asset... wouldn't be surprised.
Get your popcorn ready!
The way grenades veer off to the side and blow up is clearly a reference to Ride to Hell, which after all these asset flips now looks pretty good.
Cobra studios.. You've gotta give them props for persistence.
Clowndoe Pretty much
So, I really recognize the music that plays in the title screen (not from the previous video, from something else). Does anyone else also get a weird familiar feeling? I'm wondering if it's stolen from a movie's sountrack, or something.
If Jim Sterling is Batman and Digital Homicide is his Joker (a mentally retarded Justin Bieber temper tantrum Joker however), is Cobra Studios going to be his Scarecrow (again, a fucking dumb Scarecrow but nevertheless)?
***** Blood of Old?
***** ☜ (¬︣ ͜ʖ¬︣)
***** Willem Dafoe?
Demonflesh spawn Then Muxwell must be Penguin
I love how you can still see sunrays even when it's pitch black. Because the sunshaft effect just kinda... didn't go away.
While sharpening my pitchfork I decided to take a look over on the Steam page for the game... the videos they provide on the store page don't show the insane 1-foot pop-in, and supernova-like lighting issues. In fact, the night time view isn't pitch black and the flashlight looks like a proper (generic) flashlight cookie.
Sure, it all still looks like a pile of shit, mind you, but it's apparently not supposed to be quite as heavily broken, visually, as it was for you.
Could this be a problem on your end? Or maybe a temporarily broken build?
Toby Deshane Steam videos are a "slice". Super improved programming optimization for a tiny bit of the game for the sole purpose of recording it. I've seen the videos. They scream tiny test environment slices.
boganfett That makes a hella lotta sense. It's sort of like a small version of those AAA previews made "in-game" but really just with the game engine so they can focus on making it look pretty or bloody or whatever. ... Pretty bloody or bloody pretty.
Toby Deshane, besides boganfett's point, if Jim's machine can play other games just fine, it's unlikely that he has problems on his system that would cause such problems. Conflicts can happen, of course, but Jim's a professional-at installing and playing games. By this point in his career, he's got to have better than average playing skills. Uh, I meant to type troubleshooting skills. Those, too.
If a game is so rickety that it requires babying it along to look right, that's yet another reason not to sell it for $15 to the average consumer. You want to buy fun, not a perpetually fussy, rickety baby.
Wow, so glad you revisited this and gave it the good merits it deserves.
Clearly this is a contender for Fallout 4.
I really don't understand why they complained about the first video. They cannot possibly think the game is anything but trash. It offends my eyes looking at this shit.
It's quite clear instead of doing the sensible thing and make the flashlight a straightforward light source, the flashlight is something like an orb of light combined with a cone in front of you and any objects touched by the cone are lit up like crazy, no matter how small a portion of the object is in the cone. This includes the tiles from which the ground is made of, which results in what is seen in the video, with square pieces of ground appearing and disappearing. Any object outside the cone do not receive any lighting effects.
Ironically I think using the flashlight broke the sun- the day/night cycle seemed to be pretty quick before but after it got dark about a third of the way into the actual play the sun never came back, and when you turned the light off it was literally black whereas before there was some ambient glow.
The whole binding for the light thing... I don't think it should be on 'F' for 'flashlight', I think it should be on 'F', or something similar, because it's a fucking FPS. It's common sense that the player should be able to use all the secondary functions without moving their hands off of WASD and the mouse. I'm surprised you don't have to hit 'P' to select your pistol.
Wait, the pistol isn't on 'P', right?
What a masterpiece of lighting technology. Will surely win an award for best lighting in a game! Great job cobra studios! Much deserved.
Arkham Knight Jokes.
Arkham Knight Jokes everywhere. We get it.
We've all done it. Everybody please stop.
ChocoROID I wrote this before Jim said it.
Jim said it, can we all shut up now.
Like you haven't got Horse-beater 3000 on all of your devices.
ChocoROID I haven't done it yet. I'm waiting for the right game.
Try ARK.
It's, the wprst performaing.
ChocoROID you're humor is like Arkham Knight on PC: Not working.
You've gotta love the toting of "Day night" cycle as well.
In which the day lasts 4 minutes and the nighttime just goes on forever
god its a trainwreck
Jim, it would be nice if you linked part 1 in the video description or annotated.
Let's just get one thing straight. These people are not game developers. They are just kids playing with game development tools. They have no fucking idea how to make a game and sure as hell don't have the skill or talent for it.
This goes for all other "indie" bullshit on Greenlight. They should be shown what kind of shit they are and thanks Jim for that.
Not all of greenlight is bad guy, in fact there's one dev on there right now who had some help from the team behind ftl:Faster than light
Who said all of Greenlight was bad?
You with the words "the goes with all other "indie" bullshit on steam greenlight" which can easily be misinterpreted.
1toncheese If you can misinterpret that, I think it's time for you start reading more books. It's not even funny.
and what books do I ask would help me correctly interpret a single, very specific phrase? You forget not everyone is good with english (the cutscene seen in the video this thread is on is decent evidence of that lol) so you would be fighting a losing battle telling everyone to get on your linguistic level.
3:55 I don't know why but that sound effect just made me burst out laughing. It was perfection.
Hey Dev's a bit of advice.... You don't fuck with JIM FUCKING STERLING SON!
The grenade launcher probably had an arm time (minimum amount of time in the air before detonate on contact is activated.) COD4 had a similar mechanic for it's grenade launcher, although the grenades wouldn't decide to stop following the laws of physics upon premature impact, they would just go "thunk" and do nothing.
This game is LJN bad...
Ouch! Harsh! But accurate.
I would complain that a flashlight doesn't illuminate a circle area around the holder....but then I remembered that they wanted it to illuminate the small area in which textures spawn. But then they fucked that up too since the flashlight illuminates beyond that point making it all the more obvious when the textures appear.
This just induced a nightmarish flashback of my shitty netbook days of gaming, where I learned the hard way that 4FPS is the threshold below which any normal activity became impossible do to input lag. Now that I have a better computer, and the same game I was "lucky" to get to 4 FPS on before runs at 120 FPS and higher, the thought of anything that can cause single-digit framerates on any decent system makes me shudder.
I'm still amused that the unskippable cutscene begins with someone informing us that "We should not waste time"