Stop Fighting With LUST! Do This Instead | MUST WATCH NOW!!!

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 862

  • @DinhcongmenhklBlogspot
    @DinhcongmenhklBlogspot Год назад +1085

    I was born in a Muslim family ...but the love that I have in my heart for Jesus Christ is huge ..I can proudly say that I am a Christian now and GOD has shown that he loves me too...

    • @dannydunn802
      @dannydunn802 Год назад +34

      That is wonderful news!....Jesus on the cross demonstrated God's love to mankind ❤🙂..God's love is incredible

    • @marigolds49
      @marigolds49 Год назад +17

      Fantastic--Jesus loves you

    • @starlightglimmerofficial2923
      @starlightglimmerofficial2923 Год назад +20

      For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned. It isn't too late loved ones.😊😊❤❤😍😍👍👍

    • @Tom-vo3tm
      @Tom-vo3tm Год назад +10

      God bless you ❤

    • @isaiahsammons1680
      @isaiahsammons1680 Год назад +7

      yes amen. jesus is so good. may peace be with you

  • @lyrankzinti1711
    @lyrankzinti1711 Год назад +231

    I am battling to reject lust. I need prayers and recovery.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙁

    • @kingofme8863
      @kingofme8863 Год назад +10

      I'm with you 🙏

    • @Kevin-pi7lq
      @Kevin-pi7lq Год назад +17

      Fear the lord, reject that because it isn't you, take back the foothold the Devil stole, resist the Devil when he comes. Fight in Jesus MIGHT NAME he IS with you. Give the Devil no Hold.

    • @adammyers-vw4jq
      @adammyers-vw4jq Год назад +5

      Bless you🙏

    • @ChildofGod3712
      @ChildofGod3712 Год назад +20

      YOU can pray…but be sincere in your prayer because God looks at your heart…I had the same problem and I simply asked God to remove this sin no matter how…he DID answer my prayer but NOT in the way I expected…bottom line is I am FREE… and him who the Son sets free is FREE INDEED!!! 🙏🏽

    • @cyberelf8627
      @cyberelf8627 Год назад +7

      Let's remember we are imperfect. Therefore, we stumble many times but help us up. As our father, he will be with us. Stumble but never stop the fight.

  • @onyeomachinyeremaka6809
    @onyeomachinyeremaka6809 Год назад +403

    *To all beautiful souls reading this I don't know what you've been praying about or what has had your pillows soaked with tears, but GOD has heard your prayers. This is your confirmation that everything is going to ok. GOD is making a way for you right now!*

    • @mr.nobodyhere
      @mr.nobodyhere Год назад

      Maybe its time you stopped making unsubstanciated claims that scripture doesnt support, and just believe Gods instructions instead?
      Youll be much happier in 5,000 years.
      According to the Bible, lost souls are eternally *wretched,* because of Adams transgression in the garden...the soul is not "beautiful".
      Otherwise, there would be no need for God to reconcile Himself to the world through Jesus, removing the sin barrier.
      "God is making a way.." No, He is not. Elephant dung.
      God ALREADY made a way:
      2Corinthians 5:18,19
      "For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect." - 1 Corinthians 1:17 KJV
      "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world." - Galatians 6:14 KJV
      Lost people need Christs imputed righteousness in order to be saved.
      "They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one." - Romans 3:12 KJV
      "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God." - Romans 13:1 KJV
      "And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit." - 1 Corinthians 15:45 KJV
      Being saved means reconciling yourself back to God by BELIEVING that Jesus' finished work was enough to save your wretched soul.
      "But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. ...
      Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification." - Romans 4:5, 25 KJV
      "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:" - Romans 5:1 KJV
      It sounds like youve either never understood the Bible, youve never read it but just parrot what you hear, or youre pitching for the wrong team.
      Which one is it?
      A wretched, hellbound soul is only beautiful to satan. Both of thier eternal destinations is the lake of fire.
      What you need is faith in the Gospel of your salvation.
      Just believe God instead of making stuff up. Or dont and join satan.
      Your choice.
      This man-made video doesnt have the power to do ANYTHING but take up virtual space and damn souls to hell.
      Please wake up before its too late. Grace and peace.

    • @TimeToWakeUp96
      @TimeToWakeUp96 Год назад +11

      Your message is living proof that God answers when we call. Your message just made my day! That's why I love Jesus so much. Truth is, your comment just appeared by accident. I didnt even see the title and neither was it relevant to me but God answered me through your comment. GOD BLESS!

    • @NosaGotGame
      @NosaGotGame Год назад +3

      This message answered my prayers too thank you 🙏🏾

    • @aprildawn9578
      @aprildawn9578 Год назад +6

      Yes we need to pray for deliverance from this sinful act of lust .Ask God for Love of yourself as he loves us. People can lust for things and not just people . Food, money , addiction .Lusting is a sinful act we all need to examine ourselves and confess . We need to pray for one another to be overcomers of this.GOD is HOLY.

    • @biancamoyo9795
      @biancamoyo9795 Год назад +2

      Amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @georgehorner1578
    @georgehorner1578 Год назад +183

    Sometimes you have to beg God for help, and it takes a while to overcome our fleshly lusts. Right now my major battle I have taken on is anger, I will fall, and I will get up! And I will never give up, the Lord will take it from me

    • @davidwashington9928
      @davidwashington9928 Год назад +9

      No doubt🙏

    • @georgehorner1578
      @georgehorner1578 Год назад +8

      How many of us forget when we are getting our butts handed to us somedays, we are in a war zone, this is Satan's kingdom, that is why we get knocked down sometimes.

    • @paule9376
      @paule9376 Год назад +7

      May the Lord God grantyou healing. In tbe mighy name of Jesus Christ our Lord! Amen!!!
      *Remedy #1*
      Our Lord Jesus Christ taught; "Pray at all times and without ceasing!"
      *Remedy #2*
      Always read at least;
      ● _One chapter daily from the Old Testament,_
      ● _One from the New Testament Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), and,_
      ● _One from the rest of the new Testament all the way to Revelations._
      *When you do this continuously,* The Word of God will start embedding into your being, and by Grace from tbe Lord God, supernatural reclamation would begin happening without your making any extra effort to "be good" on your own strength.

    • @anntadiarca7378
      @anntadiarca7378 Год назад +6

      Just hold on to Jesus.. He will save u.. soon..

    • @tremainewoodall9947
      @tremainewoodall9947 Год назад +3


  • @vekiebaking-shelton1452
    @vekiebaking-shelton1452 Год назад +192

    I hit the button so fast on this recommendation because I fight hard with lust and I've been praying for strength to get over this demon 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 in the mighty name of Jesus supernatural healing and made whole over me and anyone else who has this problem. I was doing it wrong all this time! I should flee not fight🙏🏽🙏🏽

    • @mrphoto_fix
      @mrphoto_fix Год назад +15

      @teph I believe, full deliverance is needed. I am also fighting against this. I get attracted to both sexes but am dominant to my same sex. Let's pray for this coz I can't let go of my place in heaven, soon.

    • @msneka38
      @msneka38 Год назад +13

      The Holy Spirit gives us the strength to fight against this evil. We cannot do it on our own! Thank you Father for Jesus and Your Holy Spirit! You are my strength!❤ hallelujah 🔥🕊️🙌👑✨🔥 all praise to the King of Kings Lord of Lords Jesus Christ!🙌🕊️👑✨🔥

    • @zachariahjones7885
      @zachariahjones7885 Год назад +12

      Same here guys I've been trying to fight lust by my own strength but was never successful. I do pray and ask God to take away the lustful urges but for some reason it didn't work. I'm trusting God despite my short comings to lust to help me overcome this monster because I want to see the Lord face to face and here well done my servant you have triumph over the devil, Satan and Lucifer. Now I reward you with everlasting life. THAT'S WHAT I WANT TO HERE FROM GOD NOT THIS LUSTFUL DEEDS I HAVE BEEN DOING.

    • @RubydRillz
      @RubydRillz Год назад +4

      @@zachariahjones7885 same here with me but I believe I’ll overcome

    • @anthonymongelli5567
      @anthonymongelli5567 Год назад +3

      We are more than Conquerers in Jesus Christ we are in Jesus Christ we are ambassadors in bonds! Onward Christian Soldiers keep on the whole Armor of God Amen brothers and sisters block all of the fiery darts of the devil with the shield of FAITH and the sword of the Spirit of Truth and He will flee from you Amen and Amen

  • @davidpacheco5796
    @davidpacheco5796 Год назад +34

    Going through a real rough spot in my Christian walk. Hadn’t looked at porn in over a yr yet lust was still an issue. There were some very hurtful things said to me be my spouse. And I’m not completely right either. When these things were said it cut so deep that I threw up my hands and basically said screw it. But the conviction has been so real. I repented before the Lord and He has forgiven me but I am asking for my brothers and sisters to remember me in prayer that I may serve the Lord and my heart is turned only toward him. But also that He would heal my marriage it’s in such a mess and I confess without His intervention she may leave. I have only been saved for 2 yrs and life has been rough since. But I haven’t regretted accepting Jesus as Lord and savior

    • @dannybaron9446
      @dannybaron9446 Год назад +1

      Amen Brother
      Hé gived hes blood to bleed for your sins hè forgives you Because hè is a God of love gosple hes name and in the name of the lord that hè Will keep you strong ❤

    • @leoneljuarez8378
      @leoneljuarez8378 Год назад +1

      Remember always! Our Lord Jesus Christ will make all things new! He will never leave, nor forsake you! Amen!

    • @frankbasham3087
      @frankbasham3087 Год назад +1

      The only reason it has gotten crazy sense you gave your life to the Lord n that's because you pissed off Satan and he's fighting hard to get you to go back to your old ways. DON'T LET HIM DO IT God's bigger then he and you stand strong you're about to start seeing a brake through keep pressing in and praying in Jesus name I pray break through.

  • @rangermcq6802
    @rangermcq6802 Год назад +68

    Everything said in this video is true! Over my years, I have gone through much of what has been shown here, and only by God's mercy have I survived. But had I listened to Him to begin with, I would not have wasted so much time and gone through so much sorrow. If you find yourself here... take heed, and live. I was disobeying Him and came very close to spiritual and physical death. I thank God for not letting me go.

  • @adlihkristopher2906
    @adlihkristopher2906 Год назад +156

    Father have mercy on us all Amen

    • @bighand1530
      @bighand1530 Год назад

      We don’t deserve it

    • @mr.nobodyhere
      @mr.nobodyhere Год назад +3

      He already did that when he took your death on the cross.
      2Corinthians 5:18,19

    • @paule9376
      @paule9376 Год назад +2

      *Remedy #1*
      Our Lord Jesus Christ taught; "Pray at all times and without ceasing!"
      *Remedy #2*
      Always read at least;
      ● _One chapter daily from the Old Testament,_
      ● _One from the New Testament Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), and,_
      ● _One from the rest of the new Testament all the way to Revelations._
      *When you do this continuously,* The Word of God will start embedding into your being, and by Grace from tbe Lord God, supernatural reclamation would begin happening without your making any extra effort to "be good" on your own strength.

    • @CallingSinners
      @CallingSinners Год назад

      I call all religions to make sense of heavenly things.
      I am Miguel the servant of God our Father who gave me this name 3 years ago. And I just accepted and started my teaching style. In heaven, there is no religion. We are all brothers and sisters in heaven. Even if there is no gender in heaven. So all of you, regardless of your religion, calm down and return to our living God the Father, by following the teachings of Christ. we should get used to not having religion because when we get to heaven you won't need your religion.
      I am Miguel, the angel of the living God.

    • @CedOG
      @CedOG Год назад

      @@paule9376 thanks 👊🏾 may God bless you 🤲

  • @AirsoftStuff101
    @AirsoftStuff101 Год назад +68

    Pray for me Brothers and Sisters.
    For around six months, I was able to experience freedom from Porn and masturbation. But recently, I fell in a moment of temptation.
    I realized I fell partly in due to self-righteousness and also not praying against it constantly.
    Since, I have had a handful of occasions of falling. I don't want to go back to go back to that place I once was I was addicted.
    Pray that I not only really regain my fear and reverence for the Lord. But also, with the physical measures I've taken, that I strive for freedom again because of his excellence.
    Also, because I want to remain pure for not only the Lord, but who I wish to pursue.

    • @rickytavilla4259
      @rickytavilla4259 Год назад +8

      You’re not alone brother. Stay strong

    • @deannamauretic
      @deannamauretic Год назад +6

      Deliverance will help you get freedom from this spirit. Fasting also

    • @rickytavilla4259
      @rickytavilla4259 Год назад +7

      @@deannamauretic yes fasting really works

    • @charleschui137
      @charleschui137 Год назад +4

      Brother Airsoft my prayers are for your liberation and fortitude to overcome I the name of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. The great
      I AM.

    • @wendymita4697
      @wendymita4697 Год назад +3

      You're not alone.

  • @jameshess1970
    @jameshess1970 Год назад +191

    I wish that I had never started messing with porn. There is absolutely no self pleasure in it and I feel disgusting after I use it. All Satan wants to do is make us miserable. I'm full determined to over come my addiction to it.

    • @lyrankzinti1711
      @lyrankzinti1711 Год назад +10

      I feel the same way. You are not alone.👍💯

    • @rickytavilla4259
      @rickytavilla4259 Год назад +10

      Amen brother. It’s so gross and it disgusts me and it still draws me back

    • @zachariahjones7885
      @zachariahjones7885 Год назад +19

      Your not alone I am in the same boat, sadly. A long time ago I messed around at school with porn and for some reason can't get rid of it. I regret watching porn because it has been a habit for too long in my opinion. I even pray and ask God to strip away the urge of watching porn. Please pray for me. I don't want to be lost and miss heaven for my lustful deeds. I got baptized on St.Patrick's day I feel so guilty for lustful act I have been doing. Please forgive me LORD and send me help. Your servant is asking for deliverance for this monster.

    • @bigpappahemi4263
      @bigpappahemi4263 Год назад +4

      Its nothing but misery! I'm dealing with it now.

    • @rickytavilla4259
      @rickytavilla4259 Год назад

      @@bigpappahemi4263 you are loved and not alone. Jesus will always forgive you and always love you. Keep praying for His strength. We are week but He is strong. Believe you will be set free and you will be. I promise. He healed me He will heal you

  • @nicolesanders4692
    @nicolesanders4692 Год назад +69

    I'm going through to his issue with lust .. I'm a single woman and a single mom... Doors were opened up to lust pornography fornication when I was young and if I could warn that girl to flee I would.. I get tormented with this spirit... Please pray for me to be delivered from this spirit please pray for my mind... I repent and renounce my ways Lord

  • @andrewboyddotcom
    @andrewboyddotcom Год назад +119

    The deamon of sexual lust played havoc with my life for decades. Then I gagged, bound and cast it out of me for ever IN JESUS NAME. Whatsoever you shall ask IN HIS NAME, He will do. I've been free for some time now and I feel so good. God bless you all.

    • @rochelleperry2242
      @rochelleperry2242 Год назад +1

      Andrew I didn't even see Satan trying to Kill me and rebaptism BACK TO DESTRUCTION. I WANTED GOD and heaven NOT THIS WORLD I would not DO THIS. SINNING FORNICATION
      I feel Tricked anD blasphemous??.

    • @kleinvisuals9905
      @kleinvisuals9905 Год назад +1

      This demon you speak of, it left you because you cast it out in Jesus name. I tried doing that in His name so many times and I still feel horrible urges as a Christian. My urges came from an early time in my life, and since then, for 19 years, no matter how my logic and disdain for women keep me from sinning, my emotions still override my brain and I have to fight an internal battle every day. If you tell me exactly how you did it, please tell me.

    • @charlemagnetheFranks
      @charlemagnetheFranks Год назад +2

      You said distain. No you must accept your feelings. It's the name of Jesus Christ to help you make the choice like the three Temptations of Jesus Christ. Jesus knows the Old Testament but now you must know Jesus. I must control my desire. No way am I going to do it myself! Only in the name of Jesus Christ only in the name of Jesus Christ that I can do this. It's called a practice. You fail tomorrow try again again and again. And talk to someone you can trust. Put the seed in the ground and pour water on it. Just don't point and cry that you failed. Remember. Study the scriptures pray. You must learn and teach at the same time.

    • @allthingscomics
      @allthingscomics Год назад +1

      You make it sound so easy.

    • @intangible7404
      @intangible7404 Год назад +1

      ​@@kleinvisuals9905 if you are wanting to hold yourself accountable, covenant eyes is a program I am looking into.
      Celebrate Recovery teaches you that you need new habits in place of the old ones.
      I've given you resources. The question you have to ask yourself is how bad do you want the freedom and will continuously demand that freedom to fight for it?
      I didn't say it was easy. I said there are means, knowledge to gain, and practices to adopt to pave that way

  • @melodyhillsong
    @melodyhillsong Год назад +86

    I am fighting my own battle. I am in depth of darkness, listening this worship song makes me feel strong. Be strong and stand still, God is with me. I have faith in Him

    • @paule9376
      @paule9376 Год назад +1

      May the Lord God grantyou healing. In tbe mighy name of Jesus Christ our Lord! Amen!!!
      *Remedy #1*
      Our Lord Jesus Christ taught; "Pray at all times and without ceasing!"
      *Remedy #2*
      Always read at least;
      ● _One chapter daily from the Old Testament,_
      ● _One from the New Testament Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), and,_
      ● _One from the rest of the new Testament all the way to Revelations._
      *When you do this continuously,* The Word of God will start embedding into your being, and by Grace from tbe Lord God, supernatural reclamation would begin happening without your making any extra effort to "be good" on your own strength.

    • @CallingSinners
      @CallingSinners Год назад

      I call all religions to make sense of heavenly things.
      I am Miguel the servant of God our Father who gave me this name 3 years ago. And I just accepted and started my teaching style. In heaven, there is no religion. We are all brothers and sisters in heaven. Even if there is no gender in heaven. So all of you, regardless of your religion, calm down and return to our living God the Father, by following the teachings of Christ. we should get used to not having religion because when we get to heaven you won't need your religion.
      I am Miguel, the angel of the living God.

    • @CallingSinners
      @CallingSinners Год назад +1

      @Max Maxwell
      I call all religions to make sense of heavenly things.
      I am Miguel the servant of God our Father who gave me this name 3 years ago. And I just accepted and started my teaching style. In heaven, there is no religion. We are all brothers and sisters in heaven. Even if there is no gender in heaven. So all of you, regardless of your religion, calm down and return to our living God the Father, by following the teachings of Christ. we should get used to not having religion because when we get to heaven you won't need your religion.
      I am Miguel, the angel of the living God.
      Spread this word immediately if you want to help!

    • @Paul-Neil
      @Paul-Neil Год назад +2

      Praying for Gods mighty deliverance..

    • @charlemagnetheFranks
      @charlemagnetheFranks Год назад +1

      Are you fighting this battle by yourself because you will lose. Do this in the name of Jesus Christ. When you pray before you eat. When you're grateful for everything even the bad things that happened to you. Dedicate everything in the name of Jesus Christ. Can you dedicate your sin Jesus Christ? That's what you think twice. Accept your feelings. Don't just fight them by yourself fight them in the name of Jesus Christ amen🙏⚔️🙏

  • @romanschapter6559
    @romanschapter6559 Год назад +56

    Avoid lust at every opportunity

  • @kobusvos7260
    @kobusvos7260 Год назад +10

    Also need prayer. Been fighting the enemy for so long. Felt so many times of given up, but I know Jesus loves me. My problem is lust and the lack of commitment towards our Father. I find it very hard to talk to somebody about it, but I know there is power in prayer and I really need it now.

    • @busybody1474
      @busybody1474 Год назад +1

      Remember these three words..
      God sees you. If you decide to watch porn and sin against God you will do so right in front of God. That's what finally made me stop, now I say these three words every time I'm tempted.. NO MORE HIDING

  • @kellyanndean9374
    @kellyanndean9374 Год назад +60

    “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever.”
    ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭23‬:‭1‬-‭6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

  • @XIL313
    @XIL313 Год назад +12

    I needed this. Lust took a hold of me since I was a child. 25 years I’ve fought. Now I will flee. I have to. Thank you Jesus and forgive me for my sins 🙏🏼

  • @StrangeDays25
    @StrangeDays25 Год назад +320

    please pray for me. My wife is turning my heart away from God.

    • @joshlamb9443
      @joshlamb9443 Год назад +40

      Praying for you brother, continue praying and seeking after God, He is greater than our problems and He never leaves or forsakes us.

    • @Rara-pr9wg
      @Rara-pr9wg Год назад +20


    • @bighand1530
      @bighand1530 Год назад +20


    • @Dutch.1722
      @Dutch.1722 Год назад +35

      Read the WORD. Pray hard and continously. I have started this recently to separate from my worries and troubles and it helps so much.

    • @janwiersma8914
      @janwiersma8914 Год назад +20

      Please read Psalms 40 and may The Lord give You Wisdom and Knowledge to know what to do and how to handle whenever you feel tempted.God bless You and God bless your Heart in Jezus Name. Amen.

  • @arthurblennerhassett429
    @arthurblennerhassett429 Год назад +11

    I could not defeat the draw of lust on my own. By the Grace of God my prayers were answered and i was given the tools to fight this battle. I am by no means cured, but i am winning this fight, 1 battle at a time. All Glory to God for my deliverance.

  • @MannyKings-25
    @MannyKings-25 Год назад +118

    Good morning ,we must repent , believe the gospel , seek Jesus while he can be found, listen well, Take heed , time is short. He’s coming, be ready, stay ready. John 3:16❤. God bless you all and have a good day.

    • @deanmarkthegreat8868
      @deanmarkthegreat8868 Год назад +5

      So this can stop lust right I been looking for help

    • @mybestfriendjesus777
      @mybestfriendjesus777 Год назад +1

      Praise the Lord AMEN HALLELUJAH

    • @bighand1530
      @bighand1530 Год назад +1

      Godly repentance, not Judas repentance.

    • @TheLordsClay
      @TheLordsClay Год назад +2

      THANK 😊YOU MANNY....
      ROMANS 📖 CHAPTER 1 VERSE 16....
      JOHN 📖 CHAPTER 14 VERSE 6...
      JOHN 📖 CHAPTER 3 VERSE 16...
      Jeremiah 📖 chapter 17 verses 5 and 7
      Acts 📖 chapter 17 verses 10 thru 11

    • @bradleydahlgren6632
      @bradleydahlgren6632 Год назад +2

      People think I'm joking when I say this exact thing....people have to wake up! God bless ✝️👑❤😊

  • @akibaki8176
    @akibaki8176 Год назад +69

    Jesus is coming boys be ready

    • @rickytavilla4259
      @rickytavilla4259 Год назад +6

      Keep your eye out for the digital currency. It is the last step before they can set up the system where you can’t “buy or sell”from that.

    • @b0_in_600
      @b0_in_600 Год назад +2

      Yes Brother He is Coming 🙏😇

  • @jaydunbar2034
    @jaydunbar2034 Год назад +16

    Pray for me , when on your knees , when on your pillow , when your in meditation with Christ , I too battle this lust , for this is a good saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief , Paul wrote this verse and I too applicate this to my life , I am chief sinner

    • @paule9376
      @paule9376 Год назад +1

      May the Lord God grantyou healing. In tbe mighy name of Jesus Christ our Lord! Amen!!!
      *Remedy #1*
      Our Lord Jesus Christ taught; "Pray at all times and without ceasing!"
      *Remedy #2*
      Always read at least;
      ● _One chapter daily from the Old Testament,_
      ● _One from the New Testament Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), and,_
      ● _One from the rest of the new Testament all the way to Revelations._
      *When you do this continuously,* The Word of God will start embedding into your being, and by Grace from tbe Lord God, supernatural reclamation would begin happening without your making any extra effort to "be good" on your own strength.

    • @seanrathmakedisciples1508
      @seanrathmakedisciples1508 Год назад +1

      @@paule9376 Flee From Lust . Switch off the button on TV

  • @eugenelewisrice-wh5ge
    @eugenelewisrice-wh5ge Год назад +23

    I just yesterday made my mind up to conquer the demonic force upon me. I have a weakness of the mind for lust. God forgive me

  • @janetclarke4585
    @janetclarke4585 Год назад +14

    Keep my eyes fix only on you Lord, only on you , in Jesus mighty name.

  • @SunMusic868
    @SunMusic868 Год назад +19

    Whoever reading this wish your smile warmer, bigger and your heart like jesus. God love you.

  • @davidsiemer7578
    @davidsiemer7578 Год назад +11

    Very true sermon and teaching. The devil corrupted and distorted everything that God gave us to enjoy within the bond of marriage between a man and a woman.

  • @toml.8210
    @toml.8210 Год назад +14

    David, a humble shepherd, led us all to the greatest shepherd of all!

  • @chrisrodriguez1794
    @chrisrodriguez1794 Год назад +11

    Thank you father and Jesus for everything thank you amen

  • @starlightglimmerofficial2923
    @starlightglimmerofficial2923 Год назад +17

    For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned. It isn't too late loved ones.😊😊❤❤😍😍👍👍

  • @chinwenduizenwata6763
    @chinwenduizenwata6763 Год назад +12

    Jesus said in Matthew 6: 22 and 23: 22 “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light; 23 but if your eye is not sound, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness! This is also a good scripture to show the importance of being careful not to watch certain things.

    @BEEFSALCH Год назад +10

    God bless everyone here ❤ stay strong with the lord 🙏🏼

  • @KristinaLouise1963
    @KristinaLouise1963 Год назад +38

    Solomon was not born out of adultery. He was David & Bethshebas' second son. Their 1st son that was conceived from adultery died shortly after its birth.

    • @lifeisbannanas
      @lifeisbannanas Год назад +11

      You're one of the few people I can tell actually read the Bible.

    • @jayayyyyy
      @jayayyyyy Год назад +1

      The second son of David and Bethshebas?

    • @LeoLoneWolf
      @LeoLoneWolf Год назад +2

      Hes not even ready the scripture verbatim that's on the screen. He changed words.🤔

    • @TevvGitau
      @TevvGitau Год назад +10

      The preacher didn't say that if that was what you were implying he said Solomon was born from a relationship that begain in adultery

    • @sundinm7703
      @sundinm7703 Год назад

      @@jayayyyyy after official husband wife

  • @skycat777u.k5
    @skycat777u.k5 Год назад +33

    We must run 🏃as there's no combating lust once that seeds (thought)🌱 sown it won't stop,therefore flee the devil.

    • @jonathanharris4384
      @jonathanharris4384 Год назад +2

      Run from lust, yes, but to say there's no combatting it once it takes root is not right; Christ's death and resurrection brings forgiveness of sins, and also victory over temptation! Ephesians 4:27 says "do not give space to the devil;" if we allow a sin to become a habit, then we are allowing the enemy to have space in our lives. The answer is to find a mature christian, confess the sin to them, and the person rebuke any demonic stronghold that may have formed in our lives. For some years I was not able to resist the temptation to 'look the second time', I confessed it to a pastor who then prayed and cut any ties in spiritual realm, and I was set free. I found the teaching of Neil Anderson very good. Also we can consciously reject thoughts in our minds by praying "I reject this thought in the name of Jesus"

  • @edetekpenyong1175
    @edetekpenyong1175 Год назад +27

    Blessed by this message. Thank you Jesus ❤

  • @georgereed6583
    @georgereed6583 Год назад +9

    Amen without God I'm nothing, thank you Jesus for being my Lord and Savior.

  • @REALTEXAN_Hispanic
    @REALTEXAN_Hispanic Год назад +12

    Lust messed up my life and im only 22. And i wish i never let lust rule my life. I hate i let it win. But little by little i want to better my life getting close to god,and leaving all addiction behind. And live a healthy happy life. With god by my side until my last day on this earth

  • @michaelmelder9921
    @michaelmelder9921 Год назад +7

    No one is able to turn you away from God if you have a good relationship with the Lord on a daily basis it is that relationship that wi'll keep you strong to carry you through all the wiles of the enemy God can turn anything around to your favour if you submit to God and resist the the devil he will flee from you be steadfast in the Lord, He that is in you is greater than he that is in the world, will keep you in prayer brother.

  • @adrianb714
    @adrianb714 Год назад +1

    I had this video and many of yours in my watch later list. I've been struggling with lust for years 💔, trying to resist only to fail time and time again. I finally got to watch this video and after watching it I feel hopeful and reading the verse made me overjoyed and emotional 😭. It really helped me understand stand my problem and facing it with the Lord as my ally. A few weeks ago i downloaded an app blocker to filter out temptations of lust it has helped and thank to your video, im on step closer to beat this stronghold by the name and blood of Jesus I'll see victory God bless you 🙏

  • @leoneljuarez8378
    @leoneljuarez8378 Год назад +4

    Praise, and Worship be To Our Father GOD 🆘 through Our Lord Jesus Christ! For His Love for us! For He is Worthy! Amen!❤❤❤

  • @ndeblaise5268
    @ndeblaise5268 Год назад +6

    Listening to this gospel makes me feel stronger and happier in the name of the Lord as far as I live

  • @michaelmelder9921
    @michaelmelder9921 Год назад +5

    The battlefield is your mind if satan can get your thoughts he has got you, for every war that is fought there is a strategy so before the enemy attacks he has to learn your weak point so you need the sword of the spirit which is the Word Of God and a good prayer life on a daily basis (No compromise).Ephesians 6:10 says wear the full armour of God for our battle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places we cannot fight satan with our own strength, JESUS has won over sin and death by the cross and defeated the devil already you just have to make JESUS your LORD and Saviour and be committed to Him above all. The battle is the Lords the victory shall be yours.

  • @romanschapter6559
    @romanschapter6559 Год назад +10

    Solomon asked GOD for Wisdom above all else.

  • @martinpetersen6266
    @martinpetersen6266 Год назад +4

    To me... The lust grows from loneliness. it really gets to you.
    it is not about keeping bad company or seeing things you shouldn't.. though it may end there.
    but it comes from the heart of never having been married, never had a home or family. - that kind of loneliness is very tough to fight.
    then the thoughts come, oh what if.. I had a wife, then one may want to dream of woman and the stone starts rolling down hill from there.
    avoiding that after a couple of years alone without any friends or contacts... that is hard. specially due winter.
    being in a concrete jungle isn't helpful either. ofc there are factors why one may end in such a compromising situation.
    so i find myself swinging back and forth, seeking God feeling ok to down the drain. It's an evil world we live in.

    • @ronaldsmith8762
      @ronaldsmith8762 Год назад +1

      I can relate. I'll be remembering you when I pray. Something Jesus reminded me of, in his word, He promised to never leave us. We're never really alone. I'm 48. Been single 30+ years. I've cried more tears of loneliness... But, that's a promise from Jesus. I now really try to stand on that.

  • @henrymcgriff1522
    @henrymcgriff1522 Год назад +2

    I'm seeking God's help to remove my desires of lust and anything that goes against the Lord guidance amen

  • @lukeyznaga7627
    @lukeyznaga7627 Год назад +14

    Lust in this modern world is a terrible plague. Everywhere on TV and in movies and in public of how Pagan women have to live in the woods and mountains.

  • @teceducational
    @teceducational 10 месяцев назад +1

    I was born in hindu family but ....but from last 15 years i m christian because of this step i lost my all relatives and many more things ...i have only god i fell very proud in heart to think that jesus is my god ....i love my god only....

  • @greatestchristian5913
    @greatestchristian5913 Год назад +6

    Let’s continue to push positivity and to spread the word and love of God❤ Faith and trust is all he ask of us and he will take care or the rest! Thank you “trailblazer”for uploading once again another phenomenal and uplifting video!❤🙏🏾

  • @_TRAE.
    @_TRAE. Год назад +4

    Thank you So much for this 😭😭😭
    You have no idea how much I needed these words of counsel😓🙌🙌🙌

  • @josephbailey435
    @josephbailey435 Год назад +6

    Be honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and do good to all men. Follow the admonition of Paul. Believe all things, hope all things, endure many things, hope to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, seek after these things, in Jesus name, Amen. God Bless, brothers and sisters.

  • @yeshuaisthesonofmantheking4065
    @yeshuaisthesonofmantheking4065 Год назад +8

    Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty, the whole earth is full of his glory” (Isaiah 6:3)

  • @onetwo4702
    @onetwo4702 3 месяца назад

    The Lord has brought this message to us that see and hear in this moment for a specific reason. In this moment, I struggle with the flesh. Be wise and aware and seek the Lord God in all moments for truth, light, and guidance. Praise be to God almighty. Ahleluilea.

  • @josepatricbrito5001
    @josepatricbrito5001 Год назад +1

    I have fought a tremendous fight. First with anger and pride and now with pride. I know I will overcome "by the blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony."

  • @jacksontheis1672
    @jacksontheis1672 Год назад +2

    I fell back and i need prayer, please pray for me

  • @daiasingleton7657
    @daiasingleton7657 Год назад +6

    Help me Savior. Help me Yahshua, help me fight the war of my flesh against my spirit. Help me quit cigarette Most High. Help me quit my addiction to porn and lusty desires, Help me Father, help me Yahweh, help me Elohim, gelp me El Elyon. Help to clean My heart, help to pull me closer to the Glory you want from my life

    • @busybody1474
      @busybody1474 Год назад

      Remember these three words..
      God sees you. If you decide to watch porn and sin against God you will do so right in front of God. That's what finally made me stop, now I say these three words every time I'm tempted.. NO MORE HIDING

    • @daiasingleton7657
      @daiasingleton7657 Год назад +1

      @busybody1 the Holy Spirit Changes. But its definitely not over Night. I find myself losing taste for things little by little. Like my soul is getting scrubbed clean the more I pray and worship

    • @busybody1474
      @busybody1474 Год назад

      @@daiasingleton7657 I agree it certainly isn't overnight yet the more we talk with God the more he hears us 🙏

  • @vincehunt752
    @vincehunt752 Год назад +13

    Thank you lord Jesus i praise you

  • @1takemedia238
    @1takemedia238 Год назад +4

    My Lord we all have fall short of your glory may you please find it in your divine mercy and grace to forgave me for All my Backslide delivered me from lustful thought through faith in Jesus mighty name amen 🙌

  • @adlihkristopher2906
    @adlihkristopher2906 Год назад +17

    Amen thank you for this message

  • @reubenjohnson8563
    @reubenjohnson8563 Год назад +5

    I am so glad I found this video...a confirmation that the lust of the eyes is where I've had the most trouble. I had forgotten how it only takes a few moments of entertaining a memory in which you gave into the lust of the eyes, for it to give birth to sexual sin. Don't look! I repeat don't look! Amen!🙏

    • @busybody1474
      @busybody1474 Год назад

      Remember these three words..
      God sees you. If you decide to watch porn and sin against God you will do so right in front of God. That's what finally made me stop, now I say these three words every time I'm tempted.. NO MORE HIDING

  • @KendrickHarrisKenfinity
    @KendrickHarrisKenfinity Год назад +7

    Amen! Hallelujah! I'm forever rejoicing and thanking my unparalleled Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for who he is. And for always saving me from myself and everything unholy, in everyway, everyday. Exodus 14:14, 20:3, 20:6-7, 20:12, 23:25, Deuteronomy 30:19, 31:6, 30:14, 29:29, 1:6-8, 8:1, Lamentations 3:22-23, Ecclesiastes 9:11, 12:13, Mark 11:24-26, 11:17, 5:36, 8:35-36, John 6:63, 8:12, 9:5, 10:10, 3:16, 3:17-18, 4:23-24, 10:11, 10:27, 14:1-3, 14:6, 14:27, 16:33, 15:4-5, 15:12-13, 15:16, 2 Corinthians 4:16, 4:18, 6:14, 1:3-4, 1:8-9, 5:7, 5:17, 4:8-9, 1 John 1:6-7, 4:6, 5:4- 2:6, 3:1-2, 4:16, 4:18-19, 4:20-21, Jude 1:21 and Revelation 16:15, 21:4, 21:1-5, 20:12-13, 20:12-15, 1:18, 3:11, 3:19-20, 13:9🙏🏾🙌🏾🤝🏾💪🏾💗🌊🌄 Stay safe and encouraged everyone!

    • @leoneljuarez8378
      @leoneljuarez8378 Год назад +2

      Thank you for sharing scripture! God bless you! Amen!

    • @KendrickHarrisKenfinity
      @KendrickHarrisKenfinity Год назад +1

      @@leoneljuarez8378 You’re so welcome. Thank you so much and God bless you too!

  • @RaviKiran-np8dc
    @RaviKiran-np8dc Год назад +3

    It's my LORD JESUS who gives me everlasting peace ,praise the LORD

  • @donniehodge2548
    @donniehodge2548 Год назад +6

    Thank you God for standing with me AMEN 🙏

  • @yahson3675
    @yahson3675 Год назад +3

    Battling lust of the eyes.. need to stay strong and resist and flee from all earthy feelings.. vanity of vanities!

  • @majorphenom1
    @majorphenom1 Год назад +2

    Thanks for sharing 🙏🏾
    His grace and mercy be upon you and your loved ones 🕊️🥛🍯

  • @lordgigglesnort3845
    @lordgigglesnort3845 Год назад +8

    Powerful Msg that gives any man who listens strength.

  • @gasmaskedstorytexter7143
    @gasmaskedstorytexter7143 Год назад +4

    One minute of this video gives wisdom

  • @jessedevitt1701
    @jessedevitt1701 Год назад +5

    I'm trying to be the best Christian but lust always pops in my head its like every time I run from the harder it hits but I trust in God and we are all children and warriors of God and we will win this battle and all Gods people said Amen

    • @busybody1474
      @busybody1474 Год назад

      Remember these three words..
      God sees you. If you decide to watch porn and sin against God you will do so right in front of God. That's what finally made me stop, now I say these three words every time I'm tempted.. NO MORE HIDING

    • @Seeklip6T
      @Seeklip6T Год назад

      Every time the enemy wants to shoot the fiery dart of lust in my thoughts...I start worshipping God and speak in Tongues. When we speak in tongues we speak in a heavenly language unknown to Lucifer. Start training your brain to Constantly take different paths when the thoughts loom large. I am free from porn but every Christian on earth be they male or female know the battle begins in the mind. Put on Christ when you wake up and if your work allows you to listen to Christian podcasts or vids take advantage. I hope that helps 🙏.

  • @1takemedia238
    @1takemedia238 Год назад +2

    My Lord we all have fall short of glory may you please find it in your divine mercy and grace to forgave me for All my Backslide delivered me from lustful thought through faith in Jesus mighty name amen 🙌

  • @Ryanjoned163
    @Ryanjoned163 Год назад +12

    JESUS Christ is Lord AND every tongue will confess Jesus Christ is Lord

    • @poopypants660
      @poopypants660 Год назад

      Yes they will, and all mankind will be saved and come into a realization of the truth, just as 1 Timothy 2:4 and 4:10-11 state.

  • @madebyamerica81
    @madebyamerica81 Год назад +2

    How you explained King Solomon, is exactly how I have been feeling and walking down.

  • @StoryTime-tunes
    @StoryTime-tunes Год назад

    Praise god and thank you lord for letting me know you and wanting to be a god for people like me who else would be 100% lost without your light!!!

  • @josetrjillo5491
    @josetrjillo5491 Год назад +2

    God bless you brother and keep teaching about this topic, it's necessary and this present time, we need to understand deeply in our ❤ the precious words of God; Hebrews 4: 12. Thank you.

  • @borlongbohoto6991
    @borlongbohoto6991 Год назад +3

    Respect for the Gift of Life

  • @danbonini357
    @danbonini357 Год назад +5

    Be content in your heart with love of Jesus Christ. Fill your heart first. So you are content. Very important. You'll never find true happiness just farther from God.

  • @chucktechnorris
    @chucktechnorris Год назад

    As a faithful Catholic I have to say: this is an EXCELLENT SERMON!!!
    I am very happy to see that there is a true WISDOM and light of Holy Spirit outside the Church (even amongst schismatics…) Especially in our times when Pope and many of bishops are badly corrupted men turned to occult and devil. Keep up doing this excellent videos! PS. In Poland we have a society “Knights of Pure Hearts” dedicated to fight off evil inside - especially porn and lust.
    God bless!!!

  • @RubydRillz
    @RubydRillz Год назад +2

    This right here was a great teaching, experience and lesson too 🙏🏽

  • @miganooshpetrossian8818
    @miganooshpetrossian8818 Год назад +5

    Important, becarful every day, night 🌺.

  • @JoseMorales-hy1tc
    @JoseMorales-hy1tc Год назад +1

    All my life tried to talk to God and viceversa with not good results. Until my patience and persistence finally paid off. In fact he was around me all along. I just didn’t know how recognize him. He spoke to me in my dreams and from there on I learned how recognize him, ever since then.
    About sex I thought was an abomination because I was led to believe by everyone that but God told me. “I made man that way. Do you think I made a mistake?. I made everything to keep it on balance. Do not be ashamed. Corruption is another thing or going into extremes. Anything going extremes is an abomination. Do not fight it because you will go against your nature and you’ll loose. Therefore; when after you sin you must come to me to tell me how you feel and I’ll take care of the rest. I am your God who takes pleasure in molding you and making you what you are now. All you have to do is keeping up your faith. Don’t let sin turn you away or make you feel un worthy. Instead come to me immediately without wasting time, keeping up your faith is very important, If you do that you’ll get what you and your spirit is looking for.

  • @jdcamc
    @jdcamc Год назад +1

    Love this message - it was truth without condemnation! Thanks you!

  • @romanschapter6559
    @romanschapter6559 Год назад +4

    With wisdom, get understanding.

    • @kingofme8863
      @kingofme8863 Год назад

      Yep! “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” Prov 4:7 🖤

    • @gabrielaj2066
      @gabrielaj2066 Год назад

      @@kingofme8863 interesting I was reading that yesterday?!

  • @Sh4rkeBotxD
    @Sh4rkeBotxD Год назад

    for 16 years I have struggled with this sin, as king Solomon I myself went and married someone I shouldn’t because of Lust, my dad before me deal with it too in a different way. I never understood but you opened my eyes after failing once more, God is finely crushing me to the point of breaking me free out of this, however Lust is a beast, now I understand why you have to flee. There’s no way to fight it. nothing disobedience is attach to it and flesh so its such a horrible monster that just can’t be taken down. this fleeing is much harder to do nowadays but thanks to the Lord i am learning of places I must evade and things i must fully delete. i just can’t give it any way in, while we can keep trying and trying all we want to get self control, the more I have done and it and more I seek God the more I understand there’s no defeat for Lust until he comes for us. all we can do is run away and keep running to him, as cowardly as this might seem, this is your own been warring against you is attached to you and brings companions as it gains more strength.

  • @counterpunch1600
    @counterpunch1600 Год назад +1

    [reminder 2:102] And they followed what the devils taught during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but it was the devils who disbelieved. They taught the people witchcraft and what was revealed in Babylon to the two angels Harut and Marut. They did not teach anybody until they had said, "We are a test, so do not lose faith." But they learned from them the means to cause separation between man and his wife. But they cannot harm anyone except with God's permission. And they learned what would harm them and not benefit them. Yet they knew that whoever deals in it will have no share in the Hereafter. Miserable is what they sold their souls for, if they only knew.

  • @pacarter7169
    @pacarter7169 Год назад +1

    What most people don’t know about David… he was as the scripture describes “ruddy” (KJV) when I looked up the word translated to English, it means “RED” David was a redhead… among dark hair people, which means his own family rejected him in prejudice because he was different! Thus when the prophet came, his own family sent him away as “not important”.
    Thus David learned “compassion” out of being the reject of the family.
    And it would be this characteristic that The Lord God said… “will be the nature of my kingdom!”
    Love- mercy- and compassion.

  • @joshualowe959
    @joshualowe959 Год назад +32

    Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body

    • @poopypants660
      @poopypants660 Год назад

      But what is sexual immorality? That's a broad term that can be interpreted many different ways.

    • @Drew32296
      @Drew32296 Год назад

      1 Corinthians 6:18

    • @poopypants660
      @poopypants660 Год назад

      @@Drew32296 But what is the definition of sexual immorality?

    • @joshualowe959
      @joshualowe959 Год назад

      @@poopypants660 sexual immorality is sexual behavior outside biblical boundaries

    • @poopypants660
      @poopypants660 Год назад

      @@joshualowe959 what are the biblical boundaries?

  • @tahirshahzad8856
    @tahirshahzad8856 Год назад

    God Bless you scholars .Who are guiding us for the true and holy path direction through their knowledge and learning . That's really great and one of the most important job and responsibility of a person .

  • @mickeydo23
    @mickeydo23 Год назад

    It’s comforting to know that I’m not alone in this. May we all find peace and liberation from this sin of sins

  • @GodsGrace-lk5zl
    @GodsGrace-lk5zl 10 месяцев назад

    *Your RUclips channel's content about God is amazing! The way you convey and share information about the Supreme Being is truly inspiring and respectful.*

  • @deranged5322
    @deranged5322 Год назад +2

    I’m an addict for over 15 years. Last October, I couldn’t take it anymore. The shame, the guilt, the anger, the hatred.
    Last October I reached into my drawer and pulled my gun out. I prayed with my soul for God to give me the strength to pull the trigger so I can escape this hell. I tried with all my strength and I couldn’t pull the trigger all the way. I threw my gun on my bed and began to sob. Begging and pleading for God to kill me.
    Last month, I was driving down a highway and hit some black ice. I lost control and drove over the side of the road and rolled my vehicle twice. My vehicle was totaled. But I climbed out of that wreck with nothing more than bruises and sore muscles.
    At that moment I realized that God didn’t want me dead because I still had a purpose in this life. And I still have chances to beat this war.
    I still screw up. I still mourn. But now I know that I’m meant to be here. As are every single one of y’all.

    • @GoziemMD
      @GoziemMD Год назад +1

      I am glad to read how much God has helped you and how convinced you are now that God wants you to live.
      Of course! God doesn't want you to not only live, but to know Him and experience the depth of His love and goodness.
      How about the addiction you mentioned? How are you faring with it?

    • @deranged5322
      @deranged5322 Год назад

      @@GoziemMD I still fall short. But I have a different outlook on it than I did before.

  • @Dutch-redneck
    @Dutch-redneck Год назад

    I need prayer on this subject! Addicted to p*rn for YEARS.
    I love Jesus like no one else. But I can not get rid of this addiction.
    Please, pray for me

  • @ashmeadmohammed6752
    @ashmeadmohammed6752 Год назад +6

    Amen. Thank you. On Point. GOD Bless you guys.

  • @tassawermushtaq5998
    @tassawermushtaq5998 Год назад +6

    Thanks so much nice and blessed full video✝️🌏🙏🏻🌈

  • @digemdb
    @digemdb Год назад +5

    🔥🔥🔥 Needed to hear this! Thanks 🙏🏽

  • @clifficjones4827
    @clifficjones4827 Год назад

    Praise God, I was given a transfer at work, but I didn't know it was the initial step to fight lust, musturbation, clubing and sex. I'm now making 3 months minus all the above and have been drawn nearer to God. Where I'm currently working is 120 miles from home, with weekly prayer services at work.

    @IMRANLALGill 3 месяца назад

    Thank You and May God Bless All of You 🙏

  • @MrDuffy1948
    @MrDuffy1948 Год назад

    Thanks for sharing this message. I will try my best with Gods help to follow this message.

  • @roberthiggins4707
    @roberthiggins4707 Год назад

    I shall keep my life fixed on the Lord. The lord took my wife home in 2020 and I am very lonesome and have no real friends so it is for me a way to feel that I have company. I know it's the devil giving me a false sence of companionship. I feel that I am failing God and I ask for mercy and forgiveness. It is hard for me to be alone all the time with no one to live and care about but I know that I must keep faith in the lord Jesus Christ. I love him and pray that I serve him and turn away from porn and if the lord has it that I remain alone that I shall be happy in it as it is part of Gods plan for me.

  • @chibwematepeta7298
    @chibwematepeta7298 Год назад +11


  • @granpaking7570
    @granpaking7570 Год назад +1

    And I will never be lusting or having any flesh Behavior ever in my life again this message is so beautiful

  • @poisonousflytrap6073
    @poisonousflytrap6073 Год назад +18

    How to trust God even though I cannot see him😢😢😢

    • @OshayBlessedinthacity
      @OshayBlessedinthacity Год назад +6

      You can do it just be honest and with an open heart and ask and it shall be given to you!! Never give up. I pray you have your tears and prayers answered. Once started never go back. Always keep going forward and lean not unto your understand but GODs understanding!!

    • @nsyln
      @nsyln Год назад +9

      You can not see love, but you can discern it.
      You can not see air, but you can feel it through your breath.
      You can not see hunger, but you can feel it.
      Ask God to help you with this.

    • @gabytzu.w
      @gabytzu.w Год назад +1

      you can fell his love and see the signs

    • @Rara-pr9wg
      @Rara-pr9wg Год назад +3

      Ask Him to reveal Himself.... He will show you something

    • @megapro3alexnoir103
      @megapro3alexnoir103 Год назад

      @@yelitza5827 I already have faith in him, I have already repented, but it seems to me that there are still “debts” for which I have not yet had time to repent, and just in case, I added “Lord, forgive me for all the sins that I have ever committed, have mercy , I beg you" and I'm scared to know what will happen next 😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🙏🙏🙏

  • @paulsam9693
    @paulsam9693 Год назад +4

    God bless you all and your family please help me and my family

    • @leoneljuarez8378
      @leoneljuarez8378 Год назад +1

      You said the key 🗝️🔐 WORD, God, Our Lord Jesus Christ will help 🆘🙏 you! Amen !

  • @u.s.aarchangelforgod3679
    @u.s.aarchangelforgod3679 Год назад

    Thank you Jesus Christ and our father GOD for keeping us strong and protecting us from lust and the wilds of the devil. We love you lord