The Story of India's Nuclear Weapons| Operation Smiling Budha | Pokhran Test 1998 |The Weekly Column

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • Since the Russia Ukraine war and China Taiwan conflict has escalated, the world has constantly been talking about potential escalation into a nuclear war.
    Today there are 9 nuclear power states in the world; USA, Russia, Britain, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea. the development of nuclear weapons is considered as one of the most important inventions of 20th century but many people did not know the history of how these states acquired nuclear weapons, among the 9 states India's nuclear weapons programme have a lot of specialities because India forced to acquired nuclear weapons while faced with threats from China, Pakistan and USA.
    India conducted her first nuclear test in 1974 code named Operation Smiling Budha, even though India still maintains that operation smiling Budha as a Peaceful Nuclear Test but many experts suggests that it was a technology demonstrator. Operation smiling budha had a forced the great powers like USA to rethink the efficiency of NPT and the operation smiling budha led to the creation of NSG (Nuclear Suppliers Group).
    India conducted her first official nuclear weapons test in 1998 at Pokhran test range code named Operation Shakthi and declared herself as a nuclear weapon state.
    This video discuss about India's Nuclear Weapons programme, the contributions made by Homi Bhabha, Indira Gandhi, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Dorabji Tata Foundation, Atal Bihari Vajpayee and the legendary Abdul Kalam and some of lesser known figures like Raja Ramanna, R. Chidambaram etc. this video also discuss about the circumstance and the existential threat posed by world powers like USA and China led to India's decision to go nuclear.
    this video also discuss about the Nuclear command authority in India and India's Nuclear doctrine of No First Use with credible minimum deterrence.

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