Tell Unbeliever About Eternal Life instead of Saved, Justified or Born Again-Zane Hodges & B. Wilkin

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • When evangelizing why should you tell an unbeliever to believe in Jesus for everlasting life? Why is eternal life better to use than saved, justified or being born again. Zane Hodges answers this question and Bob Wilkin of the Grace Evangelical Society adds additional comments.
    For articles, blogs, and audio, go to:
    #eternallife #everlastinglife #evangelism #saved #justified #bornagain #witness

Комментарии • 61

  • @soljos1190
    @soljos1190 Месяц назад +7

    So vital to understand these distinctions .
    Best news , ever (John 3:16 & Ephesians 2:8-9) .

  • @timgrady4630
    @timgrady4630 29 дней назад +5

    Love this clarification , Bob !

  • @kathyweckerle6880
    @kathyweckerle6880 29 дней назад +4

    I have noticed that the vast majority of evangelical false messages (wolf doctrine) focus on sin, not eternal life. Jesus clearly came to give life (John 10:10, Heb. 10:12). Accountability at BEMA is not mentioned much either.

  • @davidoconnor3579
    @davidoconnor3579 29 дней назад +3

    Thank you brother for your teaching On John 3.16 amen brother amen.

  • @zebra2346
    @zebra2346 Месяц назад +10

    Thank you Bob Wilkins. I want to get out street preaching and that is my strategy. Salvation by faith in Jesus Christ unto eternal life. Preaching ROYS, the false works gospel of repent of your sins, is the absolute worst message you can give a sinner. Most people instinctively know its impossible to do, and if they accept this false gospel it turns them into a Pharisee, never knowing if they've repented of enough sins to be saved, so they have to work more and try harder, in a never ending cycle of pride and despair

    • @2Chronicles714_
      @2Chronicles714_ Месяц назад

      Don't go out and preach your self righteous message of rebellion against Gods command that all people everywhere must repent of sin.

    • @ok-qt4kr
      @ok-qt4kr Месяц назад +3

      Well stated .
      A "Mission Impossible" = ROYS .

    • @soljos1190
      @soljos1190 29 дней назад +1

      Have you a 100% Flawless and Impeccable behavioral performance (works) in "Keeping His (10 ...0r how many exactly and precisely) Commandments ...for a Lifetime ?
      Better have a Sinless Record to enter His Kingdom apart from the only Biblical means of acquiring His PERFECT Righteousness:
      ..."therefore it (eternal Justification before God) is by faith that it might be according to Grace that the Promise would be Certain " (Romans 4:16) .
      Only faith accords with Grace .
      Therefore , His Promise is doubt free .
      Your 5 part Perseverance in Performance works righteousness Contract is the very definition of Doubt .
      Doubt is the antithesis of faith .
      You Doubt your Everlasting destination based upon your frail , fragile , Filthy Rags attempts to come in some other way than simple childlike faith in Him FOR His Free and Never Deserving Gift of Endless Everlasting Life (John 3:16 & Ephesians 2:8-9) .
      Or worse yet , you actually think your Perseverance in Performance is so "Stellar" and noteworthy that you indeed DESERVE to enter His Kingdom .
      Deserving a Gift ?
      Earning Grace ?
      Meriting the Unmerited ?
      THAT makes sense to you ?
      It is the very definition of self Idolatry borne of self righteous Pride in one's behavioral performance (works) not in the least unlike the Judaizers/unregenerate Scribes and Pharisees , who also rejected His PERFECT Redemption as the Lamb of God who literally took away all the sins of the world , Judicially .
      Fully Finished all the work Himself , yet you clearly deny His having done so . Utterly takes away all the Glory due to Him alone .
      Couldn't be a clearer example of Prideful arrogance under cover of "Christianeze".

    • @2Chronicles714_
      @2Chronicles714_ 29 дней назад

      Jesus,John the Baptist Peter and Paul all preached Repent
      I'll go along with them.

    • @DannyLoyd
      @DannyLoyd 29 дней назад

      Acts 17:30 " God commands all men everywhere to repent...", and you believe that this is a false works gospel and the worst message you can give a sinner and it is a false gospel for it turns them into a Pharisee, this is what GES believes....You mean Paul and the HS didn't know any better?
      2 Cor 7:10 " For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation...", yet according to GES, this is a false works of gospel to repent and it is a false gospel.....
      Acts 2:38 " Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins", and when they did so, the Lord added them to the saved, v41, v47, and yet GES says, that this is a false gospel? and the worst message you can give a sinner? and yet Peter gave that message to sinner's in Acts 2.....
      So, GES apparently believes that you cannot walk in the light, walk after the Spirit and obey the Lord's commands, for they would have to work more and try harder and be in a never ending cycle of pride and despair, correct!! Yet I can walk in darkness, walk after the flesh and disobey the Lord's commands, because then I wouldn't have to work more and try harder........correct!! and heaven will be my home......this is what GES believes....doctrine of demons.

  • @marcravey4621
    @marcravey4621 26 дней назад +1

    You have to remember, everyone has eternal life. Good or bad. Some the Ressurection of eternal life. Others Ressurection to eternal torment.

    • @GESvids
      @GESvids  26 дней назад

      It's Better Evangelism to Talk About Everlasting Life - Mike Liiвидео.html
      Is everlasting life mere existence forever? Mike Lii explains why it is better to use the term "everlasting life" for the gift that one is believing in Jesus for.

  • @michaelc7418
    @michaelc7418 29 дней назад +2

    Hebrews 9:12 mentions that Jesus obtained eternal redemption for us, which is Once Saved Always Saved. ^_^

  • @trentthompson2899
    @trentthompson2899 29 дней назад +1

    Amen , The best question to ask to find out if you are in fact talking to an unbeliever is , Do you know for sure that you're going to Heaven when you die. That way when you offer to share with them from the Bible how they Can know that for sure, you must show them in your presentation God's guarantee of eternal life to the believer in Christ as in John 3:36. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life.

  • @jimfarnell5813
    @jimfarnell5813 29 дней назад +4

    That which CANNOT be gained by moral perfection CANNOT be lost by moral imperfection… Jesus said that he/she who does the will of the Father will enter the Kingdom of God (Matthew 7:21)… He tells us the will of the Father is to see whom He has sent and believe on Him for eternal life (John 6:40)…

    • @2Chronicles714_
      @2Chronicles714_ 28 дней назад

      The will of the Father
      1 Thessalonians 4:3-8
      It is God’s WILL that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; 4that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable, 5not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God; 6and that in this matter no one should wrong or take advantage of a brother or sister. The Lord will punish all those who commit such sins, as we told you and warned you before. 7For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. 8Therefore, anyone who rejects this instruction is not rejecting man
      but the God who gives His Holy Spirit
      to you.
      Romans 12:2
      And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and acceptable and PERFECT WILL OF GOD.
      John sums it up.
      1 John 2:17
      The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the WILL of God lives forever.

  • @AlvinFen
    @AlvinFen 27 дней назад +3

    In John
    Chapter 6 the feeding of the five thousand is symbolic of the true bread eternal life that once you eat you will never die (spiritually). The feeding of the five thousand there was no cost, and they ate as much as they wanted. And there was plenty of grass for them to recline on. There was nothing hard or uncomfortable in the eating, which is also true of the true Bread that came down from heaven.
    In the feeding of the five thousand they didn’t believe. So, afterwards they labor rowing across the sea for the wrong reason. Jesus says to them…Most assuredly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw the signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled. Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will you…
    Jesus was saying if they were going to seek Him, seek Him for the right reason. For them to seek Him they had to row all the way across a sea, whereas with the Woman at the well in Chapter 4 Jesus was seeking her.
    One must understand Jesus offer of eternal life in order to believe it. It cost nothing, Jesus will it to you. And you must understand it’s

    • @ok-qt4kr
      @ok-qt4kr 26 дней назад +1

      Amen .
      Wonderful message .

    • @timgrady4630
      @timgrady4630 26 дней назад +1

      Love that , bro !
      You're a blessing !

    • @AlvinFen
      @AlvinFen 23 дня назад +1

      I noticed that GIVE was missing twice, it was on my original. And the end was cut off…here it is: One must understand Jesus offer of eternal life in order to believe it. It cost nothing, Jesus will give it to you. And you must understand it’s eternal~!
      Thanks for the good words~!

    • @ok-qt4kr
      @ok-qt4kr 22 дня назад +1

      Love it bro !

  • @ritchievernon8099
    @ritchievernon8099 15 дней назад

    I hope you understand that when you get saved you get the gift of eternal life! You can't separate one from the other! 🙏🔥

  • @KenCunningham-fq4uy
    @KenCunningham-fq4uy 24 дня назад +2

    Seems Jesus maybe Coming back Soon and Very Soon we all must be ready for His Arrival

  • @aussierob7177
    @aussierob7177 29 дней назад +2

    Unbelievers are not interested in eternal life. Most say it will be boring worshipping God forever.

    • @timgrady4630
      @timgrady4630 26 дней назад

      There's no evidence for your assertion in the Bible .

  • @craigs4530
    @craigs4530 Месяц назад

    Amen Brother ✝️ 🩸 🎁

  • @Learnerofthings
    @Learnerofthings 28 дней назад

    If people have the choice of not having eternal life and having eternal life then that’s a pretty passive choice and there’s no condemnation and there’s no judgment in that. If you remove the word saved you are actually destroying the gospel. If people don’t realize that they need to be saved from their sin which leads to hell and they’re never going to know the true gospel.

    • @ok-qt4kr
      @ok-qt4kr 26 дней назад

      Unbelief in Him FOR His doubtless Guarantee of irrevocable Everlasting Life alone condemns forever (John 3:18 ; Revelation 20:15) .
      Sin was taken away in its entirety by the "Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world".
      Fully Propitiated (1 John 2:2) .
      People go to the endless lake of fire because they lack the Life that He alone possesses intrinsically , that He gives as a Free and Never Deserving Gift (John 3:16 & Ephesians 2:8-9) .
      Little children can easily understand and believe in Him for what He actually Certifies , instantly having irrevocable Life at that moment .
      Cuz He cannot lie to the little ones , unfettered by years of self righteous hardening.
      No better news , ever .

  • @michaelroloson2389
    @michaelroloson2389 26 дней назад

    John 3:16 says should not perish, not shall not perish. According to scripture ones can and will fall away. 2nd Thessalonians 2:3 makes it plain that there will be a falling away. That is talking about the church. For if one has never been saved and joined to Christ how could they then fall away from something they were never part of. Will we always be saved? Yes. But only if we stay in the will of God and live according to His Word. Now again if you read Galations chapter5 you will see where Paul was telling them of the things of the flesh and how by doing such things one can not enter heaven. Paul was writting to the church not the world. Which means that if someone makes the choice they can leave the Lord and go back to the ways of the world. In which case they have forfited their right to heaven. The Lord did not take their salvation away but rather that person walked away from it.

    • @GESvids
      @GESvids  26 дней назад

      Once Saved Always Saved" (Eternal Security): Is It True? - Bob Wilkinвидео.html
      Is "Once Saved Always Saved" (Eternal Security) True? Does the Bible Jesus teach "Once Saved Always Saved" (Eternal Security) Bob Wilkin of the Grace Evangelical Society demonstrates from the Bible why "Once Saved Always Saved" (Eternal Security) is true, since we have Jesus' word on it and Jesus never lies.
      Eternal Security Video Playlist

  • @WDYD
    @WDYD 29 дней назад

    Salvation or being saved is not being cast into the lake of fire made for the Devil and his Angels.
    Eternal life is someone that believes in Christ that saves all humanity by his death, burial and resurrection and obeys his word (Torah and the Prophets).

    • @robertjayroe9900
      @robertjayroe9900 29 дней назад +1

      Be careful adding to the finished work of Christ.
      Are you obeying every single word of the Torah and prophets?
      For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become guilty of all of it.
      James 2:10

  • @williamgeorgepeter2969
    @williamgeorgepeter2969 28 дней назад

    Hi Bob,
    You referred to many scriptures to argue that the believers have everlasting life, but in Christianity like you billions of believers but they're not related to the scriptures, just reading doesn't mean you or anyone is related to God's word. So, how to relate to the scriptures?
    Take John 3 :16, it says whosoever believes in JESUS has everlasting life, but in reality believers are dying & buried, if presently anybody has an everlasting life then he should not die both physically, spiritually, and in all aspects. So nobody has everlasting life now, perhaps you may say that the believers shall have everlasting life.
    But the scriptures don't say in the future tense. So, who is wrong the believers or the word of God? Obviously believers may be wrong but the scriptures can't be wrong.
    If it's then what does the scripture John 3:16 says? You have listed a lot of elements to it, but none of them have resolved the issue. Therefore, I suggest something different and you can know either it resolved the issue or it's not. So, believe is a psychological process that happens in brain, if it's a process then it must have a start & end time, keep in mind that JESUS is an author & finisher of faith or belief, therefore if a sinner heard the gospel & takes a decision and began to believe in JESUS, that doesn't mean he is SAVED (you claim he is SAVED at this point) but he began to believe in JESUS & grows to in the knowledge of knowing the LORD, from 0% - 30%, 60%, reaching 100%, that's the end of faith or belief (1 Peter 1:9), and in the end, there's a breaking of the seal of the brain which has an unclean Spirit inherited from his Parents, so once it's broken then an unclean Spirit is removed from the brain and instead the Holy Spirit shall be replaced back into the brain dramatically in a fraction of time, this is only known to an individual concerned because the Spirit is invisible, and it happens in the invisible scenario, therefore a mortal man passed over from mortality unto Immortality, in other words he becomes a Temple of God, and that his physical body can't be destroyed even by bullets, now you go back to John 3:16 & think. What does John 3:16 say has become true, so how do we or the world know the truth? Now you go to John 2:19, the Temple of God can't be destroyed but can be resurrected back in 3 days but now in 3.5 days according to Revelation 11. So, this is how one can be related to the scriptures, and that without related to the scriptures you guys are explaining the scriptures and it's not going to resolve issues. So, believers say all these years that they have everlasting life is simply wrong. If you want more then send a mail:

    • @ok-qt4kr
      @ok-qt4kr 26 дней назад

      Everlasting Life is not a temporary thing .
      It applies to the metaphysical dimension within us (spiritual) .
      So , when one is born again with irreversible Everlasting Life , it simply refers to the "Life" that has No Ending , that God alone intrinsically possesses , that He gives as a Free Gift to them who simply believe in Him FOR it :
      John 1:12-13-3:1-18,4:1-39,5:24,6:28-47,10,11:23-27,20:31.
      Totally apart from all behavioral performance (works) :
      Ephesians 2:8-9 ; Romans 3:20-5:11,11:6,29 ; Titus 3:5 ; Philippians 3:9 ; and the book of Galatians .
      Little children can easily understand and believe in Him for what He actually Certifies , instantly having irrevocable Life at that moment .
      Cuz He cannot lie to the little ones , unfettered by years of self righteous hardening .
      No better news , ever (John 3:16 & Ephesians 2:8-9) .

  • @jamestruett2694
    @jamestruett2694 29 дней назад

    You need to teach the Way in and of Jesus and show people how to believe in Jesus. Tell them the threefold seven steps of faith.

    • @soljos1190
      @soljos1190 29 дней назад

      What is it you're affirming - specifically precisely , without exception - one must Necessarily believe and Perform until death in order to be born again with irreversible Everlasting Life ?

    • @2Chronicles714_
      @2Chronicles714_ 28 дней назад

      Repent of your sins as a result of faith.

  • @InimgbaDagogo
    @InimgbaDagogo 13 дней назад

    Everlasting life can be lost. Yes. He who believes in me has everlasting life. He who doesn't believe in me right now even if he believed a nano sec ago does not have everlasting life. Everlasting life is like a divine battery that starts a dead engine (resurrection) and keeps the engine running after starting (life) . Eternal life is different from life.
    Eternal life is the very life of God which imparts life to us who were dead in trespasses on making contact. The contact is established by faith (battery cable)and has to be maintained by us to keep the engine running (ie remain alive) Compare Paul's - l was alive ---- but when --- I died.

    • @GESvids
      @GESvids  13 дней назад

      *Once Saved Always Saved" (Eternal Security): Is It True?* - Bob Wilkinвидео.html
      Is "Once Saved Always Saved" (Eternal Security) True? Does the Bible Jesus teach "Once Saved Always Saved" (Eternal Security)? Bob Wilkin of the Grace Evangelical Society demonstrates from the Bible why "Once Saved Always Saved" (Eternal Security) is true, since we have Jesus' word on it and Jesus never lies.

    • @InimgbaDagogo
      @InimgbaDagogo 13 дней назад

      I'm not talking about eternal security. I'm talking about a child after being born remaining alive. Yes a child of God can die if he does not stay connected to what brought him forth. He is still a child of God but dead. If the rapture occurs he will be taken home

  • @toddler4082
    @toddler4082 28 дней назад

    So I can expect eternal life regardless of my religious affiliation or if i don't even subscribe to any religion? What about my dog? Somebody tell the Christians they no longer have to defend their magic book. Same for the Muslims. Jews need not observe kosher. This is the news I've been waiting for. See you on the other side!

    • @GESvids
      @GESvids  28 дней назад

      Two Non-Negotiables of Believing in Jesus - Zane C. Hodges
      Zane Hodges shares what are the two non-negotiables of believing in Jesus. We are to believe in Jesus of the New Testament for the free gift of everlasting life.
      3 Key Words in Evangelism - Bob Wilkinвидео.html

  • @2Chronicles714_
    @2Chronicles714_ Месяц назад +1

    So why did John, along with Jesus and the other disciples preach to repent of sin ?
    Mark 6:11-12
    And whoever will not receive you nor hear you, when you depart from there, shake off the dust under your feet as a testimony against them.
    Assuredly, I say to you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city!”
    12So they [the disciples including John] went out and preached that men should repent.
    It will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha on judgment day than for those who reject repentance.
    Not once in John's gospel does John say to believe in Jesus's promises for everlasting life to be saved.
    John 3:16 is not a verse to be saved since there is no mention of repentance or the forgiveness of sins, its one of many promises in John's gospel for those who continue in the faith until the end.
    Jesus did not say to Saul when he converted him on the road to Damascus to believe in Him for everlasting life.
    Acts 26:14-20
    We all fell to the ground, and I heard a voice saying to me in Aramaic, ‘Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? It is hard for you to kick against the goads.
    15“Then I asked, ‘Who are you, Lord?’
    ‘I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting the Lord replied. 16 Now get up and stand on your feet. I have appeared to you to appoint you as a servant and as a witness of what you have seen and will see of me. 17I will rescue you from your own people and from the Gentiles. I am sending you to them 18to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.
    19 So then, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven. 20First to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and then to the Gentiles, I preached that they should repent and turn to God and demonstrate their repentance by their deeds.
    Verse 18
    (Jesus speaking)
    says that when God drawls you to Him, 7 things happen inside of you. Your eyes are opened, and you turn from darkness to light (this is referred to as conversion) This is repentance a change of mind about your sinfulled life I believe and that will result in a change of direction.
    Conversion is the change of direction.
    So your eyes are opened you are turned from darkness to light, hence you are set free from the power of satan.
    You can only be set free from sin, by repentance which is the result of faith (belief) without both you haven't been set free from sin and the end result will be hell. You receive the forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those that are sanctified.

    • @GESvids
      @GESvids  29 дней назад +2

      Why is John’s Gospel the Key for Evangelism? - Bob Wilkin & Mike Liiвидео.html
      Bob Wilkin and Mike Lii are talking about The Gospel is Still Under Siege. Chapter Five is about the importance of John’s gospel to the foundation of the gospel message. Some Christians think that John’s Gospel is insufficient for evangelizing others. But why is John’s Gospel actually the key for understanding the gift of eternal salvation, the saving message and evangelism?
      Do You Need to "Continue to Believe" to be Saved? - Zane C.видео.html

    • @RickZolaBuckeyeBeliever
      @RickZolaBuckeyeBeliever 29 дней назад +1

      They didn’t preach repentance of your sins to be saved. Repent in the Greek is a change of mind.

    • @soljos1190
      @soljos1190 29 дней назад +1

      Where in the book of John does it Objectively state :
      "Whosoever repents has Everlasting Life" ?
      Or , anywhere else in the entirety of Scripture ?
      We're still waiting .
      So , to actually Prove your works righteousness affirmation you not only must Necessarily produce that -in the very Book in Question (John) - but it is undeniably Requisite that you find your 5 part Perseverance in Performance (works) Formula in every conceivable Evangelistic/Everlasting Life/eternal Justification before God passage in the Bible .
      Yet , we're still waiting for the production of just ONE in the Book of John alone .
      How John 20:31 couldn't possibly state its purpose any clearer - or 1 John 5:1,10-13 - is Staggeringly mystifying to anyone truly invested in the pursuit of Objective Truth .
      You need to have actual evidence when trying to persuade others . The existing ABSENCE of evidence to sustain your Lifetime Behavioral Performance Metric is anything BUT convincing .
      In addition , it's Ultra Curious that you would even attempt to persuade others of Anything, given your Calvinistic Theological Determinism presupposition (Faith is a Gift) . Thus , on that view , only One Decisive Will exists (Monovolitionism) wherein one is completely devoid of the ability to do otherwise than Irresistibly and Unconditionally acted upon, Extrinsically .
      That is the description of Complete and utter Fatalism . Then you (and humanity don't really exist , ontologically . Then this "god" clearly is responsible for all sins ever committed : from the Fall of Lucifer to the most heinous and unspeakable crimes in the annals of History .
      No , the "god" of Theological Determinism (Gift of Faith) isn't only incapable of loving the whole world (John 3:16) , but literally performs all Evil (including Raping and torturing babies to death) .
      This "god" is a Monster , quite frankly , and wholly unworthy of worship .
      Makes no sense . Just like your rejection of His PERFECT work of Redemption that Finished all the work Necessary that His Free and Never Deserving Gift of Endless Everlasting Life can indeed be without Cost to all its recipients
      (John 3:16 & Ephesians 2:8-9) .
      Instead , this "god" exacts a Lifetime Performance Contract (that requires a 100%sinless/Flawless/PERFECT Performance) to earn , merit , DESERVE ...a Free and Never Deserving Gift of irrevocable Life...turns those who believe in works righteousness soteriology into modern Scribes and Pharisees (Matthew 23) , drunk one's "stellar" overestimated Performance (works) that renders faith in Him for His doubtless Guarantee of irrevocable Life , impossible .
      Wow... just WOW .
      That's the "Cost" expected of all the luckily Zapped ones ?
      Make it Make Sense , according to His revealed Nature and Character , and I'll believe it .
      Further , your "god" loves No one - in actual Fact - but arbitrarily Zaps a few for no known reason whatsoever , to the exclusion of most it seems :
      "damned from the womb to the tomb" (John Calvin) .
      As hopelessly Unknowable as it is unmistakenly contradictory to His Free and Never Deserving Gift of never ending Life: John 3:16 & Ephesians 2:8-9 .

  • @noesnoe1234
    @noesnoe1234 29 дней назад

    Eternal life will happen on heaven or in hell they need be saved

    • @dickgregory1218
      @dickgregory1218 29 дней назад

      AMEN pauls my gospel

    • @soljos1190
      @soljos1190 29 дней назад

      What is it you're affirming - specifically , precisely , and without exception - one must Necessarily believe and Perform until death in order to be born again with irreversible Everlasting Life ?

    • @timgrady4630
      @timgrady4630 26 дней назад

      Does 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Contradict John 3:16?
      July 13, 2021 by Bob Wilkin in Blog - 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, the cross and the promise of life
      A reader expresses his agreement with our understanding of what it means to believe in Christ, and then he asks how we explain 1 Cor 15:1-11:
      So, I was reading a few blog posts from the GES about what it means to believe in Christ. However, I actually had already known (more or less) of what your stance about this question is (being that I like your ministry, listen to your podcast, read your blogs and whatnot, etc.). And, as it is, through reading John, I too agree that “belief in Christ” (the belief necessary for eternal life) is the belief that He guarantees everlasting life, not the belief in Christ’s works.
      Anyway, the actual reason I was reading the blogs in the first place is because I was wondering how our position on salvific belief would be defended in the reading of 1 Corinthians 15-vv. 1-4 specifically. One would imagine that whatever was “of first importance” (v.2) to Paul would be whatever can trigger everlasting life in a person; nevertheless, Paul makes no mention of believing that Jesus guarantees eternal life. His emphasis is explicitly on believing the death, burial, and resurrection. So, how would you reconcile this passage with the belief that Jesus grants eternal life to those who belief just that?
      I have written on 1 Cor 15:1-11 on several occasions. See a 2019 blog on believing in vain here, a 2008 Grace in Focus Magazine article dealing with things that people add and take away from 1 Cor 15:1-11 to try to make it evangelistic, here, and a 2020 blog on the need to hold fast, here.
      I will summarize what I say in those articles.
      First, the Gospel of John was written long after the birth of the Church to tell people in the church age what they must do be saved (John 20:31). Nicodemus (John 3) and the woman at the well (John 4) both came to faith, yet there is no indication that the Lord preached the cross and resurrection to either. (He did allude to the cross in John 3:14-15, but even the disciples did not understand this as a reference to Jesus’ dying. Compare Matt 16:21-23. The eleven disciples were born again years before they believed in Jesus’ death and resurrection.)
      Second, 1 Corinthians 15 is the great resurrection chapter. Paul is not evangelizing in this chapter. On this side of the birth of the Church, people come to faith in Christ for everlasting life by learning of His death and resurrection for us. Yet that is not the point of 1 Cor 15:1-11. Paul is calling the Corinthians to ongoing sanctification. He is writing to believers in Corinth on the importance of Jesus’ resurrection in their daily walks.
      Third, vv 1-11 serve to introduce the chapter. Paul’s point in these verses is that the believers in Corinth can be spiritually healthy by holding fast to the good news that Paul preached to them concerning Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. The salvation mentioned in 1 Cor 15:2 is not a past completed event as in Eph 2:8-9. Instead, it is a present tense ongoing salvation that is contingent on holding fast to the gospel Paul preached. That salvation is being spiritually healthy. Compare 1 Cor 3:15; 5:5.
      Fourth, the point of 1 Cor 15:1-11 is clearly found in Paul’s call to the believers in Corinth to hold fast to the truth of the gospel (1 Cor 15:2). It is possible that a believer will stop living at the foot of the cross and the entrance to the empty tomb. We must hold fast if we are to remain spiritually healthy.
      Fifth, those who seek to make 1 Cor 15:1-11 into an evangelistic text have to do a lot of adding and taking away. They have to add the promise of everlasting life, which is not mentioned in this passage, as the reader points out in his question. They have to add that the moment one believes in Jesus he receives that life. The passage says nothing about what we receive at the moment we first believe. They have to take away the requirement that one hold fast to the gospel in order to stay saved. This passage does not contain what we find when Paul discusses the message of life. Compare Acts 16:31; Eph 2:8-9; 1 Tim 1:16.

    • @KenCunningham-fq4uy
      @KenCunningham-fq4uy 24 дня назад +1

      Eternal life starts at True Salvation on earth.

  • @yeshuaisjoshua
    @yeshuaisjoshua 29 дней назад

    The Hebrew Bible is historical fiction, yhwh is a fictional character.

    • @soljos1190
      @soljos1190 29 дней назад

      Why is your opinion important to share ?
      It's either utterly absurd and completely meaningless , or you're trolling .