From A to Z - Summoner Showcase #36

  • Опубликовано: 31 янв 2025

Комментарии • 591

  • @SplashRange
    @SplashRange 13 лет назад

    these videos are so great, i love it how you guys at riot appreciate your amazing fan art

  • @shadesofgray123
    @shadesofgray123 13 лет назад

    PierreAbelard here, so glad to see my art in a Summoner Showcase. =D

  • @Joshimuz
    @Joshimuz 13 лет назад

    I only watch to see what hairstyle you go with each week...

  • @spikeman203
    @spikeman203 13 лет назад

    @MultiMusicToday . im pretty sure phreak is the community coordinater. it says so on forums

  • @shadesofgray123
    @shadesofgray123 13 лет назад

    @Dogmantra2 A is for Annie, with flickering fire. B is for Blitzcrank, who punches you higher?
    A is for Amumu, he just wants a friend. B is for Blitzcrank, who grabs your rear end?

  • @quakertroy
    @quakertroy 13 лет назад

    @dXSoulTaker Because the summoner showcases were originally done in blog form on the League of Legends website.

  • @PerryTehPlatypus
    @PerryTehPlatypus 13 лет назад

    I love summoner showcases, they make me want to do art too :D

  • @KiratRandhawa1
    @KiratRandhawa1 13 лет назад

    From that attachment quip, I'm guessing you, or someone that screens potential showcase stuff, opened up the NoS keylogger >.>

  • @divixmage
    @divixmage 13 лет назад

    "Attachments are seven years' bad luck".
    Well, now we know whose computer got infected during the keylogger scare.

  • @XHeeroYuy2X
    @XHeeroYuy2X 13 лет назад

    Female Teemo: Her mushroom was crocheted. SO Cute and awesome. & She did great as a recognizable hero with fairly simple costuming.
    Heimer--amazing job on your weapons there. Seirously. That takes some construction skills.
    Annie- just plain adorable.
    Fiddlesticks--you're just kinda hanging out in this picture, but there are some amazing pictures of him posing like he's doing crow storm. So funny! I liked that later you had tied sticks to your legs.
    Cait: AMAZING all around costume.

  • @XHeeroYuy2X
    @XHeeroYuy2X 13 лет назад

    I was at that con. Please stop calling people fed-it's insulting. It's not just about looking great (ie skinny/buff), it's about the dedication & creativity these people have. AMAZING stuff.
    Jax- his lantern actually lit up! Freaking cool.
    Ezreal: did you guys see the metallic hand he made? SO nifty.
    Amumu: Dedication! That thing was hot & he also had to be corralled.
    Morgana: Best pose for burnt cookies. Hilarious!
    Spellthief Lux: Magic bottles were bubble bottles w/ glow sticks. SO clever.

  • @tyeezee
    @tyeezee 13 лет назад

    0:19 love the way she says "this showcase"

  • @Karmakas999
    @Karmakas999 13 лет назад

    Friday passed and still no new Summoner Showcase? Come on youz guyz!

  • @takkiemon
    @takkiemon 13 лет назад

    @BraDRoBBo They aren't really clear on that, are they? never heard them mentioning anything about attachments till now o_0

  • @Syncopation24
    @Syncopation24 13 лет назад

    @Spidyboy13 what should you do? you should avoid blindly buying champions you haven't played before and don't actually know if you enjoy, play the ones that are free and overtime you'll learn which ones you like/dislike and before you know it you'll have tried every champion and have a growing collection of ones you own and enjoy to play.

  • @Zodiac032
    @Zodiac032 13 лет назад

    I've been waiting for 40 mins... the time went up and down, so in 15 mins it stabilized, it was finally 50 mins to wait... after 48 mins I should wait for 2 other mins, right?? NOT! It jumped up on ONE HOUR AND 20 MINS AND IT STILL GOES... I'll inform you when it stabilized again

  • @RebelWithACoz
    @RebelWithACoz 13 лет назад

    Wow she looked really gorgeous in this one, oh and nice mirror i want it

  • @rasmus9595
    @rasmus9595 13 лет назад

    @HiDeguild I watch it cause sometimes some amazing artwork shows up. Then it might be fun to check if that person has made anything else worth watching.
    And why not ask them if Phreak can do next showcase? ;)

  • @created92
    @created92 13 лет назад

    @DadGarbage Has they split it already? I thought i wasn't done yet coz there is still 1hr queue at evenings :D

  • @xdgarciax
    @xdgarciax 13 лет назад

    So will Nikasaur be available for me to play next patch? If so, me gusta.

  • @xRiPw0lFx
    @xRiPw0lFx 13 лет назад

    was that lee sin cosplay dude walking around with the blindfold on?

  • @alexfreestyleboy
    @alexfreestyleboy 13 лет назад

    @arcille969686 when the call you a feeder it doesnt mean you died once or two times , it means that your kills are much lower than your deaths. for instance i saw a jarvan with 4-15-14 score.. hell yea thats feeding.. also feeding is when a player doenst care about the game or anyone in it and let the enemy players kill him

  • @Ickyarkman
    @Ickyarkman 13 лет назад

    Nikasaur just teases us the whole time it's not fair.

  • @ryokkeno
    @ryokkeno 13 лет назад

    that trundle pict was amazing

  • @Chozallah
    @Chozallah 13 лет назад

    Why is the Approximate login timer keep goin' up the more I w8...?

  • @GPCNickel
    @GPCNickel 13 лет назад

    wait wait wait, u say "In this showcase" in the beginning and where does ur fingers blink at :o

  • @TDSpyder
    @TDSpyder 13 лет назад

    @HooXiCSS Not only at the start, but also at : "this week is over"

  • @Travis60181
    @Travis60181 13 лет назад

    @Jabok123 i don't think the prices were ment to mean they were better

  • @Bain0o
    @Bain0o 13 лет назад

    Y is for Mundo,because Mundo is in the alphabet where he pleases

  • @MatteNcs
    @MatteNcs 13 лет назад

    I don't know about you guys but I watch these summoner showcases on mute unless it's a song.

  • @XZerdiusX
    @XZerdiusX 13 лет назад

    Nikasaur why dont you show us your eve cosplay^^

  • @shiromakoto
    @shiromakoto 13 лет назад

    As amusing as Nikasaur is, when will the other Rioters do the showcase? Like Dancemaster Phreak?

  • @TheWondrousHippo
    @TheWondrousHippo 13 лет назад

    @XHeeroYuy2X Thank you. ^^ You're so kind~
    I was the female Teemo. x)
    I got a lot of mean comments online. (Yeah, I know I'm chubby. x) Noneedtosayit.)
    But EVERYONE I met at the con was AWESOME.

  • @shazzy544
    @shazzy544 13 лет назад

    @Spidyboy13 It should be half the cost, if you could buy and sell for the same price you have access to EVERY SINGLE CHAMPION

  • @Roxsaws
    @Roxsaws 13 лет назад

    0:35 in the middle is not amumu, it´s a creeper from minecraft :D

  • @RenektonBot
    @RenektonBot 13 лет назад

    "R" is the only letter of the alphabet that matters. ....Along with "E," "N," "K," "T," and "O"

  • @Zralf
    @Zralf 13 лет назад

    wait, so are we supposed to send attachments or just send a link to deviantart or something?

  • @sageyash
    @sageyash 13 лет назад

    where do people put their fan art in the forum? , i cant find it :( ..or they just email them to Nikasaur ???

  • @JTraxx125
    @JTraxx125 13 лет назад

    @95DreadLord Or the french maid nidalee outfit? :D

  • @JTjason896
    @JTjason896 13 лет назад

    Urgot doesn't have fan art. He has troll art.

  • @kawa1n
    @kawa1n 13 лет назад

    I logged on. 3 hours queue. After 1½ hour i got this message. "Calculating..." I bet the dots its like "You're gonna wait a year bro"

  • @haenisch1994
    @haenisch1994 13 лет назад

    öhm which champion starts with q?:D was that an own created champ?:D

  • @dinostrich
    @dinostrich 13 лет назад

    why r we w8ing 1week just for a vid like 2 and a half min?

  • @Z1infern0
    @Z1infern0 13 лет назад

    @Spidyboy13 How did this be on top rated comments?

  • @whythisname
    @whythisname 13 лет назад

    Did anyone notice the LoL alphabet is also a rhyme? If you only read the sentences under the images you'll get a rhyme ^^

  • @Practitioner_of_Diogenes
    @Practitioner_of_Diogenes 13 лет назад

    Jesus Christ, Riot, you're late on EVERYTHING, even Showcase...

  • @RarEndangeredCrabSpy
    @RarEndangeredCrabSpy 13 лет назад

    Holy shit Riot! Leona is awesome! Thanks for listening to the community with a female tank. I love her and have won 50 times.

  • @onocny
    @onocny 13 лет назад

    No Dubstep/other music this Showcase ? BAAAD ! ;D

  • @LoayMalaika
    @LoayMalaika 13 лет назад

    the reason why people dislike is because the video is short

  • @mortu777
    @mortu777 13 лет назад

    Love your new hair color,you look a bit like Jennifer Love Hewitt.

  • @laukka22
    @laukka22 13 лет назад

    It's seems that the cook Morgana is in the picture and I guess she made cookies for all but Teemo just ate all of them

  • @SamieOld
    @SamieOld 13 лет назад

    I noticed there was a champ with every letter but Q before it was cool.

  • @HMTRu
    @HMTRu 13 лет назад

    Uhhhh, I have a question. When do you guys gonna sell the game to other company?

  • @leexjames
    @leexjames 13 лет назад

    Hey Vegeta whats my position on the LoL queue? ITS OVER 9000!!!

  • @hobofett12
    @hobofett12 13 лет назад

    @BioBinShuffle according to Xfire its the most played online game

  • @sinisa79
    @sinisa79 13 лет назад

    yeah, I do watch this only to see Nika, she's adorable

  • @digijohnny2501
    @digijohnny2501 13 лет назад

    @user16arts Fat girl is Teemo.. not Cait..

  • @Fr3dd1S
    @Fr3dd1S 13 лет назад

    0:20 "in this showcase" pointin at her funky stuff, what does it mean? ;)

  • @megamixa
    @megamixa 13 лет назад

    They should allow you to sell your runes back for 50% of the price, because since they don't have a limiter "9 being the max" of a single rune you sometimes over buy runes or accidently buy the wrong rune, then there goes 3 or 4 games worth of IP. Now im stuck with 11 dodge runes cause I didn't realise I already had 2 equiped

  • @Annoyifier
    @Annoyifier 13 лет назад

    @HooXiCSS She does it again when "This week is over" 1:53

  • @GoatyOfTheGOATs93
    @GoatyOfTheGOATs93 13 лет назад

    Let us fight like GENTLEMAN! - This is a Spy voice line in TF2 =D

  • @skywusky
    @skywusky 13 лет назад

    @hashirama took me a while to figure out what u were trying to say LOL. I thought u meant like "Mundo starts with the letter ...(A letter) Pleases.." i was like huhhh for like 5 mins

  • @ikeendendikke1
    @ikeendendikke1 13 лет назад

    @HooXiCSS ...and when she says 'this week is over'

  • @IceDrake523
    @IceDrake523 13 лет назад

    When is Leona coming out?

  • @Linkz8000
    @Linkz8000 13 лет назад

    I love the malz costume.

  • @Geordnet
    @Geordnet 13 лет назад

    Wheres the rammus cosplay? :(

  • @BidackProductions
    @BidackProductions 13 лет назад

    why does she need 7000 takes to put together a two and a half minute show, which is just her takes mashed together anyway?

  • @musicjail
    @musicjail 13 лет назад

    Riot has the longest outro ever.

  • @DreyX102
    @DreyX102 13 лет назад

    Nikasaur as a commenter on next livestream?

  • @mrafranca
    @mrafranca 13 лет назад

    That teemo ate all her mushrooms.

  • @Kelade
    @Kelade 13 лет назад

    can you guys make a vids a little bit louder?

  • @GarrysWorld
    @GarrysWorld 13 лет назад

    Who does always skip the start of the LoL logo and at the end LoL logo? It is sooo damn long.

  • @MrHajae
    @MrHajae 13 лет назад

    each showcase niki becomes more beautiful :)

  • @Jackle0nhart
    @Jackle0nhart 13 лет назад

    Oh Nikasaur, you're always viable in my metagame

  • @Desfalecidoos
    @Desfalecidoos 13 лет назад

    @johnrivierok finally we have some portuguese art :P

  • @twodotsoveri
    @twodotsoveri 13 лет назад

    @Chongazz Maybe made before yorick... ?

  • @Voxiripeer
    @Voxiripeer 13 лет назад

    pressed like just for the Trundle art work with wich i am curently playing :)

  • @bhavir
    @bhavir 13 лет назад

    teemo is spose to be a swift scout right?

  • @georgeontheyoutube
    @georgeontheyoutube 13 лет назад


  • @xLethalZz
    @xLethalZz 13 лет назад

    @luthor8 Yorick didn't exist when that was made... Please watch the full video before typing...

  • @Alzikspinner
    @Alzikspinner 13 лет назад

    @Jabok123 6,3k champs arent supposed to be better than 450 champs...

  • @TheamazingPK
    @TheamazingPK 13 лет назад


  • @Cloudyshiny
    @Cloudyshiny 13 лет назад

    @Spidyboy13 Actually I think it should be like half-price 'cause otherwise you jut need 6300 ip and you can just sell a champ and buy a new one depending on who you wanna play, for example:
    - I wanna play Cait but i have no IP. No problem I'll just sell Nocturne and buy cait
    Next game:
    - I wanna play Vayne but I have no IP. No problem I'll just sell Nocturne and buy Vayne

  • @Meeyoh
    @Meeyoh 13 лет назад

    @Spidyboy13 Thats stupid, maybe for half the amount you bought it for..
    ppl would buy champs when they are OP and selling them when they get nerfed

  • @spiricn
    @spiricn 13 лет назад

    @Muggizz That's actually a completely inefficient way to do it and people should not stop bitching about it until Google decides to implement a new feature that helps solves this

  • @entehrend
    @entehrend 13 лет назад

    @ChidAndBick i want to put my art in her showcase too

  • @0zema
    @0zema 13 лет назад

    wow, just updated and the server refused my game version? srsly riot?!

  • @Kraden555
    @Kraden555 13 лет назад

    @HASHlRAMA Actually, Y is for Mundo WOO SPEELZ HOW HEE PLEEZUS. So yeah.

  • @SirBruisedLee
    @SirBruisedLee 13 лет назад

    @phils123456 no, so people actually watch it. Plus she is good at it.

  • @folken53
    @folken53 13 лет назад

    @FaytTheXpert They will on tuesday

  • @RealLifeCasper
    @RealLifeCasper 13 лет назад

    22mins-25mins-35mins-1std 24mins-22minsWTF is with the waiting time ?

  • @KosephJK
    @KosephJK 13 лет назад

    Nice! Your kitchen has a green screen!

  • @xBloodLikeIcex
    @xBloodLikeIcex 13 лет назад

    Is it just me or did the outro get EVEN LONGER

  • @AVD223
    @AVD223 13 лет назад

    omg that cosplays anne is so cute fiddle scare the hell outa me and i wanna know if there is a person in amumu O_O

  • @Ogurkowskyy
    @Ogurkowskyy 13 лет назад

    I can't read subtitles, cuz I'm looking at Nikasaur. She's cute :3

  • @Dexi18
    @Dexi18 13 лет назад

    Session Closed .....

  • @DaneOMight
    @DaneOMight 13 лет назад

    Press 6: "Ze-wa watching!" It's like Zebra watching, with an Elmer Fudd accent!

  • @KoriProGamer
    @KoriProGamer 13 лет назад


  • @0omatthewo0
    @0omatthewo0 13 лет назад

    B- busy
    S- Season closed

  • @95DreadLord
    @95DreadLord 13 лет назад

    you should wear evelyn outfit at next summoner showcase