nasus support 2024 |new build ap ||Pen Nasus Build|| is the MOST SUPERIOR

  • Опубликовано: 24 сен 2024
  • In 2024, Nasus support has emerged as a unique and surprising choice in the League of Legends meta. While traditionally known as a top lane champion focused on scaling and stacking, Nasus has found a new role as a support. The combination of AP (Ability Power) and Penetration (Magic Penetration) offers an unconventional yet potent strategy for this tanky, late-game scaling champion.
    *Build Explanation:*
    1. *Core Items:*
    - **Riftmaker**: Provides Nasus with spell vamp and bonus damage based on missing health, making his AP abilities even more impactful. The sustained damage from this item fits well with Nasus’ long fights.
    - **Demonic Embrace**: Grants bonus health, ability power, and a damage-over-time effect based on the target’s health. It synergizes with Nasus’ abilities, especially his Q and E.
    - **Liandry’s Anguish**: Offers a significant increase in ability power and a passive that deals additional damage based on the target’s maximum health. This is ideal for Nasus, who can build tanky and still deal substantial damage.
    - **Zhonya’s Hourglass**: Provides armor, ability power, and a crucial active that makes Nasus immune to damage for a few seconds, which can be used strategically to avoid lethal damage or to catch enemies off-guard.
    2. *Situational Items:*
    - **Diana’s Moonstone**: Offers a passive healing effect and additional ability power, useful if your team benefits from extra sustain.
    - **Void Staff**: Essential for increasing magic penetration, especially against teams with significant magic resist.
    - **Morellonomicon**: Useful for applying Grievous Wounds to reduce enemy healing, which can be particularly effective against champions with substantial healing capabilities.
    3. *Runes:*
    - *Primary: Sorcery*
    - **Arcane Comet**: Provides additional poke damage when landing your abilities.
    - **Nimbus Cloak**: Grants a burst of movement speed after using summoner spells, which can be beneficial for engaging or escaping.
    - **Absolute Focus**: Increases ability power while you are above 70% health, enhancing your damage output.
    - **Gathering Storm**: Increases ability power over time, scaling well into the late game.
    - *Secondary: Resolve*
    - **Bone Plating**: Reduces incoming damage after taking damage from an enemy champion, providing additional durability.
    - **Unflinching**: Grants tenacity and slow resistance, making Nasus more resilient in team fights.
    4. *Skill Priority:*
    - **Max Q (Siphoning Strike)**: While not typically an AP ability, maxing this skill will still provide Nasus with consistent damage and scaling.
    - **Max E (Spirit Fire)**: This ability benefits greatly from AP, making it a primary damage source for Nasus in this build.
    - **Max W (Wither)**: This ability should be maxed last but remains crucial for its utility in slowing and reducing the attack speed of enemies.
    As an AP Nasus support, your role revolves around providing crowd control and magical damage while still being tanky enough to absorb damage. Utilize your *E (Spirit Fire)* to zone enemies and deal damage over time, and use *Q (Siphoning Strike)* to finish off targets. *W (Wither)* can be used to cripple enemy carries or peel for your allies.
    - Surprising Damage: The combination of AP and Magic Penetration allows Nasus to deal unexpected damage.
    - Versatility: Nasus can tank and provide crowd control while contributing significant magical damage.
    - Late-Game Scaling: Nasus’ abilities scale well into the late game, allowing him to become a formidable force in extended fights.
    - Lack of Traditional Support Utility: Compared to traditional supports, Nasus may lack in healing or shielding capabilities.
    - Reliance on Farm: This build often requires more farm and gold to reach its full potential compared to other supports.
    This build allows Nasus to provide an unusual but effective form of support, leveraging his innate tankiness and crowd control while delivering substantial magical damage.

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