In fact, Heisei Godzilla's strength is noticeably lacking here. Here, literally Evold Godzilla has become 20 times larger in terms of energy volume, but this does not indicate increased strength. even if we assume that he nevertheless became 20 times higher in strength, then this cannot be compared with Heisei Godzilla, since the guidebook says that the enhanced Godzilla of 1991 is already 200 times more powerful than 1989. As a result, the Legendary Godzilla will not even be able to defeat Heisei King Ghidorah. and the Legendary King Ghidorah, under his enhancement from electricity, is not much stronger than himself before. Plus, you somehow put Godzilla 2014 equal to Heisei Godzilla in the base, but that's not the case. Study more guidebooks. Based on this, you will understand that even Godzilla 1984 can compete with Evold Godzilla and defeat him
Scarlet king vs mcu and dau please!
Can you do a jw power level
Scarlet witch versus Monsterverse pls ❤
In fact, Heisei Godzilla's strength is noticeably lacking here. Here, literally Evold Godzilla has become 20 times larger in terms of energy volume, but this does not indicate increased strength. even if we assume that he nevertheless became 20 times higher in strength, then this cannot be compared with Heisei Godzilla, since the guidebook says that the enhanced Godzilla of 1991 is already 200 times more powerful than 1989. As a result, the Legendary Godzilla will not even be able to defeat Heisei King Ghidorah. and the Legendary King Ghidorah, under his enhancement from electricity, is not much stronger than himself before. Plus, you somehow put Godzilla 2014 equal to Heisei Godzilla in the base, but that's not the case. Study more guidebooks. Based on this, you will understand that even Godzilla 1984 can compete with Evold Godzilla and defeat him
沒錯 閣下是正確的 對東寶發布的官方資料真的知悉的很詳細
另外 平成哥吉拉每經歷一場的戰鬥 各方面的設定能力上都會提升一倍 這種能力的提升是全方位的 絕對不是傳奇哥吉拉這種活了那麼悠久但是沒有什麼重大的提升變化可以相比
除此之外對於外部能量地吸收與應用傳奇反而不及平成來的優秀 甚至能說對上傳奇基多拉的生物電流束反而可能反被吸收起來並且釋放帶電離子的螺旋熱線一擊反殺
同時 平成基多拉的牽引光束不是傳奇基多拉的電流光束能相比 那是可以切斷物質分子鏈 讓被擊中的物體 瞬間裂解使其毀滅 攻擊平成也只是讓平成吃痛釋放熱線反擊 在未來人操控下甚至可以壓制住平成(同樣的 兩邊的光束在摧毀大樓上 兩邊的威力差距非常明顯 傳奇基多拉的光束不是能與平成基多拉比對的)
Godzilla heisei base x5 Godzilla 2021
Godzilla heisei burning 1200 x100 Godzilla evolved base
Godzilla evolved incompleto
Godzilla evolved completo?????
Godzilla evolved 20x Godzilla supercharged blue
Godzilla evolved supercharged 20x 40x
Godzilla evolved base 20x Godzilla supercharged blue 10x Godzilla base 2024
20倍是能源儲備容積 而不是功率 別在給我造謠了
84 and BioGoji is 4D
Thermonucleur godzilla is the strongest
The truth is that Heisei Goji, although it surpasses Legendary in power, is very overrated.
How is burning godzilla weaker that thermonuclear 🤔
@@xlevel07 burning heisei godzilla is far more powerful than legendary thermo godzilla
@@Seemo-n3m did you watch till the end?
@@xlevel07 yes but I'm talking about the middle of the video when u said thermo MV is more powerful than burning at 4:25
Scarlet witch vs Monsterverse pls❤
But godzilla evolved is stronger than spacegodzilla, you didn't even watch the movies
watch till the end
@@artyomanoufriev6189 no space godzilla is more powerful
@@Seemo-n3m nah, Godzilla evolved humiliates spacegodzilla.....
我個人的意見是不認為進化傳奇哥吉拉足以獨自抗衡太空哥吉拉,即便太空哥吉拉沒有水晶場地領域的優勢,傳奇哥吉拉的進化型態依然不及太空哥吉拉的 在太空哥吉拉擁有水晶領域情況下基本上對傳奇哥吉拉而言是根本沒有任何勝率可言
那怕是平成 就算沒有機甲的協助 牠還是可以非常艱難的戰勝 並且還是必須付出很可觀的代價 (漫畫版的平成可是受到的傷勢很重 身上多處被水晶刺穿 )
對手就是這麼強大 並且基本上都擁有與自己本尊的哥吉拉同樣的再生自癒能力
還有更強大的能量功率更熱的的日冕光束(如果參考現實太陽日冕的溫度 太空哥吉拉的日冕光束的溫度平均至少百萬度 相當於平成93年釋放的赤色超級鈾能熱線的威力 功率上更是還強上多倍)
具備讓物體處於失去重力的狀態的重力龍卷波束 姿意翻弄對手 少數可以控制重力的怪獸(另一頭為凱撒基多拉)
近戰上則擁有太空能量爪擊(平成的放射能量爪擊就是師從這個分身對手) 還有尾部的結晶劍進行刺穿目標甩飛對手 還能讓自身浮空懸停用日冕熱線攻擊對手
物理抗性上除了肩部水晶外 其餘部位的抗擊抗穿甚至能直接承受比平成MG的休克錨刺+G粉碎機更為強大的機甲-魔傑拉搭載的螺旋手雷飛彈的直擊無傷(這個武器的威力強大到足以一發就貫穿前作的超級機器哥吉拉的裝甲並且擊毀)
擁有目前全怪獸裡唯一可以自主張開反彈偏折物理或是能量攻擊的太空能量護罩(除了因為摩傑拉能量武器光束波長特性可以貫穿外 其餘的攻擊都在護罩的張開下是無法發生作用的)
同時自身能量充足下 還能持續拓張水增生晶領域的範圍外
水晶也可以作為額外的能量儲備槽 更可以把水晶拿來作為飛彈使用 水晶的硬度甚至足以貫穿平成的強韌表皮或是機甲摩傑拉的裝甲
在近乎足以隨時保持滿溢能量的太空哥吉拉面前 平成超級科技的魔傑拉與平成哥吉拉二打一還是贏的非常艱辛 就能明白這頭對手怪獸是何等的強大的 尤其是當擁有水晶領域與導引能量的建築物(或是其他自然物體存在時)太空哥吉拉更是幾乎無解的存在(用來導引能量的塔還被水晶強化過 因為承受了平成熱線的幾次直擊沒有毀損不是什麼難事)
即便沒有水晶領域 自身的實力、技能 也不會遜色戴斯特洛伊亞或是凱撒基多拉在擁有水晶領域上 甚至可以超越兩者 畢竟太空在能量攻擊上的應對除了直接承受外 還有能量護著可以隔絕物理上與能量武器上的攻擊
所以 面對這樣對手 怪獸宇宙的雜魚泰坦只是送死 有足夠實力的則是打不贏 傳奇那一丁點的增強就想挑戰?根本是天真
@@motestt70711 English?
Scarlet witch vs Jean grey power level pls ....❤ make a video 😊