as a genderfluid, the point of it for me is to not have to think about what gender i’m doing, i just gender whenever i’m gendering and don’t gender when i’m not
As a genderfluid person, yeah it’s literally so messy and it drives you crazy sometimes - but to me it feels like sometimes waking up and feeling crippling gender dysphoria and wanting to rip my chest off and craving for people to call me a gender affirming name and pronouns, and then waking up the next day and those feelings being partially or fully gone and wanting quite the opposite, to be called and dress like my birth gender. It’s also being very stuck when making long-term or permanent decisions like cutting your hair or going on hormones, you never know what to decide since you KNOW that your feelings will most likely change. You can get what you feel is a gender affirming hair cut at the moment and wake up the next day and absolutely hate it. It comes with a lot of confusion and also denial, since it’s not a very recognized gender identity, you try to conform to one even knowing that you just aren’t that. so yeah, lots of love to my genderfluid friends out there ❤ Also literally how are we in the same row as pupgender -
I'm agender genderfluid myself, and yes, it can be frustrating, especially since I don't have the resources to change my gender expression as I see fit. For the most part I've gone about my business as my AGAB, presenting in a very bland and nondescript way, like a blank slate. For clothing I go for practicality, since I work outdoors a lot. Is it durable, washable, and does it have good pockets? This typically means men's clothing. I never bothered to style my hair or grow it out, so for years I've been shaving my head like a renunciate. I have started HRT, figuring I owe it to myself if there's a chance it helps, and I'm leaving all options on the table. I don't know my exact transition goals because that's like trying to hit a moving target, and there is no preexisting model for nonbinary genders. Therefore it's up to me to rediscover and reinvent what that means for myself.
Yeah I feel you. I'm Genderfluid and I've been talking to my therapist about HRT and it's tough, I never really know if the decision I make is going to be the correct one or not. But we Genderfluid people always seem to find a way, we are liquid after all. 💖🤍💜🖤💙
As a genderfluid person I appreciate the fear Its (for me) feeling some days (or weeks or even months the time frame is random) wanting to be seen or grouped into a specific group of gender or in some cases just NOT wanting to be grouped into a specific group of gender The strange part is (for me at least) when the gender changes you can’t imagine being anything else
My genderfluid cousin went through a really long period of time where they felt nonbinary, and were like doubting everything for 2 months straight, and then they felt all at once
Literally this- I have to remind myself that I'm genderfluid everytime I'm certain that I'm just a girl or just a boy because I know it'll eventually shift, and it always does
The fact that you put the genderfluid flag in fear and then in nice gender bud and called the gender a disaster is so funny to me because that’s genuinely what it feels like edit: and now it is in the womp section xD
Gender is like Metal sub-genres. There are tons them, some overlap, and sometimes there are “genders” that aren’t really genders in the sense that they are types of queer people like catboys and twinks.
I'm genderfluid, and the way I perceive my gender is, usually, never binary. I usually just feel a stronger connection towards a gender at a specific time, but the intensity also may vary. I may feel like a completely binary girl half a day, then a demigirl, bigender, agender... Tbh I just go with the flow and don't try to label what gender I'm feeling like. It's more practical to just dress however I wanna dress and use whatever pronouns feel best at that point, without questioning wether that means I'm a boy, a girl or what. Saying I'm genderfluid feels the best
Honestly, I relate. I flow between being a demiboy, non-binary, and a trans dude. I’m a demiboy most of the time though. But I call myself nb, and use he/him pronouns to not confuse people.
so much this. there's no distinct change, just sometimes realizing that i'm different than what my memories say. memory says i enjoyed looking and being called a certain way, but now i hate it. and sometimes being called a certain thing feels good, but it's hit or miss what will work and i won't know until it's even said. took me a while to realize i can just dress and present and act however i feel comfortable at the time. so much better that way. honestly when it comes to labels, things like "weird thing" are more reliable than "girl" or anything like that (though somehow i consistently like "slimegirl" more than "slime" or "girl" individually lol, maybe because slimes are inherently a bit fluid anyways)
4:09 as a genderfluid person, yeah its just constant questioning- with the genderfluid questions, while it’s different for everyone for me it’s usually more of a vibe than a “oh I’m a full dude now”, like I’ll feel dysphoric over things I did not feel dysphoric over like an hour ago and I’m just like “oh alright then I guess I’m more masculine now”. the main reason I say I’m genderfluid is I know that my gender does not stay the same, even if I could not tell you what it was at any moment lmao
I'm genderflor, which is what you get when you water your agender seeds with genderfluid. You never know which seeds will germinate first, how long you'll have to wait for them to grow, what they'll look like when they mature, or how much of a harvest you'll get from them. The most you can do is keep a close watch on them every day and hope for the best. It's difficult to set long term transition goals due to everything being in constant flux, and the fact that there is no one way to be genderfluid, or any nonbinary gender. I'm the first nonbinary patient my endocrinologist has worked with, so I'm figuring it out as I go. I know that some nonbinary people take exception to being referred to as "the best of both worlds" because this has not been their lived experience, and it hasn't for me either. However, that might be how I choose to describe my own goals. I want to be adaptable, and capable of fulfilling any role where I'm needed. I want to get to a point in my transition where I can freely switch up my gender expression day by day. I suppose there's a reason I've always been fascinated by shapeshifters in fiction, because that's the way I see myself.
"A silly little video that you'll just gobble up" yes Noah we will gobble it up because possibly 80% of your audience is sad trans teens and you are our trans big brother P.s I got your hoodie for Christmas and I refuse to take it off
I also wanted a hoodie from Noah for christmas and sadly haven't got it bc my parents "dont support trans people", and they found out Noah and Cavetown is trans, which means no merch from them *sob*
the “what do non-binary people do? crochet stuff?” KILLED me because i wanted to laugh but actually yes. yes i do. so does my partner. we can’t fight the stereotypes anymore
As a librafluid, which is basically being mostly agender but also kinda switching between male and female, I find it very funny that Noah put librafeminine/libramasculine at FEAR Edit: I just got more into the video, now it's up at nice job
4:09 as a former identifier of bigender, yes absolutely had periods of “is it going to be like this forever???” And then I’d wake up the next day and it’d have changed. Eventually for me it did end up sticking forever (kind of). I’m now just genderflux (so one gender that fluctuates in intensity rather than two genders that both fluctuated)
As a genderfluid person, I rate it on wether or not I'm crying over having slightly long hair is... or throwing up because my body doesn't match how I'm feeling etc. It's day by day and is exhausting but when I do the things I know can help its gorgeous
I'm transmasculine and for me, it's more wanting to *physically* transition in a masculine way! Like I want to go on T and get top surgery, but I still really love feminine clothing and big make-up looks. Also, little note on xenogenders such as pupgender! Xenogenders are often used by (but not exclusively) neurodivergent people! They can help to explain a concept that many neurodivergent people struggle to understand or relate to - or they're just the way our brains process gender :D If anyone has any questions, let me know and I'll do my best to answer! (Although I'm by no means a gender expert, haha)
Thats a really good way of describing being transmasc!! Thats really similar to how i feel about transitioning. And xenogenders are super awesome. I identify with a lot of xenogenders as like mini labels that i dont really tell people about, they are more just for me.
@@planetaryg0 I think it depends on the context. I've seen it used as a gender label, an umbrella term (for trans men, demi boys and the like), or in reference to transition. Personally, like OP, I use trans masc (mostly) in reference to my physical transition, but non-binary as my "main" label. I use them somewhat interchangeably, depending on what I want to express. To me, masculine is more about expression than it is about gender identity
me confused on whether i’m a cis woman or non-binary (rlly confident it’s the latter lmao) crocheting a cow plush while watching this: 👁️👄👁️ edit: STREAM “3 DAY HEADACHE” TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT
being genderfluid for me is pretty much me just sitting there and thinking "huh... i'm kinda in a *insert pronoun* mood rn" and then just going with it
13:40 i feel like David Tennant would be delighted (also i think time lords are like genderless? or at least i dont think they have genders like we do)
3:41 hey im one of those people! ive seen you comment on alterhumanity a bit and i know you probably wont see this but most of the people who "Shift into a wolf" experience therianthropy!
8:04 this is so real and relatable. i saw a tweet that was like "all the trans guys i've met have had this energy" and it was a picture of raccoons climbing on a brick wall captioned "boys being boys" and that is such a specific gender vibe thing i love it
as a genderfluid, it's crazy to be genderfluid. sometimes my gender is gendering and sometimes it's not. i'm just gonna leave it at that, so take that information and do what you wish.
DEAR NOAH PLEASE READ: to explain the pupgender thing: pupgender falls under the xenogender umbrella and basically xenogenders are genders that corralate to things rather than a traditional gender like a girl or a boy. someone can have multiple xenogenders or a xenogender "stash" as the community calls them and theyre mainly used by neurodivergent people who experience gender a lot differently. xenogenders can basically be anything, like a gender thats of a fictional character, an object, a feeling, a stim, an animal, a rock, you name it. the xenogender community gets a lot of flack from the rest of lgbtq+ or transphobes who use it as a way to say "trans people are crazy" but i think theyre really cool
I'm sorry for what the community it's really becoming, because now calling out stupidity is transphobic and "mean". You feel like a rock, therefore you are a rock. Elaborate, please, because it seems to me that you're denying to be human. And what's feeling like a rock supposed to imply? Gender dysphoria had a strong reason to exist as society has very clear expectations about how a woman or a man should behave and neurodivergents were and are the most affected by it given their estrangement from the world standard accepted behaviours, but xenogenders and all this new labels do nothing but take away the seriousness of the situation. Beware of the fact (and here I'm not talking to you but to the whole community) that not everyone that is against your opinion is "bad", "a bigot" or "-phobic", and let's not brainwash middle schoolers who are caught up by these damaging trends.
About what he asked about genderfluid folk, it is sometimes like you’re just going around, with say a girl gender, just vibing being a girl and you blink and its like “what the fuck am I doing?” But ofc different for everyone
This video gave me the words to describe my identity in a way that felt right. Bigender, the two that describe me are pangender and agender. It doesn’t make much sense, but it feels right. I don’t shift between them i’m both. I am everything and nothing.
It's stupid but I often feel dysphoric for having "girls hobbies". So I got happy when you said crochet as an example of typical a non-binary hobby. Is that a thing ?
Why would you ever feel dysphoric about something that you enjoy? I know that dysphoria can't really be controlled, but you shouldn't feel bad about something that you enjoy. Just enjoy what hobbies you like and chill :D
The Doctor is a Timelord, their main ability is to regenerate everytime they get close to death, they can change basically every attribute they have, some traits of their personality may stand out more in some lives than others, they may change sex / skin color or maybe even species (if you count the 1996 Movie as cannon). The fact they could change sex is hinted at in Matt Smith's run, in Peter Capaldi's it's more present (the master becoming missy, and a member of the gallifreyan high council regenerating from a white guy to a black women). Anyway theres a whole video called "The Doctor being Genderfluid for 5 minutes and 25 seconds" its such a great show. Timelords are basically all nonbinary/genderfuild and pansexual
11:11 I am genderfluid, and most of the time I feel like a cisgender man. When I feel non-binary, it's very... euphoric, I guess. When I feel like a transgender girl, I picture myself as a beautiful blondie. And when I feel like a demiboy I look in the mirror and laugh because I finally look acceptable. Hope this helps anyone.❤❤❤
I'm genderfluid. For me personally, when my gender changes, I just feel entirely about my body and the way I present myself. Some days I am really dysphoric about my body and others I'm not. Some days I don't know what my brain wants.
"and when you're nonbinary you want to crochet stuff" I'm genderfluid. I'm crocheting while watching this. I absolutely love this description. As a genderfluid person, I am honored. I'd say being genderfluid is a weird mix of constant (but minimal) gender confusion and just kind of vibing. If someone asks me what gender I am, I say something along the lines of "i dunno. tired?"
As I genderfluid person....I don't know. You don't necessarily "feel the switch" and most times you don't even know what you feel like that day, week,hour, second till you just do. Personally I use all pronouns and in a constant sate of "What's your gender?" "Yes." "Are you feeling Masc- Fem?" "....Yes."
8:44 hey noah! thought id just pop in here, give you a little info yk? so this actually exists! its called therianthropy and someone who experiences it is called a therian! a therian is someone who identifies as an animal on a nonphysical level, so basically mentally. thats where you might have seen the thing you mentioned about the guy shifting to a wolf (i cant find the timestamp lmao) thats a part of therianthropy! although not all therians shift. sorry im not the best at explaining things but if you want you can look it up! thats all from me have a nice day ❤
I love that you have David Tennant as a gender 😄 I would be so happy to be him OMG! I love Dr. Who, the concept is phenomenal and the show has lasted decades!
'I love things making sense' yeah me too mate, me too, it would be so lovely if every once in a while I actually did make things make sense, but oh well😂😂
@@Qabim aww thanks,I am now,I'm with my cousins,one of them called me a furry and I said "oh thanks for pointing out the obvious",we both laughed, I'm having a better day
honestly there is so much overlap in so many genders and so so many specific genders that i could *technically* be that i’ve just given up. my gender is boything and vibes
Genderfluid person here! For me I usually don’t realize I’ve switched genders until someone refers to me as a certain set of pronouns. It’s just sort of an instinct and I wear whatever my body tells me to. It’s different for everyone, but I can also have different genders throughout the day. Hope this helped any confusion/questions!
in my gender-fluid-ness, it’s basically just putting on whatever gender expression I feel like, and also having gender crises in my bathroom mirror every single day (but I do think I am slowly realizing I’m a trans masc ever since my friends started joking that I act and seem like one)
For context the new doctor who stuff isn't actually that cringe!! I didn't watch any clips before hand and just enjoyed the 3 episode special and had a great time, it was handled pretty well to me. Though I guess if you saw the stuff out of context it might sound clumsy/cringe. Also Nah the doctor isn't a detransitioner, it's just that they change genders every regeneration- it sort of parallels conditions like DID where different people within the same body are each a unique person, and therefore can have separate genders. The difference is of course that real people with DID exist within the same body, and that the doctor is one person at a time, and the body changes every so often. It's not an exact same thing, it's like the Doctor's regeneration is a SIMILAR thing to DID.
Doctor who is canonically gender-fluid actually ! and they’re also pan romantic and asexual according to most of the actors :3 (but yeah, david tennant is GENDER)
11:14 so basically I’ll go from “call me a boy or I will cry” to “fuck gender I don’t want any” to “girl is fine I guess” to “I am everything and nothing all at once” and it’s just so much fun
4:03 "Do you ever have like 3 girl days in a row and youre like oh god like what if this is gonna be like this forever?" Oh im not even trigender and i can tell you that its definitely a common experience lmao. I used to identify as genderfluid and even tho i dont use that lable on myself anymore i still have some fluidity element in it, and in every single gender fluid (not the gender) community ive been so many people have talked about getting a few days in a row with the same gender and second guessing themselves 💀
I love all the comments from genderfluid people here ❤ I feel most comfortable saying i'm nonbinary, but rationally i know i experience my gender in a very fluid way. For me it is liberating in the sense that i don't need to think about it all the time. I'm just genderfluid/nonbinary so i can not pay attention to the shifts and don't fixate too much on it. But sometimes it's hard because i may experience dysphoria for a week quite strongly and think i may want to medically transition and then it goes away. When i'm by myself i mostly feel agender or nonbinary as in the exact middle between boy and girl. The rest of the time i feel mostly transmasc / demiboy. Sometimes i wish i was a cis dude, sometimes i'd hate it. Sometimes i wish my birth language (italian) had a real gender neutral way of speaking. Sometimes i don't care. Sometimes i just mix all the pronouns. It sounds chaotic, and sometimes it is. But in my experience the main problem is when people deliberately misgender me saying things like i'm a woman or a man or use super specific gendered words. Love to all ❤🎉
As someone who is genderfluid I gotta say… it’s awful. Basically the dysphoria decides what I am that day. Usually if I’m feeling more confident I’ll swing towards agender/allgenders. If I’m not feeling it that day I’ll default to nonbinary. And when I dread my feminine appearance (which is often) I’ll be more masculine that day. I only feel feminine when I’m around my partner that makes me feel super safe or when the dysphoria takes sick leave (usually lasting 2 hours at most). Managing all of that is Hell.
Being genderfluid is confusing af and annoying at times, I literally can’t even explain it but one of the the things I can explain is getting dressed: I’ll literally get fully ready then just be like “why the fuck did I wear this” and change my outfit like 45 times. Another fun thing is haircuts, bc I’m afraid of cutting it too short but I also know I hate it long so it’s weirdly in between 💀 😭
I indentify as nonbinary for ease, but i do feel more genderfluid and i will say the main moment i can think of from when i was younger to explain the feeling was a friend painted my nails and when i went home i proceeded to have meltdown and scrub my fingers raw because it was wrong and i needed it off
Being genderfluid is hard. On Monday I look in the mirror and I want a flat chest, and i think like: maybe I'm trans after all? Two weeks later I want the longest hair and boobs, And i think no, I'm cis. I'm just imagining it. And three days later I want to be as androgynous as possible. So i'm like: maybe i am just nonbinary? This is terribly annoying. And, btw, explaining this outside the lgbt community is a nightmare. Greetings to all the rest of the genderfluid (and other) people. Take care❤
As soon as you brought up dan howell i let out a little scream because i am fully hyperfixated on the danandphilgames channel revival and decided to watch this video as a "break" and now im realizing that i will never escape them
I am gender-fluid, and yes it is a bit confusing, it might have something to do with my adhd because it just feels like when you are obsessed and hyper fixated on being a fantastic lady to the point where you don’t know why you identified as anything else because this is clearly the one. Then you wake up the next day with no sense of gender and you just feel like you. Like gender has nothing to do with you and you none with it. For me, one gender lasts from a day to about a week. And large overall fazes of gender like being much more masculine and more on the boy side for almost a year sometimes. And then getting dysphoric when someone sees you as a guy because you just became more feminine again. Idk wtf I have just said or if anyone would even read it. Also this is just my experience I don’t know if this is a common one for gender-fluid people. But, to answer your question, it is a bit confusing sometimes, but I wouldn’t have it any other way🤙
Honestly I wish David tenant was a gender, I would be all over it I’m obsessed with doctor who and the one that David is in is definitely my favourite! Ps.pre-ordered vinyl and I got your hoodie 4my b-day as well as the ‘chronically online’ shirt because my parents would walk into my room and ask what you doing? The awnser was always’wAtChInG nOaHfInNcE wHaT dId YoU tHiNk’
i use transmasc for myself and overall the experience for me has been “man it would be so much easier to be a guy… wait am i a guy?… EW fuck no” but feeling largely really masculine
I used to identify as genderfluid but im now on a solid like, year of identifying strictly as a guy, so I'm not using that label anymore. sometimes I get kind of freaked out that after I transition medically, I'll switch back to being fem and feel horrible 😭 but yeah it takes ages to make decisions about medical transition when you're genderfluid. I came out 3 years ago and I'm only now on a waiting list for T because I had to think about it for so long.
The fact that the song came out today is very exciting because today is my birthday and it makes me really happy that one of my favorite artists released a song on my birthday.
Ive been up till 2: 45 on average it’ll be on loop until i fall asleep 😃
Ohh, looking forward to that
as a genderfluid, the point of it for me is to not have to think about what gender i’m doing, i just gender whenever i’m gendering and don’t gender when i’m not
I absolutely love that ! Good for you!!
Yesss that's amazing!!!
This is the realest thing ive ever read
as a fellow genderfluid, I’ve never read something so true :)))
You worded it perfectly
As a genderfluid person, yeah it’s literally so messy and it drives you crazy sometimes - but to me it feels like sometimes waking up and feeling crippling gender dysphoria and wanting to rip my chest off and craving for people to call me a gender affirming name and pronouns, and then waking up the next day and those feelings being partially or fully gone and wanting quite the opposite, to be called and dress like my birth gender. It’s also being very stuck when making long-term or permanent decisions like cutting your hair or going on hormones, you never know what to decide since you KNOW that your feelings will most likely change. You can get what you feel is a gender affirming hair cut at the moment and wake up the next day and absolutely hate it.
It comes with a lot of confusion and also denial, since it’s not a very recognized gender identity, you try to conform to one even knowing that you just aren’t that.
so yeah, lots of love to my genderfluid friends out there ❤
Also literally how are we in the same row as pupgender -
My farts are better than Noah’s farts 💨
I'm agender genderfluid myself, and yes, it can be frustrating, especially since I don't have the resources to change my gender expression as I see fit. For the most part I've gone about my business as my AGAB, presenting in a very bland and nondescript way, like a blank slate. For clothing I go for practicality, since I work outdoors a lot. Is it durable, washable, and does it have good pockets? This typically means men's clothing. I never bothered to style my hair or grow it out, so for years I've been shaving my head like a renunciate. I have started HRT, figuring I owe it to myself if there's a chance it helps, and I'm leaving all options on the table.
I don't know my exact transition goals because that's like trying to hit a moving target, and there is no preexisting model for nonbinary genders. Therefore it's up to me to rediscover and reinvent what that means for myself.
Fellow Genderfluid
FRRRR (noah pin THIS person NOW!! please?)
Yeah I feel you. I'm Genderfluid and I've been talking to my therapist about HRT and it's tough, I never really know if the decision I make is going to be the correct one or not. But we Genderfluid people always seem to find a way, we are liquid after all. 💖🤍💜🖤💙
As a genderfluid person I appreciate the fear
Its (for me) feeling some days (or weeks or even months the time frame is random) wanting to be seen or grouped into a specific group of gender or in some cases just NOT wanting to be grouped into a specific group of gender
The strange part is (for me at least) when the gender changes you can’t imagine being anything else
My genderfluid cousin went through a really long period of time where they felt nonbinary, and were like doubting everything for 2 months straight, and then they felt all at once
Yes this is definitely how it feels like and it's often to painful and confusing at the same time
literally same
Literally this- I have to remind myself that I'm genderfluid everytime I'm certain that I'm just a girl or just a boy because I know it'll eventually shift, and it always does
so what do your friends call you(pronouns)?
The fact that you put the genderfluid flag in fear and then in nice gender bud and called the gender a disaster is so funny to me because that’s genuinely what it feels like edit: and now it is in the womp section xD
My farts are better than Noah’s farts 💨
Literally 😂
@@p-__ *PARDON??*
Gender is like Metal sub-genres. There are tons them, some overlap, and sometimes there are “genders” that aren’t really genders in the sense that they are types of queer people like catboys and twinks.
My farts are better than Noah’s farts 💨
that makes so much sense holy shit
And no one really knows all of them 😭
Yes its like it's a load of made up rubbish no one should waste time on
@ayeright320 Fuck you all metal music is great
David Tennant in Doctor Who is not a gender, but David Tennant in Good Omens is a gender
@shark_zzz and whatever it is I want it 😭😭😭
@@CaeciliusEstInHorto same 😭 he’s gotta leave some for the rest of us
If you are brave enough every single david tennant character is gender
I need Crowley‘s gender so bad
I'm genderfluid, and the way I perceive my gender is, usually, never binary. I usually just feel a stronger connection towards a gender at a specific time, but the intensity also may vary. I may feel like a completely binary girl half a day, then a demigirl, bigender, agender... Tbh I just go with the flow and don't try to label what gender I'm feeling like. It's more practical to just dress however I wanna dress and use whatever pronouns feel best at that point, without questioning wether that means I'm a boy, a girl or what. Saying I'm genderfluid feels the best
My farts are better than Noah’s farts 💨
Honestly, I relate. I flow between being a demiboy, non-binary, and a trans dude. I’m a demiboy most of the time though. But I call myself nb, and use he/him pronouns to not confuse people.
so much this. there's no distinct change, just sometimes realizing that i'm different than what my memories say. memory says i enjoyed looking and being called a certain way, but now i hate it. and sometimes being called a certain thing feels good, but it's hit or miss what will work and i won't know until it's even said. took me a while to realize i can just dress and present and act however i feel comfortable at the time. so much better that way. honestly when it comes to labels, things like "weird thing" are more reliable than "girl" or anything like that (though somehow i consistently like "slimegirl" more than "slime" or "girl" individually lol, maybe because slimes are inherently a bit fluid anyways)
Totally agree Noah our King
Totally agree Noah our King
@@LucieTalks101 We should make Noah the new king of the whole world tbh
My farts are better than Noah’s farts 💨
@@p-__ excuse me what😭
4:09 as a genderfluid person, yeah its just constant questioning-
with the genderfluid questions, while it’s different for everyone for me it’s usually more of a vibe than a “oh I’m a full dude now”, like I’ll feel dysphoric over things I did not feel dysphoric over like an hour ago and I’m just like “oh alright then I guess I’m more masculine now”. the main reason I say I’m genderfluid is I know that my gender does not stay the same, even if I could not tell you what it was at any moment lmao
Ikr lmao
Ikr this is so relatable!!! It's so painful to be genderfluid, but sometimes, you'll feel comfortable with yourself for once and it will feel amazing
I'm genderflor, which is what you get when you water your agender seeds with genderfluid. You never know which seeds will germinate first, how long you'll have to wait for them to grow, what they'll look like when they mature, or how much of a harvest you'll get from them. The most you can do is keep a close watch on them every day and hope for the best.
It's difficult to set long term transition goals due to everything being in constant flux, and the fact that there is no one way to be genderfluid, or any nonbinary gender. I'm the first nonbinary patient my endocrinologist has worked with, so I'm figuring it out as I go. I know that some nonbinary people take exception to being referred to as "the best of both worlds" because this has not been their lived experience, and it hasn't for me either. However, that might be how I choose to describe my own goals. I want to be adaptable, and capable of fulfilling any role where I'm needed. I want to get to a point in my transition where I can freely switch up my gender expression day by day. I suppose there's a reason I've always been fascinated by shapeshifters in fiction, because that's the way I see myself.
I’m genderflor too!
I love that Noah immediately mentions Frank Iero before his dad and his boyfriend when listing cis men he loves
because same
noah’s back at it again with the tier lists guys 😍😭😭
"A silly little video that you'll just gobble up" yes Noah we will gobble it up because possibly 80% of your audience is sad trans teens and you are our trans big brother
P.s I got your hoodie for Christmas and I refuse to take it off
As a sad trans teen I can confirm that I did in fact gobble this silly video up
I also wanted a hoodie from Noah for christmas and sadly haven't got it bc my parents "dont support trans people", and they found out Noah and Cavetown is trans, which means no merch from them *sob*
As another sad trans teen, I can confirm Noah is our big brother
@@VENOMNB1TEZZ I sadly didn't get Noah's merch for Christmas but I DID get some cavetown merch and !!!!!!!! that's amazing!!
@@amokiwithmarshclamsoup Glad to hear!! :)
the “what do non-binary people do? crochet stuff?” KILLED me because i wanted to laugh but actually yes. yes i do. so does my partner. we can’t fight the stereotypes anymore
Gotta say ‘NICE GENDER BUD’ is very affirming, thanks🙂
Also, can’t wait to see your show in April!
In case no one has told you today yet... You have a very good gender.
As a librafluid, which is basically being mostly agender but also kinda switching between male and female, I find it very funny that Noah put librafeminine/libramasculine at FEAR
Edit: I just got more into the video, now it's up at nice job
My farts are better than Noah’s farts 💨
4:09 as a former identifier of bigender, yes absolutely had periods of “is it going to be like this forever???” And then I’d wake up the next day and it’d have changed. Eventually for me it did end up sticking forever (kind of). I’m now just genderflux (so one gender that fluctuates in intensity rather than two genders that both fluctuated)
As a genderfluid person, I rate it on wether or not I'm crying over having slightly long hair is... or throwing up because my body doesn't match how I'm feeling etc. It's day by day and is exhausting but when I do the things I know can help its gorgeous
I'm transmasculine and for me, it's more wanting to *physically* transition in a masculine way! Like I want to go on T and get top surgery, but I still really love feminine clothing and big make-up looks.
Also, little note on xenogenders such as pupgender! Xenogenders are often used by (but not exclusively) neurodivergent people! They can help to explain a concept that many neurodivergent people struggle to understand or relate to - or they're just the way our brains process gender :D
If anyone has any questions, let me know and I'll do my best to answer! (Although I'm by no means a gender expert, haha)
My farts are better than Noah’s farts 💨
Thats a really good way of describing being transmasc!! Thats really similar to how i feel about transitioning. And xenogenders are super awesome. I identify with a lot of xenogenders as like mini labels that i dont really tell people about, they are more just for me.
I like that description of xenogenders; I hadn't learned how it was connected to neurodivergence
my understanding of transmasc is plainly just someone who's trans (afab) and masc? feel free to correct if i'm wrong
@@planetaryg0 I think it depends on the context. I've seen it used as a gender label, an umbrella term (for trans men, demi boys and the like), or in reference to transition.
Personally, like OP, I use trans masc (mostly) in reference to my physical transition, but non-binary as my "main" label. I use them somewhat interchangeably, depending on what I want to express. To me, masculine is more about expression than it is about gender identity
Are you gonna rate your songs on a tier list at some point? I’d love to see that!
@@NOAHFINNCEcan you rate the songs that haven't been released yet so that we know which ones to especially look forward to.
That is a great idea
me confused on whether i’m a cis woman or non-binary (rlly confident it’s the latter lmao) crocheting a cow plush while watching this: 👁️👄👁️
You could also be demigirl. I can find vidoes that I watch when I first realised I'm demigirl if that helps
Crochet is very queer specifically non-binary lesbian vibes
being genderfluid for me is pretty much me just sitting there and thinking "huh... i'm kinda in a *insert pronoun* mood rn" and then just going with it
13:40 i feel like David Tennant would be delighted (also i think time lords are like genderless? or at least i dont think they have genders like we do)
I think technically they’re gender fluid
@@Athyxer ohhhh yeah that makes sense
You really made me laugh. I love you.
3:41 hey im one of those people! ive seen you comment on alterhumanity a bit and i know you probably wont see this but most of the people who "Shift into a wolf" experience therianthropy!
8:04 this is so real and relatable. i saw a tweet that was like "all the trans guys i've met have had this energy" and it was a picture of raccoons climbing on a brick wall captioned "boys being boys" and that is such a specific gender vibe thing i love it
as a genderfluid, it's crazy to be genderfluid. sometimes my gender is gendering and sometimes it's not. i'm just gonna leave it at that, so take that information and do what you wish.
DEAR NOAH PLEASE READ: to explain the pupgender thing: pupgender falls under the xenogender umbrella and basically xenogenders are genders that corralate to things rather than a traditional gender like a girl or a boy. someone can have multiple xenogenders or a xenogender "stash" as the community calls them and theyre mainly used by neurodivergent people who experience gender a lot differently. xenogenders can basically be anything, like a gender thats of a fictional character, an object, a feeling, a stim, an animal, a rock, you name it.
the xenogender community gets a lot of flack from the rest of lgbtq+ or transphobes who use it as a way to say "trans people are crazy" but i think theyre really cool
I'm sorry for what the community it's really becoming, because now calling out stupidity is transphobic and "mean". You feel like a rock, therefore you are a rock. Elaborate, please, because it seems to me that you're denying to be human. And what's feeling like a rock supposed to imply? Gender dysphoria had a strong reason to exist as society has very clear expectations about how a woman or a man should behave and neurodivergents were and are the most affected by it given their estrangement from the world standard accepted behaviours, but xenogenders and all this new labels do nothing but take away the seriousness of the situation. Beware of the fact (and here I'm not talking to you but to the whole community) that not everyone that is against your opinion is "bad", "a bigot" or "-phobic", and let's not brainwash middle schoolers who are caught up by these damaging trends.
the doctor is actually canonically genderfluid and pansexual :D
About what he asked about genderfluid folk, it is sometimes like you’re just going around, with say a girl gender, just vibing being a girl and you blink and its like “what the fuck am I doing?” But ofc different for everyone
11:20 i’d describe my switching as not super sudden and usually isn’t just a day to day thing. i view as just drifting along the spectrum of gender.
This video gave me the words to describe my identity in a way that felt right. Bigender, the two that describe me are pangender and agender. It doesn’t make much sense, but it feels right. I don’t shift between them i’m both. I am everything and nothing.
"i love cis man, frank iero is a cis man", most valid argument you could choose.
It's stupid but I often feel dysphoric for having "girls hobbies". So I got happy when you said crochet as an example of typical a non-binary hobby. Is that a thing ?
Why would you ever feel dysphoric about something that you enjoy? I know that dysphoria can't really be controlled, but you shouldn't feel bad about something that you enjoy. Just enjoy what hobbies you like and chill :D
@@imatiredpotato i felt dysphoric over my elbows one time, dysphoria doesn’t make sense and you literally can’t control it
I’m a form of nonbinairy and crochet is a hobby for everyone!
in my experience, yes haha
One time I painted my nails and my mum was like "Hey.. Is that something boys are supposed to do?"
We all know it’s gonna be a good day when Noah posts :DD
:0 another Lilac!
@@LilacTheRainWing :O
Fellow therian hello!
@@asdadigestives Hello!! :D
My farts are better than Noah’s farts 💨
Hey noah, you inspire me so much and i love your music. I just wanted to tell you how happy i am to watch your videos!
David Tennant has to be one of my favourite genders.
The Doctor is a Timelord, their main ability is to regenerate everytime they get close to death, they can change basically every attribute they have, some traits of their personality may stand out more in some lives than others, they may change sex / skin color or maybe even species (if you count the 1996 Movie as cannon). The fact they could change sex is hinted at in Matt Smith's run, in Peter Capaldi's it's more present (the master becoming missy, and a member of the gallifreyan high council regenerating from a white guy to a black women). Anyway theres a whole video called "The Doctor being Genderfluid for 5 minutes and 25 seconds" its such a great show. Timelords are basically all nonbinary/genderfuild and pansexual
Did not expect a Twilight joke from Noah😁😆
11:11 I am genderfluid, and most of the time I feel like a cisgender man. When I feel non-binary, it's very... euphoric, I guess. When I feel like a transgender girl, I picture myself as a beautiful blondie. And when I feel like a demiboy I look in the mirror and laugh because I finally look acceptable. Hope this helps anyone.❤❤❤
I'm genderfluid. For me personally, when my gender changes, I just feel entirely about my body and the way I present myself. Some days I am really dysphoric about my body and others I'm not. Some days I don't know what my brain wants.
"and when you're nonbinary you want to crochet stuff"
I'm genderfluid. I'm crocheting while watching this. I absolutely love this description. As a genderfluid person, I am honored.
I'd say being genderfluid is a weird mix of constant (but minimal) gender confusion and just kind of vibing. If someone asks me what gender I am, I say something along the lines of "i dunno. tired?"
This video just helped me learn there is a very high possibility I’m trigender. This is new to me, thank you Noah
the worm in the back is STARING INTO MY SOUL
As I genderfluid person....I don't know.
You don't necessarily "feel the switch" and most times you don't even know what you feel like that day, week,hour, second till you just do.
Personally I use all pronouns and in a constant sate of
"What's your gender?"
"Are you feeling Masc- Fem?"
8:44 hey noah! thought id just pop in here, give you a little info yk?
so this actually exists! its called therianthropy and someone who experiences it is called a therian! a therian is someone who identifies as an animal on a nonphysical level,
so basically mentally. thats where you might have seen the thing you mentioned about the guy shifting to a wolf (i cant find the timestamp lmao) thats a part of therianthropy! although not all therians shift. sorry im
not the best at explaining things but if you want you can look it up! thats all from me have a nice day ❤
I love that you have David Tennant as a gender 😄 I would be so happy to be him OMG! I love Dr. Who, the concept is phenomenal and the show has lasted decades!
Finally a video I have been waiting for for ages smiling so big thank you noah
Omg I recognise you from Noah's Discord
'I love things making sense' yeah me too mate, me too, it would be so lovely if every once in a while I actually did make things make sense, but oh well😂😂
Literally made my day so much better,my parents were fighting as soon as I woke up and I literally sobbed,thank you
I relate to this comment on a spiritual level...
@@DDD2323-z5i now you're making me 😢
*hug* hope you have a great day :3
@@Qabim aww thanks,I am now,I'm with my cousins,one of them called me a furry and I said "oh thanks for pointing out the obvious",we both laughed, I'm having a better day
honestly there is so much overlap in so many genders and so so many specific genders that i could *technically* be that i’ve just given up. my gender is boything and vibes
My farts are better than Noah’s farts 💨
@@p-__ wow i’m so glad for you
Genderfluid person here! For me I usually don’t realize I’ve switched genders until someone refers to me as a certain set of pronouns. It’s just sort of an instinct and I wear whatever my body tells me to. It’s different for everyone, but I can also have different genders throughout the day. Hope this helped any confusion/questions!
as a nonbinary genderfluid person your description for trigender was literally my exact lived experience down to wanting the name Kit lmao
"i love cis men- frank iero is a cis man!" SENT ME
in my gender-fluid-ness, it’s basically just putting on whatever gender expression I feel like, and also having gender crises in my bathroom mirror every single day (but I do think I am slowly realizing I’m a trans masc ever since my friends started joking that I act and seem like one)
you know its a good day when noah posts🤩
Reallll, also I absolutely LOVE your pfp and username :P
thank youu
My farts are better than Noah’s farts 💨
@@p-__ real
For context the new doctor who stuff isn't actually that cringe!! I didn't watch any clips before hand and just enjoyed the 3 episode special and had a great time, it was handled pretty well to me. Though I guess if you saw the stuff out of context it might sound clumsy/cringe.
Also Nah the doctor isn't a detransitioner, it's just that they change genders every regeneration- it sort of parallels conditions like DID where different people within the same body are each a unique person, and therefore can have separate genders. The difference is of course that real people with DID exist within the same body, and that the doctor is one person at a time, and the body changes every so often. It's not an exact same thing, it's like the Doctor's regeneration is a SIMILAR thing to DID.
My farts are better than Noah’s farts 💨
i love that when you listed cis men you said frank iero first and your boyfriend was 3rd lmao
im so early wtf?!?!? hi noah! im so exited for the new song. :3
btw i got a worms shirt for christmas and i’m gonna wear it when i meet you in april
Doctor who is canonically gender-fluid actually ! and they’re also pan romantic and asexual according to most of the actors :3
(but yeah, david tennant is GENDER)
"good job with your gender girl!" the pep talk we all needed (i am not a girl but i appreciate this nonetheless)
11:14 so basically I’ll go from “call me a boy or I will cry” to “fuck gender I don’t want any” to “girl is fine I guess” to “I am everything and nothing all at once” and it’s just so much fun
"Do you ever have like 3 girl days in a row and youre like oh god like what if this is gonna be like this forever?" Oh im not even trigender and i can tell you that its definitely a common experience lmao.
I used to identify as genderfluid and even tho i dont use that lable on myself anymore i still have some fluidity element in it, and in every single gender fluid (not the gender) community ive been so many people have talked about getting a few days in a row with the same gender and second guessing themselves 💀
11:22 caught me off guard because I’m crocheting while watching this! But I mean you’re not wrong 😅
I love all the comments from genderfluid people here ❤
I feel most comfortable saying i'm nonbinary, but rationally i know i experience my gender in a very fluid way.
For me it is liberating in the sense that i don't need to think about it all the time. I'm just genderfluid/nonbinary so i can not pay attention to the shifts and don't fixate too much on it.
But sometimes it's hard because i may experience dysphoria for a week quite strongly and think i may want to medically transition and then it goes away. When i'm by myself i mostly feel agender or nonbinary as in the exact middle between boy and girl.
The rest of the time i feel mostly transmasc / demiboy.
Sometimes i wish i was a cis dude, sometimes i'd hate it. Sometimes i wish my birth language (italian) had a real gender neutral way of speaking. Sometimes i don't care. Sometimes i just mix all the pronouns.
It sounds chaotic, and sometimes it is. But in my experience the main problem is when people deliberately misgender me saying things like i'm a woman or a man or use super specific gendered words.
Love to all ❤🎉
As someone who is genderfluid I gotta say… it’s awful. Basically the dysphoria decides what I am that day. Usually if I’m feeling more confident I’ll swing towards agender/allgenders. If I’m not feeling it that day I’ll default to nonbinary. And when I dread my feminine appearance (which is often) I’ll be more masculine that day. I only feel feminine when I’m around my partner that makes me feel super safe or when the dysphoria takes sick leave (usually lasting 2 hours at most). Managing all of that is Hell.
Being genderfluid is confusing af and annoying at times, I literally can’t even explain it but one of the the things I can explain is getting dressed: I’ll literally get fully ready then just be like “why the fuck did I wear this” and change my outfit like 45 times. Another fun thing is haircuts, bc I’m afraid of cutting it too short but I also know I hate it long so it’s weirdly in between 💀 😭
Is this gender affirming care?...yes, yes it is 😂
The vinyl must be the most beautiful vinyl I have ever, the colours just scratch an itch of my brain so perfectly
My partner started calling me a bunny so I was like 'yeah ig that's my gender now'
i’m so excited that you posted noah!!!! can’t wait to watch 🖤 (also can’t wait for the song to drop!)
I indentify as nonbinary for ease, but i do feel more genderfluid and i will say the main moment i can think of from when i was younger to explain the feeling was a friend painted my nails and when i went home i proceeded to have meltdown and scrub my fingers raw because it was wrong and i needed it off
noah is a top tier comfort youtuber
'dyou know what isnt hard' and then the smirk had me wheezing
Noah just solved my friends identity crisis
In my opinion, gender is just something to help describe people, that some people care about, and some people couldn’t give less of a shit
Being genderfluid is hard.
On Monday I look in the mirror and I want a flat chest, and i think like: maybe I'm trans after all?
Two weeks later I want the longest hair and boobs, And i think no, I'm cis. I'm just imagining it.
And three days later I want to be as androgynous as possible. So i'm like: maybe i am just nonbinary?
This is terribly annoying.
And, btw, explaining this outside the lgbt community is a nightmare. Greetings to all the rest of the genderfluid (and other) people. Take care❤
i love watching noah’s videos because i know that no matter what i will be deeply confused and completely lost but having an absolute banger of a time
Ah yes the raccoon gender…
“Hey mom yknow how I told you I was trans, yeah nvm I am actually a raccoon”
“Hey mom yknow that other thing I said earlier well I am actually a sewer rat sry”
i identify as pi-gender: switching between exactly 3.14159 genders
this is a joke, i'm sorry
It’s a good joke
‘It’s like having three genders, but two’
I don’t know why, but this made me laugh
As bigenderfluid, i find it so funny how my two labels are on the complete opposite sides on the tier list XD
As soon as you brought up dan howell i let out a little scream because i am fully hyperfixated on the danandphilgames channel revival and decided to watch this video as a "break" and now im realizing that i will never escape them
Gender fluid for me is just vibing w what feels right at the moment
I am gender-fluid, and yes it is a bit confusing, it might have something to do with my adhd because it just feels like when you are obsessed and hyper fixated on being a fantastic lady to the point where you don’t know why you identified as anything else because this is clearly the one. Then you wake up the next day with no sense of gender and you just feel like you. Like gender has nothing to do with you and you none with it. For me, one gender lasts from a day to about a week. And large overall fazes of gender like being much more masculine and more on the boy side for almost a year sometimes. And then getting dysphoric when someone sees you as a guy because you just became more feminine again. Idk wtf I have just said or if anyone would even read it. Also this is just my experience I don’t know if this is a common one for gender-fluid people. But, to answer your question, it is a bit confusing sometimes, but I wouldn’t have it any other way🤙
Honestly I wish David tenant was a gender, I would be all over it I’m obsessed with doctor who and the one that David is in is definitely my favourite!
Ps.pre-ordered vinyl and I got your hoodie 4my b-day as well as the ‘chronically online’ shirt because my parents would walk into my room and ask what you doing? The awnser was always’wAtChInG nOaHfInNcE wHaT dId YoU tHiNk’
This was the prefect video to watch during my top surgery recovery!
i use transmasc for myself and overall the experience for me has been “man it would be so much easier to be a guy… wait am i a guy?… EW fuck no” but feeling largely really masculine
I used to identify as genderfluid but im now on a solid like, year of identifying strictly as a guy, so I'm not using that label anymore. sometimes I get kind of freaked out that after I transition medically, I'll switch back to being fem and feel horrible 😭 but yeah it takes ages to make decisions about medical transition when you're genderfluid. I came out 3 years ago and I'm only now on a waiting list for T because I had to think about it for so long.
The fact that the song came out today is very exciting because today is my birthday and it makes me really happy that one of my favorite artists released a song on my birthday.