Thanks for doing this! So wild how little “due diligence” was done given this person’s only qualifications were apparently being diagnosed with me/cfs and apparently recovering with help from positive thinking and Chinese medicine? (???) Absolutely (hopefully) true BBC wouldn’t have done the same had she had cancer but the fact that she has no medical expertise of any kind (as far as I can tell) and is basically appropriating Chinese medicine tools in a very shady way and clearly has been trying to exploit her “recovery” story for social media visibility and financial gain. And still all the people involved thought it was a great idea to go ahead? Super concerning, very telling (people love to sell disabled people being “cured” stories), wholly messed up. So much more to say but will leave it there for now. Thanks again for this great conversation and all the work you’re doing to address this in public and meaningful ways.
Go ketogenic: carbs should be eliminated, transfats, vegetable and seed oils, plant foods as well, at least temporarily and very carefully reintroduced. Google metabolic health summit.
Fabulous discussion and opportunity for our decompression & understanding of the past weeks events.
Also forgot to say THANK YOU 💙🙏💙
Watching this in chunks.... Sorry... Just wanted to say...
YES to wanting something POSITIVE to come of this and carrying on the conversation 💙🙏💙
+ the acceptance issue & living the best you can with what you have 👍 to be & form part of society
Thanks for doing this! So wild how little “due diligence” was done given this person’s only qualifications were apparently being diagnosed with me/cfs and apparently recovering with help from positive thinking and Chinese medicine? (???) Absolutely (hopefully) true BBC wouldn’t have done the same had she had cancer but the fact that she has no medical expertise of any kind (as far as I can tell) and is basically appropriating Chinese medicine tools in a very shady way and clearly has been trying to exploit her “recovery” story for social media visibility and financial gain. And still all the people involved thought it was a great idea to go ahead? Super concerning, very telling (people love to sell disabled people being “cured” stories), wholly messed up. So much more to say but will leave it there for now. Thanks again for this great conversation and all the work you’re doing to address this in public and meaningful ways.
Go ketogenic: carbs should be eliminated, transfats, vegetable and seed oils, plant foods as well, at least temporarily and very carefully reintroduced. Google metabolic health summit.