自分用歌詞(和訳つき) Reality slips far away fiction comes alive, we start to play it (現実は遥か遠くへ過ぎ去り、空虚で満ちた物語が始まる) Hope is no more, behind a closed door as we drift away from where we were before (知っている場所から、何処か知らない遠くの場所へ彷徨う感じだ) Hope and hopelessness become one it's all meaningless, we've already begun (希望と絶望が一つになり、止められないコロシアイゲームが始まる) Yup, we are all one and the same never opposites, we play the same game (対立なんてしてる場合じゃないんだ。僕らは元々同じ仲間で、同じゲームをしているのだから) so I listen to the world I know right from wrong (この世界で重要なのは正義でも悪でもなく) if I can stay focused then I can stay strong (強い希望を持ち続けるのが大事だと知った) if you ever wonder why I'm trapped inside (もしも君が君自身の記憶を無くして困惑しても) it's really just because I told a pack of lies (それが事実なんだ。嘘だと言っても本当なんだよ) maybe far a dream, or maybe it was pride (これはきっと夢なんだろうと、そう思いたいけど) maybe for myself often wonder why? (どうして僕らは自らここに来たんだ?) until our very last breath we're running after life, trying to avoid death (死を目の当たりにした僕らは、最後のその時までイキキルことに必死になっている) Walk the thin line between hope and despair (希望と絶望の僅かな隙間を歩み、見えない真実を見つけ出す) Running from the truth, but it’s already here (見つからない真実は、既に目の前にあったんだ) Told so many lies, I don't if they can find me Only one life to live, so choose wisely (いくらでも嘘をついてみろ、僕がクロを見つけられるかは分からないけど クロを間違えれば全てが終わる、なら賢い選択をしなくちゃ) Heads or tails? do you know what side you're on? does it even matter if it's on the same coin? (君はクロになるの? シロになるの? コインの表裏のようにクロもシロも同じなんだよ?) If you wanna achieve you gotta believe it's on right now (もし君が信じていることをやり遂げたいのなら、今がまさにその時だ) There's the door Here's the key (君の目の前には扉がある、君の手には鍵がある) just gotta chase the pain away let it fade away (僅かな痛みを信じて追いかけなきゃ、真実は薄れて消えてしまうけど) There's a ray of hope beyond despair (絶望の向こうにある希望の光を目指すんだ) Move on, look for the truth in this world (前を向いて歩き出せ、この世界で真実を見つけるために) Slip through the confusion, Find a solution, Beat the twisted, evil things (疑惑を論破して真相を暴き、歪んだ黒幕に打ち勝つんだ) Just do it, Go for it Never… (希望は前へ進むんだ、諦めるなんて言わないで…) don't be hopeless stay focused gotta grind every time until they're open (絶望して立ち止まっちゃダメだ、死んだ仲間達が開けてくれた扉の向こうへ進むんだ) gotta climb real high where the rope isit is written in the sky see the opus (まるで作り話のように、僕らは本当の出口を目指す) and you know this please don't lose hope (そして君は知っているハズだ、最後まで希望を失ってはいけない事を) try to progress keep your eye on the scopefor yourself or do it for your folks (僕自身やみんなの為にも、前に進まなきゃいけないんだ) dedication gotta swear the oath (皆の思いと死を引きずり、イキキルことを誓った) from this day forth stay on courseno despair gotta have a heart (どんな絶望にも惑わされない、正しき道へ進むんだ) take no loss every step costeverybody wanna see if you'll fall of (黒幕や絶望達は僕らが希望を失う様を見たがっているんだ) keep your eye on the prize been through the worst even cried on the side (みんな目を凝らしながら、最大最悪の絶望的事件に嘆き悲しんでいる) no lie never know what you will findgotta believe let's keep hope alive! (嘘か本当かは分からないけれど、希望を信じ続けるしか無いんだ!) don't throw yourself away wipe all tears away (涙を拭って、現実と向き合うんだ) even if the future seems uncertain (もしも、絶望や死の未来が待っているとしても) survive find true happiness in this world (この世界で生き残り、本当の幸せを見つけるんだ) so have a strong intention and change direction (絶望への道は進まない、強い決意を持つんだ) 'cause the sky is the limit (限界なんて無いのだから) Just do it, Go for it Never… (希望は前へ進むんだ、諦めるなんて言わないで…) break through the confusion, Find a solution, Beat the twisted, evil things (疑惑を論破して真相を暴き、歪んだ黒幕に打ち勝つんだ) Just do it, Go for it Never… (希望は前へ進むんだ、諦めるなんて言わないで…) こう見ると歌詞すごいネタバレですね
〜歌詞〜 Reality slips far away fiction comes alive, we start to play it (現実は遥か遠くへ過ぎ去り、空虚で満ちた物語が始まる) Hope is no more, behind a closed door as we drift away from where we were before (知っている場所から、何処か知らない遠くの場所へ彷徨う感じだ) Hope and hopelessness become one it's all meaningless, we've already begun (希望と絶望が一つになり、止められないコロシアイゲームが始まる) Yup, we are all one and the same never opposites, we play the same game (対立なんてしてる場合じゃないんだ。僕らは元々同じ仲間で、同じゲームをしているのだから) so I listen to the world I know right from wrong (この世界で重要なのは正義でも悪でもなく) if I can stay focused then I can stay strong (強い希望を持ち続けるのが大事だと知った) if you ever wonder why I'm trapped inside (もしも君が君自身の記憶を無くして困惑しても) it's really just because I told a pack of lies (それが事実なんだ。嘘だと言っても本当なんだよ) maybe far a dream, or maybe it was pride (これはきっと夢なんだろうと、そう思いたいけど) maybe for myself often wonder why? (どうして僕らは自らここに来たんだ?) until our very last breath we're running after life, trying to avoid death (死を目の当たりにした僕らは、最後のその時までイキキルことに必死になっている) Walk the thin line between hope and despair (希望と絶望の僅かな隙間を歩み、見えない真実を見つけ出す) Running from the truth, but it’s already here (見つからない真実は、既に目の前にあったんだ) Told so many lies, I don't if they can find me Only one life to live, so choose wisely (いくらでも嘘をついてみろ、僕がクロを見つけられるかは分からないけど) (クロを間違えれば全てが終わる、なら賢い選択をしなくちゃ) Heads or tails? do you know what side you're on? does it even matter if it's on the same coin? (君はクロになるの? シロになるの? コインの表裏のようにクロもシロも同じなんだよ?) If you wanna achieve you gotta believe it's on right now (もし君が信じていることをやり遂げたいのなら、今がまさにその時だ) There's the door Here's the key (君の目の前には扉がある、君の手には鍵がある) just gotta chase the pain away let it fade away (僅かな痛みを信じて追いかけなきゃ、真実は薄れて消えてしまうけど) There's a ray of hope beyond despair (絶望の向こうにある希望の光を目指すんだ) Move on, look for the truth in this world (前を向いて歩き出せ、この世界で真実を見つけるために) Slip through the confusion, Find a solution, Beat the twisted, evil things (疑惑を論破して真相を暴き、歪んだ黒幕に打ち勝つんだ) Just do it, Go for it Never… (希望は前へ進むんだ、諦めるなんて言わないで…) ここで1:23です!追いつけました? don't be hopeless stay focused gotta grind every time until they're open (絶望して立ち止まっちゃダメだ、死んだ仲間達が開けてくれた扉の向こうへ進むんだ) gotta climb real high where the rope isit is written in the sky see the opus (まるで作り話のように、僕らは本当の出口を目指す) and you know this please don't lose hope (そして君は知っているハズだ、最後まで希望を失ってはいけない事を) try to progress keep your eye on the scopefor yourself or do it for your folks (僕自身やみんなの為にも、前に進まなきゃいけないんだ) dedication gotta swear the oath (皆の思いと死を引きずり、イキキルことを誓った) from this day forth stay on courseno despair gotta have a heart (どんな絶望にも惑わされない、正しき道へ進むんだ) take no loss every step costeverybody wanna see if you'll fall of (黒幕や絶望達は僕らが希望を失う様を見たがっているんだ) keep your eye on the prize been through the worst even cried on the side (みんな目を凝らしながら、最大最悪の絶望的事件に嘆き悲しんでいる) no lie never know what you will findgotta believe let's keep hope alive! (嘘か本当かは分からないけれど、希望を信じ続けるしか無いんだ!) don't throw yourself away wipe all tears away (涙を拭って、現実と向き合うんだ) even if the future seems uncertain (もしも、絶望や死の未来が待っているとしても) survive find true happiness in this world (この世界で生き残り、本当の幸せを見つけるんだ) so have a strong intention and change direction (絶望への道は進まない、強い決意を持つんだ) 'cause the sky is the limit (限界なんて無いのだから) Just do it, Go for it Never… (希望は前へ進むんだ、諦めるなんて言わないで…) break through the confusion, Find a solution, Beat the twisted, evil things (疑惑を論破して真相を暴き、歪んだ黒幕に打ち勝つんだ) Just do it, Go for it na na na na na… (希望は前へ進むんだ、諦めるなんて言わないで…) これはコピペしてきました〜…! 参考元:ameblo.jp/taisetunamonohamienikui/entry-11769818159.html
歌詞 和訳 reality slips far away (現実は遠くへ過ぎ去り) fiction comes alive, we start to play it (フィクションで満ちて、僕らはそれをプレイし始める) hope is no more, behind a closed door (希望はもうここにはない、閉ざされた扉の向こうなんだ) as we drift away from where we were before (前いた場所から遠くへさまよっているみたいに) hope and hopelessness become one (希望と絶望が一つになる) it’s all meaningless, we’ve already begun (何もかもが無意味、もうゲームは始まってしまった) yup, we are all one and the same (そう、僕たちはみんな同じなんだ) never opposites, we play the same game (対立なんてしてる場合じゃない、みんな同じゲームをプレイしてるんだから) walk the thin line between hope and despair (希望と絶望の間の細い道を歩く) running from the truth, but it’s already here (真実から逃げているようで、でもそれはすでにここにある) told so many lies, I dunno if they can find me (たくさん嘘をついてみろ、彼らが僕を見つけられるかなんてわからない) only one life to live, so choose wisely (人生は一度きり、なら賢い選択をしよう) heads or tails, do you even know the side you’re on? (表か裏か、君は今自分がどっちにいるかわかる?) doesn’t really matter if it’s on the same coin (どっちかなんて大した問題じゃない、同じコインなんだから) if you wanna achieve you gotta believe (もし君が信じてることをやり遂げたいなら) it’s on right now (今がまさにその時だ) there’s the door,here’s the key (君の前には扉がある、君の手には鍵がある) the search is so very long, we let it fade away (捜索はとても長く、僕らはその鍵を見失うかもしれないけど) there’s a ray of hope beyond despair (絶望の向こうに希望の光がある) move on, look for the truth (動き出せ、真実を探すんだ) in this world (この世界で) (such dedication comes through only once) (道を切り拓くチャンスは一度だけ) slip through the confusion, find a solution (混乱をすり抜け答えを見つけるんだ) beat the twisted evil things (歪んだ悪いヤツらに打ち勝つんだ) just do it, go for it (ただそれだけを、やり遂げるために) Never… (負けない、絶対に・・・) slip through the confusion, find a solution (混乱をすり抜け答えを見つけるんだ) beat the twisted evil things (歪んだ悪いヤツらに打ち勝つんだ) just do it, go for it (ただそれだけを、やり遂げるために) Never… (負けない、絶対に・・・)
【For Learning this song (For SmartPhone)】 Reality slips far away fiction comes alive, we start to play it Hope is no more, behind a closed door as we drift away from where we were before Hope and hopelessness become one it's all meaningless, we've already begun Yup, we are all one and the same never opposites, we play the same game so I listen to the world I know right from wrong if I can stay focused then I can stay strong if you ever wonder why I'm trapped inside it's really just because I told a pack of lies maybe far a dream, or maybe it was pride maybe for myself often wonder why? until our very last breath we're running after life, trying to avoid death Walk the thin line between hope and despair Running from the truth, but it’s already here Told so many lies, I don't if they can find me Only one life to live, so choose wisely Heads or tails? do you know what side you're on? does it even matter if it's on the same coin? If you wanna achieve you gotta believe it's on right nowThere's the door Here's the key just gotta chase the pain away let it fade away There's a ray of hope beyond despair Move on, look for the truth in this world Slip through the confusion, Find a solution, Beat the twisted, evil things Just do it, Go for it Never… don't be hopeless stay focused gotta grind every time until they're open gotta climb real high where the rope is it is written in the sky see the opus and you know this please don't lose hope try to progress keep your eye on the scope for yourself or do it for your folks dedication gotta swear the oath from this day forth stay on courseno despair gotta have a heart take no loss every step cost everybody wanna see if you'll fall of keep your eye on the prize been through the worst even cried on the side no lie never know what you will find gotta believe let's keep hope alive! don't throw yourself away wipe all tears away even if the future seems uncertain survive find true happiness in this world so have a strong intention and change direction 'cause the sky is the limit Just do it, Go for it Never… break through the confusion, Find a solution, Beat the twisted, evil things Just do it, Go for it Never…
Reality slips far away fiction comes alive, we start to play it
Hope is no more, behind a closed door as we drift away from where we were before
Hope and hopelessness become one it's all meaningless, we've already begun
Yup, we are all one and the same never opposites, we play the same game
so I listen to the world I know right from wrong
if I can stay focused then I can stay strong
if you ever wonder why I'm trapped inside
it's really just because I told a pack of lies
maybe far a dream, or maybe it was pride
maybe for myself often wonder why?
until our very last breath we're running after life, trying to avoid death
Walk the thin line between hope and despair
Running from the truth, but it’s already here
Told so many lies, I don't if they can find me Only one life to live, so choose wisely
Heads or tails? do you know what side you're on? does it even matter if it's on the same coin?
(君はクロになるの? シロになるの?
If you wanna achieve you gotta believe it's on right now
There's the door Here's the key
just gotta chase the pain away let it fade away
There's a ray of hope beyond despair
Move on, look for the truth in this world
Slip through the confusion, Find a solution, Beat the twisted, evil things
Just do it, Go for it Never…
don't be hopeless stay focused gotta grind every time until they're open
gotta climb real high where the rope isit is written in the sky see the opus
and you know this please don't lose hope
try to progress keep your eye on the scopefor yourself or do it for your folks
dedication gotta swear the oath
from this day forth stay on courseno despair gotta have a heart
take no loss every step costeverybody wanna see if you'll fall of
keep your eye on the prize been through the worst even cried on the side
no lie never know what you will findgotta believe let's keep hope alive!
don't throw yourself away wipe all tears away
even if the future seems uncertain
survive find true happiness in this world
so have a strong intention and change direction
'cause the sky is the limit
Just do it, Go for it Never…
break through the confusion, Find a solution, Beat the twisted, evil things
Just do it, Go for it Never…
今更なんだが、歌詞の下から5段落(?)のところhave so a strongな気がする
上から8行目のit's really just because I told a pack of lies
もう ダンガンロンパ大好き
Reality slips far away fiction comes alive, we start to play it
Hope is no more, behind a closed door as we drift away from where we were before
Hope and hopelessness become one it's all meaningless, we've already begun
Yup, we are all one and the same never opposites, we play the same game
so I listen to the world I know right from wrong
if I can stay focused then I can stay strong
if you ever wonder why I'm trapped inside
it's really just because I told a pack of lies
maybe far a dream, or maybe it was pride
maybe for myself often wonder why?
until our very last breath we're running after life, trying to avoid death
Walk the thin line between hope and despair
Running from the truth, but it’s already here
Told so many lies, I don't if they can find me Only one life to live, so choose wisely
Heads or tails? do you know what side you're on? does it even matter if it's on the same coin?
(君はクロになるの? シロになるの?
If you wanna achieve you gotta believe it's on right now
There's the door Here's the key
just gotta chase the pain away let it fade away
There's a ray of hope beyond despair
Move on, look for the truth in this world
Slip through the confusion, Find a solution, Beat the twisted, evil things
Just do it, Go for it Never…
don't be hopeless stay focused gotta grind every time until they're open
gotta climb real high where the rope isit is written in the sky see the opus
and you know this please don't lose hope
try to progress keep your eye on the scopefor yourself or do it for your folks
dedication gotta swear the oath
from this day forth stay on courseno despair gotta have a heart
take no loss every step costeverybody wanna see if you'll fall of
keep your eye on the prize been through the worst even cried on the side
no lie never know what you will findgotta believe let's keep hope alive!
don't throw yourself away wipe all tears away
even if the future seems uncertain
survive find true happiness in this world
so have a strong intention and change direction
'cause the sky is the limit
Just do it, Go for it Never…
break through the confusion, Find a solution, Beat the twisted, evil things
Just do it, Go for it
na na na na na…
@@LilySR00 草
reality slips far away
fiction comes alive, we start to play it
hope is no more, behind a closed door
as we drift away from where we were before
hope and hopelessness become one
it’s all meaningless, we’ve already begun
yup, we are all one and the same
never opposites, we play the same game
walk the thin line between hope and despair
running from the truth, but it’s already here
told so many lies, I dunno if they can find me
only one life to live, so choose wisely
heads or tails, do you even know the side you’re on?
doesn’t really matter if it’s on the same coin
if you wanna achieve you gotta believe
it’s on right now
there’s the door,here’s the key
the search is so very long, we let it fade away
there’s a ray of hope beyond despair
move on, look for the truth
in this world
(such dedication comes through only once)
slip through the confusion, find a solution
beat the twisted evil things
just do it, go for it
slip through the confusion, find a solution
beat the twisted evil things
just do it, go for it
たま めちゃくちゃすぎww
@@カタール人-o6p ほならね
カタール人 じゃあ書けば?
カタール人 お前が1番アホ晒してるよwww
when i hear the chorus i always remember the bear dirty dancing in the op lol
田中祐平 ですよねー
2:21 システムキッチン加湿でオープン♫
Love the anime and this music too~~
as someone who watched this anime and played almost all the games, i can declare that this is the best anime/ visual novel (in my opinion)
eh i kinda like kimi ga shine better. i feel like it has a bit of a better storyline and more consistency. but this song slaps tho
Sore wa chigau yo*
N O T H A T ' S W R O N G
No, that’s wrong!
Sounds like a song straight out of a Persona game xD
Persona 2 or 3
Love the vocals, love the song
You liked the Anime? Be sure to play the game, it's perfect!
It doesn't have this song though.
sound perfect
Cette opening est juste ...... exelent !! *-*
damn, i fucking love this song xD
1:22 フルで初めてきいたけどここからカッコよすぎやろw
This is awesome!
That's right!
I've been trying to find the full version of this without the lyrics on screen !
【For Learning this song (For SmartPhone)】
Reality slips far away
fiction comes alive, we start to play it
Hope is no more, behind a closed door
as we drift away from where we were before
Hope and hopelessness become one
it's all meaningless, we've already begun
Yup, we are all one and the same
never opposites, we play the same game
so I listen to the world I know right from wrong
if I can stay focused then I can stay strong
if you ever wonder why I'm trapped inside
it's really just because I told a pack of lies
maybe far a dream, or maybe it was pride
maybe for myself often wonder why?
until our very last breath
we're running after life, trying to avoid death
Walk the thin line between hope and despair
Running from the truth, but it’s already here
Told so many lies, I don't if they can find me
Only one life to live, so choose wisely
Heads or tails? do you know what side you're on?
does it even matter if it's on the same coin?
If you wanna achieve you gotta believe
it's on right nowThere's the door Here's the key
just gotta chase the pain away let it fade away
There's a ray of hope beyond despair
Move on, look for the truth in this world
Slip through the confusion, Find a solution,
Beat the twisted, evil things
Just do it, Go for it Never…
don't be hopeless stay focused
gotta grind every time until they're open
gotta climb real high where the rope is
it is written in the sky see the opus
and you know this please don't lose hope
try to progress keep your eye on the scope
for yourself or do it for your folks
dedication gotta swear the oath
from this day forth stay
on courseno despair gotta have a
heart take no loss every step
cost everybody wanna see if you'll fall
of keep your eye on the prize
been through the worst even cried on the side
no lie never know what you will find
gotta believe let's keep hope alive!
don't throw yourself away wipe all tears away
even if the future seems uncertain
survive find true happiness in this world
so have a strong intention and change direction
'cause the sky is the limit
Just do it, Go for it Never…
break through the confusion, Find a solution,
Beat the twisted, evil things
Just do it, Go for it Never…
*insert dancing monokuma*
フルバージョンがapple musicにない…😢
taipon〆 NOMA ダンガンロンパのアニメ糞だったよゲームはすごい面白いけど
seed flower
三年後から失礼┏o ペコリン
@@seedflower6092 楽しんでる人にわざわざ不快感与えるような自己主張押し付けてる時点で糞なのはお前の湧いた頭だろ笑
Beautiful song
1:55 wait lol I just realised that years later, they speak french here
Why can I still see Monokuma dancing-
Reality Slips Far Away
Fiction Comes Alive We start to play It
Hope is no more behind a closed door
As we drift away from where we were before
Simplesmente incrivel ❤
😢When i watched the anime i didnt notice the opening song at all, now at teenage years
L'espoir d'un homme fait le désespoir d'un autre ... LOOOL NON SRX ON LE SAVAIS PAS XDDDDDDDDDD
Why does this feel like a persona 4 song....
*Insert starting to simp for Celeste *
lucky become hope .... hope able to see how it happen.
S NC 何回も押せたらの話ですけど僕も1000回ぐらい押したいです‼
Ohhh voice française :3
2 Years later since I like DR, if you’re new.. ScaPe WhIle YoU CaN, This cOnsUmEs YoU aLiVe
Too late
作詞 : 小高和剛
/西田恵美 / Marchitect / JasMace / Tribeca
作・編曲 : 高田雅史
歌 : TKDz2b
Is that junko's voice mumbling at about 1:55?
It’s in French
why dont we make full video of this song
we cut wonderfull sense in anime and combie it ^^ what do guy think
0:52 0:52
0:52 0:52
what is fuki and zoku?
fuki is 風紀委員 fukiiin
A student in charge of discipline
zoku is 暴走族 Bōsōzoku
Motorcycle gang