IMRB 2021 - Robert Podolski - 2RHP - Poland - ReSys: Hazardous Area Wireless Communication System

  • Опубликовано: 19 окт 2021
  • 2RHP
    ReSys, is an independent wireless communication system fully compatible with any local solution (wires, optical). It is our answer to mining catastrophes like Sago Mine 2006 or Polish Krupinski Mine 2011.
    ReSys main elements are: personal communicators, repeaters, Fresh Air Base managing unit - the commander tool, fiber optic converters and software. System covers communication between rescuers, rescue teams and commander of rescue operation. It’s supported by software apps.
    Presentation shows samples of possible network topology based on repeaters installed during rescue team penetration route, forming rescue network nods, dependent on different mine’s structure. ReSys was used in rescue training works in Poland (coal, copper), and tested in situ in RSA and Australia mines. ReSys is a handy solution supported by features that make system unique: it’s handsfree system - radio transmission is automatically
    activated by Voice Activity Detection Algorithm. It is full duplex and even allows conference call communication. At default configuration all users within the same team can hear each other. Repeaters, retransmit received IP packets. Distance between repeaters depends on radio propagation conditions. Because of underground obstacles (sealings, pillars), or very confine spaces of drifts/shafts it differs from 50 to 150 m, sometimes to 400 m. Practically we need 15 repeaters to cover 2 km route. Repeaters are equipped with media converter that allows connecting to fibre optic lines. ReSys allows live stream tracking of rescuers positions and their life functions. Large number of repeaters does not impact on network bandwidth.

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