Why Did God Tell Hosea To Marry A Prostitute (Biblical Stories Explained)

  • Опубликовано: 19 июл 2022
  • ►Speech is completely original and produced exclusively by Grace Digital Network
    ►Music licensed through Artlist.io
    ►Footage licensed through Filmpac.com and Storyblocks
    ►Animation: Tina Davidson
    ►Writer: David Kolawole
    All scripture animations are derived from the King James Bible (KJB) or simply the Authorized Version (AV)
    Our purpose, when making these videos, is to make quality educational motivational videos and share these with our viewers.
    Note: We own copyright to the footages and background music used in this video.
    Title: Why Did God Tell Hosea To Marry A Prostitute (Biblical Stories Explained)
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    Our work is original and drastically rearranged with unique editing to bring the best from the message. Creative effects are added to highlight certain areas in the message. when there are two or more speakers it is done in a conversational manner meaning they complete each other sentences while staying on topic, intermittent sampling is also applied.

Комментарии • 564

  • @debragreer8210
    @debragreer8210 2 года назад +455

    Amen, In order for Hosea to understand the love God had for the Israelites, he had to experience betrayal, from a self-indulging and carnal wife. The Israelite and Gomer had to face hardships before realizing how disobedient cause blessings to be forfeited, it's obvious that the pleasure of sin and greed is mankind downfall, I thank God for the blood of Jesus Christ that saved my life, calling me to see the light, the Bible is a profound book, I am amaze how these biblical stories and modern day living, is evident that mankind behavior has not changed🙌❤️

    • @smallerthanagrainofsand9008
      @smallerthanagrainofsand9008 2 года назад

      you're right in fact mankind corruption has now reached its peak, and God 6 000 year management plan is coming to an end, thank God the Lord said He would return and would not keep silent because more truth has to be revealed in the last days.
      *I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. 13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. 14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.* (John 16:12-14)
      revelation 14:6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
      Matthew 24:14 *And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.*

    • @truth3207
      @truth3207 2 года назад +11

      Thank You for the information GOD BLESS

    • @donnalowe9334
      @donnalowe9334 Год назад +5

      Hosea became Joshua - Yahshua - Yasha - Jesus..
      Whom HE later on, also SAVED a Lady from stoning to death, while they ignored the man involved. He saved a Lady they condemned.
      Shows ALL are UNDER the Rainbow when SAVED.
      Question IS -
      Would Mary HIS mother of GRACE, ever consider embarrassing another family in their home by asking Her SON to provide better wine at their wedding?
      OR - was that in the home of Mary - at a WEDDING ?
      Who was the LADY HE saved that day -
      when He wrote in the sand and ALL the men fled from what HE wrote?
      History repeats itself some times ?

    • @samory5399
      @samory5399 Год назад +16

      @@donnalowe9334 non believers can twist the scriptures all they want one thing is for sure, Christ means incarnation of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is God Himself and He once came as Jesus not to get married and have an ordinary life such as man but so could become the sin offering for man’s sin and it is written that returns for a final time into flesh as the Almighty for the work of judgement. So wether He works from the Spirit as He did as Yawyeh in the Age of Law or in the flesh as Jesus in the Age of Grace or as the Almighty for the end time work, He is not corruptible by satan.

    • @donnalowe9334
      @donnalowe9334 Год назад +2

      That is your opinion. You have every right to choose. I respect your FREEDOM to choose. The ACTUALITY is different. Believe it or not.
      I realize the scriptures are only for humans and DO NOT APPLY to those from HEAVEN who are here because they are MASTERS who show THE WAY to ascend.
      The CREATION of mankind was a sharing of DNA ESSENCE from the FAMILY of HEAVEN with those here to jump them forward, to escalate us.
      MASTERS cannot be put into a box - as you are wont to do. AS IF - our rules in any way were to be applied to THEM. And you somehow perceive HE could not even be allowed the same privileges - AS YOU in life? So, in your thought process He deserves LESS than even YOU? wow - do you even see what you are saying? ARE YOU then CONTROLLING the MASTER? It seems so to me...
      Isn't it the other way around in ACTUALITY ?
      Upside-down and backwards seems to be your train of thought.
      ARE YOU then THE CREATOR yourself?

  • @comfortokure8334
    @comfortokure8334 Год назад +63

    Now, I understand what the Book of Hosea is all about. May God help us to be faithful to Him in Jesus Name 🙏

    • @Bosby7
      @Bosby7 Год назад

      Read Hosea 2 the land of Gomer Galicia Ukraine

    • @bruceolga3644
      @bruceolga3644 Год назад

      Ewe huemans should be aware that eve took the rib of Adam after she had taken the serpents 🐍

  • @Jesusfreak322
    @Jesusfreak322 Год назад +202

    This is the book God led me to when I wanted to give up on my marriage, and it completely changed my outlook ❤️✝️ My husband felt different and went through with a divorce. But God has been there with me every single step of the way! His love IS unconditional! ❤️✝️

    • @leonardmuriuki7223
      @leonardmuriuki7223 Год назад +1


    • @inconnu4961
      @inconnu4961 Год назад +12

      No respectable man wants to have ANYTHING to do with an unfaithful wife. Once unfaithful, always unfaithful! Israel shows this to be the case! I dont know your situation, so I wont tell you what you are or are not, but be advised that if you were unfaithful, then your husband put you away as the Bible made allowance for. It's sad that sinfulness has consequences, but such is life!

    • @Jesusfreak322
      @Jesusfreak322 Год назад +55

      @@inconnu4961 who do you think you are?! Laying blame without knowing ANYTHING about me? I felt like giving up because HE cheated on me and then became mentally AND physically abusive. Is that good enough for you? Is THAT a good enough reason to "think" about divorce??? Unbelievable. Check your heart! Check your entire system! Who does this???

    • @donnalowe9334
      @donnalowe9334 Год назад +1

      You went through what so many have faced.
      Men never see their own delusion and sins - blame it all on the female - to gaslight - whatever ! To AVOID their own sins.
      IT is a given they blame the Ladies for everything.
      ASSUME it is the always the females fault is the way they trip around things ..they back up each other - no matter what..lol...
      Bless you and yours...i am sure you were good at all the things, but men are fickled and do not love self enough - to even care about their seed.
      They sleep around with anything ..and wonder why 85 % of them wind up with the germies/ bugs - to have prostate cancer. Epic std's = an all time high.
      They were taught young to not be tender or care about self even = shut down emotion's which they never tried to FIX.. If we do not love our self we have nada - nothing - to give to another person. They are not RESPONSIBLE = grown up = peter pans who should live in their parent's basements.
      Father will see you through.
      Most of them look at the woman in the story and DO NOT SEE IT IS THEM - the story is ABOUT them.
      They make it about bad women or feminists - not men who CHEAT THE MASTER by sinning all the time against HIM !
      WE ARE ALL HER ! We all have fallen short.
      A strong person sees their faults and TRY to FIX them.
      NOT make up excuses or blame someone else.
      FIG LEAVES are the EGO !
      EGO is - fake, fraud - facade - a lie - a covering to hide sins. Pretense.
      You seem solid to me ! Just walk in beauty as you go and show your grace to others as The WAY ! LOVE is the answer. Bless and love my Sister..
      YOU deserved better ...VOWS ought to matter. Better off with the cheat long gone -
      they only bring home bad germies to share for dis-eases!
      Noticed that no apology was given to you for the wrong assumptions . wow.

    • @joseluisespinoza1936
      @joseluisespinoza1936 Год назад +4

      God is Good. Praise Jesus!

  • @cassandraralph5906
    @cassandraralph5906 Год назад +69

    God is extremely good at speaking to His people in a way that they actually are able to understand, if they are willing to stop and listen, and then interpret correctly, and then the most important part, actually applying/obeying His message to ourselves appropriately and completely. We need to train ourselves to be able to do that, with God's grace and help. Thank you for your well thought out and explained messages regarding the Bible, and God, and ourselves as well. Well done indeed again! 👏

  • @beautyfromashes8775
    @beautyfromashes8775 Год назад +26

    9:34 , these are great examples to understand God. I will admit that when my children act out, or are stubborn or rebellious, I immediately stop and consider how God feels towards us, his children. It teaches me how he loves his children even through our rebelliousness and stubbornness, and when we need correction, he provides it not only as a punishment sometimes, but also out of love. Yes, in the punishment there is love, because like the scripture says, if you do not correct your children, you don’t love them.

    • @honkytonkinson9787
      @honkytonkinson9787 Год назад +4

      A fool despises wisdom, so a parent who doesn’t discipline the child is a fool and doesn’t care if the child is also a fool. If someone makes effort to discipline you, that person thinks that you’re worth the effort, doesn’t think you’re a fool, because of love.

  • @linw8483
    @linw8483 Год назад +53

    God is so deep. To understand His ways is indeed a direct blessing. Amen❤

  • @spaceranger7683
    @spaceranger7683 Год назад +24

    Gomer was a great early example of the sinfulness of feminism. She disregarded God word about marriage, family, and sexual conduct so she could make her own money, follow her selfish lusts, and feel "strong and independent." This sinful ideology destroys marriages, promotes division among the sexes, stokes sinful pride, leads to rampant sexual immorality, and shortchanges many children out of the benefits of having a devoted (i.e. not self-absorbed/self-justifying) mother. We should all pray that God lifts the curse of feminism off of our culture.

    • @TriciaRP
      @TriciaRP Год назад +9

      This is me. I should have stopped. I dive back into flesh and sin. I don't feel the HOLY GHOST and feel was attacked and didn't listen. Please pray. I am sick of my own waste and hurt. Nobody should have to sin or get this way after being born again PERIOD. I was sold lies and not battling. Please pray. I needed SERIOUS CONVICTION AND FULLY converted. I would not have thrown my soul into hell and keep doing evil that destroy me. Why would this happen! Please God take me back

    • @spaceranger7683
      @spaceranger7683 Год назад +3

      Amen. The Godly sorrow we have for our sins stands in such stark contrast to the World. Praying for you!

    • @inconnu4961
      @inconnu4961 Год назад

      @@TriciaRP Wow such honesty you share! It would be an honor and privilege to pray for you! You have my solemn word that I will pray for you! Kindly pray for me also, as LORD Hashem has much to be disappointed in me as well! May the GOOD LORD restore us both into right fellowship with Himself!

    • @donnalowe9334
      @donnalowe9334 Год назад +4

      Dear Heart - the Story is ABOUT US as EACH of us HAVE cheated HIM -
      who LOVED us to HIS death.
      We are EACH = her - Gomer.
      You are one of all of us. WE all FELL SHORT! We are all Gomer !
      Anyone who says otherwise is a liar.
      Not one of us made the cut.
      Please pray for all of us in your sweetest grace, humility - real honesty.

    • @ugliestart8265
      @ugliestart8265 7 месяцев назад

      The main point is that the marriage was an example, of how god loves us even though we are sometimes carnal and selfish and arent always obedient or sin too. Which can be a woman or a man.

  • @joeseczulaica3053
    @joeseczulaica3053 2 года назад +37

    There is no one or anything that can take the place of JESUS in my life He is the only one that knows my ❤️ I love you Jesus , And thank you Jesus for everything you did for me and everything you went through and everything that the world did to you to try to stop you from carrying my cross Thank you Jesus

  • @tajuanahwilson8803
    @tajuanahwilson8803 Год назад +28

    Excellent teaching, I loved it , and wanted more of this book I’m scripture, May the Lord bless you continuously in His word for you to share with World !

  • @flaziblaz
    @flaziblaz 2 года назад +29

    amen. that was pure gold. i read hosea but didn't really understand the full impact until now.

  • @wwjalwys9208
    @wwjalwys9208 2 года назад +11

    We are all drowning
    Reaching out our hands
    Praying God will forgive us
    God bless us with Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.

    • @deeveevideos
      @deeveevideos 2 месяца назад

      1 Timothy 4:10 - The New International Version (NIV)
      10 That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.
      1 Cor 15:22
      for even as in Adam all die, so also in the Christ all shall be made alive
      1 John 2:2
      New International Version
      2 He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.

  • @nellyashley2678
    @nellyashley2678 Год назад +22

    Woow this so beautiful...I've come to understand the true meaning of love ...and what God means when he says that he loves truly God is loving ,caring and faithful....i was worried that i haven't read so many stories concerning Gods servant buh thenks to this channel it has made it easier for me when it comes to old testament teaching..y'all be blessed

  • @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676
    @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676 Год назад +3

    Proverbs 26:11
    As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.
    2 Timothy 3:4
    Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

  • @Pray4urenemies2day
    @Pray4urenemies2day Год назад +10

    I've strayed from the Lord and it is terrible 😔 it becomes chaotic depressing sleepless and I give thanks to our Father in heaven for taking me back because I was so lost and now He gives me everything I need I pray and He answers God has truly blessed me and I pray that God blesses with all of you in Jesus's Name 🙏 I know it's hard to have faith sometimes but stand fast remember the information in the Bible is for us and in a lot of ways that is a manual on how to live our lives. And if you don't know how God did certain things that seem just remember he did them and we don't have to know how we just have to have faith and love love love love love each other

  • @janicepedroli7403
    @janicepedroli7403 2 года назад +34

    So Hoses would know how God felt about His people. God felt his people were unfaithful from the proposal of His covenant with him.
    They had 3 children. She left Hoses for Other men.
    He hunted her down. Brought her home. Made her be celibate for a while.
    Then he took her to the place of their first sex and loved her again.
    This is how God wants us to try to be. It also helps us understand the anger and disappointments God has with us.

    • @drewfurness4014
      @drewfurness4014 2 года назад


    • @criessmiles3620
      @criessmiles3620 2 года назад

      U want us to care ?
      Cheers from west Africa

    • @davoncole7859
      @davoncole7859 2 года назад +1

      @Tia P yes it speaks of being delivered and if one returns back to what God saved them from then they will be entangled worse then before . But keep on fighting setting your mind on God. In his perfect timing he will heal you. But remain obedient until he reapproach you and give you comfort.

    • @TriciaRP
      @TriciaRP Год назад

      @Ashanti c I am In sin and the holy Spirit which I took for granted Grieved and left me I said something bad and did horrible after getting rebaptize. Fornication drinking with demons and spirits I didn't know at the time. And sick. My body feel breakdown and decay. Bleeding bad below and my inside feel like rot or something eating my flesh. Please pray I didn't mean this a
      Didn't take THE HOLY GHOST SERIOUSLY. been so deceived. Need healing and help

    • @emeralddragongaming2930
      @emeralddragongaming2930 Год назад

      @@TriciaRP Go to a hospital immediately, but now with a faith in your heart there is a verse in bible for us who have sinned, to fall in a doctor's hands .
      I hope you are all right

  • @tonytackett2885
    @tonytackett2885 Год назад +6

    The parallels with my life are unbelievable . The suffering was and is predictable . The narrow path is well lit . The law is simplified to only 10 commandments . Everything outside of these law's comes with costs and consequences . Repent , Reprove and pray for guidance .

  • @aprilhottinger
    @aprilhottinger Год назад +3

    Straying from GOD brought hell right in my forefront it was a grave mistake
    Now I have to live with gangstalking and prove myself worthy to THE GREAT I AM till I die
    Take heed
    If you turn yo back on GOD YOUR LIFE WILL BE A FIGHT TILL DEATH
    It's best to live holy
    Because YAH is holy

  • @kristacoleman4712
    @kristacoleman4712 9 месяцев назад +2

    I'm preparing for a bible study on the book of Hosea. This video was extremely insightful as to what the deeper meaning is, and the background given was super helpful. I took lots of notes! Thank you.

  • @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676
    @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676 Год назад +5

    Matthew 24:12
    And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

  • @Jacore1000
    @Jacore1000 2 года назад +15

    Niggalations 14:28...
    “From the streets did she emerge, and to the streets she will return. And I say unto you, she is for the streets. So be not weary, when she must return from whence she came.”😆🤣

    • @sarabee7710
      @sarabee7710 Год назад +3

      Lol 😂😂😂
      Stop it!!!

    • @inconnu4961
      @inconnu4961 Год назад +3

      @@sarabee7710 LOL I know, we are trying to be serious here!

    • @letsgo475
      @letsgo475 Год назад

      Have some respect for God, don't make up verses and crack jokes. The words of God are not something you add or subtract from and they are not something to laugh about. Lack of respect for God is exactly what the people in hosea's day were doing just like hosea's wife. Which is exactly why God had to punish them. Again the bible is the word of God, you shouldn't be mixing profainitly in it or making up stuff just to have a quick laugh. Don't play with God! Because he will hold you accountable for it like he did to people in hosea's time.

    • @ihnmefgfu16428
      @ihnmefgfu16428 Год назад +1

      Lol, if you had slept with many women, you're no one to judge. Only difference is that you didn't get paid

  • @carolyndarling1281
    @carolyndarling1281 Год назад +8

    God decided to put Hosea's in his shoes so there would be an understanding of how he feels.

  • @kasujjamathias8059
    @kasujjamathias8059 Год назад +5

    Even today God saves folks like drunkards,drug addicts, prostitutes etc and gives them a holy matrimony.His ways are not our ways...(Isaiah 55:8).

  • @brendaleverick3655
    @brendaleverick3655 2 года назад +9

    It seems like it's always the best people who get treated the worst.

  • @modanpaleng3721
    @modanpaleng3721 Год назад +10

    Truly this video has encouraged me a lot and strengthened my faith.All praises and Glory to God Almighty the Lord of Israel our God, my God ,my Jesus, sweetest Saviour and all powerful God.Amen.Thanlk you so much for this beautiful video.👌👍💗🙏

  • @brandic1630
    @brandic1630 2 года назад +17

    He had him Mary Gomer because history repeats itself, now this shows forgiveness, mercy, unconditional love.
    This show that God sees favor in a person having these qualities.

  • @francisdoss8642
    @francisdoss8642 Год назад +4

    This is certainly a heavy dose from the Old Testament, Book of Hosea...Always wondered...Just like in the "I believe...": ..."He descended to the dead & on the 3rd day rose again..." Why should Jesus, that too JESUS, go down to hell...!!! Sometime later, at a biblical discussion, I came to know that Jesus Our Lord, had to redeem the sinners first and then take them to Heaven...Thank you GDN...Love the lessons...We need Your Grace Our Father...Amen.

  • @felipemartinez-qs5sh
    @felipemartinez-qs5sh 2 года назад +34

    Because that's how Jeho vah The Father feels with religions that completely ignores him and he wants us to understand him in human terms.

    • @felipemartinez-qs5sh
      @felipemartinez-qs5sh 2 года назад +2

      @pyropulse correct depending on the language, the one who resurrected his son Jesus in other words, feel those religions that ignores him are like prostitutes.
      Acts 5:30 Peter apostles of Jesus said:
      The God of our forefathers raised up Jesus,
      Acts 3:13
      The God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob, the God of our forefathers, has glorified his Son and Servant, Jesus
      Exodus 6:3
      King James Bible
      And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH (YHWH) was I not known to them.

    • @Bryle_
      @Bryle_ 2 года назад

      Our God has many names, even in the Revelations, God will have a name that only he knows the meaning.

    • @laurahinojosa2973
      @laurahinojosa2973 2 года назад +2

      ​@@Bryle_ Hebrews 2:12 as Jesus says: “I will declare YOUR NAME to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation I will praise you with song.” 13 And again: “I will put my trust in him.” And again: “Look! I and the young children, whom Jehovah GAVE ME.
      Psalm 22:22 I will declare YOUR NAME TO MY BROTHERS; In the midst of the congregation I will praise you. Isaiah 8:8 (..) O Im·manʹu·el!.. 18 Look! I and the children whom Jehovah HAS GIVEN ME are as signs and as miracles in Israel from Jehovah of armies, who resides on Mount Zion.
      John 17: 25 Jesus praying: Righteous Father, the world has, indeed, not come to know you, but I know you, and these have come to know that you sent me. 26 Jesus said: I have made YOUR NAME KNOW and will make it known, so that the love with which YOU LOVED ME may be in them and I in union with them.”

    • @DatkidDon
      @DatkidDon 2 года назад +1

      The name of the Father is Jesus. John 17:6 Jesus Christ (God in the flesh) showed us how to pray. Jesus Christ prayed and said ..." I have manifested THY NAME unto the men you have given me". What name did the Son of God manifest? Jesus. Acts 4:12 neither is their salvation in any other name.
      Jesus is the name of the Father and of The Son and of The Holy Ghost.
      Jesus said I am come in my Father's name. Meaning the same name He bares is the same name of His Father (the Holy Spirt).
      Yes the Holy Spirit is the Father. God is a Spirit and He is Holy. He overshadowed Mary and she conceived. That makes the Holy SPIRIT the Father.

    • @laurahinojosa2973
      @laurahinojosa2973 2 года назад

      @@DatkidDon Acts 4:30 Peter and John praying to who?
      while you stretch out your hand for healing and while signs and wonders occur through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”
      Acts 4:27
      For truly both Herod and Pontius Pilate with men of the nations and with peoples of Israel were gathered together in this city against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed,

  • @lamminlalvaiphei6269
    @lamminlalvaiphei6269 Год назад +5

    That was great massages to encourage today's Christian how to live like a bribe in the true love of our Lord Jesus Christ 🙏

  • @DatkidDon
    @DatkidDon 2 года назад +9

    I pray here that someone will give their life to Christ by repenting of their sins and is baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and filled with His Holy Spirit. We are living in a dark world and the truth is hid in these hours. Be encouraged, endure to the end and we shall be saved. Live in a state of repentance, keep calling on the name of the Lord, seek the kingdom and die to this world daily. Be blessed everyone.

    • @13kimosabi13
      @13kimosabi13 2 года назад

      Sadly, you don't rightly divide (as 2 Tim 2:15 kvj says you should) and so you spew comments that aren't correct. You have the WRONG GOSPEL. You have the WRONG AGE. And you have the WRONG DISPOSITION. SMH. Hard to be encouraged when you deceive yourself with scriptures not meant ==> TO YOU. Wake Up !

    • @inconnu4961
      @inconnu4961 Год назад +2

      Amen! Thank you for this prayer!

    • @TriciaRP
      @TriciaRP Год назад +1

      Please pray for me. Help intercede. I lost everything faith and vitality. I kept Reading wrong things and bad attitude. I got back into world and SINNING. I seriously want God and the holy Spirit back and healed. I was so deceived an now I feel cut and spit out for immorality. Please pray and help. Can someone help
      I got Rebaptize and back into worst I push God away and didn't mean to. He told. Me let world go. I am lost and SPIRITUALLY not well body decay feel Seriously I'll. Please be I need help.

    • @DatkidDon
      @DatkidDon Год назад +1

      @@TriciaRP sis what state are you in we may have deliverance ministers in your state.

  • @luciparadise6781
    @luciparadise6781 2 года назад +5

    Folks haven't gotten any smarter. 😕🤦🏻‍♀️ Repent and let's all hop on the narrow path.

  • @temi-twistedzones
    @temi-twistedzones Год назад +2

    Wow! Tyvm God bless all who listen and Praise God! Hugs ♥ 🤗

  • @nancyallen628
    @nancyallen628 Год назад +2

    Thank you for posting this

  • @ofmeijers
    @ofmeijers Год назад +5

    The depth you give to this Biblical story is breathtaking! Many thanks and God Bless.

  • @Mari-rz5sh
    @Mari-rz5sh Год назад +4

    We should heed this warning. And praise HIM ❣️🙏

  • @nancysmith4848
    @nancysmith4848 10 месяцев назад +1

    I really like these helpful messages. Makes the books easier to understand. Thank you. And God bless these messages.

  • @franciscomireles8357
    @franciscomireles8357 Год назад +2

    I've read the Bible over and over again trying to find a scripture that God gives or helps, or loves unconditionally, and I can't find it, all I find is, in order to get something from God we must obey God, and that is not unconditional

  • @marsesm102
    @marsesm102 Год назад +6

    Oh Living God of Israel I thank you for loving me. Hallelujah! Praise God ...

  • @joshuasmith4007
    @joshuasmith4007 2 года назад +18

    I stick with Jesus all the way

    • @13kimosabi13
      @13kimosabi13 2 года назад

      All the way ==> to where ?

    • @joshuasmith4007
      @joshuasmith4007 2 года назад +1

      @@13kimosabi13 to heaven

    • @13kimosabi13
      @13kimosabi13 2 года назад

      @@joshuasmith4007 Last time i read my Bible HE was already there => and has been for almost 2000 years. What does yours say ?

    • @inconnu4961
      @inconnu4961 Год назад +1

      @@13kimosabi13 Mine says that you are trying to stir some sort of drama, for a reason i can not see! Kindly stay in your Bible and away from RUclips!

    • @inconnu4961
      @inconnu4961 Год назад

      Joshua Smith: You are a very wise man, indeed! All the warnings of the Bible unfold right before our eyes today! Its awesome how prophesy is coming to pass! May the GOOD LORD bless you and keep you; May HE make HIS face shine upon you, and give you shalom (peace)!

  • @blaisedjeni2808
    @blaisedjeni2808 2 года назад +5


  • @jeannettejackson2271
    @jeannettejackson2271 11 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you your sermon made me cry the church today is like this I know I have visited many from all denominations they are okay have meetings for prayer and discussion but then it turns into a book club meeting for others that join at other times we need to get back to the scriptures . I not tell the denominations I have visited and not Satisfied I have studied the Bible for over 30 years by praying and study and worshiping God but that does not mean we don’t fall into temptations or know everything about everything faith comes by hearing and praying for Holy Spirit wisdom and questioning what your being . Thank you the grace God has given you for you beautiful Bible Lesson of Israel and the gentile Church Amen !

  • @stevelucky7579
    @stevelucky7579 Год назад +2

    This is pleasing to the ear, but I wish I could be comforted that he put up the scripture references and archeological findings that support each of his points for me to test and see if what is said is true.

  • @user-yc4vr2qc4t
    @user-yc4vr2qc4t 2 года назад +11

    I life and die in his name Abba knows. Ppeace = Strenght ❤

  • @khalnaikleo
    @khalnaikleo Год назад +7

    👶All glory to God Love & thanks from Pakistan God bless you & your family 🤴

  • @patham1968
    @patham1968 Год назад +3

    May God help us to always be faithful to him.

  • @chaucerparks1713
    @chaucerparks1713 Год назад +12


  • @christiandelorde5887
    @christiandelorde5887 Год назад +1

    Exactly what is going on today. Turn your hearts back to Jesus Christ. The time is nearer than you think. Make Jesus your King and Saviour before it's too late. Hallelujah, Amen.

  • @vincentbudna9398
    @vincentbudna9398 2 года назад +1


  • @Christine-rp8gy
    @Christine-rp8gy 10 месяцев назад +1

    We people can't find happiness in this word only God gave us the true happiness trust and believe him have faith❤

  • @iliesculiliana5846
    @iliesculiliana5846 Год назад +1

    excellent message.thank you

  • @bobtn77
    @bobtn77 Год назад +2

    Hosea 2:19-20 is God's wedding vows to His people, Israel. And, by way of the cross of Jesus Christ, to us. God did not use the Hebrew word for love (ahava), He used the word khesed. Love as an emotion can come and go, but khesed is boundless, loyal, everlasting, a love in action. It’s a much, much, fuller, grander love. So thankful for His love for us.

  • @MistaSCARY
    @MistaSCARY Год назад +2

    This was how God feels about people that reject Him...His Love is Always there, but He made a Way, Jesus Christ, to Save Us from our Sins. God paid the Ultimate Price, sending His Only Begotten Son to Die on the Cross and Endure His wrath, which We deserve. For The Wages of SIN is DEATH ☠️, BUT the Free Gift 🎁 of God is Eternal Life in Christ JESUS our LORD. Romans 6:23

  • @richellepeace4457
    @richellepeace4457 6 месяцев назад +1

    God had no care for Hoseas life, dreams and feelings here on earth. God has his plan and Hosea was just a small player in it, God cared about the others and Hosea was sacrificed.

  • @alexisgreen-hernandez8604
    @alexisgreen-hernandez8604 Год назад +3

    Kind of what is happening to America 🇺🇸 today it is so sad 😔. The story of Hosea is very sad 😔 but an excellent story thank you very much for this educational and informative video take care. You have done an excellent job 👏 👍 explaining 👼😇🥰🤗🙏📿⛪ take care.. I want to wish you all the best with your future videos 📹 here on you tube. To everyone watching may you be blessed 🙌 😇 🙏 with great strength 💪 🙏 ❤ with your journey with the Lord, much love ❤ 😍, true inner peace ✌ ☮ 🕊, and true happiness 😇 👼 🙏 🤲 🕍 take care everyone. Pay close attention to the names of Hosea children for this is happening to alot of children 😢 growing up in America 🇺🇸 especially, in modern days that we become damaged 💔 😢 souls. It is heartbreaking 💔 😢 Thankfully the Lord is a forgiving 🙏 Lord Amen 🙏 🙌 ❤.

  • @stevenkpodo4624
    @stevenkpodo4624 Год назад +7

    Glory to God 🙏🙏🙏

  • @rolandrodriguez7145
    @rolandrodriguez7145 2 года назад +3

    What this shows you can't love god on Sunday and go with devils all week 'do wrong before the eyes of adonai elshadai elohym hashem understood in yeshuas name lord clean our minds to understand love

  • @balongsawyer9960
    @balongsawyer9960 2 года назад +5

    This is Biblical story thanks for sharing bro…

  • @ds8290
    @ds8290 Год назад +8

    I love this story in the Bible.

  • @monamomma5506
    @monamomma5506 Год назад +3

    Rich getting richer and the poor getting poor sounds like today

  • @DutchessAshton
    @DutchessAshton Год назад +1

    My only problem when you mentioned God wouldn't give up on his ppl. And start over. He did once with the great flood. Or when He killed the Israelite in the desert..

  • @turdferguson5300
    @turdferguson5300 Год назад +1

    Marring a prostitute is like buying a used police car. You aren't goina be happy.

  • @FamilyFavorites-ev5zb
    @FamilyFavorites-ev5zb 10 месяцев назад

    Excellent analogy of how to apply our baptismal covenant in this day and age.

  • @jameshillman4241
    @jameshillman4241 Год назад +1

    The video tells you the accurate TRUTH why do so many of those who comment drift from the subject? Because your relationship with God is questionable, you listen to it but miss the point, just like Jesus said to the pharisees you are from your father, the Devil and you wish to do his desires,... and that is to muddy the waters of life that this video is sharing. Do revel in your self righteousness bc that is sin, comment to support or upbuild

  • @tscarb
    @tscarb 2 года назад +3

    Can you speak on this book being a foundation of marriage restoration ministry

  • @mogiremogirefelix7736
    @mogiremogirefelix7736 Год назад +1

    Good teaching

    @ROCKIN-AL 2 года назад +11

    A perfect parable, I understand it and love it

  • @Doomseer
    @Doomseer 10 месяцев назад +1

    This video perfectly sums up my disconnect with many apolitical Christians in the west who essentially stand by and do NOTHING when it comes to combating agianst the corrupting forces which besiege both our culture and society in the modern day.. The reason being as I at least heard it in the video is as Christians we must both respect and accept the separation of church and state and furthermore recognize it's stark difference to the society of hosea's time. I'm sorry to me that merely sounds like an excuse to not get involved in the culture war and actually do the hard thing and take a stand agianst the endless moral depravity which has taken hold in America which use to be the very model of what a Christian nation should be.. That doesn't mean you're judging others or attempting to undermine the separation of church and state but in fact quite the opposite because the west and especially America is inarguably built upon a rock hard Christian foundation and so to let that Christian foundation be eroded is essentially to risk the entire collapse of the country which unfortunately we are seeing play out in real time. Please Christians please stop standing on the sidelines cause in so doing your enabling the destruction of the west and for those of you who aren't westerners let me tell you the exact same decline will eventually take place in your own countries and that's because inaction represents stagnation.

  • @deeveevideos
    @deeveevideos 2 месяца назад

    1 Timothy 4:10 - The New International Version (NIV)
    10 That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.

  • @jesusjosedech883
    @jesusjosedech883 2 года назад +6

    Amen to God ✝️🙏🛐❤️

  • @nyashanyamuranga3085
    @nyashanyamuranga3085 Год назад +1

    powerful word

  • @kavaughnadams5285
    @kavaughnadams5285 Год назад +3

    Sounds similar to what’s going on today. We need to direct our focus back to god!

  • @davidw.5185
    @davidw.5185 Год назад +2

    As with everything in the OT, Hosea is Christological. Christ is the unblemished bridegroom and the Church is the blemished and sinful woman who is redeemed and cleansed by Him. Hosea foreshadows Christ's person and works in salvation.

  • @donnapatelmo316
    @donnapatelmo316 Год назад +1

    This is today wow 😢.. we have to keep praying 🙏🏼 for the world

  • @mikyl-fo8rh
    @mikyl-fo8rh 10 месяцев назад +1

    A person must experience a broken heart to love as a fearless decision
    Jordan Peterson

  • @feargodandlive8352
    @feargodandlive8352 Год назад +1

    At 11:00 What is the verse and translation that supports the statement, "God loves us unconditionally."?

  • @chrisminblkdiamond
    @chrisminblkdiamond Год назад +2

    “Why Did God Tell Hosea To Marry A Prostitute”
    Parable of Jesus.
    Hosea is like Jesus and Gomer the bride. Sinners are quick to sin and desire the worldly things. Even so Jesus is quick to forgive if you ask. Jesus is faithful even when you’re not.
    The hope is you make it to the end where Jesus collects you to Himself instead of tossing you into the fire.

  • @scottdavis2532
    @scottdavis2532 Год назад +2

    What hope do those raised up in unrighteousness have except they be joined unto that which is raised and obedient to Righteousness. The wife might be sanctified by the husband. The Spirit is willing that NONE SHALL PERISH but that ALL SHALL HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. Also demonstrates the suffering the Spirit is willing to do in order to sanctify the unrighteous. Demonstrates the stumbling blocks the Spirit will allow in order to humble the disobedient ones in hopes that they might repent even if thru sufferings. Once the righteous one is removed... What hope does the wicked one have concerning example leading unto salvation.

  • @srhabb
    @srhabb 2 года назад +6

    Can't turn a 304 into a house wife

    • @sarabee7710
      @sarabee7710 2 года назад +1

      Lol! 😂

    • @nigelchew1890
      @nigelchew1890 Год назад +2

      I was looking for this quote, it seems like it is a message/ moral within the story.
      If had not seen this, I would have added it.

    • @sarabee7710
      @sarabee7710 Год назад

      @@nigelchew1890 actually you can. God did it in the book of Joshua, Rahab who was a prostitute became the wife of Salmon and is now in the lineage of Christ... She is one of the only four women mentioned in that genealogy.

    • @nigelchew1890
      @nigelchew1890 Год назад +1

      @@sarabee7710 sounds a tad fishy - the salmon issue lol.
      But seriously, God is a different case.
      Modern 304s won't be wifed up for many reasons including;
      Their target mated are 6 feet, 6 figures, 6 pack which are unattainable for an smv of 7 or less. So they are throwing themselves shamelessly at Chad, Pookie and Tyrone, who really don't want to know after the 304 fun.
      The guy's who would have wifed them up at the most appropriate time in their lives were overlooked, made fun of, or shamed into the friend zone.
      When they have the epiphany phase, they are used up and not worth the effort, so no, you can't turn a 304 into a wife.

    • @sarabee7710
      @sarabee7710 Год назад +3

      @@nigelchew1890 lol 😂😂
      Why is it fishy?? But yes in that case it really was the hand of God, He actually really does change people's hearts...
      As for the rest of your comment I agree.. Unfortunately a lot of women are not taught what is actually important in a mate....I know a pretty lady who is on this 6ft 5 nonsense (she is about 5ft 4 herself, so I don't understand her obsession) she only likes road men (UK equivalent of pookie and Ray Ray) yet she is wondering why she isn't getting wifed. I told her already that she needs to reconsider her choice of men... How on earth can you be looking for a husband amongst a group of men who don't actually value marriage and a stable family?
      Some of these men have babies everywhere.... It's not very intelligent.......

  • @dnleo
    @dnleo Год назад +1

    The naming of the first 2 children was a clear indication by God of Gomer's struggle against her past life. She didn't have a choice, but not because God knew the future and did not stop her, but because she already made the choice that she did not understand. If we understood God, we would understand ourselves and make choices before presented with the options.

  • @jsangeetsagar4971
    @jsangeetsagar4971 2 года назад +4

    (Please open the Holy Bible and read the undermentioned Biblical verses 'real time' to understand this write up better).
    " Jesus Christ our Lord is the high priest in the order of Melchizedek. "
    1. Melchizedek, who's hard to explain
    (Heb 5:11)
    2. Natural and Spiritual Melchizedek.
    In old testament times when all priests blessed with animal sacrifice, Melchizedek the high priest, blessed Abraham with bread and wine.
    (Ge 14:18-20).
    Jesus Christ the highest priest of all, did exactly the same
    (Mt 26:26-28)
    Apostle Paul's Testimony
    (Heb 5:8-10)
    Then what is difficult to explain ??
    3. Points hard to explain.
    The difficult points.
    (Heb 7:1-3)
    Jesus had genealogy (Matt 1:1)
    and had parents who had faith in truth .(Matt 12:50)
    And is God almighty. (Jn 10:30)
    Thus, St Paul is NOT telling about the 1st coming, but the SECOND coming Christ.
    4. We can recognise 2nd coming Christ if he fulfils the following. (Heb 7:3)
    a). Must have no genealogy in Israel unlike 1st coming.
    b). Must not have parents in faith, I,e,. They must be gentiles.
    c). Must bless with bread and wine like 1st coming as prophecied in (Isa 25:6-9)
    d) Must be God Almighty.
    (Heb 9:28)
    e) Christ forever
    (Isa 25:9)
    The one who fulfils all these prophecies and conditions is Our Father, the second coming Christ and he's the high priest in the order of Melchizedek.
    Amen !
    To learn more, please type WMSCOG on your browser or contact a member of the Church of God World Mission Society.

  • @flavienadjovi
    @flavienadjovi Год назад +2

    God did that to me. We had a relationship once, and i was undeserving.
    Life was better then..

  • @robertkneaul8048
    @robertkneaul8048 10 месяцев назад

    Those who marry former prostitutes are truly blessed as the golden heart of her warms to serving Christ.

  • @vincentbudna-wi3fq
    @vincentbudna-wi3fq Год назад +1

    What I lorn from this Book Hosea. that Jehovah our God love os so much and he never let os down but os humans that claim to worship Jehovah our God through Jesus Christ never keep faithful to crate we always cheat chasing the vanity of this world so we all is just like an unfaithful Husband or wife

  • @toshawebster6523
    @toshawebster6523 Год назад +2

    Very interesting i was watching the love story of Hosea and gomer it the same simular story to mind how god had changed our life this is the other way around up side down my lover takes gomer personality and i take hosea personality i got cheated 😂 100 times and still remains faith and loyal i was sent in his life as a blessing from god just like Hosea was a blessing to gomer so whatever i work for is not man's blessing my blessings comes from the god im so grateful for the little things he is giving me i learn my lesson very well love is the most powerful thing on earth god loves us so dearly first loved god , love yourself and then love others 😉now he has returned to god and became my high level soulmate 😇🙃

  • @Rara-pr9wg
    @Rara-pr9wg 10 месяцев назад +1

    God shows a great amount of patience towards his stray way love....us

  • @yz2760
    @yz2760 Год назад +2

    Practice always makes it perfect 👍

  • @JerubbaalgodSlayer
    @JerubbaalgodSlayer Год назад +1

    I do not want to be have Gomer’s heart and be an adulterous wife. I *will* be a faithful wife and handmaiden to Christ. *2 Corinthians 11:2* “For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have *espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.”* I will have no other gods. *Exodus 20:3* *”Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”* Jesus is God. He is *my* God and I will be faithful to the covenant between He and I.🇨🇦

  • @worldview730
    @worldview730 Год назад +1

    Amen, interesting story 👍🙏😲

  • @ia7277
    @ia7277 2 года назад +2

    Torah. Shalom. John 14:15. Nothing has changed.

  • @cpvsgvmnt2116
    @cpvsgvmnt2116 10 месяцев назад +1

    It's also a warning to men to not simp. Women are not the prize. Don't let disrespect go unchecked. Doing so will lead to her disrespecting you even more as she has no respect for a man with zero spine. Further .. a loose woman have little to no respect for men that want them.. because those men generally are men of low quality and low value. The ones she wants want nothing to do with her. In modern times.. the best she will get from those men she wants is causal sex, but not a commitment. This further pushes her into being used, and even less desired by the men she wants. A woman, by nature is hypergamous, desiring attention and validation. Take away your attention, validation and resources from her and let her suffer the consequences of her choices. Accountability is a promiscuous woman's kryptonite.

  • @user-qo9et7xi3k
    @user-qo9et7xi3k 2 года назад +8

    Rich get richer poor get poorer, Human rights are ignored.

  • @Yahweh-Chase-Bella
    @Yahweh-Chase-Bella Год назад +1

    Your layout or society in that time hits ours right on the head. Nothing new under the sun

  • @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676
    @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676 Год назад +1

    2 Timothy 3:3
    Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
    This was a neglected child who had never known love from her mother.

  • @hirasardar6977
    @hirasardar6977 Год назад +4


  • @taiteakopyte1286
    @taiteakopyte1286 Год назад

    The answer is simple:
    We humankind are the bride of Christ. But due to worldly idolatry, we gave up the love of Yah and became lost like prostitutes. *Gomer represents humans, and prophet Hosea represent Yah* (or Christ if we well, if we wanted the idea of man-wife in effect).
    May Yah bless you all!

  • @brock2443
    @brock2443 Год назад

    This is an allegory of the Kingdom of Israel. The kingdom had gone whoring after other gods.
    Hosea 2:4-6
    “4 And I will not have mercy upon her children; for they be the children of whoredoms.
    5 For their mother hath played the harlot: she that conceived them hath done shamefully: for she said, I will go after my lovers, that give me my bread and my water, my wool and my flax, mine oil and my drink.
    6 Therefore, behold, I will hedge up thy way with thorns, and make a wall, that she shall not find her paths.”

  • @hopesingh1640
    @hopesingh1640 2 года назад +1

    The picture of Israel they have been so unfaithful to GOD, but GOD still love them and bought them

  • @donttellmeitsraining8160
    @donttellmeitsraining8160 2 года назад +4

    Reminds me of today.

  • @jorgesalinas8312
    @jorgesalinas8312 Год назад

    It seems that history repeats itself to our times and days that we our living in the us of a.

  • @suzannehartmann946
    @suzannehartmann946 2 года назад +1

    Canaanites were indigenous to the NORTH of Israel. The religion was not local in nature.

  • @Texasbaubles
    @Texasbaubles Месяц назад

    Prayers needed please