香港島最 City 的 Citywalk ❣️ The Best Citywalk Itinerary on Hong Kong Island

  • Опубликовано: 15 окт 2024
  • 🍀 香港的銅鑼灣,位於港島核心區域,人流如織,擁有眾多大型商場和百貨公司,如耳熟能詳的崇光百貨、時代廣場、世貿中心等,都是代表性的購物勝地。
    ❣️ 至於我們富豪香港酒店,可說是坐落於銅鑼灣最有利的位置。除了方便住客購物外,步行幾分鐘即可到達香港最大的公園--維多利亞公園。維園除提供大片綠化空間外,還有不少體育設施供市民使用,包括游泳池、足球場、籃球場、網球場等。
    ❤️ 走出維多利亞公園,沿著繁華的街道前行,不久便來到銅鑼灣避風塘。這裡是維多利亞港的多個避風塘之一,也是香港首個避風塘。從繁華的都市穿過,這裡突然就沒有了人來人往的紛鬧喧囂,走入了寧靜的避風港灣。這裡可以遠眺尖沙咀和 ICC,視野非常好。
    ✅ 這裡還有一座海上燈塔矗立在堤壩盡頭,為繁華的香港鬧市增添了一番復古韻味。再往那邊走就能抵達砲台山東岸公園,這是一條對大眾開放的防波堤,視野極佳,能 360 度欣賞維港風光,還能遠眺尖沙咀以及中環建築群。據說這裡有全港最美日落,大家可以找個好天氣來看看。
    在燈光的照耀下,海面船隻和波浪都顯得格外溫柔。這種 chill 的氛圍與現代化都市氣息碰撞,人們感受到了大自然的恩賜和城市的繁華,感受到生活的美好和世界的廣闊。
    🍀 Causeway Bay in Hong Kong, located at the core of Hong Kong Island, is a bustling area with numerous large shopping malls and department stores, such as the well-known Sogo, Times Square, and World Trade Center, which are representative shopping destinations.
    ❣️ As for our Regal Hongkong Hotel, it's located in the most advantageous position in Causeway Bay. In addition to convenient shopping for hotel guests, it is just a few minutes' walk to the largest park in Hong Kong - Victoria Park. Victoria Park not only provides a large green space, but also has various sports facilities for public use, including swimming pools, soccer fields, basketball courts, and tennis courts.
    ❤️ Walking out of Victoria Park, and along the bustling streets, you will soon arrive at the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter. This is one of the many typhoon shelters in Victoria Harbour, and also the first typhoon shelter in Hong Kong. Passing through the busy city, here you will suddenly find the hustle and bustle gone, and enter the peaceful typhoon shelter. You can enjoy a panoramic view of Tsim Sha Tsui and ICC from here.
    ✅ There is also a lighthouse standing at the end of the breakwater, adding a touch of retro charm to the prosperous Hong Kong city. Walking further, you can reach the Cyberport Waterfront Park, which is an open-access breakwater with excellent views, allowing you to enjoy a 360-degree view of the Victoria Harbour scenery, as well as the skyline of Tsim Sha Tsui and Central. It is said that this place has the best sunsets in Hong Kong, so you can come on a good weather day to see for yourself.
    Under the illumination of the lights, the ships and waves on the sea surface appear particularly gentle. This chill atmosphere collides with the modernized urban vibe, allowing people to feel the blessings of nature and the prosperity of the city, as well as the beauty of life and the vastness of the world.
    #羅寶文 #可持續幸福感 #香港citywalk #香港旅遊 #香港富豪酒店 #Pomanlo #SustainableWellbeing #HongKongCityWalk #HongKongTravel #regalhotels

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