こんなことは初めてです(笑)! この動画に1000いいね!がついたら、もののけ姫の映画を観て、リアクション動画を投稿する予定です。 We have never try anything like this before, lol!. If this video get 1 000 likes, we will watch Princess Mononoke movie and post our reaction video.
The Mononoke Hime theme (the last song) is almost guaranteed to make my eyes wet each time. It's just so beautiful. :) Sorry, got to blow my nose really quick. ... Better. There's one other artist who also makes a lot of anime music that has written a whole bunch of tunes that always get me: Yoko Kanno. "Moon", "Inner Universe", "Butterfly", "Be human"... Amazing work.
もののけ姫の作詞は宮崎駿さん、作曲は久石譲さんでやはり天才コンビが織り成す曲は素晴らしいものです。 Princess Mononoke's lyrics are written by Hayao Miyazaki and composed by Joe Hisaishi, and the songs woven by the genius duo are wonderful.
You guys should do a reaction on the Tonari no Totoro score from the same concert! You're pretty much guaranteed to get blown away by the ending. I actually have the video for that on my "Watch Later" playlist because it's just a guilty pleasure watch.
こんなことは初めてです(笑)! この動画に1000いいね!がついたら、もののけ姫の映画を観て、リアクション動画を投稿する予定です。
We have never try anything like this before, lol!. If this video get 1 000 likes, we will watch Princess Mononoke movie and post our reaction video.
The Mononoke Hime theme (the last song) is almost guaranteed to make my eyes wet each time. It's just so beautiful. :) Sorry, got to blow my nose really quick. ... Better.
There's one other artist who also makes a lot of anime music that has written a whole bunch of tunes that always get me: Yoko Kanno. "Moon", "Inner Universe", "Butterfly", "Be human"... Amazing work.
Princess Mononoke's lyrics are written by Hayao Miyazaki and composed by Joe Hisaishi, and the songs woven by the genius duo are wonderful.
Joe Hisaichi is a musical genius! I know Sujy would enjoy watching some Studio Ghibli movies..
We will listen to some in the next few months (reaction video!).
久石譲さんの名前は「くいし じょー」とも読めます。これは久石さんがクインシージョーンズさんが好きだったから日本風に変えて名乗ったと聞きました。ところで久石さんも聞いたのならすぎやまこういちさんの組曲ドラゴンクエストのライブもご覧になってみて下さい!凄く良いですよ?
Ese sentimiento lo siento durante toda la película,la vi de niño y cambio mi vida y me hizo ser un creyente de la madre tierra y la naturaleza.
見たほうが良いアニメ作品ありました。海外のごく一部ですが、人気なさそうにみえて、人気があり、今も作品続いてました。癒されるアニメです→のんのんびより→Non Non Biyori - Opening | Nanairo Biyori
You guys should do a reaction on the Tonari no Totoro score from the same concert! You're pretty much guaranteed to get blown away by the ending. I actually have the video for that on my "Watch Later" playlist because it's just a guilty pleasure watch.
👍X1000 🙌
ive probably seen the movie 25 times lol
Honestly you have 32k views and 700 likes
You know why?
Coz you dare cutting such beatuiful piece of music...