Consider Your Calling

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • www.desiringgod...

Комментарии • 20

  • @cleopatrabonne7582
    @cleopatrabonne7582 Год назад +1

    Pastor John Piper, how I wish I could sit at your feet. You take me into a deeper relationship with the One true and living God. Zimbabwe

  • @biruksewe
    @biruksewe 4 года назад +1

    How deeply loved this great man of God. No body have ever helped to grow in my ministry like you, John Piper did. How enough I thank the Lord about you. ❤️

  • @sarahs2135
    @sarahs2135 4 года назад +2

    Amen Pastor John! My heart is right there with you everytime you are teaching of the greatness of our Lord and I feel the Holy Spirit! I knew when I was searching for this answer and found your sermon that it was the one that the Lord wanted me to hear! Amen to no mirrors in Heaven! In such a beautiful place vanity would have no place! Praise God for His love!

  • @annmehl6710
    @annmehl6710 4 года назад +1

    John Piper is so powerful! I’m filled when he preaches my heart flutters softly tears of joy wash over me.

  • @Notworthy72
    @Notworthy72 3 года назад +1

    I was never taught about the call of God in 48 years of sitting in church and their thousands if not millions who are still not being taught this great truth

  • @douglasbagwell9467
    @douglasbagwell9467 3 года назад +2

    Ive felt a calling, a calling that started with angels that visited me as a child

  • @kirklefevrejr.603
    @kirklefevrejr.603 7 лет назад +3

    he's definitely one of my heros of the faith

  • @brondenafanning9544
    @brondenafanning9544 7 лет назад +4

    May 1, 2917
    Putting aside the speaker, the text he quotes in this message is the most wonderful gift that God gives to all those who He's given the power to answer His call to His Awesome Son, Jesus Christ, and to know for certain that we did not save ourselves! **Oh, how Awesome our most understanding, all-wise, all-patient God is! For, He says in Psalms 50.15, Call upon Me in the day of trouble, I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.** WOW! The very reason He places us(the obedient to His call) in His Magnificent Son in the first place is so that He can bless us IN CHRIST, which the disobedient outside of Him will never experience!** Just His very thought in itself to call us before He created anything should tell us that He set us apart unto Himself for His, and His only, purposes in His Son, Jesus Christ! And then, through the power of His Holy Spirit, He awakens and gives us the power to walk in the fruit to holiness that the Apostle Paul speaks of in **Romans 6.22, But now having been set free from sin and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness and the end everlasting life.** And our apostle Paul spells out the fruit in **Galatians 5.22-23, But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.** For the life of me, I can't figure out what this auguement over whether God justifies us before He sanctified us is all about. **For,1Corinthians 6.11 says, And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.** Now he puts sanctified ahead of justified in that verse, and might I say, in the correct order, as he puts all words he's moved by the power of the Spirit of God to write! I'm pretty sure that the God of all creation knows how He wants things done, regardless to what any finite human desires. In the first place, **as 1Corinthians 1.30-31says, But of Him are you In Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification and redemption, that, as it is written, he who glories(boasts), let him glory(boast) in the LORD.** Surely, there is no other argument! Body of Christ, please stop arguing over what you think in your own finite minds what God's Word says **AND JUST BELIEVE WHAT IS WRITTEN IN PLAIN OL BLACK AND WHITE BEFORE YOUR EYES!** Now, that's where our blessings come from, believing the power and veracity of our God's Word without fighting over it!! ALL THANKS AND HONOR AND PRAISES UNTO THE GOD AND FATHER OF OUR LORD, JESUS CHRIST, AND TO HIS SON, NOW AND FOREVERMORE!!

    • @scottcarter1689
      @scottcarter1689 5 лет назад

      An endearing treatise from you, to be sure!
      However from the necessity of proper ascribing of direction, and therefore, Glory from Its transcendent origin... to the eminent experience of clarification in our reception of it : it is specifically listed from the initial premise and extended reach of the address itself - "those of you who were once..." in the order toward the transcendence of God's decree of it. But the a priori significance in distinction between the transcendent and eminent lies in the precedent of what is first. Imminence is subsequent to transcendence and this is essential because it gives Glory solely to the Origin of the love that was extended from itself without need in itself (Himself) which demonstrates the initiative and is absolutely crucial. Without the precedent of justification, sanctification cannot proceed from unjustified position. the reason that this is so important is because it's the difference in works salvation; for sanctification is the action of becoming glorified. This is the foundational error of Romanism. That is, sanctification informs justification which is the Catholic effort to finally have salvation. To get this inverted, is the anti gospel, because it is the mandate and tenet of all other "religion". Buddhism Hinduism Judaism and Islam all place the active effort prior to the end reward and therefore is meritorious. But Yahweh Elohim, the only Singularity of Aseity - unlike any other... determines his decree what linear history conforms to. Indeed that's what history is... The conformity of Christ.
      Truth in distinction IS love, and therefore the necessity of accuracy in understanding of God.
      Soli deo Gloria - To God alone be The Glory.

  • @andreathehiphopper2590
    @andreathehiphopper2590 7 лет назад +7

    *Thank you for the Holy Spirit who reveals your love for us!

  • @pompomchewie
    @pompomchewie 7 лет назад +4

    One of my favorite speakers!

  • @ElGuapCakes
    @ElGuapCakes 11 лет назад +5

    John Piper is so awesome!

  • @JesusGarcia-Digem
    @JesusGarcia-Digem 5 лет назад +2


  • @crystaljenkins2112
    @crystaljenkins2112 6 лет назад +6

    This is the best sermon I have ever heard.

    • @scottcarter1689
      @scottcarter1689 5 лет назад

      Indeed !
      That's a bit of an audacious claim... but can there be any other validation equal to its affirmation... Another does not strenuously come to mind.
      Whether one is feeling, guilty, exuberant, sorrowful, angry... or a combination thereof, this message is the remedy, antidote, confirmation and reiteration of all the above!
      .. . . . Soli deo Gloria!

  • @carlosbarrillas8084
    @carlosbarrillas8084 3 года назад +1


  • @andreathehiphopper2590
    @andreathehiphopper2590 7 лет назад +2

    *yes, Lord

  • @janst.charles5469
    @janst.charles5469 5 лет назад +4

    Where can I get the prayer at the end?

  • @daviesbydesign
    @daviesbydesign 4 года назад +1

    Is there a link to the talk preceeding this one which is referenced a few times? Please and Thanks!