David Buss - Sex Robots & Human Mating's Evolution

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • We’re wired to mate - and to think about it
    Today deep questions are being answered about our common curiosities whether it’s
    Sex Robots, Human mating, Psychological Tactics
    And we’re discussing this with more than an expert.
    David Buss is one of the founders of the field of evolutionary psychology with his primary research being the strategies of human mating. He is most well-known for his studies on mate selection, tactics of mate attraction, infidelity, tactics of mate poaching, and the mating emotions of jealousy, lust, and love.
    David has authored The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating, and textbooks such as Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of the Mind.
    I recently read your 2016 article on the mating crisis among educated women- and it’s ramifications on dating behavior on campuses such as the rise in hookup culture or women who chose to forgo dating entirely to focus on careers. What would you say are the impacts of these changes on mating psychology long term relationship stability?
    What is the problem with tinder?
    Sarah Hrdy’s comment of “Men are one long breeding experiment led by women” is probably one which has impacted me the most. How can the recent shift in society inflict the mating balance?
    As Men get older, they prefer to mate with women who are increasingly younger than they are. Given the nature of long term relationships such as marriage, do you see a conflict that is nearly impossible to solve for older women?
    What culture have you seen is the most distant from our evolutionary nature and is it being harmed by the opposing cultural context?
    Overperception and under perception bias
    Has distrust between the sexes grown in the past decades and is it a rightful distrust
    Do you think there is a higher rate of sexual frustration these last decades with digital use and general human distancing?
    How can we make sense of sexual assault? Is there a logical explanation?
    What are the biggest sexual urban myths of our time? (Beer goggles, etc…?)

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