Nightmares Unfold in Remote Norway

  • Опубликовано: 22 окт 2024

Комментарии • 124

  • @yksikaksikolmen
    @yksikaksikolmen 4 месяца назад +20

    Allt är så mycket mer komplicerat än vad vi tror och lever i.

    • @jtbaying2312
      @jtbaying2312 4 месяца назад

      They keep us drugged Up and Looking Up..ever wonder why that is?

  • @foofkanon
    @foofkanon 4 месяца назад +18

    It's like being s kid again, the feeling i get when there's a new Stories lost to watch.

  • @larsbjrnson3101
    @larsbjrnson3101 4 месяца назад +20

    Her er min historie :Det var 1985 og jeg bor i de dype skogene på Østlandet i Norge ikke langt fra grensa til Sverige. Min jevngamle kusine og jeg bestemte oss en kveld for å dra til Sverige for å kjøpe oss hamburgere. Da vi hadde kommet cirka halvveis dit ved Matrand så jeg en hel bergside lyse opp og jeg sa nå møter vi snart en bil med skikkelige ekstralys som vi var noe vi var opptatt av som 18 åringer. Men vi møtte aldri noen bil den kvelden og da vi nærmet oss svenskegrensa etter Magnor (Det var ved hva som er Skandinavisk MC-Museum nå men var Finnskogmøbler da) ved en langstrekke følte jeg plutselig at noe observerte oss ovenfra så jeg la hodet inntil frontruta og så rett opp. Jeg oppfattet det som å være en orange/rød varmluftballong ute av kontroll i ferd med å styrte rett ned på oss. Den hadde pulserende lys jeg oppfattet som om den kjørte på fulle brennere siden jeg har bare sett slike ballonger på tv og aldri i virkeligheten. Jeg skrek stopp! Stopp! Stopp! Men kusina mi reagerte ikke men svingte av litt senere selv om det ikke fantes trafikk i det hele tatt. Vi gikk ut av bilen for å se hva som skjedde men vi så eller hørte ingenting og det var merkelig stille. Vi sto der i 5 minutter kanskje og da oppdaget vi at vi ikke ville rekke gatekjøkkenet så vi snudde og dro hjem. Jeg spurte hver dag hele uka mine foreldre om det hadde stått noe om en styrtet ballong men det gjorde det aldri. Min mor husket fortsatt for 3 år siden at jeg gjorde det.
    Jeg glemte hele greia siden jeg like etterpå begynte tjenesten min i luftforsvaret. Ett år senere, jeg husker ikke ved hvilken anledning men jeg innså at varmluftballonger ikke kan styres og at å fly en over skogen når det er mørkt ville være galskap og ingen med autorisasjon ville forsøkt å gjøre noe slik. Jeg nevnte dette for min kusine men han kunne ikke huske turen vår i det hele tatt. Han husket ingenting selv om jeg måtte ha virket helt hysterisk.
    Det er bare etter jeg ble klar over at det har blitt mer akseptert å ha slike historier og å se at noen har hatt omtrent samme opplevelse som meg jeg kan snakke om det. De få gangene jeg har prøvd kom det alltid dårlige forslag som om jeg ikke har tenkt på det sjøl så jeg forsøkte å bare glemme det.
    For å legge til noe av personlige tanker etter jeg så teorien av at vi er et genetisk program. Det kan være tilfeldigheter, men året før dette skjedde ble jeg rammet med alvorlig tilfelle av eksem. Jeg var innlagt på vårt statlige sykehus for å finne ut av det og de mente det var allergisk betinget. Tiden etter hendelsen ble jeg så mye bedre at jeg kunne gjennomføre militærtjenesten min. 10 år senere ble jeg rammet av noe mye værre hudproblem som de mente jeg arvet av min far. Først for 3 år siden ble jeg diagnosert etter et års utredning at jeg har en veldig sjelden genetisk kombinasjon som jeg er den eneste de vet om så mitt dna og blod er en del av et forskningsprogram for å kunne hjelpe andre. Kanskje det var dette noen også ville

    • @The_ZeroLine
      @The_ZeroLine 3 месяца назад +5

      Very bizarre, especially the unique genetic finding. Thank you for your story.

  • @ライナス-b6w
    @ライナス-b6w 4 месяца назад +12

    This channel is a GEM!!!

  • @janemiettinen5176
    @janemiettinen5176 4 месяца назад +7

    That chimney peeking light was hella scary, as were the burns.. Oh wow, 30 000 subs is just around the corner, awesomeness, well deserved!

  • @jollyplaguedoctor7512
    @jollyplaguedoctor7512 4 месяца назад +6

    I really hope you have plans to expand your channel coverage to more than just extraterrestrial events because your commentary is immaculate. Paranormal or uncanny events with this level of narration would be something to behold.

    • @storieslost
      @storieslost  3 месяца назад +1

      Thank you! We'll see what the future holds :)

  • @nilslindstrom8087
    @nilslindstrom8087 4 месяца назад +48

    Glad midsommar!

    • @14rnr
      @14rnr 4 месяца назад +6

      You too.

    • @janemiettinen5176
      @janemiettinen5176 4 месяца назад +3

      Från här också! Im warming the sauna, watching mom & ducklings on the lakeshore.

  • @Ben_the_Ignorant
    @Ben_the_Ignorant 4 месяца назад +17

    I've come to know your channel well enough to hit the like button before watching. Who else does?

    • @myeyeswentdeaf6213
      @myeyeswentdeaf6213 4 месяца назад +1

      I just stumble across this channel not two minutes ago, but so far so good, and seeing your comment is a good sign. Maybe I’ll be sticking with this channel?

    • @jamesknapp64
      @jamesknapp64 3 месяца назад +1

      It appears about 1.3k other people

  • @avega8649
    @avega8649 4 месяца назад +13

    It wouldn't be Friday without another great episode. 👏

  • @nelsaf365
    @nelsaf365 4 месяца назад +16

    Okay. The beam that came through the fireplace vent was creeeeepy.

    • @Tyrell_Corp2019
      @Tyrell_Corp2019 4 месяца назад +4

      That’s what I was going to say. It’s like it was a light worm poking around, looking for prey or examining the room. Really creepy.

    • @Old_Hunter_07
      @Old_Hunter_07 3 месяца назад

      Examining, you got that right.​@@Tyrell_Corp2019

  • @14rnr
    @14rnr 4 месяца назад +13

    I love your channel, you never fail to bring quality uploads.

  • @a.r.r.5626
    @a.r.r.5626 3 месяца назад +6

    Really enjoying this channel by Stories Lost! I look forward to each new episode!

  • @hakansivertsen6520
    @hakansivertsen6520 4 месяца назад +8

    Check out the event outside Särna some 60 years ago. Ionly read about it in a magazine in my youth but I remember it for it be situated just two km away from my grandmothers house. Do not think I asked her if she new any about it. It is about spheres going down a small lake and, if I remember, something lifted up.
    That is a tip.

  • @jonclassical2024
    @jonclassical2024 3 месяца назад +3

    My only experience was in 1974...around 2am in St. Michaels, MD.(across from Deale Island south of Washington DC) I observed a silent craft gliding about the Miles River about 1000 ft. AGL, with red and green navigation lights, flat saucer shaped, maybe 20 feet by 20 feet, moving very slowly w/o any sound whatsoever...I was 20 yrs old and it scared the crap out of me!)

  • @abbyd323
    @abbyd323 3 месяца назад +2

    Your stories are outstanding! They definitely keep my attention

  • @phelmersaid701
    @phelmersaid701 4 месяца назад +12

    Oof-da. I'm so lucky to never have seen anything unexplainable in the sky. I'm 65 years old.

    • @Rodger_Phillips
      @Rodger_Phillips 4 месяца назад +2

      I cannot say the same at my spritely 53, though nothing as remarkable as this.

    • @yomilkers8133
      @yomilkers8133 Месяц назад +1

      In the late 90s during fall, I was walking home from the local pool-club. I looked at the road as I walked, when I saw my shadow appear in front of me. I thought it was a car behind me. My shadow grows larger and the light increases too intensely, it lights up the cliff on the side of the road and way ahead of me. I got suspicious, because I couldn't hear a car. I've seen meteors and shooting stars many times, but they never lit up like this and never this intense making me see my own shadow on the ground, and never in such a small located area. I turned around, there was no car, I looked up in the sky. I saw huge explosion high up in the sky, and the multiple red flames travelling across the sky. I got scared and ran last 2km home. I met my neighbour and mentioned it to her, and to my parents. I never heard anyone else from the island talking about seeing this event ever. It was absolutely huge, and it would be hard to miss for anyone outside that evening

    • @FinnScully
      @FinnScully 6 дней назад

      So was the light concentrated on you? Could’ve been an attempt at and abduction but they were shot down. The concentrated light would’ve been the laser tech they use to transport people and materials. The red flames could’ve been the craft attempting to abduct you getting shot down.
      Though I could easily be wrong in my assumption. It’s at best just speculation.

  • @mickeydrippin
    @mickeydrippin 4 месяца назад +6

    You have a great narration voice.I always like your episodes

  • @marindagordon8847
    @marindagordon8847 4 месяца назад +7

    Lets go STORIES LOST!!❤❤❤We've been waiting 😅😅😅

  • @sharonmarlowe2313
    @sharonmarlowe2313 4 месяца назад +3

    Very interesting report. Thank you:)

  • @TheMikethoth
    @TheMikethoth 4 месяца назад +2

    There are important cases, thank you for bringing them to our attention. What is this phenomenon?

  • @The_ZeroLine
    @The_ZeroLine 3 месяца назад +4

    Some little issues w/the story: how could this woman not be able to tell it wasn’t 7:30 AM and not 3:30 AM by it still being pitch black. In September in Norway, sunrise isn’t until 6:13 AM. Another little thing that may have just been lost in translation is that the investigator says she sounded relieved when told her he found tangible evidence, but her daughter already had and told her. So, she would have known already. Finally, wouldn’t a power outage explain all the clocks being off or resetting to 00:00 / thst’s Europe’s version of the US 12 AM blinking? Either way, all these independent witnesses seeing and experiencing similar things seem to indicate that something clearly occurred.

    • @SetiSupreme-d7o
      @SetiSupreme-d7o 9 дней назад

      Why would a power outage affect the clocks? Well yeah, power outage WOULD explain the electric wall clock if it was connected to the power lines. Don't they work with batteries usually. And the wrist watch? I wouldn't think about the darkness when just waking up, I mean it's still pitch black when I wake up for work and actually have woken up in the middle of the night thinking it's already morning

    • @FinnScully
      @FinnScully 6 дней назад

      That and I can easily see a mother not necessarily fully believing the daughter since it’s her daughter and was on the inside of this incident whereas a independent researcher would’ve been a easier source to believe for some.

  • @shariffahmy1793
    @shariffahmy1793 3 месяца назад +2

    Shocking Close Encounter in Northern Sweden 1955 is the best story i saw i ever listen to. Realy my friend. it's exceptional; (Probeer het uit te zoeken met je volgers en vind de waarheid!) Try to figure it out with your followers and find the truth! You are good.....!

  • @beekneed
    @beekneed 6 дней назад

    Ugh, that last incident with the chimney really freaks me out 🫣. What in the world?!

  • @josephmckenna4068
    @josephmckenna4068 4 месяца назад +3

    Wow! This one’s really creepy. Thanks for sharing the story. I like your detailed narration and the illustrations. I really don’t know what this could be. It seems laser like but also electrical. The battery was dead. Did anyone check the fuse box or chimney?

    • @Debbie-henri
      @Debbie-henri 4 месяца назад +2

      Yes, these days you might think some techy kid has been messing about with a laser pointer or found a way of making a stronger one.
      However, this story is set well before those times and, I think, lasers were still quite considerable machines back then.
      Military? Stray laser beams from a distant night-time exercise?
      Burn marks and skin damage. You wouldn't think the military would risk the public or themselves with something that could burn.
      I wonder then if it was a fuse box malfunction then.
      I live at the end of an electrical line, and the first 15 years we lived here, you would not credit the amount of sh** we had to go through with our electrical company to get our supply sorted out once and for all.
      Stressful? I'm not kidding.
      Weird? Oh yeah, there was plenty of weird.
      Stuff would magically switch on, seems to go wrong, and then 'fix' itself and work perfectly fine afterwards (the last is something I really don't get).
      Blew up a few computers, numerous lightbulbs, radios would misbehave (so my ears pricked up at that detail in this story).
      Three fuse boxes had to be replaced, 2 because they stopped working altogether, the 3rd went backwards. (The electric company tried to pin the last one on us as an attempt to wind back the electric meter and lower our bills. Damned cheek.
      That's despite them having a recorded 'history' of fuse boxes going wrong in this house 'and' after giving us an explanation as to why...transformers more likely to burn out at the end of a line.
      I don't know if that's actually a genuine reason. I'm not an electrical engineer, so I wouldn't know. But it seemed odd that they would give that excuse twice and then a curse us of fiddling with the box the third time.
      Anyway, they replaced the fusebox, replaced the transformers and the electric cables, and then we changed to another electric supplier after another blazing row over the phone).
      However, the weirdest electrical experiences I had were on a level with these ones. One night I woke with a start, every light flashing on and off, the two radios blaring then silent alternatively, and my son's Doctor Who mug screaming 'Exterminate! Exterminate!' at ridiculous volume (much louder than its normal level.
      Now, this mug only activates this 'Exterminate!' alarm, when you pick it up and tip the cup to drink it, a light sensor on the bottom I suspect. But it was sat on my son's bedside table in the normal position.
      Of course, when I woke to this calamity, I was confused and terrified (I'm deaf in one ear, partially deaf in the other, and a noise has to be really loud to alarm me). I think I probably screamed a bit. I know I shouted my son's name a few times.
      All the light bulbs were glowing brighter than normal when they switched on. The radios were blasting out.
      My young son slept through it all.
      It was so like the Close Encounters thing, I wouldn't look outside. I am embarrassed to say, I hid under the blankets for a while after this episode ended (about 4-5 minutes).
      When it all went dark again, nothing worked, I checked the fusebox, which had tripped, and switched everything on again.
      I shook my son's shoulder. He awoke at once. I couldn't believe it. The racket he just slept through was as loud as if a train had dashed through the house, the lights burning as bright as a summer day. Yet at a touch, he wakes up like nothing had happened.
      I told him what happened, but I don't think he ever really believed me.
      Thing is - electrics can do some really weird stuff, and I'm certain we still don't know half of what it's capable of doing.
      Also, I believe, if you live in a seismically active area (whether an earthquake or mountain building zone), just as I am, just as these Norwegians are, equipment around you is subject to static electrical effects caused by movements in the Earth's crust.
      Ball lightning (seen that), black orbs (seen one of those at close quarters, 6ft away), other coloured orbs (son saw one of those at a distance of about 30ft), places where you feel oddly depressed for no reason (there is one such spot in my garden. There is a famous one in Wales), places where you hear odd buzzing/hissing sounds (here, on occasion) - are often linked to seismically active or mountainous/hilly regions. Quartz rock is a very important feature of such zones (there are bands of pink quartz running through my property).
      Therefore, I think it is perfectly possible that these Norwegians experienced some of the rarer effects of Earth generated static electricity on the fusebox in the village. Very dangerous, once you consider that burn mark on the lady's face. Could have been her eye just as easily.

    • @josephmckenna4068
      @josephmckenna4068 4 месяца назад +2

      Wow! That sounds really crazy. I think I would have lost it when the mug screamed “exterminate”. I’ve seen video of ball lightning shooting off narrow lightning bolts in different directions but not a sustained beam. Weird stuff!

    • @beekneed
      @beekneed 6 дней назад

      Wow! Great story well told! That extra crazy night episode would have scared the absolute hell out of me, I think. The yelling mug would have finished me off 😆.

  • @celestenova777
    @celestenova777 4 месяца назад +2

    Strange unsettling events for all of them, don't suppose they underwent any hypnosis to see if something happened in those early hours of the night and time going askew. Thanks for upload 👽🛸

  • @marcusblackbird3603
    @marcusblackbird3603 4 месяца назад +4

    Please cover the UFO sightings in Vallentuna, Sweden 1974.

  • @junebugjunebug4492
    @junebugjunebug4492 4 месяца назад +14

    What does having a cold and a burn on ur face have to do w each other???

    • @wiseoldfool
      @wiseoldfool 4 месяца назад +4

      This needs further explanation.

    • @skylarsartnphotography3450
      @skylarsartnphotography3450 3 месяца назад +1

      I've had plenty of colds throughout my life, but never one that burned me?

    • @imaginedolls
      @imaginedolls Месяц назад +2

      I think this is a translation issue. I think the doctor said the skin issue was caused by "kulde", commonly tranlated by Norwegians as "cold". But it is not having a cold they are referring to, but cold temperatures, which can indeed damage skin. I think it is called an ice burn in English. One can probably get that without anything supernatural happening too.

    • @SetiSupreme-d7o
      @SetiSupreme-d7o 9 дней назад

      ​@@imaginedollsThe word you're looking for is a frost bite.

    • @beekneed
      @beekneed 6 дней назад

      @SetiSupreme-d7o Could be, but I just happen to have looked up “chillblains” recently after reading it somewhere. These are sore, itchy patches you can get from temperatures less extreme than frostbite, but after more frequent exposure. At any rate, that incident freaks me out 🫠

  • @ľőŵďǒpė86
    @ľőŵďǒpė86 3 месяца назад +2

    i wish my ancestors would have stayed in Norway, sometimes.. beautiful land

  • @wolfganggugelweith8760
    @wolfganggugelweith8760 Месяц назад +2

    Even in my little country Austria 🇦🇹 Europe we have a hotspot for UFO -Sightings! Greetings from Linz Austria 🇦🇹 Europe!

    • @WenceslasHolec
      @WenceslasHolec Месяц назад

      I am well aware about Austrian and Bohemian hotspots and stories. You have/are hotspots for whole Europe. Swiss compare it to Skinwalker ranch or Roswell.

  • @ramseydoon8277
    @ramseydoon8277 4 месяца назад +5

    I want to spend time in Norway so badly!

  • @SetiSupreme
    @SetiSupreme 3 месяца назад +1

    What? How have I missed this episode in between!! Well, awesome, new case for me, yeehaaw

  • @jamesknapp64
    @jamesknapp64 3 месяца назад +1

    As a skeptic I love your presentations. And this one is a head scratcher. Really shoulds like high intesity lasers but who had access to them in remote Norway im the 70s???? Even in the early 00s those things are massive are hard to move but could explain what they saw, somewhat.

  • @harrykadaras9459
    @harrykadaras9459 4 месяца назад +6

    How? Ball lighting has zero in common with these reports.

  • @kattikoskinen9122
    @kattikoskinen9122 4 месяца назад +4

    Eerily reminiscent of the Colares UFO flap, only a few years apart too. Strange lights shooting beams of light that burn and numb people.

    • @mjjumps
      @mjjumps 4 месяца назад +1

      Operation Saucer!

    • @Fox-86
      @Fox-86 4 месяца назад +3

      Have you read UFOs death and terror in Brazil? I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in these cases and especially the naive "space brothers" bandwagon.

    • @mjjumps
      @mjjumps 4 месяца назад

      @@Fox-86 that’s a Bob Pratt book!

    • @Fox-86
      @Fox-86 4 месяца назад +1

      ​@@mjjumpsthat's right!

  • @adrianswriting
    @adrianswriting 22 дня назад

    It's hard to think of the events as malevolent. The technology seems high, and the "visitors" seem to be doing something subtle that's power-based. The lights seem to be performing some sort of scanning operation. I'd be fascinated to know if they inspected that fuse box, and whether they found any changes, and if so, what they were.

  • @CapeBreton1100
    @CapeBreton1100 4 месяца назад +5

    Maybe a still unexplained natural phenomenon like the Hessdalen lights, also in Norway?

  • @andersgjersoe4852
    @andersgjersoe4852 4 месяца назад +1

    I have got to tell you, at times your narration sounds like Bob Gymlan of the RUclips channel by the same name.

  • @skehleben7699
    @skehleben7699 4 месяца назад +2

    I guess the Dr thought the burn was a cold sore? I wonder if it was a radiation burn? I wonder if a Giger counter was run over her chin and all the other places? Also it sounds as though the beam of light was capable of bending! Odd indeed!

  • @namewitheld
    @namewitheld 4 месяца назад +4

    Love your content. That thumbnail is too much though.

  • @Fox-86
    @Fox-86 4 месяца назад +3

    3:36 I wonder if that was already alien apathy setting in?

  • @Rodger_Phillips
    @Rodger_Phillips 4 месяца назад +1

    I can only wonder if this ORB is a drone or probe of some kind and perhaps the beam is a scan light, and the "probe" was not a weaponized threat, but a Data collection device with a poorly set scanning "laser"
    my reason is that over all it was a short amount of time for all the encounters and each one was short as well, and no one seems to have been targeted or seemingly directly harmed, the harm caused seems unintentional.

    • @jtbaying2312
      @jtbaying2312 4 месяца назад

      Plasma probs are the dancing lights.

  • @-0rbital-
    @-0rbital- 4 месяца назад

    I really like your channel, but I am curious about one thing. Is there a reeason why you only do Scandinavian UFO stories?
    Not that I mind, they're great, but I was just curious.

    • @storieslost
      @storieslost  3 месяца назад +4

      Hi! We are expanding slowly out of the Nordics. It's more that we started digging there and it's got a lot of well documented cases thanks to UFO Sweden.

    • @memorizemend
      @memorizemend 3 месяца назад +2

      @@storieslost No rush. i am loving the nordic stories. take your time on expanding out.

    • @-0rbital-
      @-0rbital- 3 месяца назад

      @@storieslost Ok, cool. I'm really enjoying them!

    • @littlebirdie2
      @littlebirdie2 Месяц назад +1

      @@storieslost keep it up! These are mostly not commonly reported in the West and VERY interesting!

  • @nancyM1313-Boo
    @nancyM1313-Boo 4 месяца назад +3


  • @SiggeQwerty
    @SiggeQwerty 4 месяца назад +2

    Sounds like accounts I've heard of ball lightning.

  • @sanskrit7548
    @sanskrit7548 4 месяца назад +2

    Is there a connection to the Dyatlov Pass tragedy, in Russia's northern Urals region, where 9 young people died mysteriously in February 1959. Some of the bodies had burns. Some witnesses from an adjacent area stated they saw unusual lights at the time.

  • @granpastreetz
    @granpastreetz 3 месяца назад

    The doctor said her facial burn was, "A burn due to a cold."......
    Just let that sink in.
    I was wondering what caused my broken foot until I realized I had strep-throat last week.

  • @VENZUL0
    @VENZUL0 4 месяца назад +3


  • @WTH1812
    @WTH1812 3 месяца назад +1

    Sounds like ball lightning.
    Fun story, well narrated.

  • @sunnindawg
    @sunnindawg 3 месяца назад +1

    Be interesting to put an Oscope on the clocks. It's not likely the quartz stopped vibrating for days.
    Time Base
    The time base is the heart of the clock, responsible for keeping accurate time. It’s an electronic component that oscillates at a precise frequency, usually 32,768 times per second. This frequency is divided down to create a 1-Hz (1 oscillation per second) signal, which is used to drive the clock’s display.
    Crystal Oscillator
    The crystal oscillator converts AC power into a precise frequency. It’s made of a quartz crystal that vibrates when an electric charge is applied. The vibrations are counted by the clock’s circuitry to keep accurate time.

  • @matssundelin7595
    @matssundelin7595 4 месяца назад +2


  • @Lobster467
    @Lobster467 4 месяца назад +4

    i live in norway

    • @jtbaying2312
      @jtbaying2312 4 месяца назад

      I live in the Republic of Texas.

    • @stevenjohnson7086
      @stevenjohnson7086 4 месяца назад

      @@jtbaying2312 Louisiana is more free than Texas, but I won't mess with you.

  • @rednaxrednax1499
    @rednaxrednax1499 4 месяца назад +3

    It sounds like what happens in cattle mutilations, where the face, eyes, genitals and organs get removed. Cuts are always very precise and no blood is found. Could a laser as observed in Kåsmo be used in those instances?

  • @elisetanner3089
    @elisetanner3089 2 месяца назад +1

    Are you familiar with the MISSING 411? THERE ARE 3 MOVIES FREE TO WATCH. I BELIEVE ON YOU TUBE AND Tubi, not sure of tubi exists in other countries. Missing 411, Missing 411 The Hunted, and cant remember 3rd movie name, i will return in a day or 2 with it.
    A retired police officer, David Paulides, years back was made aware of tons of missing hikers that were
    Vanishing under so very odd circumstances. A few actual forest rangers stepped forward to discreetly share details with him. Like a couple thousand so far.
    Watch the movies with an open mind, and yes i do know many are like "animal predation" and general falling off the path.
    After the facts of commonalities are explained, you may see things differently.
    David isnt sure who or what is behind this. Doesnt believe bigfoot plays into it. He investigated them for the Hoopa? In california.

  • @alzeNL
    @alzeNL 4 месяца назад +1

    I reckon theres alot of drugs in Norway and long dark nights :D

  • @rickbrookes9491
    @rickbrookes9491 Месяц назад

    A burn due to a cold? Wha’?

  • @Velodynamic
    @Velodynamic 4 месяца назад +1

    The images are far from 1979 😉

  • @DavidGreen-n1s
    @DavidGreen-n1s 3 месяца назад

    I was 12 when the DARKNESS FELL in 1982.....
    I'm 54 now.
    It's 2024😮
    No light has been here since.....
    Sure, the sun still rises every day,
    But any light has long since fled😮

  • @Jungleroomreptiles
    @Jungleroomreptiles 4 месяца назад +2

    probably the military

  • @OomaGooma
    @OomaGooma 4 месяца назад +2


  • @JonnyMack33
    @JonnyMack33 4 месяца назад +2

    It's hard to spot, but is this Ai?

    • @Rodger_Phillips
      @Rodger_Phillips 4 месяца назад +1

      CGI and Hand drawn art with some possible AI enhancements from the CGI apps, I just hope not via Photoshop and their content stealing policies.
      if there is any AI used it is only a support enhancement which is what A.I. is meant for. and should be used as.

    • @jtbaying2312
      @jtbaying2312 4 месяца назад

      Since it hasn't said Enigmatic or Superfluous. Probably not A.I 😅

  • @sashawhitehead7378
    @sashawhitehead7378 4 месяца назад +1

    Yes, I think burning your facial skin is a real danger!

  • @cv507
    @cv507 4 месяца назад +1

    ´they live & Fläyy

  • @skatedd2451
    @skatedd2451 2 месяца назад


  • @mitchellnelson2780
    @mitchellnelson2780 10 дней назад

    Uff daf

  • @stevepelham9010
    @stevepelham9010 4 месяца назад +2

    Ball lightning.

    • @kristena9285
      @kristena9285 4 месяца назад +1

      That's actually not a bad suggestion.. hmm..

  • @davethomasatemyhamster
    @davethomasatemyhamster 4 месяца назад +7

    Aliens test out their light beam... A painting get slighty singed..... Invasion of earth immediately cancelled.😂😂😂

    • @jtbaying2312
      @jtbaying2312 4 месяца назад +1

      Don't look too hard sometimes, They See You First...

  • @AffectionateGlassRose-fh8rk
    @AffectionateGlassRose-fh8rk 6 дней назад

    What nonsense, to keep You Tube account alive. 😁💀😭

  • @mikailstar4270
    @mikailstar4270 4 месяца назад +1

    I doubt that there intention are good