So satisfying... my daughter and i were randomly watching RUclips while on quarantine now and chanced upon this video... gosh now we're both hungry and craving for shin ramyun!!
@@titiung Anything that u eat can lead to toxicity lol. Sure there's a lot of sodium in instant noodle, but you'll need to be eating like 150g of salt in a day for it to kill you 🥴. Also, eating 1-2 servings of instant noodle per week does virtually nothing to your overall health
This is genius! 👏🏾 In America a place like this would get looted. There's something about the Korean's that take a bit further with whatever they do in food and technology. Can't wait to visit Korea!
In America it would probably have to be more vending machine style where you couldn’t get to any of the food until you paid for it and it dropped down individually. AND the cooking gear would really have to be bolted down good lol, those would get jacked so fast!
@@Helvetica.16 doesn't really look all that special I'd rather just buy some Ramen and ingredients and just make it at home, would probably be cheaper too
@@Loli_lover206 Certainly, and I also get what you're coming from. But then you might as well buy a steak and cook it yourself instead of going to a restaurant like a Longhorn. All you need is meat butter and seasoning. It's for the experience as I said before. Also most convenience stores in Korea and Japan sell ramen and the cooking station is free to use, just get your ramen and put it under the hot water dispenser or in the in store microwave free of charge.
@@Helvetica.16 I understand going to a restaurant for a steak but instant Ramen is something I don't see a point of going somewhere just to cook it yourself
The level of trust they have in S. Korea. Ppl couldve picked the cheapest ramen so they pay less and picked any ramyun they want on the shelf. Truly amazing. Cant have that here in america
Iirc they have security cameras everywhere. Our guide told us that traffic violations were monitored via cameras and youd get a citation thru mail xD no need for traffic enforcers. not sure if it's still true.
제주도 무인 가게에 중국인 관광객들이 떼지어 몰려가 모든물건 싹쓸이하고 돈통에 7천원 들어있었다고.... 식당이나 가게에 중국인출입금지 써놓으면 중국인들이 테러하고 한국에사는 조선족쨩꿰들 까지 비난전화 쇄도해서 중국인 출입금지 하고싶어도 무서워서 모했다니....지금은 코로나라 중국인 관광객 없어서 다시 깨끗해지고 한국인 관광객들 다시 오기 시작했다고
@@gggg12872 가게를 다 털어갔는데 어떻게 모든사람들이 똑같을수 있냐니요.....시골이나 관광지에 무인가게 많아도 이런경우 없습니다 중국인들이 무인가게만 돌아다니며 이런짓을 저질러 무인가게 하시는분들 큰 손해보고 낙담하셨다고 합니다 한국사람들 이런짓 안합니다! 더구나 관광지에서 이런짓 저지르는 인간들은 중국인 뿐입니다! 오죽하면 언론에서 중국 관광객들 만행에 여러번 방송했을까요 제주도에서 식당주인 아들을 중국인 관광객 7명이 무차별 폭행해서 뇌를 크게 다쳤다는 뉴스 못보셨나요 글쓴이가 중국인인지 조선족인지 모르겠지만 제대로 알고 댓글 달아줬음 좋겠습니다 거기다 중국인들 외국인의료보험 이용할려고 브로커까지 동원해서 한국에 몰려와 치료받는 바람에 한국 의료보험공단 수천억의 적자는 다 중국인 때문입니다 대한민국 보험공단에서 병원비 가장 많이 지불해준 탑10중 7명이 중국인! 그중에 1위인 중국인은 병원비 32억을 써제껴서 대한민국 보험공단에서 30억을 지불해줬다! 중국인과 조선족들은 양심도없고 부끄러운줄 모르는 기생충입니다 이러니 한국인들이 제일 싫어하는 국가 1위가 중국 2위가 북한 3위가 일본 중국인과 조선족들 한국에서 나가라 !!! 길가다 중국인이나 조선족들 보면 진짜 극혐이다!
Those are paper cups, it pretty neat ain't, it only happens if the container has water in it, the water keeps the temperature low enough beyond the paper's ignition temperature point. You can also try this camping, got no metal pot, and have a paper cup instead, no problem, just make sure the fire doesn't reach the part that has no water in it :)
Plastic containers are harmful to the human body because heating generates environmental hormones. Therefore, the containers of cup noodles in Korea are made of paper. I know that the coating film of the container was used to be polystyrene in the past, but most of them were replaced with polypropylene. Polystyrene has a heat resistance of 70 to 90 degrees Celsius, so it melts in water at 100 degrees Celsius to generate environmental hormones, but polypropylene has a heat resistance of 121 to 165 degrees Celsius and does not detect environmental hormones even in general hot water at 100 degrees Celsius.
Yeah, we do have a lot of noodle here in the states but I agree,,I want a kind og store like this with all the machine 😋 normally in asian store around my area is tiny and messy. Want some nice, clean and more organize like the store in the video
I really wished I knew what you were adding to each kind of ramen and why? The raw egg especially! They all looked so good! And I'm happy to have found someone else that drains their noodles too! 😊
what are the timestamps for the ingredients you're wondering about? I might be able to help :D and raw egg is so good in soup noodles; the hot soup will cook it, but not thoroughly, so it'll have a delicious runny texture ♡
There are only certain instant noodles that are required to be drained lol. There are two types, one soup based and one dry/ sauce type. It doesn’t make sense if you put all the flavouring in the soup and throw it out by draining lol
New zealand is famous for its steak and lamb meat. Not many people are lucky to be able to eat delicious tender meat so be happy with your own local food:>
This is cool but the only automated part is the water dispensing. Everything else required manual interactions just as it would at home. I was expecting the process would be mostly automated when reading the title.
You got there before me. The number and expiry are clearly visible. The CVV isn't but there is a decent chance of guessing for someone who really wanted to try.
@@shivangiagrawal2665 This is a great example of a country and communities working together in tough times - and being willing to work hard - to get through challenging times. I was always taught pay/work hard now (with your efforts) and work to better your life - - or pay a little forever and make no progress.
@@suzannes5888 true. They are hard workers. Japan too, worked hard to recover from what happened there. There's a downside to this too, but at least they created a functional society with good amenities to develop.
@@SerdceDanko I never said that Korean food is better than Mexican food, it is simply also very good ... everyone has their tastes, not only can I like the food of my country…
They'd be robbed clean in a week lol we don't have the same kind of etiquette as they do over there... Unfortunately... Because I'd also like a stall like this here too :'(
This is innovative? Why not cook it at home? A microwave can solve most problems. Most workplaces have a microwave. It's just take a little bit longer since the noodle is thicker. I cook this type of noodle with wonton togo in a microwave.
The unmanned part I can't ever see happening here unfortunately BUT I think an instant ramen spot thats cheap and quick like this would do great especially with the younger crowd. Thats it, I convinced myself to look into opening one.
In Japan, they even have vending machines that selling beer, cocktail drinks, and even sake. Those can be found occasionally in big cities like Tokyo and Osaka, as well as in rural regions. As the legal drinking age in Japan is twenty, an identification card is required to buy alcoholic beverages. (they also have cigarette vending machines)
That is such a smart idea!! Having round shaped noodles. They fit into bowls so much better. Why does everyone else make square shaped noodles which don't fit into round bowls?????!!!!!!!! Commonsense yeh! I mean you cant fit a square peg in a round hole, so same would apply to instant noodles. But noooo... Well done to the people who came up with rounded instant noodles.
@@vldt5934 you're correct. I've been to South Korea many times, and they have CCTV everywhere. But the people are usually very honest in general anyway.
If there's anything I've learned from this it's that the little shake you do before opening the flavour sachet is universal.
I shake my as stoo
Ha ha, yup.
@@chun_lisfii3596 What
You don't wanna rip a packet with seasoning in the middle of the rip
So satisfying... my daughter and i were randomly watching RUclips while on quarantine now and chanced upon this video... gosh now we're both hungry and craving for shin ramyun!!
Quarantine? For what? What country are you in?
@@Willowtree82 because we just arrived in another country :)
아이고...아이디어도 좋고 맛도있겠어요
저는 얼마전까지 하던 무인가게 접었네요
무인카페를했더니 의자랑 테이블이있어서 불량청소년들 아지트가 되어버리고 6개월하다가 아이스크림가게로 바꿨는데 계산안하고 집어먹는걸로는 성에 안찼는지 최근 학생들이 기계부수고 현금 털어가서 그냥 접었습니다...한달이 지나도 학생들 처벌은 커녕 소식도없고 기계보상조차도 못받아서
무인은 이제 못하겠네요 날씨도 쌀쌀하니 저렇게 나오면 많이들 찾을것같네요 보안만 철저하면 대박날듯
ㅠㅠ고생 많으셨겠어요
불량 청소년들은 주로 밤에 활동하니
밤에만 카운터보면 되지 않음?
낮에는 무인돌려놓고
들어갈때 카드나 휴대폰 인증하게 하면됌
촉법인지 개법인지 진짜 …
I’d blow up if I had access to a place like this. I could never stop trying new flavors. It looks amazing there.
Too bad they are toxic food, the eggs is an exception though.
@@titiung Anything that u eat can lead to toxicity lol. Sure there's a lot of sodium in instant noodle, but you'll need to be eating like 150g of salt in a day for it to kill you 🥴. Also, eating 1-2 servings of instant noodle per week does virtually nothing to your overall health
@@yeetodacheeto3592 5 times a week
This is genius! 👏🏾 In America a place like this would get looted. There's something about the Korean's that take a bit further with whatever they do in food and technology. Can't wait to visit Korea!
Asia does have way lower crime rate, and I’m very grateful for that
Welcome to Korea!
In America it would probably have to be more vending machine style where you couldn’t get to any of the food until you paid for it and it dropped down individually. AND the cooking gear would really have to be bolted down good lol, those would get jacked so fast!
When you live in a high trust society that is not diverse, you can have nice things like this.
@@Willowtree82 I like Americas way as it keeps, the racists away.
Man I wish we had this..Especially when I was in college..Seriously every college campus needs this!
your college would probably charge 10x the money, just like your textbooks.
@@omidiartgaming Right!
I would say yes but most college students would steal the noodles
We had a Ramen machine in my high school growing up. It always had long lines. 😅
셀프바에 콩나물 파 어묵 있는거 대박이네요 해장 할 때 가도 되겠어요 ㅎㅎ
글쎄요.. 소분포장도 아니고 ;; 솔직히 저안에 얼마나 가래침 튀었을지 어떤 이물질 묻어있을지 괭장히 찝찝해지는 ;;;
대~~~박~~~!!!!^^아이디어 최고
내일 친구랑 한정식 먹기로 했는데 영상보니까 집에서 라면 먹고싶다 ㅋ
시민의식 수준이 성공의 관건
중국인들만 안오면 가게는 깨끗하게 유지될듯요
운현나라도 운영 꼬라지 개판이엇는데도 손님들이 상상이상으로 수준이 높아서 나름 청결햇음
제 생각은 첫번째는 청결유지
인데,,,글쎄요? 워낙 인간
말종 같은 쓰레기들이
많아서 성공하기 매우 힘든 아이템..잘 버텨봐야 3개월...
24시 일반 편의점 가격싸고
맛있는 컵라면 많이 파는데..굳이 비싼돈 주고..ㅉㅉ
무인이라고해서 직원이 없진 않아요
타임마다 관리한번씩 해주러와서 괜찮음
근데 무제한인줄알앗는데 다시보니 저 가격에 개당이네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이러면 안 가지
That shop is heaven to me. Now I REALLY NEED to go to Korea.
what the hell for, u can get a ramen and cook it.
@@dangda-ww7de Its for the experience. That's like asking someone why the hell they'd go to Hawaii when they can just go to the beach.
@@Helvetica.16 doesn't really look all that special I'd rather just buy some Ramen and ingredients and just make it at home, would probably be cheaper too
@@Loli_lover206 Certainly, and I also get what you're coming from. But then you might as well buy a steak and cook it yourself instead of going to a restaurant like a Longhorn. All you need is meat butter and seasoning. It's for the experience as I said before. Also most convenience stores in Korea and Japan sell ramen and the cooking station is free to use, just get your ramen and put it under the hot water dispenser or in the in store microwave free of charge.
@@Helvetica.16 I understand going to a restaurant for a steak but instant Ramen is something I don't see a point of going somewhere just to cook it yourself
치안이 좋은 한국이어도 이상한 인간들 꼭 한 둘은 섞여 있어서
오픈 반찬은 모험에
가깝고 한명이 지키고 있어야
될거 같다
여경은 이런곳에 순찰할수있도록 조치할 것.
cctv 감시알바 쓰면 됨. 요새 무인점포 많이 늘어나는 추세인데, 알바 1명당 점포 15개 정도씩 배치해서 cctv 감시하다가 이상한 사람들 발견하면 바로 경찰 부르거나 마이크로 경고 주고 ㅇㅇ
@@김우승-b8z 여경 있으면 성매매의 온상이 됩니다.
@@최하은-q4y 내가 먹을꺼라고 많이 떳다가 남아서 가져갔다고할듯
아이디어는 좋은데 대한민국 가난한 진상을 아직 잘 모르시는듯 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 진짜 상상을 초월한다구요
편의점 처럼 사람이 지키지 않고 CCTV 믿고 장사하신다면…. 오래가지 못합니다. 아무리 치안이 좋은 나라여도 도둑이 있고, 또라이 질량의 법칙은 절대적이더군요…
결제기계를 문밖에 설치하고 영수증에 QR 코드를 이용해 문이 열릴 수 있도록 하면 좋겠네요. 토핑 박스는 오픈형 보다 밀폐형 개폐식으로 하고요. 조리법도 간단한 동영상이 있으면 처음 이용하는 분들이 편할 것 같아요.ㅎㅎ
너무 좋은 아이디어 같아요!
아이디어는 좋지만
김치 도둑부터
잡범들 소굴 될것 같다
무조건 주인있어야 하며
반찬 및 토핑 1회 제공 이어야 함
@강현민 좋은동네 사시네요...
I love how it says thank you in Korean when you purchase. Is this a Korean shop?
그놈의 QR코드는 왜? 생각만해도 끔찍하네욧!
Another RUclipsr reviewed this place a few months ago. It was during the evening, the ambiance was relaxing
The level of trust they have in S. Korea. Ppl couldve picked the cheapest ramen so they pay less and picked any ramyun they want on the shelf. Truly amazing. Cant have that here in america
They won't even pay, they will take all the ramen and ran away
Iirc they have security cameras everywhere. Our guide told us that traffic violations were monitored via cameras and youd get a citation thru mail xD no need for traffic enforcers. not sure if it's still true.
@@aragonasten that's the case in the UK too!!
It is shameful to admit but even in Korea, there are lots of thieves that it takes some risk to open such store. ㅠㅅㅠ
Thats true, but it makes sense, people need to learn that if they want to keep such places running, they need to treat them respectfully.
Those noodle look delicious. Thanks for this video. I been opening noodle package wrong . The way you open the noodle package seem so easy and simple.
How do you open it?
제주도 무인 가게에 중국인 관광객들이 떼지어 몰려가 모든물건 싹쓸이하고 돈통에 7천원
식당이나 가게에 중국인출입금지 써놓으면 중국인들이 테러하고 한국에사는 조선족쨩꿰들 까지 비난전화 쇄도해서
중국인 출입금지 하고싶어도 무서워서 모했다니....지금은 코로나라 중국인 관광객 없어서 다시 깨끗해지고 한국인 관광객들 다시 오기 시작했다고
그리고 좀 치안 안좋은데는 애새끼들 다 쳐먹고 현금 털어감. 대한민국 선진국 됬다고 좋아해도 어딘가는 거의 백년전 조선인이 굴러다님.
@@이종혁-c7r2i 그건 당연한건데? 어떻게 모든사람이 다 양심적일수가 있겠냐 ㅋㅋㅋ
제주도는 아닌듯하네요.
중국인이 너무 많아서...ㅠ
@@gggg12872 가게를 다 털어갔는데 어떻게 모든사람들이 똑같을수 있냐니요.....시골이나 관광지에 무인가게 많아도
이런경우 없습니다
중국인들이 무인가게만 돌아다니며 이런짓을 저질러 무인가게 하시는분들 큰 손해보고
낙담하셨다고 합니다
한국사람들 이런짓 안합니다!
더구나 관광지에서 이런짓 저지르는 인간들은 중국인 뿐입니다! 오죽하면
언론에서 중국 관광객들 만행에 여러번 방송했을까요 제주도에서
식당주인 아들을 중국인 관광객 7명이 무차별 폭행해서
뇌를 크게 다쳤다는 뉴스
글쓴이가 중국인인지 조선족인지 모르겠지만
제대로 알고 댓글 달아줬음 좋겠습니다
거기다 중국인들 외국인의료보험 이용할려고 브로커까지 동원해서 한국에 몰려와 치료받는 바람에 한국 의료보험공단 수천억의 적자는 다 중국인 때문입니다
대한민국 보험공단에서 병원비 가장 많이 지불해준 탑10중 7명이 중국인!
그중에 1위인 중국인은 병원비 32억을 써제껴서 대한민국 보험공단에서 30억을 지불해줬다!
중국인과 조선족들은
양심도없고 부끄러운줄 모르는 기생충입니다
이러니 한국인들이 제일
싫어하는 국가 1위가 중국
2위가 북한 3위가 일본
중국인과 조선족들
한국에서 나가라 !!!
길가다 중국인이나 조선족들 보면
진짜 극혐이다!
@@hee-sb6vp а что вы думаете про Россию?
That's cool! We need This on college campuses. I love this! So many options!
배고픈 학생 무리들이 입장 하십니다. 서비스인 토핑은 순시간에 바닥 났습니다. 끝.
종로구인걸 감안하면 학생 무리보다는 독거노인 무리가 더 어울릴듯 ㅋㅋㅋ
I'm so glad no talking in videos became a thing
김치 단무지 토핑용 음식은 소단위로 포장하여 자판기에서 살수 있게 해야합니다
저렇게 오픈되어 있으면 가끔 미친놈들이 있어 위험 할수도
수많은 사람들이 사용하는 집게가 토핑박스 안으로....
미친놈들은 김치 단무지 토핑만 노리지 않아요
@@웃자-x7z that bothered me too
라면1개에 계란 4개 파가득 콩나물가득해서 먹으면 3500원 이상먹지 ㅋㅋ
@@조상필-q6n 계란은 200원주고 사야되고
나머지 토핑만 공짜
I wish I had a store like this where I live in the US, I'd be there every day.
I’m mostly impressed they have cheap containers that can withstand the heat required to boil water… without cooking plastic into the water
Those are paper cups, it pretty neat ain't, it only happens if the container has water in it, the water keeps the temperature low enough beyond the paper's ignition temperature point. You can also try this camping, got no metal pot, and have a paper cup instead, no problem, just make sure the fire doesn't reach the part that has no water in it :)
I thought paper based products like these are coated with a thin layer of plastic?
@@MalaysianTropikfusion Depends on your location, there are different types of them and there are those which are not coated with poly or pet.
It is a induction cooktop so the container isn't directly heated but it must contain a thin layer of a ferris material. A neat invention.
Plastic containers are harmful to the human body because heating generates environmental hormones. Therefore, the containers of cup noodles in Korea are made of paper. I know that the coating film of the container was used to be polystyrene in the past, but most of them were replaced with polypropylene. Polystyrene has a heat resistance of 70 to 90 degrees Celsius, so it melts in water at 100 degrees Celsius to generate environmental hormones, but polypropylene has a heat resistance of 121 to 165 degrees Celsius and does not detect environmental hormones even in general hot water at 100 degrees Celsius.
주방없는 긱사생은 이렇게 끓여먹는 라면이 너무 먹고 싶네요ㅠㅠ 앞에 있음 자주갈것 같아요
We need stores like that here in the US love ramen noodles 🍜 😋💯❤
An unmanned shop like this would never happen here, ppl would just trash it instantly
@@j00ktau It’s sad, maybe in UK or Canada, but the US or France, not very safe
@@j00ktau you are absolutely right, and it would take about 5 minutes before the first law suit us filed for burns from the hot water.
@@j00ktau if this sht was in England it’d still get trashed 😂
If it was in San Francisco people would 💩 on the floor and steal everything.
I wish we had something like that in the United States that’s so delicious 🤤
I found some of those ramen in big chain stores and asian grocery stores, also ordered some online.
They do, tho. Especially nongshim's ramyun. They're pretty much sold worldwide. Gain fame especially after the movie 'Parasite'.
Yeah, we do have a lot of noodle here in the states but I agree,,I want a kind og store like this with all the machine 😋 normally in asian store around my area is tiny and messy. Want some nice, clean and more organize like the store in the video
@@ThePassionperfect Same! I hope some vendors can setup something like this in my neighborhood. I will visit it frequently 😃😃😃
I don't think a place like this would survive in the US. People would ruin it for everyone and steal all the noodles.
김치찌개에 밥 한공기 뚝딱하고선 이영상 보는데도 군침이 나네요~
라면의 매력은 배가 고프던 부르던 맛있게 멋을수 있는거죠..한마디로 라면은 사랑입니다~~ㅎ
맛있겠네요! 한국에 가 보고 싶어요.
I like shops with real people being paid real wages.
I really wished I knew what you were adding to each kind of ramen and why? The raw egg especially! They all looked so good! And I'm happy to have found someone else that drains their noodles too! 😊
He/she was drained it because that how it cook. Fried instant noodle. But not actually fried. You know what I mean, right ?
The ones that were drained were done for a reason. The ones that aren't drained are supposed to have water to mix with the soup powder.
what are the timestamps for the ingredients you're wondering about? I might be able to help :D and raw egg is so good in soup noodles; the hot soup will cook it, but not thoroughly, so it'll have a delicious runny texture ♡
There are only certain instant noodles that are required to be drained lol. There are two types, one soup based and one dry/ sauce type. It doesn’t make sense if you put all the flavouring in the soup and throw it out by draining lol
Adding a raw egg poaches it and makes the broth really creamy when you pop the yolk.
i am craving now for Ramen!!!😋😋😋💜💞✨
저런 좋은가게는 오래있었음 좋겠다
We need a shop like this in USA
This place would be destroyed in America but I would visit it with love. I adore the concept.
이거지~~ 캬~ 추운 영하의 날씨 팔팔 끓인 라면 한젓갈~~ 크으~
볶음면 "신" 졸귀~
오후때 학생들 바쁜 직장인들 좋아 보이는데
새벽 술취한 사람들이 오면 ᆢ 다 위험해 보이네요ㅜㅜ
I wish we had these stores in New Zealand... I'd be a big buyer
New zealand is famous for its steak and lamb meat. Not many people are lucky to be able to eat delicious tender meat so be happy with your own local food:>
Nah.. you won’t be a big buyer. You only said this because you don’t have it, but once you have access to this every day, it will change everything.
@@jk-qt1mz I'm always eating these nearly every 2nd day.... love them to bits. Just that our Asian Grocery store keeps running out.
@@Joseph6798-t6p ew lamb meat
@@honda-akari what its a delicacy and its expensive. Have u tried it??
Beautiful video and love the idea. Just wish I knew some of the added foods you had with it
From what I saw, radish kimchi, kimchi, beans sprouts, green onions, fish cake strips
This is cool but the only automated part is the water dispensing. Everything else required manual interactions just as it would at home. I was expecting the process would be mostly automated when reading the title.
와 대박 당장이라도 가서 먹고싶네. 라면에 콩나물넣고 김치를 ㅎㅎ
Please be careful with exposing your card number and card information! I would blurred out just to be safe! Your video is great though!
You got there before me.
The number and expiry are clearly visible. The CVV isn't but there is a decent chance of guessing for someone who really wanted to try.
적어도 신분증 인증으로 문열수있게 만들어야할듯
좋은 아이디어 👍
안갈듯.. 굳이 라면을위해..?
쭝궈가 다 털어갈수도 있으니까..?
모든 무인샵은 문앞에 신용카드 인증되서 들어가게 해야 한다고 봄.
The way they presented this was so mouth watering:F
Thank You so much for sharing this wonderful video. I want to visit Korea one day, Seoul is a wonderful place with such wonderful food and people.
How can you say that when you have never been...?
Is America a wonderful place with wonderful food and people?
라면하고 용기는 자판기식으로
결제한후에 뽑을수 있도록 하는게
안전하지 않을까?..
위생적으로 쾐찬은가요 노숙자들 몰려들텐데
셀프 편의점 입니다
셀프 자판기가 아니고..
그리고 사장 마음이쥬?
@@SamsungKimPro 끓이는 비용이 들게하면 어떨까요? 비용은 1천원+라면2천원=3천원
코로나 방역은 관리되고 있을까?
오만사람이 저 집개로 김치,단무지 퍼나를텐데ᆢ 걱정되네요.
무인 pc방도있는데 라면쯤이야 전혀문제없다고보는데
Honesty has become commendable now, I want to be a good person without leaving any regrets
Honesty has ALWAYS been commendable. But I get your point and wish you the best at being a great person!👍 The world needs many more
Korea is so advanced for everything!!🥰
... And it's so clean and tidy!
And to think this country was poor a few decades ago cuz of the war.
@@shivangiagrawal2665 This is a great example of a country and communities working together in tough times - and being willing to work hard - to get through challenging times.
I was always taught pay/work hard now (with your efforts) and work to better your life - - or pay a little forever and make no progress.
@@suzannes5888 true. They are hard workers. Japan too, worked hard to recover from what happened there.
There's a downside to this too, but at least they created a functional society with good amenities to develop.
Yes, as a Korean I'm really proud about that. Thanks!!
Is so amazing how honest korean ppl are....are those ramen never been steal or cook without paying??
Japanese has this kind of thing too. It varies from noodle (somen, ramen, soba, etc), burger, even pizza. All served hot.
@@einzweichschein tho the thing with Japanese self serve stalls is that they are in vending machines so theft is still prevented
There are cameras. Also as a society they’re probably more trust worthy than other societies
I love korean food and this place is incredible… Greetings from Mexico🇲🇽 🇰🇷
Korean girl
^ what?
Dude, mexican food is much better.
@@SerdceDanko I never said that Korean food is better than Mexican food, it is simply also very good ... everyone has their tastes, not only can I like the food of my country…
This are just noodles, one of the least nutrient meals in existance
I wish we had these in the US!!!
They'd be robbed clean in a week lol we don't have the same kind of etiquette as they do over there... Unfortunately... Because I'd also like a stall like this here too :'(
They'd steal all the soup and shit in the condiments.
Thank you for video
Thank you. Affordable food is needed in a lot of places.
This is cool, wish they had something like this in NY
I was just thinking the same thing! I could see this working at all hours in Manhattan especially with office workers wanting a quick bite to eat
This is innovative? Why not cook it at home? A microwave can solve most problems. Most workplaces have a microwave. It's just take a little bit longer since the noodle is thicker.
I cook this type of noodle with wonton togo in a microwave.
@@tr1bes I would rather use boiling water before I use a microwave
@@taoliu3949 I'm at work. There are no boiling water to cook. There is the microwave and regular water.
@@tr1bes No coffee maker? I used to use coffee makers to boil water to cook the noodles.
남이 끓여주는 라면이 최고인데다 가격이 비슷하다는 게 함정
아마도 무제한 토핑때문에 비싸게 받는듯
ㄹㅇ 이렇게 비싸게 조리해 먹느니 집에서 먹든가 분식집 라면 먹음
800~900원짜리 라면이 3천원이라니..
토핑 이것 저것 다 넣어라 그러면 본전임 ㅋ
Loved the video
I’m going to start a ramen business
ramen heaven...i would like to try them all...thanks for sharing
Amazing 😍😍 yummy,good sharing
What a great concept, too bad it would never work in America. We always have some -holes that would steal the condiments if the store was unattended.
I was wondering if they could make a vending machine type dispenser that doles out a serving of each of the condiments when paid for.
The unmanned part I can't ever see happening here unfortunately BUT I think an instant ramen spot thats cheap and quick like this would do great especially with the younger crowd. Thats it, I convinced myself to look into opening one.
korea's like that too LOL that's why they got rid of the hotdog condiment stands in costco cuz ppl were stealing the diced onions & stuff LMAO
In Japan, they even have vending machines that selling beer, cocktail drinks, and even sake. Those can be found occasionally in big cities like Tokyo and Osaka, as well as in rural regions. As the legal drinking age in Japan is twenty, an identification card is required to buy alcoholic beverages. (they also have cigarette vending machines)
Not only in America. Here in Germany too. :/
Looks delicious! Excuse me while I go and make me a bowl of Ramen or 2. Thank you very much
We need it in Montréal Canada we are here! We need it everywhe 🥰😅
Delicious and convenient!
Aber nicht sehr umweltfreundlich, das GANZE PLASTIK
@@ilonajax8277 Nicht sehr umweltfreundlich haben Sie Recht
Okay this is pretty amazing. This really is some new level of trust in society. Can't have shit in America
America vending machines are boring, they just suck and their every foods or snacks taste too much sugar
@@Anubis-k2c And they're overpriced. We can't have nice things in America.
I agree 💯
@@Anubis-k2c too much sugar and salt
America will never have such thing. The shop would be looted within seconds.
Thanks for showing us how to open a can of cola and pour into a cup.
11:04 Rice and noodle, so much carbohydrates... ha ha that is so me 🤣
Indonesia Banget..
@@cmartgasaqua3774 ha ha ha, anak kost banget 🤣
why same in anak kost indonesia with a rice
@@b805gyn5Because it is cheap, delicious, makes you full lasts until tomorrow. Suitable for "anak kost" 😂
아무리 시민의식이 좋다해도 토핑의 위생상태는 장담할 수가 없을 것
고착 3 4천원 내고 모든걸 만족하기는 어렵죠
우리나라 시민의식이 좋아? 리틀차이나인
This is really what I call a convenience stall!
Or toxic food stall.
stop saying its toxic if you hate noods instead just go away if you hate it
@@titiung as if all the fruits and veg you are eating arent gmo
0:11 can someone please tell me what the red thing with the sing is? I am really curious and have no clue
What type the bowl he use? It's like paper/styrofoam but can hold that cook temp!
Its an induction cooking unit
It's probably a paper / cardboard container, water can boil in a paper container even over an open flame
@@Between_Scylla_and_Kharybdis Amazing, thanks for explanation
Induction uses magnetism, how does this work on non magnetic paper?
@@fubartotale3389 I was thinking maybe there is a magnetized like, piece of metal within the bottom of the paper pot perhaps??
와 대박 좋다. 이거 어떻게 창업해요?
도둑놈이 더 많을듯 ㅋㅋㅋ 무인점 절도사건이 증가추세.ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
암걸려요 하지마셈
이걸 창업하고 싶어하는 사람이 있네
편의점에서 컵라면 사먹지 저길 가서 먹는 사람 없을텐데.. 바보가 아닌이상 라면무인가계하는 사람 없을듯
Im wonder What kind of bowl they using ?
A ramen bar! Hey so cool 😃👍
That is such a smart idea!! Having round shaped noodles. They fit into bowls so much better.
Why does everyone else make square shaped noodles which don't fit into round bowls?????!!!!!!!!
Commonsense yeh! I mean you cant fit a square peg in a round hole, so same would apply to instant noodles. But noooo...
Well done to the people who came up with rounded instant noodles.
Round ones take more space at storage and shelves. Customer convenience vs profit.
네모난 면은 그것만의 장점이 있다. 동그란면은 원래부터 있었다. 하지만 계속 네모난 면이 나오는것은 그이유가 있다.
Its like cooking a ramen at home only this time you cook it in an "unmanned" store
Well - in the store you have more access to all of those toppings. I have a giant jar of kimchi in my fridge and it’s taking up a lot of real estate
@@MimiYuYu Lol
아... 집에 콩나물도있고 라면도있고 겁내땡기네ㅡㅡ
very cool👍
This individual is starving! Lol I love watching these videos
We need this in America !
Hurts me to watch this as I wish that we had this in the pantry at work. 😫😩
Ramen heemmmm yuummyyy yuummyyyy
We totally need this store with this selection where I live.
At least, I do.
Which instant noodles are the ones on the right side at 0:34? They seem to be the favorites of many people.
This is awesome!
One of the simplest, yet most overlooked detail in instant noodles - a round noodle cake makes more sense.
둥근 면은 만들기가 어려워 돈이 많이 든다. 최근 냄비 모양이 원모양이라 공장에서는 사각형 면에서 둥근 면으로 만들기위해 공장자체를 바꾸었다.
Wondering how the store kept theft and dishonesty away🤔
The stores prolly have CCTV at the very least
@@vldt5934 you're correct. I've been to South Korea many times, and they have CCTV everywhere. But the people are usually very honest in general anyway.
Videos like this make me scour every corner of my pantry for a hidden Shin ramen packet... hungryyyyy
I would live there if I was close hahaha every lunch break
와 이건 대박이다. 가고싶음
여기가 종로 어디쯤인지 알려주세요..
그리고 제발 모든 사람들이 안전하게 찾고 즐길 수 있도록 예의는 지키고 배려하며 공중도덕은 지켰으면 좋겠습니다.
I liked the super loader at the end 😆