JAN 2020 - Please be aware that there is a mammoth viewing deck planned for construction at Peggy's Cove by June 2020, with cantilevered portions of the deck that will necessitate grading the granite boulders, pouring tons of concrete, and irrevocably changing this iconic view forever from many view planes. If you are concerned about this issue, and want more information, join the FB Group, Save the Natural Beauty of Peggy's Cove. Over 700,000 visitors go to this site annually, and if they do, they won't see this view anymore, unless plans of Develop NS are stopped or curtailed.
Great perspective. Enjoyed the show.
Can't believe this amazing video has only got 2.9k views
wonderful shots of the coastal barrens. I am most excited about the hiking opportunities, so those drone shots were well appreciated.
Peggy's Cove in a whole new light, thanks for sharing!
Gorgeous!! I only learned this past summer that there were puffins there! I'll have to go out with Peter hopefully this summer to see them!!
Amazing video. Great content. Your channel should have more views. Keep up the great work.
Short and sweet. The two birds flying around 1:50 are Razorbills. The are not as famous as puffins but they are an awesome bird species as well.
Makes me want to go
JAN 2020 - Please be aware that there is a mammoth viewing deck planned for construction at Peggy's Cove by June 2020, with cantilevered portions of the deck that will necessitate grading the granite boulders, pouring tons of concrete, and irrevocably changing this iconic view forever from many view planes. If you are concerned about this issue, and want more information, join the FB Group, Save the Natural Beauty of Peggy's Cove. Over 700,000 visitors go to this site annually, and if they do, they won't see this view anymore, unless plans of Develop NS are stopped or curtailed.