I really love this episode! This is perfect timing for me who have been reading books about nationalism. Korean people also knew what the British Empire did in the past and criticized it online. I've always wondered about how you guys think about it, and this episode relieved some of my thirsty. I believe it is more effective for native people to handle their issues in a critical way. It applies to everything, so we have all our own cognitive dissonance. Thank you for your opinions, and I'm looking forward to the next episode, Sam and Max. Take care :) !
Hi KWANG-EUN SONG, thanks so much for your comment and I'm very glad you enjoyed it! There are definitely many different opinions in the UK regarding the British Empire, and there are differences between how different generations view it. If you want to learn more about how the British Empire is viewed by British people, I'd definitely recommend this book: Natives: Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire by Akala From - Sam
영국을 뒤흔든 ‘처칠 논란’
선생님들의 이야기를 들어 볼까요?
브릿센트가 궁금하시다면? ==> bit.ly/britcentuk
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브릿센트 선생님과 1:1 영어 수업을 원하신다면? ==> britcent.uk/ko/landing/1to1lesson.do
브릿센트 오디오북 ==> bit.ly/britaudiobooks
브릿센트 팟캐스트 ==> audioclip.naver.com/channels/1925
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브릿센트 블로그 ==> bit.ly/britcentblog
소리 좀 크게 올려주셨음 좋겠어요
I really love this episode! This is perfect timing for me who have been reading books about nationalism. Korean people also knew what the British Empire did in the past and criticized it online. I've always wondered about how you guys think about it, and this episode relieved some of my thirsty. I believe it is more effective for native people to handle their issues in a critical way. It applies to everything, so we have all our own cognitive dissonance. Thank you for your opinions, and I'm looking forward to the next episode, Sam and Max. Take care :) !
Hi KWANG-EUN SONG, thanks so much for your comment and I'm very glad you enjoyed it! There are definitely many different opinions in the UK regarding the British Empire, and there are differences between how different generations view it. If you want to learn more about how the British Empire is viewed by British people, I'd definitely recommend this book: Natives: Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire by Akala
From - Sam
영국이 세계를 지배했지만 제국주의로 인해 많은 나라에게 고통을 주었기때문에 그죄로 1차2차 대전쟁으로 영국과 유럽은 많은 희생을 치렀다고 봅니다!!! 일본도 마찬가지..핵까지 맞아가며..
앞으로는 이런일 없기를 바랍니다!!
Bgm 노래 먼가요.
영웅이란 그의 조상인 존 처칠에게 어울림.
존버의 공보다 미국 상선을 공격한 유보트의 공이 더 크다. 우연에 기댄 업적
링컨은 민주적으로 연방 탈퇴하겠다고 하던 해당 스테이트를 전쟁으로 제압해서 미합중국을 지켰고 그에 반대했던 언론인들 처단하면서 언론자유를 말살했습니다. 국가 지도자로서 해야 할 일을 했기 때문에 존경받아 마땅합니다
그래서 존경합니다
미국을 재통일한 위인
Sam 선생님의 목소리는 전반적으로 너무 작고 가끔씩 너무너무 작아서 듣기 힘들어요.
그것만 아니면 자꾸자꾸 듣고싶은 두 분 이세요.
올리기 전에 음향조절 한번만 해주고 업로드 해주세요
네 새로운 에피소드에는 꼭 반영해보겠습니다. 의견주셔서 감사합니다 :-)
아니 영국의 스탈린이나? 사람 많이 죽이고 존버한 거 비슷하니.
영국의 히틀러.